How many calories does it cost to jump on a trampoline? How many calories do jumping on a trampoline burn? What should be a useful trampoline workout?

Trampoline jumping as a sport is now experiencing a second wind. This type of fitness has been transformed into the jumping fitness program. It seems to be specially created for those who want to lose weight, but are already tired of gyms, running or aerobics. Jumping-style classes will help you quickly say goodbye to extra pounds, strengthen your muscles, improve coordination of movements and get a boost of energy. And all this without the risk of damaging your joints or spine. MedAboutMe will tell you how to properly lose weight by jumping on a trampoline.

The name of the fitness direction “jumping” reflects the essence of the training program. Jumping is translated as “jumping”. These are intensive classes during which all exercises are performed on small trampolines. As a rule, round sports equipment with special high handles are used for work.

Jumping fitness is a “young” type of fitness, developed by instructors from the Czech Republic about ten years ago. The program is suitable for people of different ages. You can start jumping from the age of four; the level of training and body type do not really matter.

Jumping classes combine cardio exercise and stretching. A classic jumping fitness workout lasts approximately 50-55 minutes. Of these, about 30 minutes are devoted to cardio exercises, and the rest of the session is devoted to strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises.

While jumping, the athlete feels an unprecedented feeling of lightness, a feeling of flight. You can use a trampoline as a general strengthening exercise or include exercises in your training complex that specifically promote weight loss.

Experts say that to lose weight, it is enough to attend weight training 3 times a week. In one jumping fitness session you can lose approximately 600-900 kcal. This type of physical activity has a complex effect on the body:

  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Develops the vestibular apparatus.
  • Increases stamina.
  • Works the abdominal and leg muscles.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, saturates cells with oxygen.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Charges with energy.

The trampoline effectively shocks, as if pushing a person upward. With such a load, the athlete does not get tired for a long time, and exercises easily and with pleasure. To burn more calories, you can use leg and arm weights. Simple dumbbells are not suitable for training on the apparatus - they can interfere with jumping and lead to loss of balance.

Jumping workouts for weight loss are best done in the morning. It is at this time of day that the body needs a charge of vigor; it is ready to “part” with extra pounds. It is advisable to practice in a well-ventilated area, with the windows open.

Today, fitness centers use special jumping programs for weight loss. These are sets of exercises aimed at working out problem areas. They load certain muscle groups and promote rapid burning of fat deposits.

Expert commentary

Jumping on a trampoline for weight loss is chosen, as a rule, by those who are bored in the gym or tired of the usual fitness activities (aerobics, Pilates, step). Trampoline training is considered beneficial because it develops coordination, strength and endurance. They also help develop motor skills and flexibility. These classes will serve as excellent preparation for those who ski, snowboard, or decide to engage in other active sports that require intensive work of all core muscles and balance.

With a well-constructed and correctly performed intensive training on a trampoline, calorie consumption reaches up to 900 kcal per hour. Because jumping combines the benefits of explosive strength training and simple cardio, it can give you a good workout throughout your entire body. But every activity and physical exercise will contribute to weight loss only if you maintain a calorie deficit and systematize your diet. It’s up to you to decide what to do exactly - jump on a trampoline, go to the gym or run.

If you still prefer a trampoline, pay attention to the following:

  • You must have good physical fitness to jump and train intensely for a certain amount of time. Most often, an untrained person simply does not have the strength to complete all the exercises. If this is your situation, you should start with more traditional workouts (gym, cardio, group aerobics, step, etc.) and prepare yourself a little.
  • Trampoline training is not suitable for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis.
  • This is not the best type of fitness for a person with an unprepared cardiovascular system, heart disease, or vascular disease.

Active trampoline jumping is performed to the accompaniment of energetic music. The trainer demonstrates the technique. It is important to monitor the correct execution of the elements and your own well-being, so as not to encounter injuries. You need to jump right in the center of the projectile. You need to land with your entire foot, not on your toes, to make the load even.

