Runic becoming to quickly recover after work: how it works

≡ December 1, 2020 Category: In the gym

In almost any sport there are loads without which it is impossible to obtain a highly effective result. And this is endurance training, which allows, in addition to the general improvement of the athlete’s physical fitness, to increase his endurance coefficient, that is, the ability to withstand loads for a long period of time. And there are special exercises that allow you to succeed in this. We will tell you about them today.

By the concept of endurance training, many people mean performing special exercises during which predominantly red muscle fibers are used. They, unlike white ones, are not as strong, however, they are able to withstand the load for a longer period of time, which is what is emphasized during this type of training.

Runic becoming “Getting yourself in order” - recovery after cleansing

Section on the site:

From the author: Runic becoming for putting yourself in order after cleansing. Human energy bodies are conventionally divided into eight subtle bodies:

1. physical (biological shell) 2. etheric (vital) 3. astral (emotional) 4. mental (body of thought) 5. causal (karmic) 6. buddhic (intuitive) 7. atmic (atma) 8. keteric (body of the Absolute )

To put ourselves in order after cleansing, we need to influence the first four bodies, therefore: 4 Inguza - restoration of bodies (astral, mental, etheric and physical) Soul - will give energy for restoration to all four bodies Dagaz - transition from malaise and exhaustion to normal well-being, phone update

Placed: You need to find out through diagnostics whether this position is suitable for you. If it suits you, it is applied to the body with a marker, drawn on a photograph, paper with your full name, and an amulet is made. You need to ask the runes (danet) which is best.

Disclaimers : Decide by diagnostics whose strength you are using. You can bet on personal strength or on the strength of God Odin (other Gods). If we rely on personal strength, then we don’t bring anything anywhere. If we have the power of the Gods, then we select any suitable offering to the Gods, with words of gratitude.

Approximate clause: This runic stave restores the energy of the full name (after cleansing or something else), including its physical, etheric, astral, mental bodies and other bodies, program and energy centers that need restoration and harmonization. This runic pattern works without harm to the physical and energetic health of the full name. This runic stave works on personal power (or the Power of God Odin, or another God). I activate this runic form with my breath. So be it, so be it!

Responsibility : When placing a runic sign, you must know about diagnostics and safety measures; you yourself take responsibility for the process and reservation.

How to train?

Each principle must be trained separately, with an understanding of the specifics of the training.

Residual ATP

, or rather its quantity in the cells, is not trained at all. It can be increased by adding physical activity to the rhythm of life. The more and more often a person moves, the greater the supply of ATP in the cells. Just give yourself varied, albeit not heavy, loads more and more often.

Aerobic oxygen regime

Trains with long ( 60-90 minutes
) and low-impact workouts. Slow but long running, cycling, walking. Such training restores the body well and cleanses it of excess lactate, which is formed as a result of anaerobic training.

Anaerobic mode

. It is trained by repeating short-duration and intense loads with recovery between repetitions so that the next repetition turns on the anaerobic mode of cell nutrition, and not the aerobic one. Between such workouts, you should take breaks sufficient to restore and utilize lactate in the muscles. Usually, three days are enough for recovery, but the duration of recovery depends on the person’s condition and the format of recovery - aerobic training helps to recover.

Becoming “VOPOCHI – Recovery after cleaning 1, 2 and 3” from Gray Angel

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Becoming “VOPOCHI – Recovery after cleaning 1, 2 and 3” from Gray Angel

by Gray Angel on Sat 17 Jun – 17:34

To restore after cleansing, “classic three-runs” are often used, but this is not always enough, and sometimes it is necessary to add such staves as Semisvet, Potion, and so on in order to restore potential, abilities, and the healthy flow of energies separately. Therefore, we needed a position that, after cleansing, would immediately restore physics, energy, healthy circulation of energies, energy centers, any abilities and mental levels, that is, restore what is given in a healthy person and needs to be regenerated again into a healthy state. And at the same time, so that this becoming does not make complex personality transformations, but is precisely healing.

