The advantages of snatch and jerk lifts - from the vice-champion of the USSR

Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Author and creator of the site CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Primary Muscles - Anterior thighs, glutes, back extensors, trapezius, calves
Secondary - Forearms, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, middle deltoids, anterior deltoids

Difficulty : high

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Buttocks9 (high)
Shin8 (high)
Small of the back7 (high)
Front thigh7 (high)
Upper back5 (average)
Anterior delta5 (average)
Posterior thigh5 (average)
Forearms4 (average)
Middle delta4 (average)
Triceps4 (average)
Inner thigh3 (average)
Biceps2 (weak)
Total load/exercise type63 (high) / basic global

The essence and purpose of the pulling procedure

Broaching with spline broaches is a widely used method for producing grooves of various configurations. This method is highly accurate and highly productive in the production of slotted holes with a diameter of up to 420 mm, providing a surface with an accuracy class of one to three with a roughness of 0.16÷2.5 microns.

Hole broaching involves products made from materials such as tool and high-speed steel, and hard alloys. Structurally, this tool consists of the following parts:

  • the front one, which is called the guide element;
  • cutting, consisting of teeth of a certain configuration;
  • rear guide, which prevents distortion when the tool exits;
  • calibrating, where the configuration of the teeth of the cutting part matches the drawing dimensions with the finished part;
  • shank, which allows you to securely fix the product in the clamping device of the machine.

The design may include a transition cone and a neck, which together with the shank are connecting elements. They simplify the insertion of the broach into the workpiece.

For heavy and long broaches, this tool may have a support pin, which is used for support using a steady rest, in order to prevent the tool from bending during the broaching operation.

Spline holes and grooves are formed by the teeth of the cutting tool, which have the necessary configuration of the cutting edges. It is an arc of a circle, which, while working on a hole, removes chips immediately across the entire section.

This popular type of broach can be made from a single piece of metal or be composite.

Description of the exercise

This exercise, although it imitates a snatch, is, in my opinion, not suitable for learning the snatch technique, since the snatch itself is missing. Because of this, transferring the skill in the pull to the classic snatch is quite difficult. But it is useful if you have problems with the final part of the detonation, when the hands come into play and complete the detonation.

Sometimes it happens that an athlete does a good deadlift and lift during a snatch, but when he needs to lift the barbell and pick it up to complete the movement, problems arise. Usually this is an inability to use your hands at full power and tighten the barbell at the very top so that it falls on your hands where you need it, when you need it, and how you need it. In this case, jerk broaching comes to the rescue.

It makes sense to perform snatch stretches with a weight of 50% - 70% of the maximum result in the snatch for one repetition. That is, if you lift 100 kg at a time, then do this exercise with a weight of 50 - 70 kg for 6 - 1 repetitions.

Nuances and errors

1. The start in the snatch stretch is exactly the same as in the classic snatch. Feet are hip-width apart, toes and knees are turned to the sides, the bar touches the shin, the back is straight, the gaze is directed forward, the shoulders hang slightly over the bar. This exercise can be done with or without straps.

2. The knee row is also no different from the snatch. But after the knees the differences begin. If in a snatch we pull the barbell along a straight path and towards ourselves so that the barbell ends up in the groin, then in the pull-through there is no need to bring the barbell into the groin. You just need to continue to pull the bar straight up in a straight line, accelerating it more and more using the muscles of your legs and back. The arms are straight.

3. In this way, the bar should reach approximately your navel. During this time, the weight should be more on the heels. After the bar has reached the navel, the shin (let's rise on the toes) and trapezius are included in the work. These muscles continue to accelerate the bar further upward.

4. After the bar reaches the chest, the arms are actively involved in the work. They continue to accelerate the barbell and complete the movement. At the same time, the entire lifting of the bar should be as one whole and the speed of lifting the bar should not decrease. It will only decrease at the very end of the movement.

5. You need to complete the movement so that the weight is back on the heels, the pelvis is slightly protruded back, and the bar is slightly behind the head on straight arms. In this case, the legs can be either straight (if the weight is small) or slightly bent at the knees if the weight is large enough.

6. You can lower the bar either by throwing it on the floor or by lowering it first to the groin, and then placing it on the floor. If you do it in straps for several repetitions, then it is better to lower it with the second option.

7. Pressure in jerk pulling is a mistake. This is a sign of either poor barbell acceleration or too much weight.

8. During the entire movement, the bar should be kept close to the legs and to the body, without letting it go far from you. Otherwise, this will cause the bar to fly in an arc and shift the center of gravity to the toes ahead of time.

Structural elements of internal broaches

The internal broach has the following structural elements: a shank with a length of l1, used to secure the broach in the chuck of a broaching machine and transmit the cutting force, a neck of length l2, a transition guide cone of length l3, a front guide l4, a working part of length l5, which consists of sections of length l6 with rough teeth, length l7 with finishing teeth and section l8 with calibrating teeth, rear guide part length l9 and rear shank l10.

