CrossFit nutrition: what to eat before and after training

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How to become a better CrossFitter? Work hard in the gym and take supplements like professional athletes do! This will give you a significant advantage over your competitors.

The most important thing in powerlifting and bodybuilding training is strength and hypertrophy. But CrossFit combines it all: strength, power and endurance. These 5 Sports Supplements Will Help You Kill Your WOD So You'll Shine in Competition!

Popular Diets for CrossFit Athletes

Nutrition for a CrossFitter, as for any other athlete, is one of the key factors influencing both the effectiveness of training and the health and well-being of the athlete as a whole.

Paleo diet

Typically, nutrition when practicing CrossFit is based on the paleo diet. The founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, encouraged all CrossFitters to consume food to replenish the energy expended during training, but not to store it as excess fat. In his opinion, it is the paleo diet that can provide a CrossFitter with energy for intense training and all the useful substances, but at the same time prevent excess calories from being stored “in reserve.”

Eating according to the principle of the Paleo diet - only lean meat, vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts - may be the most correct for a person living in the Paleolithic era, but for modern CrossFitters such a strict approach to diet is sometimes not the most preferable. Professional CrossFitters rarely adhere to the paleo diet, due to its strict restrictions on carbohydrate consumption.

Paleo diet

Zone diet

The zone diet is much more popular among CrossFitters. This principle of CrossFit nutrition is based on dividing food portions according to percentage: 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. It is recommended to eat every 4-5 hours.

The average daily diet of an athlete following a zone diet is 1500-2000 calories. This allows us to consider this type of food low-calorie. This diet, like Paleo, involves a complete abstinence from sugar. However, healthy complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat) are not only allowed, but also occupy an important place in the diet. It is thanks to the ability to consume complex carbohydrates that the zone diet can be considered more effective and preferable for recovery during high energy expenditures during CrossFit training.

Zone diet

CrossFit: diet and sports nutrition[edit | edit code]

Maximum strength, speed, endurance and mobility, as well as greater muscle mass, require high-quality fuel. If your nutrition is not the same, your training and results will suffer.

Nutrition in CrossFit has become much more complex than it needs to be. Of course, the diets that competitive bodybuilders or fitness athletes follow are difficult for most strength athletes who simply want to be big, strong, fast and lean; By sticking to fairly simple principles, you will achieve your goals.

There are 3 main goals that most people want to achieve, fat burning/weight loss, weight maintenance/redistribution and weight gain/mass. Obviously this is oversimplified and factors such as body type and carbohydrate sensitivity must be taken into account, but the following basic principles will work for most people:


Calories per body weight:

  • Men: 14-16 calories per pound, 30.9 - 35.3 calories per kg
  • Women: 11-13 calories per pound, 24.3 - 28.7 calories per kg

Nutrient intake:

Protein: 30%, Fat: 70%

Stick to a no- or low-carb diet for most meals. Try to limit your carbohydrate intake to one meal (evening) every 7-10 days. The leaner you are, the higher your calorie range should be because your basal metabolic rate is higher the higher your percentage of lean mass.


Calories per body weight:

  • Men: 16-18 calories per pound, 35.3 - 39.7 calories per kg
  • Women: 13-15 calories per pound, 28.7 - 33.1 calories per kg

Nutrient intake:

  • Training days: protein 25%, fats 50%, carbohydrates 25%. All carbohydrates should come during training and/or after 6:00 pm each day.
  • Rest days: protein 30%, fats 70%. Carb counting is very important in order to manipulate important hormones such as insulin to burn fat and increase muscle mass.


Calories per body weight

  • Men: 18-20 calories per pound, 39.7 - 44.1 calories per kg
  • Women: 15-17 calories per pound, 33.1 - 37.5 calories per kg

Nutrient intake:

  • Training days: protein 30%, fat 40%, carbohydrates 30% - All carbohydrates should come during training and/or after 18:00 every day.
  • Rest days: protein 30%, fats 50%, carbohydrates 20%. When gaining weight, the quality of incoming carbohydrates affects the quality of the mass.

Of course, this is a very simplified view of nutrition for these different goals, but it will be a good start for many to achieve their goals. Keeping your diet centered around protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy dietary fats, and garden greens will be a good start on your journey to strength, muscle, and energy.

CrossFit nutrition before and after workout

The nutrition system in CrossFit is treated very carefully, which includes strict control of the quality, composition and quantity of products consumed both before and after training. We have given you a brief overview of what you can eat before and after training when losing weight and gaining mass.

Features of nutrition before training

For a CrossFit athlete, pre-workout nutrition plays perhaps the most important role in the daily diet. This meal provides an optimal supply of energy for productive physical activity. Considering that CrossFit is a very energy-intensive and intense strength sport, nutrition before such a workout should be as balanced as possible in terms of energy value and quality of products.

As a general rule, you should eat food before training no later than 1.5-2 hours before physical activity. In some cases, when an athlete’s metabolism is slow, you should eat before training 3-4 hours before it starts.

Products recommended for consumption before training should be slowly digestible and do not increase blood sugar levels. These products include cereals rich in healthy complex carbohydrates, such as buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley and other cereals with a low glycemic index.

Please note that consuming protein and fat in combination with carbohydrates with a high glycemic index results in a lower glycemic index for carbohydrates.

Thus, eating white bread in combination with butter or cheese does not cause as much of a spike in blood sugar as eating the same white bread without butter or cheese. This aspect should be taken into account when creating a pre-workout menu.

Typically, a pre-workout meal should include a large portion of protein along with complex carbohydrates. Depending on what goal the athlete pursues in his training, the amount of protein may vary. For example, if the goal of training is to lose weight, then the meal before training should include an increased amount of protein (about 20-30 grams). On the contrary, it is recommended to reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates (15-20 grams). Fats should be completely eliminated before training for weight loss.

