Materials / 04/09/2013 / How to obtain liquid fuel from natural gas: new developments

How to obtain methane in laboratory conditions

There are several ways to obtain methane in a laboratory:

  1. Passing a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide through a tube at the bottom of which there is hot copper: CS2 + 2H2S + 8Cu = CH4+ Cu2S. This was the very first method of producing methane. Later it was found that methane can be obtained by heating a mixture of hydrogen and carbon in the presence of a nickel catalyst to 475 degrees. Without using a catalyst, the mixture has to be heated to 1200 degrees. C + 2H2 = CH4
  2. Currently, methane is produced by heating a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium acetate: CH3COONa + NaOH = Na2CO3 + CH4.
  3. Pure methane can be obtained by the reaction of aluminum carbide and water: Al4C3 + 12H2O = 4 Al(OH)3 + 3CH4
  4. Methane synthesis can also be carried out on the basis of a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide: CO + 3H2 = CH4 + H2O


“Methane” is certainly unsafe for the human body, but its correct intake is unlikely to cause significant harm and will make you regret your choice. During the entire course and after it, you need to carefully monitor how the liver behaves and take additional measures aimed at normalizing its functioning.

Before use, it is recommended to ask for advice not only from an experienced friend, but also to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and decide whether to stop with this steroid or choose something else, albeit not as effective, but less harmful.

Health should be more important than gaining weight. There is no need to force the body, if it resists, it is better to give it the right to choose.

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One of the first medications used in sports as doping was “Methandrostenolone” or “Methane”, reviews of which fill forums and communities. Is it possible to use this drug without harm to the body?

How to obtain aniline from methane

It is possible to obtain aniline from methane by only performing a whole chain of reactions, which schematically looks like this: CH4 > C2H2 > C6H6 > C6H5NO2 > C6H5NH2.

First, methane is heated to 1500 degrees, resulting in the formation of acetylene. Benzene is then obtained from acetylene using the Zelinsky reaction. To do this, acetylene is passed through a tube heated to 600 degrees, half filled with activated carbon: 3C2H2 = C6H6

Nitrobenzene is obtained from benzene: C6H6 + HNO3 = C6H5NO2 + H2O, which is the feedstock for the production of aniline. This process follows Zinin’s reaction:

С6H5NO2 + 3(NH4)2S = C6H5NH2 + 6NH3 + 3S + 2H2O.

A little warning for newbies

Before you begin to describe the method of taking such a steroid as “methane”, it is necessary to draw a conclusion to all of the above - beginners should refrain from this drug, after consulting with specialists and choosing something more suitable and less potent to begin with.

The use of anabolic steroids often suffers from depression, insomnia, and withdrawal. Because anabolic steroids may worsen skin rashes or other skin conditions. Anyone who takes anabolic steroids is harmful to the liver. Those who have long been used when doping, bloody cysts are formed in the liver. Increased liver tumors and malignant tumors.

Training regimen and nutrition while taking Methandrostenolone

Anabolic steroids by growth areas. Therefore, even immature teenagers may stop growing up. HGH abuse may be present with any other side effects such as. Allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus similar to allergic reactions. Used especially in large quantities, it can lead to acromegaly.

If the choice is made, it is worth consuming it in moderation, while simultaneously taking medications that help reduce the harmful effects on the liver and health in general. No amount of muscle mass will compensate for the diseases that can occur after excessive use of steroids.

When taking anabolic steroids, aggressive behavior is common, which frightens and even hurts people around you. Great anger sometimes causes injury or rape. Vascular calcification and infarctions. This can lead to a heart attack and impairs blood circulation. Since anabolic steroids enlarge the prostate gland, inflammatory processes are possible, and it is difficult to urinate.

After course therapy

These may include loss of potency. After you start taking doping, the potency first increases and then almost completely disappears. Women who use doping, as well as obvious negative side effects: thick voice, enlarged chin hair, disrupted menstrual cycle.

Taking “methane” according to the pyramid principle, which many people adhere to, brings little effect. At first, of course, the result may be good, but soon the body will begin to get used to the drug and its effect will be reduced to nothing (this option is not satisfactory and after it you can completely forget about the further use of “methane”).

It regulates the use of these products. The law prohibits the importation of these products into the country for others to produce, sell and hold. The exception is when drugs are used for medical and scientific purposes. Persons who violate the law will be punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years.