On the working part of the broach (length l5) there are roughing, finishing and calibrating teeth. Finishing teeth have less tooth lift than cutting teeth. Cutting teeth are designed to remove the main allowance from the workpiece surface being processed. The lift per tooth Sz is determined depending on the type of broach and the material being processed. The shape of the cutting teeth in a section passing through the broach axis. The cutting edges are usually located in a plane perpendicular to the axis.

The distance between the blades of the cutting teeth, that is, the pitch p, is one of the main dimensions that determines the structural elements, the design of the broach and its performance. There are chip grooves between the teeth. The shape and dimensions of the tooth and chip groove are determined based on the conditions for the possibility of cutting and chip formation, the placement of chips in the groove and the strength of the tooth. They depend on the tooth pitch p, the height hk of the chip flute, the width b of the back of the tooth, the front γ and rear α angles; The base of the groove is made in the shape of an arc with radius rк. The rake angle γ is taken depending on the material being processed: for steel γ = 10–20°, for cast iron γ = 5–8°. The clearance angle on cutting teeth is α = 3-4°, on finishing teeth α = 2°, on calibrating teeth α = 1°. Teeth with a straight back are used for materials that produce broken chips, with a radius back - for viscous materials that produce continuous chips. Elongated grooves are used when processing holes that are discontinuous in length, as well as for long broaching lengths.

Oddities awaiting a novice athlete on the block

This always happens to those people who look for easy solutions, inventing their own technique for performing exercises. This primarily concerns broaching in the block. Yes, standing barbell pull-ups are not always possible in a crowded gym due to the lack of a free bar. The exercise can be replaced by doing it in a block simulator. However, for some reason, most athletes think that blocking requires a completely different technique. Some pull the buttocks back, positioned at an angle so that the load is parallel to the body, thus simulating a stretch. Others don't care about the parallelism of the load along the body at all. All this is a waste of time, effort and energy. If the block does not have an extended cable outlet from the bottom, which allows the athlete to position himself so that the load is perpendicular to the floor, then you can forget about performing standing pull-ups in the block.

standing wide grip barbell pull

Common mistakes

Performing the exercise in jerks. Explosive technique only makes sense if you are a weightlifter; in other cases, it is better to maintain a deliberately smooth pace of movement. However, occasionally it can be changed to explosive in order to “surprise” the muscles.

Moving the elbows forward. They should go strictly to the sides, along the line of the body. However, moving them a little forward may not be a mistake if you want to pump up the front delts. Although there are more effective exercises for them.

Wrong choice of grip width. If it is too wide, it is difficult to raise the elbows higher; if it is too narrow, the load shifts towards the front delts.

The barbell is too heavy. Excessive weights will not allow you to raise your elbows high, which means the exercise will become less effective.

“Hovering” over the bar. He should move strictly along the straightened body, there is no need to hunch over it, or lower the chin towards it in order to reduce the amplitude of movement.

Relaxation of stabilizer muscles. As soon as you stop tensing your abs and lumbar muscles, your back will instantly round, and in this position there is a high risk of injury.

Perform the exercise without holding your breath. If you exhale without reaching the barbell to your chin, your abs relax, and the load from the trapezius and deltoids transfers to the spine, which you absolutely do not need.


Start with the barbell on the floor as you would for a clean, and make sure your elbows are pointed out to the sides (arms turned inward). Raise the barbell in the same way as you would for a clean, until you reach the top (primary row) and the body is fully extended, but now, instead of switching your legs and lowering yourself into a squat, ducking under the barbell. As in a classic clean, keep your knees straight and your body straight, continuing to lift your elbows as high as possible while trying to keep the bar as close to your body as possible.

With the upward movement, the elbows should move to the sides (if the arms were correctly turned inward). Once your elbows reach maximum height, rotate your arms so that the bar is above your elbows and resting on your shoulders, just like a clean (shelf position), the movement should be fast and smooth. After completing the initial pull, the legs should remain straight. You must constantly pull the barbell while maintaining tension. Also make sure that the bar moves smoothly and continuously, no pauses or delays.

Common Mistakes

The exercise seems easy, but mistakes still occur. Here are the most common:

  • Asynchronous muscle work. It happens that they only pull themselves up with their arms, not including their back, or the distribution of work is uneven.
  • Wrong choice of projectile. It is advisable to perform the exercise on a horizontal bar specifically designed for parallel grip pull-ups.
  • Working with too heavy a weight. Excessive extra weight increases the chance of injury and can also use up a lot of strength.
  • Use fixing straps to reduce the load on the forearms. In some cases, this can play a cruel joke, for example, if you cramp your hand, you won’t be able to quickly stop performing the movement. It's better to work on your forearms rather than using straps.

