Walking on stairs for weight loss: reviews, results, benefits and harms

What are the benefits of walking on stairs?

Walking on stairs helps improve well-being by:

  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increasing lung volume;
  • development of joints of the lower extremities.

Such physical activity has a fat-burning effect and improves muscle tone. So, walking up the stairs for weight loss helps:

  • increasing physical endurance;
  • development of the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks;
  • reduction of fat deposits;
  • fight against cellulite (through increased blood circulation in the lower extremities).

After 2-3 months of walking up and down stairs every day, your lung capacity increases by more than 8%, your waistline decreases by approximately 2%, and your cholesterol levels decrease by almost 4%.


I decided to regain my former volumes by walking up the stairs. We managed to do this after 10 days of intensive training. I trained in the park, not far from my house. At first it was difficult to do even 2-3 repetitions, but then the body got used to the load, and the process began.

The doctor advised me to take the stairs to strengthen my cardiovascular system. In addition to the fact that this exercise is good for health, it is also a great way to preserve your waistline. So, an hour of walking burns about 500 calories, which is equivalent to eating cutlets for lunch.

Muscles at work

Daily walking up the stairs is an alternative form of aerobic training, especially when it is not possible to exercise regularly.

When climbing stairs, the following muscle groups are involved :

  • knee straighteners;
  • hamstring biceps;
  • gluteus maximus muscles;
  • caviar.

For those who want to correct the shape of their calf muscles, it is recommended to climb flights of stairs on their toes.

A slow pace of lifting contributes to the strength load of the hamstrings, buttocks and calf muscles, and a fast pace (running) has a fat-burning effect. The endurance of the heart muscle is trained in both cases.

You can enhance the effect

  • dumbbells or water bottles (in hands);
  • weights (for legs);
  • weight in the backpack.

In addition to going up, don’t forget about going down the stairs. Of course, these movements are less energy intensive, but still effective.

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The influence of the stepper on the human body

A stepper is a very popular exercise machine that is used to pump up certain muscles of the body. This device is a good cardio machine that simulates climbing stairs. It is mainly used for the purpose of losing weight, but its benefits are not limited to this:

  • the heart and blood vessels are strengthened;
  • the respiratory system develops;
  • strengthens the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks;
  • excess weight is lost;
  • figure correction;
  • improved coordination;
  • stimulation of the metabolic process;
  • increasing immunity.

There are three types of stepper:

  • classic - imitates climbing stairs as accurately as possible;
  • balancing - additionally develops coordination of movements and strengthens the abdominal muscles; when moving, the center of gravity of the body shifts in different directions;
  • rotating - additionally loads the back, since when walking the body turns. This type with the maximum amount of load and works all the muscles of the body in 10 minutes.

Calorie consumption on a stepper

The number of calories burned depends on the intensity of the exercise. Approximate consumption is 500–600 kcal per hour. With a combination of exercise and proper nutrition, excess weight comes off quickly.

How to train correctly?

Walking stairs to lose weight, improve muscle tone and strengthen the heart muscle requires following a number of recommendations, especially for beginners:

  • climbing stairs must be done in comfortable shoes (for example, sneakers or sneakers);
  • watch your breathing, it should be deep and calm (to the best of your ability);
  • Before lifting, be sure to warm up your knee joints using rotational movements;
  • Keep your back straight all the time, remember that the maximum load should be concentrated on the leg muscles;
  • if you feel that your lungs are not getting enough oxygen, slow down, but don't stop.

You should start training with 10 minutes, increasing the volume to 40 minutes. If you live on the 8th-9th floor, then you only need to go up/down several times. You will feel noticeable weight loss after half an hour of walking on stairs every day. In one such approach (at least 30 minutes) you can lose 0.5-0.7 kg.

The staircases in a 9-story building consist of 200 steps (approximately). According to trainers, the effect of walking on stairs for weight loss is achieved by climbing more than 600 steps.

What to do if there are no stairs at hand that you can walk on every day? - The answer is simple - exercise on “walking” machines. One of them is a stepper. However, you don't have to go to the gym to exercise. Now there are many options for mini-steppers that are suitable for home workouts. In this case, walking up the stairs will be available to you 24/7. You can buy a mini-stepper at a good price HERE or CLICK THE PICTURE

There is another option for a mini-stepper. You can buy it at a good price HERE or CLICK THE PICTURE

Calculation of energy consumption when walking

To fully plan your workouts, you should learn to calculate energy costs for walking. The number of calories consumed depends on the following indicators:

  • distance traveled;
  • weight;
  • movement speed;
  • number of steps;
  • step length.