If the goal of the workout is to gain muscle mass, then the pre-workout menu can include not only an increased amount of protein (about 20-30 grams), but also a large portion of complex carbohydrates (50-60 grams), supplemented with a small amount of fat (no more than 3 -5 grams).

What to eat before training

What to eat before training?

Here are a few food options recommended for pre-workout consumption:

  • Whole grain bread with a piece of chicken or a piece of fish;
  • Brown rice with a piece of lean fish or beef steak;
  • Buckwheat with poached egg or piece of chicken;
  • Oatmeal with natural yogurt and 2-3 egg omelette;
  • Barley with turkey (or chicken) and onions;
  • Jacket potatoes with cheese and egg.

Whatever dish option you choose, you should keep in mind that eating before training should not interfere with full-fledged exercise in the gym. Therefore, the most correct approach to nutrition before training would be to eat a full meal 2-3 hours before training. CrossFit nutrition also allows for a small snack. It can be done just before the start of physical activity - 20-30 minutes.

Pre-workout snacks

You can have a snack immediately before training with any of the following dishes:

  • Natural yogurt with the addition of fresh berries and a teaspoon of oatmeal;
  • A cocktail of milk and fresh berries or fruits;
  • Fresh fruit (banana, apple, pear);
  • Reduced Fat Muesli Bar;
  • Curd cocktail with banana and oatmeal with milk or natural yogurt.

The main rule of a pre-workout snack: the portion of food should be so small that the stomach is practically empty 20-30 minutes before the start of the workout. And I didn’t feel the heaviness in my stomach that can interfere with intense CrossFit training.

Expert opinion

CrossFit training is a great way to stay fit, strong and resilient. And proper nutrition will help you achieve your goal in a short time. Remember that whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle, moderation is important. Beginners should not immediately start heavy training or sharply limit their diet. After all, this will ultimately lead to injuries, overtraining and eating disorders.

Pay attention to amino acid complexes, for example, a complex of three essential amino acids BCAA, which can be taken both before and during training. This will help restore muscles. If before training you feel tired and lack of energy, then the safe (without strong stimulants in the composition) pre-workout complex AMINO POWER will help you cope with this.

Post-workout nutrition

Post-workout nutrition is one of the most important meals for a CrossFit athlete. Moreover, after active physical activity, food is absorbed by the body much faster and more efficiently. Even simple carbohydrates will be beneficial at this time - to restore energy reserves in the body. Professional athletes call this period the protein-carbohydrate or anabolic window. At this time, almost all food is used to restore energy and is included in the processes of anabolism.

As a general rule, after a workout it is better to consume carbohydrates from high-glycemic sources, that is, those carbohydrates that are absorbed very quickly and increase insulin levels in the blood. After training, insulin is needed by the athlete's body to initiate the processes of anabolism (growth) and prevent catabolism (destruction) of muscles.

Note! If, after intense physical activity typical of CrossFit, the body does not receive a portion of fast carbohydrates, the process of catabolism may begin when the body begins to consume its own muscles to replenish energy.

It is extremely undesirable to allow this process to occur, so immediately after an intense workout (5-10 minutes) it is recommended to have a small snack.

Post-workout snacks

This could be any of the following snack options:

  • Milkshake with the addition of fresh fruits and berries;
  • Natural yogurt with banana and strawberries;
  • Curd cheese with reduced fat content;
  • Any sports bar;
  • A couple of peanut butter sandwiches.

It should be remembered that CrossFit nutrition does not encourage the consumption of fast carbohydrates. This is especially undesirable to do in the evening, and also if the athlete wants to lose weight. Therefore, if the workout takes place in the evening or at night, a small portion of cottage cheese (no more than 100-200 grams) with the addition of a couple of spoons of honey or half a banana is quite suitable to close the protein-carbohydrate window.

After a snack, 1.5-2 hours after training, you can have a full meal. Your post-workout menu should include a large portion of protein (about 40 grams) and complex carbohydrates (40-50 grams).

What to eat after training?

Dishes recommended for consumption after training:

  • A serving of durum flour pasta with cheese and eggs;
  • Beef steak with jacket potatoes;
  • Stew of chicken, green beans and bell peppers with buckwheat;
  • Wild rice with turkey;
  • Oatmeal pancakes with cottage cheese.

However, there is an opinion that the emergence of a protein-carbohydrate window immediately after exercise is nothing more than a clever commercial move created to increase sales of sports nutrition and drinks. And this version is confirmed in scientific circles. The researchers came to the conclusion that the launch of anabolic processes in the body will not begin until the body restores its energy potential of phosphates and ATP in cells through oxidative processes.

This happens as follows. After intense strength training, a large amount of lactic acid is produced in the muscles, which enters the blood and accumulates in the liver, where it is converted into glycogen. Resynthesis (reverse reduction) of glycogen is not possible without the participation of oxidative processes that provide the body with energy. Therefore, in the first 24-48 hours after intense training, the body is busy restoring and maintaining homeostasis, as well as converting lactic acid into glycogen through oxidative processes and is not at all interested in anabolism. This means that there is absolutely no need for increased doses of protein and carbohydrates.

CrossFit for beginners: strengthening the body and will

CrossFit for beginners : we strengthen the body and willpower using running, rowing on a special machine, jumping rope, rope climbing, push-ups, exercises on rings and horizontal bars, strength exercises using weights, barbells.

It is worth telling in more detail about the main principles of CrossFit. All exercises are repeated in a circle, performed without interruption, which is quite difficult to do at first. If you can’t immediately maintain an intense rhythm, you still shouldn’t quit. It’s better to take a short break and “finish off” the circle. One workout may include several such circles or rounds. This could be push-ups, pull-ups, jumping jacks. If the number of exercises in one circle (round) is small, then only 5-6 such circles will be enough. Classes can last for different times, it all depends on the level of initial training. At the initial stage, with the right approach, half an hour will be enough for you.