How to include exercise in your training program

Here is an example of a program that includes deadlifting in the training process:

  1. Seated dumbbell press.
  2. Pull to the chin.
  3. Arnold press.
  4. Front dumbbell swings.
  5. Dumbbell rows on an incline bench.
  6. Breeding the upper blocks in a crossover to the rear deltoid.
  • 1. Seated dumbbell press
  • 2. Pull to the chin
  • 3. Arnold Press
  • 4. Front dumbbell swings
  • 5. Dumbbell rows on an incline bench
  • 6. Raising the upper blocks in a crossover to the rear deltoid

Women can perform the exercise by including it in a superset. Girls should avoid using heavy weights in any exercise for the deltoid muscles. You can limit yourself to two or three sets of 15 to 25 repetitions.

An attractive name for attractive muscles

In any case, “standing barbell row” sounds more beautiful than “barbell row to the chin.” The exercise is quite famous not only among bodybuilders. It is also basic for weightlifters. But due to lack of knowledge of the technique, even experienced athletes try to avoid pulling. First of all, moving the upper arm away from the body to the side and upward loads the deltas, or more precisely, the middle heads of these triceps muscles. A trapezoid is also involved in the work. When lifting the shoulder girdle and scapula, not only the trapezius muscle is subjected to stress, but also the levator scapula. In addition, secondary muscles are also involved in the exercise, which take on a small part of the load. The deep muscle of the upper back works actively at the beginning of the exercise. The rest of the way in lifting the barbell to the chin is helped by the biceps, anterior head of the deltoid, upper pectoral and serratus anterior muscles.

stretching with a barbell while standing what muscles work

What do they change for?

A number of exercises can achieve a similar effect

It is important to understand that if you have problems with your body, you will not be able to get the same result. However, it is possible to develop the same muscle groups, albeit to a lesser extent.

If there is a hernia in the lower back

In case of such an illness, you should first consult a doctor, and then proceed to replacement methods. Yes, they are easier, but in other cases they can cause harm. The instructor's opinion on this matter is not enough. We need a medic.

Then it is possible to make the right decision about training. Sometimes it’s realistic to continue doing so, but sometimes it’s not worth doing. To understand the stages of the disease, you will first have to undergo a medical examination. It is possible that some techniques will be approved by the doctor if the situation has not gone too far.

Here's what will replace deadlifts for a hernia in the lower back:

  • T-bar row, with emphasis placed on the chest;
  • push ups;
  • squats.

When a person has a hernia, working with a T-bar takes the load off the spine. In addition, this technique strengthens the back muscles. Perhaps this is the most effective method that replaces deadlifts. No, this will not bring the same impressive result. However, the technique, despite the hernia, will strengthen the back muscles, and this will be noticeable.

It is possible to encounter one problem: it will be clear to experienced people that the pain they experienced while performing it came from a hernia, but it is more difficult for a beginner to navigate. That’s why you shouldn’t even try chest-centric T-bar rows if you’ve never done anything like that before.

The sensations associated with a hernia cannot be ignored. If such an exercise is done for the first time or recently, a number of other uncomfortable sensations are possible. However, even with these, it’s worth stopping, just in case.

If hemorrhoids

Even if the disease is at an early stage and does not cause discomfort, this is not a reason to ignore it. Such a heavy force load is unacceptable for hemorrhoids, since with such a problem the hemorrhoids are already enlarged.

The load that the exercise gives will contribute to increased blood pressure in the pelvic area, which means it will further increase the size of hemorrhoids.

  • extensions on the simulator;
  • pull-up;
  • push-ups on parallel bars.

Unfortunately, in such a situation it will not be possible to pump all the back muscles evenly. You will have to avoid putting stress on the pelvic area. Therefore, methods such as hanging knee raises or straight leg raises, as well as various types of squats, are not suitable.

However, the muscle groups above the pelvic area will be worked, and the back will still become stronger. The blood supply, function and well-being of the spine will also improve. It turns out that with hemorrhoids it is possible to replace the deadlift, you will just train mainly the upper muscles.

However, it is important to take into account that such methods may also cause discomfort in the pelvic area. If this happens, you should immediately stop training. Hemorrhoids, unlike scoliosis, are a problem that can be solved relatively quickly with intensive counteraction.

Hemorrhoids, unlike scoliosis, are a problem that can be solved relatively quickly with intensive counteraction.

There is nothing critical about waiting some time to develop your back muscles. The main thing is not to forget to keep yourself in shape through therapeutic and preventive physical education. Once your hemorrhoids are gone, it won't be impossible to catch up on your time at the gym.

And speaking of trapezoids

We figured out what a standing barbell pull is, what muscles work and how to use the technique correctly, but we completely ignored the trapezius muscle. And this was not done without reason. The problem is that pulling cannot be classified as a trapezius exercise for one simple reason: it is basic for another muscle group. Under no circumstances should you “kill” the deltoids and then put a load on the trapezius. This will cause injury. If you want to develop trapezius, please, you can do them at the end of the workout, after the deltoid muscles. Shrugs with a barbell and dumbbells will serve as an excellent addition, but you cannot “hit” the trapezoid with a stretch. Also, the trapezius muscle is very well loaded by the deadlift, which is a basic exercise not only in weightlifting, but also in bodybuilding. But again, the base is for the back, and the trapezius is worked as a secondary muscle.

Close-grip barbell pull-up while standing

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