Author: Vasily Roldugin - coach and master of sports in powerlifting | more details >> Master
List of effective physical exercises for body tightening at home The course of classes should be
Natalya Grigorieva, a nutritionist, talks about the pros and cons of separate meals. The idea of separating the “grains from
... The canons of female beauty have changed over the centuries. But one thing has always remained the same: a curvy, fit
Yoga can be a faithful assistant in the fight against cellulite. But does yoga really help?
Stretching exercises for children - goals, objectives, methodology Stretching exercises for children
The most common cause of pain in the hands of a modern person is working at a computer, or rather,
What's so special about it? Traditional abdominal workouts give you a six-pack and tighten your stomach a little, because
How to return to your former shape after the birth of a baby? This question worries all expectant mothers. IN
2054 Squats can be called the most versatile exercise. With their help you can pump up your abs, tighten