The best way to pump up your abs to get sculpted abs on your stomach

How to pump up your torso at homeHow to pump up your torso at home quickly?
This question has been asked by more than one young man or man who would like to look better. There are quite a lot of exercises and complexes for developing the muscles of the chest, shoulders and back.

We want to draw your attention to an exercise program that includes pull-ups, push-ups, bench presses, and deadlifts (see tables at the end of the article).

This set of exercises is aimed at pumping up a wider chest, shoulders and back, as well as burning unnecessary fat and trimming the stomach. Do you want to pump up your torso at home quickly? Check out the tips in this article.

How can men properly pump up their pectoral muscles at home?

because these are the least traumatic exercises recommended even for spinal hernia!

Thus, the horizontal bar + press + parallel bars “Legion” is a universal and easy-to-use sports equipment for all athletes, which is not difficult to order and place in your apartment, in a private house, and even on the balcony.

Simple technical exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars are the most effective for pumping up muscles, losing weight or giving deep definition to your body. The horizontal bar + press + parallel bars “Legion” is an excellent exercise machine that will help you achieve a beautiful and strong body.

Work on yourself, improve your body and spirit, remember - everything is in your hands!

Dumbbell press

This exercise will strengthen and enlarge the muscles of the entire torso, focusing on the chest, abs, shoulders and biceps.

  • Sit on the edge of a flat bench press with your knees bent at right angles and your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart;
  • Slowly sit back on the bench, holding dumbbells at chest level with your elbows bent at right angles;
  • Extend your arms fully forward, keeping them above your body and keeping the dumbbells stable;
  • Return your hands to the starting position.

Important! The weight of dumbbells should not exceed the permissible limits. You must keep them stable as you move up and down. Instead of a bench, you can do exercises on a fitball.

How to properly and quickly build up your shoulders and back thickness?

Hello everyone! Please tell me how to properly and quickly build up your shoulders and back thickness? ! I seem to be doing all the exercises, but to no avail... I also wanted to ask: what is the best way to swing (exercises, approaches, alternations, etc.)? Thank you in advance! Alexander wrote:

Hello everyone! Please tell me
how to properly and quickly build up your shoulders and back thickness? !
I seem to be doing all the exercises, but to no avail... I also wanted to ask: what is the best way to swing (exercises, approaches, alternations, etc.)? Thank you in advance! Pull-ups.

The grip is much wider than shoulder width - 12 cm on each side. Remember, the middle position for the latissimus dorsi muscles involves approaching the shoulder sections of the arms to the torso from the side, and not from the front. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar, and then slowly lower yourself for two counts. At the lowest point, do not straighten your arms completely, this is dangerous for the muscles of the joint capsule of the shoulder girdle. Immediately begin a new repetition without waiting for your arms to be fully straightened. Move evenly, like a piston, without pauses at the top or bottom. As you get in shape, add additional weights to your belt.

If you cannot complete all the given repetitions, place a chair under the bar and, having reached failure, stand on it to lift yourself to the top position, and then slowly lower yourself for six counts. Perform as many negative reps as you can until you feel like you are no longer in control of the descent.

Lateral dumbbell raise in a bent position

Doing the exercise will help you strengthen the muscles of your upper back, arms, shoulders, and also improve your posture.

  • Bend your knees, tilt your body slightly forward, and keep your back straight; Turn your palms towards each other, taking a weight in each. Keep your hands in front of you;
  • Bend your arms very slightly at the elbow joints;
  • Extend your arms to your sides, lifting them up and out. When lifting, keep your hands in line with your shoulders;
  • Return to the starting position.

Chest exercises at home: tips and complex

This technique will quickly increase your strength, and within a few weeks you will be able to perform 8-10 pull-ups on your own. Rotation of the shoulder blades in an inclined position. I have already described this exercise above. These are practically the same straightening of the arms in a tilted position, but without turning off the elbows. Make sure your shoulders extend behind your torso and additionally contract your latissimus dorsi for one count before moving down. You'll feel like your triceps have to work as well, but that's okay as long as you feel the load on your lats. A slight bend in the elbows will help minimize the load on the triceps.

Pullover with two dumbbells.

To perform this exercise, lie along or perpendicular to a bench, using only your upper back as support. Hold two dumbbells with your arms extended upward. Maintaining a slight bend in your elbows, lower your hands behind your head until they are parallel to your torso or slightly lower. You should feel a powerful stretch in your lats. Without pausing, immediately begin the reverse movement - this will take advantage of the stretch reflex and recruit more fibers into the work. The weight should be heavy enough that failure occurs around the eighth rep. Immediately after this, take lighter dumbbells and perform another set, but with a reduced weight.

Bent-over rows with chest support.

