Kickboxing training: features and rules for performing exercises

Success in kickboxing depends not only on speed, but also on rotational energy. What is it and what will you have to do in the next 4 weeks, read on. If, of course, you want to become a cool kickboxer.

The success of a knockout depends on the force with which the athlete strikes. And this is directly related to the fighter’s stability and rotational energy.

Take note of the tips for developing the main components of a fighter's strength and start preparing for our 4-week kickboxer training program to make your punch devastating.

Maximum strength

If you can bench press a 300-pound barbell, you can be sure your punch will be powerful and your pecs will already be steely. If you can’t lift such a weight, run and train the bench press. Although this is a bodybuilding exercise, it is basic and will help you strengthen all major muscle groups.

Relative strength

Relative strength is a measure of how strong you are in relation to your body weight. Hint: The level of relative strength is usually higher for those who have more mass.

Muscle weight leaves much to be desired? Choose one of the programs for weight, for example, to failure, plan your meals - this way you are guaranteed to reach your goal. The main thing is to become stronger in your weight category, gaining muscle, not fat. Kickboxer strength training can also help you here, read about it below.

Rotational force

Fitness training and kickboxing: similarities and differences

Fitness training and kickboxing: similarities and differences

Fitness and kickboxing are similar in that they are active types of exercise and often pursue the same goals (increasing endurance, losing weight, increasing strength), but they differ in the methods of achieving them. Although, in addition to practicing strikes with limbs and other parts of the body, kickboxing contains traditional fitness exercises - swings, crunches, squats and push-ups.

Kickboxing training usually consists of the following types of sports activities:

  • working with a pear;
  • “Shadow Fighting” training;
  • sparring.

Exercises with a punching bag teach you to hit from a short distance, develop coordination, increase reaction speed and train endurance, and also serve as an excellent cardio workout that promotes weight loss. For kickboxing, small movable bags, the size of a soccer ball, are used, which are placed at the level of the trainee’s face and eyes. To achieve an effective result, ten approaches to working with a pear for 3 minutes will be enough.

The “Shadow Boxing” exercise develops balance and speed of movement. It is often used as a warm-up, but, depending on the training method, the level of difficulty of the workout and at the discretion of the trainer, it can also be performed in the middle of the lesson. The essence of “Shadow Boxing” is simple: a person practices punches on a fictitious opponent in front of a mirror. This technique helps you see your own mistakes and understand what elements of training you still need to work on.

The most difficult and intense stage of the lesson, which fundamentally distinguishes kickboxing from fitness, is sparring. Here the battle is already with a real opponent, so beginners do not participate in this stage. Only those who, in the opinion of the coach, are ready for it physically and mentally are allowed to sparring. Usually about 3 months of regular training should pass before this. It is believed that the greatest benefit comes from sparring with a more trained and stronger opponent, as this is a good opportunity to learn from experience.

Fitness training, when examined in detail, may be inferior to kickboxing in terms of effectiveness, because the latter combines both types of exercise - aerobic and anaerobic.

Where to start for a newbie in boxing

You can limit yourself to boxing at home if the goal is to get yourself into good athletic shape and familiarize yourself with the technique. But you shouldn’t stop there; for proper development you need to attend boxing classes. First you need to master the basics: the fighting boxing stance (not to be confused with the Muay Thai stance), the correct striking technique and leg movements. Boxing for beginners will be an excellent test of strength. But don’t be discouraged, even if you don’t succeed in simple movements on the first try. You need to be patient and practice your strikes and defensive actions over and over again. Only after many hours of painstaking training will mastery come.

Kickboxing as a way to lose weight

Kickboxing as a way to lose weight

From the basics of fitness, it is known that the process of losing weight begins with the right combination of cardio loads with other types of exercises. Kickboxing classes include movements from a variety of sports and martial arts techniques and intense aerobic exercise. This symbiosis, in turn, has a powerful positive effect on the muscles, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems of the body. As a result, weight loss and strengthening of the muscle corset occurs; coordination of movements improves, reaction speed increases, strength and endurance are developed, and there is a general health effect on the entire body.