And so three variants of the stave appeared: for children, for ordinary people and for those in charge


Ingwaz – restoration of the operator’s physical body and energy, provides an accumulation of the healing effect of the stave, the longer it stands, the stronger the result; Algiz – Divine protection from negative health effects; Sol (central internal) - the fire of the sun, a shining circle of protection of the personal subjective world of the operator, that is, the basis of personality, in which: Ansuz - As divine wisdom, gives restoration and strengthening of mental levels and abilities, clairvoyance, clair-awareness; Perthro – through the internal forces of the body and control centers, restores any natural and acquired abilities; Uruz + Berkano – Gives restoration of the masculine and feminine principles in the operator and healthy circulation of these energies and forces; Sol (central outer circle) - the fire of the sun, a shining circle of protection of the objective world of the operator, that is, the entire personality with the energy field (subtle bodies, aura) as a whole, in which there is already: Laguz - restoration of any healthy channels and flows of energy of the operator Raidho - activation and restoration of the movement of all healthy energies in the operator and the work of energy centers. Kenaz - restores and nourishes healthy vital energy both in the body and in the energy field. Madr – restoration of the personality and spirit of the mighty, full of strength and health. Sol – (on Algiz) – soft solar energy for feeding the staff and operator during treatment.

Disclaimer: “DRS with the power of these runes, from the moment of activation, actively heals and restores a healthy physical body, spirit, energy (biofield), all subtle bodies and heals energy breakdowns, restores any healthy channels and flows and harmonizes the circulation of healthy vital energies and natural energy exchange and healthy functioning of energy centers and chakras, and also harmonizes the masculine and feminine principles in the operator, the healthy spirit of the individual and restores and strengthens mental levels and abilities and any other natural and acquired abilities. It acts without harm to physical and psychosomatic health, with ease and comfort for the operator. Let it be so! And so it is!”

This stave was also used as a restorative, applied to the hand, in the photo, and also for night restoration, as an amulet near the bed, then it must be renewed before going to bed. Although someone even hung it on the headboard))

For the benefit of!

And we remind you that different healing practices may be appropriate in different situations. Therefore, let us remind you that there are also “classic healing three-runs”: And also other staves for recovery after purges among graduates: And from our good authors:

Last edited by: Gray Angel (Wed 2 May – 20:54), edited 3 times in total

-Are you good or evil? -Neither one nor the other. We are on the side of the people. we just give. And we maintain peace and balance on earth. between Light and Dark.

General and specific physical training of dancers

There are general and special physical training. You probably know everything about general (GPP): these are physical abilities that are not specific to ballroom dancing, but are necessary for successful sports activities.

What does physical training give to a dancer?

· Increases (and maintains) the overall level of functional capabilities of the body.

· Develops all basic physical qualities - strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility.

· Eliminates deficiencies in physical development (defects in posture, for example).

General physical training is the basis for the so-called special physical training (SPP).

Why is SFP needed?

· Develops the physical qualities necessary for SBT and the ability to demonstrate them in competition conditions.

· Increases the functional capabilities of the body, taking into account the specifics of SBT.

For general physical training, exercises that have a general impact are used to a greater extent, while for physical physical training, strictly targeted exercises are used. With age and increasing skill, the number of exercises for general physical training decreases, and for physical training, it increases. General physical training products are also used at the unloading stage of training and for active rest after a hard workout.

To properly plan training for general physical fitness and physical fitness, we take into account the specifics of SBT: in terms of the duration of physical activity, SBT is closest to middle-distance running, namely 800 m. In middle-distance running, the maximum efficiency of all movements with minimal energy consumption and naturalness of movement is very important, which necessary in SBT. Both sports require a quick start and maintenance of maximum power for about a minute and a half. At the same time, SBT differs significantly from other sports in the wide variety of movements and complex technique of their execution, as well as rapid transitions from smooth, calm movements to fast and explosive ones.

General physical training and physical training help dancers achieve greater efficiency and resistance to fatigue. The training includes exercises aimed at developing: - strength - endurance - speed - coordination - flexibility.

Today we’ll talk about how to train endurance.

Runic becoming to quickly recover after work

The only thing most of us want to do after finishing the working day is crawl to bed and finally go to bed. Sometimes there is no energy left for anything else: neither for cleaning, nor for communicating with loved ones, nor for meeting with friends, nor for a favorite hobby. We are surprised how some people manage to play sports every weekday evening, attend entertainment events, and put their house in order. Do they have a built-in energy battery? If you are one of the first, you definitely need to try runic training to quickly recover after work.

In what situations are quick recovery bets useful?

