Bench press with a narrow grip: what muscles work, technique with a barbell and in Smith

Close grip bench press

The bench press with a narrow grip pumps up the tops of all the heads of the triceps, upper chest and anterior deltoids. Adds strength, volume and density to the triceps. Basic exercise.

The close-grip barbell press is perhaps the most effective exercise for stimulating the growth and development of strength of the triceps brachii muscle, especially its upper part. In addition, the close-grip press thoroughly works the upper chest and the anterior head of the deltoid muscle.

In powerlifting, the close grip press is used to increase bench press performance. The work of muscles and joints characteristic of the close-grip bench press is characteristic of boxing (direct blows to the body), gymnastics (exercises on the uneven bars), American football and hockey (pushing the opponent).

Close-grip bench press - triceps exercise

Anatomical map of active muscles

When performing a barbell press with a narrow position of the arms, the work includes: fascicles of the triceps muscle (medial, lateral, long), pectoral and deltoid muscles (acting as an assistant). In addition, stabilizers are activated, allowing you to maintain balance during movements: shoulder rotators, serratus muscles, wrist flexors. Thus, the triceps receive the greatest load in the process of raising and lowering the barbell. However, the wider the grip on the bar, the less the triceps work and the more the chest muscles work. This is why it is important to maintain a distance between your hands on the barbell when performing the press.

Muscle Atlas

Target, stabilizing, and accessory muscles activated during the close-grip barbell press

Target, stabilizing, and accessory muscles activated during the close-grip barbell press

Expert recommendations

— it’s better to start training with a bench press with a narrow grip until the triceps are tired; — it is necessary that the lifting of the apparatus be strictly vertical, spreading the elbows is prohibited; — when lifting the barbell, only your hands should work. You should not involve other muscles in the process: in the absence of targeted tension in the triceps, the effect of using this technique will not be noticeable soon; - you must be able to feel the contraction of the target muscles. This skill will come with experience; — the final exhalation should be done exclusively in the final phase of pressing the barbell. Full exhalation at the starting point of the bar press is excluded; — you should not lift your lower back off the bench, this does not have a positive effect on the loading of the triceps. Technical execution of the exercise will give the best effect.

Benefits and Benefits of Exercise

A number of advantages of bench press with a narrow grip include:

  • Complexity of the exercise.
  • Ease of movement and versatility.
  • Increasing the volume of triceps.
  • Increasing the mass of the triceps muscles.
  • Development of physical strength.
  • Engaging several muscle groups.
  • Development of endurance.
  • Using classic projectiles.

Thus, the benefits of barbell exercises for triceps are obvious. But it is important to note that the above benefits can only be achieved if the technique is performed correctly.

What muscles work

The close-grip bench press is an excellent load option that allows you to increase the size and bulk of your triceps. With the correct method of execution, most of the load is distributed on the triceps, or rather, on its longest beam, which is least amenable to strength training.

More than half of the movement of the barbell occurs precisely thanks to the work of the triceps, which makes it possible to make it stronger and larger. The lateral and medial bundles also take on a significant load, resulting in a colossal leap in the development of the arm muscle group.

Close grip bench press

In “collaboration” with the triceps, the large muscles of the thoracic region additionally function. However, you need to remember that with a wider grip and moving your elbows to the sides, they take the main load on themselves. The bench press also works the deltoids and forearm muscles. During the exercise, the core muscles, which are responsible for stabilizing the human body, receive a small static load during the exercise.

Did you know? Today, the bench press exercise is a separate discipline within the traditional bench press, where one competes to lift the maximum amount of weight.

Variations of the exercise

When performing the same movements for a long time, muscles begin to get used to the load, as a result of which the quality of physical exercise decreases. To develop your triceps evenly and effectively, alternate barbell press variations, the number of approaches and repetitions, and increase the weight.

Close-grip barbell bench press

The classic version of close-grip barbell lifts begins with preparing the equipment. Decide on the weight of the discs. If this is your first time performing the exercise, you can use an unloaded bar. The initial goal of any exercise is to improve the technique of execution:

Close grip bench press

Technique for performing the classic version of the barbell press with a narrow arm position

Technique for performing the classic version of the barbell press with a narrow arm position: 2 stages of arm position

  1. Lie on the bench so that the support is on both feet. To do this, lower your legs to the floor and bend your knees at an angle of 90°.
  2. Raise your arms in front of you, grab the bar, place your hands shoulder-width apart (or slightly narrower).
  3. Bring the barbell out from behind your head.
  4. As you inhale, begin lowering the barbell until you touch your chest.
  5. The pause in the lower position should not exceed 1–2 seconds.
  6. Raise the barbell to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3-4 10-12 times depending on the level of physical fitness.

Video instructions for bench press with a narrow grip:

Close-grip barbell press on a Smith machine

This type of exercise involves using a Smith machine instead of a regular bench. The strength trainer consists of a metal base and racks connected by a beam. The design is equipped with threaded holes for the neck. The main purpose of using a Smith machine is to control exercise technique. The machine allows you to train intensively at the desired speed.

Smith machine

Smith machine design for weight training

Smith machine design for weight training

The technique of performing a barbell press with a narrow grip using the Smith design is practically no different from the classic version. However, there are a number of features that need to be taken into account:

Close-grip barbell press on a Smith machine

Performing a triceps barbell press in a Smith machine: stages of performing the exercise

Performing a triceps barbell press in a Smith machine: the starting and peak point of the exercise.

  1. Since the bar is fixed in the machine and can only move in one position, try to get into a comfortable, similar position. Initially, the bar should already be above the chest.
  2. Grab the bar with your hands, place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. As you inhale, lower the barbell, and as you exhale, lift it up.

Number of sets and reps for beginners: 3 x 10–12 reps; for professionals: 4 x 12–15 times.