Coefficient x distance (km) x person's weight (kg) = number of calories (kcal)

(0.5 0.09*4)*2*90=154.8 kcal

Step length is the distance between the points of initial contact (the place where the supporting leg steps) of the legs when walking. You can calculate it using a pedometer:

  • Start the pedometer.
  • Walk 100 meters.
  • Divide 100 by the number of steps taken.

The average stride length of a normal-sized adult is:

  • 79 cm for men;
  • 66 cm for women.

((0.5 0.09*6)*0.81*8700*75)/1000=549.6 kcal.


Stair walking is suitable for all fitness levels and ages. But such training puts serious stress on the joints, especially the knees. Therefore, for those who have problems with their knees, training in this way can only be done after prior consultation with a doctor.

The following conditions are warning signs that it’s time to stop training or slow down:

  • tingling in the heart area;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • vascular spasms.

Flights of stairs are an effective simulator that is located behind the doors of your favorite apartment; all you have to do is open the door and go down/ascend not by elevator, but by steps. Are you attracted to walking up stairs? How often do you do this exercise?

We have been told about the benefits of physical activity since childhood: sport develops strength and endurance, shapes the figure and strengthens the spirit. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to exercise professionally, visit a gym or fitness center, simply walking up the stairs will help you get back into shape.

Advice from trainers and nutritionists during exercise

Trainers and nutritionists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • You cannot limit your fluid intake so as not to provoke a change in water balance. Pure, unadulterated water is best.
  • To maintain the required weight, you should be physically active (at least the amount of walking that prevails in everyday life).
  • Cardio exercises should be accompanied by a set of strength exercises. Such conditions promote flexibility and the development of good coordination of movements. In order to lose weight, it is necessary to perform complex training.
  • The daily diet should include all food groups: proteins, vegetable fats, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. It is important to focus more on fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not take fat burners that contain guarana and caffeine. Given the current level of stress, such drinks can lead to nervous disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
  • The shortest way to a slim figure is joint aerobic and strength exercises and a healthy diet.

If you want to exercise for the purpose of losing weight or strengthening muscles, 2 workouts per week is not enough. Only proper distribution of loads and a balanced diet will help achieve the desired result.

What are the benefits of walking up the stairs?

The staircase is a simulator that is accessible to everyone; you don’t have to pay to use it, it’s always under your feet and all you need to do is desire. As a result of methodical training, it is possible to:

  • Effectively lose excess weight without exhausting diets, since climbing stairs and subsequent descent burns more calories than, for example, running;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system, literally avoid stroke and heart attack;
  • Improve health and increase life expectancy;
  • Increase the vital capacity of the lungs and cope with diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Correct your figure, including problem areas (buttocks, thighs);
  • Strengthen the muscular frame of the back and abdomen.

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Calorie consumption calculation

Kind of activity:Time:Energy consumption:
Total:0 kcal

Metabolism cannot exist independently without consuming calories, and vice versa.
Metabolic processes that occur in the human body are directly related to the so-called energy exchange. The unit of energy is the calorie. Heart, respiratory system, liver and kidneys - these internal organs account for the greatest energy costs. They are not interrupted even at rest. Scientists have found that in one hour, every kilogram of the body burns 1 kcal, which in total gives us about 1800 kcal per day.

These figures are very ambiguous, as they depend on many components. To keep your body in good shape, consume the maximum possible amount of kilocalories - resort to active physical activities so that the muscle work is very intense. An online table and flow analyzer will help you calculate all the necessary data.

How to organize training

There are no uniform rules for walking up stairs. Each person must select the load individually, taking into account age, health status and the goal being pursued.

There are two main postulates that must be adhered to, guided, in the future, by the results achieved.

  1. Start small: the duration of the first workouts does not exceed 5 minutes, this means climbing the stairs to a height of 2-3 floors and descending. Gradually the load increases, reaching 20 minutes or more.
  2. Running or walking – the one who exercises chooses. Training should not cause discomfort. Shortness of breath indicates that the pace taken initially was too high. It is necessary to moderate the rhythm and reduce the load to a comfortable level. It is very important to monitor your breathing.

How many calories are burned while walking: formula and calculation example

walking up the stairs

To calculate how many calories are burned when climbing stairs to the 5th, 9th or 10th floor, you will need the following basic data:

  • Own body weight in kilograms (denoted by the letters “MT”);
  • The height of one step of the staircase in meters (in the formula it corresponds to the designation “BC”);
  • The number of steps on a flight of stairs between two adjacent floors (denoted by the abbreviation “KS”);
  • The number of floors in the house (briefly denoted “KE”).

Formula for calculating energy consumption (“RE”): RE=MT*10*VS*KS*(CE-0.5).

