Effective exercises to increase body height

Boxing school > > Practice > > Exercises on the horizontal bar for growth

The horizontal bar is an irreplaceable and effective thing. With it you can effectively pump up the muscles of the back, shoulders, chest, arms, as well as the abs in some combinations. We have already talked about exercises on the horizontal bar for muscle growth in other articles. But that's not all. The advantage of the horizontal bar is that you can use it to increase your height. And to do this, you need to perform exercises on the horizontal bar for growth .

A load of this kind, combined with special nutrition for growth and determination, can give good results; you can increase your height by up to 10 cm! And this, you see, is not little.

The effect will be visible only if exercises on the horizontal bar are performed correctly to increase height. Be sure to alternate tension with relaxation. All this is done in free hanging. Under no circumstances jump off the horizontal bar after finishing the exercises. All results from such actions are reduced to zero. Do not work too hard during training to increase height on the horizontal bar; it will be enough to perform four to six exercises in one workout. Each exercise must be performed 6-8 times. Always remember to breathe correctly, the effectiveness of the exercises depends on it. Always inhale when pulling up or raising your legs, and exhale when lowering. Try doing the opposite and you will see how much harder it becomes to do the exercises.

to increase your height . Of course, you don’t need to do them all at once, and it’s unlikely that you will succeed. The program is divided into 3 parts according to difficulty levels. The program must be mastered gradually. If you are a beginner, start from step 1. If you are physically well prepared, you can move on to the next level.

Execution technique

Initial position

  • The weight is attached to a belt with a chain to the waist;
  • You should not hang it on your feet or put it on your ankles, this will only deprive the body of stability and will not allow you to pull yourself up effectively;
  • You need to place a support next to the horizontal bar to safely accept the hang;
  • The grip width is comfortable, slightly wider than the shoulders; in the future you can experiment with the grip;
  • While hanging on the horizontal bar, you need to tighten your stomach, tense your back so that your shoulders do not rise to your ears, and concentrate.


  • The movement begins with the convergence of the shoulder blades;
  • Then the athlete bends his elbows and pulls his chest towards the bar;
  • After this, it lingers a little at the peak point of muscle contraction, straining the back;
  • Smoothly falls down;
  • The weight can be held with your feet so that it does not swing on your belt.

Weighted pull-ups. Which is correct? Equipment for mass, for strength


  • The body should be inclined in relation to the horizontal bar at an angle, and not hang so that the axis of the spine is perpendicular to it;
  • You should not push with your feet and jump up to take the starting position, use support;
  • Throwing your head back and straining your neck is dangerous for the cervical spine;
  • Kipping pull-ups with weights is not a safe idea; it can lead to injury to the shoulders and spine. If you want to improve your kipping, change the apparatus to rings rather than hanging weights;
  • From the point of view of the biomechanics of movement, the safest equipment is a weighted vest, and not weights on the belt.

If you want to develop endurance, develop your hands, shoulders and strengthen your spine, we recommend regularly practicing hanging on the horizontal bar. This simple exercise will help strengthen tendons and muscles, make the body resilient and flexible. Some people claim that if you hang on the horizontal bar regularly, you can grow! Today we will talk about the benefits of this simple exercise, who can and who cannot do it.

Hanging on the horizontal bar: is it possible or not?

This exercise will be useful not only for those who prefer an active lifestyle. It can be performed even by those who occasionally visit the gym or do exercises at home. With regular and correct practice, you will notice that back and neck pain has disappeared and your posture has improved.

Hanging on a horizontal bar helps distribute the load, improve blood circulation and stretch muscles. Remember that the exercise will only give good results if you do it regularly.

Hanging on the horizontal bar will be especially useful for those who do not lead a very active lifestyle or who have back problems (including scoliosis). The exercise is almost universal; it cannot be performed only in case of serious diseases of the spine.

You may also be interested in our article How to properly pump up the press on the horizontal bar: tips, videos

How to hang on a horizontal bar correctly: tips

You can perform the hang as a stand-alone exercise or at the end of a workout; it is great for relaxing muscles and tendons. Before performing, be sure to do a light warm-up, so you can avoid injuries and sprains.

