Running in the Dark: 9 Tips Before You Go for a Run

Is it possible to run in the evening?

Due to current circumstances, many people prefer evening jogging.

The benefits of evening running

Evening running is considered an assistant by those who want to get rid of extra pounds, relieve emotional stress, and relax. Jogging in the evening has significant advantages over morning jogging:

  • In the morning, it is difficult for a working person to find time for jogging, reducing sleep by at least an hour.
  • In the evening, there is an opportunity to remove all the negative emotions that have accumulated during the working day.
  • An evening jog gives you the opportunity to get rid of the extra calories accumulated during the day. Metabolism will speed up, helping the body quickly burn what may be stored as fat deposits.

Running before bedtime

A question often arises related to morning jogging after a night shift, when a person needs to get some sleep. The natural need of a person who has run a certain number of kilometers and had a good breakfast is sleep.

You should not be afraid of gaining excess weight - the accelerated metabolism triggered by running will begin to actively burn fat, and the foods eaten will restore strength and help strengthen muscles.

Night running gear

night running gear

Reflective clothing

You can choose all items of clothing with reflective stripes, or focus on one, but clearly visible item, for example, a vest. This will increase your safety in the dark, especially if your path is along the road.

Examples of clothing with reflective elements for night running:

  • Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 Flash sneakers
  • Asics Lite-Show Long Favorite Sleeve
  • Under Armor Stealth Run Storm Tights
  • Tracer 360 Visibility Vest
  • Brooks Nightlife Reflective Vest III

Head Torch

This piece of equipment, although optional, is, in our opinion, extremely important and useful. It allows you to illuminate the road in front of you (and therefore increase safety), makes you visible on the road, and also repels dogs and other animals that you are at risk of colliding with at night.

Examples of such flashlights : Black Diamond Sprinter Head Lamp, ONNIGHT 210 KALENJI.

Flashing lights

These simple and inexpensive flashlights, similar to those used on bicycles, are a great way to announce your presence. Remember to attach red flashing lights to the back and white flashing lights to the front. This way, drivers and pedestrians can figure out which direction you're heading in long before you approach them.

We strongly do not recommend running at night with headphones, since in the dark you will already have a rather poor view of your route (compared to morning or afternoon training), and the inability to hear the sounds of the outside world will significantly increase the risk of injury, collision with other people or animals, or even getting into an accident.

Who needs a run before bed?

Evening jogging at a slow pace is useful for people involved in strength sports; for those who want to increase their overall endurance. An easy pace of evening jogging will benefit those who have minor deviations in cardiac activity.

This is due to the fact that at the end of the day there is significantly less stress on the human body. People belonging to the night owl type should definitely give preference to evening running, so as not to disturb the daily biorhythm and not exhaust the nervous system.

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General effect on the human body

The human body, in terms of overcoming and solving physical activity , reaches its maximum level of efficiency from about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and works in this way until 8-9 o'clock in the evening. This is primarily due to the fact that in the first half of the day, our brain and internal organs are busy restoring energy reserves after a night's sleep. The entire body is forced to regulate its vital functions in accordance with the surrounding realities and the type of human activity.

Towards evening, the internal organs have already passed the habituation phase. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems have reached a comfortable and stable level of operation, in accordance with the given rhythm of the working day. The muscles are at the peak of their tone, and the tendons and ligaments are warmed up to the maximum. Thus, evening jogging is most suitable for people who train for endurance, speed, and even building some kind of strength in their leg muscles!

running before bed

It is worth noting the fact that a light jog before going to bed contributes to some dilation of the blood vessels in the brain during the first 2-3 hours, and this directly increases its nutrition with useful substances coming from the bloodstream. Thanks to this feature, most people after an evening run do not experience problems with quality and healthy sleep, but this is only relevant for healthy people who do not have problems with the nervous, cardiac and respiratory systems.

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Recommendations for beginners

To prevent evening jogging from causing discomfort, you should take note of the following tips:

Can't harm your sleep

Evening running should not lead to sleep problems. Some people, after running and taking a shower, immediately want to fall asleep, while others have difficulty falling asleep after physical exertion.

Each person empirically chooses the best option. But running in the evenings should not be allowed to harm healthy sleep, since in such a case the training will not bring the expected effect.

