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How to run to lose belly fat

How to run to lose belly fat

Running is the main exercise for those who want to get in good shape.

It is especially useful for overweight people, as it helps to quickly lose extra pounds and start living a full life. But getting rid of the belly and inches on the sides is the hardest thing to do.

This is where a person loses weight last, so it is important to know how to run to lose belly fat and make the final decisive effort

Does running help you lose belly fat?

The first signs of excess weight appear in the abdominal area, and this is where it is most difficult to remove them. Everyone knows about the benefits of running, but is it possible to use it to get rid of extra centimeters on the stomach and sides?

While running, the following happens to the human body:

  1. The body goes into “accelerated” mode, when the heart pumps blood several times faster.
  2. Metabolic processes in organs are accelerated.
  3. The saturation of blood and organs with oxygen increases.
  4. A person sweats, getting rid of waste, toxins and excess fluid.
  5. Regular running normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stabilizes liver function.
  6. As a result, the body begins to work “like a clock,” getting rid of everything unnecessary - toxins, waste, fat. Running is the only exercise that uses all muscle groups, including the abdominal area.

How to run properly to lose belly fat

You can run in different ways, focusing on training one or another muscle group. How to run to remove belly and sides? The following recommendations will help you achieve the desired results as quickly as possible:

  1. You can train at home or in the gym on a treadmill, but results will be achieved faster if you exercise outdoors.
  2. You should not start running in winter, since an unprepared body will most likely catch a cold and get sick.
  3. If you want to lose weight, get used to running in the evenings.

The duration of the workout should not be 10-20 minutes, but about an hour. Of course, at first it will be very difficult to jog continuously for so long, but this is the only way to achieve the desired result. In the first half hour of running, glycogen is processed, and fats are burned after 40-50 minutes of movement. Run at intervals - every two to three minutes of jogging, speed up and cover 100-200 meters, and then return to your previous pace. This method will force the body to burn fat for another 5 hours after training! Run with a skipping rope, doing jumping jacks and alternating them with jogging.

To lose belly fat by running in the manner described above, it will take from two to five weeks, depending on the initial state of the body. Helpful tip: It’s not necessary to train every day.

Moreover, this can lead to overwork of the body. Jogging every other day, but at least three times a week.

Just think that by devoting just four to five hours a week to your health, you will find a slim, toned figure within a month!

How to run correctly to lose belly fat - tips for creating a program

Running is one of the most accessible and effective types of physical activity for strengthening a person’s immunity and vitality. Regular jogging helps to activate all tissues and organs, strengthen muscles and joints, remove excess salts and toxins, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Sports activities are necessary for a person not only to maintain body tone and improve health, but also to achieve good physical and aesthetic shape, lose extra pounds and lose weight. Running helps to tone the body as a whole and achieve the desired effect in problem areas (for example, running to get rid of belly fat requires following certain recommendations).

Selecting the time of day

Typically, people use morning or evening time for exercise.

If the main goal of running is to lose weight and fight fat deposits in the abdominal area, it is preferable to choose the morning hours (from 6 to 8 am) - this is explained by the fact that the level of glucose in a person’s blood at this time is minimal, and accordingly, the body’s energy will not be reproduced due to glucose, but due to its own fats.


This process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and blood pressure, which gradually leads to weight loss and the formation of a flat stomach. If running in the morning is not possible, you must avoid eating 2 hours before training.

Duration and mode of training

Short jogging does not lead to fat burning, and therefore to weight loss, because first of all the body processes glycogen - sugar from its own cells.

In order for energy to be produced during running due to the destruction of fat cells, which are the last to be consumed, the duration of exercise should be at least an hour.

Running speed for the purpose of losing weight should not be uniform. Slow running must be diluted with fast running (duration from 1 to 3 minutes), including acceleration in jogging - in this case, the training gives an impetus to weight loss, thanks to which fat reserves will be burned within 6 hours.

Additional tools

To get a faster effect from running, training should be supplemented with factors that act as catalysts for losing weight and modeling your figure:

  • Special underwear with a thermal effect - pants, shorts, belts of this group increase sweating and tighten problem areas;
  • Jumping rope is an excellent aerobic exercise that can be included in a running run to alternate intensity (light - jogging, strong - jumping rope);
  • Rational nutrition - reducing the amount of food and fat content of dishes (within reasonable limits).

