How to lose weight quickly without losing muscle?
Healthy weight loss is one in which a person loses no more than 1 kg in 1 week, that is, in a month this is about 4 kg.
By speeding up your weight loss, you force your body to get rid of the muscle component of your body. That is, you don’t need to go on 800 kcal a day, thinking that this will help you lose weight faster. The recommended daily intake for girls should be at least 1200-1400 kcal (or better yet, more, it all depends on your parameters and activity level).
By eating less than this, your body lacks the nutrients (micro- and macroelements) necessary for normal functioning.
To lose up to 1 kg of weight per week, you need to subtract only 10-15% from your caloric intake. This creates a calorie deficit. Don't think that reducing the number more than this will speed up the process. That's not how it works.
In order not to lose muscle mass during the fat burning stage, follow simple rules.
First of all, organize your nutrition properly. Enrich your diet with high-quality protein. Adequate protein intake will build muscle and help burn fat. To fuel your body with protein, consume sufficient amounts of lean meat, fish, dairy and fermented milk products, and eggs. Protein shakes and sports supplements can serve as an additional source of protein.
Reduce calories gradually and do not create too large a deficit. This will cause stress, make you feel worse, and can trigger a quick breakdown. Do not reduce your daily calorie intake by more than 20%. This is the best option to lose weight and maintain muscle mass.
Limit your carbohydrate intake and completely eliminate foods with a high glycemic index. Do not overuse fats, however, do not exclude them from your diet altogether, as they support the functioning of the heart, the immune system and help maintain youth. Avoid alcohol, sweets, coffee and nicotine, and also limit your salt intake - it retains fluid and leads to swelling.
Don't forget about maintaining water balance. Drink enough fluids, and increase the dose of water consumed on training days.
Train properly. To maintain strength and maintain muscle mass, be sure to include strength training in your program. Perform exercises using sports equipment with different weights. However, do not reduce the number of approaches or the working weight.
Cardio training speeds up the process of losing weight and burning fat by enriching the body with oxygen. However, such loads can play a cruel joke on the muscles. Include in the program exercises that do not require long-term recovery - running, walking, exercise bike, stepper, etc. Such activities do not create a large load and do not injure muscles.
Rest and recovery are key components not only for muscle growth, but also for maintaining it and accelerating fat loss. Take more breaks between workouts. Remember, the body must fully recover, otherwise there is a high risk of developing a catabolic reaction.
To maintain health and normal functioning of the body, take vitamin and mineral complexes. Experts also recommend taking protein and amino acid supplements.
Following the principles of proper nutrition, regular training according to a well-designed program and the use of sports nutrition will allow you to burn fat while maintaining muscle mass. If you want to lose weight, do not go to great lengths - this will negatively affect not only your muscles, but also your health. Follow the basic rules, find the right motivation and confidently move towards your goal.
If we're talking about rapid weight loss, we need to start with the most important thing - muscle loss.
Most people think of it this way: “The only way to lose weight quickly is to fast and do grueling cardio that burns a lot of muscle.” And this is partly true.
But how big is the calorie deficit? Exactly how much cardio is too much? And how do things change for athletes who eat more protein, as opposed to untrained, obese people who restrict their calorie intake?
Scientists at the University of Jyväskylä have found answers to these questions. To do this, they divided lean, athletic men (no more than 10% body fat) into two groups.
- One group ate about 300 fewer calories than they burned each day (about 12% lower than their total daily energy expenditure).
- The other was 750 calories less than she spent every day (about 24% lower).
Both groups were on a high protein diet and exercised as usual. After four weeks, the subjects who ate the least calories lost 1.8 kg of fat with little effect on muscle, while the 300-calorie deficit group lost little in both fat and muscle.
That is, doubling the calorie deficit resulted in a significant increase in fat loss, but not muscle loss. Note: the 750-deficient group did not fast, but consumed more than 2 thousand calories per day. It turns out that if you know what to do, you can increase your caloric deficit more aggressively without sacrificing muscle.
This regimen will help you lose an average of about 0.5 kg of fat per week (or more if you're overweight, or a little less if you're on the thin side) without any serious consequences. Do not worry about possible hunger and food cravings, because your energy level will be even, which means your diet will not affect the effectiveness of your workouts.
Here's how it works.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Magic Ritual to Lose Weight
1. Run a radical calorie deficit—around 25%.
You will immediately notice fat burning without noticeable muscle loss. If that sounds "too hungry," don't worry—when combined with a high-protein, high-carbohydrate diet, following this eating plan won't be as grueling as it sounds.