With dumbbells in both hands, lean forward and rest your chest on the inclined back of the bench. You can even lie with your chest on a bench, so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Lower your arms down, dumbbells parallel to each other, palms facing inward. Feel the stretch in the middle of your back, but do not pause at this point - pull the dumbbells up while turning your hands towards you. At the top point, the shoulder sections of the arms should move to the sides, and the palms should turn back. This is where you reach the shortened position. The involvement of the latissimus dorsi muscles is minimized by moving the arms away from the torso. There is no pause at the top point either.

Raising bent arms to the sides in an inclined position.

Take dumbbells and sit on the edge of a horizontal bench. Lean forward until your chest almost touches your thighs. With your elbows bent slightly more than 90 degrees, spread your arms out to the sides, feeling your shoulder blades meet at the top. Hold for one count and slowly return to the starting position. If during work you do not feel the contraction and lengthening of the muscles of the upper back, then the burden is excessive.

Shrugs with dumbbells with a slight forward bend

. Stand straight, holding a dumbbell in each hand. The inner discs of the dumbbells should touch the front of your thighs; palms facing back. This is a stretched position for the upper trapezius. As you lift your shoulders up, allow the dumbbells to spread out to the sides, this way you will achieve a complete contraction of the upper trapezius. Once you reach failure around the 8th rep, take a lighter pair of dumbbells and continue working until failure on the 6th to 8th rep.

And one last thing.

If the middle back is lagging behind in development, you can train it first, and load the lats and traps after it. You can do the opposite, placing your lats first. Either way, this home program will give you a powerful back workout that can speed up your progress.

Thank you for your answer!!!!!I will definitely try these exercises! Once again, THANK YOU!!!!!!!the swings are good for my shoulders aha-guy has been waiting for an answer since 2008))

In order to become like an ancient Greek athlete, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself in the gym under a barbell of a hundred kilograms. An athletic torso and muscle strength that would be the envy of the heroes of Ancient Greece can be developed at home.

To pump up muscles, lose weight, develop strength or create a deep body contour, it is necessary not only to change the direction of training (number of sets, repetitions), but also, if possible, diversify the options for pull-ups and push-ups, using as many muscles as possible and thereby working your entire body , not allowing the body to get used to the same exercises and loads. At home, all this can be done with the multifunctional home exercise machine horizontal bar + press + parallel bars “Legion”.

The wider the grip, the more intensively the back muscles are used; the narrower the grip, the more load is placed on the chest muscles, biceps and deltoids.

Due to the fact that when doing pull-ups, not only the biceps, but also the latissimus dorsi muscles work, you force the biceps to overcome a weight several times greater than any exercise with a barbell. Pull-ups and push-ups help significantly develop your back muscles. In addition, by doing pull-ups, a person develops many other muscles, indirectly working out the entire upper half of the body, and with their help, the muscles of the arms are also perfectly strengthened and stretched. And if the grip options are varied, the result will not be long in coming. By performing dips and pull-ups, you can achieve outstanding development of your biceps, shoulder muscles, pectoral muscles and back muscles. Do these exercises correctly and you will achieve success in no time.

The pull-up technique is very simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. You need to pull yourself up calmly, without jerking, at a pace that is comfortable for you, maintaining the same speed when lifting and lowering your body. When lowering, you should not throw your body down, and you should also not strongly resist lowering to the lowest point. You need to lower your torso under control, mostly under your own weight. When the torso is at the lowest point, the arms should be completely straightened.

Don’t forget about breathing: when you go down, inhale; pull yourself up - exhale (in any exercise, the moment of greatest tension should be accompanied by exhalation). Many novice athletes believe that if they pull up at least a little, then they pull up to the fullest extent and this is a misconception. Until your chin is higher than the bar, you know that you are doing the exercise incorrectly.

Watch your technique - first of all, efficiency depends on it, and not on the load. However, once you get used to a certain load, you need to increase it (attach the load to a belt on your belt).

And most importantly, remember it is better to do 5 repetitions correctly than 15 incorrectly.

If you want to pump up your muscles, the effective minimum of pull-ups or push-ups is three approaches. The number of repetitions should be exactly as many as you can do with proper technique without pausing at any point in the movement. Immediately end the set as soon as the speed of the exercise begins to decrease or the technique deteriorates. The rest time between approaches depends on how many repetitions you can perform in the first approach, i.e. if in the first approach, with the correct technique, you can perform 4-6 repetitions, then the rest should be 45 seconds, if 10-12 repetitions - 60 sec., 20-22 repetitions - 75 sec. The athlete determines the maximum number of approaches for himself, taking into account his physical training and capabilities, but he needs to start with at least three, gradually increasing their number.

The pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar has one feature: to learn how to do the exercise, try to do it day after day. Despite unsuccessful attempts, continue to train. At some point it will happen by itself.

