Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

23 January 2020 Admin Home page » Press

The technique for correctly performing the exercise, the starting position, movement technique, important tips and a training video for strengthening the abs are described.

Initial position

Lie on the floor with a mat or other soft base under your hips and back, your feet are 10-15 cm apart.

Foot placement options:

- place firmly on the floor forming a triangle between the foot - knee - thigh;

- just keep your legs slightly bent on the floor;

— slip it under the sofa for support (if your legs come off the floor when you lift your body).


- place on temples;

- in the area behind the ears;

- straighten your arms in front of you;

- cross your chest.

But under no circumstances cross your fingers at the back of your head, otherwise by lifting your body, you will help yourself with your hands, reducing the load on your abdominal muscles.

Lifting the torso while lying down

Many people want to have pumped up abs. This is especially true now, in the summer season. Among people far from sports, there is an opinion that creating six-pack abdominal muscles is a very long, painstaking and labor-intensive process.

Professional and amateur athletes do not share this point of view. The abdominal muscles are considered the simplest muscle group, easy to progress.

You can pump up your abs by simply lifting your torso from a position lying on your back. It is this exercise that we will use as the basis of our training program. But before planning a workout, let's consider a few nuances.

How long it will take to fully pump up depends on the starting conditions. There are several criteria by which you can determine the approximate amount of work. This:

  1. Fat. Many people who exercise do not take into account the most important factor - fat percentage. The fat layer on the stomach will not allow you to show off your six-pack abs; you simply won’t see them, even if you pump them up.
  2. Body type. As you know, there are three main body types: a) Ectomorph. Thin bones, thinness, low percentage of subcutaneous fat. It is ectomorphs who find it easiest to develop their abdominal muscles without much effort. b) Mesomorph. An average person who can easily lose and gain weight. c) Endomorph. People with a high percentage of subcutaneous fat and a massive bone skeleton. They find it most difficult to develop abdominal muscles and burn belly fat.
  3. Heredity. Remember the physique of your parents, the hereditary factor also plays an important role.

Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

To burn subcutaneous fat and gain relief, you must adhere to a strict diet. This is especially true for those whose fat layer takes up more body mass than muscles. Thin ectomorphs should also not relax, otherwise they can maintain their thinness, but gain belly fat.

The basis of our diet is protein. Eliminate or greatly moderate the consumption of all low-quality and fast carbohydrates, namely:

  1. Sweets, candies, chocolate.
  2. Carbonated drinks.
  3. Bakery products.
  4. Sugar.

If you have a wild desire to eat something sweet, then it is better to replace the above products with fruits such as an apple or bananas. But even they should not be abused. Also, you should not lean too heavily on long-term carbohydrates, including rice, buckwheat, potatoes, etc.

The approximate ratio of carbohydrates to protein should be 1 to 3. The protein should be of high quality, that is, animal, not vegetable. Lean meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, and low-fat dairy products are preferable.

Meal times also need to be taken into account. The morning diet should consist of a carbohydrate base, for example, oatmeal with fruit. In the middle of the day, a small portion of carbohydrates is consumed, with protein.

Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

For example, rice with chicken breast or buckwheat with fish. Don't forget about vegetables. Evening meals are exclusively protein. It is best to eat a pack of cottage cheese or a piece of fish with a light vegetable salad.

However, when creating a diet, you should take into account the characteristics of your body and physique. The best option is to consult a nutritionist or trainer at the gym.

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We sleep correctly

If you have a disrupted sleep pattern or lack of sleep, it will be extremely difficult to change your body. Muscles grow during sleep, and when there is a lack of it, they are exposed to the stress hormone cortisol. This, in turn, inhibits growth and prevents progress, even with proper nutrition and exercise.

During heavy physical activity, for maximum growth, it is recommended to sleep about 9 hours. But we only want to pump up our abs, so 7-8 hours will be enough for us.

As you know, there are two parts of the press - lower and upper. Almost all that people consider to have toned abs is the upper part. The lower muscles are not so easy to develop. This requires a long diet and targeted exercise, specifically on the lower abdomen.

A definite advantage when pumping up your abs is that you can do this at home. Also, no special equipment or exercise equipment is required, except perhaps an elastic mat.

Now, let's move on to creating a training program. The main exercise will be lifting the torso from a position lying on your back. You've probably seen how people get up lying on their stomach or back, pumping up their abs. There is nothing difficult in performing the exercise, the main thing is practice.

