SportsEffective exercises with kettlebells, dumbbells and other equipment

Most athletes today build their training program around machines and exercises with dumbbells and barbells, ignoring the kettlebell. This attitude towards the projectile is absolutely unfair. There are exercises that can be performed using a kettlebell, but not with a barbell or dumbbell. A distinctive feature of this sports equipment is its compact size, characteristic grip, and special distribution of loads. For versatile training, the kettlebell is simply irreplaceable and should definitely take its place of honor in the arsenal of every person seriously passionate about sports.

There are two main kettlebell exercises - the clean and jerk and the snatch. Each is worthy of its own article, but today's is dedicated to the latter. Performing a snatch is much more difficult than a clean and jerk. This feature is due to the need to perform one movement - lifting the projectile from the bottom to the top point. The implementation of the jerk takes place without any intermediate stages, unlike the jerk, where the projectile is transferred to the chest and held before the final lift. To perform this movement, you need to have good coordination. All muscles must work harmoniously and connect in a timely manner.

What muscles work?

It is a mistaken opinion that during a kettlebell jerk the main load falls exclusively on the forearms. When performing the exercise, the main muscle groups involved are the legs and back. The core muscles are the most loaded.

The kettlebell snatch requires the involvement of the entire muscular frame. It is not carried out using brute force, but requires coordinated and technical work. The exercise not only uses strength and power, but also promotes the development of good coordination and muscle dynamics. It brings the greatest benefit to the muscular postural layers - deep skeletal.

Getting good results from the kettlebell snatch takes time and consistency. If you include it in your training program on an ongoing basis, you will soon see an increase in the power of the muscle groups involved in the work.

Progress in muscle mass and strength

Kettlebells allow you to incorporate many new compound exercises into your program that target key muscle groups. Among them are goblet squats, swings, cleans, delt presses, and this is not a complete list. Why do you need them? Because of adaptation.

Goblet Squats

Including the same basic exercises in the program forces the body to adapt . The result is that it stops responding to loads by increasing muscle and strength indicators, especially if your working weights have not increased for a long time. Updating your training program helps solve this problem. So switching from dumbbells to kettlebells can be quite beneficial.

Additional variability for exercises is created by the shape of the kettlebell itself , which allows you to hold it in many ways, focusing on different muscle groups, complicating or, conversely, simplifying the exercise. For example, the kettlebell can be taken from below, from above or from the side, with a forward or reverse grip, with one hand or two. All of these options help add a lot of variety to your training program.

Variations of the exercise

You can perform a jerk in different ways:

Option 1. Experienced athletes with good physical training can do a more complicated snatch. when it is carried out without involving the legs, but solely by the strength of the back muscles. This becomes possible, for example, when sitting on a chair, which does not allow the use of the lower limbs.

Option 2. Involves using two shells at once. They can rise either simultaneously or in turn on each hand.

You should understand the difference between a jerk and a pull. The latter is not performed through inertia, which allows the weight to fly up, but is carried out through muscle effort. This is a completely different exercise.

Kettlebell Snatch - technique from the Guinness Book of Records record holder

Why are kettlebells and dumbbells essential for training?

Owners of the fairer sex are afraid to gain too much muscle, so they don’t add dumbbells and barbells to their workouts. In fact, strength equipment will help both women and men achieve elastic and beautiful forms. The number of repetitions and the weight of the equipment will play a role here.

set of exercises with dumbbells and kettlebells

If girls want elastic and toned muscles, then they need to perform exercises over fifteen repetitions, with light weight. To gain muscle mass, men need to reduce the number of repetitions from eight to twelve, choosing a heavy weight for this number of repetitions.

Correct technique for performing a kettlebell snatch

Phases of the jerk: 1 - start, 2 - swing, 3 - undermining, 4 - sitting down, 5 - fixing, 6 - lowering, 7-9 - swing to change hands, 10-13 - performing a jerk with the second hand.
The exercise is quite difficult. It is carried out in one movement, but in several stages:

The first phase is “Start”. The athlete returns to the starting position. The weight lies on the floor and is located at an equal distance from the legs, which are spaced slightly wider than the shoulder girdle.

Second phase “Swing”. You need to sit down a little, taking the projectile with your hands. You should not bend over, as this will not allow your leg muscles to engage in active work. The free hand should not encounter obstacles or rest on anything. Otherwise, the balance will be disturbed as a result of the fact that she was in front.

The body must not interfere with the movement of the weight, but accompany the projectile. This moment is especially difficult for beginners who stop the backward movement of the projectile, making their own jerk, and do not lead it to the end.

A correct swing assumes that the kettlebell, having reached the extreme point at the back, will begin to move forward (according to the law of the pendulum), therefore, with the explosive force of the back and legs, you need to give it even more additional energy.

Third phase "Detonation". Having the weight in front of the athlete is a “signal” to straighten the legs and tilt the body back to give the apparatus the power necessary to complete the upward movement. No other efforts can be made.

The lack of disruptive energy does not allow you to make a breakthrough in any situation. Trying to lift a kettlebell up using your own efforts increases the risk of injury. When at this phase at the lowest point the efforts are not enough, the projectile will fly upward on its own. All that remains is to accompany him with your body and hand.

There is no need to hold the kettlebell with a death grip. It is enough to grasp the projectile with your fingertips. Of course, you can’t relax your grip too much so that the kettlebell just goes into free flight.

The fourth phase is “Squad”. An optional stage, which is not present in every variety, but is mandatory in the classic version of the snatch. Otherwise, he will cease to be such. When the weight is as close as possible to the highest point, you need to bend under the projectile, that is, catch it.

