How to gain weight for a 15 year old teenager. How to Gain Weight as a Teenager – Proper Nutrition and Exercise Are Essential

The health of adolescents is a criterion that concerns all parents without exception. It is during this period of a child’s formation that hormonal disruptions occur, the body begins to grow with a vengeance, and the size of the brain increases sharply, which is characteristic only of infancy and adolescence. Naturally, in all this “mess” of changes inside the child’s body, cardinal changes in body weight also occur.

Of course, the health of adolescents largely depends on nutrition during this period, on whether a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins for growth and brain activity at school enters the child’s body. And most often, parents and teenagers themselves complain about the appearance of excess weight during this period. I wrote how to deal with this problem. In this post we will look at the opposite problem - light weight. And the question: “How to gain weight for a child?” usually arises after puberty.

I `m ugly!!!

At this age, every teenager has questions regarding their appearance, in which there is something they are not happy with. This happens even to children of ideal appearance. In most cases, it is the figure that develops complexes. How to gain weight for a teenager and where to get the necessary information? But to answer these questions, you need to understand the reasons for the child’s thinness.

What is the reason?

Fast growth. This happens to every teenager, this fact is especially reflected in boys aged 13–15 years. In just a few months, a child grows 10 cm. But muscle mass, as a rule, simply does not keep up with such sudden growth of the body itself. It is for this reason that it seems that the boy has suddenly and greatly lost weight. It's not scary, don't panic ahead of time and don't rush to the doctor. Over time, everything will return to normal.

Poor appetite. Teenagers do not eat enough, and this is a common problem. It would seem that start eating more and your weight will return to normal. However, forcing a child to eat more, punishing him for it and causing conflict is not the solution. Try to understand why the child has lost his appetite. This may be due to experiences, falling in love for the first time, problems with peers or teachers. Teenagers do not think like adults; they distort reality to the point of being grotesque. What seems like a minor problem to an adult, is tantamount to the end of the world for a teenager. Therefore, first, try to get to the bottom of the truth and have a heart-to-heart talk with your child.

Illness, stress. Nervous experiences and a scandalous situation in the family can provoke metabolic disorders, which affects all activities of the human body. In such situations, it is better to consult a pediatrician for advice.

Physical training. Low weight can also provoke hyperactivity in a child, his love for sports and outdoor games. This is great, you just need to adjust your diet.

How to gain weight as a teenager?

1 To solve this problem, include foods rich in fiber, proteins and carbohydrates in your teenager’s diet. These are fish, meat, poultry, nuts, bread, pasta, legumes. Diversify the table with vegetables, berries and fruits.

2 A teenager needs to eat not three, but five times a day.

3 Limit fried and fatty foods in your diet. Her stomach takes a long time to digest, so the feeling of fullness lasts longer. You should not often eat fast food and fast food.

4 You can build muscle under the guidance of an experienced trainer in the gym. Otherwise, you can gain weight, but muscle mass will not develop. Thus, fat will be deposited in unnecessary places.

Now you know how to gain weight for your child, all you have to do is start taking action. Good luck!

On the Internet you can often find the following questions: “how to lose weight quickly” and “how to lose 5-7 kg in a week.” And completely opposite ones: “how to gain weight quickly for skinny people”, “how to gain weight and what you need to do for this”, “diet for gaining weight or how to gain weight for skinny people”. Those. society was divided into 2 camps - skinny people who want to get fat, and slimmer people.

Very often these two camps do not understand each other at all and are jealous. So plump and well-fed girls and men try with all their might to lose extra pounds and torment themselves with strict diets and exercises, while thin girls and men with the same ferocity and zeal want to gain weight quickly and correctly.

Moreover, if someone thinks that getting better and gaining precious 5 or 10 kilograms of weight is easier than losing even 2 or 3 kg, then they are mistaken. Many girls and men try to gain weight by at least 3 kg, but they fail.

Yes, of course, being thin or skinny is very bad. Firstly, thinness negatively affects a person’s appearance, and secondly, even choosing clothes that fit is very difficult.

The questions “how to gain weight quickly” or “what to do to gain 5 kilograms” are of interest to teenagers, men and girls. And parents, caring about the health of their child, ask how to gain weight for their child. Excessive thinness does not suit any person, be it a teenager or an adult man.