Let's stretch our body

Before you start pumping up your abs, you need to warm up your muscles and tone your body. This is important because a person who is not accustomed to physical activity can injure muscle fibers and take a long time to recover.

Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

Warm-up consists of several exercises:

  1. Torso bends. Tilt your torso alternately forward and backward, without sudden movements.
  2. Run. If it is not possible to go for a short jog, then you can run in place for about 5 minutes. Or replace running with the following two exercises.
  3. "Bike". Lie on the floor, raise your legs and bend your knees. Begin movements similar to pedaling a bicycle. 2-3 minutes is enough.
  4. Torso rotation. Stand up straight, raise your arms perpendicular to the floor, bend your elbows and press them to your chest. Begin rapid rotations left and right, trying to feel the lower torso. 2 minutes is enough.

Now, we begin to do exercises aimed at the abs. It is recommended to perform all movements on a soft mat to avoid injuries and colds.

1. Exercise classic rise

  • Lie on the floor, bend your arms at the elbows and fasten them in a lock at the back of the head.
  • Bend your legs so that they are approximately perpendicular to your torso (about 80 degrees). To prevent your feet from moving while lifting, you can place them under heavy furniture, such as a sofa. Or, ask your partner to hold your legs while you perform.
  • Start lifting your torso up at a moderate speed, without sudden movements.
  • Once you reach the point of maximum tension, begin to lower yourself slowly.

It is worth noting one nuance. For better performance, do not rise all the way, and when lowering, do not touch the floor. The optimal number of approaches is 3.

2. Exercise swallow

  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward as far as possible, and move your feet back.
  • Begin lifting your arms and legs straight, without bending your knees and elbows.
  • Left leg with right hand, right leg with left hand, at the same time.

At the same time, try to feel the muscle tension as much as possible while lying on your stomach with each repetition, increase the tension if possible. Perform 3 sets.

3. Crunches

  • Lie on the floor, straighten your body completely, place your hands behind the back of your head and clasp them together.
  • Begin lifting your torso, trying to reach your elbows towards your knees, only slightly raising your knees towards your elbows.
  • Right elbow to left knee, left elbow to right knee.

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Since this is the final exercise, you need to give it your all, feeling the work of the press. By observing all these conditions, you will get beautiful abs and a slim figure. We also recommend reading a very interesting article - lying leg raises.

Raising your torso while lying on the floor is an exercise that can be done at home and does not require simulators or special devices.

Muscles trained

Central and upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Lie on the floor with a mat or other soft base under your hips and back, your feet are 10-15 cm apart.

Foot placement options:

  • place firmly on the floor forming a triangle between the foot - knee - thigh;
  • just keep your legs slightly bent on the floor;
  • slip it under the sofa for support (if your legs come off the floor when you lift your body).


  • place on temples;
  • in the area behind the ears;
  • straighten your arms in front of you;
  • cross your chest.

Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

But under no circumstances cross your fingers at the back of your head, otherwise by lifting your body, you will help yourself with your hands, reducing the load on your abdominal muscles.

From the starting position, inhaling deeply, exhaling, lift the body of the body EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE STRENGTH OF THE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, not reaching a little to a vertical position (angle of about 70 degrees), maintaining muscle contraction of the abs.

At the top point, we relax the press, and additionally shorten it, making a second delay, inhaling, lower the torso to the floor until your shoulder blades touch and immediately go up again. We rise without swinging and pushing off the floor with our backs.

Until the end of the exercise, do not touch the floor with your shoulders; the abs are tense from the beginning to the end of the exercise.

The back must MUST be rounded both when raising and lowering the body, thus removing the load from the lower back.

  1. The initial position and technique are described at the beginning of the article, only when lifting we rotate the body, trying to reach the left knee with the right elbow, and the right one with the left hand.

    Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

  2. Please note that the body turns gradually as it rises, and not immediately at the beginning of the movement, so you load the rectus abdominis muscle, and in the middle of the amplitude the transverse, internal and external oblique muscles are activated.

At the top point, as much as you can, tighten your abdominal muscles, only after this does your torso go down. Do not push your back off the floor to make it easier to lift; all lowering and lifting is done exclusively by the abdominal muscles. The main thing is to feel the muscle, and not to do more repetitions.

Raising the body from a lying position - partial, full

• alternately rotate the body to the left and right; • first perform half of the repetitions of turning the body to the left, and the rest of the repetitions to the right.