Ideal technique:

Close grip EZ barbell press

To make it more comfortable to perform a barbell press with a narrow grip, you can use an EZ bar (curved). The apparatus allows you to quickly navigate the position of your hands during the exercise, as well as more accurately find the point of gravity of the barbell. The technique is similar to the classic bench press:

Close grip EZ barbell press

Technique for performing the exercise: using a curved barbell, correct placement of hands

Correct technique for performing the exercise using a curved barbell with a narrow arm position.

  1. Lie down on a bench, bend your knees and place them on the bench or lower them to the floor.
  2. Take the EZ bar and bring it to your chest.
  3. Slowly lower and raise the projectile.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3×15 times.

EZ-bar press option:

Close-grip incline barbell press

Performing a barbell press with a narrow grip can be done on an inclined article at an upward or downward angle. The incline allows you to use different parts of the pectoral and triceps muscles. For full muscle development, it is recommended to perform inclinations from 15o to 60o. In addition, this version of the bench press helps to improve the technique of the classic bench press with a narrow arm position.

Close-grip bent-over barbell press

Bench tilt down: correct technique

Tilt of the bench at an angle downwards: correct technique of execution Technique of execution:

  1. Set the incline bench to the desired angle.
  2. Equip the bar with discs.
  3. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, placing your hands shoulder-width apart.
  4. Remove the barbell from the stand and bring it to your chest.
  5. Lower the bar slowly, without jerking, and raise it at an accelerated pace.
  6. Number of repetitions and repetitions: 3-4 10-12 times.

Precautions: Performing the exercise at an angle requires active work of the stabilizer muscles. Do not perform the exercise with heavy weights without a spotter.


In any exercise, there is one way to do the movement correctly and many ways to do it incorrectly. Pay attention to popular mistakes and try to avoid them.

Heavy weight

When a person takes on too much weight, from the outside it looks like this:

  • The lifting of the barbell is not carried out smoothly, but with the help of a jerk and bending of the whole body.
  • The bar swings and moves not along a given path, but at random.
  • The weight is lowered very quickly, the bar falls on the chest and is absorbed from it.

Naturally, in this case the technique will be dangerous for muscles, joints and ligaments. You can easily dislocate your shoulder. And the lower you lower the bar, right down to your stomach, the greater the load on your shoulders. And the triceps, on the contrary, will lose it.

Incorrect elbow position

The degree of load on the triceps depends on the position of your elbows. Elbows should be pressed to the body and move strictly up and down, but not to the sides.

In this case, you will achieve maximum load on them.

Using an Incline Bench

There is no point in working at positive angles. This will not change the load on different areas of the triceps. Therefore, there is no need to work on an incline bench. Just move it to a horizontal position. Or, alternatively, use a bench with a slight negative incline.

Using locks of different weights

This subtlety is not entirely obvious, but still.

It is important that the locks on the bar weigh the same. A difference of 200-300 grams is enough to make it possible to lose balance, especially in the last repetitions, when there is practically no strength.

When you do a barbell lift, this difference will mean that one arm will be able to press the weight, but the other will not. As a result, the bar will move to the right or left. Be careful and select the same locks on both ends of the bar.


Don't complicate your life - breathe correctly.

Lifting is carried out while exhaling, lowering the weight – while inhaling.

Exhalation occurs through the mouth, and inhalation occurs through the nose. This is because you can exhale more forcefully through your mouth than through your nose. This means you can lift the weight more powerfully.

Too light weight

Choose the weight so that the last 2-3 repetitions of each approach are difficult for you. If you have any strength left, the weight is too light. This is only permissible at first, when you start training. After a month of introductory training, you need to gradually increase the weights to failure in order to effectively spend time in the gym.

Close-grip barbell press for girls

Just like for men, the barbell press is useful in women's upper body training. Many girls believe that this type of exercise deprives their figure of femininity. But this is an absolute myth. The barbell (or barbell) press can not only transform the shoulder muscles, create relief and beautiful outlines of the arms, but also tighten the pectoral muscles.

There are no differences in exercise technique between men's and women's bench presses. However, we recommend that girls use lighter weights but higher reps.

Barbell press with a narrow grip in women's training

Barbell press with a narrow grip in women's training The correct technique for performing a barbell press with a narrow grip for girls and women

Correct technique for performing barbell presses with a narrow grip for girls and women

  1. Lie down on a bench with the barbell above your head.
  2. Stretch your arms forward, grab the bar with a straight grip, place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Place your feet on a bench or floor.
  4. Bring the barbell to your chest and begin to lower it slowly, trying to keep your elbows in the same position.
  5. Raise the barbell as you exhale.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3–4 12–15 times.

Recommendations for performing the exercise

To create a high-quality technique that will allow you to perform the bench press as efficiently as possible, follow these practical tips:

  • The placement of hands with a narrow grip is usually an individual decision. However, the ideal option is 20–25 centimeters.
  • In the starting position, do not straighten your arms completely; maintain a slight angle at the elbow joint.
  • The principle of a high-quality bench press is “slow down and fast up.”
  • Watch your elbows, they should be along the body.
  • The barbell, when performing a bench press, should not deviate from its horizontal position.
  • Don't forget about insurance.
  • Alternate between variations of close-grip bench presses.
  • Lift the barbell, contracting your triceps muscles.
  • Eliminate rocking and inertial movements.

Training the triceps muscles is necessary to create defined, sculpted shoulders that are part of an athlete's athletic figure. Therefore, it is very important to observe the technique of performing the exercise and follow the practical recommendations outlined above. For men and women, the close-grip barbell press is equally beneficial. With its help, you can quickly achieve a proportional physique and give the shoulder girdle the desired shape. Don’t forget about regular training, gradually increase the weight of the equipment and the number of repetitions.

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