We choose the width of the grip ourselves, the same applies to the type of grip (straight, reverse). With a direct grip, the palms are turned away from you, not towards you. If it's the other way around, go to yourself. We take the horizontal bar with our hands and sag, relaxing all the muscles. Keep your head straight. In this case, you should feel a pulling sensation in the lower back and shoulders. You should not have any pain.

How long does it take to hang on the horizontal bar ? Start with a minimum time of 30 seconds, 2-3 sets. Take a 1 minute break between sets. After 2-3 sessions, you can increase the duration by 10 seconds (up to 40 seconds). Continue increasing the time in the same manner. Be sure to use a stopwatch.

One of the options for hanging on a horizontal bar is a “swing”. You are in the same position and begin to slowly rock back and forth.

What to do if your palms slip? In such cases, baby powder or sports gloves will come to your aid; they will prevent slipping.

How to increase the load?

If the usual hanging on the horizontal bar is not enough for you, we recommend using leg weights or a dumbbell or kettlebell. Such training is suitable for those who are no strangers to the world of sports. If you have just started exercising, start with minimal weights.

How often to hang?

The answer is the more often the better! Preferably every day or at least 2-3 times a week. Alas, once a week will not be enough, you will not notice the positive effect.

Is growth increasing?

There is an opinion that exercise helps increase height. Is it so? If a teenager performs it, then it is quite possible that he will be able to increase his height by a couple of centimeters. If the hang is already performed by an adult, this will not affect growth in any way.

Hanging on the horizontal bar: contraindications

If you have diseases or injuries of the spinal and cervical spine, you should definitely consult a doctor before exercising. You can hang on the apparatus if you have scoliosis or osteochondrosis. If you have kyphosis, you should not hang with a reverse grip. Contraindications include lordosis, intervertebral hernia, diseases of the elbow and shoulder joints.

Is it possible to hang on a horizontal bar? It is possible and even necessary! This simple exercise will be useful for both children and older people.

Men's website Mensweekly.ru


  • If the weight is still on your belt, you can hold it between your knees so as not to swing on the horizontal bar with the weight. Select the optimal chain length;
  • Use magnesium to keep the hang stable. If it fails, use wrist straps;
  • Try to work in full amplitude and efficiently contract the muscles, touch the crossbar with your chest;
  • Forced reps with a partner on this exercise will help build both muscle mass and strength;
  • Don't jump, use stands, playo boxes and other types of platforms to climb onto the bar

Technical points

Pull-ups must be performed using correct technique. Let's remember once again what it is:

  1. If you are hanging on a horizontal bar, it is advisable not to swing from side to side.
  2. All movements occur due to muscles, and not due to inertia or jerking. Even if you decide to work “in the negative,” there is no point in rising above the bar using a jerk.
  3. You should breathe so that you rise as you exhale, and as you inhale you go down. It is physiologically correct to make an effort while exhaling.
  4. If you start to sway during the exercise, which happens, do not continue the pull-up until your body stops swaying.
  5. Each hand position on the horizontal bar is designed to load a specific muscle group. Therefore, your task is to understand well what exactly you are pumping and try to work the right muscles while performing the exercise. For example, you can pump your biceps on the horizontal bar, or you can pump your back. By training your biceps, your total mass will not increase significantly. It's just a fairly small muscle. But by building up the large back muscles, this can be achieved. Therefore, focus specifically on the latissimus dorsi muscles. The biceps should be loaded last (that is, at the end of the workout).

Inclusion in the program

  • This is the main exercise for back training; it is better not to perform it on the same day as deadlifting. The athlete should divide his back training so that the deadlift is on a separate day and is accompanied by a heavy horizontal row, and the weighted pull-up is a separate exercise;
  • The movement comes first in the plan; you first need to do several pull-ups without weights, and then gradually increase the weight to the working level. For most beginners, an adequate step will be 2.5 kg, for intermediate ones - 5 kg;
  • The exercise is performed in 5-8 repetitions in 3-5 working approaches; you should not do extra approaches here, since the movement must be technically performed purely;
  • On the day of “light” back training, you can alternate it with pull-ups for the number of times, or with vertical block rows;
  • The load on the planes in the pull-up should be compensated by the standing press. The athlete performs it with at least half his own weight, trying to bring the tonnage in the standing press to approximately the numbers that are typical for pull-ups.