You can't run after eating

You should plan your day so that at least 3 hours have passed since eating before a run, and at least 2 hours after a light snack. A small portion of carbohydrate food eaten before a run will not do any harm. If jogging is carried out immediately after work, you can refresh yourself with a glass of juice, kefir, or fruit.

Running with a full stomach causes nausea and a feeling of heaviness, which prevents you from running fast and long

Drinking regime

If there is a lack of fluid throughout the day, you may not feel any unpleasant changes at the end of the day, but when running this will definitely affect you: fatigue will come much faster. Pure water should be drunk throughout the day.

Need to watch the weather

A person who regularly goes for evening jogs should monitor the weather. In the summer, before the sun sets, the air temperature is several degrees higher, so running at dusk is more comfortable. During the winter months, there is a sharp drop in air temperature after sunset. Therefore, the timing of evening runs should be chosen based on the temperature at which it is easier to run.

Psychological support

In order not to succumb to laziness, you should tell your friends and acquaintances about your plans for the evening, and report it on social networks. In such cases, it will be awkward to stay at home, although no one will ask for a run report.

Increasing loads

Any physical activity that causes the body to increase its functioning requires consultation with a doctor. A person may feel good, but for some reason the training will be harmful. If your doctor allows daily running exercises before bed, you should remember that they must be increased gradually, since subjective sensations can be deceiving.

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Health running in the evenings: main pros and cons

The greatest benefit to the body will come from jogging at a speed of 7–9 km/h 3–4 hours before bedtime. Movement without extra effort is equivalent to a walk, does not exhaust you, and does not disturb your sleep.

Benefits of running in the evening:

  1. Relieves stress accumulated during the day. While running, endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, running has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps fight neuroses, depression, obsessive thoughts and other psychological problems. Runners are less hot-tempered, more balanced and reasonable.
  2. Develops the heart muscle. The heart is made of muscle tissue and adapts to stress. A healthy athletic heart spends a minimum of energy at rest, and supports the body during intense physical activity. Research shows that the average untrained man has a heart volume of approximately 760 cc. cm, and for a woman – 600. The same figure for athletes with 200–300 cc. see more.
  3. Starts the capillarization process. Gas exchange occurs in a small capillary network, and the increased demand for oxygen leads to an interesting effect: the bed of existing capillaries does not expand, but new capillaries open and the capillary network of the myocardium becomes denser.
  4. Increases lung capacity. Regular jogging can increase your lung capacity by 1-3 liters. The more air a person can inhale, the more oxygen the body will receive.
  5. Normalizes metabolic processes, helps cleanse the body. Scientists have found that in the evening the human excretory system works most actively. The body is best cleansed of harmful toxins and wastes by running slowly for a long time.
  6. Eliminates excess calories eaten during the day. Running for more than 30 minutes will help you get rid of extra centimeters on your stomach and form a beautiful figure for the beach season: while you sleep, trained muscles will continue to waste energy and fight fat reserves.
  7. Increases performance. Medium and long distance running increases endurance well. An evening workout will not negatively affect your ability to work, as can happen after a morning workout.
  8. Improves hormone production and immunity. Running activates the endocrine system - stimulates the production of insulin, testosterone, growth hormones and thyroxine (determines metabolic rate).
  9. Positively affects mental abilities. Jogging improves cognitive abilities at a young age and protects the brain from aging. Brain functionality is enhanced by influencing neural stem cells and accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses.
  10. Fights insomnia. A moderate load improves your emotional background, helps you abstract from work, and makes you sleep soundly. Running is especially useful for people who work night shifts.

When considering the benefits and harms of evening running, keep in mind that it is contraindicated for certain diseases. If you have any doubts about your health, consult your doctor before training.

Where and how best to run

When choosing a place for jogging, you need to pay attention to air quality, which depends on many factors. Polluted roads and proximity to factories have a negative impact on a runner's health. Allergy sufferers should not jog in open areas when plants are blooming. You should exercise on a treadmill in the gym for some time.

You need to learn how to run correctly. In running technique you should consider:

  • Position of the body and head.
  • Positioning the foot.
  • The work of hands.
  • Knee flexion.