There is a term “Workoutoftheday”, abbreviated as WOD, that is, a training program for the day. Many will be surprised that it can change every time, which is unthinkable for weightlifting or swimming. It is easy to create such programs, so you can learn how to do it yourself. Of course, you can practice this system at home, but to get a taste of CrossFit, it’s better to go to the gym and work with a trainer. If you show diligence, then in three to four months you can lose weight, make your body beautiful and strengthen your will.

Although CrossFit is promoted as universally accessible, it has plenty of opponents. Some doctors argue that prolonged exercise is dangerous for untrained people. The cardiovascular system is especially vulnerable in this sport. A few years ago, a lawsuit took place in the United States, after which the company paid 300 thousand dollars to a person who was injured during training.

Sports nutrition for crossfit

CrossFit is unthinkable without high-quality and functional muscle mass and endurance. Therefore, to maintain strength and energy, in addition to a daily nutritious diet, CrossFit nutrition fully allows for the use of special sports nutrition.

The basic set of any beginning CrossFitter is: protein (or gainer, depending on the training goals), BCAA amino acids, vitamin and mineral complexes. Many athletes supplement this list at their discretion with creatine, chondroprotectors, L-carnitine, various testosterone boosters and other supplements.

Proteins and gainers

Protein is a concentrated protein mixture, which, when ingested by special enzymes, is broken down into amino acids and used for the construction needs of the body. Protein in CrossFit, as a basic supplement, can be an excellent help if there is no time or opportunity for a full meal.

A gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture, to which creatine, amino acids or other microelements are often added. Typically, such mixtures are used by people of thin build who do not have problems with excessive fat deposition (ectomorphs) to quickly replenish the body’s energy potential after training and gain weight. In relation to CrossFit, as a high-energy-consuming and extremely intense strength sport, the use of a gainer can be recommended before a training load to maintain high training intensity and good performance of the athlete. Gainers of modern production do an excellent job not only of replenishing increased energy costs after CrossFit, but also help muscles recover better after training.

Protein and gainer

Amino acids

Amino acids are the basis of all living things, since it is from them that all the proteins of the body are composed. BCAA amino acids are the most widely used in sports nutrition. This amino acid complex consists of three essential branched chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids make up 35% of all amino acids in muscle tissue, activate anabolic processes, prevent catabolism and promote a moderate fat-burning effect. The main difference between BCAA amino acids and other amino acids is that they are not synthesized in the human body independently, unlike the other 17 amino acids, so a person can only get them from food or sports supplements.

However, the necessity of consuming BCAA amino acids is now being questioned, as many researchers have concluded that the intake of amino acids by athletes is sufficient when following a typical balanced diet, including the consumption of poultry, beef, pork, eggs, cheese and dairy products rich in protein. It is these foods that can completely cover the body’s need for essential amino acids.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Vitamin-mineral complexes are dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain all body functions. For CrossFitters, like any other athletes, vitamins and minerals play an important role in recovery, muscle gain, and weight loss. The modern market of vitamin-mineral complexes offers a wide range of prices for these supplements: from 200 rubles to 3000-5000 rubles. However, the effectiveness of a particular complex does not always depend directly on the price. Often, athletes take vitamins by inertia, not knowing the actual need of the body for a particular substance. Therefore, before taking this or that complex, it is advisable to undergo blood tests for vitamins. Hypervitaminosis (excess vitamin) is sometimes more dangerous than hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency).

The regimen for taking vitamins is usually 1-2 months of daily intake with a break of 2-3 months. Taking vitamins throughout the year is not recommended because the body may completely lose the ability to absorb vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances from food. Therefore, a break from taking even the most harmless vitamin-mineral complexes is necessary in any case.

Sports nutrition for crossfitters

Scheme for taking sports nutrition in CrossFit before training

If you want to succeed in CrossFit, then before training you should have:

  • Pre-workout complex;
  • BCAA;
  • Isotonic drinks.

These are the three pillars on which your entire training will rest. At first, athletes mistakenly believe that they can train successfully without any supplements, but after a couple of months of training, the body clearly convinces them of the opposite. To avoid negative consequences, you need to understand what constitutes effective sports nutrition for a CrossFitter and what supplements are best suited for this sport.


In CrossFit, pre-workouts will always rank first in importance among all supplements. First, they help directly improve the quality and effectiveness of your training. Secondly, many complexes contain not only “energy” components, but also important substances (creatine, beta-alanine, natural extracts, etc.).

Black Annis

Price: 1890.00 rub.

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God Of Rage XXX

Price: 2670.00 rub.

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Price: 1780.00 rub.

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Go to the Pre-workout complexes category »


There are not many amino acids in CrossFit, and the role of BCAA is much higher than in fitness. This is the only way to carry out teeth-crushing workouts with an abundance of cardio loads and not be afraid of muscle destruction and a decrease in strength.

Bio Tech Nutra Muscleade

Price: 2900.00 rub.

Card Product

Blackstone Labs BCAA Resurgence + Caffeine

Price: 2588.00 rub.

Card Product

Killer Labz Brute NRG

Price: 2576.00 rub.

Card Product

Go to BCAA category »

Nutrition for muscle building

On the issue of nutrition to build muscle mass, there are currently many different opinions and views, sometimes contradicting each other. However, such a multivariate approach to the problem of gaining muscle mass can only be explained by the desire to bring something new, original and unique to dietetics.

What to consider when gaining mass?

