Ask me: I am a mental fitness instructor

Features of the profession

Without competent guidance, fitness classes can be ineffective or even harmful to health. This is especially true for beginners.

The trainer can work with a group or individually. He can specialize in training with simulators (gym instructor, bodybuilding instructor) or in areas such as aerobics, aqua aerobics, tai bo, Pilates, fitness yoga, etc.

The first lessons are considered the most important, when a beginner masters the basic exercises. The trainer selects a suitable set of exercises, shows how to perform them correctly and monitors the progress of his ward. Not only ordinary citizens who want to tighten their figure, but also professional athletes work with a fitness trainer. Fitness allows them to distribute physical activity more harmoniously and increases endurance. A fitness trainer is an expert not only in training, but also in a healthy lifestyle. He can advise which diet is best to follow, how to distribute loads outside of classes, etc. – the trainer becomes a real mentor for gym visitors. Over time, a good specialist develops his own circle of clients who do not leave their trainer, even if he moves to another fitness club.

A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are part of the work of a fitness trainer. On the one hand, the opportunity to constantly maintain your physical shape is good. On the other hand, sometimes the workload turns out to be excessive, and this can be considered a disadvantage of the profession. In addition, many fitness center visitors can only exercise in the evenings. As a result, the working day of many trainers shifts to the evening.

Fitness - the world of the elite?

Fitness is a word that came into fashion several years ago. For the uninitiated, fitness is the world of elite sports clubs, where the cost of an annual membership card starts from 2 thousand dollars, the world of show business stars, in which you always need to look slim and fit, because it has long been known that photo and television cameras visually add up to 5 kg to a person !

But fitness is available to anyone and any of us. After all, this is nothing more than systematic exercise in order to achieve a beautiful, toned figure and a healthy body. And, as you know, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Fitness is useful for everyone, without exception, but if you have health problems, then before starting active exercises, you need to consult your doctor. Regular physical activity helps you lose weight, strengthen your muscles, cardiovascular system, and metabolism. People who regularly exercise generally feel more alert and active. They are less prone to chronic fatigue syndrome and depression; Women have a much easier premenstrual and menstrual period.

You may have already thought about joining the world of fitness, but you can find so many excuses not to do it - “I don’t have time”, “I don’t know where to start”, “I’m so unathletic and clumsy”, etc. d. How often can you see girls in the gym who have come there for the first time - looking with apprehension at the seemingly difficult-to-use machines or leaving an aerobics lesson 20 minutes after the start, because they can’t keep up with the instructor and don’t want to “embarrass themselves” longer. The most important thing is that you don’t have to be afraid of looking awkward. More patience, perseverance and optimism, and then everything will certainly work out for you. The world of fitness is so huge and diverse that everyone will find something ideal for themselves. If you love water, get a pool membership. Swimming is an excellent workout for all the muscles of the body, and in aqua aerobics classes you will get a boost of energy and a decent load on traditionally “problem” female areas.

If you want to strengthen your muscles and make their relief more clearly defined, come to the gym, where an experienced instructor will create an individual training program for you.

Aerobic exercise will help you lose excess weight, during which you will intensively perform various types of movements and maintain your heart rate in the “fat-burning corridor.” These include classical aerobics, step aerobics (combinations of various steps and jumps on a special platform - step), tai-bo and ki-bo (adapted elements of martial arts), etc. A dance trend in fitness has also gained wide popularity - Latin, funk, hip-hop. Recently, in our country, more and more women and girls are attending belly dancing classes.

In Pilates and Calanetics lessons, on the contrary, the music will be slow and the movements will be smooth. But a static load, when you hold a certain muscle group in tension for several minutes, will force them to work with full efficiency.