Varieties and directions

In modern practice, there are several types of this sport , which differ in content during competitions:

  1. Full-contact, which means “full contact”. It is characterized by the fact that blows can be delivered with both hands and feet, while the force in relation to the enemy is not limited.

  2. Full-contact + lethal low kick is characterized by permission to kick the outer and inner thighs during the round.
  3. Light-contact translated means “light contact”. The bottom line is that in this type of kickboxing, strong kicks and punches are prohibited. As a result, the winner of the battle is not the one who deals the most crushing blow, but the one who can demonstrate the technique of martial art.
  4. Seven-contact, namely “limited contact”. Too strong attacks are prohibited here, but jumping strikes are highly valued.
  5. Solo-compositions are characterized by the presentation of mastered martial arts techniques. Compositions can be presented in both “hard” (Full-contact) and “soft” (Light-contact) styles. The peculiarity is that this type of kickboxing includes not only complex exercises from martial arts, but also performing performances with a knife, nunchucks or even a sickle.

Rules for performing kickboxing exercises

For effective results from kickboxing, a number of important conditions must be met before and during classes:

  • It is necessary to adequately assess your level of physical fitness and strictly follow the instructions of the instructor. Beginners usually train at a lower intensity and speed than advanced athletes, and only a coach can know exactly when the load in an exercise can be increased.
  • To fulfill the previous condition, the qualifications and professionalism of the coach are very important, which are confirmed by relevant merits, the presence of combat belts and certificates, as well as permission to coach. In addition, the instructor’s professionalism is manifested in an individual approach to each athlete, even if the work is carried out in a group.
  • The training room must be carefully and efficiently equipped. The presence of mirrors and punching bags is a prerequisite for effective fitness training.
  • Clothes and shoes for kickboxing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. In most cases, the same clothing as for fitness training will do. But you need to be careful when choosing shoes, since it should be comfortable and safe to turn and move your foot sideways during exercises. It is better to discuss the issue of suitable shoes with a trainer. Additionally, you need to get gloves and elastic bandages, which will be necessary for working with a punching bag.
  • Any workout, regardless of your fitness level, should start at a slow pace.
  • You shouldn't get dehydrated during exercise, so it's important to take water with you and remember to drink small sips throughout your workout.

Advantages of classes for girls

Every year more and more girls are joining sports, because in the 21st century it is fashionable to be athletic and healthy. The variety of benefits from kickboxing is obvious:

  1. Lose excess weight and gain muscle through fat-burning high-interval training. The classes combine both cardio and strength training. It is precisely because this system helps in the fight against extra pounds that it has become so popular.
  2. Strengthening the muscles of the back, abs, legs and buttocks. Acquiring the desired relief through regular exercise.
  3. Strengthening the health of the body and protecting against damage through the work of muscle fibers.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation, restoration of respiratory functions.
  5. Improved coordination and reflexes.
  6. Getting rid of such unpleasant consequences after childbirth as cellulite and sprains.
  7. Acquiring physical strength, the ability to stand up for oneself, the desire to improve with every lesson.

Who Shouldn't Swap Fitness Training for Kickboxing

Who Shouldn't Swap Fitness Training for Kickboxing

Healthy people who have disadvantages such as excess weight and weak muscle tone can start doing kickboxing exercises at any age. The following health problems may serve as contraindications:

  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • problems with joints of various kinds;
  • knee and lower back injuries.

People with similar health problems are better off not taking risks and choosing a suitable fitness activity instead of intense kickboxing.

But even if there are no contraindications during kickboxing, you need to be extremely careful and careful, remembering the high risk of injury due to certain mistakes in the technique:

  • Very high swings of the lower limbs during impacts can result in a sprain.
  • If you extend the joint as much as possible when hitting your limbs, you can injure it.
  • Daily training, without a break to rest after intense exercise, threatens overexertion.
  • It is strictly forbidden to perform strikes while holding any weights in your hands.

