Lifting with an inversion: the benefits and technique of performing it on the horizontal bar, which muscles work


Exercises on the horizontal bar

So let's start with pull-ups. This exercise, on the one hand, is easier than the lift-over, and on the other, is one of the stages of the lift-over. So let's start with it.

Pull-ups allow the athlete to stretch his back well, as well as tone the muscles of his back and arms. Why tone up and not pump up? Because this exercise involves many muscle groups, which means it is difficult to concentrate the load on any of them. For the same reason, the exercise is considered basic. So it’s difficult to increase muscle mass with pull-ups, but emphasizing the relief and increasing the strength of the working muscles is not a question. You can do pull-ups wherever there is a crossbar: in the gym, on the sports ground, in your own home and even on a tree, if you wish.

Variations of the exercise

The inversion lift is performed both in the classic version and with some modifications. There are several variations of this element:

  1. Feather or nine. The usual inversion lift is performed, but with one peculiarity - you cannot touch the crossbar with your body. This element is much more complex than the classical version. To carry your body over the bar, you can perform the exercise with a jerk.
  2. Power or slow feather. It is performed like the previous exercise (without touching the horizontal bar), but slowly, using only force, which makes the exercise very difficult.
  3. One arm inversion lift. Performed like a regular inversion lift, but using only one arm.




What muscles work when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar?

As already mentioned, pull-ups allow you to load the muscles of your back and arms. But which muscle will be loaded more depends on the grip. The traditional grip, which is usually favored by physical education teachers, is straight (palms facing away), shoulder-width apart. In this case, both the back muscles and biceps come into play.

A reverse (palms facing) shoulder-width grip allows you to place most of the load on your biceps. It is thanks to this feature that beginners often prefer this variation of pull-ups.

The most difficult option is wide-grip pull-ups. This variation usually causes panic among beginners. But a wide grip allows you to work several spinal muscle groups, namely: the latissimus, trapezius and paired teres muscles. A more advanced version of this exercise, the wide-grip pull-up, targets the same muscles but puts more emphasis on the lats.

In addition to wide and medium, there is another grip - narrow. When performing pull-ups with a straight, narrow grip, the work involves the serratus and latissimus dorsi (especially the lower part) muscles of the back, as well as, to some extent, the flexors of the arm. A reverse narrow grip gives the same effect as a straight grip, only it puts more emphasis on the biceps.

Rise coup


  1. Hang with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull yourself up, throwing your legs towards the horizontal bar.
  3. Continuing to bend your arms and bringing your waist level with the level of the crossbar, move your legs over the horizontal bar. You need to throw your head back.
  4. When the waist area of ​​the body is above the crossbar, a revolution will occur due to the mass of the legs and the inertia of movement.
  5. Straighten your arms and lock yourself over the horizontal bar.

The described technique is considered the most correct and easiest.

Pull-up technique

So, we figured out which muscles work when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Now it's time to learn how to do pull-ups correctly. In principle, this exercise does not have any technical difficulties and is performed as simply as it looks, but there are still some nuances.

The main thing to remember is: if you want a certain muscle group to receive more load, then try to ensure that it is the one that moves the body upward. Of course, grip plays a key role in the issue of target muscle groups, but technique is also important. For example, in a wide grip, in order to work your back, you need to rise by bringing your shoulder blades together. If an athlete pulls himself with his arms, part of the load will go to the biceps.

A few more nuances:

1. To prevent your body from becoming loose when doing pull-ups, simply cross your legs at the very beginning of the exercise. Of course, with strong jerks this will not help, so try to move smoothly. This will not only protect your joints, but will also allow your muscles to work more efficiently.

2. At the bottom point, straighten your arms completely so that the muscles stretch well. And at the top, try to touch the bar with your upper chest (the lower part of your neck if you pull yourself up with a wide grip behind your head).

3. When doing pull-ups to work your back (usually with an overhand grip), place your thumb on top, like all other fingers. Such a minor trick will allow you to better stretch the back muscles at the lower point of the amplitude.

What muscles work when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar?

4. In all cases, except for pulling up by the head, try to bend your back slightly so that your chest is on the same vertical line with the bar, not your head. In the case of head pull-ups, the body should be a straight line throughout the entire movement. By the way, this variation of pull-ups is considered the most dangerous. Therefore, be vigilant and careful!

