A guide for skinny guys on how to gain weight quickly

On the Internet and on the covers of fashion magazines, photos of bodybuilders with prominent six-pack abs are becoming more and more common. Inspired by the prospect of quickly and easily making themselves Arnold, men go to the gym and work out for hours with huge weights. However, few take into account their body type, as a result of which strength training becomes a waste of time. How to gain weight for a skinny guy?

Why are men thin?

There are a huge number of reasons for thinness in men. This may be a disorder in the diet or a symptom of one of the serious diseases (tuberculosis, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and others). In such cases, changes in the body occur in a short period of time. However, some males suffer from thinness throughout their lives. This is perhaps the most common case, the reason for which is a genetic predisposition.

Pathological thinness

Pathological thinness is a clear manifestation of metabolic or other processes in the body. Such thinness is a signal about the need to begin prognosis and treatment of any pathologies.

To understand whether you suffer from pathological thinness, you need to calculate your body mass index (which will be discussed later). If the resulting number is below 18 units, your body is susceptible to pathology.

Physiological thinness

Thinness at the physiological level is a manifestation of the genetic characteristics of the body. Naturally thin (lean) men need to follow a special diet; the calorie content of their diet should be at least 2200-2300 kcal in order to start gaining at least something.

How to gain body weight at home

How to gain body weight at home

  1. Causes of thinness
  2. Who will help
  3. What is body mass made of?
  4. High calorie cocktails
  5. Sports nutrition
  6. Loads
  7. Fast
  8. No chemicals
  9. To the girl

In a world of prosperity and the cult of food, the problem of excess weight is more acute than ever. Concomitant diseases haunt doctors and patients. But in this article we will analyze the opposite problems; we are concerned about how to gain body weight at home.

Here you can calculate the number of calories you are missing and how many you will need to gain weight.

Body types

Each person is characterized by individual indicators such as height, general skeletal structure, and a tendency to gain muscle mass or deposit fatty tissue. Based on this, experts have identified three body types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic. Each of them corresponds to some generalized characteristics of the organism.

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?


People who are considered ectomorphs have poorly developed muscles and a very small amount of subcutaneous fat. Relatively long limbs, flattened ribs, narrowed shoulders and high stature visually enhance thinness. The metabolism of ectomorphs is much faster than that of people with other body types.


The most aesthetic body type is mesomorphic. Its owners have developed muscle tissue with an average amount of body fat. Thanks to the peculiarities of metabolism, it will not be difficult for a mesomorphic man to gain muscle mass.


The greatest predisposition to muscle gain is observed in those with an endomorphic physique. However, men with this body type are prone to increased fat tissue. Endomorphs are short in stature and have a massive body even in the absence of strength training.

Why can't I get better?

Often, guys who are absolutely healthy from a physiological point of view are obsessed with the desire to increase weight and build beautiful muscles, and this is not a far-fetched problem - it is very difficult for people with an asthenic physique to gain weight, since thinness is a genetically inherent feature in them. It is determined by accelerated metabolism, and in this case, increased meals help little. Such forcing of events can only result in overeating and poor health.

In this case, metabolic abnormalities cannot be considered as a pathology, and we have to take this fact as a given. But even if it is not a matter of diseases that cause low weight, dissatisfaction with their appearance among asthenics sometimes develops into a real complex, and, of course, it is worth helping these people with competent advice.

However, underweight is not always hereditary; sometimes it is a consequence of other external and internal factors:

  1. A common reason why a man loses weight with a normal diet is constant stress associated with the rhythm of modern living conditions. Against the background of psycho-emotional overload, problems such as increased irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and depressed mood begin. All these points are inevitably associated with weight loss, since the body draws a lack of energy and strength from reserves of muscle tissue and fat.
  2. Hormonal imbalances are another factor that directly affects body weight. Usually there is a connection with disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, in particular, with its increased production of hormonal secretion. Symptoms of the pathological condition are tremors, increased sweating, rapid heart rate, insomnia, decreased sexual function.
  3. Diabetes mellitus can be a prerequisite for thinness, but the disease is so insidious that at the beginning it is almost impossible to identify it, while a man can eat well and even feel an increased appetite. The only symptom at the early stage of the disease is short-term fainting.