Performing a squat allows you to take as much weight as possible and also significantly save energy. This is especially important for those who need to pass standards.

Squats are needed to cushion a heavy projectile. They help reduce the negative load placed on the joints. Anyone who wants to learn how to do a jerk should definitely master this phase.

Fifth phase “Fixation”. When squatting, the apparatus is twisted in such a way that it becomes possible to hold the weight at the upper extreme point. There are different ways to do this. The choice depends entirely on the wishes of the athlete and how easy it is, taking into account the anatomical features, to make this or that fixation.

The constant point of this phase is that fixation of the projectile in the hand must be ensured even before the end of the movement. At the very end, you need to fully straighten your arm. This should not be done too early. Completing the movement with the arm already straight will cause serious damage to the shoulder and elbow joints.

They experience a lot of stress even when the fixation is performed absolutely correctly. When doing the snatch, you should pay special attention to stretching and strengthening the shoulder and elbow joints. You need to take care of the carpal ligaments. They must be stretched. When the weight is held at the end point, they bend back.

When the athlete stands with the kettlebell held with an outstretched arm, he should lean forward slightly. This allows you to maintain balance.

Sixth phase “Lowering”. It can be carried out in two ways - directly on the floor surface or with a transitional movement, when the projectile is first “placed” on the chest, and only then lowered, that is, similar to a push.

Competing athletes practice exclusively the first option. For athletes who do not demonstrate this exercise in competitions, the second method is more suitable. It's much safer. Regardless of the option you choose, you should not throw the projectile.

The kettlebell should always be cushioned by the body. If the movement is sudden and uncontrolled, the likelihood of injury increases. A falling weight can easily cause a lot of damage.

Kettlebell Snatch - Technique. Crossfit

Dumbbell push with one hand, exercise technique

Bend your knees slightly and, straightening them sharply, push the dumbbell up to your outstretched arm. Hold it in this position for a second. Then smoothly return to the starting position. Next, perform the push again. Do the desired number of repetitions, then switch the dumbbell to your other hand and perform the same number of pushes with that hand.

One-arm dumbbell push
One-arm dumbbell push. Start.

One-arm dumbbell push
One-arm dumbbell push. Finish.

The exercise develops the deltoid and trapezius muscles, triceps. Strengthens the entire body (including core muscles) and develops explosive strength.

General recommendations for performing the kettlebell snatch

To quickly master the technique and prevent injuries, just follow a few simple tips:

  • It is best to hone the technique on a light weight projectile, but it must be noticeable. The best option for women would be a ten-kilogram weight, for men - sixteen kilograms.
  • Beginners who want to master the snatch should thoroughly work out their muscle frame. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to complete the exercise. Performing deadlifts and standing presses with a barbell, as well as jerking and lifting weights on the chest, will allow you to cope with this task perfectly.
  • No tearing or straining forces should be allowed when performing any phase. You need to make sharp, clear and coordinated, slightly smooth movements.
  • You need to be careful to keep your free hand relaxed, but not flailing or twitching. You should not forcefully hold it in one position. The main thing is that it should not interfere with muscle work and overexert itself.

The duration of each jerk is largely determined by the athlete’s own endurance. The approach time can vary between 3-15 minutes.

Increased grip strength

The handle of kettlebells is usually thicker than that of dumbbells. Moreover, with the weight of the weight, the thickness of the handle increases. Because of this, kettlebell exercises help increase your grip strength, which will be useful for more than just demonstrating a strong handshake.

Why increase your grip strength?

First , good grip strength is essential for many compound exercises . For example, deadlifts or barbell curls. Not to mention the huge number of different types of pull-ups on horizontal bars. Take, for example, hanging leg raises on the bar - without a good grip, you won’t be able to do even a few repetitions.

Secondly , a good grip helps you better control your weight and reduce the risk of injury . And this applies not only to bodybuilding, but also to other sports. For example, tennis, arm wrestling and even golf.

Kettlebell selection

For exercises, sports equipment weighing 16 kg, 24 kg or 32 kg is used. Choosing the right kettlebell should depend on the athlete's skill level. If we are talking about a beginner, then he should start with the smallest weight. To master the correct execution of a snatch, you need to conduct preliminary training and study the technique. For an athlete with a sufficient level of training, the choice of weight depends on the tasks facing him. The greatest benefit will be obtained if a weight is used that best matches the athlete's fitness level.

A 16 kg kettlebell can be used for preparatory exercises at the stage of mastering the technique. When choosing sports equipment, you can also check how suitable its weight is for a person. To do this, it is enough to do the bench press several times (for example, 10). If possible, then such a kettlebell is suitable for training. If the test can be done for different weights, choose the maximum one.

Typically, sports equipment weighing 16, 24 or 32 kg is used to perform a snatch - the choice depends on the athlete’s level of training

Legs and buttocks

Although barbells and running are best for these parts of the body, you can achieve good results using a set of exercises with dumbbells. It is only necessary to perform the exercises clearly and without errors. This will give you beautiful legs that you can be proud of!


We stand straight, our back does not hunch. Spread your legs slightly. The head looks forward, hands down. Inhale the air and do a squat. The calf muscle should be level with the dumbbell. As you exhale, rise up and straighten up.

Lunges with dumbbells

Ideal for strengthening the thigh and gluteal muscles. Stand straight with your shoulders and arms down, holding the dumbbells, and your shoulder blades closed. Turn your palms inward.

With your left foot, take a wide step forward and lower yourself so that your right foot is along the floor and your left is level with your ankles. Right foot on toe. Take the starting position and lunge with the other leg.

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