2. Eat a diet high in protein and carbohydrates.
A diet high in protein is superior in every way to a diet low in protein. This is especially true when you're restricting calories for weight loss, since adequate protein intake is important for maintaining muscle.
If you are overweight, the intake rate is calculated based on the maximum (2.6 g) per kilogram of body weight without fat.
Many people have heard that a high protein diet is best for weight loss, but this inevitably raises questions about the suitability of a high carbohydrate diet for this purpose.
That's right. Low-carb diets do not promote weight loss and fitness gains.
According to research:
- a low-carb diet does not promote rapid fat burning;
- A diet higher in carbohydrates leads to lower levels of stress and fatigue;
- A high carbohydrate diet is better for preserving both muscle and overall performance while restricting calories;
- It's easier to overeat on a low-carb, high-fat diet than on a high-carb, low-fat diet.
You may be skeptical about these claims. But remember: the popular belief that carbohydrates are the cause of your fitness and health problems is not true. Overweight people who lead a sedentary lifestyle should not indulge in carbohydrates, but this does not mean that physically active and slim people should adhere to the same rules.
If you want to make sure of this, simply limit your carbohydrate intake to 30-40% of your total energy intake for the day. And you will be surprised how much easier and more enjoyable it will be to improve your physical characteristics.
- Focus on compound exercises and weight training.
This will help build muscle mass and maintain it while cutting. The term "weightlifting" refers to lifting weights in the range of 75-85% of your one-repetition maximum. And the base refers to exercises that simultaneously develop several muscle groups: squats, deadlifts, bench press.
Training with heavy weights is much more effective at boosting your metabolism for three days after exercise than training with light weights. More complex movements, such as squats and deadlifts, are especially effective for triggering accelerated fat loss after training.
- Reduce cardio to a minimum.
Most associate cardio with weight loss, which is why it is so common to believe that the more you do, the more effective your weight loss. Indeed, cardio helps burn calories and fat. But if you overdo cardio while dieting, you'll have problems.
That's why about 1 hour of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) per week is enough to accelerate fat loss.
HIIT sessions are noticeably shorter than traditional cardio training, but have been scientifically proven to be more effective in fat loss.
Research conducted by scientists at the University of Western Ontario has proven that 4-6 30-second sprints per day burns much more fat than 60 minutes. walking on a treadmill.
- Take sports nutrition to speed up fat burning.
Supplements on their own do not lead to fat loss, but when combined with the right diet and exercise, they can significantly speed up your weight loss process.
Millions of people cannot wake up without morning coffee. This powerful stimulant has much more potential to awaken our body. Caffeine helps you lose weight by increasing the amount of energy your body burns during the day, improving tone, anaerobic performance, and increasing muscle endurance. The best results are obtained from caffeine in tablet or powder form. But they must be taken with caution so as not to develop resistance to the drug.
So how do you build muscle and burn fat at the same time?
When it comes to building muscle and burning body fat at the same time, it really comes down to one of two elements: your diet.
The Internet is filled with people who will tell you that your nutrition and diet are more important in transforming your body than your training regimen.
I generally disagree completely with this concept and believe that the relationship between your diet and your training is 50/50. They carry the same weight and both should be taken seriously if you are looking for great results. However, in this case, in order to gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time, you need to give more importance to your eating habits than to your workout routine. And instead of being 50/50, it comes down to 80/20.
What stimulates muscle growth?
The first thing we need to do is answer the question - “What stimulates muscle growth?” . Is it hard training in the gym, is it protein consumption, is it rest?
The main reason your body initiates the process of muscle growth is due to your hormones. More specifically TESTOSTERONE , human growth hormone (which we will call HGH or simply GH), insulin and thyroid hormone. You probably recognize most of these names. We'll primarily focus on the big three - testosterone, GH and insulin.
Believe it or not, this combination of chemicals that flows through your body is responsible for muscle wasting. Without them there will be no growth! Your training and your diet simply support the key players - your hormones.
Testosterone is the same hormone that we have all heard about. It has always been associated with muscle growth and masculinity. Testosterone is responsible for increasing protein synthesis (in other words, it helps increase muscle development), improves your body's performance, increases strength, speed and agility, improves bone density (extremely important for anyone who plays any sport), promotes energy output and even helps you lose fat.
