Is it possible to eat eggs every day? What is the harm of eating eggs daily?

Every person who watches their diet has wondered more than once whether it is possible to eat eggs every day. Some people prefer to have breakfast exclusively with this product. They produce up to 20 eggs per week. Others consider each such meal to be very harmful and capable of damaging their already fragile health. This article will tell you whether you can eat eggs every day. You will learn the benefits of this product and how nutritionists view it. It’s also worth talking about what will happen if you eat eggs every day.

is it possible to eat eggs every day

About the product

Before you find out whether you can eat eggs every day, it’s worth saying that they are different. The most popular is chicken yolk and white. Also, recently people have begun to eat quail eggs in large quantities. In addition, duck and goose products are suitable for food. However, not every person will like them.

Since chicken products are very popular, they will be discussed further. So, is it possible to eat eggs every day? Let's consider the main points of view on this issue.

More benefits for the brain

Who knew that these familiar balls benefit the brain? Eggs contain a lot of nutrients that help keep your mind sharp. Basically, this is the already mentioned vitamin D and choline.

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In 2020, a study was conducted that looked at the role of B12, B6 and folic acid. It turned out that these substances are very important for ensuring healthy brain function. Therefore, you can afford to add eggs to breakfast more often.

Another study looked at the link between dietary choline and dementia. And the results exceeded all expectations. The experiment involved more than 2,500 people aged 42 to 60 years and without signs of dementia. They were observed for about five years. The results showed that those people who received more choline had a 28% reduced risk of developing dementia.

Do you have excess cholesterol?

Many people believe that you cannot eat a boiled egg every day. This is because it contains cholesterol. In fact, this is a big misconception.

For quite some time now, scientists have discovered that eggs contain extremely healthy (good) cholesterol. It helps liver cells and improves blood condition. That is why there is no prohibition regarding the daily consumption of boiled eggs. It is worth noting that the product prepared in this way is the most useful of all other types.

More antioxidants

Eggs are a stable source of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. They help reduce damage to the body's cells and are very important for a healthy diet. These two antioxidants accumulate in the retina of the eyes and improve their health.

This is an important process, since by receiving the appropriate amount of antioxidants, you reduce the risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. These are the two most common eye diseases that lead to blindness. Antioxidants protect your eyes from blue light emitted by gadgets and sun rays.

The effect of protein on the body

Is it possible to eat eggs every day? Absolutely yes. If you are a professional athlete or just go to the gym, then you need to eat more than one egg a day. This statement has a fairly simple explanation.

Eggs contain a large amount of protein. It is necessary for building muscle mass. If you do not compensate for the deficiency of this substance through nutrition, the body will simply begin to suck it out of the bones, brain and other systems. All this is fraught with consequences. That is why eating boiled eggs every day is not only possible, but also necessary.

It's worth noting that some athletes drink raw protein. The product in this form is practically not absorbed by the body. Whereas after boiling you can get protein in the amount of 90-98 percent of the egg weight.

More Protein

If you're used to only whipping egg whites to make omelettes, you're missing out on precious protein. While the white contains 3.6 grams of protein, the yolk contains 2.7 grams.

The body uses dietary protein to build and repair tissue. It is also needed for the production of hormones and enzymes. The average person needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight to maintain basic life functions.

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Therefore, you should not limit yourself to eggs for breakfast. They are an inexpensive source of high quality protein.

Effects on the skin and reproductive system in women

Is it harmful for the fairer sex to eat eggs every day? Many people believe that such a diet leads to obesity. This is a big misconception. Egg yolk copes well with skin aging and maintains its elasticity. The product contains vitamins B, A, K, E, D and PP. In addition, the egg transfers potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, iron, iodine and other substances to the body.

All these components not only have a beneficial effect on bones, skin, hair and nails, but also partly regulate the functioning of the reproductive system. Scientists conducted an experiment and found that women who consumed several eggs a day for several years suffered less from infertility, benign and malignant tumors of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands. The components of the product regulate the production of female sex hormones and help prevent many diseases.

Is it bad to eat eggs every day?

Omelette: benefits and harm to the body

Omelette is one of the simplest dishes of European cuisine. It is prepared from chicken eggs and, if desired, supplemented with meat, vegetable additives, spices and, of course, milk.

Most often, omelet is served for breakfast, as this high-calorie and easy-to-prepare dish can fill you up for a long time.

This article will discuss the beneficial and harmful properties of this dish, recommendations for its consumption and calorie content of different types of omelettes.

Calorie content

The nutritional value of this product is determined by the number of eggs used in its preparation and the type of additives added to the egg mixture. The calorie content of this product with additives is indicated per 100 g of product.

Important! People who suffer from atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as those who have suffered a stroke, are recommended to eat omelet no more than twice a week, regardless of the cooking method.

Let's look at the calorie table for this dish with and without milk.