According to sports doping rules, an athlete loses the right to participate in competitions for two years. The body looks plump because the muscles retain fluid, swelling of the face, especially the cheeks, and the skin around the eyes is bulging and tense. Rash on the face, back, shoulders.

By the way, the pyramid method, when the dose of the drug is constantly increased and then decreased again, was used in ancient times so that the body would get used to the poison and not perceive it.

It is necessary to take “methandrostenolone” in stable doses, and the frequency and time of administration should be established by the person’s biological rhythms. The most optimal time periods for using the steroid are the periods from 7 to 9 am and from 19 to 21 pm, when the concentration of testosterone in the blood increases in men.

Aggressive behavior, irritability, frequent mood swings. The focus is just your body and training. During doping pauses, people suffer from bad mood, anxiety, and insomnia. Persons wishing to use doping agents are looking for places where there are “specialists” and where you can buy these products. Some sports clubs that operate independently of sports organizations, some people training people consume doping.

Drug addicts usually try to justify the abuse of doping by the following considerations. Doping is harmless if its use is controlled! After this “course”, stop using doping. Methane 100 tablets cost about 35 litas. Aggressiveness; mood swings; insomnia; anxiety.

If a person’s life does not follow a standardized schedule (for example, in shifts), it is necessary to develop your own approach to administration in consultation with a professional and doctor.

It is imperative to adhere to biological rhythms so that the influence on hormonal levels is stabilized by both artificial and natural factors.

Possible side effects of methane

It was initially used to dope athletes and other athletes despite the dangerous side effects.
Their goal was to improve their skills and achieve better athletic performance. Later doping spread among amateur athletes and schools. Some people use doping not only for athletic performance, but also for other purposes. In modern advertising and photographs of stars, muscular bodies predominate. One high school survey of young people showed that greater physical strength gives more self-confidence, which can also contribute to the use of doping.

A two-time regimen of taking “methane” in the first months is effective, although it does not allow one to achieve the result that will be visible with four times of use. There is no need to give it up, since high frequency of use of the chemical drug will cause addiction after a few weeks. This course makes no sense at all.

Why is methane so popular among bodybuilders?

Testosterone is the male sex hormone that determines the sex of a person.
Potential and which is responsible for muscle development. Anabolic steroids are a synthetic product developed as a replacement for testosterone. Currently, alloying dominates the "market" and meets all needs. Since doping is increasingly used, even growth hormone. They are usually called "Russians", "Russian Five" or Russian vitamins. The packaging has a typical Russian name. The most commonly used of these alloying agents. Medicines, psychotropic and other psychoactive substances. Substances are chemicals that cause central nervous system toxicity and similar changes in mental function.

Now a little about the possible doses of “methane” intake. The optimal daily dose is four to five tablets or 20-25 mg. The course should last from 3 to 4 weeks, after which it is recommended to stop it for a while so as not to cause addiction and to cleanse the liver. Within a month, side effects will not have time to appear.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the recipient’s body, and if he does not like something, it is recommended to reduce the dose; if this does not help, he will have to abandon this steroid altogether.

Methane tablets. History of appearance

This brochure does not cover alcohol, tobacco or volatile solvents. The concept of narcotic drugs here includes drugs, psychotropic substances, psychotropic drugs, other substances that cause intoxication and hormonal alloying substances. You see 51% of this article.

Does Probolan 50 negatively affect potency?

Probolan 50 is a tablet consisting of 100% natural ingredients. Before being placed on the market, these tablets were tested in laboratories of Lithuanian and international institutions - they proved to be 100% safe. They cause hair loss, sexual dysfunction, acne, gynecomastia and other unwanted side effects.

Ignorance of objective information often gives rise to many myths that hover over the use of “methane”. Some of them are harmless, but some, on the contrary, can significantly damage your health.

Someone once suggested dissolving the drug in vegetable oil and drinking the substance. This way, the steroid will enter the bloodstream from the intestines, and not from the stomach, and thereby bypass the portal vein without causing any negative effects on the liver. This myth is dispelled by doctors very simply: everything that is in the blood will definitely end up in the liver, no matter how it was brought there. A positive point is the presence of vegetable oil, which prevents the decomposition of “methane” by gastric juice and most of it will be used for its intended purpose.