Attention! Subtract 0.5 from the number of floors. This is due to the fact that the flight of stairs to the first floor is 2 times shorter than from the first to the second, etc.

Using the above formula, you can calculate your calorie expenditure in joules. This unit of measurement is commonly used in physics. But human energy expenditure is usually measured in calories. To get energy consumption in calories, you need to divide the calculation result using the formula by 4.2, and in kilocalories, divide it by another 1000.

Calculation example

walking up the stairs

Let's calculate how many calories a person weighing 100 kg burns when climbing to the 9th floor on a staircase with a step height of 20 cm and 18 steps between two adjacent floors:

  1. Multiply the mass by 10. 100*10=1000.
  2. We multiply the resulting number by the height of the steps in meters (20 cm = 0.2 m). 1000*0.2=200.
  3. We multiply the resulting number by the number of steps between the two floors. 200*18=3600.
  4. Now we subtract 0.5 from the number of floors and multiply the result of the previous calculation by the resulting number. 9-0.5=8.5. 8.5*3600=30600. This is the amount of energy spent on lifting in joules.
  5. Let's convert it into calories. To do this, divide the result of the previous calculation by 4.2. 30600:4.2=7285 calories (approximately).

Since human energy consumption is calculated in kilocalories, we divide the resulting number by 1000. It turns out that while climbing to the 9th floor, a person weighing 100 kg spends approximately 7.3 kcal.

Is energy wasted during descent?

Once you reach the maximum floor, you will have to go back down. This also requires energy. But it is consumed 3 times less during descent than during ascent.

Example. Having climbed to the 9th floor and descended from it, a person weighing 100 kg spends approximately 10 kilocalories.

How many calories can you burn in one workout?

walking up the stairs

It all depends on the speed of movement on the stairs and the duration of the workout. Let's give 2 examples for the same person weighing 100 kg:

  • Slow walking. Suitable for untrained people. For example, going up to the 9th floor and coming down from it takes 3 minutes. This means that in 30 minutes there will be 10 ascents and descents. Then 100 kilocalories will be consumed in half an hour, and 200 in an hour.
  • Fast walking (almost running). Suitable for trained people with a strong cardiovascular system. For example, each descent and ascent takes 1 minute. Then in 30 minutes the person losing weight will rise and fall 30 times, and this is already 300 kilocalories, and in an hour – 600.

Be sure to read: Losing weight and improving your body health with cardio training

You can burn about the same amount of energy while jogging or jumping rope.

How many calories are burned when walking up the stairs?

To lose weight, you need to choose running or climbing stairs at an accelerated pace. The duration of the workout is at least half an hour, you can practice weighting (if we are not talking about a beginner) or walking over a step.

With a starting weight of 60 kg:

  • 75 kcal are burned in 5 minutes;
  • In 10 minutes – 150 kcal;
  • In 20 minutes – 300 kcal;
  • In 30 minutes – 450 kcal;
  • In 45 minutes – 675 kcal;
  • In 60 minutes – 900 kcal.

Walking quickly or running up and down uses different muscle groups.

What muscles work?

  • calf muscles;
  • knee straighteners;
  • hamstrings;
  • gluteal muscles.

What is more useful: going up or down the stairs?

Going down stairs is harder work on the muscles than going up. When working with weights, after 2-3 approaches the thigh muscles cannot be brought under control - this is a sure sign that the training is going correctly, but it’s time to end it.

During descent, muscle nuclei are activated, collagen fibers are formed, hips and buttocks acquire the desired shape and relief.

Types of Cardio Training

There are many sports for cardio training that have different effects on a person, and burning 500 kcal in 45 minutes of cardio training is quite possible. It is only necessary to load the body gradually in order to adapt it to new loads.

How many calories are burned when swimming?

Cardio is beneficial for the heart. Such training develops the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Note! Properly selected cardio load and intensity of exercise increases physical capabilities without harming the muscles.

Running is the simplest physical activity, but it is not suitable for everyone. It is necessary to take this sport seriously if you are overweight, have problem joints or have poor physical fitness. Running strengthens the legs, buttocks, abdominal muscles and intercostal muscles. During a jogging walk, your arms work, which contributes to the load on the biceps, triceps and broad back muscles.

Cycling will be an excellent exercise if you have poor physical fitness and are overweight. While riding, the main load goes to the quadriceps. The gluteal muscles, calf muscles and thighs do not remain unloaded.

Swimming is great for people who are overweight and have problem joints.

Swimming strengthens:

  • muscles of the legs, arms, back, abs;
  • joints and ligaments;
  • increases endurance;
  • has a positive effect on the respiratory system.

During swimming (crawl, breaststroke), oxygen is retained when inhaling, and exhalation occurs under water, in a dense environment. This workout increases lung capacity, which promotes deep breathing and good oxygen saturation.