Any activity involving jumping should begin with a good warm-up. The body should be prepared - stretch the muscles, warm up well, do several stretching exercises. There is no need to abruptly stop the activity. If you feel unwell or dizzy, you must immediately inform the instructor, catch your breath, and walk around for a while to normalize your heart function.

Jumping on a trampoline does not put a high load on the joints and spine, so you can practice fitness using weight loss equipment with virtually no restrictions. It is believed that jumping is less traumatic compared to running, crossfit, and other popular types of exercise.

Jumping fitness has a minimum of contraindications:

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Hypertension.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Epilepsy.

In order not to harm your health, if you have any doubts, you should first consult with your doctor or trainer. You may have to postpone classes if you have recently suffered an injury or surgery, have problems with the vestibular system, or have chronic diseases.

To lose weight by jumping on a trampoline, you must adhere to the principle of regular training. Classes will bring maximum effect if you combine jumping fitness with strength training or other types of physical activity. You definitely need to review your diet and create a calorie deficit to lose weight.

If you wish, you can practice trampolining at home. It is enough to select high-quality equipment and free up space around it. To achieve weight loss, you need to master the basic exercises on the apparatus.

The complex for weight loss can include:

  • Short jumps from a half-squat position. Spread your legs wide apart, toes should point to the sides. Quickly perform short squats and then jumps without straightening your knees.
  • Jumping with hip lift. Spread your legs wide and perform jumps. When jumping, alternately raise the knee of either the left or right leg to the chest. To maintain balance, you should swing your arms.
  • Jogging on the spot. Standing in the center of the trampoline, run in place, raising your knees as high as possible. During the exercise, you should do active swings of your arms.
  • High jumps. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly tilt your body forward. Perform high jumps, pushing off intensely from the surface of the trampoline. Your arms should move freely and you should land on your entire foot.

The first time after jumping training, you may feel heaviness in the muscles, pain in the legs and back. The discomfort will go away after just a few sessions. It is worth increasing the load gradually to give your body the opportunity to adapt.


There are many ways to get rid of excess calories without restricting food or exercise. Laughing, breathing and even sleeping burn calories. Here are some easy, fun and unusual ways to burn calories:

How to burn calories

1. Singing in the shower

burns an additional 10-20 calories depending on the volume of the song and the pitch of your voice.

2. Laughter

within 10 minutes helps you get rid of 20-40 calories.

3. We burn about 200 calories during 30 minutes of vigorous sex.

4. If you hit your head against a wall

you can burn 150 calories per hour.

5. Average teeth brushing

burns 5.7 calories within 2 minutes.

6. Pushing a cart in a store

burns 100 calories within 30 minutes. The heavier the cart, the more calories you burn.

7. One hour of watching TV

burns 65 calories.

8. Smoking a cigarette

burns 10 calories.

9. If you hug

within 1 hour, you can burn 70 calories.

10. One minute of kissing

burns 2-4 calories, depending on the intensity of the kiss.

11. We burn more calories than we consume when we eat celery


12. Walking the dog

within 30 minutes, we burn on average 100 calories.

13. We burn more calories when we are in the cold than in the heat.

14. Chewing gum

helps burn about 11 calories per hour.

15. You can burn up to 350 calories a day by fidgeting in your chair.


16. Writing and sending SMS

messages burns 40 calories per hour.

17. Eating while standing

burns 132 calories per hour for a 65 kg person.

18. Flying a kite

, you can burn 80 calories.

19. Sleeping naked

burns more calories than sleeping with clothes on, as it takes more calories to warm the body.

How many calories do you need to burn to lose weight?

If you're serious about taking it up, you need to know how many calories you need to consume and how many to burn. To more accurately calculate how many calories you need to consume, the Miffin-Geor formula is used to calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Basal metabolic rate for women:

GV = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age (years) – 161

Basal metabolic rate for men:

GV = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age (years) + 5

The resulting basal metabolic rate should be multiplied by a factor depending on your activity level:

Passive lifestyle:

OOB x 1.2

Low activity level

(exercise 1-3 times a week): GER x 1.375

Average activity level

(exercise 3-5 times a week): GER x 1.55


(exercise 6-7 times a week): GER x 1.725

Very high activity level

(exercise 2 times a day): GER x 1.9

The result obtained is the calorie expenditure to maintain normal weight.