When gaining muscle mass, pre-workout nutrition along with post-workout nutrition play the most important role. Therefore, not only the quality of nutrition, but also a strict eating regimen is of particular importance. 2 hours before physical activity, you should have a full meal, consisting of a portion of complex carbohydrates (at least 50-60 grams) and high-quality protein (at least 20-30 grams). After training, you should immediately have a small snack (in this case, any milkshake with fruit will do, and a portion of gainer from sports nutrition), and 1.5-2 hours after training, you should have a full meal, rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins, It is also acceptable to consume a small amount of fast carbohydrates for dessert.

By and large, muscle mass gain is based on the same principles, regardless of the athlete’s level of preparedness or other criteria.

Principles of gaining mass

  • Consumption of high-calorie foods. In the case of gaining muscle mass, the athlete's daily diet should consist of 60-70% high-calorie foods. Of course, you can’t argue with the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits, but with a diet aimed at gaining muscle, excess fiber will interfere with proper digestion and slow down the process of nutrient absorption. Therefore, the proportion of fiber in an athlete’s diet in the case of gaining muscle mass should not exceed 20-30%.
  • 6 meals a day. 5 or 6 meals a day is the optimal number of meals for gaining muscle mass. With this type of nutrition, the digestive tract is not overloaded, and the amount of nutrients in the blood is always maintained at a certain level necessary for effective anabolism. Research confirms the fact that if a volume of food designed for 5-6 meals is eaten in 2 or 3 meals, then the excess nutrients will be stored in the form of fat and will not benefit the body. Moreover, it has been proven that the anabolic effect of food intake lasts no more than 3-4 hours.
  • Proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The daily diet for an athlete whose goal is to gain muscle mass should consist of 50-60% carbohydrates, 30-40% protein and 15-20% healthy fats. In this case, you should consume mainly complex carbohydrates. It is recommended to get most of your protein from food, not from sports nutrition. It is not recommended to greatly reduce the amount of fat (below 10%) in order to avoid metabolic disorders in the body.

By following these nutritional principles and combining them with proper intensive training, you can gain high-quality muscle mass.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

The Best Products for CrossFit Practitioners

These products will help your body function optimally, support you during training and will not even leave you the chance of untimely fatigue during training.


Those who do CrossFit should make sure their protein intake is around 30 percent of their daily calories, and just half a cup of lentils will give you a whopping 9 grams while also filling your body with fiber. This advice comes from Kat Smiley, author of The Planet Friendly Diet and owner of Whistler Fitness Vacations, a weight loss center in BC, Canada. Lentils are versatile and can be used in soups, chili recipes and more.

Banana and white protein smoothie

Immediately after training, it is necessary to replenish the body's supply of glycogen and protein, which is necessary for complete tissue restoration. At this time, the body is in dire need of fast carbohydrates, like those found in fruits and berries. They're quickly and easily absorbed by the body, says Lisa Haim, nutritionist and founder of WellNecessities. Naturally, you also need to make sure that your protein powder is of good quality and doesn't have a long list of additives and ingredients on the packaging.

Coconut oil

You've most likely seen this ingredient in bath, bath, and beauty products for beautiful hair and skin, but it's also a great solution for your CrossFit diet. Peggy Kotsopoulos, a longtime nutritionist, says coconut oil is an excellent source of energy for workouts. Despite the fact that coconut oil is a saturated fat, special fatty acids allow it to be quickly absorbed in the small intestine without requiring a full digestive process. Thus, when consuming this oil, the body receives a quick, full-fledged charge of energy, which is not comparable to any other fat. In the liver, fat is synthesized into a direct source of energy, just like carbohydrates. However, there is no sugar in coconut oil. To achieve the effect, you only need a tablespoon of coconut oil before training.

Nuts and seeds

Do you want to be slim while eating like a bird? It's real. Nuts and seeds are loaded with nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids that will fuel your body after an intense workout, advises Carl Williams, a CrossFit aficionado and health chef at Hilton Head Health, a weight loss center and spa. in South Carolina. Nuts and seeds are high in calories and are a great option for on-the-go snacks or can be added to smoothies for added nutrition.

Sweet Potatoes

The endless Instagram feed is now filled with this product for vegetarians, but there are many other reasons to eat it. Since your body needs carbohydrates for proper functioning and energy, sweet potatoes can be a great solution. Glycogen is stored in liver muscles, getting there during the digestion of carbohydrates. And the best way to get healthy carbohydrates is sweet potatoes, as they contain complex carbohydrates that are slowly released and therefore support the body during exercise. Sweet potatoes help balance blood sugar levels, providing consistent and sustainable energy levels. This product is also rich in vitamin B6, which helps the body fight the effects of stress. Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and beta-carotene, which helps restore the balance of free radicals caused by exercise.

Bananas and peanut butter

Not in the mood to listen to an ode to smoothies? It's OK. These nutritious snacks are great for CrossFit enthusiasts. The products are rich in carbohydrates and proteins, while they contain a limited amount of fat. Banana is generally irreplaceable, as it is an excellent source of potassium, which is necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle and for the development of flexibility of muscles that are subject to severe stress during training.


Eggs are a super food for CrossFit athletes as they are rich in protein, vitamin B, and healthy fats. One egg provides the body with 7 to 10 grams of protein. Dr. Tah says that if you start the day with a few eggs, you can get your daily protein requirement. And to make your breakfast even more protein-rich, try combining eggs with other foods that are high in protein.

Brown rice

Brown rice is much better than white rice because it is unprocessed and therefore rich in nutrients. According to Dr. Haim, brown rice is much easier to digest and does not cause bloating or spikes in blood sugar levels. Simply prepare a large batch at the beginning of the week and mix it with different proteins, vegetables and sauces.