In absolutely any, if you are very tired during the working day and come home like a squeezed lemon. Such formulas help our body replenish energy reserves spent during the day, so after using them you will not only get rid of annoying fatigue, but you will also be able to go on a visit, to a party, do cleaning, go shopping and cook a delicious dinner, visit the gym and Moreover, you will do it with great pleasure. Intrigued? Then it’s time to get acquainted with the best and most effective runic formulas for restoring strength.

Runic form “Battery” from an author named Serb

This simple runic system, in order to quickly recover after work, contains only two runes: Perth, which is repeated four times along the perimeter of the ligature, and Soulu. Perth heals a person on an internal level, returning lost energy to him, which in the formula is symbolized by the Soulu rune.

You can apply it directly to yourself after a hard day at work to feel a boost of energy. We activate it in any way, but preferably with breathing. It’s better to talk about it in its entirety.

Runic becoming “Charging” by an unknown author

A simple but powerful formula consisting of only two runes - Soulu and Yera. The first is responsible for a person’s energy potential and his creative energy, and Yera makes the supply of energy constant, doses it so that it is evenly distributed throughout the entire waking period, and is not spent exclusively on work.

This formula can be worn as a talisman by drawing it, for example, on a pebble that you will always carry with you, on a pendant or some other thing. If you don’t like to use amulets or constantly forget about them, leaving them at home, then draw the script directly on the wrist of your left hand and update it as you erase it. It is better to activate by breathing. To stipulate part by piece or in whole does not matter.

Runic formula “Rocket” from runologist Arkadiya

And this is a more complex runic pattern in order to quickly recover after work. It acts as a constant energy booster - you can go to bed late, sleep only a couple of hours, and feel rested and invigorated in the morning. At the same time, you will feel focused during the working day, and after it ends, you will be happy to do your personal affairs. It is also recommended to use the formula during the session for students, while loading at work, before important meetings and events.

Runes included in the ligature

  • Teyvaz “breaks through the ceiling”, i.e. reveals the limits of your capabilities
  • Vunyo gives you an upbeat feeling from reaching this new level and discovering new opportunities.
  • Fehu is responsible for material return - what you get as a result of your active work
  • Turisaz opens new doors, opportunities, exits (if your situation is deadlock)
  • Uruz gives vitality and energy in order to get everything done and not feel tired

It is best to apply stav on some object that you carry with you constantly, or at least on a piece of paper, but not on yourself. Runes in ligature are very powerful, so it is better to avoid drawing staves on your own skin. If we use a talisman with the “Rocket”, we can simply put it aside on those days when we do not need an increased supply of energy.

Becoming "Endurance" from Sam

This formula is ideal for people engaged in hard work, when after work fatigue is felt not emotionally, but rather physically: muscles and back ache, legs tingle, pain appears in other parts of the body.

Working symbols

  • Algiz-Soulu ligament protects human health
  • Mannaz symbolizes the connection between a person and his body
  • Uruz gives stamina, thanks to which the worker gets tired less and does not feel a loss of strength
  • Isa freezes any pain that appears during work

You can apply it directly to your own body or an amulet that is always with you. We negotiate the runic formula, activate the runic formula in any way.

Mylene Maelinhon Squeezed Lemon Formula

This runic pattern, in order to quickly recover after work, was called “Squeezed Lemon” for a reason. It will really recharge you with energy, give you strength and vigor, if you feel like a famous citrus from which all the juices have been squeezed.

Work runes

  • Four Uruz give a person strength in any area (we specify which one: physical strength, mental, emotional, etc.)
  • The Laguz-Perth couple washes away all the fatigue accumulated during a hard day and eliminates the resulting negativity
  • Rune Salt cures all unpleasant consequences, for example, heaviness in the legs, headaches
  • Teyvaz-Algiz combination - gives a person a boost of energy and a feeling as if he had just rested

When turning to the magic of ancient symbols, always remember that any energy boost should only be temporary and not a permanent measure. You shouldn’t overuse such “restorative” formulas; it’s enough to use them only from time to time: when there’s a rush at work, when you’re returning to work after an illness and still can’t work at full capacity, when there’s an important event ahead and you don’t have any strength to visit it. Increasing energy when you already have enough of it is dangerous, don’t forget about it.

How and what do muscles eat?

Muscles, to put it simply and clearly, are powered by one single substance in the process of performing work - ATP.