At the initial stages of kickboxing training, it is very important to completely trust the trainer and strictly and diligently follow his instructions. In this case, you will quickly achieve your desired goal, be it losing weight, improving physical fitness, or simply strengthening the whole body.

How does training work for beginners?

Training in any sport begins with warming up the body muscles. This significantly reduces the likelihood of injury and will tone the muscles.


Boxing training begins with the obligatory warming up of the muscles. The feet are placed parallel, the toes are slightly inward, the legs are bent at the knees, we transfer the body weight from one leg to the other. Next, a rotation of the body is added and the heel is lifted off the floor, the hands are placed in front of the chest at a right angle. The abdominal muscles should be tense. The next exercise is body rotation, which is necessary for defense in boxing. Next, the first exercise is repeated, but together with direct blows. The hand moves in a straight line forward, the fist only curls at the end of the blow. The shoulder is pulled forward towards the chin. It is necessary to hit the same point with both knuckles of the fist. The hand not participating in the strike should be at the chin, simulating defense against an opponent’s counterattack. Continuing this movement with the body, you need to strike with the fist turning inward and slightly upward. Next, side kicks are practiced, the arm at the elbow is extended 90 degrees, and the other is still at the chin. Now the slopes are being worked out. Squatting and tuck are added to the transfer of body weight, the head is shifted from the line of attack by 2-3 cm in a certain direction. Side impact protection is also important. To do this, a squat is added, thereby the head describes an arc, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Further work consists of steps on the opposite foot. When stepping with the left foot towards the opponent, the right shoulder is brought forward, when stepping with the right - the left. The arms are lowered, only the shoulders are involved. After walking a certain distance, you need to stop. Now the same step back is being taken. When you step back with your right foot, your right shoulder moves forward; when you step with your left, your left shoulder moves forward.

Endurance development

For this workout, only a punching bag is needed. The complex is as close as possible to combat work; it will consist of 3 rounds of 2 minutes each with a minute break. 20 seconds of work on a heavy bag, 10 seconds of work with your own weight on the muscle groups of the legs.

  1. 1 round. From a long distance, direct, necessarily accentuated blows are delivered. Then the step is performed, the ankle is involved. You can not invest in every blow, but after 1-2, but it is important to hit real blows.
  2. Round 2 From a medium distance, mainly side punches and uppercuts are delivered. Next is a cross-leg with a lunge, this involves the ankle and knee joint.
  3. Round 3 In close proximity to the punching bag, close combat is carried out with a predominance of lower and side strikes with maximum frequency. After this, half squats are done, which are the basis of close-range defense - dodging and diving.

Setting up the shot

Punching in boxing is an important part of a fighter's technique. To master them, you need to take the correct combat stance. Feet are shoulder-width apart, the left leg is placed forward, the right leg is placed back, set slightly to the side. The toes are at an angle towards the opponent. Next, the body weight is transferred from one leg to the other. Once we master this exercise, we need to move on to the steps. The front and back legs are raised alternately. Now a jab is added to this movement at the moment of a step on the left leg - a direct blow with the front hand, the fist is curled at the end of the movement. The right hand, meanwhile, protects the chin. You can make it more difficult by taking a left step forward and a sub-step with your right. It was time for direct blows. From the fighting stance, the body is transferred under the heel of the left foot with a rotation of the body. A lunge with the right hand is added to this movement. To correctly apply a side kick from a turning position, the body is transferred to the opposite leg while simultaneously moving the elbow forward. After mastering this technique, a forward lunge of the arm is added at a right angle, then the elbow is thrown up, and the fist passes the target from the side. Last of all, lower blows are practiced - uppercuts. From the front stance, the body weight is transferred from foot to foot, then the technique is complicated by lunging the arm forward at a right angle at the level of the opponent’s body, the forearm parallel to the floor. In this way, blows are delivered to the enemy’s body. After mastering this exercise, the uppercut begins to be practiced. In this case, a blow is performed not to the body, but to the head of an imaginary opponent.