Aerobics is the best form of cardio exercise for those who find it boring to workout alone at home. Aerobics includes: jumping, stretching, active walking and floor exercises.

Boxing guarantees a good cardio load. To avoid bruises, you can only exercise with a bag. By practicing punches, you can not only learn self-defense, but also have a positive effect on the heart.

Thus, cardio training helps you burn 500 calories in 45 minutes quite effectively.

What benefits does walking up stairs have for leg diseases?

How to treat flat feet by walking up stairs

Reviews of people who have cured flat feet with the help of therapeutic exercises indicate the benefits of walking on stairs.

To prevent and treat flat feet, you need to alternately stand on the step with one foot (the front part, so that the heel sag) and make 3-5 springing movements.

Walking up stairs during pregnancy

For women during pregnancy, if there is no threat of miscarriage, moderate physical activity is not prohibited. If a woman is in good physical shape, then she is able to determine her own norm of activities and wait for a child for 9 months.

If you have doubts about the advisability of exercise, it is better to consult a doctor.


  1. Before you start training, you need to warm up and warm up your muscles to avoid injury and damage.
  2. Shoes for training should be durable and comfortable, with practical non-slip soles.
  3. Outdoor activities will bring double benefits.
  4. It is not recommended to rest between ascent and descent.
  5. For pregnant women and older people, the recommendation is to hold on to the railing to avoid tripping and falling.
  6. After the first serious workout, your legs ache for a couple of days; this is a normal reaction of the body.
  7. For men and those who want to lose weight (regardless of gender), walking with weights is recommended.

If you experience knee pain while walking that does not go away even after you stop exercising, you should consult a doctor and postpone training. The situation is similar with a crunch in the knees: a physiological crunch is not dangerous, but you need to make sure that this is not a pathology

Burning calories during physical activity

Regardless of gender or age, the human body must receive the required portion of calories every day. The daily intake is individual for everyone and depends on physical activity. Young people are more active, while middle-aged people lead a more relaxed lifestyle. Also, a person with a sedentary job needs fewer calories, unlike an athlete.

Counting calories is the first step to losing excess weight. Knowing your individual daily requirement, you can calculate the required number of calories per day to start losing weight. You can calculate using a formula or a special online calculator.

The female body needs fewer calories than the male body. This is due to genetics. A woman needs about 2000 kcal per day. If you need to lose weight, subtract 10–20% (500 kcal) from your normal daily intake.

Men have a fast metabolism and tend to lose weight. The daily norm is about 2400 kcal. To lose weight, men and women need to consume 10-20% fewer calories.

Calorie table


  • leg and joint injuries;
  • severe scoliosis;
  • severe varicose veins;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart failure and other pathologies.

Along with walking up the stairs, it is recommended to review your diet, focusing on protein and fiber, give up bad habits, and observe a work-rest schedule.

It is possible to do fitness at home, but it often requires special equipment, which means extra costs. In addition, household members can interfere with doing exercises and concentrating properly, because it seems to them that you are not busy with anything. In addition, not all movements in an ordinary apartment can be performed so as not to disturb neighbors, especially people with very increased weight.

Just for such difficult cases, when home workouts are inconvenient, and going to the gym is unavailable for some reason, walking on stairs was invented for losing weight and pumping up the buttocks. Let's figure out what we're talking about, how to do such exercises correctly, what to consider, what advantages and contraindications you need to study first.

Harm and contraindications

It is worth consulting a doctor or it is better to abstain altogether for people with chronic diseases:

  1. Hypertension or any heart disease.
  2. Varicose veins and diseases of the vascular system.
  3. Blood diseases.
  4. Asthma and other respiratory problems.
  5. Diseases of joints and ligaments. People with problematic joints especially need to be careful when going down stairs, since during the descent a lot of stress is placed on the connective tissues of the knee joint.
  6. Women in late pregnancy should be careful when walking on stairs, as this can provoke premature labor.

Although if the baby has already stayed inside the mother and labor is delayed, this may help provoke it. My wife, for example, did just that, went up from the first to the ninth floor, probably ten times in a row. However, she did not feel the effect. It is important to understand that everything is individual and should be in moderation.


Walking and running up the stairs is the simplest and one of the most effective ways to lose weight. In addition to burning calories, this method of physical activity has a number of positive effects on the body:

  1. Calories are consumed no less actively than during jogging. Burning of the subcutaneous fat layer occurs both when climbing stairs and when descending.
  2. Regular exercise stimulates heart contractions and promotes active blood circulation, due to which people who regularly go up and down stairs are less likely to develop diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system.
  3. According to statistics, regularly walking up flights of stairs helps prolong life by up to 3 years.
  4. Physical activity improves the functioning of the respiratory system. The lungs develop, their volume increases, soft tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  5. The loads affect the leg muscles (the buttocks and calves are well toned) and the abdominal muscle corset, and due to the burning of fat cells in the subcutaneous layer, the muscles acquire a beautiful relief.