A study was conducted in Germany where overweight men (around age 48) were provided with supplements such as vitamin D to help them increase testosterone production over 12 months. The researchers noticed that after a year, the subjects had lost 6 kilograms of stored fat.
In addition, doctors associate low testosterone levels or deficiency with obesity.
Insulin is a form of protein secreted by the pancreas whenever you eat carbohydrates. Unlike dietary protein, which acts as building blocks for muscles, insulin is a functional protein, much like growth hormone.
When insulin enters the bloodstream, it travels to various tissues, including muscle tissue. Muscle fibers line what are commonly called insulin receptors, like a docking station. When an insulin molecule attaches to a muscle cell receptor, it signals its “gate” to open, allowing glucose and amino acids to enter the muscles.
In addition, when attached to muscle cells, insulin initiates biochemical reactions that enhance protein synthesis. Insulin also reduces muscle breakdown, which further increases muscle growth.
Insulin also indirectly helps in muscle development by causing blood vessels to relax and dilate, allowing increased blood flow to muscle cells. By doing this, insulin helps get more nutrients (such as glucose and amino acids) into the muscles.
HGH – growth hormone is responsible for stimulating growth, cell reproduction, supports the fat burning process and protects your muscles from any loss. In other words, the more growth hormone, the better!
At night, your HGH is at its highest level. The interesting part is that HGH and insulin have a complex relationship, so to speak. While there is insulin overflow in your genes, there cannot be HGH. This is the main reason why professional fitness models and bodybuilders will tell you that consuming carbohydrates late at night will do nothing but store fat.
Don’t forget the formula for muscle wasting: Muscle mass = protein synthesis – protein breakdown. In other words, your goal is to reduce protein breakdown and increase protein synthesis. As you already understand, all three hormones do just that - they reduce catabolism and promote anabolism. Create an environment for your muscles to develop.
And so, now we understand what muscle wasting in the body is, what next? Next we move on to the tricky part of the guide.
Burn fat and maintain and even gain muscle mass.
The first thing you need to consider in this part is your body fat percentage.
The reason you need to calculate your body fat level is to know if you can lose fat while gaining muscle, in hindsight I probably should have started with this post.
Here's the problem - if your body fat percentage is low (7-11%), then you really won't be able to gain muscle mass and burn body fat at the same time. However, by following this guide, you can still gain muscle and stay lean by gaining 1-2 percent body fat. But again, you can't keep losing fat and increasing muscle growth.
All this is based purely on the biological instinct of the body. Because if your body has a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, it means your body is under threat - according to the laws of evolution. Fat is a secondary source of energy, and your body wants to make sure you have plenty of it, and if it runs out of a carbohydrate source, for some reason, the body will have a reserve store full of energy that it can consume.
Imagine a company that is having problems with its cash flow (cash in the bank). For some reason, the company loses its source of cash (more goods are purchased on credit), but there are still many orders and needs from customers that the company must take care of first. The problem is that wages, products, all variable and fixed costs are paid in cash. So the company decides to do the unthinkable - reduce its costs. And she begins to lay off employees and sell some equipment that is not vital, thereby replenishing her cash in the bank.
The whole idea is that cash is your carbohydrates, and employees and equipment sold are your muscle tissue. I hope this strange example has conveyed the full meaning to you.
But what about your diet? I mentioned that nutrition plays a key role in gaining muscle mass and losing fat at the same time, and yet I didn't even mention it. I decided to save the most interesting part for last, like the icing on the cake.
To gain more muscle mass, you will need to increase your calorie intake.
Of the three macronutrients (carbs, protein, and fat), you'll mostly increase your carbohydrate intake. You need more energy to train, and you need more energy to constantly be in an anabolic environment. However, there are a few tips that will help you get rid of excess subcutaneous fat.
Power training
When the goal is “to burn fat and maintain muscle,” it is very important to work on the tone of the latter. And to do this, you need to include strength exercises in your weekly training program.
Strength training involves working with your own body weight or using weights.
Do not overdo it. The total time of all exercises should be no more than 40-60 minutes.
Break your workouts either into muscle groups (split). For example: Mon – arms/back, Wed – legs/butt, Fri – chest/shoulders.
And you can use all major muscle groups (full body) every workout. These include the muscles of the core (back, abs and glutes), chest, arms and legs.
If you are a beginner, start with light weights and low reps. Increase the load gradually so as not to get injured at first and not give up training.
Give your body time to recover. In no case should you train one muscle group more than once a week, especially if you are a beginner.