(Adenosine triphosphate or Adenosine triphosphoric acid).
Cells always have a supply of ATP, which is constantly consumed and replenished. It exists to provide everyday human functionality. Even without physical sports activity, our muscles constantly work and consume ATP: the heart beats, the arms and legs move - a simple finger movement is the work of the muscles and the consumption of ATP by the cells. The ATP reserve is designed for average human performance indicators - for the rhythm of life that is characteristic of a particular person
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the supply of ATP in the cells will be correspondingly small, but sufficient for the current rhythm of life. As soon as we give the body a sports load, the muscles need more ATP and the reserve that is in the cells quickly runs out. Usually, on average, the ATP reserve is enough for 3-5 seconds of load. Next, the body needs to get ATP from somewhere to power the muscles, and it produces it with the help of creatine phosphate
This power supply lasts for a few more seconds. After which the body turns on the most powerful source of nutrition - glycolysis
During the first 2-5 minutes of exercise, glycolysis occurs in anaerobic mode without the active use of oxygen, but with the active release of lactic acid (lactate)
, which heavily clogs the muscles.
After 5 minutes, fatty acids
The aerobic regime
begins to provide nutrition to cells with high oxygen consumption. The body begins to restore reserves of ATP, creatine phosphate and dissolve lactic acid.

It’s easy to guess that to improve physical capabilities we need to develop all components of the cell nutrition process. This is the only way to significantly improve your physical fitness.

Runic becoming to quickly recover after work


The frantic pace of modern life makes us feel constantly tired. How often do we crawl home from work, literally falling off our feet! Sometimes you don’t have enough strength to cook dinner, or to fully communicate with your family, or to engage in your favorite hobby. In such cases, a runic pattern will help replenish the body’s energy reserves in order to quickly recover after work. We will introduce you to examples of several such formulas today. All formulas are specified for energy replenishment and are activated in any way convenient for you.

Runic becoming “Solar battery” from Sinilga

This formula helps a person fill the body with energy from sunlight. Becoming works while walking or being under the sun, even if it is just shining through your window. Draw runes on yourself:

  • Uruz - strength, endurance
  • Soulu - solar energy
  • Nautiz - forced acquisition of physical and magical strength from sunlight
  • Yera - constant action of stav
  • Raido and Kenaz of the second plan - illuminate the path of energy from the sun to man

Runic formula “Rocket” from Arkadiya

Runic becoming, in order to quickly recover after work, from the author Arkadiya, gives a person a powerful energy recharge. It can be used before important tasks, exams, or when there are a lot of things to do and you feel too tired to do it. We draw runes on paper, a wooden block and any other object - you should not apply it to yourself, since the formula is very strong.

  • Teyvaz - provides instant, strong recharging of the body
  • Vunyo - gives joy from a new state and new opportunities
  • Fehu - is responsible for receiving the benefits for which you started this recharge
  • Turisaz - opens up new paths and opportunities
  • Uruz - gives vitality, which is enough to complete many tasks

Becoming "Endurance" from Sam

This formula from runologist Sam is suitable for those people who do physical work, since the runes in the ligature relieve muscle pain and body fatigue, and also give strength and endurance. You can use the stand for work in the country, in the garden, or when you have to do something heavy, for example, carry furniture.

  • The Algiz-Soulu connection is a “solar shield” that protects a person, connecting tribal patrons and Higher Powers to this process
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the person who is affected by becoming
  • Uruz - gives him endurance, does not allow him to get too tired
  • Isa - freezes for the whole day all unpleasant symptoms that usually appear during hard work (muscle pain, fatigue)

Mylene Maelinhon Squeezed Lemon Formula

The name of this runic stave to quickly recover after work speaks for itself. If you feel like a squeezed lemon after a working day, try applying these runes.

  • Four Uruz - increase all the forces of the body (physical, mental)
  • Laguz + Perth - washes away all the fatigue accumulated during the day, renews the body at the energy level
  • Salt - treats unpleasant symptoms of fatigue (migraines, leg pain, etc.)
  • Teyvaz + Algiz - gives a person good spirits and a feeling as if he had a rest

Important! As part of the formula, four Uruz are very strong symbols, so people with weak energy are not recommended to use the formula - a side effect can be expressed by the desire to sharply throw out negativity on others.