Having proper striking technique is very important. But don’t forget about protection during a fight. The main defensive actions in boxing are ducking and diving.


From the front stand, the body weight is transferred from foot to foot with a rotation of the body and a simultaneous squat. In this case, the arms are lowered, and the shoulder is brought forward and protects the chin. In this way, defense against a direct blow from the enemy is practiced. Now you need to do this exercise with your arms raised, covering your body and head. This movement becomes more difficult with the step of the foot.


In this case, the transfer of body weight is accomplished by squatting rather than bending forward, while the head describes an arc. It is necessary to keep the body in a straight position, the pelvis does not go back, the shoulders do not fall forward. This is important for further execution of the attack. The movement can be complicated with a side step.

Choosing clothes

Kickboxing training involves wearing a T-shirt and loose shorts. Girls are advised to purchase a sports bra. You must have a towel and a bottle of drinking water with you. An exercise mat on the floor and a bandage on your forehead will also help. For kickboxing, you should choose sneakers or other (acceptable) sports shoes - you can discuss this issue with your coach. The main factor when choosing shoes is the comfort of turning your foot in it and moving sideways. For example, there is a high chance of spraining your ankle if you decide to exercise in running shoes on a carpet.

Everyone should have gloves or elastic bandages. They will be useful for training with a pear.

Kickboxing video lessons for beginners

The world does not stand still. And you can already start your classes not only with the help of a professional, but also on your own. There are already kickboxing videos for beginners. They can also be varied. There are, for example, theory lessons.

It describes all the rules and prohibited strikes. There are lessons that simply show a variety of strikes and techniques. There are other lessons to consider as well. This could be martial arts studies. Kickboxing video lessons for beginners distinguish between analysis of championships and various fights. So you can learn the mistakes of champions and avoid making them.

There are lessons that are released in whole cycles. They start with simpler exercises and gradually become more complex. There is also a description of nutrition, training, rules and much more. If you follow all the instructions, you can easily accomplish everything you want and get only the results you need.

There are also lessons that are designed for kickboxing for beginner girls. They have their own nuances and some differences from lessons for guys. You can find the video online.

You can also buy them in stores. There are special lessons there. They will select the ones you need. Find exactly the option that suits you and suits you.

How to choose the right classes?

Many people want to play sports, but do not know where to start and what to do. There are a huge number of options and types of martial arts. But, there is also a female version. Very little is said about him and practically no one is interested in him.

How to choose the right classes

Although they know that there are women's competitions. It is necessary to talk about this variety in more detail. It's a pity that little attention is paid to him these days. But we will fix this today and talk about women’s martial arts.

Basic techniques and strikes

Do not confuse regular boxing classes with kickboxing , because they have a number of significant differences:

  1. Sweeping. This is the name for lifting the inside of the leg. The point is to knock your opponent down, but to do it following a certain technique, and not in any way you like.
  2. There are several kicks: jumping, with a bent knee, with a turn, a hook kick. A hook kick involves kicking in a circle with either leg.
  3. Strikes with the hands include: uppercut, jab (strike with the hand that is closer to the opponent), punch (strike with the hand that is further from the opponent) and swing (strike from a long distance). One of the knockout techniques is the backfist technique. The goal is to half-bend your arm and hit the opponent with the back of it.

There are a number of prohibited techniques, such as:

  1. Hit with the lower or upper part of your hand, bent into a fist;
  2. Hit with an open glove;
  3. Push the opponent with your forearm;
  4. Hit the joints, collarbone or spine;
  5. Strike the area of ​​the solar plexus or kidneys.

Billy Blanks... remember that one?