Sexual homonucleating globulin and estrogen do not cause side effects in people taking Probolan. This means you can take your pills without drinking alcohol. This can provide maximum effects. Any adult can safely increase their exercise performance with this step-by-step product. This natural process for the human body will be stimulated by the natural components that make up the product.

The use of methane and important points...

Your body will change beyond recognition. The most important thing for us is your health. The strongest kit - Titan - is a treatment that lasts 16 weeks. During this treatment period, another 4 capsules were taken per day. The first step is to increase your natural testosterone production.

Someone once advised not to swallow tablets containing the drug, but to try to dissolve it completely. And here again is the argument described in the first myth: methane, entering the blood through the vessels of the mouth, has virtually no harmful effect on the liver. But everyone has already become familiar with the opinion of doctors: the liver is a filter and everything that is in the blood will definitely pass through it.

Combined courses with methandienone

The product then optimizes the muscle receptor's response to the male hormone so that its anabolic effect is maximized. We are its only supplier and manufacturer. Our clients can offer the lowest prices for the original product.

Will the package be discreetly packed?

Probolan 50 sold on other sites is fake. We know that discretion is important to you. That's why each of our packages comes in a gray, non-included bag. Downloads are sent by courier and labels do not collect information indicating what is in the package. This guarantees absolute anonymity.

However, some doctors advise dissolving methane so that most of it does not reach the stomach, does not fall under the action of gastric juice, where it decomposes, and is used for its intended purpose, stimulating the growth of muscle mass.

If the first two myths are harmless, then the third is quite capable of causing harm to health. According to the instructions, methane should be taken before meals.

Many people advise that if it causes abdominal pain, the regimen of use should be changed and the steroid should be added directly to food. You can't do that.

If the drug begins to cause painful reactions, the first thing to do is to abandon it altogether.

The body knows itself better and if it has not accepted it, nothing can be done about it. In addition, taking “methane” with food slows down the process of its entry into the blood.

The effectiveness of methane during mass training

Established practice shows that in order to obtain positive results with minimal risk to health, the steroid must be taken in accordance with the natural biorhythms of the human body and in strictly regulated doses.

  1. This steroid is used in bodybuilding and gives good results even with a solo cycle. In 1.5 months with a standard dosage, an athlete is able to gain up to 10 kg of total body weight.
  2. If, due to current circumstances, compliance with the regime is not possible, then an individual course development is required.

Characteristic properties are: fluid retention in the body and an increase in strength parameters. The effect lasts until the end of the course, after which the condition returns to normal. While strength indicators are maintained at the end of the course.

[edit] Chemical properties

The first member of the homologous series of saturated (methane) hydrocarbons. Methane is a chemically inactive substance. Under normal conditions, it is quite resistant to acids, alkalis and oxidizing agents. Thus, when passing methane through a solution of KMnO4, which is a fairly strong oxidizing agent, it does not oxidize, and the violet color of the solution does not disappear. Methane does not enter into addition (association) reactions, since in its molecule all four valences of the carbon atom are completely saturated. For methane, like other saturated hydrocarbons, substitution reactions are typical, in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by atoms of other elements or atomic groups. Methane is also characterized by a reaction with chlorine, which occurs at normal temperatures under the influence of scattered light (an explosion can occur in direct sunlight). In this case, the hydrogen atoms in the methane molecule are successively replaced by chlorine atoms:

  • CH4 + Cl2 = CH3Cl + HCl
  • CH3Cl + Cl2 = CH2Cl2 + HCl
  • CH2Cl2 + Cl2 = CHCl3 + HCl
  • CHCl3 + Cl2 = CCl4 + HCl

As a result of the reaction, a mixture of methane chlorinated derivatives is formed.

In the air atmosphere, methane burns with a colorless flame and releases a significant amount of heat:

  • CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O

Methane forms a flammable explosive mixture with air. When methane is heated without access to air to a temperature above 1000 ° C, it decomposes into elements - carbon (soot) and hydrogen:

  • CH4 = C + 2H2

[edit] Application

Large quantities of methane are used as a convenient and cheap fuel. Incomplete combustion of methane produces soot, which is used for the production of printing ink and as a rubber filler, and thermal decomposition (above 1000 °C) produces soot and hydrogen, which is used for the synthesis of ammonia. The product of complete chlorination of methane - carbon tetrachloride CCl4 - is a good solvent for fats and is used to extract fats from grains of oilseeds. Methane also serves as a starting material for the production of acetylene, methyl alcohol and many other chemical products.

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