Does running help you lose belly fat?

Cardio activity such as running, however, will help you lose excess fat not only from your belly, but also from your thighs and buttocks. Combine running with strength training to burn calories and annoying belly fat.

Video: which is better running or walking for fat burning

From this video you will learn how and how much you need to run in order to lose belly fat and burn excess fat deposits, and not glycogen in the muscles.

Calorie Deficit

If you want to lose belly fat by running, you will also have to create a calorie deficit. That is, your body will need to burn more calories than you consume - thus removing unwanted fat from all problem areas of the body, including belly fat. The ideal fat loss is 0.5 - 1 kilogram per week. Such weight loss is considered healthy and correct according to information from the online encyclopedia MedlinePlus. In order to consistently lose a pound per week, you need to cut 500 calories per day through diet, exercise, or a combination of both. To lose a kilogram per week, you will have to get rid of 1000 calories using the same methods. Running is a type of sports activity in which calories are burned at a tremendous speed and, in addition, thanks to running, excess fat is removed from the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. The main thing is to practice regularly.

Running And Burning Calories

How many calories you burn depends on your total body weight and the intensity of your exercise. The more and faster you run, the more calories you burn. For example, a woman weighing approximately 150 pounds burns 584 calories during an hour of running at 5 miles per hour, according to MayoClinic.com. An obese woman weighing about 95 kilograms will burn 728 kcal at the same speed within an hour. And if the speed is increased to 8 miles per hour, then a woman weighing 75 kilograms will lose 986 kcal, and a woman weighing 95 kilograms will lose 1,229 kcal.

Circuit Training

You can also achieve a flat stomach by training in cycles. Start with exercises that tone your abdominal muscles, such as crunches. Try some strength training. Only then start running. After 30 minutes of running, return to toning and strength training. According to Fitness magazine, circuit training burns 3% more calories than traditional strength training.

Toning the Belly

If you decide to take a cycling approach to get rid of that hated belly fat, then you should know which core exercises will be most effective. It is thanks to them that your thin tummy will look firm and toned after cardio workouts. Try simply holding your abdominal muscles tight. Sit on the edge of a firmly standing chair or sofa, do not lift your feet off the floor. Holding your hands on the edge of the surface on which you are sitting, lift your feet off the floor 2 to 4 inches and maintain tension in your abs for several seconds. Repeat the exercise for a minute.

Another effective exercise is crunch squats. Feet shoulder width apart. We squat, raising our arms up to shoulder level. While in a sitting position, we rotate our torso to the right and left. The exercise is performed 12 times on each side.

  • https://www.self.com/story/myth-of-running-and-weight-loss
  • https://getfit.jillianmichaels.com/can-lose-stomach-fat-running-day-1648.html

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is your best choice for weight loss

HIIT is a type of workout where you alternate between intervals of intense cardio and low-intensity running. During intense intervals, you must push yourself as hard as you can - doing everything to the maximum and using all your energy. Intervals are typically 20 to 90 seconds each, and full workouts are usually no more than 20 minutes (they're often less than 10 minutes a day).

There are many different ways to do an intense workout—whether it's weight training, cycling, or other high- and low-intensity cardio, including running. The difference between HIIT and jogging is that you alternate between periods of intense running and slower walking or walking, rather than maintaining the same pace for a set amount of time.

For example, Pozhednik suggests that on your next run, try to sprint to every third pole or tree in the park. Then an easy recovery walk the distance between two posts before speeding up again. This is just one example of how to incorporate intervals into your workouts and make them HIIT.

A recent meta-analysis of 39 HIIT studies published in the Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that this training protocol is an effective way to reduce body fat in normal and overweight adults. The authors note that more research is needed to show which specific HIIT workouts are most effective—though some studies suggest that HIIT running may be more effective than cycling, they add. Other studies that looked to see if running could help you lose weight compared HIIT training with cardio training found that the former was more effective for fat loss. For example, in a small study of 45 women published in the International Scientific Journal of Obesity Research, one group of women alternated 8-second sprints with 12 seconds of rest for 20 minutes, while another group did 40 minutes of regular exercise. By the end of 15 weeks, women in the HIIT group had lost as much as 3.3 kilograms, while women in the HIIT group had actually gained as much as 1.2 kg (the authors note that the difference in weight changes may be due to other factors, such as dietary changes).

