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Illustration of Required Height
for the 1917 Saturday Evening Post

Man's height

, or
the length of the human body
- the distance from the apex of the head to the plane of the feet. In anthropology, height is one of the common anthropometric characteristics. Included in the list of indicators of human physical development.

Human height is influenced, among other things, by environmental factors, inheritance from parents, hereditary diseases, age, and gender. In most cases (usually), height is influenced by the environment and place of residence, for example, the average height of Chinese city dwellers is 165 cm (for men) and 155 cm (for women)[1], and the average height of the Dutch is 184 cm and 170 cm respectively.

Growth process

Somatotropic hormone or growth hormone is responsible for human growth. It is called growth hormone because in children and adolescents, as well as young people with growth zones in the bones that have not yet closed, it causes a pronounced acceleration of linear (in length) growth, mainly due to the growth of the long tubular bones of the extremities. The secretion of somatotropin gradually decreases with age. It is minimal in the elderly and elderly, maximum in adolescents during the period of intensive linear growth and puberty.

In adults, a pathological increase in the level of somatotropin or long-term administration of exogenous somatotropin in doses characteristic of a growing organism leads to thickening of the bones and coarsening of facial features, an increase in the size of the tongue - the so-called acromegaloid skeletal structure.

In general, humanity is gradually “growing.” If 50 years ago the average height was 160 centimeters, now it is 5 centimeters more. On average, his weight also increased by about a kilogram.

In teenagers, the changes are even more noticeable. The average height of a modern teenager is 3-5 centimeters higher than that of his peers in the 30s.

An epochal change in human growth is called acceleration. For example, Neanderthals were shorter than modern humans (155-165 cm), but Cro-Magnons were almost the same in height (175-180 cm). The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt and representatives of the Cretan-Minoan civilization had approximately the same height. During the Middle Ages, human height began to decline. But over the past 100 years, the length of the human body has increased dramatically again.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

GROWTH, -a (-y), lot. growth, -s (to 5 values; special), m. 1. Enlargement of the body or individual organs during development. Fast R. Spring and summer are the time of plant growth. The grass went into the river. (growing). 2. Increase in number, size, development. R. cities. R. industry. 3. Strengthening, strengthening. R. activity. 4. Improvement in the process of development. R. talent. R. skill. Creative, scientific r. 5. Dimensions of a person or animal in height. High, low, average p. The suit is not the right size (too big or too small). Suits of different heights (different height sizes). 6. The same as interest (in 3 figures) (outdated L. Give money in rubles * Full height - 1) straightened up. Rise up, stand up to your full height; 2) completely, in all its meaning. New problems arose in full force. For growth - about clothes: larger than what is needed at the moment, in anticipation of growth, for growth. Coat for height. || decrease sprout, -chka, m. (to 5 values). No one came out as a sprout. (short; colloquial). || adj. height, -th, -oe (to 1, 5 and B values; special). It's time for growth. Growth substances (affecting plant growth). R. hormone. Growth money. R. turnover.

Ways to increase height

Increasing human height can be done in two ways - surgical and physiological.

The surgical method involves surgical intervention in the human body. With this intervention, the bones of the legs or thighs are dissected, after which the operated segment is lengthened using a special device that allows for longitudinal increase in bone tissue on average 1 mm per day. Currently, there are several specialized centers performing such operations. The surgical method gives good results at almost any age. However, it has many disadvantages: the recovery period after surgery is about a year, and there is a risk of various complications. Finally, with this approach, the person becomes disproportionate because only his legs are lengthened. Although this method allows for growth correction in various diseases, when there is initially a disproportion in the lengths of the limb and torso segments - Ollier's disease, achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, etc.

To lengthen the torso, there are traction trainers for the spine that can be used at home. This method does not require material costs and is not dangerous like surgery.

If you use this method after the above, you can achieve even higher growth rates.