How to gain weight using a horizontal bar?

The answer to this question is very simple, and, in fact, is no different from gaining weight in the gym - you need to work with weights. How to do this, what weights to work with - we will analyze in detail in the next paragraph using specific examples. To achieve a good result, you need a well-thought-out training scheme.

Just like in the gym, you need to exercise correctly on the horizontal bar. It is advisable that the program be compiled by a qualified specialist, and not by a nameless trainer from the nearest basement “rocking room”. An inexperienced coach “points his finger at the sky.” His program may be effective, or it may be a failure. The optimal result will be achieved by an individual training scheme tailored specifically for you.

Of course, there are general principles of weight gain that will be useful to everyone:

  • In order to increase muscle mass on the horizontal bar, you need to perform 4-6 sets of exercises, 6-8 repetitions. The last repetition should be practically a failure. If you can easily do more, add weight. You should not do 10 or more repetitions. A high-repetition program will help you increase your endurance and lose weight, but it won't help you gain weight.
  • Rest between sets – as much as your body requires, since you are working “to failure”. But no more than 3 minutes. Between exercises - exactly the same.

If you adhere to strict time limits, you will not be able to fully complete the second and subsequent approaches. For example, 1 minute is too short a period to restore strength and muscles after a full approach.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Stretching has a positive effect on posture, helps build the entire array of back muscles and improves strength in basic exercises as a special preparatory movement.
  • The movement is accessible to most people, progressing in strength is quite simple with it, you don’t need to use additional equipment, a horizontal bar and any weights are enough, you don’t even need exercise equipment
  • However, there is also a negative point. Many people are genetically better suited to performing presses rather than rows, and for these, doing a pull-up can seem like a daunting task. It takes them quite a long time to perform movements with weights, and the work does not always give them pleasant moments.
  • Many athletes complain that it is pull-ups that cause calluses, but they use other types of vertical rows in a fairly calm and safe manner. This is logical, since not all horizontal bars have a non-slip coating. It is worth using magnesium.

Interesting Facts

American scientists from San Diego conducted research to determine the most effective exercises for working out the abs.

They used an electromyograph to evaluate the stress placed on the abdomen by the most popular abdominal exercises.

In the Top 7 exercises, which they compiled based on testing results, hanging leg raises took second place. The first one was the “bicycle” exercise. According to the scientists' results, hanging leg raises are 112% more effective than the reverse crunch , which is in seventh place in this ranking of effectiveness.

However, even before the study by American scientists, hanging leg raises were always included in various ratings of the best exercises for the abs.

They have traditionally been considered the most effective way to pump the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle, which was confirmed by electromyography.

Hanging leg raises are the most energy-intensive and difficult abdominal exercise. For this reason, it is not suitable for everyone - women and beginners may either postpone its inclusion in their training program or not perform it.

There are many other abdominal exercises that can be used instead. Also, hanging raises have contraindications - injuries to the shoulder joints and problems with the lower back.

Women also need to note that this exercise targets the oblique muscles, so including it in a training program may cause the waist to disappear, resulting in a masculine torso.

If you do decide to do hanging raises, make sure you use proper technique throughout the entire approach.

It is better to do a small number of quality repetitions than many repetitions with poor technique, such as swinging the body and lifting the legs with jerks.

The benefits of hanging on a horizontal bar for shoulders

Benefits of hanging on the horizontal bar for girls
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Hanging vertically on a bar provides a good stretch for numerous shoulder muscles, which increases flexibility, improves joint movement, and reduces muscle tension. When performing presses or push-ups, good mobility in the shoulder joints allows you to do the exercise with a greater range of motion, which leads to better development of the muscles of the upper body.

Thus, increasing the range of motion helps reduce the risk of injury. Beautiful and healthy shoulders are important not only for guys, but also for girls, so hanging on the horizontal bar will benefit absolutely everyone.

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