How to pump up biceps at home? How to pump up biceps without dumbbells - exercises

Is it possible to pump up biceps without iron?

The biceps is responsible for bending the arm at the elbow. This means that to work this muscle you need exercises that involve such a movement.

Ideally, you should use barbell or dumbbell curls. These shells provide maximum muscle development. In this case, it is the biceps that is the target (that is, other muscle groups are almost not involved). But, as mentioned above, this option is not suitable. Therefore, we will have to look for a replacement for him.

How to pump up biceps without barbells and dumbbells

Rules and tips

Before you learn how to pump up your arms at home without dumbbells and barbells, you need to familiarize yourself with important recommendations. If you follow all the tips described, you can greatly increase your muscle growth progress!

  1. You don't need to train your arms too often. Many beginners mistakenly believe that the more often they pump their biceps, the sooner they will grow. This technique leads to overtraining, and in this situation you can completely forget about muscle growth! The arm muscles need to be trained no more than 1-2 times a week so that they have time to recover.
  2. You don't need to train just your arms. Unfortunately, many novice athletes are only interested in how to pump up their biceps without dumbbells and barbells at home. Such people do not understand that for the full development of muscles it is necessary to train other parts of the body (chest, back, legs, etc.). Only in this case can you achieve a beautiful and aesthetic physique!
  3. Rest is our everything. Do not forget that muscle mass grows not during training, but during rest. If you engage in heavy physical activity every day and sleep less than 7-8 hours, you can forget about your training progress forever.
  4. Proper nutrition. Healthy and natural food is the basis of the muscle base of any iron sports fan. You may ideally know how to pump up your biceps without dumbbells and barbells, but without a proper diet consisting of natural proteins and carbohydrates, you should not expect great success in training. Proteins can be obtained, for example, from eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products, and carbohydrates from cereals and pasta. The former are responsible for the restoration of muscle fibers after heavy physical activity, the latter for energy.
  5. Progression of loads. Most people who are interested in how to pump up biceps without dumbbells and barbells at home do not even suspect that increasing working weights is the key to muscle growth. The stronger we become, the larger our muscles become. To start that same mass-gaining process, you need to do each exercise in 3-4 sets of 8-12 times (this applies to almost all muscle groups). If an athlete feels that he can perform 12, 15 or more repetitions, then this means that he needs to increase the weight. The main thing is to do this very gradually and slowly, so as not to get seriously injured!
  6. Warm up. Unfortunately, many novice bodybuilders do not pay attention to this important point, which is why their joints and muscle tissue later suffer. A good warm-up is necessary in order to prepare the body for subsequent serious loads. Before class, be sure to set aside 5-10 minutes for a comprehensive warm-up of all muscles and joints.

Biceps pull-ups

Now almost everywhere there are horizontal bars within walking distance. As a last resort, you can get to the nearest football goal and pull yourself up on the crossbar. For that matter, even a tree branch will do.

As you know, regular pull-ups work the latissimus dorsi and biceps. However, in order to shift the load specifically to the arms, you will need to slightly change the technique.

  1. You should hang on the bar using a reverse grip (palms facing you). The distance between the hands is approximately the size of a fist (this is the position that promotes maximum biceps development).
  2. As you inhale, you need to pull yourself up so that your chin is above the horizontal bar.
  3. You need to go down while exhaling.

It is advisable not to straighten your arms completely, but leave them slightly bent. This way the muscles will be tense throughout the entire approach.

How to pump up biceps without barbells and dumbbells

Improvised items are a good alternative to iron!

You have read the previous paragraph and already know how to pump up your biceps without dumbbells and barbells. But what should those who, for certain reasons, cannot do on the horizontal bar? Or what to do in a situation where bad weather does not allow you to go out and work out on the horizontal bars? In such cases, many athletes begin to become interested in how to pump up their biceps without dumbbells, a barbell, or a horizontal bar. But is this even possible? Answer: yes, it is possible! And you can do this using ordinary household items!