And so, you read all of the above and thought: “Yes, this is all wonderful, but I don’t have the time (money) for a subscription to a more or less decent fitness club!” We can please you: fitness has long gone beyond the walls of sports clubs. Jumping rope is an excellent tool for strengthening your legs, training your cardiovascular system and burning fat. Running at a slow or medium pace has an even better weight loss effect. Ideally, you need to run for at least 40 minutes, but don’t despair if the first time your lungs and weak muscles, exhausted by smoking and poor environment, can withstand only 5 minutes. In this matter, the main thing is regularity of classes, and then the result will not take long to arrive. Don't forget about special shoes (sneakers designed for running are equipped with an elastic heel that absorbs part of the impact force when pushing off the ground) and clothing. Under no circumstances should you run along polluted streets. Such training will do much more harm than good.

If you don’t have the opportunity to exercise outside, then you can equip a mini-gym at home, and it won’t require a lot of money. The choice of sports equipment for home is very large. An exercise bike, dumbbells, a gymnastic ball, and a waist hoop will become an indispensable tool for home fitness. Exercises can be found in books and monthly magazines. Don't have the opportunity to find like-minded women among your surroundings? Try searching for them on the Internet. On various forums on fitness and a healthy lifestyle, you can ask questions that interest you, discuss certain types of fitness, and finally find friends! And believe me, as soon as you notice the first positive changes in yourself, your look will become more confident, your smile will become more radiant, and then you will understand that fitness has become a part of your life.

How does Personal Fitness work?

You will attend a fitness consultation only once a week. Believe me, this will be enough. This is not the same as buying a club card to a fitness club. You only pay if you show up.
Every week a trainer tests you and tells you about your progress.
You learn to make the right choices: in exercise and stress, food and portion sizes.
Every week you receive new tips and recommendations on what to do next.

Training and changes

You will be inspired by the support of a coach who himself follows the advice he gives you and who is truly interested in your success.
You will benefit from the fact that, along with your progress, recommendations will change weekly.
As a customer, you will receive daily assistance by email and telephone.

Take the first step


I want to play sports again after a long break. I would like to pay special attention to the muscles of the back, abs, and, in general, to tighten all the muscles. The fitness club offers many programs, but I don’t know what to choose. Please advise.


At some point, many of us realize that movement is good and idleness is bad. We not only understand this with our heads, but feel it with our bodies. The harm of physical idleness is understood with their heads by those who have never experienced stress with their bodies. But for those who have been involved in sports, the body will always be drawn to exercise.

The desire to get back to training is good. But the most important thing in this matter is to know the capabilities of your body.

Fitness clubs offer many programs. This is not entirely true. The club card sales manager offered you many programs. He talked to you and, like a good salesman, identified wants and needs. You can reveal your desire in a conversation. But what does a sales manager know about your body's capabilities?

Only a coach can give practical advice. But not before he looks at you in action. Did you like the club? Have you bought a card? Now look for a trainer! Talk to them. Ask anyone who seems knowledgeable in conversation to watch you in action. For this purpose there is practice, individual instruction. What it is?

Individual instruction is one-on-one communication between you and the trainer. The trainer will show you some exercises and see how you can do them. After the trainer sees you in action, he will be able to accurately advise which fitness program you should choose. Over the course of many years of work in the field of healing the human body, the formation of a beautiful elastic body, the creation of a “new” person, rejuvenated externally and internally, as well as guided by the recommendations of ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and AFViS RB (Academy of Physical Education and Sports) only for you For your health and happiness, I offer my professional advice: What do classes in Fitness programs give? Fitness program classes give amazing results: 1. Improvement of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Heart training is your youth and longevity. 2. Mobility. Flexibility and elasticity of ligaments, joints, tendons. 3. Elastic body, reduction of fat mass, polishing of the muscle corset. 4. External and internal youth. You look and feel 5-10 years younger than your peers. 5. Self-confidence, resistance to illness and life’s problems, charm and sexuality. How many times a week can and should you do sports? To answer this question I propose the following table

Number of classes Result
2 times/week 60 min. + sauna, massage Health-improving load normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The weight loss effect is minimal and requires a very strict diet.
3 times/week 60 min. Good healing effect, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Average weight loss effect, requires a strict diet.
4 times/week 60 min. Excellent healing effect, good load on the cardiovascular system and the entire body. High effect of weight loss, rejuvenation of the body for 1 year by 1 year.
5 times/week 60 min. The highest load characteristics on the SSS. Amazing weight loss effect. Rejuvenating effect of face and body for 1 year by 1.5 years.