If you do not pay attention to the details of proper running, you may encounter the following problems:

  • Pumping the muscles of the calves and thighs.
  • Get injured in the tendons or joints of the lower limb.
  • Tear the ligaments.

When you sway strongly while running from side to side, back pain is often felt due to improper distribution of loads

Basic Rules

In order for evening running to be beneficial, you should take into account the requirements for organizing jogging at the end of the day. You should not go for an evening jog earlier than an hour after your evening meal. Otherwise, the food in the stomach will not be digested due to a decrease in its work during running. This can cause nausea and diarrhea at night.

When the evening run is over, you can consume some dairy products. Their quantity should not exceed a quarter of the daily portion of food. Athletes and those who want to increase muscle mass should drink casein protein. This rule should also be followed by those who, due to professional requirements, have to exert physical effort during the working day.

Jogging before bed should not last more than 40 minutes. To train endurance, they cover 5 km at an easy pace. To overcome long marathon distances, choose a day off. To train speed, it is better to perform 3 200 m races with maximum acceleration. At the end of the sprint races, going to bed is allowed after 1.5 hours.

Control your running

A person who regularly jogs to control his condition is recommended to use software devices that do the following:

  • The runner's pulse is counted.
  • Notify about the existence of an overload.
  • Report the achievement of set goals.


When jogging regularly, you should be attentive to your diet. The diet must be balanced so that the body receives everything it needs: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. If you want to lose weight, you should control the calories you burn while running.

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Reviews from runners

“There are not enough words!! Bliss. Just think: seven in the morning, early autumn, clouds are floating overhead, and I am with them, and an unreal feeling of flight.

Irina, 28 years old

"Hello! I’ve been running for a long time, I only take breaks in the winter (I can’t stand the cold), but there’s not enough air in the gym. Running is the best remedy for me because running works all my muscles. It’s hard for my legs to give at least some relief, but with running they take shape, and at the same time my buttocks tighten. While running, you can listen to music without noticing how time flies.”

Olga, 40 years old

“I go jogging. I see a positive result: I’m younger, prettier, and life has acquired brighter colors.”

Ekaterina, 50 years old

“I run in the morning. I’ll tell you that this is the best way to wake up early, burn extra calories and listen to your favorite music, especially since the stadium is nearby.”

Andrey, 26 years old

"I am 25 years old. Because of my sedentary work, I don’t move much, so I decided to start running. On the first day I only managed 1 km. The feeling is indescribably pleasant, I’m ready to continue.”

Are you still deciding how to run correctly - in the morning or in the evening? I already decided for myself, only in the evening. Why? Is it good to run in the evening? During the day we move, this gives a warm-up for the muscles, which means the stress from running on the body is minimal. The second reason is important for me - evening running helps to get the blood pumping and relieve the head from its rushes during the day, and it relieves well the psychological stress received during the same working day. And let’s be honest, we often desperately miss the morning for the toilet, breakfast, getting ready and getting to work without being late. Therefore, this article is dedicated to all those who like to sleep and who find it difficult to “swing” in the morning about how to run correctly in the evenings.

The optimal time range when running in the evening is beneficial is from 19 to 22 hours. During this period of time, we return home from work and the body is still active. There is no need to run in a hungry state, as when jogging in the morning. A light dinner will help you satisfy your hunger - its menu may include light soup, an omelet, a vegetable salad or a glass of kefir, depending on your preferences.

An hour after your evening meal, you can start jogging. How to run in the evening? To do this, it is best to choose a park away from the road. It is necessary to choose your own rhythm, taking into account that by this time the body is already tired and is waiting to go to bed. Therefore, it is better to jog at a moderate or slow pace for 20-30 minutes. Bring some warm drinking water with you to rehydrate your body after your run.

While running, listen to your body’s reaction to the load you receive and, by changing the pace and style of running, choose the optimal mode. Correct .

As is expected at all sporting events, before running you need to do a warm-up to warm up the body and get the blood flowing. The warm-up can be done at a faster pace to get your heart rate up. Take several deep breaths through your nose, followed by a complete exhalation through your mouth. Perform swinging movements with your arms and legs, bending, squatting and rotating your torso. Perform stretching exercises to warm up your muscles, especially your back and legs.