TOP 10 exercises that will make your torso beautiful in 4 weeks

Upper body exercise is a great way to tone your shoulders, back and abs. They will also help you get rid of flabby arms or reduce the risk of getting them in the future. With regular exercise, you will become stronger and will be able to perform everyday tasks with ease.

The exercises described below were selected by professional athletes and coaches. They will help you get a toned torso that you can only envy. Repeat the workouts at least twice a week, and don’t forget about warming up, otherwise, instead of a good result, you will get unpleasant sprains!

By the way, on most-beauty there is a very interesting article about the most beautiful athletes in Russia.

All people are different and have different goals. One person wants 45 centimeter biceps, while another sees himself as the Hulk. Thanks to our training, everyone will get what they want. The main thing is to choose the right exercise and number of repetitions. First, let's look at the types of training, and then proceed to describe the exercises.

  • Circuit training is a great fitness program. Choose no more than 10 exercises, and perform each task for a minute, moving on to the next without rest. Try to do as many repetitions as possible, but not at the expense of technique. After completing the last exercise, take a break for 60 seconds, then start a new circle. Do 3 complete cycles, each taking about 15 minutes.
  • Supersets are the best solution to the problem of obtaining an attractive and sculpted torso. One superset includes performing 2-3 exercises. They should be performed one after another, without interruption or respite. After doing one superset, rest for a minute and start doing another.
  • For high-quality torso training, performing one exercise in several approaches is also suitable. The only thing that requires attention is the correct choice of weight. Repeat each exercise 3 times, with a ten-second rest break between sets and a half-minute break between exercises. It is worth saying that for rapid growth of muscle mass, it is better to take more weight and reduce the number of repetitions, bringing them to 6-8. If you want “relief” muscles, the number of repetitions should be at least 12.
  • Split workouts are designed for serious bodybuilders who are accustomed to working each muscle group separately, dedicating a separate day for them. If you don't know what split training is, then don't worry, leave it for the big guys.

Strengthening the latissimus dorsi muscles

And again, don’t stop there. Having learned to do 15-20 pull-ups, you can hang a weight on your belt and practice weighted pull-ups or push-ups. Once you've mastered one type of grip, learn other ways to do pull-ups and push-ups.

Training on the horizontal bar and parallel bars is a classic, proven and simple way of strength training that even the most experienced bodybuilders do not neglect.

Sports professionals advise not to do any exercises before doing pull-ups.

It is best to perform pull-ups on the horizontal bar at the beginning of your workout, otherwise the latissimus dorsi, forearms and biceps muscles will be tired, and it will be much more difficult for you to correctly perform the pull-up technique on the horizontal bar. Pull-ups are quite hard and require a lot of strength, so you need to do them with fresh strength. If you don't believe me, try doing pull-ups on the bar at the beginning of your workout and after it, and the resulting number of repetitions will speak for itself.

Using a fingerless grip, which is a grip in which all fingers, including the thumbs, are placed on top of the bar, the tension will be transferred directly to the latissimus dorsi, reducing the role of the biceps. Once you learn how to do a pull-up with this grip, you will be immediately surprised how much better the pull-ups will feel in your latissimus dorsi muscles.

Even if you are far from young and have never played sports, the most ordinary exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will help you strengthen your muscle strength and make their outlines more prominent. Moreover, the Legion simulator can be easily placed at home, in the smallest apartment, even on the balcony, since it takes up absolutely no space. Surprisingly, with regular training on this machine you can pump up almost all major muscle groups. Judge for yourself: a simple pull-up on the horizontal bar with a wide or narrow grip forms the relief of the latissimus dorsi muscles, develops the deltoids and biceps. Dips “build” the pectoral muscles, triceps and trapezius. “Pistol” works all the muscles of the legs. You can pump up on the horizontal bar and uneven bars so that your friends will open their mouths in surprise at how much you have transformed in just a few months. The main condition here is regular training. Don’t be lazy and confidently go towards the goal if you have set it for yourself.

The Legion horizontal bar + press + parallel bars exercise machine and your own weight - that’s all the sports equipment you need to create amazing muscles, and your desire, of course!

Truly, this is an ideal sports tandem, functioning harmoniously and in concert - the horizontal bar and parallel bars, as they were the most effective way to pump up muscles, remain so. At the same time, you can regulate the degree of load yourself: just change the position of your hands when gripping. Regular exercise on the horizontal bar and uneven bars has a beneficial effect on the formation of a beautiful athletic figure.

A set of exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will help you not only have a beautiful body, but also good health. It would be wrong to consider that the Legion horizontal bar-press bars is a purely “male” sports equipment. Certain exercises on this machine for women also help strengthen the buttocks, abs and pectoral muscles, also helping to get rid of excess weight.

And remember that no dumbbells, blocks or lever exercise machines can replace pull-ups on the horizontal bar and push-ups on the uneven bars, since these are the least traumatic exercises recommended even for a herniated spine!