Beginner mistakes - fitness classes

I worked out in several gyms, which differed in size, level of service and manufacturers of exercise equipment. For example, six months ago I visited a women's gym, and now I changed it to a more modern and larger fitness club. Being an observant person, I inevitably noticed the mistakes and shortcomings that women make when trying to improve their figure.

1. Proud loneliness

As paradoxical as it may sound, I came to the conclusion that it is best to go to the gym alone, without friends. The company is only good at first, when you are just exploring the sports space. Very often, girlfriends are distracted by conversations, thereby taking away attention (which is an important factor for success in sports) from concentrating on performing the exercise. Women will always find something to discuss, and sometimes it is so interesting that they simply forget why they came to the room. 2. The necessary psychological attitude
You must be in a good mood before going to the gym. You are starting (or continuing) a new life that will change your appearance and increase your self-esteem. Even the smallest details can help in this matter. For example, you should like the form in which you will study. The gym is of no small importance - how you feel in it after several classes. 3. Determination
Among my friends there were many women who, after a couple of months of not particularly intense training, without seeing any big changes in their figure or well-being, quit classes. To achieve noticeable results you will need to show fighting qualities of character. They will come in handy to resist laziness, shyness, and skepticism from your own mind and, possibly, from those around you. 4. Defining the goal
When you decide to visit a fitness club, it would be a good idea to first understand what you want. Depending on your goal, you can choose aerobics, exercise equipment, a swimming pool, etc. If your goal is to improve your figure, increase strength and endurance, welcome to the gym. However, some women who choose strength training do not do it at all. Representatives of the fair sex can be seen on a treadmill, exercise bike or stepper. You can be convinced of the correctness of my words by looking into any nearby hall. If you're lucky, you'll spot a woman at the ab machine. 5. Knowledge
. Information is a very important thing and necessary in any business. Fitness is no exception. Moreover, your success largely depends on your knowledge in this area. Very often, women neglect theory, relying on their intuition or articles read in popular magazines. Meanwhile, it seems to me that in order for the transformation of body and spirit to really occur, it is necessary:

  • basic familiarity with anatomy (location and name of muscles);
  • knowledge of the basics of proper nutrition;
  • the ability to perform the exercise technically correctly;
  • awareness of sports supplements that can greatly help in the fight for a slim and healthy body and good mood;
  • reading magazines and books on relevant topics. This will help you develop a serious attitude towards business and give you a lot of useful information.

I see women doing numerous side-to-side turns on special machines, hoping to reduce their waist size. Meanwhile, there is a much safer and more effective exercise: side bends with dumbbells. I saw some girl do this exercise only once (!) times, whereas spinning machines are rarely empty. 6. Drawing up a training plan

. Once you know a lot about your body and how to train it, you can begin to create a training plan. Do not take the plans of bodybuilding stars as a basis - you need an individual program based on the characteristics and capabilities of your body. Every two to three months it is necessary to change it so that the body does not get used to the monotonous load. There is now a lot of literature designed to help in this task. You can find everything you need in it.

7. Don't be shy

A few years ago, I hated sports, preferring mental activity. Naturally, my muscles were in pretty bad shape. Now, I understand that the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body” is the correct attitude for the life of a modern person. Even if you have never played sports before, do not hesitate to start doing it at any age. Your desire to change your life deserves only respect. Remember this more often if you feel constrained and uncomfortable in the gym. 8. Review your diet
. Exercise alone will not give the desired results if you do not follow a fitness diet based on rational principles, i.e. proper nutrition. Include extra vitamins and minerals in your diet. In conclusion, I want to give one piece of advice: realistically assess your capabilities and set achievable goals. Otherwise, disappointment and breakdowns await you.

