How to maintain weight after a diet: 10 important principles

What woman doesn't want to have a slim figure? In pursuit of beauty, many women exhaust themselves with diets. And when, it would seem, the result has been achieved, and we have lost those extra pounds, a new problem arises. Our body again begins to gain lost kilograms at high speed. It is possible to maintain weight after losing weight. Today we’ll talk about this and identify the reasons for the repeated gain of kilograms and centimeters.

Today, most women set a goal to keep their figure slim. Diet often helps them with this. But after its completion, the urgent question is how to maintain weight at this level and again not gain the hated kilograms. Here we will advise you on how to better build your life in order to remain cheerful, healthy and beautiful and never return to debilitating diets.

Reasons for returning excess weight

Many scientists believe that diet cannot help keep weight off for a long period of time. In this case, there is a short-term effect. Many people are concerned with the question of what causes this and how it can be dealt with.

The reasons why the human body is not able to maintain the results obtained after losing weight are as follows:

  • during the diet, the person lost more than 20% of his weight;
  • the process itself occurred at a rapid pace;
  • During the diet, the person moved very little and spent all his free time at the computer or TV.

Scientists have conducted many experiments on this issue. And interesting results were obtained. If, over a certain period of time, efforts are made to maintain the weight obtained as a result of diets, then the body subsequently accepts it as normal. And this subsequently makes it easier to maintain weight at a given level. The duration of the presence of extra pounds is also of considerable importance. The longer you have had them, the more difficult it will be to maintain the weight gained after the diet.

From all this we can conclude that maintaining the results obtained after a diet is incredibly difficult, but possible.

What should you not do?

There are a lot of sweets

Proper nutrition is not a restrictive diet, so there are no strict prohibitions in it. However, you should be careful with confectionery sweets and other foods with a high glycemic index. Not only baked goods and sweets lead to the reappearance of excess weight, but also completely healthy dates, honey, and bananas.

The danger of sweets lies not only in the high number of calories, but also in these circumstances:

  • clogged taste buds. With regular consumption of sweets, fruits no longer seem sweet enough, and tea no longer seems rich. Because of this, there is a desire to add a couple of spoons of sugar to a mug of tea or fruit salad, it is very difficult to fight it;
  • worsening appetite. As a child, many people heard the phrase that sweets kill your appetite. This is a misconception; the energy obtained from sugars is absorbed very quickly, after which the person feels hungry again;
  • insulin surges. The more sweets you eat, the more insulin the pancreas will produce. This substance is necessary for the processing of glucose, but it is also responsible for the uncontrollable desire to eat something sweet and high-calorie.

With the correct flow of biochemical processes in the body, managing the feeling of hunger and satiety becomes easier. Eating sweets disrupts these processes, so it should be reduced to a minimum.

Sunbathing and swimming in the pool

As noted above, it is worth taking care of your skin while losing weight. She will need some time to adapt; during this period, she should not be exposed to strong negative factors. These include tanning, both natural and in a solarium. Any ultraviolet exposure provokes photoaging; under the influence of rays, free radicals are formed, they are the main cause of loss of youth.

Other negative factors include chlorine and sulfates. We expose ourselves to prolonged exposure to chlorinated water when visiting a swimming pool. As for sulfates, they are present in many shampoos and shower gels. For reasons of skin care, it is better to switch to softer skin care products.

Forget about water

A prerequisite for getting rid of fat deposits and maintaining healthy skin is maintaining a drinking regime. The feeling of thirst can let you down; if you don’t have the habit of drinking the required amount, the body will not require water. The minimum daily intake is 30 ml per kilogram of weight. That is, a person with a body weight of 60 kg should drink at least 1.8 liters of water daily; liquid meals and drinks do not count.

A water diet is no less important than a food diet. Regular intake of sufficient fluid is necessary for:

  • maintaining metabolic processes, that is, to stimulate the elimination of everything unnecessary, including fat deposits;
  • formation of a feeling of satiety. When water enters the stomach, the fact of being full suppresses hunger, preventing you from overeating;
  • moisturizing the epidermis. All intracellular processes occur with the participation of water; when they slow down, the skin loses its elasticity.

Tips for completing the diet and maintaining the results

Many nutritionists believe that the only way to avoid the return of extra pounds is by using a balanced nutrition program. A person who was able to go through a hard, grueling diet should not stop halfway. He needs to make even maximum efforts in order to maintain and consolidate the results obtained after losing weight.

In order not to gain weight after a diet, you just need to follow certain rules.