Few of us remember athlete Billy Blanks, who appeared on TV in the late 90s promoting his video training course. It was from this time that it is believed that kickboxing began to spread throughout the world. This is a very intense type of training. During the 30-60 minute lesson you will perform movements from boxing, aerobics and a number of martial arts. Taken together, you get a powerful effect on the cardiovascular system.

During the training, punches, kicks, and knees are practiced, and numerous self-defense techniques are demonstrated in combination with sudden jumps.

During kickboxing classes, almost half of the time is spent practicing punches on the punching bag and fighting with a partner. Depending on the direction of your workout, you can also perform traditional swings, push-ups, and crunches. In other words, the load falls on all muscle groups. Kickboxing not only improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also significantly strengthens muscle tissue, and the athlete improves coordination and reaction. Over time, you can even train at home - in a one-room apartment.

Kickboxing and Muay Thai in Thailand

Thailand is a real Mecca for representatives of Muay Thai. This is not surprising, because this art of combat originated and developed for many centuries in the “Kingdom of Temples and Palaces.” There are more than 2,000 different camps in the country offering training to locals and foreigners. Schools aimed at newcomers, as a rule, build their programs exclusively for them. Often, they provide accommodation in their own apartments or have agreements with local hotels. Therefore, it is possible to buy a ready-made “package”.

Tuition fees range from 5,000 to 15,000 baht per month. At the current exchange rate, 1 baht is a little more than 2 Russian rubles or 0.03 US dollars. You shouldn't focus solely on price. It is much more important who the mentors are at a particular camp. It is also worth paying attention to the methods and techniques that the coach adheres to. But the differences in the technical equipment of camps for foreigners and for locals can be significant. The only exceptions are professional schools attended by Thai athletes who take part in international competitions.

Due to the popularity of Thailand among Europeans and residents of the CIS countries as a country for “wintering,” large Muay Thai camps began to offer training in other martial arts. Among the trainers there are both local champions and famous fighters from America and Europe. Various programs include MMA, Muay Thai and kickboxing. There are classes for beginners and professionals.

For beginners who decide to learn the basics of martial arts in Thailand, it is best to choose Muay Thai. Despite the fact that it is considered more dangerous, an experienced teacher will select an individual technique for the “new initiate.” But it’s not worth participating in local tournaments after a few months, or even a year of training. This idea may end sadly and a visit to the local clinic cannot be avoided. Also, you should beware of schools that promise to make you a champion in a few months and send you into the ring to fight. There are also plenty of them on the islands and they are aimed exclusively at visitors. Only, unlike a “precocious” fighter, his opponent will be experienced.


What should you remember if you decide to take up martial arts?

Before you make your choice in favor of one of the martial arts we have listed or some other (for example, hand-to-hand combat or taekwondo), please do not forget about several important nuances.

Classes do not guarantee you victory in a street fight

Martial arts are called that for a reason - they teach you to confront one opponent. But in life, alas, the scum on the street are used to attacking in crowds. Therefore, although mastering the skills of any type of wrestling will increase your chances of giving a worthy rebuff, in such a fight your opponents may have weapons, and there will be no rules.

No one is immune from injury

Some arts have solo styles and directions, but even in them you risk dislocating your arm while practicing a technique. We won’t even talk about sparring - bruises are guaranteed. Therefore, before enrolling in any section, be mentally prepared for the fact that it may be painful. Try to listen carefully to the trainer and perform the exercises correctly so as not to harm yourself or your partner.

Program selection

Once you have decided on your choice of activities, you will need to think about how you will study. This can be either classes in fitness centers, where kicks are practiced in dance, or individual or group classes with a trainer. The main thing is to understand that practicing this sport is not aimed at memorizing any blows, but at learning to control your body.

Rules for beginners

It is important to know that beginners are not sent to training until they have learned all the rules . The main ones are:

  1. Any pushing is prohibited.
  2. Strikes must be delivered only in the presence of a coach, and most importantly, clear and technically practiced.
  3. Before classes, warming up on a skipping rope is mandatory.