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The term “abs” does not exist in the discipline that studies the human body, anatomy as a definition. This is actually what the abdominal muscles are called.

And this is one of the most widespread muscles that everyone wants to be in good shape. After all, everyone dreams of having a flat, elastic stomach with clearly visible cubes on it.

However, not everyone manages to achieve this result.

This exercise is included in the GTO complex for all ages.

2124351st stage (6-8 years)182130
273242Level 2 (9-10 years)242736
323646Level 3 (11-12 years old)283040
353949Level 4 (13-15 years old)313443
364050Level 5 (16-17 years old)333644
333748Level 6 (18-24 years old)323543
303545Level 6 (25-29 years old)242937
2631417th stage (30-34 years old)192233
2429397th stage (35-39 years old)172029
2227358th stage (40-44 years old)141625
1924318th stage (45-49 years old)101221
1419279th stage (50-54 years old)81118
1115249th stage (55-59 years old)7915
9122110th stage (60-64 years old)5713
691610th stage (65-69 years old)4611
461411th stage (70 years)248

Raising a house on the floor

Body lifting technique

From the starting position, inhaling deeply, exhaling, lift the body of the body EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE STRENGTH OF THE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, not reaching a little to a vertical position (angle of about 70 degrees), maintaining muscle contraction of the abs.

At the top point, we relax the press, and additionally shorten it, making a second delay, inhaling, lower the torso to the floor until your shoulder blades touch and immediately go up again. We rise without swinging and pushing off the floor with our backs.

Until the end of the exercise, do not touch the floor with your shoulders; the abs are tense from the beginning to the end of the exercise.

Execution technique

First you need to sit on the floor so that your legs, bent at the knees, form an angle close to a right angle. Then you should hook your socks to the stop and lie on your back. Hands need to be placed behind your head.

Now you can start directly lifting your torso. The technique is very simple and, regardless of the training conditions, is the same. The lift is done smoothly solely using the abdominal muscles. Hands behind your head are not needed to pull your head up with them. In the active phase (rising), inhale, and in the passive phase, accordingly, exhale. It is recommended to breathe through both mouth and nose at the same time. Your back should be slightly hunched throughout the entire movement. This is a basic version of the torso lift that mainly works the upper abdominals. But you can do the same exercise a little differently so that the lower abs are also involved in the work.

Raising the body from a lying position

Lifting the torso onto the upper and lower abs at the same time differs only in that in the active phase it is necessary not only to bend the torso, but also to pull the legs towards it. But how to do this if your legs are supported? The answer is simple - they shouldn't move. The lower press in this case is loaded statically. Of course, this is not enough to fully work out the lower abs, but it is enough to keep the muscles in good shape.

Raising the torso with turns

The initial position and technique are described at the beginning of the article, only when lifting we rotate the body, trying to reach the left knee with the right elbow, and the right one with the left hand.

Please note that the body turns gradually as it rises, and not immediately at the beginning of the movement, so you load the rectus abdominis muscle, and in the middle of the amplitude the transverse, internal and external oblique muscles are activated.

At the top point, as much as you can, tighten your abdominal muscles, only after this does your torso go down. Do not push your back off the floor to make it easier to rise; all lowering and lifting is solely due to the abdominal muscles. The main thing is to feel the muscle, and not to do more repetitions.

Types of exercise:

alternately rotate the body left and right; first perform half the repetitions of turning the torso to the left, the rest of the repetitions to the right.

Sets and reps

The technique is quite simple, like the exercise itself. Raising the torso in the first approach should be done with a load of about 70% of your maximum. In the second approach, you need to do at least 80% of the first approach, but preferably the same amount. If everything works out, as your muscles strengthen, add another 2-3 repetitions to each approach. There is no need to rush; the main thing in this matter is to be methodical.

If you can comfortably do two sets of 20 reps, it's time to add a third set. When he reaches 20 lifts, it's time to use weights, starting with a low number of repetitions, or slightly change the technique. The bottom line is that you don't need to lift your torso too high. At top dead center, when you are close to your knees, your abs relax. Try to stop at the moment when your shoulder blades leave the floor. This technique will allow you to load your abs even more. You can also try not using a stop.

body lifting exercise

Another way to make your workout harder is to add other exercises to the complex, for example, lying leg raises or hanging on the bar. In this case, the lower press will receive sufficient load.

Even the simplest exercise can have many nuances, and lifting the torso confirms this.

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