Smooth transition

The transition from a diet to a regular diet should be as smooth as possible. Usually, after finishing a diet, most of us try to make up for all our deprivations and load up on dishes that were excluded during the weight loss process. It should be remembered that the first day after the diet can only be considered the next step in your long journey to a slim figure.

You need to return to your normal diet gradually. It should be remembered that the calorie content of food should also increase gradually. For a week, you can increase the calorie content of your meals by no more than 150-200 kcal.

It should also be taken into account that these kilocalories must necessarily contain healthy food products: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals and proteins of plant origin.

Calorie calculation

In order to achieve positive results while dieting, you constantly had to cut your daily calorie intake. As a result, less of them enters your body than is consumed, which in turn contributes to the loss of extra pounds.

But in this situation, the body tries to spend energy as economically as possible, which helps slow down metabolism. In order to maintain weight after losing weight, and every extra calorie does not go into fat deposits, you need to carefully plan your menu. To do this, it is best to use the formula developed by nutritionists:

  • If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then you should ensure that by 1 kg. body weight accounted for only 25 kcal.
  • If you train regularly at least 3 times a week, your norm will be 30 kcal.
  • If there are constant intense loads, then the norm will be 35 kcal.

Active lifestyle

You should pay more attention to exercise, which allows you to stabilize your weight and keep it at the same level after losing weight. If you need to consolidate the result obtained during the diet, you need to pay more attention to sports after losing weight. This does not mean that you should spend many hours in the gym and devote yourself to grueling workouts.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is better to temporarily eliminate strength training and do cardiological exercises as a replacement. It is best to devote about 30 minutes a day to walking in the fresh air. Don't forget about exercising in the morning to lose weight. Jumping rope is also recommended for weight loss.

It is best to devote 45 minutes 3 times a week to running or training on an exercise bike for weight loss. Exercises can contribute to weight gain, but not more than 1 kg, but this should not be an alarming signal, since we are talking about building muscle mass.

Taste of food

You should always enjoy your food. We always say that food should be healthy, but besides that, it should also be tasty. Most nutritionists emphasize that food should not be taken in a hurry, but only in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Moreover, it should provide sensual pleasure.

Therefore, it is best to pay more attention to experiments with culinary recipes and try certain combinations of already familiar dishes, as a result of which you can get a culinary masterpiece.

If it’s completely unbearable, then twice a week you can allow yourself high-calorie foods. At the same time, it is best to take such food in the first half of the day. This will become a kind of psychological relief for your body.

Food intake

You need to clearly define your measure. This should become a must for you. Without this, it is very difficult to choose the optimal daily intake of foods of a given calorie content, which makes it difficult to maintain weight after losing weight. In this case, the set when leaving the diet, as noted above, must be gradually increased. You need to plan the norm when increasing calories.

You will be able to feel how your body reacts to this increase. At the same time, you can choose the norm that suits you best and try to stick to it. This will eliminate the possibility of overeating.

Thus, we can say with confidence that following these simple rules for losing weight will allow you to consolidate the results obtained and no longer worry about weight problems.

How to keep your weight normal? — | Tips on how to lose weight

Tips on how to lose weight

Slender girls' best friends are diamonds. The best objective friends of fatties are Libras.

Many girls have been in a state of chronic dieting for years. Various miraculous, effective nutritional options are tried over and over again. They carry away 3 kg, but then the weight returns along with 2-4 kg captured.

Sometimes, wanting to remove the “extra” 5 kg, girls after a few years simply dream of returning to the day when they had those “crumbs” that were extra, and not the 15-20 kg they earned on diets.

On topic: Making ginger tea for weight loss

What to do? How to prevent your weight from increasing?

Hold the Weight: Allies and Enemies


Two allies will help you here - Libra and your anger. Being angry with yourself, your loved one, is not effective, which means looking for the object of your anger on the side. Why do you need anger, good fairy? So that you have a powerful incentive to become slim.

Feel this feeling for your ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend, a bosom friend who speaks unflatteringly about your figure, a neighbor who hisses in your back “the princess has been found...

cow!" All the time while you are moving towards your goal - your slim body, want to prove to them that you are a beauty with a chiseled figure... and the fat hiding your perfection will be less and less every day.

Anger will make you stop a millimeter away from a chocolate bar, last a week on a good diet. You don’t want to be a fat cow, as your enemies call you, do you?

Many ladies break down after dieting, go on a food binge, and organize a belly festival. Food is one of the strongest sources of joy. Overweight people are very dependent on food precisely because there are few joys in their real lives. And to become happy without much difficulty, you just need to eat fatty, high-calorie foods.

Serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is released in the body and enters the brain, which is deceived for a while and deceives the owner. Along with a good mood, the blood sugar level will also jump, the faithful insulin will rush to save the hostess - bind the glucose cells and drag them to the chemical laboratory, where the glucose will be broken down into fats and other components with the help of enzymes.

And this happens every time you feel sorry for yourself.

Control your weight

What are scales for? They, better than all your friends, will tell you the truth and will be your faithful and truthful guide in maintaining weight.

The most primitive formula for calculating body weight suggests that your optimal weight is the difference between your height and the number 105. With a height of 170, your weight should be within 65 kg.

If it is significantly larger, weighing should become as obligatory a ritual as the morning toilet.


If your weight today is greater than your weight yesterday, we are on a fasting day. If your weight wants to get out of control and you have to unload every other day, it’s time to change your diet.

Reduce the amount of sugar (replace it with honey), give up bread, mayonnaise, fatty meat, eat from smaller plates. The body needs five meals to keep blood sugar levels constant (remember that trusty guard insulin?).

If you eat irregularly, it is more difficult to maintain normal weight; you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar. When sugar drops, the body experiences “brutal” hunger, you begin to absorb large amounts of food, and miss the moment when you need to stop eating...

sugar “jumps”, exceeds the norm several times, insulin “breaks into battle”... well, and then you already know where the resulting fat sticks.

The diet helped you, you lost 2-3-5 kg. Lock in your new weight and don't allow yourself to increase it. While you are gaining strength for a new breakthrough, the next diet, do not give up. You can treat yourself to your favorite food, but watch the arrow on the scale.

Simple rules will help you maintain weight

So, let's summarize: to lose weight, you need motivation. The most effective emotion is the desire to prove to others that you are no worse. Attract it, adapt it for your purposes.

  • Keep a scale in a constant place and monitor your weight daily. It is easier to cope with the extra 200 grams than with the 2,000 that have “run up” uncontrollably.
  • Find ways to have fun outside of food. Communication, hobbies, children's success, love of loved ones, physical fatigue after a walk or gym...
  • Just drink water. Or water with lemon. Or green tea with lemon and a drop of honey. A large amount of water entering the body changes the water-salt balance, improves the functioning of capillaries - the smallest blood vessels, and “pumps out” stagnant water from the fat depot, which normalizes metabolism and reduces swelling of the body.
  • Monitor the quality of food. Don't let it be fatty and high in calories. Your most objective friends—your scales—will tell you how successful this was.


What foods to include on the menu to stay in shape

You can maintain weight with the help of a well-chosen menu. It should be remembered that you should under no circumstances continue to starve. At the same time, you need to organize your time so that you eat at least 4-5 times a day, but you need to eat in small portions.

After finishing the diet, you should gradually add the following products to your diet:

  • meat that can be eaten during fasting;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables containing starch;
  • beans;
  • honey.

Such previously beloved dishes as pizza, cake, canned food, smoked fish and meat should not be included in your diet. But if you absolutely cannot resist, then it is not recommended to pamper yourself with them more than 2 times a week. But even in this case, moderation should be observed.

Certain harm lies in the calorie content of alcoholic beverages. It is also best to avoid them, as strong alcoholic drinks slow down your metabolism and make it difficult to maintain weight once you've completed your weight loss process. You can afford no more than 1-2 glasses of dry white wine.

A nutritionist will help you maintain the weight gained after losing weight. You need to take a plate and divide it (conditionally) into at least 4 parts. Two quarters are allocated for vegetables and fruits, a quarter will be taken up by proteins, and the remaining space is allocated to carbohydrates. This will allow you to monitor proper nutrition and maintain weight after losing weight.

Nutritionist advice: video

The next important rule for maintaining weight is not to overeat.

It is extremely important to learn to feel your body and distinguish physiological from psychological hunger.

Physiological hunger is a vital need for nutrients. And psychological hunger is when, with the help of food, we try to cope with our emotions and absorb food for calm, not for satiety.

There is a little trick that helps you avoid overeating by eating from small plates.

This visual trick prevents you from putting in more food, and even if you want more, you still eat less. So a small plate is better than a large dish.

How they treat you in Italian restaurants. Then the rule of dividing the plate will no longer help you.