I want to get better and gain muscle weight, I eat a lot and can’t gain weight. Such words can be heard quite often. Low weight and excessive thinness are a problem for many men and girls.

Before giving advice to thin people on how to gain weight quickly, we will talk about the factors that influence thinness.

Reasons for thinness or why some people cannot gain weight even by 3 - 5 kg.

1. A fairly common cause of thinness is heredity. If your family's mom, dad, grandma or grandpa is very thin, then chances are that you won't be overweight either.

2. Diseases of the endocrine system, stomach and diabetes. If you have suddenly lost weight in the last year, and before that you could hardly be called skinny or skinny, then perhaps the reason for your sudden weight loss is an endocrine or stomach disease.

3. Worms. You will say “where could I pick up worms and this is impossible with me,” but worms are the next reason for your thinness. You pet a dog or cat, return from a walk and immediately decide to eat without washing your hands. So you picked up worms, which now eat everything for you.

4. Stress, tension at work and family conflicts have a negative impact on health and lead to both sudden weight loss (loss of appetite) and sudden weight gain (stress eating).

Therefore, if you cannot gain weight for a long period of time, it is better to get examined by a doctor. He will tell you about the reasons for your thinness and tell you how you can gain weight and gain weight.

How can a teenager gain weight and what should he do to gain weight and gain muscle weight?

Many young girls and boys have very strong complexes because of their thinness. Of course, nicknames and nicknames are common in youth groups. And no one is pleased if they call you thin or skinny.

It is teenagers, boys and girls, who are most often interested in how to get fat quickly. You can most often hear from girls - I want to gain weight in my legs, thighs and buttocks, and from guys - in my chest and increase muscle weight.

Let's say right away that it is very difficult for thin teenagers to gain weight quickly, for example, in a week or even two weeks.

Firstly, you shouldn’t be too upset about your thinness. Often, with age, they turn from skinny and skinny boys into beauties with rounded and toned shapes and athletic boys. As a rule, at the age of 17-18, girls have a fully formed figure, they become more feminine, and gain weight in their legs and butt. In young men, their figure develops later at the age of 20-23, their shoulders become wider, they gain weight, and muscle mass appears.

Teenagers will not be able to gain weight in a week; the best way to gain weight and gain weight in certain parts of the body (hips, buttocks, chest) is to play sports. With the help of exercises, you can make a thin figure more athletic and athletic. How to gain weight for a man or woman?

Your adolescence has passed, and you have not been able to gain weight, and your body has not taken on any rounded shapes, or even hints of them. And you don’t want to be skinny at all.

First of all, if you decide to quickly gain weight and turn from a thin man and a thin person into a person of normal build, you should pay attention to your diet and your diet.

Diet to gain weight quickly and what foods will help you gain weight.

If you think that in order to get better and gain weight you need to eat a lot of fatty pies, French fries, ice cream and cakes, then you will only get gastritis or pancreatitis with such incorrect and unhealthy food.

A diet for proper weight gain includes only healthy and wholesome foods, vitamins and minerals. Diets to combat thinness can be both high-calorie and protein diets. We will give an example of proper nutrition that combines 2 types of these diets.

What you need to eat to gain weight:

1. Products containing a lot of protein - sports or protein diet. These products include: beef, low-fat pork, rabbit meat, offal - heart, tongue, chicken fillet, fish, cottage cheese and dairy products, cheeses, and, of course, eggs. All athletes are on a protein diet, so if you want to quickly gain muscle mass and thereby gain weight, then eat protein foods. A protein diet practically excludes fatty foods and products.

This diet can be recommended for teenagers, young girls, and adult men. In a protein diet, girls should focus on dairy products, cottage cheese and cheese; they are rich in calcium and have a beneficial effect on your body and the health of expectant mothers.

2. For a better appetite, the more you eat, the greater the likelihood of weight gain, add seasonings to your dishes that increase appetite. Such seasonings are: garlic, pepper, rosemary, cumin and other spices, drink mint tea, add cinnamon and vanilla to baked goods.