Some more useful tips for running in the evening correctly:

Make fewer unnecessary movements. While running, people often make a lot of unnecessary movements that overload the body. A slight tilt of the body forward will help to avoid unnecessary movements - this will shift the center of gravity of the body.

You need to run straight, without bouncing up and down.

The feet must be placed gently, avoiding hitting the heels. Impact loads can damage your joints.

Less contact with ground. You're not on a walk, you're running. Having lowered your foot to the ground, you need to try to quickly tear it off it.

Breathe through your nose while running. If while running a person switches to mouth breathing, this means that the body is overloaded, it does not have enough oxygen, and if your face, in addition, begins to distort with grimaces, then it is time to stop the race altogether.

When approaching the finish line of the planned distance, under no circumstances stop abruptly. Gradually slow down your running pace and then walk until your heart rate returns, preferably another 10 minutes.

After the first run, many muscles may ache on the second and third days. This indicates that the body is not trained and the muscles are weak, and this is normal. Get over this muscle pain, it will go away over time. The main thing is not to give up.

Don’t forget that the body will only benefit from regular jogging, and the load needs to be gradually increased. You will feel for yourself how much and when you can increase the load. Now I think you understand what I mean by how to run properly in the evening. Knowing all this, it’s time to stop thinking about when it’s more useful to run in the morning or in the evening, otherwise you’ll soon come to questions - is it necessary at all?! Need to! And let's start running, because running is health!

Many runners prefer to run miles as the sun rises, but if that doesn't suit you, there's no harm in running at night. There are many benefits to running at night, whether you prefer to run in the dark because of a busy schedule or because you're a night owl at heart.

We have prepared for you a list of seven reasons why you should try rescheduling your run to a later time.

It will be easier for you to run

In the evening, our body is in its best shape. You may be tired, but your body is more ready than ever for a run. Scientists at the University of North Texas have proven that our bodies are more ready for exercise in the evening. A person's strength and endurance increase at the end of the day. Your body makes better use of the oxygen supplied to your muscles, which means you are able to run longer distances.

Researchers at the University of Essex found that people who do cardio in the evening or at night feel like they're pushing themselves harder and see results faster. Scientists suggest that in the dark it is more difficult to estimate your speed, which makes us train harder.

“When you run at night, you are more focused and in tune with your body's rhythm,” says John Stanton, founder of The Running Room. “When it comes to marathons in the spring, runners who trained in the dark almost always run the race faster than others.”

Your sleep will be better quality

If you don't have to think about running a certain number of kilometers first thing in the morning, your sleep will be longer and better. Just don't sit too long after your evening run, but stretch and go to bed. Sleep is a great time for muscle recovery, and getting enough sleep will help you run faster and longer.

A study conducted at the University of South Carolina found that 97 percent of people who exercised at night found that their sleep quality was better than on days when they exercised during the day.

A University of California study found that people who exercise at night can fall into a deep sleep within 30 minutes of exercise. “Increasing your body temperature can improve the quality of your sleep, meaning exercise can act like a hot, relaxing bath,” says University of California researcher Sean Youngstedt. — Running generally calms a person down. It lowers blood pressure and relaxes muscles.”

You will be more relaxed

When you are under stress, all your systems - cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, muscular - work at double capacity. Cardio exercise is a great way to help your body relax and recover. When you run, you use not only the cardiovascular, but also the respiratory and muscular systems; they learn to work in sync, which makes you more stress-resistant. Also, do not forget about endorphins, which your body produces during sports and which are responsible for our good mood.

So no matter what makes you nervous - traffic jams, a stubborn boss or a never-ending to-do list - a good run can be the best way to relax after a hard day of work and relax mentally.

Your morning will be more relaxed

Agree, in the morning it’s nice to spend more time in bed, and not think about how to lace up your sneakers in any weather and go out to run around the waking up city. If you meet your goal at night, your morning will be less busy and you'll have more time to make yourself a delicious breakfast, read the news, or think about the work day ahead.

Your run will feel like flying

You may think that you run faster at night, and this is true. At night, you rely less on sensory awareness, allowing you to more clearly feel the ground under your feet. The University of London found an interesting dependence of the time indicators of runners on the time of their runs (a group of marathon runners ran 10 kilometers significantly faster than their numbers in the daytime).