In order for the body to burn fat and not muscle, experts recommend doing strength training. This is one of the most basic ways to achieve a good result. After such exercises, not only a beautiful body contour is formed, but also the metabolism improves.
If you receive exclusively cardio exercise, not only the folds on the sides are lost, but also the muscles. And this leads to a slowdown in the metabolic process, which is why the ill-fated fat will remain in place.
Men are recommended to do strength training at least twice a week, and women at least four. You should start gradually, increasing the load over time. When you go to the gym, ask your trainer to find the right program for you.
• Monday morning: lower body • Monday afternoon: stationary bike 8-10 sets of 1 minute, rest 1 minute. Start with a 5-minute warm-up and finish with a 5-minute cool-down. • Tuesday: upper body - press • Wednesday: rest. • Thursday morning: lower body • Thursday afternoon: stationary bike about 15 km all the time (finish 15 km as quickly as possible and aim for daily improvement) • Friday: upper body - deadlift
• Pondelok: Vrchné partie- tlaky • Monday: upper body - press • Tuesday: upper body - deadlift • Wednesday morning: lower body • Wednesday afternoon: stationary bike 30 minutes at one pace (Try maximum intensity for 30 minutes) • Thursday: rest. • Friday: Upper Body - Press • Saturday: Upper Body - Deadlift • Sunday Morning: Lower Body • Sunday Afternoon: Rowing Machine 6-8 sets of about 400 meters, then 200 meters for recovery. (Start with a 5-minute warm-up, followed by a 5-minute cool-down)
1. Hickson, R. C. (1980). Interference of strength development by simultaneously training for strength and endurance. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 45(2-3), 255-263. 2. Lundberg, T. R., Fernandez-Gonzalo, R., Gustafsson, T., & Tesch, P. A. (2013). Aerobic exercise does not compromise muscle hypertrophy response to short-term resistance training. Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(1), 81-89. 3. Mikkola, J., Rusko, H., Izquierdo, M., Gorostiaga, E. M., & Häkkinen, K. (2012). Neuromuscular and cardiovascular adaptations during concurrent strength and endurance training in untrained men. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 33(9), 702-710. 4. Sale, D. G., MacDougall, J. D., Jacobs, I., & Garner, S. (1990). Interaction between concurrent strength and endurance training. Journal of Applied Physiology, 68(1), 260-270. 5. Baar, K. (2014). Using molecular biology to maximize concurrent training. Sports Medicine, 44(2), 117-125. Häkkinen, K., Alen, M., Kraemer, W. J., Gorostiaga, E., Izquierdo, M., Rusko, H., … & Romu, S. (2003). Neuromuscular adaptations during concurrent strength and endurance training versus strength training. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 89(1), 42-52. 6. Bell, G. J., Petersen, S. R., Wessel, J., Bagnall, K., & Quinney, H. A. (1991). Physiological adaptations to concurrent endurance training and low velocity resistance training. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 12(4), 384-390. 7. Eklund, D., Schumann, M., Kraemer, W. J., Izquierdo, M., Taipale, R. S., & Häkkinen, K. (2016). Acute endocrine and force responses and long-term adaptations to same-session combined strength and endurance training in women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 30(1), 164-175. 8. Cadore, E. L., Izquierdo, M., dos Santos, M. G., Martins, J. B., Lhullier, F. L. R., Pinto, R. S., … & Kruel, L. F. M. (2012). Hormonal responses to concurrent strength and endurance training with different exercise orders. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(12), 3281-3288. 9. Gergley, J. C. (2009). Comparison of two lower-body modes of endurance training on lower-body strength development while concurrently training. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 23(3), 979-987.
Include lean protein in your diet
To build muscle mass, you need to eat fruits, vegetables and proteins. These foods should make up about 30 percent of your daily diet. Protein is found in chicken, turkey, fish and legumes. It is also present in lean beef.
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If you want to lose weight and stay slim for a long time, then your diet should consist of 30 percent healthy fat, the same amount of protein and 40 percent carbohydrates.
You need to make sure that you have enough protein in your diet, because this is food for muscles. Protein breaks down into amino acids, which are used to build muscle fibers.
It is mainly found in products such as:
- chicken;
- turkey;
- fish;
- seafood;
- lean red meat;
- eggs;
- legumes;
- dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.);
- nuts;
- soy products.
How much protein per day you need to eat specifically will be shown by the formulas for calculating daily caloric intake.