7 ways to relieve stress and improve your mood

It is no secret that in our troubled times, the danger of losing normal psychological balance is quite great. Especially if the work involves significant information overload. In order not to completely lose your peace of mind, experienced people offer several simple tips that, we are sure, will help you come out of a fight with stress with honor. 1. Start by stopping at least for a moment and reflecting on what is happening.

Ask yourself the question, is your life really the way you would like it to be? Think about what you would like to change about it and how best to achieve this. Psychologists advise periodically putting thoughts, goals, desires in order, coordinating them with each other. Organize everything in your inner home, throw out the accumulated trash, do a general cleaning and thoroughly ventilate all the rooms. 2. Finally buy yourself what you want

Sometimes even some cute little thing like a keychain or a funny postcard can lift your spirits.
Print your best photo of yourself with a radiant smile against the backdrop of a blooming garden and frame it. Try to be surrounded only by pleasant things. You can, without remorse, send to the dustbin of history an ancient dried bouquet, once given by an ex-lover, if the very sight of it brings back sad memories to you. 3. Allow yourself to have a good rest
You can pamper yourself.
Prepare your favorite dish, take a bath with essential oils, light scented candles in the room and turn on pleasant music. Create an atmosphere of comfort in which you would just like to step away from the outside world. Make love. Long walks in nature help a lot. Enjoy the aroma of a pine forest, rotten leaves and moss, and the tart smell of the coolness of an evening meadow or shore! Feel the quiet breath of the breeze in your hair, the taste of apples in your mouth, feel the life around you. 4. Get your diet in order
Experts advise eating about every four hours and little by little.
Oddly enough, carbohydrates will help you here. Small portions of carbohydrate-rich foods help produce more serotonin and improve your mood. 5. Always remember to exercise.
For example, take up dancing or swimming. Water helps the body rest and relax, improving tone and mood. Additionally, the possibility of an accident or injury when swimming is minimal, unlike many other sports. Try not to give in to the obsessive thought of feeling sorry for yourself. Become a workaholic for a while, do something that would help you distract from obsessive thoughts. Do household chores, go to the store, walk the dog. Be active! 6. No matter how difficult it may be, learn to forgive and forget.

In this way, you will get rid of irritation and vindictive feelings that primarily destroy ourselves.
In addition, by being angry at someone or something, you maintain a connection with him. There is a fixation on past grievances and sorrows. Ease yourself with forgiveness, forget what has already passed, and move on! 7. Take a simpler approach to life
Try at least sometimes to let things take their course, stop controlling everyone and everything. There is always a place for heroism in life, but it is not always necessary. Try to live one day at a time, try to focus on what you are doing at the moment. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Try to be realistic without exaggerating the significance of failures. Always remember the ancient eastern proverb that if 15 days in a month are dark and sad, then the rest are joyful and happy. Become more optimistic, learn to relate to events and situations happening in life more objectively. Perhaps they are not at all as hopeless as you think under the influence of emotions. Or maybe everything that happened is the way for the better? After all, what seems like a tragedy today will bring a smile tomorrow.

And most importantly, always remember that our life is just a small ray of light breaking through the chaos of the Universe. So isn’t it better to spend it in happiness and harmony with yourself and the world, giving warmth and understanding to others?

Shaping - what is it?

What is the difference between shaping and aerobics? At least once in our lives, each of us asked ourselves this question. Some of us have already received the answer. And some will receive it by reading this article.


is a method of purposefully changing a woman’s figure and improving the health of a woman’s body, which includes a special program of physical exercises and an appropriate nutrition system. For women of any age, with various sports training, shaping allows you to comprehensively implement all areas of plastic transformation of the body: increasing or decreasing the volume of muscle tissue; reduction of body fat. The system of shaping exercises consistently and universally loads all muscle groups, including those that are poorly involved in “everyday life.” By varying the load for specific areas of the body and managing metabolic processes during the recovery period (through proper nutrition and rest), you can solve various problems of physique formation.