There are several possible reasons for the weight loss benefits of high- and low-intensity interval training. The number of calories you burn per minute depends on the intensity of your exercise. When you exercise at an intense level, your body expends more energy (read: calories) in a short time to recover, says Pojednik. Then, once your workout is over, your body will continue to burn calories to recover. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) or the fat-burning effect, although the actual calories burned in this state are a small percentage of the calories you burned during the workout and are therefore likely negligible. However, research shows that high-intensity workouts produce a greater after-burn effect than regular workouts.

To avoid injury, experts suggest limiting high-intensity workouts to two to three times a week. Plan lighter workouts (a 5-6 on a scale of 1 to 10) without HIIT—this will give your body time to recover while still moving, improving your health, and burning more calories than if you were just sitting.

diet for weight loss for men

Running can be beneficial, but it is the main factor in weight loss

Weight loss, of course, may not be a goal for everyone. Even if your goal is to lose weight, running can be beneficial for other reasons. It has many health benefits, from improving mood and sleep quality to improving heart health. A long-term study of 55,137 people published in the scientific journal of the American College of Cardiology found that runners had a 30 percent lower risk of mortality from any disease and a 45 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease than their non-runner peers over the course of 15-year study period. The researchers also noted that runners had a 3-year higher life expectancy than non-runners, although there is still debate about whether “too much” running (i.e. marathon running) is good or bad for your heart.

"Just because you haven't lost a few pounds in a month doesn't mean there aren't any benefits from running," says Samantha Heller, RD, PhD, a registered nutritionist and assistant professor of nutrition and health at the University of Bridgeport. “There is no harm in getting outside and exercising regularly,” she says.

Another benefit of running is that it improves your mood. Any runner can attest to the feeling of freedom and joy when you really give it your all on a run. So if you love running, definitely keep going. But it shouldn't be the only thing you do if your ultimate goal is to lose weight.

Correct running technique

It's funny, but there are not so many running techniques, since this sport does not have various equipment, devices and modes of operation. In the gym, we can adjust the speed, running time and distance, and it's all about choice. But even from such a list of things, you can develop certain techniques for losing belly fat for people of different ages and weights.

  1. Don't rush into the load. The first days of jogging will not bring great results in any case; they are needed to prepare the body and warm up the muscles, so you will have to take away any special zeal. Start with a time of 10-15 minutes, run slowly, calmly, just get acquainted with this sport, learn to be in it.
  2. Don't strain yourself, don't chase complicated techniques. Remember - you are not in sports, not at the Olympics, your goal is to lose weight, so run to the best of your ability.
  3. Set a goal. The best technique is developed when a person has the desire. Set a goal for yourself and go (or rather run) towards it.


How to run properly to lose belly fat

Excess belly deposits are the scourge of modern society: a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition make themselves felt. According to statistics, the first signs of excess weight can be identified precisely at the waist, and what is most interesting is that this is the most difficult place to get in order.

Especially before the beach season, this problem begins to gain relevance, and most of those suffering from it take the path of diets and running exercises.

Naturally, many people have a question about how to run correctly in order to lose weight in the stomach.


To understand the correctness of running, you need to start by considering how it affects our body.

Running stimulates him to work at a faster pace, the heart pumps blood more efficiently, metabolic processes increase, and the lungs are more saturated with oxygen.

When running for a long time, sweat secretions begin to be released, with which various types of waste and toxins are eliminated, and the efficiency of liver functioning also increases significantly.

The process of running is considered incredibly effective for increasing the overall tone of a person, since it involves almost all muscle groups, and the abdominal muscles are no exception.

Running Recommendations for Beginners

There is no ready-made manual on how to run correctly to lose belly fat, since everything is individual, but there are general rules.