There are other reasons leading to weight loss:

  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • diseases of the digestive organs;
  • adrenal diseases
  • helminthic infestations;
  • curvature of the spinal column and its individual parts.

If helminths are present, the root cause of weight loss can be identified using the following signs:

  • food digestion disorders - bloating, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation;
  • in some cases – a slight increase in temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of strength, constant weakness;
  • itching sensations in the anal area.

In addition, infection with parasites can, along with weight loss, provoke alopecia - baldness.

The most serious prerequisites for losing weight are infectious diseases, tuberculosis, tumors, and drug use, including medications. However, the reason may be prosaic - an unbalanced diet, causing a deficiency of nutrients necessary for the body. If a skinny guy can’t gain weight because of this, then he’ll have to learn how to do it correctly. In all other cases, you must first be cured.

Is it really necessary to gain weight?

First, each of you should decide for yourself: is it really necessary to gain weight? In their quest for perfection, beginning athletes tend to forget about possible injuries or serious health problems due to incorrect exercise technique. Changes in the usual diet can cause the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Men over 40 and older should pay special attention to this.

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?

But if you are determined and ready to devote a lot of time to studying bodybuilding material, practicing exercises and subsequently serious training, you should carefully read the article and remember the information offered here.

In some cases, men really do not need to change their own weight, since it is normal for their height and age.

How to determine the optimal weight?

There are many formulas to determine the optimal weight, taking into account height, age and gender. For example, Adolphe Quetelet proposed a formula that can be used to calculate body mass index:

Weight: (height*height)

The units of measurement are strictly defined: for weight - kilograms, for height - meters.

But what is body mass index and how can you use it to determine a person’s optimal weight? To connect these two indicators, Adolphe Quetelet developed a table with an exact indication of the characteristics of your particular weight.

Body mass index for 18-26 years oldBody mass index for 27-45 years oldWeight characteristics
Less than 16.5Less than 17.5Critically less than normal
From 17 to 20From 18 to 19Less than normal
From 20.5 to 23From 19.5 to 26Normal weight
From 23.5 to 27.5From 26.5 to 27.5A little higher than normal
Above 28Above 28Critically exceeds the norm

But you shouldn’t take methods for calculating your ideal weight as something indisputable. The formulas give an approximate estimate, determined without taking into account the ratio of muscle and fat tissue in the human body. For greater objectivity, you should take measurements in the chest, hips and waist or draw conclusions based on the appearance of the figure.

How to gain weight for a man at home

Thinness is not attractive, and often becomes a problem not only for women - many men dream of gaining weight and gaining an athletic physique. Protruding bones can indeed give the appearance a painful and exhausted appearance. But this can be difficult to do, which is why it is so important to know how to quickly gain weight for a man at home.

Where to start gaining weight

So, you have made the necessary calculations, determined your body type and still decided to start training to gain muscle mass. Where should I start?

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?

There are three main elements that form the basis of any training process:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Sleep and rest mode.
  • Direct training.

Here are some tips to give to ectomorphs who are gaining weight:

  1. To gain weight, it is recommended to increase the caloric content of food.
  2. It is necessary to pay special attention not only to the calorie content of the diet, but also to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food you eat.
  3. The increase in calories should largely be due to protein foods (low-fat meat dishes, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, etc.), as well as due to foods rich in “slow” carbohydrates (these are various cereals, durum wheat pasta, vegetables And so on).
  4. Don't feel sorry for yourself during strength training. You should use the heaviest possible weights (which you can do 4 sets of 5-8 reps) and feel a lot of tension in your muscles.
  5. The process of gaining muscle is individual. General provisions are not a substitute for observing your own body. That is why you need to note all the changes that occur (for example, take a photo every few weeks) and, on this basis, make adjustments to your diet and training process.