Almond oil

Welcome to your destination - dream food. The possibilities for this delicious product are endless. Dr. Taz says you can add a few tablespoons of almond butter to your favorite smoothie or use it as a sauce. One tablespoon of butter contains about 4 grams of protein and 8 grams of fat. It is noteworthy that fat is not a minus here, but a plus, since it is also vital during CrossFit training, as it gives a long-lasting boost of energy.


Oatmeal is the star companion of a proper breakfast. It is especially good and useful if you first fill it with water overnight and enjoy the finished product in the morning. Oatmeal is an excellent choice for both pre- and post-workout meals, as it provides carbohydrates without unnecessary sugar. It is also ideal for muscle recovery.

Low calorie chocolate milk

We saved the best for last! So, attention. Research has shown that chocolate milk, which is high in carbohydrates and protein, is a highly effective recovery drink for the body after strenuous exercise. By choosing such foods for your diet during training, you can create an ideal body, avoiding painful thinness as with conventional diets, and your body will only thank you.

CrossFit nutrition for weight loss

Many aspiring CrossFit athletes, especially girls, dream of losing weight. CrossFit classes themselves are quite energy-intensive and, if you follow nutritional recommendations, they contribute to proper and high-quality weight loss.

The main rule of losing weight is this: consume fewer calories than you can burn. Therefore, a proper diet when losing weight is the most important criterion for successful weight loss.

What to consider when losing weight?

There are a number of things to consider when losing weight.

  • There is no local weight loss with the help of nutrition - you need to remember this. The human body uses excess fat very wisely, preventing disproportionate burning of fat deposits. Usually, the decrease in volume is first noticeable in the upper part of the body (important for women), which may be mistaken by some women for its local burning, but this is not the case. In fact, fat burning processes start throughout the entire body at once, but the result is not always noticeable.
  • Losing weight quickly is losing weight incorrectly. The result of rapid weight loss, at best, will be a loss of water in the body, and at worst, a significant loss of muscle mass and hormonal imbalances. Usually, after rapid weight loss, excess weight returns in a short period of time with a supercompensation effect and swelling.
  • Anyone can lose weight. It is enough to ensure a lack of calories from food or increase their consumption through physical activity.

As in the case of gaining muscle mass, when it comes to losing weight, there are a number of principles that, if followed, can achieve lasting results.

Nutrition for weight loss

Principles of weight loss in CrossFit

  • Consumption of low-calorie foods. The diet of an athlete who wants to lose weight should consist of 70-80% low-calorie foods. The most optimal and healthy foods are those rich in fiber, which lead to quick satiety, are low in calories and support the digestive tract. Fiber can also reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fats from food, ensuring their gradual release into the blood.
  • 6 meals a day. As with gaining muscle mass, when losing weight you should eat frequently (at least 5-6 times a day) and in small portions. With this type of nutrition, energy from food will be completely converted into energy to support life, and its deficiency will be compensated for by excess fat deposits. In addition, this diet allows you to minimize the feeling of hunger during the day and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eliminating simple carbohydrates and limiting fats. When simple (fast) carbohydrates enter the body, they cause a sharp increase in blood sugar, which provokes a feeling of hunger within 15-20 minutes. Moreover, simple carbohydrates are high in calories and are absorbed very quickly, triggering the production of insulin and starting the process of fat deposition. Fats are also high in calories and the body does not need to spend a lot of energy to digest them. For example, if you eat 100 calories worth of carbohydrates, then 23 calories will go into processing and storing 77 calories from carbohydrates. But if you eat 100 calories worth of fat, it will take only 3 calories to store it, and 97 calories will remain in the body. Moreover, if you eat more fat than the body currently requires, the lipase enzyme is activated, which triggers the process of fat deposition in adipocytes (fat cells). However, it is impossible to completely limit the consumption of fats, since they are responsible for the health of the skin, hair and nails, as well as for maintaining hormonal levels in the body.
  • Dietary restrictions before and after training. It is recommended to eat a small portion of protein 2 hours before training. You should not eat immediately before starting a workout, since the body must spend energy from its own fat reserves, not food. After training, it is recommended not to eat at all for 2 hours, since during this period the metabolic rate in the body increases sharply, and the concentration of fatty acids in the blood increases. If you eat immediately after training, then all the fatty acids will return back to adipocytes (fat cells), and if you don’t eat, they will “burn out.”

Examples of steroid courses for CrossFit

TurinabolIn CrossFit it is necessary to use all the groups of drugs that we talked about today.
Let's look at some examples of such cycles. Steroid course for CrossFit No. 1

  • Turinabol - 20 milligrams twice a day.
  • Metaprot - 0.5 grams twice a day.
  • Phenotropil - 0.2 grams three times a day.
  • Eleutherococcus - a teaspoon in 0.25 liters of water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Pentoxifylline - 0.2 grams twice a day.

Steroid course for crossfit No. 2

  • Turinabol - 20 milligrams twice a day.
  • Metaprot - 0.5 grams twice a day.
  • Testosterone propionate - 0.1 grams every second day.
  • Trimitadizine - from 20 to 40 milligrams per day.
  • Curantil - 0.15 grams three times a day.
  • Rhodiola - 50 drops three times a day.

