Hello to all the guys of the vast Internet! Immediately everyone has a question to ask: have you at least once
The boom in protein production occurred in the 90s, when its high
If you need to quickly get rid of excess weight, an effective diet for 20 days is suitable, which
How to build workouts without iron at home? First of all you need to put
Video of Hatha yoga using the Iyengar method https://youtu.be/niuhARqAtPs Morning. There was a cool rain from the shower in the bathroom.
Simple exercises will help relieve the fatigue accumulated during the day, relax the muscles and distract attention from
Many modern young people want to look fit, have beautiful shoulders and be in good physical condition.
CrossFit with kettlebells The peculiarity of CrossFit is the combination of different types of load and work with different
The natural mass limit of a straight person: how to break through the ceiling Training stress is the basis for the natural progression of strength
Where did the extra 25 kilograms of weight come from? Let's start with the fact that last year I