Runic stave “Charging” from Merlin Maximoff

And finally, we’ll give you another restorative drink, the effect of which is reminiscent of drinking an energy drink. In the runescript there are two Uruz with two Soulu, allowing a person to restore strength in the shortest possible time, fill the body with energy and return to a state of full efficiency.

When using any formula from this article, remember that you cannot wear such staves all the time. Energy replenishment is good only in moderation, so use these runic ligatures only when absolutely necessary. The rest of the time, do not forget to fully rest, eat right and, if possible, not overload yourself with unbearable loads - then everything will be in perfect health and everything will be in perfect order.

Endurance training and its benefits

  1. Endurance training improves muscle blood flow;
  2. Lead to a decrease in blood pressure at rest;
  3. Resting heart rate decreases;
  4. The body's recovery abilities proceed faster after any physical activity;
  5. Blood viscosity decreases, which leads to better blood circulation;
  6. At rest, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, which increases energy expenditure and promotes more efficient fat burning.

Endurance is a base that needs to be developed no matter what sport you play, since the absence or decrease in endurance leads to a decrease in muscle strength. Concentration, decreased reaction, speed, mobility.

Those who do not develop endurance consciously slow down their development and their limits in the sporting direction in which they are engaged. Incorporate endurance exercises into your workouts and you will be a double winner!

Exercises to develop endurance

Now that I know what endurance is and the benefits it brings to a person's life, I move on to exercises to develop endurance. And the very first thing that comes to my mind is running. Perhaps one of the most accessible exercises you can have! Remember the article, Top 6 physical exercises, running was included in this top six.

I talked about the benefits of running and its effect on the body in the same article. Today, it would be appropriate to tell you my running pattern. I try to do this exercise 1-3 times a week, I train outdoors. I don’t like artificial simulators, I need emotions!

Running for endurance

I always try to run different distances, at different speeds. With your own body weight or with weights on your legs. Such an integrated, versatile approach forces my body to constantly adapt to a new, unusual load.

For example, on Monday I run 3 kilometers at a fast pace. On Thursday, 5 kilometers at a pace slightly below average, with weights on the legs (2.5 kilograms on each leg). On Sunday it’s a mini-cross of 6–8 kilometers, without straining, a little faster than jogging.

There is no way to run, a jump rope will come to your rescue. Its advantage is that it takes up very little space. It weighs nothing and requires minimal space for training. The best part is that you can tire yourself out by jumping rope in just one or two minutes! But the task is not to deprive yourself of strength as quickly as possible, but to develop the ability to overcome, endure, endure the load. Therefore, as in running, you can alternate the intensity of rotation of the rope and, accordingly, the frequency of jumps performed per unit of time.

Jump on two legs, on one. Change the position of your feet and the speed of rotation of the rope (make your hands work). The most experienced can practice double jumps! Vary the timing of the exercise. Today you jump 2 - 3 rounds of 10 - 15 minutes at an easy pace. Tomorrow 6 – 8 rounds of 30 – 60 seconds at almost maximum speeds!

It all depends on you, if you wish. And there is always a way to develop endurance and choose exercises to develop endurance, there are a lot of options.

For patching and restoring the energy field (c)RTL

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Share101-09-2015 16:22:24

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Often after cleansing a person feels exhausted; his field looks like the ground from which a weed has been torn out with its roots. The castings are far from rounded; sometimes they are tousled, uneven configurations, which can be mistaken for damage, although the negative itself has already been removed. In such cases, “medicines” are needed to heal the “wounds” remaining from damage on the subtle plane. To do this, I recommend using the following formulas. I recommend it because I use it in practice myself. These formulas are not my authorship, I am simply a user confirming their effectiveness. Wear it on a patch near your left wrist or apply it to a photo.

1. Kenaz-Perthro-Ingwaz Healing runes. Processes of healing, treatment. This is a kind of regeneration, accelerating the healing of wounds at a subtle level.

2. Kenaz-Uruz-Ingwaz The formula improves immunity, gives stamina, restores strength and energy.

3. Pain relief. Algiz-Laguz-Perhtro-Ingwaz. Acts as a pain reliever and removes the effect of feeling unwell.

4.Isa-Perthro-Uruz Protects a person from various types of viral infections to which the body, weakened after cleansing, is susceptible.

5. Replenishing the energy balance Uruz-Ingwaz-Berkano Gives additional strength, helps to avoid depression associated with lack of energy and general weakness.