Thus, the horizontal bar + press + parallel bars “Legion” is a universal and easy-to-use sports equipment for all athletes, which is not difficult to order and place in your apartment, in a private house, and even on the balcony.

Simple technical exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars are the most effective for pumping up muscles, losing weight or giving deep definition to your body. The horizontal bar + press + parallel bars “Legion” is an excellent exercise machine that will help you achieve a beautiful and strong body.

Work on yourself, improve your body and spirit, remember - everything is in your hands!

Reverse kicks for triceps training

You probably already understood from the name that this exercise will pump up your triceps. Triceps are quite complex muscles that are practically not used in everyday activities. This means that if you don't work on them separately, you'll likely be on the path to flabby arms.

  • Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand;
  • Move your left leg forward, bending it at the knee;
  • Tilt your body slightly forward;
  • Press the elbow of your right hand to your body without releasing the dumbbell. Place your other hand with the dumbbells on your leg;
  • Kick the right dumbbell back, straightening your elbow;
  • Return to original stance;
  • Repeat the approach with the other hand.

Important! During the “strikes”, do not move your shoulder; only your forearm should work.

Incline push-ups

The benefit of incline push-ups is to create an effective emphasis on certain parts of the pectoral muscles. Consider two types of incline push-ups: head up and head down. In the first case, we shift the load to the lower half of the chest, in the second, respectively, to the upper part of the pectoral muscles.

For incline push-ups, you need to use a bench: when approaching with your head up, place it a short distance from the wall and, looking at the ceiling, try to touch your torso to the bench. When doing inclined push-ups with your head down, for a more comfortable process, move your hands in the starting position slightly above shoulder level.

Read also[edit | edit code]

  • Chest expansion
  • Shoulders - exercises and training features
  • How to make your shoulders wider
  • Choosing exercises in bodybuilding
  • The best training programs for mass
  • How to create a training program
  • Muscles of the shoulder girdle
  • Exercises for the back and shoulders (for women)
  • Training program for beginners
  • Training program for professionals
  • 4 rules for shoulder training
  • How to pump up your shoulders (deltoids)
  • Shoulder Exercises

Standard push-ups

Regular push-ups are the easiest way to keep your pectoral muscles toned at home. Correct push-ups from the floor look like this: lying on straight arms, hands slightly wider than shoulders, head forms one line with the spine, abdominal muscles are in static tension. At the bottom point, you should pause for a moment, and then push yourself up with a powerful jerk, tensing your pectoral muscles at the top point. It is not necessary to straighten your elbows completely, and in some cases it is undesirable (stress on the joints).

Effect. Regular push-ups have a general beneficial effect on the upper part, but the main effect of the exercise technique is on the middle part of the chest muscles.

Many men dream of wide and pumped chest muscles, this is what gives them special masculinity. Let's see what chest exercises you can do at home.

Of course, in order to have a beautiful body, you should not neglect training, sometimes even very grueling, but the result is worth it. Most men rightfully think about going to the gym, as this is one of the most effective options. at home for men are more aimed at correcting and sharpening the shape of the muscles of the thoracic region, as well as tightening and enlarging them.

Jumping push-ups

These push-ups are performed using two small supports fifteen to thirty centimeters high. Starting position – hands on push-up supports. With your elbows slightly bent, push yourself out to “jump” off the supports and land between them. After this, immediately lower your chest to the floor and from this lowest point jerk back to the starting position (“jump” onto the supports).

Effect. Jumping push-ups are an excellent tool for developing so-called explosive strength and training the vestibular system. The main task when performing them is to maintain the integrity of the exercise without dividing it into phases (jumped-rested, jumped-rested).

Narrow push-ups

The opposite of the type of push-ups described above. How to properly do push-ups from the floor with a narrow emphasis? Starting position: hands brought together, thumbs touching each other, arms straight. Make sure that your head is a continuation of your spine and that your stomach does not sag (to do this, keep your abdominal muscles in constant tension). From a similar position, lower yourself as far as possible and jerk yourself back to the starting position.

Effect. Push-ups with a narrow hand rest allow you to effectively work the inner part of the pectoral muscles.

Twisting (“Russian Twist”)

Performing this exercise comprehensively involves almost all muscle groups of the upper body.

  • Bend your knees slightly, keeping your spine tight, then tilt your back slightly;
  • Take a special fitness ball in your hands, holding it out in front of you at chest level;
  • Turn to the left, pulling the ball with you in the same direction;
  • Return to the starting position and do the same to the right.

If you don't have a ball, you can use a kettlebell, a dumbbell, or do curls without any weights at all. If you want to make it more challenging, elevate your legs and keep them off the floor while turning, which will increase the load on your abs and other muscles.

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