5. If you can’t do even one pull-up, start by learning to do pull-ups on a low bar, which allow you to push off the ground and give your body momentum. You can also try to do only the passive phase of the exercise, that is, lowering. Use a chair to lift yourself up onto the bar and try to lower yourself as slowly as possible. This will help prepare the muscles for more serious loads. recommends Training Plans:

Experienced athletes recommend starting tricks on the horizontal bar with a one-arm exit. Pull yourself up and transfer your body weight to one arm, while bringing the other elbow up over the bar. Then bring your other elbow out in the same way and push up until you rise to straight arms.

How to make a flag on a horizontal bar? Grasp the vertical support of the horizontal bar with an all-round grip and push up from the support, raising your body parallel to the floor. To perform this trick on the horizontal bar, you will need good strength training. For example, do push-ups with your arms wide apart, 5-10 sets of 10-12 reps. The wider the bars, the more difficult and effective your workout will be!

chips on the horizontal bar

Having practiced these basic movements in your workout training on the horizontal bar, and gaining confidence in your abilities, you can already master more complex techniques. It is advisable that your training in tricks be supervised by an experienced athlete who knows the technique of performing exercises on the horizontal bar. He will not only be able to tell you how to move correctly, but will also insure you when performing more complex elements.

It takes a lot of time even for trained athletes to practice turns on the horizontal bar. Therefore, at first it is better to perform many elements in the gym in order to avoid serious injuries in case of a fall.

In mastering tricks on the horizontal bar, not only strength is important, but also the ability to maintain balance. A simple crocodile element will help develop a sense of balance. Grasp the bar with a narrow straight grip and tilt your body forward. Your elbows should bend at a tight angle to align your body perpendicular to the floor. Try to maintain balance in this position. It won't be easy at first, but persistent training will do the trick!

Lifting with inversion

Program on the crossbar

So, having found out what pull-ups are and mastered their technique, you can conquer exercises on the bar. The first of them is a lift-over. This is a classic exercise that develops coordination and muscle strength. Among gymnasts and street athletes, the lift-over is considered the simplest manipulation that allows you to end up on the horizontal bar. But for ordinary people, this exercise often causes a lot of difficulties. Over the years, it has earned the unspoken status of an “indicator of body fitness.” Therefore, it is used as a standard in the army and when entering various law enforcement agencies.

How to learn to perform this gymnastic element?

The main exercises that you need to master to learn how to do an inversion lift are:

  • bending down until your hands touch the floor;
  • pull-ups;
  • lifting straight legs to the crossbar.

Bends with straightened legs until your hands touch the floor are needed to sufficiently stretch the muscles of the back of the thighs and legs. Without this, it will not be possible to raise your legs to the bar while hanging. The bends are simple and can be mastered quickly. But to learn how to pull yourself up and raise your legs while hanging, many will need many hours of training.

Let's look at the leading exercises that will allow you to learn how to raise your legs while hanging.

Pulling your knees to your chest

Hanging leg raises are great for working your abs. You should start by pulling your knees towards your chest. Perform them in 4 sets with the number of repetitions until muscle failure. When you can comfortably perform 20 or more repetitions per set, move on to the next stage.

Tightening the knees with straightening to the corner

The beginning of the exercise is the same as before - in a hanging position, we pull our knees to our chest, and then, instead of lowering our legs down, we straighten them, pulling them forward, and then lower them. We train in 4 sets with repetitions until failure. When you can easily perform 20 repetitions or more, then move on to performing the corner.


Raise your straight legs while hanging until they reach a horizontal position, hold for a couple of seconds, and then lower. Having mastered 20 repetitions of the corner in 4 approaches, complicate the workout, trying to raise your legs higher and higher. When you manage to reach the crossbar with your straight legs 10-20 times in a row, you can consider that you have completed this part of the task.


Along with working on leg raises, do pull-ups in several approaches at each workout. If you are not yet comfortable with them, use them as guide exercises:

  • Australian pull-ups on a low horizontal bar with support on the legs;
  • negative pull-ups - slow lowering from the top to a hanging position;
  • use of rubber loops.

Having learned how to do pull-ups, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 10 or more per set. At the same time, pay attention to the execution technique. There should be no jerking, swinging or leg movements.