6. Rush of strength Dagaz-Ingwaz A short-term rise in energy, a safe breakthrough from the area of ​​energy deficiency.

Share201-09-2015 16:22:44

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I always use the formulas after cleansing, they work great. They give me energy and strength.

Share302-09-2015 09:09:14

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I will share my method of recovery after cleansing, or after serious magical intervention. Has already been used many times. (The effect of mirroring is present!)

Author: Richard & Ravenhan

Runes in the stave: Salt - energy for patching gaps in the aura. Berkano – healing energy. Algiz – protection and development of natural protection

Restoration of the aura and shell. Development of natural protection.

After applying the stave, everything turns completely upside down, there is a surge of strength, cheerfulness and feelings as if an Angel hugged you.

Share402-09-2015 13:12:02

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Formula for gaining strength in sleep:

EVAZ-SOUL-LAGUZ-URUZ-LAGUZ-SOUL-YERA Please do not throw slippers at me, a situation simply arose that needed to be quickly resolved by drawing up the necessary formula, therefore all the meanings of the runes are purely based on intuitive sensations.

Recommendation: Draw from the center 6-4-2-1-3-5-7 on the left hand. Activation upon request. I'm all breathing. (No picture) I applied it in a line.

Uruz is the result we want to achieve, energy and strength like a bull. Soul is the energy that flows into a person through the means of Laguz Evaz - well, I don’t know, but for some reason I designated it specifically the state of sleep. Yera – accumulates this energy in a person.

Authors: T-montana and Espe.

Application experience:

Yesterday I put it under my pillow at night and in the morning I’m in excellent condition (this hasn’t happened for a long time), I’m gaining strength for magical work. Otherwise she survived like a lemon. I will take three days for full recovery.

Share502-09-2015 14:31:35

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I always use the formulas after cleansing, they work great. They give me energy and strength.

I use them too. Good ones.

Runes in the stave: Salt - energy for patching gaps in the aura. Berkano – healing energy. Algiz – protection and development of natural protection

didn’t you gain extra weight? this could be a side effect.

I will take three days for full recovery.

no need 3 days. the formula pulls out and mobilizes the body using internal reserves. that is, it gives the effect of vigor due to overexpenditure of its own resources. It's like drinking an energy drink, not sleeping, and damaging your stomach/liver. apply once and when it is really necessary.

Share602-09-2015 14:52:00

  • Author: Shiva
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apply once and when it is really necessary.

Okay, I'll do that)

Share703-09-2015 05:27:04

  • Author: @Rosa@
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Has already been used many times.

didn’t you gain extra weight? this could be a side effect.

By the way. Yes!! There is such a feature of this formula. Weight gain. A little, 1-2 kg. And the fluid is not removed from the body, some swelling appears. You think it’s Berkana, that’s how it works.”

Share803-09-2015 09:14:26

  • Author: @Rosa@
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I rummaged through everything in my box and found a wonderful work by Master Orobas.

I tried it, and it was she who restored me, after aggressive cleansing, when I “cleansed” myself a little, and breakdowns appeared in the biofield. I applied it to a white sheet of paper and under my pillow, and carried it in my purse during the day.

Correction and restoration of energy. auto.OROBAS Actually, my very first formula, written down last year, when I was just starting to delve into runes. The funny thing is that when I wrote, I still didn’t know about the independent connection between Dagaz and Inguz. A week later I came across a website where I saw her.

The formula came about out of necessity. Somehow I unsuccessfully used Thurisaz a couple of times, and as a result there were breakdowns and holes in the energy field, the energy weakened, constant outflow, by 20 o’clock my eyes were stuck together, lethargy, unwillingness to do anything.

The formula has been tested on different people. It works softly and pleasantly, a pleasant surge of strength. I had a side effect - success and luck in important areas of life at that time.

Working runes: Dagaz, Inguz, Uruz, Soulo, Ansuz, Nautiz. The central formula is adjustment, transformation in a given direction of energy, correction if you like. Inguz is like harmony, strength and release of energy. The cross is filling with pure, karmically unburdened energy, divine if you like.

First we draw the center, then clockwise with a cross (uruz + sovulo + ansuz + nautiz, then we move to the next end of the cross)

Applications: patching breakdowns and holes after negativity, restoring energy.

The formula is completely positive, you can even feel it, so it’s also suitable for prevention.