Restoring and accelerating blood circulation and improving breathing help saturate all internal organs with oxygen and nutrients. This has a positive effect on the functioning of organs and life support systems, and has a strengthening effect on the immune system and the central nervous system. Regular exercise on the stairs not only helps you lose weight, but also gets rid of such a bad habit as smoking.

Exercises on the stairs can cause some health complications if you do it incorrectly or have contraindications to this type of physical exercise. The harm of this type of training is as follows:

  1. The appearance of painful sensations in the heart muscle and joints of the lower extremities. The cause of pain is excessive physical activity. If you experience discomfort while running or walking up a flight of stairs, you need to slow down your training pace.
  2. Damage to the ankle occurs when you exercise incorrectly or choose the wrong shoes.
  3. Breathing problems, attacks of dizziness - the development of such side symptoms during exercise indicates that there are problems in the functioning of the heart muscle and a visit to a medical specialist is required.

Considering the likelihood of side symptoms and negative effects on the body, you should find out what contraindications there are for this type of activity:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • injuries to joints, muscles and tendons of the legs;
  • scoliosis;
  • the presence of viral infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduced visual acuity.

You cannot start training during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if you feel unwell, if your body temperature is elevated or there is a fever. Do not exercise if there are fresh injuries to muscles, tendons and joints.

Benefits of walking up the stairs: exercises for weight loss

Many trainers and doctors say that without physical education and regular exercise the body will lose shape. More and more people suffer from physical inactivity and obesity. This can cause serious harm to health. This type of aerobic, and at the same time anaerobic exercise, is available to almost everyone, with rare exceptions.

Physiological features

Walking up and down the stairs brings a lot of benefits, we will talk about this below, but first you need to figure out which muscles work when walking up the stairs.

  • With the correct exercise technique, joints develop and become more mobile.
  • The load is relieved from ligaments and joints. They are less susceptible to injury, as when running fast.
  • The foot, knee joints, calves - all of this takes part in climbing the stairs.
  • The biceps and quadriceps (quadriceps) muscles of the thighs, as well as the gluteus maximus muscle, which is responsible for the tightness of the butt, are constantly working during such exercises.

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With all this, excess body weight gradually disappears, blood pressure normalizes, often tormenting headaches simply disappear, and posture improves. Due to the intensive breathing mode, the lungs are developed and their volume increases. The stomach literally “melts” before our eyes with regular exercise.

How many calories are burned when walking up the stairs?

An exercise such as walking up the stairs, the benefits and harms of which we discuss, is especially useful for reducing excess body weight. By doing just 20-40 minutes a day, you can achieve stunning results in just one month. Even after a week you will already notice changes.

So how many extra calories can you leave behind on your chosen staircase? Research has been conducted on this matter. Scientists have found that in about one hour of intense exercise you can lose 500-800 calories. This roughly corresponds to seven to eight hundred grams of pure subcutaneous fat.

If you climb one step per second, you can lose approximately 0.15 calories per kilogram of total weight. Even when jogging on a straight road, much less is lost. Therefore, all obese people should definitely think about such activities. The greater the mass, the more is lost during ascent. With an average weight of seventy kilograms, approximately ten kilocalories are consumed per minute.

Nutrition for cardio training for weight loss

Cardio training is represented in many sports: cycling, swimming, jumping rope, brisk walking, aerobics, dancing, etc. Diet is an integral procedure that determines the effectiveness of exercise. If the exercises do not involve burning excess fat and body weight is within normal limits, then the diet does not involve serious restrictions. In this case, a normal healthy diet with a slight restriction of animal fats and light carbohydrates is sufficient.

Note! Cardio exercise awakens your appetite, and if you do not follow the diet, you can gain excess weight.

The diet during cardio training should include:

  • animal proteins (beef, chicken breast, milk, fish) in a ratio of 60–70% of the daily diet;
  • carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits) 20% of the daily value;
  • vegetable fat (nuts, vegetable oil) at least 30 grams per day.

Important information! Reducing the number of calories (by more than 20%) during cardio exercise can lead to muscle tissue degeneration.

Nutrition after cardio training to burn fat

To achieve the desired result, you must follow proper nutrition before and after training. The main principle of nutrition is:

  • carbohydrates - before training;
  • proteins - after training.

You cannot exercise on an empty stomach, but you should eat food 1.5–2 hours before training.