The physiological method is based on the natural ability of growth zones to increase the longitudinal size of skeletal bones. The most significant increase occurs when growth zones are exposed to somatotropic hormone. With the end of puberty, growth zones are suppressed by the influence of the hormone testosterone. The physiological method of enlargement is based on a complex of various effects on growth zones: special physical exercises (hanging on a horizontal bar, stretching, bending), a special diet, biological food additives, a special daily routine. The physiological method requires more time and, in comparison with the surgical method, is less effective. However, this method is good because it does not interfere with daily activities, is not dangerous for complications, and stimulates a person to a healthy lifestyle. After the completion of the natural formation and growth of the skeleton (20-30 years), the use of growth hormones (thyroid, adrenal glands, pituitary gland) can lead to disproportionate growth of certain parts of the body.

The role of hormones in muscle growth

Why don't muscles grow when doing all the exercises regularly? The reason may be hormones. They are necessary for cell growth and regeneration after exercise. The most important hormones that help achieve the desired result are:

  • testosterone;
  • MGF;
  • IGF-1.

Many focus on stimulating the production of testosterone, which triggers protein synthesis, slowing down its breakdown. It activates satellite cells and promotes the production of other anabolic hormones by the athlete’s body.

As a result of strength training, testosterone production is stimulated, and muscle cell receptors become sensitive to free testosterone. IGF-1 regulates muscle size and stimulates protein synthesis, and also helps satellite cells work to enlarge muscle fibers. It's all quite complicated, but the bottom line is that you must do heavy strength training, otherwise the hormone will not be produced in sufficient quantities. As a result, you will find that the muscles do not grow or grow slowly.

Some facts

Small stature

  • The smallest average height in continental Eurasia is observed among the Kets (Yenisei Ostyaks), a people living on the banks of the Yenisei, - 140 centimeters.
  • In June 1936, a village was discovered in central China inhabited by a population of 800 men and women, no more than 120 cm tall.
  • The shortest people that ever lived on earth are the Onge tribe from the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. Until the end of the 20th century. About a hundred people from this people survived. In October 1970, a tribe was found on the Brazilian-Peruvian border whose members were even shorter in stature - none of them exceeded 105 cm.
  • According to some sources, Juan de la Cruz (his height is 48 centimeters) and Gal Muhammad (02/15/1957 - June 2008) in India are considered the smallest Lilliputians. According to the results of an examination carried out on July 19, 1990, his height was 57 cm and his weight was 17 kg.
  • The smallest woman was Pauline Masters, known as Princess Pauline. She was born on February 26, 1876 in Ossendrecht, the Netherlands. At birth, her height was 30 cm. By the age of 9, she had grown to 55 cm, weighing 15 kg.
  • Talented and capable dwarfs surprised their contemporaries. For example, the well-rounded, artistic Gibson, the court artist of King Charles II of England, and Ducornet, also an artist, in addition to being armless. Lord Gay, of the British Parliament, as well as the Dutchman Mynheer Vybrand Lolkes, one of the most famous watchmakers of his time. Among them is Alexander Pope, the greatest English poet of the 18th century. His fellow writer in France was Antoine Godot, whose reputation was so high that he became a close friend of Cardinal Richelieu.
  • Some dwarfs became famous in military affairs. King Gustav Adolf of Sweden, for example, maintained an entire regiment of dwarf soldiers in his army.
  • Dwarfs almost always have children of normal height, even if both parents are dwarfs[2].
  • The lowest pair of newlyweds were not “General and Mrs. Tom Thumb” - Charles and Litvinia Stratton from the P. T. Barnum show. This honor belongs to the Brazilian couple - Douglas Maistre Breiger de Silva and Claudia Pereira Rocha, who got married on October 26, 1998. Their height was 89 and 91 centimeters, respectively[2].