For example, let's calculate the basal metabolic rate for a 25-year-old man, 177 cm tall and weighing 72 kg, who maintains a low level of activity.

OOV = (10 * 72) + (6.25 * 177) – (5* 25) + 5 = 1956

1956 * 1,375 = 2689

That is, to maintain a normal weight, this man needs to consume 2,689 calories.

If you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body burns or burn more calories than you consume


Since 3,500 calories equals about 0.45 kg of fat, you'll need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume to lose half a pound.

So, for example, to lose weight by 0.5 kg per week you need to reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day


Jumping on a trampoline is associated with children's pranks. Indeed, adults do not jump on trampolines, which are placed by entrepreneurs in central squares or parks and gather children with their parents around them. But this is not only an attraction for entertainment, but also sports equipment that burns calories and helps you lose weight. You just need to choose a suitable spring mat that will successfully support the weight of an adult; when performing simple exercises, calories will be burned. After all, in terms of intensity of training, it is difficult to find a more effective simulator. And in terms of the pleasure gained from exercising, the trampoline has no competitors. After all, when jumping, a person not only gets pleasantly tired, but also remembers his childhood, these memories make him emotionally young.


The benefits of jumping on a trampoline, as you can see, are much greater than you thought. I'm sure you'll want to increase the amount of exercise you do on the trampoline. So why not buy your own trampoline and get all these benefits from your trampoline? Buy trampolines that have enough padding to protect you and your children from hard surfaces. Pay attention to the safety net to prevent falls from the trampoline.

You will truly benefit greatly from trampoline training and have a great, great body!

Weight loss

The number of calories trampolines burn depends on a person's weight. You can take an average weight of 70 kilograms. Depending on the intensity of the exercise, you can build on these indicators - with simple jumps, without loads, about 50 kilocalories are burned in ten minutes. If you jump intensely, doing simple exercises, this figure can be doubled; about 100 kilocalories will be consumed in 10 minutes. If you perform various acrobatic exercises at maximum intensity, you will need twice as much energy, about 200 kilocalories in ten minutes. Of course, these figures are arbitrary, but since there is no special equipment for consuming what you eat, you can calculate and choose the intensity of exercise for yourself.

I would like to say that jumping on a trampoline is about five times more effective for losing weight than running on a treadmill. You can calculate how many calories you can burn in an hour of jumping, but such a duration of training on a trampoline is undesirable, since coordination is lost, the person becomes distracted and can get injured. And since the trampoline can throw you very high, a fall can be dangerous. Don’t worry that the trampoline is soft; you can even injure yourself on your own knee and get a concussion. You need to exercise only when you have a lot of strength and in portions of 10, 15, 20 minutes, increasing the time range. If you are in a good mood, you will not notice how long you have been jumping and how much effort it took you to do this activity.

It’s better to do as little as you can without losing momentum, even five minutes, but during this time maintain intensity, pace, concentration, improvise by combining different exercises. Remember, you should come to the trampoline in a good mood, and leave it in a good mood, this is not only a sports equipment, but also an entertainment attraction for both adults and children. Calculate how much you need to jump to lose the required weight and exercise for your health.

1.A fun way to lose weight and stay in shape

According to the NASA Journal of Applied Physiology, jumping exercises are 68% more effective than running. NASA research also reports that people weighing 150 pounds jumping for 1 hour burn more calories than running for 1 hour.

Long hours of cardio exercise in an attempt to lose weight can actually backfire because prolonged periods of "breathing" exercise can lower your metabolism.

Jumping on a trampoline is an exercise that supports metabolism, and this is very important for weight loss.

If you jump at a moderate pace, you can still breathe as comfortably as possible. You move without stressing your metabolism. For more effective weight loss, jump for 15-20 minutes at moderate intensity at least three times a week.

So, just jump and stay in shape.

Simple exercises

Before you try different tricks, learn simple exercises that will help you not only jump aimlessly, but also lose calories.