Growth hormone can also be used in crossfit.
If in bodybuilding Somatotropin is used to gain muscle mass and burn fat, then in CrossFit the most important is its ability to preserve muscle tissue, as well as reduce adipose cells. Girls should use Somatotropin daily in the amount of 5 units, and men can increase the dosage to 10 units. In the next video, Denis Borisov will talk about CrossFit, training and sports pharmacology for this sport:

Menu for CrossFitters for the week

First meal:50 grams of oatmeal or a serving of oatmeal, one small banana or a couple of pieces of cheese, a glass of kefir or cocoa.
Second meal:Three hard-boiled eggs or a three-egg omelette, a small piece of fruit (green apple or orange).
Third meal:Lean beef steak (150 grams) with green beans, fresh vegetable salad with herbs, green tea or coffee without sugar.
Snack:30-40 grams of dried fruits or nuts, one medium-sized orange.
Fourth meal:100 grams of white fish, vegetable salad with herbs and natural yogurt.
Snack before bed:A glass (250 grams) of natural yogurt or kefir.
First meal:An omelette of three eggs or 50 grams of muesli with bran, one small fruit (banana, apple or pear), green tea or a glass of milk.
Second meal:100 grams of natural yogurt and a small portion of buckwheat porridge.
Third meal:Chicken fillet (150 grams) with durum pasta and cheese, some fresh vegetables.
Snack:50 grams of dried fruit or a large fruit (banana, pear or apple).
Fourth meal:150 grams of fish, baked with vegetables, a portion of wild rice, a salad of fresh vegetables.
Snack before bed:A glass of yogurt or 100 grams of cottage cheese.
First meal:Wheat or oatmeal, cocoa, a couple of pieces of cheese.
Second meal:Two hard-boiled eggs, one small banana.
Third meal:150 grams of lean fish with buckwheat and green peas, a portion of fresh vegetable salad, a glass of kefir or milk.
Snack:100 grams of cottage cheese or a glass of natural yogurt.
Fourth meal:Turkey fillet (150 grams) with zucchini and eggplants, baked in the oven, vegetable salad with herbs.
Snack before bed:A glass of yogurt or milk.
First meal:Three-egg omelette with seafood or canned tuna, a slice of whole grain bread, cocoa or green tea.
Second meal:A sandwich of whole grain bread with cheese, a glass of milk.
Third meal:Chicken fillet (150 grams) with mushrooms and onions, a portion of jacket potatoes, green tea.
Snack:One banana or a handful of nuts (50 grams).
Fourth meal:White fish (150 grams) with buckwheat, a portion of vegetable salad with herbs.
Snack before bed:A glass of kefir or milk.
First meal:Buckwheat or oatmeal, a couple of pieces of cheese, cocoa.
Second meal:Three-egg omelette or three hard-boiled eggs, a small piece of fruit (apple or pear).
Third meal:Beef or pork steak (5.2911 ounces) with durum pasta, a serving of fresh vegetable and herb salad, green tea.
Snack:A glass of natural yogurt or 100 grams of cottage cheese.
Fourth meal:Chicken fillet (100 grams) with green beans and bell pepper, a portion of vegetable salad.
Snack before bed:A glass of yogurt or kefir.
First meal:Three egg omelette with cheese and a slice of whole grain bread, cocoa.
Second meal:A serving of millet porridge with pumpkin, green tea.
Third meal:150 grams of lean white fish with baked potatoes or wild rice, a serving of fresh vegetable salad, green tea.
Snack:A glass of natural yogurt or 100 grams of cottage cheese.
Fourth meal:150 grams of turkey fillet with green beans and buckwheat, a portion of fresh vegetable salad with herbs.
Snack before bed:A glass of kefir or milk.
First meal:Barley or wheat porridge, a couple of pieces of cheese, cocoa.
Second meal:Three hard-boiled eggs, one small fruit (apple, pear or orange).
Third meal:150 grams of turkey fillet with buckwheat or durum pasta, a portion of fresh vegetable salad with herbs and natural yogurt.
Snack:50 grams of dried fruit or one small banana.
Fourth meal:150 grams of red fish with jacket potatoes, a portion of fresh vegetable salad with herbs.
Snack before bed:A glass of milk or natural yogurt.

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CrossFit for Beginners: Versatility and Accessibility

As a rule, each sport uses a narrow specialization. For example, in powerlifting, maximum strength is developed in order to squeeze out a lot of weight; in marathon running, aerobic endurance is developed. A CrossFitter trains strength power, performance, and aerobic endurance. CrossFit is an accessible sport

, but achievements in it will always lag behind the successes of specialized athletes. But such tasks are not posed here. CrossFit focuses on general fitness, which is essential for people in everyday life.

An important feature of this system is work in groups of 10-15 people, which contributes to the effective completion of tasks. The results of each participant are usually written on the board, which gives a competitive effect.

Training is usually divided into two types: “physical training”, which is suitable for ordinary people, and “competitive”, aimed at experienced athletes.

Gradually, this system of physical training became so popular in the West that it was adopted by law enforcement agencies, firefighters and rescuers. This is not surprising, since it allows you to strengthen endurance and significantly improve physical fitness in a fairly short time.

The principle of well-being. Dietary restrictions

Dietary restrictions

CrossFit isn't just about gaining muscle mass or losing weight. Nutrition in CrossFit should be based not only on objective, but also on the athlete’s subjective indicators.

A CrossFitter must eat in such a way that he can complete his training plan with maximum efficiency. If dietary restrictions prevent you from training, these restrictions are not needed.

Example: in 4 hours you need to do a workout. You forgot your lunch at home and you won’t get anything that a CrossFitter “can” eat anytime soon. Now you are at work and have no opportunity to change anything. Your work colleagues kindly treat you to a cake that you are “not allowed to eat” according to your diet. But in this case it is necessary to make an exception. You need energy to perform your workout. Sugary, junk food is not the best option for a CrossFitter. But it’s better to accept it than not eat at all.