3. Fruits will also help you gain the desired 3-5 kg. Can you tell me how you can get better from fruits? Yes, very simple. You need to eat fruits containing large amounts of fructose - grapes, cherries, melon, watermelons, peaches. A banana is generally a high-calorie product.

4. A diet to gain weight, like a diet to lose weight, should consist of 5-6 meals. The total number of calories per day should not be less than 2200 kl.

Diet is a very important step for gaining weight. Next, we will tell you how to train correctly and what exercises to do to gain weight.

Exercises to gain weight and muscle mass.

The growth of muscle mass is an adaptive reaction of the body to sufficiently intense (severe) stress - training. The more intense the load, the more pronounced the adaptive changes.

Ideally, you need to take the maximum weight of the weight and work with it for as long as muscle mass increases and energy and nervous structures develop. Upon achieving the required magnitude of changes in the body (for example, muscle growth), sufficient to work with the selected weight, the body will stop growing. But. This is ideal.

On practice

The body cannot cope with very strong stress, because... adaptive changes (training) occur slowly. Therefore, the loads must be dosed and gradually increase to the maximum. This is called progressive overload. Because the name contains the word “overload” - this means that a one-time impact should be quite intense (heavy).


For them (adaptive changes) to occur, the body must recover from the load. The process of compensation and supercompensation (including muscle growth) takes several days during rest from training. Therefore, you need to train taking into account rest breaks.


The body grows after recovery from stress (training) energy and plastic losses is completed, then to restore these losses, adequate (appropriate) increased and high-quality nutrition is needed. Because If teenagers have a SIGNIFICANT lack
of useful body weight, then, most often, they eat little and incorrectly. It is impossible to train effectively in such conditions.

Performing basic exercises with light weights

Systematic training with light weights will ensure an active increase in strength and endurance. Early transition to serious training programs with maximum weights can slow down or completely stop a teenager’s growth. An increase in muscle volume as a result of strength training occurs due to the active production of testosterone in the growing body. Its level in adolescents is much higher than in adults.

A properly designed training program and a reasonable working weight will ensure the necessary increase in muscle mass. Before training, it is better to eat low-fat, easily digestible foods. Read this article on how to eat properly after a workout.

What are the conclusions?

If you do not pay attention to the fact that a teenager will grow (complete his developing body) for about 8 more years, and that insufficiently developed osteochondral structures may not withstand improperly structured training, then: 1.
You need to learn to eat right.
Proper nutrition requires a certain, stable income. As a consequence, the following point is possible. 2.
Start working to provide the necessary income, and not shift it onto the shoulders of the parents (if she earns little).
You should forget about working out at home, unless, of course, you have your own gym in the basement.
And of course, you need to either gain knowledge about training methods, or find someone who will help you (from the more experienced ones) at first. It is advisable to spend the first few months of training with a personal trainer.

ps Arnold at 16 years old.

One of the articles that I read at the time may be useful to someone.

For those who want to lose weight, there are a sea of ​​different diets, proprietary courses and techniques. Whole groups are created for them in fitness rooms, with instructors working with them.

And in all the abundance of these curvaceous forms, few people notice the naturally thin teenagers

who bought a gym membership with only one goal - to gain at least 5-10 kg! These teenagers were not helped by advice from doctors and friends about eating more food to gain weight. The fitness room is their last hope for rapid weight gain.

How to gain weight and muscle mass: reviews

According to reviews, any short-term diets aimed at increasing body weight give short-term results. Pharmacological hormonal drugs work in a similar way, which, moreover, also have a detrimental effect on internal organs.

Only proper nutrition, healthy sleep, avoidance of stress, and sufficient physical activity can help to qualitatively build muscle mass. In combination with folk remedies and taking vitamins and minerals, these methods will help you achieve the figure of your dreams.

How can iron help a teenager gain weight?

Of course, your desire to gain weight is in any case accompanied by increased nutrition. Nutrition to gain muscle mass (and any other) must be intense, otherwise things will not get off the ground.

And here all the underweight guys who want to gain weight stumble over the same “rake.” They conscientiously follow the advice of doctors, consuming proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the indicated quantities 4-5 times a day, but... weight gain does not occur! Was all the torment of forcibly stuffing food into oneself in vain? With this approach, yes.