ViewCalorie contentSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
With milk:
From 1 egg72 kcal2.9 g2.3 g0.8 g
From 2 eggs147 kcal5.7 g4.8 g1.7 g
From 3 eggs217 kcal8.6 g7.4 g2.3 g
From 4 eggs289 kcal11.5 g10.1 g3.1 g
Without milk:
From 1 egg65 kcal2.7 g2.0 g0.7 g
From 2 eggs131 kcal5.5 g4.5 g1.6 g
From 3 eggs186 kcal8.7 g7.2 g2.1 g
From 4 eggs267 kcal11.2 g9.8 g2.8 g
With tomatoes97 kcal5.6 g6.5 g2.3 g
With cheese342 kcal16.3 g29.2 g3.5 g
With tomatoes and cheese274 kcal15.1 g26.9 g2.8 g

Properties of omelet

The effect of omelet on the body and its nutritional value are determined by its special chemical composition.


First of all, it is a protein product that helps build muscle tissue. It is used in the nutrition of athletes and those people who endure significant physical activity.

  1. Vitamin E, which is included in its composition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, accelerates regenerative processes in soft tissues, and ensures elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  2. Vitamin A restores the retina and improves twilight vision. It also takes part in redox processes and has an immunomodulatory effect.
  3. A dish prepared with milk contains easily digestible calcium and phosphorus.
    These substances strengthen bone tissue and ensure healthy teeth, nails and hair. If you prepare this dish without milk, it will not have such properties.
  4. B vitamins promote the healing of mucous membranes, bind and remove free radicals from the body, thereby preventing early aging. They promote the synthesis of hemoglobin, therefore have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis.
  5. Sodium normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and water-salt balance. It eliminates tissue swelling and supports urinary function.
  6. Fat-like substances lecithins stabilize metabolism, support brain function, improve memory and participate in liver restoration.
    They also reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, so the question of whether this product is healthy can be answered in the affirmative.

Important! Eggs that are poorly washed before breaking can become a source of salmonellosis.

For this reason, they must be thoroughly washed in a mild soapy solution and, if possible, disinfected with a soda solution. When using eggs in baby food, these preparatory measures are mandatory.

Harm to the body

The harmful properties of this product are mainly due to the method of its preparation.

  1. The “bad” cholesterol in this product is contained exclusively in the yolks, and its amount is minimal.
    This amount increases after frying in butter or lard, so it is recommended to cook eggs with steam or olive oil.
  2. This is an active product that can provoke an allergic reaction in people prone to food allergies.

Is it possible to eat an omelette

There are a number of indications and contraindications for the use of this product, which is associated with various conditions of the body.

For gastritis

This is a valuable dietary product, which during periods of exacerbation of gastritis has a soft enveloping effect on the mucous membranes and is easily absorbed by the body. For gastritis, it must be cooked in water or steamed, without adding milk or fat. In especially severe cases, only proteins are used for cooking.

For pancreatitis

Fried foods stimulate the production of pancreatic juice. You can eat omelet with pancreatitis, but only one that was cooked in water in a double boiler or slow cooker.

If the disease worsens, use of this product should be completely stopped. The yolk component aggravates pancreatic pain, so it is recommended to prepare a protein omelet. The daily consumption rate is limited to two eggs.

During pregnancy

If the expectant mother does not have individual intolerance to eggs, omelet will be a good addition to her diet. This product is a source of easily digestible protein and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

In addition, it contains the substance choline, which is vital for a developing baby. Omelette for pregnant women should be prepared in water with a small addition of olive oil.

When breastfeeding

It is recommended to include this product in the menu of a nursing mother, starting from the third month of feeding. First, you should prepare it from quail eggs, which are considered a non-allergenic product, and then, if desired, switch to chicken eggs.

It is necessary to introduce omelet into the diet during breastfeeding gradually, in small portions, to check the baby’s reaction.

Important! Pregnant women are recommended to use only dietary eggs in cooking. These are the specimens that are marked on the shell in the form of the letter “D”. Dietary eggs can be stored for no longer than a week, so they provide maximum benefits for the pregnant woman’s body and are completely safe.

Eggs for children after one year

Can children eat eggs every day? Pediatricians and nutritionists answer this question in the affirmative. A growing body simply needs the vitamins and protein contained in the product.

As you already know, eggs contain vitamin D. Children need this element for normal absorption of calcium. A deficiency of the substance can lead to growth retardation and the development of rickets. That is why children not only can, but also need to eat eggs every day.

what happens if you eat eggs every day

Composition of scrambled eggs

The dish can be prepared from chicken, quail, goose, duck, turkey and even ostrich eggs.
But most often they use chicken, since they are the most accessible and are sold in any supermarket or store. An egg consists of white and yolk, which contain a large number of elements. Protein contains a complex of useful amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E, potassium, calcium, manganese and iron. The substance does not contain fat or cholesterol, so athletes and dieters prefer to cook scrambled eggs only from whites or from whites and 1 yolk.