Shaping training is a set of exercises that consistently load muscles in different areas of the body. Each selected muscle group is “worked” by repeating the cyclic exercise multiple times. It is advisable to continue the repetition until fatigue (30-200 times or 60-240 s), after which the loaded limb or muscle group changes. Sometimes a muscle group is worked through several exercises, or it is returned to again during the session.

A characteristic feature of shaping training is that the muscles loaded in it are weakly involved in everyday life. The choice of just such muscles is precisely methodologically appropriate, since, unlike “hardened” muscle groups, they open up wide scope for significant energetic and morphological shifts.

A feature of the structural composition of “unhardened” muscles is the small number of slow type 1 muscle fibers, adapted to long-term work and, accordingly; the presence of fast fibers of the 2nd type. The specified specificity of the muscles being loaded determines the characteristics of the physiological and biochemical processes that take place during training and during recovery. During shaping exercises, all three energy supply mechanisms are actively involved: transfoliation of ADP with KrF; anaerobic glycolysis; aerobic oxidative processes. At the same time, the presence of type 2 fast fibers in the structure of trained muscles determines a significant role in the processes of glycolysis.

The nature of the work performed (achieving an individual maximum) is aimed at exhaustive use of the energy resources available in muscle cells - glycogen and lipid inclusions. As a result of this process, lactic acid accumulates in active muscle cells, and characteristic pain sensations appear, increasing along with fatigue. After changing the loaded muscle group, other muscle bundles are worked on until their capabilities are completely exhausted. The volitional effort that ensures the completion of the last “I can’t” repetitions, and mental stress aimed at overcoming pain in working muscles, leads to an increase in the production of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which can stimulate glycolysis and tissue respiration, as well as the mobilization of free fatty acids from the fat depot.

After the end of the muscle work, at the end of the workout, the following results can be observed: significant energy losses by the body as a whole, including a decrease in liver glycogen reserves, consumption of fatty acids from the fat depot. Depletion of energy resources in working muscles (glycogen and other carbohydrates, lipids, etc.), accumulation of large amounts of lactic acid in the muscles and blood, high concentrations of hormones and metabolic products in the blood. These changes in the body cause the activation of metabolic processes within several hours after the end of muscular work. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight the restoration of energy reserves: the synthesis of CrF, the oxidation of lactic acid and the resynthesis of glycogen from it.

In shaping, in accordance with an individual figure correction plan, you have to solve two sets of problems. The first of them is associated with a decrease in fat and muscle tissue and, from a metabolic point of view, requires the predominance of catabolic processes (the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to replenish the body's energy costs). The other involves muscle building, and is based on the processes of anabolism (tissue synthesis). To solve these problems, shaping provides two directions (named by analogy): catabolic and anabolic training.

In shaping, all the muscles of the body are loaded, including those that form the most important areas of the body for women: chest, waist, hips, buttocks. The muscles here are “unaccustomed” to long-term work and include a large number of fast-twitch type 2 fibers. The anaerobic (oxygen-free) mechanism plays a significant role in their energy supply, consuming the energy reserves of muscle cells and the entire body. Exercises are performed at a moderate pace, preferably until an individual maximum is achieved. Consistently working out all muscle groups allows you to get an excellent training effect without undue stress on the heart and joints, including: significant energy losses by the body as a whole; depletion of energy resources of working muscles.

Unlike aerobic types of physical education, where the body’s fat reserves are consumed mainly during training, in shaping their mobilization to the greatest extent covers the recovery period and, while limiting the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, serves to replenish the “calories” spent in the gym.