After all, it is not enough to absorb food - the elements obtained from it must be absorbed by the body. But in teenagers

very fast metabolism, burning almost everything the body consumes. Without correcting some body functions, increased nutrition will not bring results. And this is where the hardware comes into play! Basic exercises with it are great for growing muscle mass precisely because they activate the production of hormones, helping proteins and carbohydrates to be absorbed.

Therefore, to quickly gain weight, the first step for a teenager should be basic exercises - deadlifts, squats and bench presses. They are the ones that load the vast majority of the muscles in the body, giving it a signal for the need for growth. And the body, in response to this, willingly begins to absorb the calories consumed, which previously pass through it on the way to flushing the toilet.

How to eat to gain muscle mass and weight?

To gain weight, include the following foods in your diet:

  • Vegetable fats. Add healthy vegetable oils to porridges, soups and other dishes. Diversify your menu with a fruit such as avocado. You can simply spread it like butter on bread, or prepare salads with it. Snack on nuts and seeds
  • Cereals. These should be varieties that are easily absorbed by the body. Rice will not help in this matter, as it worsens digestion. Opt for buckwheat, millet, sprouted grains, quinoa
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits

  • Starchy vegetables - pumpkin, sweet potato, beets
  • Legumes
  • Fatty dairy products. Add rich sour cream to your salad, snack on high-fat milk

IMPORTANT: Avoid caffeine, which is found in coffee, black and green tea. It does not allow moisture to remain in the body, and also disrupts the functioning of the stomach and adrenal glands.

If your goal is to build muscle mass, but otherwise everything is in order with your build, then pay attention to the following products:

  • Buckwheat grain. It contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates, 12% protein, which is easily digestible, B vitamins and minerals. But there is very little fat in cereals, and even that is useful for building your muscles
  • Egg white. The yolk contains a lot of fat, remove it when cooking or eat only 1-2 pieces. per day. But high-grade egg white is an important building material for muscle tissue. Its norm per day is 3-5 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese

  • Lean chicken meat
  • Lean fish
  • Lean beef
  • Seafood
  • Dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Bananas, honey, pasta, bread, rice are foods that provide energy during strength training.

When building muscles, avoid processed foods, sausages, chips, canned food, food with chemical additives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc. Also exclude pork, as it is too fatty meat, and fat, as you know, only weighs down the body and fills it with garbage .

Gain Weight Fast - Eat Efficiently

But the activation of body functions created through exercises with iron can be wasted if you do not fuel yourself correctly. Snacking on chips after a workout and continuing to eat only 2 times a day will not achieve anything. Moreover, in adolescence

age, even regression is possible - even greater depletion of the body due to hard work without proper nutrition!

To avoid it and achieve real weight gain, a teenager needs to learn several principles of proper nutrition. Firstly, never leave your body without nutrition before and after training. If you go to the gym on an empty stomach, you force the body to use up old reserves to perform work with “iron”. As a result, everything acquired by back-breaking labor burns with a blue flame, and the arrow of the scale remains opposite the same modest numbers.

Before classes, it is recommended to consume “fast” carbohydrates, which give a boost of strength to the body. It is not for nothing that such sports nutrition is usually called energy drinks - its task is to spur you on to new sporting achievements without using up previously accumulated reserves. Among ordinary products, various porridges, such as Barrymore’s hated oatmeal or buckwheat, are excellent for their role.

Thus, we eliminated the waste of the body's reserves during classes in the gym. How to quickly gain the desired kilograms after exercise? Give building material to your muscles in the form of protein, more popularly known as protein! Eggs, meat, fish, poultry are the key to successful muscle growth. Moreover, it is very advisable to eat these foods in the interval from 0.5 to 1.5 hours after the end of the workout. The fact is that it is at this moment that the so-called “anabolic window” opens, when your body most urgently needs proteins. Without feeding it at this moment, it will be difficult to quickly recover and gain weight.

But not everyone has a fitness room within walking distance from their home. And many teenagers go to work or school after school, where proper nutrition is not always possible! And here guys, sports nutrition will come to your aid. One serving contains more protein and amino acids than 500 grams of lean meat. And most importantly, protein from a protein shake is absorbed much better by the body than from everyday food.