A big increase

  • High growth in itself is not yet a sign of gigantism - a serious illness caused by excessive production of somatotropic hormone. Healthy people with gigantic height (200 cm or more) differ from people of average height only in their height. And people with gigantism also differ in proportions.
  • The tallest man of whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, PC. Illinois, USA. When his height was measured on June 27, 1940, he was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum recorded weight reached 223 kg.
  • Leonid Stadnik, born in 1971, was registered in the Guinness Book of Records in 2007 as the tallest person on Earth. Stadnik’s height is 257 cm. He is 21 centimeters taller than the previous record holder, Chinese Bao Xishun. Subsequently, Stadnik refused official measurements, which, according to the new rules, had to be carried out by the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records themselves. Leonid explained this by saying that he did not want to become famous due to his height. Until the last measurement, his height increased on average 1-1.5 cm per year. As a result, the title was returned to Bao Xishun. In 2009, the title passed to the Turk Sultan Kösen, who is 251 cm tall.
  • Sandy Allen, born in 1955 from the USA, is 2.32 m. She weighed 210 kg and wore shoe size 50. She starred in the film "Casanova Fellini."
  • Anna Hanan Swan from Canada was 2.27 m tall. On June 18, 1998, she married Martin van Buren Bates from Whitesburg, PC. Kentucky, USA, whose height was 2.20 m. According to the Guinness Book of Records, they made up the world's tallest married couple. However, there have previously been spouses whose total declared height was greater. So Fedor Makhnov and Eurosinya Lebedeva (215 cm) could well be taller. Most likely, Marten Bates (231 cm) and Anna Swan (242 cm) were also taller. The latter gave birth to the largest recorded children.
  • Treintje Keever is considered the tallest woman.

Changes in height

  • In the process of evolution, man becomes taller and taller. Over the past 200 years, men have grown by approximately 10 cm, and women by 9.1-9.4 cm. This phenomenon is observed in almost all developed countries. Increased height is associated with industrialization, improved living conditions, better nutrition (increased sugar and protein), better medical care (vaccinations make children less susceptible to growth-stunting diseases), hygiene and sanitation (which reduces disease incidence), and a decrease in the number of people who perform heavy physical work during childhood[2].
  • During the day, a person’s height changes by an average of 1-2 cm (with loads of 3 cm or more). The greatest growth will occur immediately after sleep. During the day (with a predominantly vertical position of the body), the intervertebral discs settle, and during the night they restore their original height.

To obtain an accurate result, height (as well as a person’s weight) should be measured in the morning.

  • During a long-term stay in weightlessness, astronauts' height increases by 5-8 centimeters. However, this is quite dangerous, as the spine loses strength. After returning to Earth, growth gradually returns to its previous value.


  • When measuring height, it is necessary that the person touches the floor with both heels. If a person stands on one leg, he will be able to stretch about 1 cm higher.

Features of growth and development in biological terms

The growth of an organism and the development of an organism are aimed at solving several problems that relate to the fundamental properties of all living things. Firstly, these processes are necessary for the implementation of hereditary material: organisms are born immature, grow, and acquire the function of reproduction during life. Then they give birth to offspring, and the reproduction cycle itself repeats.

The second meaning of growth and development is the settlement of new territories. No matter how unpleasant it may be to realize this, nature inherent in each species a tendency towards expansion, that is, to populate as many territories and zones as possible. This gives rise to competition, which is the engine of species development. The human body also constantly competes for its habitats, although this is not so noticeable now. Basically he has to fight the natural deficiencies of his body and the smallest pathogens.

Average age-related changes in height

A person grows unevenly. The length of the human body increases most rapidly during the prenatal period. At birth, the height of boys on average reaches 51.5 cm, girls - 51 cm. Then growth slows down. In the first year of life, a child grows by an average of 24 cm, in the second and third years - by 10 cm per year, from 3 to 7 years - by 6-6.5 cm .

During puberty, the increase in height is 5-7 cm per year. Since girls begin puberty earlier, during this period they overtake boys in height, but after 14 years, boys catch up and surpass their peers.

Growth in men is completed on average at 18-20 years, in women - at 16-18.[3]

How to calculate a child's height

Throughout the entire childhood period, pediatricians draw up a special map - a graph of the relationship between age and height. By the extent to which the resulting curve complies with the standards, one can judge the timeliness and harmony of the child’s development and growth. Usually the nature of this curve is determined to one degree or another by heredity.