Using things at hand, you can imitate lifting dumbbells for biceps. Regular water bottles are ideal as projectiles. To make the home equivalent of dumbbells as heavy as possible, you need to fill them with sand or stones. The technique for performing bottle curls for biceps is not much different from the technique for performing the same exercise with dumbbells.

Another option is the previously mentioned backpack or briefcase. As with bottles, you need to put something heavy in there to make the task more difficult.

How to pump up biceps at home without dumbbells and a horizontal bar

For some athletes, the bar may also be inaccessible. But even in this case there is a way out. And, oddly enough, working on the triceps will help here (after all, it is this muscle that gives the arms the main volume).

The athlete will need to include regular push-ups in his training. You can do them almost anywhere - the main thing is that there is enough space. And you won’t need any additional equipment or hardware. Over time, you can switch to push-ups with a narrow grip or on one hand.

Of course, such an exercise almost does not involve the biceps itself. But it allows you to increase the girth of your arms, as well as make them visually larger. In addition to the triceps, the pectoral muscles and deltoids will work.

Sport equipment

The following equipment will help you pump up your arms at home without dumbbells:

» Sports mat » Bench » Rubber expander » Latex elastic bands and loops » Jump rope » Fitball » Horizontal bar » Parallel bars

Elastic bands and expanders have different levels of resistance, which allows you to adapt the exercises to your personal fitness level. Color coding depends on the manufacturer. The best solution is to buy one set with three resistance levels.

The horizontal bar and parallel bars are an excellent alternative to dumbbells and barbells. However, such sports equipment may not be available in every home, but is most often available in outdoor areas. Street workout and calisthenics programs are an excellent option for pumping up your arms for those who don’t want to work out in the gym.

Exercises for pumping up biceps

1. Alternate bending of arms with an expander

IP: standing, heels in the projection of the shoulders, knees slightly bent. Secure colored elastic tubes under your feet. Grasp the handle of the sports equipment with a reverse grip. You can bend your arms slightly at the elbow joints, maintaining a slight tension in the expander.

Alternately pull the expander towards your shoulder, bending your arm at the elbow joint. While performing the exercise, maintain tension on the tubes in your other hand. Return to IP with an inhale. You can perform simultaneous arm curls.

2. Overhand Curl

IP: clasp the handles of the projectile from above, pointing your palms down and your thumbs towards each other. Secure elastic bands under your feet. The feet are in the projection of the shoulders, the knees and elbows are slightly bent.

As you exhale, bend your arms ONLY at the elbow joints and pull the expander up. Don't push your elbows forward. The maximum level of the hands is the top of the chest. Return to IP while inhaling.

3. Biceps row

Attach the expander with an anchor to the wall, to the door handle, wall bars or cabinet at chest level. Grasp the holder with a neutral grip with your palms facing the floor. As you exhale, pull the expander towards your head. Secure your torso and try not to stretch your core.

4. Hammer Grip Curl

Grasp the elastic band with a neutral grip. Secure the central part of the elastic band under your feet. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbow joints.

5. Horizontal bar

Pull-ups with a direct and reverse grip will help pump up your biceps at home without dumbbells. The most effective is considered to be a reverse grip with a narrow hand position. It is recommended not to extend your elbows all the way to maintain isometric tension in the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.

Exercises for pumping triceps

1. Push-ups

Various types of push-ups are the most effective type of load for developing and pumping triceps. To perform them, no special sports equipment is required; a gymnastic mat or some kind of blanket is enough.

Reverse push-ups

The exercise is aimed at strengthening all three heads of the triceps and partially the thoracic segment. Bench push-ups are considered the optimal type of load for beginners, allowing you to move on to dips over time.

IP: take a chair or bench and place it behind your back. Place your palms on the seat, placing your palms in the projection of your shoulders. Performing push-ups with bent knees or with emphasis on the floor is considered a lightweight version of the load.

Bend your elbows until the angle is 90 degrees. Do not spread your elbows to the sides. As you exhale, push your body upward using your triceps, being careful not to engage your leg and core muscles.