To avoid muscle injuries and get a slim figure, it is important to choose the right load. This is necessary to achieve real results, and not just get moral pleasure from the process of running

If you take a timeline, start with seven minutes of continuous running, and every day increase this time to thirty minutes.

A moderate running pace is only needed at first, when it’s already difficult for a beginner. But as soon as the skills of long running are acquired, it is necessary to start at a pace that stimulates the body to burn fat.


This can be achieved by constantly changing the rhythm and speed mode. For example, one day run fast for five minutes and jog for a few minutes. And the next day you can combine short and long steps.

That is, we need to do everything that is unusual for our body.

It seems clear how to run to lose belly fat, but to avoid injury you need not only to pay sufficient attention to the process of running, but also to warm-up, which should last at least twenty minutes. Selection of sportswear

Selection of sportswear

It is incredibly important to choose the right sportswear. In this matter, what is important is not so much its design, but convenience and ease

Pay special attention to future sports shoes, as 80% of all running comfort will depend on them

To speed up the achievement of the intended result, you can pay attention to shorts for weight loss. They stimulate sweating, burn fat and reduce cellulite deposits

How much should you run to lose belly fat?

Always remember that to get quick results, you need to run every day, and not from time to time. Set a strict routine for yourself and stick to it no matter the weather. Don't make excuses for yourself if you had to miss a run.

For many, a month of daily jogging is enough to improve the situation, while some require at least two.

As a conclusion about how to run correctly to lose belly fat, we can say the following: every day, at least thirty minutes at a different pace and in the right clothes.

How to lose belly fat by running

How exactly to lose belly fat by running

Knowing the following rules will help those who want to know how to run to lose belly fat:

  • physically unprepared people should start with a ten-minute jog or race walk so as not to harm the functioning of the heart;
  • warming up (that is, warming up the muscles) before training and stretching after it will help avoid injury;
  • fat begins to be burned only half an hour after continuous muscle activity, so it is necessary to gradually increase the duration of the run to at least 40 minutes, otherwise the body will only consume glycogen reserves in the liver and ATP (a universal source of energy);
  • ideally, classes should be daily, in extreme cases - every other day;
  • It is better to give preference to morning jogging, this is due to the specifics of the breakdown of fat reserves;
  • if evening training is nevertheless chosen, then it should take place after 17:00;
  • you need to exercise on an empty stomach, the maximum allowed is a glass of weak tea to replenish the water balance;
  • after an hour's run, you can eat oatmeal;
  • you need to choose the right sports shoes;
  • you need to run naturally, that is, as the body tells you;
  • you should breathe through your mouth and maintain a pace of study so that you can carry on a conversation without excessive effort;
  • The heart rate (HR) must be within the target zone: the runner's age is subtracted from 220, and the result is first multiplied by 0.6 to determine the lower limit, and then by 0.8 to determine the upper limit. For example, at the age of 32 years, the target heart rate zone is between 113-150 beats per minute.

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10 Week Running Program

A weekWalkingRunIntense running
110 minutes20 minutes5-10 minutes
210 minutes20 minutes5-10 minutes
35 minutes25 minutes5-10 minutes
45 minutes25 minutes5 minutes
55 minutes30 minutes5 minutes
65 minutes35 minutes5 minutes
75 minutes35 minutes5 minutes
85 minutes40 minutes5 minutes
95 minutes40 minutes15 minutes
105 minutes45 minutes15 minutes

Active running - if you are short of breath, mix it with regular running. The body first burns glycogen for energy and then turns it into fat reserves. The better the run and the higher the speed, the faster the calories burned. In the beginning, it doesn't matter how much you run or how much you walk.

Running and losing weight Myth or reality

It's tempting to think that running is a magical exercise that will melt away those extra pounds. The theory that running leads to weight loss has been around for many years, with its own before and after stories, training programs and articles about losing weight from a sport you can do anywhere.

If you enjoy running, there is a way to make running part of your weight loss plan (if that's your goal). If your main goal is to lose weight, then base your fitness program on running at low or moderate intensity at a relatively steady pace.