Upside down pull-ups will help you develop the strength to quickly master this element. Pull your knees to your chest while hanging and give your body a horizontal position. Pull yourself up without changing your position. Having mastered this exercise, complicate it - do the same, but with your legs straight up.

Having learned to pull yourself upside down 10 times and raise your feet to the bar the same number of times, as well as having achieved free contact with the floor while tilted, you can move on to mastering the inversion lift.

The final stage

Although performing an inversion lift with swinging is not a standard, it is acceptable at the initial stage. This will provide an opportunity to develop coordination and experience all the nuances of the technique.

Grab the bar and step back to swing. After swinging on the horizontal bar, when moving forward, using inertia, make a sharp lift of your legs up and at the same time pull yourself up. Inertia will throw you belly-first onto the bar. After making the inversion, straighten your body and arms, lower your legs down, and then go back to the hanging position. You managed to make the climb with a flip.

Some beginners are able to perform this element only with swinging, and without it the following problems arise:

  • They cannot throw their body onto the horizontal bar. To do this, at the moment when the belt is at the level of the horizontal bar, you need to sharply bend your knees. This will help you throw your body onto the bar and catch your balance.
  • Having thrown their body onto the horizontal bar, they cannot turn over and rise to a vertical position. To do this, you need to simultaneously sharply straighten your legs down and jerk your head and shoulders up. This will help you roll over and get into a vertical position.

When you manage to perform an inversion lift on the horizontal bar without swinging, don’t stop there. Continue training, improving your technique, learn to perform this element slowly and without errors. Only then will you be able to add it to the list of your workout achievements.


As a rule, such exercises are undertaken by those who have already learned how to do pull-ups, know the characteristics of their body and their own abilities. Beginners will most likely not succeed in lifting and turning over. Nevertheless, just in case, it is worth paying a little attention to contraindications. So, the main ones are:

1. Injuries to joints, namely: elbow, shoulder and hand.

2. Headache, any head diseases and blood pressure problems.

3. Impaired coordination of movements.

Simple pull-ups have only one contraindication - joint problems. And lifting with an inversion is not so much strength training as a gymnastic element, and this is a completely different level of risk.

Those who are not able to do at least five pull-ups should not try the flip-up. Such an athlete may simply not be able to stay on the bar and fall. Of course, you can protect yourself with safety straps, but this is of no use if you don’t know how to pull yourself up. Pull-ups in this case are the alphabet, without mastering which you cannot begin to form words.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • This is a complex exercise that develops a large number of muscles.
  • Improves coordination of movements.
  • Strengthens the vestibular system and grip strength.
  • A relevant exercise as an element of functional training.
  • Used in combination with other exercises on the horizontal bar to achieve high results in workout.


  1. The disadvantages include the difficulty of implementation, as well as high trauma. This essentially acrobatic element is not suitable for beginner athletes.
  2. It should also be noted that with certain injuries, lifting with an inversion is absolutely impossible, on their list:
  • Problems with the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Recent concussions.
  • Impaired movement coordination.

Execution technique

Training on the horizontal bar

Before you begin lifting with an inversion, you need to learn not only how to pull yourself up, but also how to lift your legs straight, and the higher the better. If you manage to do both elements more than 5-10 times, then you have sufficient physical strength to lift and flip.

So, let's look at the technique piece by piece:

1. First you need to grab the horizontal bar and hang. Hanging on the bar should not be very long, as even it takes a lot of strength. The grip can be different, but the classic one is straight wide or straight medium. Since in this case pumping the back is not the main task, the thumb goes on the other side of the other fingers (the so-called fork). This grip makes more sense from a safety point of view.

2. Now you need to simultaneously pull yourself up and raise your legs above the level of the horizontal bar, trying to throw them over it. The inertia of the body is enough for the legs to cross the crossbar. At the moment when the mass of the legs outweighs and they pull the body down, a revolution occurs.

3. At the end point, the athlete takes a position close to vertical, and the crossbar is at waist level. This position is called the support on the crossbar.

Low bar pull-ups

Features of the exercise

In order to learn how to do a flip-up on a horizontal bar, you need to have basic sports training. If you can do at least 10–15 pull-ups, this will significantly speed up the achievement of results. If the lifts are difficult to perform, it is better to postpone the execution of the inversion. It requires at least basic skill and can be dangerous for untrained people.