Runic becoming to quickly recover after work

The frantic pace of modern life makes us feel constantly tired. How often do we crawl home from work, literally falling off our feet! Sometimes you don’t have enough strength to cook dinner, or to fully communicate with your family, or to engage in your favorite hobby. In such cases, a runic pattern will help replenish the body’s energy reserves in order to quickly recover after work. We will introduce you to examples of several such formulas today. All formulas are specified for energy replenishment and are activated in any way convenient for you.

Runic becoming “Solar battery” from Sinilga

This formula helps a person fill the body with energy from sunlight. Becoming works while walking or being under the sun, even if it is just shining through your window. Draw runes on yourself:

  • Uruz - strength, endurance
  • Soulu - solar energy
  • Nautiz - forced acquisition of physical and magical strength from sunlight
  • Yera - constant action of stav
  • Raido and Kenaz of the second plan - illuminate the path of energy from the sun to man

Runic formula “Rocket” from Arkadiya

Runic becoming, in order to quickly recover after work, from the author Arkadiya, gives a person a powerful energy recharge. It can be used before important tasks, exams, or when there are a lot of things to do and you feel too tired to do it. We draw runes on paper, a wooden block and any other object - you should not apply it to yourself, since the formula is very strong.

  • Teyvaz - provides instant, strong recharging of the body
  • Vunyo - gives joy from a new state and new opportunities
  • Fehu - is responsible for receiving the benefits for which you started this recharge
  • Turisaz - opens up new paths and opportunities
  • Uruz - gives vitality, which is enough to complete many tasks

Becoming "Endurance" from Sam

This formula from runologist Sam is suitable for those people who do physical work, since the runes in the ligature relieve muscle pain and body fatigue, and also give strength and endurance. You can use the stand for work in the country, in the garden, or when you have to do something heavy, for example, carry furniture.

  • The Algiz-Soulu connection is a “solar shield” that protects a person, connecting tribal patrons and Higher Powers to this process
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the person who is affected by becoming
  • Uruz - gives him endurance, does not allow him to get too tired
  • Isa - freezes for the whole day all unpleasant symptoms that usually appear during hard work (muscle pain, fatigue)

Mylene Maelinhon Squeezed Lemon Formula

The name of this runic stave to quickly recover after work speaks for itself. If you feel like a squeezed lemon after a working day, try applying these runes.

  • Four Uruz - increase all the forces of the body (physical, mental)
  • Laguz + Perth - washes away all the fatigue accumulated during the day, renews the body at the energy level
  • Salt - treats unpleasant symptoms of fatigue (migraines, leg pain, etc.)
  • Teyvaz + Algiz - gives a person good spirits and a feeling as if he had a rest

Important! As part of the formula, four Uruz are very strong symbols, so people with weak energy are not recommended to use the formula - a side effect can be expressed by the desire to sharply throw out negativity on others

Runic stave “Charging” from Merlin Maximoff

And finally, we’ll give you another restorative drink, the effect of which is reminiscent of drinking an energy drink. In the runescript there are two Uruz with two Soulu, allowing a person to restore strength in the shortest possible time, fill the body with energy and return to a state of full efficiency.

When using any formula from this article, remember that you cannot wear such staves all the time. Energy replenishment is good only in moderation, so use these runic ligatures only when absolutely necessary. The rest of the time, do not forget to fully rest, eat right and, if possible, not overload yourself with unbearable loads - then everything will be in perfect health and everything will be in perfect order.

If you are just starting to study runes, we recommend
reading this article

Types of exercises to increase endurance

To safely increase endurance, beginning athletes are advised to adhere to the following principles:

  • Physical activity should be acceptable and adapted to your capabilities. You shouldn’t try to run for 50-60 minutes from the first session; holding out for 10-15 minutes is enough. With regular daily training, the muscles will become stronger and the duration of exercise will begin to increase without much effort.
  • Training must be regular. Performing exercises from time to time, the athlete will not be able to achieve the desired results, since the condition of the muscles will return to the initial state each time.
  • Graduality and moderation. You should start by running at an average pace without acceleration. You can alternate between walking and running at low speed.

Craig Beasley's system is based on alternating rhythm: he used periods of running at maximum speed for 30 seconds and 5 seconds of calm walking. It is recommended to resort to this technique after mastering running at an average pace for at least 30 minutes, since interval fitness training puts a lot of stress on the heart.