The yolk, in turn, has a higher calorie content than the white - approximately 320 kcal per 100 grams (the calorie content of protein is approximately 40-45 kcal per 100 grams). The yolk also contains cholesterol, fatty acids, vitamins A, B1-B12, E, D, choline, biotin, thiamine, lutein, lecithins and a rich complex of micro- and macroelements: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, chlorine, iodine , zinc, sulfur, phosphorus, iron.

Why can't you eat eggs every day?

Despite the great benefits of this product, some people should not abuse it. What is the harm of eggs, and why should they not be eaten daily?

Allergic reaction

If a person has a tendency to develop allergies, then doctors strongly do not recommend eating eggs every day. If you really want to get such a dish, then you should give preference to the quail product. Unlike chicken eggs, it does not cause allergies.

Infant nutrition

It is not recommended for babies in their first year of life to eat eggs every day. Even if your child already eats almost all adult food, his daily portion of an egg should be no more than a quarter of the yolk. Protein is allowed for consumption only after 12 months.

Bad cholesterol

As you already know, eggs contain cholesterol that is beneficial for the body. However, if the product is used incorrectly, it can become bad and harm your blood vessels and heart.

If you like to eat eggs fried in butter and add bacon or sausage to the dish, then do not expect anything good from such food. This type of food should not be eaten every day. This can lead to deterioration in health, the appearance of plaques in blood vessels and the development of heart disease.

Influence of heredity

There are people whose liver works in such a way that it converts all the good cholesterol it receives into bad cholesterol. Think about whether you had any relatives who suffered a heart attack or stroke at a young age. If yes, then you should not consume eggs daily. Limit the amount of this product to 3-4 pieces per week.

If you have a hereditary disease of the veins of the lower extremities, you should also limit the number of eggs you eat.

how many eggs per day can a child eat?

The dangers of scrambled eggs for breakfast

Opponents of scrambled eggs for breakfast cite as the main argument the presence of cholesterol in the product, which causes blockage of blood vessels and leads to cardiovascular diseases. Incorrect preparation of the dish increases the health harm of such a morning snack. When frying, carcinogens and trans fats are released, leading to cancer.

An egg as a dietary product contains only 85 kcal, but if you fry it in oil, the calorie content will increase almost 3 times. It will also be increased by adding cheese or bacon to the dish.

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Fried foods in the morning are not good for the digestive system, causing a feeling of heaviness, nausea and heartburn.

It is also worth remembering that eggs are allergenic. Allergies most often occur in children; they go away with age, in rare cases remaining for life.

Chicken eggs can carry salmonella. The shells must be washed before cooking. The yolk must be well fried. For those who like it in liquid form, it is better to use quail eggs.

Cocotte egg: white with green

A tender egg on a creamy bed with fresh spinach is another highlight of French cuisine, but the fillings can be different. In the photo, this delicious breakfast of eggs looks impressive - it makes you want to cook and try it as soon as possible!


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • spinach - 1 bunch
  • milk - 6 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 1.5 tsp.
  • salt and black pepper - to taste

Grease small ceramic ramekins with butter. The French used to use cocotte makers for this - hence the name of the dish. Place a few spinach leaves on the bottom of the ramekins, salt and pepper them. Break 1 egg into each mold, add 2 tbsp. l. milk and add salt again, but just a little. Bake the dish for 10 minutes at 170°C and serve immediately. Cocotte eggs turn out to be very tender and simply melt in your mouth, which is not surprising, because delicious breakfast dishes made from eggs are the pride of French chefs.

Now you know what you can cook with eggs, at least you have seven new recipes. Your household will never say, like one of the characters in the film “The Singles Are Provided with a Hostel”: “In the morning - scrambled eggs, in the afternoon - scrambled eggs, in the evening - scrambled eggs, and at night - an omelet!” You'll never get bored of eggs with our breakfast ideas!

More choline

Choline is a nutrient and integral to memory and cognitive function. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain enough of it to ensure normal functioning of the body.

While the liver produces a small amount of choline, it is not enough for daily needs. Experts note that eggs are one of the few foods rich in choline. Just one large egg contains 25% of the daily requirement of the substance. It is also worth noting that choline is especially necessary during pregnancy, as it plays an important role in the early stages of brain formation.

More Omega 3s if you buy the right carton of eggs

You've probably noticed that in supermarkets, cartons of eggs say that the product came from chickens that were fed flax or algae. The diet of laying hens is changed to increase the polyunsaturated fatty acid content of eggs.

Omega-3 is often associated with fish, but the supplement can also be found in eggs. Getting enough of it helps reduce the risk of heart disease and symptoms of burnout.

An experiment was conducted in June 2020. 161 adult participants ate 3 servings of fortified eggs per week for 6 months. The results of the tests revealed that their levels of omega-3 in the blood increased significantly.

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