» supported by two benches; » with feet resting on a hill; » with weights on the legs; » with crossed legs; » with two support points.

2. Diamond push-ups

IP: take a lying position with support on the toes of your feet and palms. Place your palms under your chest so that the index fingers and thumbs of both hands touch and form a triangle. The back from the crown to the tailbone should be flat, without bending.

As you inhale, bend your elbows without touching your chest with your fingers. Exhale as you rise up.

3. Triceps row

IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the elastic band in one hand and place it behind your back. With your other hand, grab the other end of the elastic from above, above your shoulder.

As you exhale, stretch the band up above your head. The hand behind your back should remain motionless. Return to IP.

4. Triceps extension with elastic band

IP: standing, feet in the projection of the shoulders. Secure the elastic band with the fingers of one hand on the shoulder of the other hand. Place the fingers of your other hand through the loop of the ribbon.

As you exhale, straighten your arm at the elbow joint, keeping the band in place. As you inhale, return to IP.

5. Triceps extension with expander

IP: standing, feet in the projection of the shoulders, legs bent at the knees. Secure the expander tubes under one foot. Grab the handles with an overhand grip. Bend your torso forward.

As you exhale, move your arms back, stretching the expander. Do not spread your elbows to the sides. As you inhale, return to IP.

6. Pull-ups on the bar

To pump up the triceps, pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide straight grip are recommended. To activate the muscles and place maximum emphasis on the triceps muscle, it is important to lower down smoothly and slowly.

Barbell exercises

The first way is to lift the barbell while standing. You should stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your back slightly in the lumbar region. Then, bending and straightening your elbows, you need to lift the barbell to chest level. When gripping, your palms should face forward. Be sure to ensure that your elbows remain in the same position. Perform movements without jerking, smoothly.

The second way is to lift the barbell with a reverse grip. A similar exercise compared to the previous one, allowing you to use slightly different muscle groups. The only difference is that the grip should be reversed, palms facing down.

How to get results quickly: ways and means to increase the effectiveness of training

For training to be effective and safe, the athlete must follow these recommendations:

  1. Train 2 to 4 times a week, combining exercises for fast and slow muscle fibers. On other days, work out other muscle groups (back, abs, legs), and also perform cardio exercises to reduce fat levels and quickly outline the relief.
  2. Periodically change old exercises from the complex to new ones so that the muscles do not get used to the load.
  3. Hone the technique of doing the exercises, when extending or lowering your arms, move as slowly as possible, do not lower your arms all the way so that the muscles do not relax, work at maximum amplitude.
  4. Train until your muscles fail.
  5. Periodically increase the weight of the equipment so that the muscles develop faster.
  6. Train for 60 minutes with no more than 2 minutes between sets.
  7. Maintain a sleep schedule. The athlete must rest at least 8 hours per day.
  8. Replenish your diet with protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes), complex carbohydrates (whole grain products), and fiber (vegetables and fruits).

By following these rules, the athlete will notice the first results within 4 weeks.

Leg workout

No one likes to train their legs, either with iron, or on exercise machines, or with their own weight. Therefore, turnstile lifters’ legs are not at all similar to weightlifters’ legs, and mens physics have become a popular trend in bodybuilding.

I can understand the turnstile men: heavy legs make it difficult to do tricks on the bars. Beach bodybuilders too: why do you need legs if you go to the beach in knee-length shorts?

However, if a woman told you that she doesn’t like men with a flat ass and skinny legs, and you don’t want to leave her, then instead of barbell squats, pistol squats - one-leg squats - are quite suitable.

If you can do thirty sets of pistols of 30 repetitions on each leg in a week, then of course you need to go to the gym or buy a dumbbell. But let's do everything in order. First, 30x30 squats on one leg, and then we will think about how to train the legs further if you are not satisfied with the result of the first year of training.

Exercise with an expander

Some people seem to want to learn an effective way to “pump up their cans,” but quite often they deliberately ignore really good exercises. One of these is the expander pull.

The technique is simple and somewhat reminiscent of the classic biceps curl.