When you run in the dark, it is more difficult for you to navigate your surroundings, and this can be to your advantage. It is difficult for you to understand your speed, and you instinctively accelerate. Just remember to wear reflective clothing and be aware of your surroundings.

Your social circle can expand

During an evening jog with friends, you can talk about the events of the day, relax and discuss pressing problems. Plus, night runners' clubs are becoming popular in Moscow, and this is always a great way to make new acquaintances.

Your schedule will become busier

Living in the city causes a lot of stress. Runners have to think about work, family and their responsibilities, which leaves little time to think about running and enjoying the sport. At night, it is easier for people to relax and not think about daytime responsibilities, which will not only improve your mood, but also help you get rid of extraneous thoughts.

Night may be the only time suitable for you to run. If you have small children or a job where you need to be at seven in the morning, night jogging will be your solution, freeing you from headaches in the morning trying to do several things at once.

You will make healthier decisions

After a tempo run, it's hard to crave pizza or other carbohydrate-rich foods. On the contrary, the body wants something easier to recover, food rich in protein. Going for a run at the end of the day can help you make healthier choices and eat smaller portions.

Therefore, if you once again press the “snooze” button on your alarm clock, think about it and try to schedule your run at night. Who knows: maybe you will realize that this particular daily routine suits you.

The trend of running in the evenings has seriously displaced the morning exercises of the past. Modern people prefer to devote time to sports in the evening, and there are reasons for this.

By postponing your workout until the evening, you can enjoy an extra hour of sleep. Saving strength and energy. It’s not the first day that those who go in for sports experience a pleasant anticipation of training all day long. And in many ways it is simply more convenient to exercise in the evening.

Where to begin

For those who want to use evening running to strengthen the body, the following tips are suitable:

  • Preparing to run before bed starts with the right mindset.
  • You should choose a route and time for training. Difficult trails are not suitable for beginners; it is better to choose a quiet, beautiful place.
  • Correctly selected music contributes to successful jogging.
  • The main requirement for clothing and shoes for training is not beauty, but convenience.

You need to start with a warm-up. After prolonged sitting, muscles should be warmed up well to avoid injury. It is enough to do a few simple exercises: stretching, jumping, squats, arm swings.

It is very important to choose the right running pace

Overstraining the body by running is not advisable. For beginners, the best option is jogging. If shortness of breath, pain in the side, or thick saliva appears, it means that your running speed needs to be reduced, or just walk quickly.

Training frequency – 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. It is very important not to indulge yourself on selected days. You shouldn’t expect to lose weight after evening jogging, and you shouldn’t increase the load for this purpose. This can lead to disruption of the body's rhythms.

How to prepare properly (warm-up)

How to prepare properly (warm-up)

Running in the evening requires less preparation than the same sport in the morning. But you definitely need to have the right mindset: collect your thoughts, the person must want to run.

Next, carry out the following set of exercises:

  • turns and tilts the head;
  • raising your arms to the sides together and each one in turn;
  • swing your arms back and forth;
  • hand rotations;
  • body tilts forward-left-back-right;
  • circular movements of the pelvis, knees;
  • lunges with legs back and forth, to the sides;
  • rising on your toes, walking on your heels.

Additionally, you can do the following exercise: standing on one leg, bend the other and pull your foot towards your buttocks. Depending on the upcoming intensity of the run, each exercise should be repeated 5-20 times.

Important! Warming up is necessary to prevent pain and destruction of cartilage tissue in the joints. Thanks to good preparation, it is possible to avoid unpleasant sensations in the side and other parts of the body.

Disadvantages and dangers of evening jogging

Evening running has its disadvantages:

  • "Stolen" time. Evening time, intended for pleasant communication with family members, loved ones, and performing useful household chores, is given over to jogging, which is not always liked by others.
  • Fast fatiguability. During the day, the human body gets tired. Even when the training program is completely completed, when the runner returns home, he is not able to perform what the people around him would like to see. Another danger is that severe overwork of the body can cause refusal of health-improving activities.
  • Hunger. After a hard day's work, most people rush home to get enough food necessary for the body's functioning. Evening running is not compatible with a hearty dinner, and you have to go for a run with a slight feeling of hunger. Another option: wait 2 hours after eating and go for a run, although this is a little late in winter. After your run, you can drink a protein shake.