The height of the horizontal bar is selected taking into account the skill of the trainee. If this is an experienced athlete, the option when the feet do not touch the floor would be suitable. For beginners, the crossbar is lowered so that the trainee can pull himself up by pushing off the ground. This will protect him when performing tricks, and will also provide a gentle load on the pectoral muscles. Additionally, to protect against injury, you should take care of mats and hand straps.

Strength exercises should be done only after warming up . It will prepare the body for stress and avoid injury. Light exercises are performed half an hour before the main elements. Most of all, it is necessary to warm up the muscles of the arms and back, so first, circular movements of the hands, forearms and shoulders are made in turn; You can make your warm-up heavier with dumbbells. The back “warms up” when bending and twisting, and a simple hang is suitable for stretching it.

Technique for lifting with an inversion in the classic version:

  1. The performer grabs the bar using a medium grip: neither wide nor narrow. You should not hang on the horizontal bar for more than 3-4 seconds so that your arms do not get tired. It will be more difficult to perform with a wide grip.
  2. The jerk is done correctly. In this case, the head should be at the level of the crossbar, the arms should be bent in the maximum pull-up position, the legs and feet should be directed forward and upward, creating inertia during the movement for a revolution.
  3. During movement, a push is created, at this stage the body rotates around the crossbar. Straight legs are pulled up and raised with force above the level of the horizontal bar. When their mass outweighs, a revolution occurs.
  4. When the legs are lowered, the arms are straightened, the student goes into emphasis on the crossbar.

When performing inversion lifts on the horizontal bar, the vestibular apparatus is trained. The athlete develops the ability to control his body and improves coordination of movements. Beginners or people with a weak vestibular system will feel dizzy after several approaches, so they are not advised to perform more than 4 exercises at a time.

You need to know which muscles work when performing this technique to quickly master this technique:

  • back muscles, mainly the latissimus and deltoid;
  • arms - biceps and forearms;
  • press;
  • hips.

The listed parts of the body actively work during training, but they must initially be developed to perform the lift-over exercise on the horizontal bar. To master it as quickly as possible, you need to tone these muscles. An unprepared person should not immediately begin performing this complex element, as this can be fraught with injury and falling.

Before learning how to do an inversion lift on a horizontal bar, beginners should do some preliminary training.


Experienced athletes divide the exercise into two phases. First, they do a lift on the bar, and then raise their legs, or vice versa - they raise their legs, and then pull themselves up and rotate. This execution looks more impressive, but it is only possible after long training. It is much easier to carry out two phases at the same time.

There is also a lightweight execution technique, the difference in which is preliminary swinging in order to increase the force of inertia. This technique is considered incorrect, so it is better to abandon it immediately.

Another complicated option is called “nine”, or “feather”. The point is that the athlete must not just twist over the horizontal bar, but do this without touching it with his stomach. It turns out that the hands are the only part of the body that in this case is in contact with the horizontal bar. This exercise is much more difficult than the classic version, so before you start it, you need to work well on a simple inversion lift.


Now let's move on to solving the question of how to do tricks on horizontal bars, for example, such as a rivet. To do this, grab the bar with an overhand grip. Here you don’t need to pull yourself up, just raise your legs to the bar, and then sharply lower yourself with a leg swing and fly over the bar, going into a front position.

If you can’t raise your legs, then you need to train this movement separately from the horizontal bar. The riveting is performed with and without deflection - long swinging.

In yard companies they claim that if a person has mastered the execution of a rivet, then he has achieved real mastery in workout.


This may sound strange, but for a proper and beautiful inversion lift, you need to work on your stretching. We are talking about the hamstrings, which, if not stretched enough, will prevent you from raising your legs straight. They will bend involuntarily. This not only hurts the eye, but also prevents you from getting the proper impulse for a coup. Try, while standing on the floor, reach your palms to the floor with your legs and back straight. If you can't, pay attention to stretching.

Lifting on the bar

Implementation recommendations

The exercise can be performed in quantity, as well as for a certain time. It is perfect for performing in combination, for example: pull-ups, muscle-ups and inversion lifts. Such training allows the athlete to develop in several directions at once: increasing grip strength, coordination, strengthening the vestibular system and endurance.

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