Nutrition after exercise is important. Eating is allowed after half an hour.

  • fast protein (whey protein, egg white);
  • an hour later - protein, complex carbohydrates, fats (40x40x20).

Walking goals: where to start and how to walk correctly

Not a single successful project today would be implemented if its author did not have clear, understandable, achievable goals. In sports the situation is exactly the same. First you need to correctly assess your capabilities, and then establish the reasons why you need to walk up the stairs.

Her Majesty motivation

The most common option would be weight loss. How to properly find the motivation to start playing sports and switch to a proper balanced diet, there are already materials on our website. Set the right guidelines for yourself, but you don’t need to demand the unrealistic from yourself. Otherwise, an activity that does not bring visible fruit will not bring joy. Then people just give up and freak out.

You shouldn’t get hung up on numbers, but you should set goals that are truly achievable. For example, you can simply set a limit of 3-5 kilograms per week and strive for it. You can help yourself with incentives, such as buying a new dress a size or two smaller, a newfangled gadget, and similar pleasant little things. Thoughts about a well-deserved reward will push you to action, constantly pushing you forward.

Walking on stairs for weight loss: rules of fitness training

Any sports activity should be started according to your level of training.

  • If there are health problems, then classes should be started with light loads. You should not conquer the ninth floor, like the top of Everest, with all your strength. Walk to the third, then you can walk to the fifth.
  • It is not prohibited to use the elevator. If it gets difficult, do it.
  • The walking pace should be increased slowly, gradually. You will always have to clearly control your feelings.
  • During weight loss exercises, training should be as intense as possible.
  • Check your pulse often, especially if it becomes difficult. It should stay within 140 or 150 strokes.
  • It is not advisable to stop at the top of the climb; it is better to descend first for the second approach. Below you can take a break for a few seconds.
  • You need to walk up the stairs so that your breathing is quite rapid, but not out of breath. Yes, you should talk calmly while driving.
  • You can move up at any speed; some acceleration is even welcome. It is better to go down slowly and measuredly. A fast pace of descent can put extra stress on your joints, which is not necessary.

For exercise, you need to choose comfortable running shoes of the appropriate size. This will prevent the possibility of slipping, increasing safety.

How to walk up the stairs to pump up your buttocks

In order for the butt to become beautiful, toned, and elastic, you need to provide weight to the muscles. For this, several dumbbells weighing two or three kilograms may be useful. For the most prepared, you can take four-kilogram weights.

  • To avoid injuring your knee joints, which often affects even professional athletes, warm them up thoroughly before training on the stairs. Stretching exercises or exercise on an exercise bike are great options.
  • Always choose non-slip shoes, otherwise training your buttocks can become a dangerous activity.
  • If the street version of steps is available to you, then it is better to start with it, and not with the stairs in the entrance. Outdoor exercise is always more beneficial, but simply avoiding the elevator will do.
  • Take small dumbbells in your hands for weights. At first it may seem that 1-3 kilograms is clearly not enough. However, by the third flight you will realize that the weight increases with each new step. There is no need to immediately tear yourself out of your tendons. Only after getting used to the low weight can you increase it.
  • When starting to lift, keep your arms with weights semi-relaxed and lowered along your body.
  • Just like when walking to lose weight, you should not give yourself rest at the top point of the ascent. That is, having set a “ceiling” for yourself, for example, the third or fifth floor, you need to turn around and go down. There you can take a break for a couple of seconds. The descent always seems easier, but the muscles work no less intensely. Therefore, it will be easier and faster to pump up your buttocks if you just rest below.
  • Your feelings should be an indicator of when it is time to stop exercising. When it becomes difficult to control your legs and hips, it’s time to call it a day.

After such exercises, painful sensations usually appear that do not go away for up to 2-3 days. This is quite normal, you can use warming ointments, do light exercises, and do exercises. Optimally intensive exercises for pumping the buttocks should be carried out only 2-3 times a week, alternating with regular lifts without weights; this will be quite enough to see the fruits of your labor in just two weeks.

How to walk up stairs correctly: common mistakes

It is very important to walk up the steps, following the correct technique, in order to completely eliminate even the possibility of injury. Clinging to the railing, pulling yourself up with your arms, bending your body to either side, or putting your head down or slouching is not a good idea. But there are other, quite typical mistakes for many that prevent you from pumping up your butt using a regular ladder.

  • You cannot take the walking pace too high from the start. If you can't stand it for twenty minutes, then it's too much for you. Just reduce the intensity, repeat again.
  • You will have to move smoothly, slowly transferring your weight to your supporting leg. You cannot “jump” on steps or jump over them, because your goal is not at all the fastest ascent.
  • As already mentioned, do not “crawl” along the railings, this will lead to the leveling of all your work. Such activities will not be of any use.
  • It is not recommended to chat while climbing. It’s even better to breathe through your nose, like when running.