In addition, beginner kickboxers are divided by age, gender and weight so that the strength of opponents in the ring is equal during kickboxing training. For beginners, the first few lessons are especially difficult, as the large flow of information and learning complex strokes begin to seem overwhelming.

If you decide to engage in group classes, then you should know that the trainer does not always have time to monitor the correct technique of all students. Therefore, there are a number of recommendations for those who have just started mastering training .

  1. Always remember about protection, because it is the basis of technique. The ability to defend yourself comes with experience and at first it is difficult to constantly keep your hands up, but by lowering them you can get a blow, which for a long time will remind you of weak defense in the first lessons.
  2. Don't stand still. You should constantly move, because, as they say, a target that moves is harder to hit. But do it consciously; the movement should be thoughtful, not absent-minded.
  3. Keep your eyes open. The body's first reaction to a blow is to close its eyes. However, this will be a major disadvantage for you, because with your eyes closed you will not see subsequent hits and may lose the round.
  4. Do not be afraid. Still, in kickboxing you will not be competing with a punching bag, but with a person, so you need to learn to be prepared for your opponent’s retaliatory measures. The main thing is to set up the defense correctly.
  5. Keep your balance. Such a mistake as the body shifting from the center of gravity occurs not only among beginners, but also among experienced specialists in their field. If you lose your balance, you can easily be pushed away so that a fall becomes inevitable. Therefore, you should carefully work on this point yourself, for example, by practicing in front of a mirror.
  6. Don't hesitate after the blow. Often, beginners, when striking, linger for a couple of seconds to check whether they hit or missed the target. But you should remember that any delay on your part could be a fatal mistake, since it is this wait that will give the enemy time to counterattack. To avoid this, you should immediately return to a fighting stance after striking.
  7. Keep your elbows narrow. Since blows falling on the body are too sensitive, it is worth covering this particular part of the body. Forgetting about this rule, you can quickly get knocked out.
  8. Don't let your opponent relax. You must concentrate on not giving him time to think and ruining his plans of attack.
  9. Think about what you are doing. You should not assume that by learning all the moves and being in good physical condition, you will immediately become a champion. After all, all the techniques are also known to your opponent, and in a fight with a real kickboxer you will have nothing to oppose him. So think about what and how you do. Use deceptive techniques, build new combinations of strikes, use false swings.

First training - Free!

Sign up now and attend the first lesson for free + receive a personalized nutrition program tailored to your taste preferences. Hurry! Limited number of seats.

Stop putting off until tomorrow, put aside fears, complexes and self-doubt and come for a trial lesson in our kickboxing section (it's completely free!).

Even if you have never been interested in martial arts or sports as such, just stop doubting and come to experience the unique atmosphere of our club firsthand. Believe me, you won’t need anything other than a sincere desire to practice and achieve results!

What suits girls

Physical exercises for kickboxing can be done in the CrossFit style. To begin with, it will be useful to practice on the horizontal bar, uneven bars, with tires and ordinary weights weighing up to 10 kg. Kickboxing exercises for girls at home are perfect:

  • classic push-ups with three grips (wide, narrow, medium);
  • push-ups from behind the back (to load the triceps);
  • plank (the same position as during push-ups, only you need to stand on your elbows and hold in this position for as long as possible);
  • squats with jumps;
  • pistol (stand on one leg bent at a right angle);
  • burpee - throw your legs back, taking a push-up position, then bend your legs under you (squat position) and jump up;
  • handstand push-ups (lean against the wall for convenience).

Tracksuit and equipment

A lot of attention should be paid to equipment for kickboxing. Its components are clearly stated in the regulations. For the first lesson you must have: protection, sportswear (that does not restrict movement), gloves.

For training, you will need several types of gloves: training, projectile, combat. Therefore, it is better to purchase them immediately. It is mandatory to have protection: bandage, helmet, mouthguard, knee pads. Women should wear a bandage to protect their breasts.

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