Nutrition in CrossFit makes the athlete maximally charged for training. It is designed to create the correct hormonal background and the right motivation for training. In this regard, the following restrictions apply:

  • Reduce your sugar intake to a minimum . Products with excess sugar content disrupt the motivation and reward system, the effective operation of which is necessary for full-fledged training. After eating sweets, CrossFitters note decreased physical and mental activity, increased feelings of laziness, apathy, and reluctance to work on themselves with 100% effort. Sugar is a natural drug that increases dopamine levels and reduces the sensitivity of dopamine receptors. Subjective life satisfaction increases. There is no motivation to work hard in training to lose weight, gain muscle mass, or tear apart opponents in competitions. The “athlete” ate too much cake and chocolate, and is now completely satisfied with life. CrossFit nutrition eliminates sugar from the diet for this very reason. Not for health benefits, but to increase motivation.
  • Reduce your consumption of tasty, unhealthy, high-calorie foods. The mechanism is similar to the consumption of sugar. Many bodybuilders use the bulking phase as an opportunity for gut-fucking. If athletes who use pharmacology, thanks to this type of nutrition, gain impressive muscle mass, then “naturals” are content with fat without muscle. Overeating is an enemy not only for the motivation system, but also for testosterone. Overeating and high testosterone are incompatible. When a natural athlete decides to "bulk up" and eat 1000-2000 calories more than necessary, his testosterone drops to its lowest levels. During the “mass-gaining period” such an athlete can gain 15-20 kilograms of weight, where only 1-2 kilograms are muscles. The rest is fat.
  • Avoid sudden weight fluctuations . Losing weight or gaining muscle mass is a gradual process. The body needs to adapt to new weight values. Especially during the period of muscle gain. CrossFit is an intense workout that forces the athlete's heart to work to its maximum. Normally it is safe and even useful. But with rapid growth, an untrained heart can put an end to an athlete’s career and life in general. Many strength athletes suffer from this.

Example: the volume of a novice athlete’s heart is 600 ml. Our newcomer weighs 60 kilograms. The heart does an excellent job of pumping blood through these 60 kilograms. Over the past 10 years, the test subject’s weight was 55-65 kilograms - almost unchanged. Suddenly, having learned about CrossFit and choosing the wrong diet for CrossFit, the beginner “goes on the masses.” He gains 20 kilograms and, while maintaining a similar heart volume, the first problems begin. Cholesterol levels rise, and the first alarming changes in the heart muscle occur. Then - “drying” up to 70 kilograms. For the first time in his life, our 27-year-old experimental subject had a heart ache. But he does not pay attention to this and again “sits on the mass.” From 70 kilograms, the weight increases to 90 in 9 months. With a heart volume of 600 ml, changes occur in the blood vessels, and the first diagnoses appear that precede fatal diseases. Another “drying” – the weight drops to 80 kilograms. The athlete's heart hurts more and more often. But we must continue. The goal is competition. Mass gain again - weight increases to 100 kilograms. Quick “drying” for competitions reduces weight to 90 kilograms.

Overload during competitions leads to irreversible changes in the heart muscle, which the athlete is not yet aware of. He returns home tired, 3 days later he returns to training and... suddenly falls. Heart attack. An ultrasound of the heart shows that our 30-year-old test subject has the heart of a 65-year-old man.

Sharp weight fluctuations and intense training against their background lies the cause of death for most bodybuilders, strength athletes and CrossFit followers. CrossFit nutrition is the exclusion of weight-cutting style cycling as described above.

Diet for a CrossFitter. Paleo Diet for CrossFit

The Paleo diet is very popular among CrossFitters. According to it, nutrition should consist of food that humanity consumed before the onset of the agricultural revolution. That is, the food that a caveman could get and cook on his own.

Diet for a CrossFitter. Paleo Diet for CrossFit

What is included in this diet: lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, vegetables, seeds, some fruit, a little starch, and absolutely no sugar.

Sugar causes insulin spikes, and the insulin spike in CrossFit is the cornerstone. Sweet products saturate the blood with glucose, and its carbohydrate residues are stored in the body as fat. Therefore, an athlete’s diet on a paleo diet should consist of carbohydrates that will work 100%. These carbohydrates are found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Many CrossFit proponents believe that the Paleo diet is genetically expected and natural for you and me. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the human diet has changed, and has been replenished with food to which the human body has become accustomed throughout this time. According to scientists, some cereals, milk, semi-finished products - all this makes the body’s work more difficult, causing drowsiness, fatigue, and fatigue. And for an athlete who trains several times a day, 6 days a week, this condition prevents good results in class.

The Paleo diet is designed to ensure that a person is always ready to work. But it’s better to switch to it gradually, since for many athletes a sudden transition to a new diet is stressful for the nervous system.

Diet for a CrossFitter. Paleo Diet for CrossFit

Nutrition for a crossfitter. Pharmacy preparations for crossfit athletes.

Every CrossFit athlete should use sports supplements and pharmaceutical drugs to improve the quality of recovery and training. We will not talk about sports supplements in this article, but we will highlight relatively harmless medications that are available without a prescription, are not doping, and have been tested by a large number of athletes. All of them can be bought at a regular pharmacy for relatively little money.