All of the mentioned disadvantages of running before bed can be minimized with the right approach to planning the day. The opinion that running is only harmful to those who do not have the strength to get out of bed often leads to conditions that are dangerous to health.

Whether it is possible to run before bed depends, first of all, on the health of the individual. Running is prohibited if you have serious problems with the cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis. Elevated blood sugar, glaucoma, high blood pressure, asthma, and kidney stones are contraindications for running training. Chronic diseases also lead to undesirable results.

Evening running can be harmful and dangerous in the following cases:

  • For problems with the spine. In the evening, compression of the vertebrae reaches its maximum, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain.
  • For insomnia. During physical activity, a hormonal release occurs into the circulatory system, which causes excitement in the body, which leads to worsening insomnia.
  • For early risers, evening is a biological night.
  • Those working on an evening schedule are prohibited from running in the evening due to the impossibility of restoring the body after a working day, even during a night's rest.
  • In the evening there is a very high concentration of toxic substances in the air. The lungs cannot receive even minimal benefit.

People diagnosed with tachycardia, even at an early stage, vascular pathologies, or surges in blood pressure should avoid evening running. Jogging before bedtime is harmful for people with frequent manifestations of nervous overexcitation, anxiety syndromes, and periodic sleep problems.

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When is the best time to go for a run?

Focus on your work schedule and individual characteristics of your body. Much depends on the chronotype: according to statistics, among people 20-25% are “larks”, 30-40% are “night owls”, and all the rest are “pigeons” who don’t care when to get up.

“The main thing in a jogging schedule is to get enough sleep,” says Nikolai Goryachev, an expert at the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. “Perhaps this is the most important thing when preparing for a run. It is important to capture the period from 22:00 to 02:00; “At these hours there is a peak of hormonal activity and it is this period that is considered the most important for the restoration of the body.”

And don’t set exorbitant goals for yourself. If you can easily run a kilometer, run like that for a week, and the next week add another 300 m. Gradually, you will find that you are already running serious distances, regardless of whether you train in the morning or in the evening.

How to keep your jogging safe

With such comfort in playing sports, there are some disadvantages that should be minimized by following simple recommendations. At night, changing your usual route can lead to unpleasant surprises, so you should run along a familiar road, avoiding busy highways.

Before you go for a run, it is advisable to mark the intended route on the map and leave it to one of your loved ones. To avoid getting run over, you should choose bright clothes. Orange, yellow, silver equipment containing reflective elements will protect your training. You can use reflective badges attached to clothing.

Night is the most suitable time for jogging: there are very few people and cars, the air is cool

When running, your gaze should be focused on a line of 1.5 m. At twilight, a headlamp will come in handy. It’s better to take off your headphones: sometimes you can’t see the danger, but you can hear it. When going for a night run, you should calculate the time to return home, based on the fact that the return journey will take one and a half times longer.

How to understand that it is better not to run?

The body will signal that it is time to stop: the heart rate at rest is 70% higher. That is, if the heart rate before training was 70 beats per minute, reaching 120 while playing sports will be grounds for stopping the activity.

If you experience pain in the muscles, side or dizziness, or any other unpleasant sensations, you need to stop and postpone classes for at least half an hour. If the illness reappears, it is better to postpone the training to the next day.

The most important

Running before bed will benefit a person if medical conditions do not prevent physical activity of this kind, the work schedule allows for time for sports in the evening, and psychological support is provided by loved ones.

Evening jogging is an effective means for rejuvenating and healing the body. Running training has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, activating it and improving metabolism. During daily exercise while running, blood vessels atrophied due to lack of movement are cleansed. As a result, blood gains access to problem areas of the body, renewing them.

At what temperature should you not run?

In winter or late autumn, it is not recommended to run at temperatures below -20C. Otherwise, training and trying to improve the body’s health will lead to negative consequences. Unprepared athletes are not advised to run at temperatures below -15C.

At what temperature should you not run?

In summer evenings at temperatures above 20C, novice runners should not exercise; experienced athletes can run at a temperature of 25C, but the running time should be limited.

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