Some tips:

  • the basic principle of jumping is that pushing off with your heels, the body moves forward, and with your toes, moving backward;
  • tension in the abdomen and buttocks helps complete rotations and flips, since arms and legs are mostly useless in the air;
  • swinging your arms helps with jumping accuracy;
  • Do not jump after eating under any circumstances, you may have a gag reflex, it is better to exercise before eating, you will work up an appetite, and if after jumping you refrain from eating lunch for a while, then jumping will help you lose weight;
  • clothing should not restrict movement;
  • learn complex exercises in the presence of a trainer;
  • make jumps on a trampoline that matches your weight, use a safety net, because if you fly out of this seemingly safe attraction at speed, the activity can end in injuries, even fractures;
  • do not jump if you are not feeling well, you will not cheer yourself up, but will worsen your health condition;
  • If complex exercises are easy, still don’t relax, you must be attentive, your muscles must be tense.

Every day women are looking for more and more new ways to get rid of excess calories. Not everyone can stick to a strict diet, and besides, it is not good for the body, so it is best to choose sports. Exercising on simulators is often tiring, and it is quite boring and monotonous. Jumping on a trampoline will help you maintain a good mood, recharge your batteries, and improve your figure.

Most often, trampolines are associated with children's equipment, but this is far from the case. Jumping uses a lot of energy, which is why it is so effective.

In addition, it is possible to use them for all family members, young and old. Children, starting from an early age, can master jumping with the help of their parents. And for adults, this is quite a serious load that will bring excellent results.

Experts have found that trampolines, or rather jumping on them, help you lose as many calories in five minutes as are burned in half an hour on a treadmill.

This kind of sport seems easy only in appearance, but in fact, after one fruitful session you will feel how much your muscles have tensed.

The advantage of the classes is that during the jumps themselves you do not feel tired or exhausted. Trampolines are designed in such a way that you will begin to feel all this only after exercise, but this is pleasant fatigue.

It is important not to just stupidly jump up and down, this is fraught with injuries, you must follow a certain technique, which a professional can familiarize you with. There are many types of jumps, in combination with breathing techniques they are complemented by various swings, pull-ups, bends, somersaults - trampolines allow you to develop all muscle groups. You should start with the simplest exercises, and then you can begin to get acquainted with more complex ones, improving your technique.

Gymnastic exercises performed on trampolines are considered very effective. They allow you to burn as many calories as possible, while doing them is very interesting, because they are quite energetic!

Mastering trampolines is most fun in a group, so feel free to sign up for various classes with friends and acquaintances. Firstly, seeing the successes of others, you will undoubtedly want to improve yourself, and secondly, learning something new is always more interesting in good company, besides, after classes, all the interesting points can be discussed over a cup of tea.

In a word, trampolines are great for helping you lose extra calories. At the same time, keep your spirits up and good mood! The main thing is not to forget about caution and not to neglect the services and advice of professionals. Then you will definitely spend your time profitably.

Jumping is one of the types of athletics and they are quite popular as a means of maintaining body tone at the proper level. Jumping does not require complex sports equipment; an ordinary jump rope is sufficient. Such jumps not only help burn extra calories, they have an excellent effect on the entire human body. Jumping in a variety of variations helps eliminate stress and maintains overall physical fitness at the proper level.

Jumping qualitatively improves blood circulation, resulting in the enrichment of oxygen in the body. The overall functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, the heart and blood vessels are strengthened. With the help of jumping, you can significantly improve your flexibility, your body becomes more resilient, and the main benefit lies in burning calories.

Harm of jumping

In addition to the benefits, jumping in various forms can cause harm to the body. However, this can only be if there are individual contraindications to their implementation. Such contraindications include:

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels; — various diseases of the spinal column; — it is undesirable for women during menstruation, as well as pregnant women, to jump by any means; - joint diseases and injuries, as well as inflammation of the knee joints; - diseases associated with obesity above the second degree; - high blood pressure; - in any case, you should not jump with a full stomach.

In all other cases, except for the indicated contraindications, jumping only benefits the one who performs it.

