How to replace the barbell press on an incline bench. How to replace the bench press - what to do if the bench press does not bring results, what to replace the bench press with and how best to do it. Dumbbell bench press

How to replace the bench press?

This is interesting: Power squats - specifics of the exercise, features of the technique of performing power squats and integration of the squat into the training program


Another basic exercise, but it is aimed at working the back muscles. When performing it, correct technique and sufficiently large working weights are very important. Unfortunately, at home, not many people have a barbell, weights, rubber mats and free space in the apartment. But even in this situation, we will suggest exercises that will give you the opportunity to build a beautiful and wide back.

  1. Push-ups are a great warm-up exercise that you can do with your own body weight.
    You don't need any additional equipment. Take a lying position, hands are shoulder-width apart, keep your body at the same level, do not sink your pelvis or lift it up. Perform push-ups smoothly, fully touch the floor with your chest and straighten your arms in the upper position. Try to concentrate on working the back muscles, this is very important for their quality development. The number of repetitions depends only on your level of training. If you find it difficult to do classic push-ups, you can press your knees, not your toes, into the floor. For more experienced people, regular push-ups may be too easy, in which case additional weight will be needed. You can use any heavy objects at hand, you just need to put them on your back and do the exercise.
  2. Pull-ups are one of the best exercises for creating a beautiful and sculpted back at home.
    In many apartments you can find a homemade horizontal bar or Swedish ladder. As a last resort, you can buy a horizontal bar that is mounted in the doorway; it will fit perfectly into the design of the room and will not damage the renovation. When performing the exercise, use a grip wider than your shoulders; it is with this grip that the latissimus dorsi muscles will be worked, which form a beautiful V-shaped silhouette. An important point is the amplitude of pull-ups; you need to go all the way down and straighten your arms. Yes, this implementation is more difficult, but it is the correct one. Working at half the amplitude will not allow you to reach the full potential of pull-ups. It is better to perform fewer repetitions efficiently and with the correct technique. Try to pull yourself up with your back and exclude the arm muscles from the work; this may take some time. If you are a beginner and find it difficult to do even 1-2 pull-ups, then ask someone to help you. A partner can hold your lower back and help you complete the required number of repetitions. It is very important to do pull-ups regularly and then the results will not be long in coming.
  3. If you happen to have old dumbbells lying around at home, this can significantly increase your arsenal of exercises. For example, bent over rows only require one dumbbell. To perform the exercise, place one hand and knee on a horizontal surface. Hold a dumbbell with your other hand and perform rows. The trajectory of movement goes diagonally from bottom to back. We perform 10-12 repetitions with each hand and so on for 3-4 approaches. While performing the exercise, try to keep your back arched and feel the target muscle group working. A bench, sofa or other surrounding objects can act as a support.
  4. But to perform a deadlift you will need two dumbbells. In a pinch, you can even use weights. This is the most difficult technique exercise. There are two options for performing deadlifts with dumbbells. Take the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells parallel to your hips.
    We begin to smoothly lower ourselves and bend our legs, move our pelvis back, and our hands practically slide down our legs. After reaching the bottom point, you need to return to the starting position. It is very important to watch your back; it should be straight and slightly arched in the lower back. Often people round their back, this reduces the effectiveness of the deadlift and can lead to injury.

    The second option for performing deadlifts is very similar to the first, but you need to keep the equipment in front of you. Thus, we lower the dumbbells slightly below the knees and, due to the work of the back muscles, we align the body. You can alternate between both options or choose the one that is more convenient for you.

In this article, we talked in detail about what exercises to replace squats and deadlifts at home. For some exercises, you may need special equipment, which can be used as improvised objects. You must understand that the most important thing is your desire to practice regularly and hard. Even at home, you can achieve excellent results and radically change your body for the better. Remember, when training at home you will be using light weights, so perform more repetitions with short rest breaks, the workout should be intense.

Quite often in comments to workouts the question is asked: “What can replace dumbbells?” Everyone has their own reasons, some simply cannot allocate funds from the budget for sports equipment, while others are still not sure that in a week the dumbbells will not go to the mezzanine to gather dust. Be that as it may, we tried to help both of them solve this issue and selected a variety of options for those interested.

We take plastic bottles of the required volume (0.5 l, 1 l, 1.5 l, 2 l) and fill them with water and/or sand. Water bottles will be lighter than sand bottles. Bottles with wet sand will be even heavier.

One of the interesting ideas seemed to be filling bottles with colored salt. Sport should be fun!

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