“Relying on running alone is not the best way to lose weight because it burns relatively few calories during the time spent exercising,” says physiology and nutrition expert Rachel Pojednik, Ph.D., assistant professor of nutritional science at Simmons College and a former research fellow. Institute of Medicine and Health at Harvard Medical School. Although running has its benefits, it is not the best way to lose weight. But that doesn't mean you have to throw away your running shoes.

How to run to lose belly fat

/ Articles about health / How to run to lose belly fat

Sometimes the main problem for those losing weight is not the excess weight itself, but its incorrect distribution throughout the body. It is especially unpleasant to have a full belly and sides. Fat deposition in these places is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a harbinger of serious health problems.

It is quite possible to lose belly fat by running and other methods. The main thing is to clearly set a goal to lose weight in the abdominal area and systematically move towards it.

By getting rid of abdominal folds, you will reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome in women, heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, your silhouette will acquire an attractive shape, your self-esteem and success with the opposite sex will increase. How to run to lose belly fat is discussed in this article.

Is it possible to lose belly fat by running?

Running is an intense physical aerobic activity. When running, the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, and buttocks work mainly. They actively oxidize glucose and accumulate lactic acid.

Therefore, pain after training usually appears in these muscle groups. But this does not mean that you cannot lose belly fat by running.

Although the abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles are not involved in running, the process of this load itself affects the entire body.

The most important!

While running, a person spends about 500-700 kilocalories per hour. These spent energy reserves are actually burned fat tissue. If you approach the issue mechanistically, you can also find out the mass of lost fat - 55-77 grams. This fat will disappear from the entire surface of the body evenly. Accordingly, the stomach will also lose a few grams. It turns out that running helps to remove belly fat.

But don't count on easy results. Whether running will help you lose belly fat depends on your persistence. Only a properly designed training schedule, self-discipline and dietary restrictions will contribute to success.

How to run to lose belly fat - lesson plan

Choose where the training will take place: outdoors or indoors. You can exercise on a treadmill at home or in the gym, regardless of weather conditions. It is preferable to run outdoors in spring and summer. Such activities can become a full-fledged walk.

You can lose belly fat by running only with regular training. It is best to make jogging daily. If this is too much for you, then limit yourself to 3-4 classes per week. Less training will not help you.

The duration of the run should be about 40-60 minutes. How to run to lose belly fat: jogging or fast? Of course, the higher the speed, the higher the calorie consumption. But experts believe that it is most effective to replace jogging with minutes of intense acceleration. In this case, running will be easier, and the results will be quite noticeable.

It is important to organize your training correctly. Run only in suitable clothing and sports shoes

Avoid eating 2 hours before training. After it, also, do not eat anything for 1.5-2 hours. Bring clean drinking water with you to the treadmill.

Some experts recommend special fat-burning dietary supplements before training. Such drinks or capsules most often contain caffeine, levocarnitine, and guarana. Discuss the safety and necessity of their use with your doctor.

Does running remove belly fat in a short time? The answer to this question is rather negative. It will most likely take you 6 to 8 weeks to see the first results.

What else is needed besides running?

It is unlikely that you will be able to limit yourself to just one run. Even if you know how to run to lose belly fat, training may still not be enough. Add abdominal exercises and exercises with a gymnastic hoop to your jogging.

These measures will strengthen and tighten the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. And, of course, don’t forget about proper nutrition. Fractional meals in small portions 5-6 times a day will be most beneficial.

Avoid fried, sweet, fatty foods, reduce your consumption of bread and processed foods.

Helpful advice!

How to run to lose belly fat can be easily found in specialized literature and on the Internet. It is more difficult to apply this knowledge in practice. You will need self-discipline, determination, and perseverance. But the results obtained will bring you well-deserved joy.

Calorie consumption and fat burning while running

Running is a physical activity that affects the entire body. The muscles begin to work intensively, and the process of burning fat occurs. Does running reduce your belly and thighs? From a medical point of view, vigorous physical activity burns between 55 and 78 grams of fat per hour. This is up to 700 kcal.

However, you shouldn't expect to get your dream body within a week. No. A beautiful body takes time. You get results with constant running.

On the first day you need 2-3 hours. This will make your muscles ache.

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