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Wearing unsuitable shoes can result in injuries to the ankle and other parts of the body. Even if there are no special running shoes, it is better to choose something non-slip, for example, comfortable tennis shoes or bowling shoes.

How to walk up the stairs correctly?

Here are a few simple rules that will help you climb stairs correctly to protect yourself from injury.

  • In order for the load to be distributed not only to the quadriceps, but also to the gluteal muscle during lifting, you must keep your back straight, do not lean forward! Make sure that your foot is fully planted on the step; your knee should not extend too far beyond the line of your foot.
  • By leaning forward when lifting, you not only unnecessarily load the knee joint, but also limit the movement of the chest, preventing it from fully expanding and breathing deeply.

Walking up the stairs

You need to be even more careful during the descent; these movements are more traumatic than the ascent.

  • When descending, the angle of flexion in the knee joint is very important; in order for it to be correct, the foot should be directed forward and not to the side. If you place your foot at an angle, the knee will bend not forward, but as if inward, this can lead to serious injury to the meniscus and ligaments on the inside of the knee.

In general, if you follow simple rules, walking on stairs can seriously improve your health, increase physical activity and possibly even increase your life expectancy!

Living on the ninth floor, I myself have been walking for many years (maybe 10 years)! I can say from my own experience that over time this becomes a habit and, when entering the entrance, I no longer even have the thought of going to the elevator.

That's all for today, dear friends! Climb the stairs on foot because it is useful, simple and accessible!

Best regards, Evgeniy Kurashov.

Walking and running up the stairs replace fitness and a number of other types of physical activity, far exceeding their effectiveness in the process of losing excess weight. But you can get a positive result from such activities only if you do it correctly. Incorrect running or walking technique on a flight of stairs will not only not help you lose weight, but can also provoke the development of negative consequences.

The frequency and duration of the exercise is selected individually. It is important to understand that the more excess weight you have, the harder the load will be to bear, so you need to start at a slow pace. The technique for performing the exercise correctly is simple:

  1. The starting position is to stand in front of the flight of stairs. You need to start with your right leg, lifting it and placing it on the first step, while extending your hip as much as possible. Then place your left foot. You need to walk in the same way as you usually climb stairs. There is no need to try to over-stress the muscles, this will lead to their rapid fatigue and the workout will not last for a long time.
  2. Hands should not touch the railing. The stomach should be tucked in, the back and neck should be straight, the torso should be static, do not bend forward, look forward, and raise the chin. Squeeze your shoulder blades and bend your arms slightly at the elbows, as when running. The technique of positioning the legs during exercise is to bend the knee at an angle of 90°, transferring the body weight to the toe.

Classes on stairs should be carried out in comfortable shoes and clothing. It is better to wear sneakers on your feet. Ill-fitting shoes can cause injury.

Those people who are starting such exercises on the stairs for the first time or have the problem of being overweight should train for 10 to 20 minutes, no more. It is recommended to take breaks between sets for a few seconds to assess your condition. If pain or discomfort occurs, the workout should be interrupted.

The recommended number of approaches for beginners is 2, up the stairs from the 1st to the 3rd floor. If a person is already experienced in this type of load, the number of approaches should be increased to 8, the duration of the lesson to 40 minutes. To enhance the effect and effectiveness, it is recommended to use leg weights and take dumbbells in your hands.

When walking up the stairs, you need to monitor your breathing. Inhalation must be done through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. If you breathe incorrectly, shortness of breath, fatigue, and possible pain in the heart muscle will quickly appear.


Exercising on “cold” muscles is strictly prohibited. Before you start running or walking, you need to do a warm-up so that your muscles are warmed up, your body is prepared for physical activity, and your breathing improves.


Preparing to walk or run on stairs involves warming up to develop your joints. The simplest exercises will help with this - swinging your legs in different directions, shallow squats, jumping. You should not overdo the warm-up, otherwise you will quickly feel tired.

The average warm-up duration is from 2 to 5 minutes. But you need to evaluate your condition, because someone may need a more intense and longer warm-up part. After the introductory part, you definitely need to stretch to get your muscles in order.

Working out on steps for the purpose of losing weight always starts with light movements without putting a lot of strain on the muscles. The first lesson is a leisurely climb up to the 3rd floor, a slow descent, a short break, repeat. The main principle is a gradual increase in load.

The principle of exercising on the stairs is not to harm yourself. If your health has worsened, pain has appeared, or there is a pounding in your temples due to increased blood pressure, you should stop training and try to resume training the next day, but at a slow pace.