Strengthening detoxification and cleansing of the body

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that helps get rid of toxins in the body, waste, and other unwanted materials in the body.

This is the body's metabolic cesspool. Unlike the cardiovascular system, in which the heart automatically pumps blood, the lymphatic system relies entirely on our body movements like a nose.

  • Heart, blood vessels, blood;
  • Function: transportation of gases, nutrients, waste, hormones.

The lymphatic system works through our conscious movements. Jumping on a trampoline is a full-body exercise. This activity can lead to the simultaneous opening and closing of the lymphatic valves, which will increase lymphatic flow by 15 times.

Trampoline exercises improve the body's natural detoxification mechanism. Jumping is a unique form of exercise in which weightlessness is achieved at the highest point of each jump and landing, and the force of gravity is doubled with each take-off.

This change in gravity benefits every muscle and cell in the body and is very beneficial to the lymphatic system.

As blood flows through the body, lymphatic fluid passes through the blood vessels into the tissues of the body. This fluid nourishes the cells and bathes the body's tissues, forming tissue fluid. The liquid then collects waste, bacteria and damaged cells. To detoxify, jump for at least 15 minutes daily.

Research has shown that the increased gravitational force on the bones during jumping strengthens the bones without injury or fracture. Trampoline exercise increases bone density, which prevents the development of osteoporosis.

The NASA Journal of Applied Physiology lists interesting facts discovered after studies of trampoline exercises. When comparing heart rate and oxygen consumption between mini-trampoline exercise and running, a significant increase in the “biomechanical stimulus” of jumping was found.

This means that trampolining is better for the body than running, which is why trampoline exercises are used to help astronauts recover after being in space to prevent muscle and bone degeneration. Ski jumping automatically improves the mitochondria of each cell, which causes additional cell demand for energy in the body. This will increase energy and the body's ability to use this energy.

How many calories are burned when jumping rope?

According to statistical calculations, jumping rope on average can burn 920 kilocalories within an hour. Of course, everything depends on the person who makes the jumps and on their intensity. Thus, obese people burn more calories than thin people at the same jumping intensity, while high-speed jumps are more costly than moderate ones. The lifestyle of the person who jumps rope also matters.

The main importance is the training time, as well as the person’s weight. If a person weighs up to 60 kilograms, he can burn from 400 to 480 kilocalories in an hour of jumping rope. During the same time, a person weighing 70 to 80 kilograms will burn up to 650 kilocalories. And finally, a person weighing 90 kilograms or more burns more than 700 kilocalories per hour of jumping. These figures are five times higher than the calories burned when walking. The number of jumps a person makes is also very important. To achieve a significant amount of calories burned, you need to perform less than 70 jumps per minute.

How many calories are burned when jumping on a trampoline?

Despite the fact that in the minds of most people trampolines are primarily associated with children's leisure, in reality everything is different. Quite often they are used by adults when they need to burn extra calories. And not by chance, since trampolines are effective in this matter.

The number of calories burned by a trampoline depends on the time spent on it. Unlike jumping rope, a person’s weight matters less here. On average, when jumping on a trampoline for one hour, a person weighing 75 kilograms burns about 260 kilocalories. Of course, if you jump with more or less intensity, the number of calories burned can change significantly. However, these changes are not so significant compared to jumping rope or jumping on the spot.

Improving overall body balance and posture

The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It is a defense mechanism against viruses, bacteria, diseases and infections. Lymph contains large numbers of a specific type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are responsible for fighting infections in the body. They also eliminate damaged and abnormal cells in the body.

Jumping causes valves in the lymphatic system to open and close simultaneously, increasing lymphatic flow by 15 times.

It boosts immunity, removes toxins and helps slow down the aging process. In addition, the immune system is improved by enhancing red bone marrow activity and supporting tissue repair.

Many cardiovascular exercises such as brisk running and jogging improve your heart rate. Unfortunately, running or jogging in place puts excess pressure on your joints, legs, and feet. This can lead to pronation, which can even cause injuries to the joints, ankles, knees and back. Jogging or trampolining are more effective because you can exercise for a long time without feeling tired or putting pressure on your joints.