Ways to eliminate muscle congestion
Now let's look at how to correct the current situation with muscle congestion.
1. The very first tip is to visit a massage parlour. A relaxing massage increases blood flow to the muscles, restores performance, and relieves spasmodic pain. It should be performed on a rest day.
2. Warm shower, rubbing, bath (works like massage).
3. Needle massage with a prickly rug (Kuznetsov applicator) to relieve pain.
4. Regular intake of multiminerals and vitamin E to increase and restore performance.
5. Apply heating pads to sore spots.
6. Ice compress or tight bandage for 20 minutes (they will narrow the blood vessels and relieve muscle pain).
7. A special ointment, cream or gel will help relieve muscle pain in a shorter period than compresses and massage (but for complete rehabilitation it is better to use them too). Ointments include painkillers with a short-term effect, and those that reduce pain by reducing muscle inflammation.
8. Immediately after training, you should replenish your energy supply with simple carbohydrates in the form of a protein shake (egg + milk + banana + cottage cheese), or a nut-dried fruit mixture.
What should you do to make your sports life easier? You should not neglect the warm-up at the beginning of the workout and the cool-down with mandatory stretching exercises for stretching the muscle group being trained, as this stimulates the removal of lactic acid from the muscle fibers.
To stretch the chest muscles, you need to stretch your arms forward, make a lock and stretch as you exhale. Do the same stretches to the sides. The back is stretched in deep bends, legs - lunges to the side and forward, half-splits.
Reducing calories
Those who want to lose weight should reduce the number of calories they consume daily. To find out the optimal amount for you, multiply your body weight by ten. Another way to calculate your calorie intake is to determine your total energy expenditure, which is the number of calories your body burns every day, and subtract 500 from that total. This will help you lose weight faster. Note that the number of calories in any case should not be lower than 1200.
Finding the appropriate amount of calories is usually a matter of trial and error. Track your consumption for two to three weeks. If you see no change, reduce the amount by five percent.
Don't ignore fruits and vegetables
I advise you to make a choice in favor of fruits in the first half of the day, and in the second half, focus on vegetables.
To achieve the desired results, this would be ideal, of course.
Vegetables and fruits have a high level of nutrients contained in them. They make your meals larger, thereby making you feel fuller earlier than without them. This way, you leave the table full even after eating a low-calorie dish, for example, a piece of baked fish.
Do not limit yourself to vegetables and greens; eat at least 0.5 kg of such products per day. Just be careful with potatoes; it is not advisable to eat them at night.
Feel free to eat about 200-300 grams of fruit per day: for breakfast, for a snack.
Make yourself fruit and vegetable smoothies, it's even better than freshly squeezed juices.
Carbohydrates in the morning
Recently, the best results in losing weight with fat rather than muscle have been shown by a low-carbohydrate diet with an emphasis on protein. By reducing them in your diet, you increase the likelihood of losing weight while maintaining body quality. Study the amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams in each of your products and control the total value for the day using calorie counting applications (FatSecret, LifeSun).
Save not only fruits, but also other carbohydrates for meals in the first half of the day. These include cereals, pasta and bakery products, starchy vegetables, dairy products, and legumes. The explanation is simple: these are carbohydrates, which are the main source of human energy. They are so necessary in the morning and during the day, and generally not needed in the evening and before bed.
But there is an exception here: if you have a workout planned for the evening, then before it (1-2 hours) you need to eat something carbohydrate, otherwise you will not have the strength for the workout. What's the point of it then?
And don’t forget that it’s important to think not so much about the quantity of carbohydrates, but about the quality. Buns, donuts and cookies are unlikely to help you lose weight effectively, that is, get rid of fat. If you want something sweet, it’s better to eat an apple, pear or orange.
Amino acids are provided by protein foods. Or sports nutrition
An adult needs about 0.8 to 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Those involved in strength training should increase their intake to 1.5-2 g, or even more.
In medicine, there is the concept of the biological value of protein. This parameter is taken equal to 100 if the protein contains essential amino acids in the amount necessary for the functioning of the human body.
Indicators of this parameter for different products:
- milk – 98;
- eggs – 98;
- beef meat – 95.
Proteins from plant products are all incomplete because they are poorly broken down in the stomach and are poor in amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan. For example, the biological value of soybean proteins is 70-80, and corn - no more than 50.
By combining herbal products, you can get closer to the desired indicator. For example, a mixture of corn and legumes may contain the amount of amino acids a person needs.