Some people who decide to get rid of excess weight by doing stairs complain that training is impossible for them due to the rapid deterioration of their condition. If there are no contraindications to this type of exercise, deterioration in general condition and the absence of a positive result over a long period of time may be associated with incorrect execution technique.

Common mistakes made while practicing on the steps:

  1. Constant support for the railing. Arms should be bent at the elbows, but not rest on the railing. Due to excessive support, part of the body weight is transferred to the upper limb, and accordingly, there will be no positive result for the legs.
  2. Immediately set a fast pace at the beginning of the workout. It is important to gradually increase the load, otherwise fatigue will quickly set in and there will be no effectiveness from the exercise.
  3. Transferring the entire body onto the socks. Yes, you need to focus on your toes, but do not lift your heels too high from the floor.
  4. Breathing through your mouth is a typical mistake of all people who exercise on the stairs for the purpose of losing weight. You need to breathe through your nose or (if the pace is fast) inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  5. Lack of warm-up - as a result, after exercise there is pain and aches in the joints and muscles.
  6. Bend your torso forward - your back should be straight with your shoulder blades pulled together as much as possible.

Running up the stairs

It is important to be in the correct body position while running up the stairs. The body must be straight. Yes, when running he will reflexively lean forward. To maintain the correct position, you need to keep your shoulder blades closed on your back and your neck straight.

Various training programs

You can experiment, complicate, and make your exercises on the stairs more difficult ad infinitum. The main thing is not to jump from stage to stage, so as not to get injured. To do this, it doesn’t hurt to correctly evaluate your own preparation and act accordingly.

For newbies

Those who have just started walking up flights of stairs should not immediately overload their body. You can take as many weights with you as possible, and it is better to make sure that they have a minimum weight (1-2 kilograms). It is also not necessary to pull dumbbells in your hands. You can simply put them in a backpack and put it on your shoulders. If you don't have dumbbells, plastic bottles filled with water or sand will help.

  • For 7-14 days you need to adhere to a reduced pace of classes. The total training time should be no more than 10-20 minutes.
  • Over the next two weeks, the pace can be slightly increased. For example, you can first practice running for five minutes, and then continue walking for another 10-15 minutes.

This is quite enough to get involved and get used to the new loads. After a month, you can make your training more intense to consolidate the results and improve your performance.

For athletes

After about a month of classes at the initial level, “creativity” can be included in the classes. That is, light physical exercise is added to the usual steps. Don't forget that before the first difficult lesson, a good warm-up won't hurt. Two or three flights of stairs will be a good basis for future training.

  • Jumping (both up and down).
  • Running up the stairs (without skipping steps).
  • Lifting on tiptoes or heels.
  • Long, elongated steps every 2-3 steps.
  • Raises on arms and legs.
  • Cross lifts.

All these exercises can be done as a complex during each workout, performing only 2-3 approaches. But it’s better to make a plan from the beginning and add them to the list. In this case, it would be best to perform cycles 3-5 times in a row, resting at the bottom to restore breathing.

For advanced

A well-developed physically person can withstand much heavier loads than a beginner or even someone who has been practicing for some time. Therefore, their level must be appropriate for the classes to produce results. First, do your usual warm-up or go up and down two or three flights.

  • Run up the steps for 1-2 minutes.
  • Jumping from a squat towards the top.
  • Straight and reverse push-ups on steps.
  • Uneven-high side squats.

Any cycle must be repeated 3-5 times to achieve the effect of the exercises. If this doesn’t seem enough to you, then you can increase the load by adding additional cycles-approaches.

Simulators that simulate walking up stairs: what to look for

Today the market offers hundreds of different exercise machines. For example, comfortable steppers can be an excellent alternative to steps. This is usually a good solution at home. It comes with instructions and makes it easy to set the load level. These are cardio machines that simulate a person climbing stairs. During exercise, the same muscles are involved, so you can pump up your buttocks, lose excess weight, make your legs and butt more beautiful and sculpted.

  • There are two main classes of steppers: standard size and mini version. Everything will depend on your preferences and capabilities. The second option is much cheaper and more compact in size.
  • Classic exercise machines are chosen by those who want to accurately simulate climbing stairs.
  • Balance steppers are more complex, and their platform moves, forcing the athlete to maintain balance. Therefore, many more muscle groups work, for example, the back and abdominal muscles are connected.
  • Rotating devices allow you to train not only your legs, hips, buttocks, but also your back muscle corset.

There are many different design differences between exercise machines. For example, there are three main types: folding, professional, autonomous. They can be electrical or mechanical, or they can be portable, that is, powered by batteries. The most popular, widespread models create loads using hydraulics or pneumatics.

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