Jumping gives excellent results in improving balance and coordination. Jumping on a trampoline automatically improves your balance because it stimulates the vestibular system of the inner ear. In addition to mini trampolines, balance beams can be used if you have balance problems.

Trampoline exercises are recommended for children, the elderly and people recovering from injuries.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system is enhanced by cardiovascular exercises that increase the heart rate such as running, jogging, walking, etc. Some types of jumping help the lymph circulation, they also help the blood circulation hence improves the cardiovascular system. In addition, jumping protects against the accumulation of blood in the veins, preventing chronic swelling.

Exercise on a trampoline provides more health benefits than other exercises such as running, jogging, aerobics, which involve impact on a surface. I agree that our bodies are designed to run, but they are not designed to run on concrete surfaces like most surfaces.

The force of gravity, measured from your ankles, back and forehead, is distributed more evenly when you jump.

Jumping exercises are a very effective therapy for women who need relief from menstrual pain. They clear out excess hormones and toxins, which is key to a healthy endocrine system. Therefore, if you are one of those women who suffer from hormonal imbalance, I highly recommend you jumping to solve this problem.

How many calories are burned when jumping in place?

Jumping in place is a good alternative to going to the gym if you don’t have the time or money for it. One hour of continuous jumping on the spot can burn over 700 kilocalories, which is comparable to doing strength training in the gym. The figures are calculated for a person weighing about 80 kilograms. Of course, for people with less weight, calorie expenditure will be lower. The intensity of the jumps also matters. It is recommended to perform at least 50 of them in one minute in order to achieve the desired effect.

Jumping in place for weight loss

Jumping in place should be introduced into training gradually, starting with jumping for a quarter of an hour a day. The duration can be increased over and over again, bringing the duration of jumping exercises to one hour. Longer is unlikely to be necessary, as it will cause severe fatigue. You should exercise every day or every other day. The duration should be increased to half an hour by the end of the first week of classes. Before you start jumping in place and losing weight, you must do a warm-up.

Jumping in place for weight loss should not be done by people with the following contraindications:

Trauma to the skull or other damage to the central nervous system; — diseases of the musculoskeletal system; - scoliosis of varying degrees of severity; - retinal detachment; - severe myopia; - diseases of the heart and adjacent vessels.

Jumping in place can be used as preparation for jumping rope. The last exercise is much more useful because it develops coordination of movements, in addition to burning calories.

Circuit training at home

Do you want to look slim and fit without going to the gym? Then this complex is just for you! Train every day and your muscles and endurance will always be normal...

How to train

You need to do the exercises one after another, without interruption. The goal is to do 50 repetitions of each exercise at a high tempo. Finished the last exercise - rest for 2 minutes and repeat the entire complex again. For maximum effect, perform three circles.

1 Push-ups

Take a lying position and place your palms on the floor at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders. Start doing push-ups at a high tempo. Do 50 push-ups (if you can't do 50, do as many push-ups as possible) and move on to the second exercise without pausing.

Accept the emphasis while lying on outstretched arms. Lift your right leg off the floor and move it forward. Now jump and switch legs in the air, bringing your right leg back and your left leg forward. Change legs 50 times and move on to the next exercise without pausing.

Lie on your back, hands behind your head. The upper body is in a twisting position. Now pull your right leg towards your chest and at the same time rotate your body, then extend your right leg and pull up your left leg while simultaneously rotating your body in the other direction. Do this movement 50 times and proceed to the next exercise.

4 Jumping Jack

Jumping fitness. Exercises on a trampoline

Stand straight, feet together, arms down. Now jump and at the same time raise your arms above your head. Land on the floor with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart (the distance between your feet is about 1 meter). Jump again and at the same time return your legs and arms to the starting position. Complete 50 jumps and immediately move on to the fifth exercise.

Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands down. Now squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, while raising your arms in front of you to eye level. Then stand up with your arms down. Perform 50 squats at a fast pace, rest for two minutes and repeat the entire complex two more times.

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