If it is not possible to ensure the intake of the required amino acids, you can use sports nutrition products that contain all the necessary components. The food industry produces a huge number of protein shake formulations.
We are not talking about unhealthy burgers and other fast food here. You need to choose healthy foods. Many people make a big mistake by buying low-fat kefir and yogurt for themselves. Health experts say they contain harmful additives and sweeteners that can cause weight gain.
According to nutritionists, choosing the “right fat” is critical. Such substances are found in fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocados. Unsaturated and trans fats found in butter, margarine, fatty meats and fried foods should be avoided. Not only do they interfere with weight loss, but if consumed in excess, they can lead to heart disease.
Several decades ago, it was discovered that 10 weeks of cardio along with strength training had a negative effect on muscle growth compared to strength training alone. /1/ However, if you look at the training volume in this study - 6 days a week cardio training and 5 days a week strength training - you can conclude that this regimen is quite difficult to stick to. Few of us will do 30 to 40 minutes of cardio six days a week.
Recent research also shows that optimal amounts of cardio can actually enhance the effects of strength training. Research has shown that strength training combined with 2-3 days of cardio can lead to greater muscle growth than strength training alone. /2,3/
What to take note from this? It seems like the sweet spot is a combination of cardio and strength training. Too much cardio can reduce muscle growth, however, at the same time, not enough cardio can limit muscle growth. Doing cardio workouts 2-3 days a week is the right choice to increase muscle mass without compromising your muscles .
Amino acids are provided by protein foods. Or sports nutrition
Proteins become building materials for tissues only after they are broken down into amino acids. This process is long and energy-consuming. This is why protein foods cause a feeling of long-term satiety.
Ready-made amino acids enter the muscles much faster than protein absorption, so regular intake of amino acids prevents muscle breakdown and makes them strong.
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leucine is the most important, its presence in the blood is a signal for protein synthesis in muscle cells;
isoleucine – participates in the synthesis of muscle tissue;
valine – is a source of energy for muscles, promotes tissue regeneration.
The BCAA content in proteins is up to 35%. In a dietary supplement, they complement and enhance each other's value and play an important role in the production of tissue energy during exercise.
Energy supplements should be taken immediately before and after training.
In addition to the BCAA complex, the following non-essential amino acids can be used to build muscle mass:
- glutamine – enhances the secretion of growth hormone;
- beta-alanine – reduces muscle fatigue and pain, allows you to quickly restore performance;
- taurine – improves energy and metabolic processes.
An important nutritional supplement is creatine, a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid that increases glycogen, water levels in muscles, which is important when training in hot environments.
Protein (whey and casein) are popular protein supplements. With their help, it is easy to get the required dose of protein in your diet, which is not always possible to get from regular food, which also contains (unlike protein supplements) fats and carbohydrates.
Whey protein quickly increases the amino acid content in the blood, which promotes muscle protein synthesis.
Casein – prevents the destruction of muscle tissue. After oral administration, the level of amino acids in the blood and muscle protein synthesis are not restored immediately, but after 3-4 hours, which ensures a slowdown in muscle catabolism.
So, regular training and an increased amount of protein in the diet will help preserve muscles. Sports supplements such as protein (whey and casein), amino acid complexes (BCAA, glutamine, beta-alanine, taurine), creatine (retains water in the muscles) stimulate the growth of new muscle fibers.
Protein is an alternative source of protein. Many people physically cannot get the required amount from ordinary products. Protein shakes or meals using protein powder come to the rescue.
The advantage of these meals is that they are low in calories and high in protein. Approximately 30 grams of powder diluted with water replaces 100 grams of chicken fillet. Ideal for those who sometimes don't want to eat something heavy.
You should not replace a separate meal with protein. Still, it acts as a supplement, and not as a replacement for proper nutrition.
I advise you to stick to whey protein - it is a high-quality protein that is quickly absorbed by the body. Ideal for use after strength training. This way you will support your muscles and help them grow.
The amino acids it contains are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, which cannot produce them on its own.
I advise you not to dilute whey protein with milk and other dairy products, because the rapid digestibility function is immediately lost due to the lactose they contain. This is more reminiscent of casein, which is specifically consumed before bed, as it has a long-lasting effect and nourishes the muscles throughout the night. And it costs less than whey.
Sports nutrition supplements
Supplements are an important factor in gaining muscle mass and losing fat. After all, weight loss and muscle gain usually occur together. In this article we will recommend several “general action” supplements that are suitable for any athlete.