In addition, you can do a little calculation. This formula will allow you to more accurately see how accurate the child’s height is. The resulting number (plus or minus 3-4 cm) will correspond to future growth.

  • For girls: (father's height - 13 cm + mother's height)/2.
  • For boys: (mother's height + 13 cm + father's height)/2.


  1. Yang XG, Li YP, Ma GS, et al.
    (July 2005).
    “Study on weight and height of the Chinese people and the differences between 1992 and 2002” (Chinese). Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 26
    (7):489–93. PMID 16334998.
  2. 123
    Stephen Juan. Oddities of our body. Interesting anatomy. - Per. from English Davydova. — 2010.
  3. Solovyova V.S.
    Man's height. - Great Soviet Encyclopedia.. - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  4. 1 2 Anton Lyadov.
    Europeans have added 11 centimeters in a century. (02.09.2013).

Social significance of human height

If we consider the processes of growth and development only using the example of a person, then a certain paradox appears here. Height is important because human physical development is the main driving factor in reproduction. Individuals who are physically undeveloped are often unable to produce viable offspring. And this is the positive meaning of evolution, although, as a fact, it is negatively perceived by society.

Growth and development of the body

It is the presence of society that is a paradox, because under its protection, even a physically undeveloped person, due to enviable intellectual abilities or other achievements, is able to get married and give birth to offspring. Of course, normal physiology does not change its principles in people who do not have diseases, but are physically less developed than others. But it is obvious that body size is a genetic dominant. Since they are smaller, it means that the individual is less able than others to adapt to changing living conditions.


  • Height // Belt - Safi. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1975. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chief editor A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 22).
  • Gigantism // Gaslift - Gogolevo. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1971. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chief editor A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 6).
  • Talma Lobel.
    A warm cup on a cold day: How physical sensations influence our decisions = Sensation The New Science of Physical Intelligence. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2014. - 259 p. — ISBN 978-5-9614-4698-2.

The Role of Nutrition and Amino Acids for Muscle Growth

Amino acids are protein particles necessary for the construction of protein needed by muscle fibers. Each type of protein contains different amino acids. Accordingly, meals directly affect the supply of nutrients to the body, from which new muscle cells will be built. The emphasis in proper nutrition is on protein foods, but the caloric content of the diet plays an important role so that the body has the energy to perform strength exercises.

It’s difficult for beginners to count the amount of calories and protein in their diet, so to achieve results in muscle building, it’s enough to follow the general rules and useful recommendations:

  • Try to have 5-6 meals a day. One or two meals can be replaced with protein shakes or snacks in the form of cottage cheese, a handful of nuts or a banana.
  • You need to remove “empty” and high-calorie foods from your diet: soda, fast food, chips, baked goods, fried pies, etc. They do not contain useful substances, and the fat they contain increases harmful cholesterol in the blood and disrupts the functioning of internal organs.
  • The diet must be balanced and must include high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • If you have a thin physique, use a mass gainer to gain muscle mass. It will increase the calorie content of your daily diet.
  • Do not increase the amount of protein per 1 kg of weight above the norm. 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight is sufficient. You can get protein from cottage cheese, eggs, meat, chicken, seafood, and protein shakes.

Following these rules will allow you to make your muscles grow. You can find out what you need to eat to gain weight from other articles on our website.

Human development in society

Although a person has adapted his living conditions to suit himself, he still faces unfavorable factors. Survival in them is a matter of fitness. But there is another biological paradox here: today a person survives in society. This is a conglomerate of people that equalizes everyone's chances of survival in certain situations.

The biological instincts of preserving the species also work here, which is why in the most dire situations few individuals care only about themselves. Therefore, since it is beneficial for us to be in society, it means that the development of the human body without it is impossible. Man has even developed a language for communication in society, and therefore one of the stages of personal and species development is its study.

From birth, a person is not able to speak: he only makes sounds that demonstrate his fear and irritation. Then, as he develops and finds himself in a linguistic environment, he adapts, says the first word, and then enters into full verbal contact with other people. And this is an extremely important period of its development, because without society and without adaptation to living in it, a person is least adapted to life in the current conditions.

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