Shaping comes from the English word “shape”, which means shaping, giving shape. Shaping is a program of classes aimed at physical, spiritual and aesthetic improvement, creating the image of a modern feminine, elegant woman, using gymnastic, dance exercises and aimed at people of all ages and physical abilities with the widespread use of modern computer technologies.

The result is ensured by special technology, including diagnostic tests, computer programs and video programs with exercises, as well as special nutrition. Shaping was originally created to increase the physical attractiveness of women. This is precisely the goal of the Russian (or rather Soviet) shaping system. In it, unlike bodybuilding, the idea of ​​female physical attractiveness is much broader than just building a beautiful body, which, however, is also understood in a completely different way than in bodybuilding. The concept of “female attractiveness” here includes not only the perfection of the figure, but also a well-groomed appearance, femininity, aesthetics, sexuality of the created image, beauty of gait, graceful posture, advantageous hairstyles, makeup and clothing.

Shaping is a complex system that combines, as integral means for solving its problems, not only physical exercises and principles of nutrition, but also art (shaping choreography), fashion (shaping style), and the concept of shaping - grooming of appearance. If only for this reason, shaping cannot be passed off as a product of Michurin’s creativity in crossing aerobics and bodybuilding. In the literature on shaping, as well as on the Internet, there is often a description of various trends in shaping, which are discussed in detail below.

Shaping classic - classic shaping, the main focus of which is to improve the physique and correct the figure. It should be noted that in foreign literature the concepts of bodyshaping have been defined as health training programs aimed at improving and correcting the figure; and bodybuilding - strength training programs to increase muscle mass.

Shaping choreography - special exercises to improve posture, gait, coordination and artistry, develop and improve the ability to move beautifully, stand, accept...


Additional professional education

Olympiysky Prospekt, 29, building 2, Mytishchi, 141006, Russia

Important qualities

Potential clients evaluate a fitness trainer by his appearance, how athletic and healthy he is. It is also important for them how attentive and friendly the coach treats them, and whether he is ready to help when needed. And of course, not only the correct techniques are expected from the coach. For successful training, a person needs positive feedback, which gives confidence in his abilities and determination to study.

Psychological approach

What to do if a client comes to the gym all on edge after a hard day? In this state, he is capable of feats and rushes to the bar in order to lift a lot of weight in one fell swoop. But an experienced instructor will not allow this: he would rather send the angry student to the treadmill to put his emotions in order and at the same time warm up for further training.

People want to see an optimistic coach who is ready to work with even the most unsportsmanlike office dweller. An experienced trainer knows how to find a balance between kindness and rigor; without this, effective training is impossible. He is always full of energy and charges his players with it. A good coach is focused on communicating with people; he knows how to listen carefully, understand other people’s emotions and, if necessary, direct them in the right direction.

Professional Responsibilities

A fitness trainer usually performs the following duties:

  • searching and attracting a client, assessing his physical fitness and health status;
  • setting together with the mentee a goal to strive for;
  • motivating him for purposeful regular exercises;
  • drawing up an individual training program and its constant adjustment depending on the results achieved;
  • establishing the correct technique for performing exercises, including through personal demonstration;
  • development of individual recommendations on daily routine and nutrition;
  • provision of necessary equipment and compliance with safety precautions when performing exercises;
  • providing first aid if necessary.

In addition, to maintain clients' interest in exercise, you need to regularly change exercises. Mastering fashionable training trends will attract new people to work out in the gym.

Fitness trainer training


Modern Science and Technology Academy (SNTA)

The modern scientific and technological academy provides a unique opportunity to take advanced training courses in the profession of “Fitness instructor”, as well as receive a new and relevant profession of a fitness trainer based on retraining courses. Educational courses are accredited by the Ministry of Education, therefore, upon completion of training, state-issued documents are issued. Any citizen can acquire a new profession on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education.

International Academy of Expertise and Assessment (Remotely)

In this course, you can obtain the profession of a fitness trainer remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

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