As always, they are useful for both weight loss and muscle gain. You are required to maintain a diet and exercise. To start, we suggest protein powder. Whey protein is inexpensive, easy to digest and absorb, and is an excellent addition to your diet. Creatine is also almost a necessity. It is produced by the body as a source of quick energy during unexpected and intense stress.
With creatine, you will be able to do more repetitions, which will put more stress on your muscles. Torn fibers will become larger and more powerful when restored. BCAA (branched chain amino acids) are also beneficial. They help your muscles recover faster after exercise (WebMD, 2018).
Cardio workout
Such exercises play a key role in burning excess fat.
Give yourself cardio sessions at least 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes. Aerobic exercise speeds up the process of burning unspent calories and promotes weight loss.
The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to burn the muscle component of the body. Train at moderate intensity (60-70% of your maximum heart rate).
How do you know if you are in the average heart rate zone? While running, you can still say a short sentence without getting out of breath.
You don't have to run if you don't like it. Cardio also includes:
- a ride on the bicycle;
- skiing, skating or rollerblading;
- swimming;
- walking on an elliptical trainer;
- jumping rope;
- dancing class;
- rowing machine
How to remove muscles on your legs, How to remove muscles on your legs
Well, judging by your post, you already know this. Added after 5 minutes 32 seconds: In general, you are going in the right direction! The main thing to remember is that muscle mass is not fat mass. And your goals, as I see it, are not weight loss, but maintaining the proportions and relief of the body. Therefore, when making your schedule, pay attention to your nutrition.
How to remove large muscles in your legs during training?
powerful fat burners sports nutrition I also look at my old photos and wonder how I changed so quickly But time takes on. Just follow the above recommendations and that's it. It’s difficult to immediately decide what exactly is the reason for the “overdeveloped leg muscles”, perhaps training loads, genetics, or you’re just being too hard on yourself.
I think it’s worth asking the opinion of your man, a friend. Here’s an incident last week. We’re sitting with a fellow coach, having a cup of coffee, and a big tennis coach girl joins the coffee break, word for word, complaining: Moreover, it’s not a light workout after a workout, but a good one, 1 hour at a time, when all the muscles and tendons are stretched.
At first, of course, the effect was weak, but as soon as you overcome the splits and go into the negative in other exercises - beyond the muscles, I don’t know what to call it - the picture changes.
And if earlier the calves were close to 40 cm, for several years now they have been 35 cm with height and the quadriceps with the butt are not so aggressive.
And I stretch on average 3 times a week, more often it doesn’t work out and it’s not advisable either, because the muscles just don’t have time to heal. So, for those who have the same problems, don’t despair, there is always a way out, but everyone has one.
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Before you start useful exercises, study your wardrobe, namely shoes. High heels will have to be forgotten. Like nothing else, they subtly but surely give your calves the shape of an inverted bottle, and also the thigh muscles are subject to regular tension when walking in heels.
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Especially if you have to walk uphill every day, even a small one. This is one of the causes of pain in the calves.
TOP 10 best exercises for legs - the most complete review in RuNet! If you already have highly developed calf muscles, do not overuse them, and especially do not jump barefoot.
However, jumping rope once a week will not hurt you either - the main thing is that on the other days there are more stretching muscles. Choose the right shoes for the desired distribution of stress between the heel and toe.
If you have muscular calves, step aerobics is contraindicated for you. In this leg, we will remove only light statics, that is, performed at half strength, since your task is to remove excess volume, and not to increase muscle power. Performed at half strength, static exercises engage red muscle fibers, which are responsible for burning excess fat.
You need to eat at least 4 times a day, and the basis should be non-thermally processed vegetables and fruits, as well as complex carbohydrates. Top as the most effective exercises for biceps, legs and thighs at home.
Detailed instructions - how to remove fat from legs using weight loss exercises and other methods? The best set of exercises for legs and buttocks is a program of 5 workouts for weight loss in a week.
- Diet during pregnancy to avoid gaining excess weight
Then jump from side to side. If breathing becomes difficult, pauses are acceptable. They involve jumping from foot to foot, in which you need to tilt your body and move your bent leg back. Dedicate the fourth minute to the plie position: The fifth minute - stretching exercises against the wall.
Spend 30 seconds on each leg. The sixth last minute is devoted to stretching while bending over. One leg is placed forward on the heel. You need to lean forward with your body, keeping your back straight and pull your toes towards you.