The ends of the expander must be taken in your hands, and its middle pressed down with your foot. Next, without changing the position of your elbows, you need to perform several lifts. To make the task more difficult, you can wrap the resistance band around your hands two or three times.

Biceps as an indicator of physical fitness

Biceps are the first thing that catches your eye when meeting an athlete. The biceps muscle is located on the front surface of the shoulder and is clearly visible.

“They meet by their clothes” in sports can be rephrased as “they meet by their biceps,” since it is by this muscle that a person’s general physical fitness is assessed. This has already become a generally accepted norm.

“Playing with your biceps” means demonstrating your strength, power and texture. And it’s good to have something to play with. If you are not one of the lucky ones with sculpted arms, it doesn’t matter. You can pump up your biceps, and quite quickly. The main thing is to start.

Nutrition for muscle growth

Some beginners, trying to find a way to pump up biceps without dumbbells and barbells, do not even suspect that they can develop strong arms on a regular horizontal bar.

Reverse grip pull-ups are a basic exercise that even professional bodybuilders do. It can be done both at home (this applies to those who have a horizontal bar at home) and on the street. While performing it, you must keep your elbows perpendicular to the floor and your body must be in an upright position.

Read more: How to increase the height of a teenager: height exercises for teenagers and nutrition


If your own weight becomes small, and the number of pull-ups begins to exceed 12-15 times, then you need to gradually add weight. This can be done as easily as possible: just take a backpack, put some weight in it (filled bottles, books, stones, etc.) and put it on.

When you swing, you create microtraumas in the muscle fibers. This partial breakdown of muscle tissue is a normal result after exercise.

Muscles respond to microtrauma and create larger muscles.

You must eat right during recovery. During recovery, muscles require amino acids.

Amino acids are found in proteins. When you eat protein, your body breaks it down into usable amino acids. Your goal: Eat 2 to 2.6 grams of protein per 1 kg of your weight. For example, if a person weighs 72 kg, then this is about 142-187 grams of protein per day.


Try to divide your daily meals into 4-6 meals to fuel your body throughout the day.

Here is a list of several foods rich in protein:

  • Eggs
  • Poultry, such as chicken or turkey
  • Fish meat, such as tuna or salmon
  • Lean meat

Another good source of protein is whey protein isolate. You can consume this protein by mixing it with milk, water or making yourself a smoothie. You can also find other types of cocktails. But in terms of price-quality ratio, whey protein has the best indicator and its additional advantage is that it is suitable for use before and after training, since its absorption rate is faster than that of regular food and other types of protein.

If we talk about water, it is important to monitor the water balance in the body. Water maintains normal metabolic function, including muscle growth, which is 70% water. In fact, in the absence of normal fluid intake, catabolism can be caused. Catabolism, in turn, will contribute to muscle reduction.

Drink plenty of water to help your body absorb nutrients and stay hydrated during your workouts and throughout the day.

Enjoy the pain

When you do the exercise, you may feel pain in your muscles. This is called sore throat.

The pain may appear a couple of hours after training and reach its peak after 48 hours. It all depends on the intensity of the workout. It may take up to 7 days for the pain to go away.


Krepatura is a good pain. It can happen not only to beginners, but also to experienced athletes.

Increasing the intensity and changing exercises can cause soreness.

I've been working out for twenty years and I always get muscle pain after chest workouts. But rarely do my biceps or triceps hurt.

Krepatura is a good pain, but pain from injuries is bad. Don't lift heavy weights too early. Train gradually. From small to large.

If you experience sharp pain in your biceps during exercise, consult your doctor.

It is advisable to consult a physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program.

Calf workout

I don't disagree that calf training is very effective on a machine with huge weights. However, ballet dancers have perfectly developed calves while only jumping on one leg.

It is very important to pay attention to how the sock stretches. You have to pull the toe.

Even running on toes for 10 kilometers a week gives a normal increase in the growth of the calf muscles, comparable at the first stage - in the first year of training - to training in a calf machine.

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