Nutrition for a crossfitter. Pharmacy preparations for crossfit athletes.
. Please note that although pharmaceutical drugs are safe, you still need to carefully read the instructions and, in some cases, consult a doctor before using them. We will not talk about the whole variety of pharmaceutical drugs, we will only indicate those that every CrossFitter who cares about his athletic longevity should take: Riboxin. Riboxin is a stimulator of biochemical processes; it has a positive effect on the athlete’s heart. This drug has antiarrhythmic, anabolic and other beneficial effects. By increasing the force of heart contractions, it helps increase stroke volume. Riboxin generally improves blood supply to tissues, as well as coronary blood supply. When consuming Riboxin, you can observe an improvement in energy metabolism, the activity of many enzymes and metabolic processes in the myocardium. Another positive effect of taking this drug is improved muscle tissue regeneration. But, despite all its positive qualities, Riboxin is poor as a reducing agent, for this reason it is recommended to be taken in combination with potassium orate, which acts as a kind of amplifier. Potassium orotate. This remedy belongs to the category of metabolic. Potassium orotate stimulates endogenous biochemical processes. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription, most often it comes in tablet form. The dosage for a crossfitter is within 1.5-2 grams per day. In principle, potassium orotate is a common mineral salt found in the cells of any living organism. The positive effects of taking it include strengthening the athlete’s cardiovascular system and a general anabolic effect, which makes quick recovery after training possible. In addition, there is an increase in diuresis (removal of fluid from the body) and an improvement in appetite. But do not overestimate the positive effect of potassium orotate for crossfitters; the effect is not that strong. On the other hand, an athlete taking this drug will not experience problems with poor tolerability and side effects. Asparkam. Asparkam contains potassium and magnesium in a form that allows them to be absorbed by the body easily and painlessly. These substances contribute to the effective regulation of metabolic processes. Basically, asparkam is used by athletes who want to quickly lose weight. In addition, asparkam helps prevent cramps and makes training easier in hot conditions. As a rule, this drug is produced in the form of tablets; the order of use and dosage can be found in the instructions. Taking pills should be planned for the morning and afternoon, since the body does not absorb magnesium and calcium well in the evening. Panangin. Magnesium/potassium deficiency predisposes to the development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias and metabolic changes in the myocardium. Panangin is a good antiarrhythmic agent, which is a source and replenishes the deficiency of potassium and magnesium. It also prevents or eliminates hypokalemia. Improves myocardial metabolism due to the active intracellular cations K and Mg2. Exogenous aspartate, having a high affinity for cells, acts as a conductor of ions: due to the slight dissociation of the salts it contains, ions in the form of complex compounds penetrate into the cell. In addition, magnesium ion is involved in many enzymatic reactions, the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, plays an important role in maintaining potassium and calcium homeostasis, and has calcium channel blocker properties. Leuzea (moral root) or Leuzea - ​​P. This plant, growing in eastern and western Siberia, Central Asia and the Altai Mountains, contains phytoexidons - steroid compounds with pronounced anabolic properties. In the body of an athlete, Leuzea enhances the processes of protein synthesis and their accumulation in the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. Using this drug you can significantly increase physical endurance and intellectual performance. Long-term use of Leuzea leads to expansion of the vascular bed and, in turn, improvement of general blood circulation. The heart rate decreases. Based on Leuzea, they produce such a food additive as “Levzea - ​​P”. One Levzeya-P tablet contains about 0.85 mg of ecdisthene, supplements with which cost from 700 to 1,800 rubles in sports stores. Vitamin and mineral complex “Complivit”. 11 vitamins, 8 menirals lipoic acid. They are used to increase the body's resistance during increased physical and mental stress, and during regular sports activities. You can add many more pharmaceutical drugs to this list, such as mildronate, agapurin, fish oil, flaxseed oil, Aralia Manchurian, etc., but these drugs are essential drugs when practicing crossfit. Now let's look at how to take these drugs and combine their use. Note: It is best to consult a doctor before use! 1. Riboxin (approximate price - 40 rubles per package - 50 tablets). Take 3-6 tablets 2 times a day before meals for 1-3 months. It is advisable to carry out one of the techniques 1-2 hours before training. 2. potassium orotate (approximate price - 80 rubles per package - 20 tablets). Take 2-3 tablets 2 times a day for 1 month, 1 hour before meals. 3. asparkam or panagin (the latter, according to the Powersport group, is better). Asparkam (approximate price - 75 rubles per package - 50 tablets). Take 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals for 1 month. Panangin (approximate price - 150 rubles per package - 50 tablets). Take 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals for 1 month. 4. Leuzea - ​​P (approximate price - 90 rubles per package - 100 tablets). Take 3 tablets 3 times a day with meals for 3-4 weeks. Do not consume later than 4 hours before bedtime. It is advisable to use it in the morning and afternoon, on training days - one meal with a meal before training, one after training. 5. complivit (approximate price - 150 rubles per package - 60 tablets). Take 1 tablet per day, on training days, 2 tablets (one dose with a meal after training. In total, we have a month-long course of taking pharmaceutical drugs. After that, you can take a month-long break and repeat the course again. Strength and endurance to everyone!

Nutrition before a CrossFit competition. CrossFit Nutrition Principles

Nutrition before a CrossFit competition. CrossFit Nutrition Principles

The basis of nutrition is the ability to count calories and apply the data obtained as follows:

  • To gain muscle mass, the process of anabolism must be started in the body. Anabolism is impossible without excess calories. We add 300-500 calories to the daily norm (taking into account physical activity).
  • To maintain weight and improve physical performance during training, calorie intake should be slightly higher than the daily norm. You can improve your training performance without a significant calorie surplus, but the first option is more preferable.
  • To burn fat and lose weight, we enter a state of catabolism. We subtract 300-500 calories from the daily norm (taking into account physical activity).

Calorie counting is the basis of CrossFitter nutrition.

Without understanding the rules listed above, an athlete may train for years and not be able to improve simply because he is in a catabolic state. He lacks energy to grow muscles and improve athletic performance. Conversely, CrossFit workouts for weight loss may not work if the athlete consumes too many calories.

CrossFit for Beginners: Nutrition and Pharmacy

Since this sport involves serious physical activity, it is especially important to support the body. Therefore, it will not be possible to bypass such an important issue as nutrition and pharmaceuticals. Athletes don't like to spread themselves, but mostly use drugs that help muscles grow. We are concerned, first of all, with those nutritional supplements that will allow the body to recover after serious trials. are talking here about drugs such as Leveton Forte and Elton P. They contain useful vitamins and amino acids that will support the body and increase the effectiveness of training. In addition, Cardioton . It contains hawthorn fruits and flowers, rose hips, and royal jelly. These components will help protect the athlete’s heart and normalize blood pressure.

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