Video: How to gain weight when you're skinny

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Author Kudelya Larisa

All articles undergo mandatory testing by practicing doctors.

Gomzar Anastasia Sergeevna therapist Experience over 20 years Education: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Far Eastern State Medical University

Diet by day

The food eaten should correspond to the following proportions:

  • 45-60% carbohydrates (3-6 g per 1 kg of weight).
  • 20-30% proteins (1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight).
  • 9-20% fat (1-1.5 g per 1 kg of weight).

You should eat 6-8 times a day, depending on your daily routine. An example of a skinny man's diet for weight gain:

  • 7:00 - breakfast (preference should be given to foods rich in slow carbohydrates): 150 g of oatmeal in milk with 30 g of almonds.
  • 10:00 - small snack (consumption of carbohydrates is also encouraged, but it is necessary to satisfy the body's need for protein foods): 100g of boiled buckwheat with fish and vegetables.
  • 12:30 – lunch: 100-150 g of wheat porridge with 100 g of fish or boiled meat.
  • 15:00 – snack: protein omelet with fresh vegetable salad.
  • 18:00 – dinner (mainly protein foods): 100 g of fish or meat with 50-100 g of any type of porridge (buckwheat, wheat, rice, etc.).
  • 21:00 – snack (it is advisable to avoid consuming carbohydrates as much as possible): several boiled eggs with meat or fish.
  • 22:30 – snack or night light (you should eat exclusively protein foods at night): 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?

Here is another daily diet option:

  • 7:00 – breakfast: 100-150 g of yogurt.
  • 10:00 – small snack: 50 g of almonds.
  • 12:30 – lunch: 100-150 g buckwheat with chicken.
  • 15:00 – snack: cottage cheese 5-9%.
  • 18:00 – dinner: 100g of wheat porridge with chicken or fish.
  • 21:00 – snack: 3-4 egg whites.
  • 22:30 – night light: low-fat cottage cheese.

The proposed lists of dishes can be alternated (for example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, eating according to the first option, on other days - according to the second). This diet will need to be followed forever (and not just for the first month!).

Sports nutrition and supplements

Almost any sports nutrition is classified as dietary supplements. Protein or gainer is another source of protein other than food. If your body receives a sufficient amount of protein food, you should not use sports nutrition. The reason is obvious: excess protein can cause serious gastrointestinal problems.


Gainer is one of the most common nutritional supplements. Due to the lower protein content and more impurities (for example, carbohydrates), the price of a gainer is an order of magnitude lower when compared with protein.

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?


Another dietary supplement rich in protein is protein. Unlike a gainer, the entire composition of the product is pure protein. Depending on your acceptable price category, quality and desired proportions of BJU, you can choose one of many types of protein: casein, egg, whey and others. Each of them has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when purchasing.

Homemade protein shakes

Cocktails made at home can easily replace any dietary supplements. As already noted, it is worth using sports supplements only when there is a clear deficiency of protein in the diet. You can supplement your protein intake with homemade smoothies.

Execution technique


There are many types of squats. The choice depends on the muscle group that you want to include as much as possible in the work. Basic rules for performing the exercise:

  • Arched back.
  • Hips parallel to the floor.
  • A small angle between the spine and hips (due to it, balance is maintained).

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?


To avoid spinal injuries during deadlifts, your back should be straight and your pelvis should be pulled back. While maintaining a straight spine, you need to take the bar with an overhand grip and perform jerks, moving your elbows back.

How can a guy gain weight quickly and permanently if you are naturally thin?

Bench press

To perform a bench press, you need to rest on the bench only with your shoulder blades and buttocks. The rest of the body should be suspended. It is necessary to lower the bar to the area of ​​the lower part of the pectoral muscles. The elbows should remain at a right angle as the barbell is lowered.

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