This simple six-minute program helps in how to remove large calves. There are also a huge number of exercises aimed at burning fat in the lower leg area.
You can find a separate article on this topic on the website, where the exercises are illustrated with photographs (link).
Legs with developed calf muscles are popularly called bottle legs.
Try not to be nervous
During times of stress, the human body produces cortisol, which is also called the stress hormone. Cortisol by itself does not cause weight gain. Rather, on the contrary, it leads to the loss of body fat. But this does not mean that due to any worries you will lose weight quickly and for a long time. This “cunning” hubbub can provoke appetite, so people who are in a state of anxiety begin to eat more. In such cases, giving up unhealthy food is extremely difficult.
You can achieve a positive result by aiming to lose weight only if you change your gastronomic habits. Together with physical activity, this will help achieve a positive result.
What to do with clogged muscles
What is muscle soreness
Muscle congestion or soreness occurs against the background of increased physical activity.
The problem of clogged muscles does not arise very rarely, since during active training, nervous shock, and illness, microcracks appear on the surface of the muscles, which contribute to increased muscle growth.
However, in order for muscle tissue to recover, a break between workouts is necessary. If the body does not have time to rest, excessive tension occurs in the muscles.
Also, spastic muscle contractions can occur after a stroke or severe nervous shock. Muscle soreness is often observed in newborns as a result of an immature nervous system. A restorative massage will help relieve spasms, which can lead to muscle tissue rupture, cramps, and other negative consequences.
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How to eliminate muscle congestion
To get rid of muscle congestion, you should practice sports or relaxation massage sessions. It restores muscle performance, increases blood flow to them, relieves pain and spasms.
It is carried out in parallel with adequate loads on tired muscles and proper rest during the day.
Also, along with massaging damaged areas of the body when treating muscle soreness in adults, the following procedures can be recommended:
- Taking vitamin E, which restores the body’s performance, relieves pain symptoms, as well as a course of multimineral chelate preparations.
- Warm showers, paraffin baths, salt baths that promote rapid muscle relaxation.
- During spastic attacks it is useful to use the Kuznetsov applicator, analogues from other manufacturers.
What are the benefits of massage for muscle soreness?
This type of massage will help restore nerve impulses in the muscles, increase metabolism and blood flow in the tissues. The procedure also helps to cope with the following problems:
- Muscle congestion against the background of increased stress, which occurs as a result of the fact that the body does not have time to recover and remove lactic acid, toxins, and protein breakdown products.
- Attacks of convulsions, short-term tone occurring against the background of a stroke, severe stress. Massage will relieve muscle stiffness, eliminate discomfort and tension.
- Muscle hypertonicity in infants under 4 months of age. A relaxing massage will speed up the formation of the baby's nervous system and help him calm down.
If you refuse relaxing massage sessions, this can lead to muscle contracture and pathological degeneration of muscle tissue.
Massage technique for clogged muscles: video
For muscle hypertonicity, massage promotes maximum relaxation. Movements should be directed from the periphery to the center or from bottom to top in the direction of blood flow in the body. The massage technique for muscle soreness is as follows:
- If the sore throat occurs as a result of a stroke, the first few days should be carried out only by superficial stroking and light rubbing. After several sessions, differentiated massage can be performed.
- The massage begins with stroking stretched muscles, then moves on to clogged areas. They start with stroking and then rub and knead. Atrophied muscle tissue is massaged more intensely to restore blood circulation and neural connections in the fibers.
- If the massage is tolerated by the body normally, there are no significant pain sensations, you can use the felting technique, pressure, deep kneading, vibration, pinching.
When the limbs have been in a fixed state for a long time, joints are worked out along with a relaxing massage.
Video: how to massage sore muscles for adults
Contraindications for massage
Massage is contraindicated at high temperatures, feverish conditions, and pressure changes. It is not performed for allergic rashes, ulcers on the skin, or if there are foci of inflammation in the body. The procedure is contraindicated for persons suffering from cancer, acute cardiac ischemia, and cerebral vascular sclerosis.
Massage procedures should not be performed if a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also contraindicated in a number of mental illnesses due to excessive stimulation of the nervous system. Before practicing relaxation procedures, you should consult a doctor.
The specialist will give recommendations, advise how to massage with clogged muscles on your own, in what sequence to treat areas of the body, with what force. You should be especially careful if you need a baby massage for muscle soreness.
It is best to consult with an experienced pediatrician and massage therapist.