Bart Yasso's method is also based on the interval principle: he proposed dividing the desired distance into segments of 800 m. Start training gradually, running several intervals in the required time. After a week, another interval is added, trying to meet the appointed time. Each week, add one interval until the desired distance is reached.

To increase endurance in everyday life, you can use any available exercise, from running to jumping rope. The main condition for increasing endurance is prolonged physical activity. Each time the body is forced to adapt to slightly more difficult conditions, increasing a person’s performance. In home exercises, in addition to running, you can use elements such as pull-ups, jump squats, and push-ups.

Photos used from Shutterstock

Sergey Loira

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Bets that work well

Almost every person at least once in his life turned to and showed interest in fortune telling, was interested in the future or wanted to influence fate. Everyone determines the appropriateness of magical rituals for himself; generally accepted opinions are not appropriate here. One of the powerful branches of magic is runic magic, which consists of formulas, staves and signs. Betting that works well will help you achieve what you want without much effort, which is what makes this branch of magic especially attractive.

For some peoples, runes were attributes of writing, for others they were used for fortune telling and magic, and for others they were identified with deities. Runic staves are a set of special signs that, if properly selected, can have a strong impact on one or another area of ​​life, depending on their essence.

Ritual instructions

Performing magical actions using runes requires special conditions:

  • Work with stakes alone.
  • Eliminate extraneous sounds and other environmental influences.
  • The most favorable time for the ritual is dawn or early morning.
  • The state of mind and body should be calm and balanced, and the attitude should be positive and friendly.
  • You cannot compose a set of staves with a negative message; formulas only work in a positive way, otherwise the ill will will return to the compiler.
  • Simple combinations consist of three symbols and consist of the following sequence: the situation at the moment - the direction of development of events - the desired result.
  • Once the stavs have been compiled, it will be difficult to change them, so there is no need to rush and you need to carefully understand their semantics.
  • Each combination of staves can be supplemented with a hang. Visa is most often a poetic form of address, which describes what you want to achieve. If you don’t come up with a visa, then it is important to at least simply say out loud what you are striving for, to saturate the runes with energy.
  • Fire helps to put the resulting combination into action - you need to hold the object on which the formulas were written (it could be a hand, a stone, a wooden tablet, a photograph, etc.) over the fire. This manipulation activates the magical combination.

Principles of composing combinations

Let's summarize the list of items that will be needed to compile formulas:

  • Paper.
  • Pen.
  • 2 candles.
  • Ruler (most runes contain straight lines).
  • The object on which signs are supposed to be drawn.
  • Text of the clause.

Working stakes

Of course, most of the combinations for the most desirable human graces have long been drawn up. This allows beginners to start working with stakes even without outside help. If you need to create a specific combination, it is better to turn to a professional or study the meaning of the symbolism very carefully.

The most successful and proven formulas:

To protect yourself and your abode

A simple option would be a combination:

  • Turisaz-Algiz-Isa. It means protecting yourself from negativity, minimizing losses and pacifying your own aggression.

When composing a more complex stave of this type, the following symbols will be involved:

  • Isa-Kenaz-Hagalaz-Kenaz-Isa - is considered a kind of protective shield, a mirror - whatever someone comes with, he will run into it.

For wealth and prosperity

  • Fehu-Inguze-Souilo, which is identified as: money-development-energy.

There are also complex combinations:

  • Perth—Feu—Uruz—Nautiz—Kano—Inguz—Yera, which symbolizes the wallet, money, attraction and integrity of finances, and productivity.
  • Teyvaz-Algiz-Evaz-Dagaz-Mannaz-Inguz-Laguz - this combination is called the “Golden Dragon” and includes the runes of finance, security, increasing wealth and cash flow.

For luck

  • Gebo-Soul-Vunyo-Ansuz-Otal-Dagaz-Algiz is one of the most positive formulas, it includes the runes of useful acquaintances, vital energy, joy and luck, gifts of fate, positive emotions, and eliminates internal conflicts.

To your health

  • Kenaz-Uruz-Isa, thanks to this stave, you can increase immunity and optimize the energy field, solve health problems.

For good luck

  • Kenaz-Fehu-Vuno. This runogram reveals creative potential, gives good luck, helps maintain wealth, and promises the implementation of plans.
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