Just don’t replace a good diet with protein shakes! They do not contain dietary fiber and many different microelements consumed by the body with regular food. Use sports nutrition as an additional fuel for the body to quickly gain weight, and not as a substitute for everyday food.

How to gain weight: advice from nutritionist Svetlana Fus

  • The largest meal of the day is breakfast. Also, do not neglect the second, lighter breakfast. The first meal should not be immediately upon waking, eat within an hour after sleep
  • Do not eat raw foods on an empty stomach. It is useful to eat both vegetables and fruits in the morning, but the dishes should be heat-treated and warm.
  • If you are a coffee lover, then do not drink it on an empty stomach, but only half an hour after a nutritious breakfast
  • In winter, eat vegetables, fruits, and berries that you have frozen yourself or buy mixtures in the store, but only those that have been safely quickly frozen
  • Citrus fruits are the healthiest fruits in winter.
  • The last meal should be a couple of hours before going to bed, but not later. It is strictly forbidden to overeat at night
  • Keep a food diary where you record all the meals you eat. This will help you control your caloric intake and avoid unhealthy foods.
  • Do not wash down your food with water or tea. After eating, if you are very thirsty, take a few slow sips of plain warm water.

IMPORTANT: Svetlana Fus advises eating right not only during the period of weight loss or gain, but also not for a month or even a year. The nutritionist claims that only by adhering to proper nutrition throughout your life can you have a healthy and beautiful body at any age.

The Light diet is one of the best diets for teenagers

Light is a method of losing weight on water. Its essence is that you can eat whatever you want and without restrictions, but under one condition: if you drink a glass of clean, non-carbonated water every time before putting something in your mouth. Water will partially fill your stomach and give you a feeling of fullness. Therefore, after such a glass, your child will be able to eat less than without it. This means that as a teenager you will certainly begin to lose weight.

Making a teenage diet menu

The options below for creating a daily menu will help you create your own menu for a week or a longer period.


  1. One boiled egg, two toasts fried in olive oil, vegetable salad, green tea.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole topped with low-fat sour cream and honey, green tea, one medium-sized apple.
  3. 200 grams of oatmeal, fruit salad dressed with yogurt, cocoa.
  4. 200 grams of buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken fillet, a glass of orange juice.
  5. Stew of vegetables and lean meat, fruit juice.
  6. Semolina porridge cooked in water, orange juice.
  7. 100 grams of hard cheese, vegetable salad, green tea.


  • Your favorite fruit is best for a second breakfast; you can also make a sandwich from bread, cheese or lean ham. Such a snack will completely remove the feeling of hunger and help you last until lunch.


  1. Boiled chicken fillet, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, a small piece of bread and fruit juice.
  2. 200 grams of baked potatoes with spices, boiled fish, green tea;
  3. Barley porridge, pickled mushrooms, orange juice.
  4. Vegetable stew with veal, seaweed, fruit juice, steamed cutlets, buckwheat porridge, fruit juice.
  5. Vegetable soup, steamed chicken meatballs, 200 grams of buckwheat porridge, a glass of water.

Afternoon snack (snack)

  • It is best to use yogurt or kefir for an afternoon snack, but fruits and vegetables are also allowed.


  1. Steamed fish, vegetable salad as a side dish, chamomile tea.
  2. 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  3. Vegetable salad, 100 grams of ham, a glass of milk.
  4. Fruit salad dressed with yogurt, mint tea.

Before bed

  • You can drink a glass of kefir, or green tea with honey. Don't forget about water. A teenager should drink it in sufficient quantities, and then you can forget about skin problems.

Going to the gym is a must

Paradoxical as it may seem, it is impossible to “get fat” correctly without increased physical activity. Strength training is essential for muscle growth. The training program should be selected by a specialist in physical therapy or a qualified instructor. Teenagers are vulnerable due to their rapid growth, and if you start mindlessly loading yourself up, you can destroy your heart, ligaments and joints, even to the point of disability, in a matter of days.

You cannot force the process of weight gain. We'll have to be patient. The ideal rate of increase is about 500 grams per week. But it can be very difficult for people who are not inclined to be overweight to maintain such a pace, and even during a period of growth. Usually you can gain about 250 grams per week, which is a very good indicator. That is, to gain 10 kg weight, it will take about 40 weeks.

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Causes of underweight in teenagers

Intensive growth

The intense increase in height is most noticeable in boys aged 13 to 15 years. In just a few months, their height can increase by about 10 centimeters. In most cases, muscle mass does not have time to develop so quickly, so it may seem that the child has suddenly lost weight.

Decreased appetite

This happens often with children and teenagers. At first glance, the solution to the problem seems quite understandable, but there is no need to force the child to eat without finding out the cause of poor appetite. And this reason may be far from harmless. For example, appetite may decrease due to anxiety. Teenagers take things much closer to heart than adults. If your child is not eating well, talk to him - perhaps he really has some problems and you will be able to find out about them.

Stress and illness

As a result of stress and the emergence of various health problems, metabolism can be disrupted. Its violation leads to weight changes. This problem is not common for a teenager, and to solve it you need to see a doctor.

Physical activity

The cause of insufficient weight may be excessive physical activity. In this situation, you just need to change the child’s diet.

How to gain 5 kilograms of weight

Weight gain depends on the person who needs it. Today, there are many sets of exercises and options for mass-gaining diets. Only the lazy will not be able to choose the most optimal option for themselves and at the same time increase their volume and weight. The question “how to gain 5 kg of weight and what the result depends on” worries many guys.

The number of kilograms gained depends on the lifestyle a person leads, the intensity and correctness of the training process and, of course, compliance with diet rules. If you follow all the rules, it is quite possible to add 5 kilograms without harming your health in one month of regular training and proper nutrition. Muscle mass will increase in volume and add additional weight. Experienced trainers advise gradual weight gain. Having achieved the desired result, you must under no circumstances stop, but constantly maintain your body in good shape.

How to create a weight gain program and not fail

Gaining mass is a task that requires strict adherence to a plan. Think about your diet in advance (a week in advance). Make a menu, count calories, the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Buy the necessary products and make preparations.

Don't have enough time to prepare food every day? Do everything in advance and take it with you to work/school. Plastic containers and protein shake bottles won’t take up much space. Most importantly, don't forget to take breaks to have a snack.

You need to follow the plan in training too. Don't skip classes and gradually increase the load.

Be sure to monitor your progress and watch your calories. Between meals, count everything and write it down in a special diary.

Weigh yourself every week. Is your body weight increasing? This means you are doing everything right, follow the plan further. Is the weight staying the same? Try increasing the amount of calories you eat each day or adding meals that are higher in fat and carbohydrates.

Take pictures. Take pictures 1-2 times a month. An outside perspective will help you adequately assess progress.

Menu for every day to gain weight

To gain weight at home, consider the caloric content of food, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is recommended to increase the number of calories using protein foods:

  • eggs;
  • low-fat meat dishes;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese.

Foods rich in “slow” carbohydrates are also suitable:

  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • pasta made from durum wheat.

When planning your daily diet, try to follow these proportions:

  • 10-20% fat (about one gram per kilogram of weight);
  • 20-30% proteins (one and a half to two grams per kilogram of weight);
  • 45-60% carbohydrates (three to six grams per kilogram of weight).

Work on your lifestyle too. Specifically, schedule yourself to eat six to eight times a day. We offer an approximate diet for a thin man who wants to gain weight:

7:00 - breakfast. 150 g oatmeal cooked with milk and 20 g almonds. Priority is given to foods rich in slow carbohydrates.

10:00 - light snack. 100 g of buckwheat with fresh vegetables and boiled fish. You can also add carbohydrates, but at this stage you should give your body protein foods.

13:00 – lunch. Wheat porridge (140 g) and boiled fish/meat (100 g).

15:00 – another snack. Fresh vegetables, omelet with salad.

18:00 – dinner. Protein foods are preferred. 100 g of meat or fish, up to 100 g of porridge (wheat, buckwheat, rice).

21:00 – snack. Here you should avoid foods rich in carbohydrates. Boiled meat and a couple of eggs will do.

23:00 – night snack. It is recommended to eat protein foods a couple of hours before bedtime. A good option is 100-150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

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