And remember that those who eat less live longer. However, it is difficult to control yourself when you are very hungry.

how to maintain weight

Recommended menu after diet

For those who want to maintain the results obtained after losing weight, drawing up the right menu is very important. Let's look at an example:

  • For a dietary breakfast, oatmeal, which is prepared with milk, is better suited. You can add dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries to it. You can also eat a small piece of hard unsalted cheese and drink tea with lemon and honey.
  • For lunch, nuts are the best option. One handful of nuts will be enough, but always unsalted.
  • For a diet lunch, it is better to prepare cream soup from broccoli and cream. You can also bake a chicken breast in the oven and prepare a cabbage salad seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice. All this can be washed down with berry compote or jelly.
  • The afternoon snack is granular cottage cheese, the fat content of which does not exceed 5%, with the addition of honey, jam or fruit.
  • For a light diet dinner, a cocktail made from seafood with cream is best. The best side dish is green beans, steamed and sprinkled with grated cheese. You can also prepare a salad of tomatoes and mozzarella cheese with the addition of fresh herbs, seasoned with orange juice.
  • Just before bed, it is best to drink a glass of yogurt, kefir or yogurt.

This menu has already received positive reviews.

Why is it harmful to lose weight suddenly?

If you want to get rid of extra pounds, but leave your lifestyle unchanged, you will have to face many negative consequences. And the most annoying thing is that with very serious efforts, the result will be temporary: subcutaneous fat will again take its place on the stomach, hips and other problem areas of the body. Today there are many techniques that will really help you get rid of ten to fifteen kilograms in a month, but do not rejoice prematurely. After unhealthy extreme weight loss, the weight comes back, and even brings “friends” with it, and we will explain why this gain occurs.

The fact is that with significant restrictions in food, which mean a deficiency of nutrients for normal life, the body finds itself in a state of stress. A natural reaction to “bad times” is a slowdown in metabolism - in such a situation, the body seeks to make an energy reserve. And this is nothing more than subcutaneous fat.

how to keep your weight normal after losing weight

And as soon as you achieve the result and start eating as usual again, the volume will also return, and even become even more magnificent than before the diet. This is a natural protective mechanism that increases the chances of survival in difficult conditions.

If the technique implies that you will constantly feel hungry, metabolic processes will certainly begin to slow down. This is especially true in winter, a period when everything in nature is focused on saving resources and energy.

Nutritionist advice:

Recommendations on how to maintain normal weight after losing weight contain 3 key recommendations: a comfortable pace (lose no more than 4-6 kg per month), frequent meals, a balanced menu. But diet changes are not just for the period while you are losing weight, but forever. Your slimness will be with you as long as you practice conscious healthy eating.

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A sharp change in body weight can lead to another negative consequence - loose, sagging skin. The skin is elastic and able to adapt to new shapes even with significant changes. But for this, several conditions must be met:

  • lose weight slowly;
  • eat foods with high nutritional value - your daily menu should have the correct balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as microelements and vitamins;
  • lead an active healthy lifestyle, regularly spend time in the fresh air, move, go to the gym.

You cannot completely give up carbohydrate foods or lipids, this will not lead to a good result. On the contrary, after such aggressive weight loss there will be a long period of recovery. Vegetable oil and fatty fish contain fat-soluble vitamins, as well as acids involved in tissue regeneration, maintaining youth. A completely low-fat diet will make you look emaciated and sickly, and your skin will be susceptible to premature aging. Without carbohydrates, you will be left without energy, your body's endurance will decrease, which will not allow you to train productively. In addition, cereals, legumes, and pasta made from durum wheat provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, protecting you from the temptation to succumb to hunger and eat cookies or chips.

how to maintain weight after losing weight

In addition to aesthetic problems, more serious ones may arise: metabolic disorders, pathologies of internal organs (kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, brain). The risk of depression and depression also increases, performance and ability to concentrate decrease.

If you don’t want to wonder how to get your period back and why your hair falls out after losing weight and want to avoid many health problems, you need to do without extreme methods. Get rid of excess weight gradually, without discomfort, hunger and stress. The specialists at Elena Morozova’s clinic will help you become slim for life, not just for a couple of months. And the pace of transformation is not the last factor.

Weight retention during menopause

Menopause is an inevitable process that is accompanied by hormonal changes that contribute to weight gain. Therefore, in this case, a rational attitude towards your body, as well as an indefatigable desire for the best, can come to your rescue, which can nullify hormonal imbalance.

Among the main factors contributing to weight gain during menopause are:

  • gastronomic preferences;
  • level of physical activity;
  • habitat (city or village);
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • emotional condition.

During menopause, most people experience a significant reduction in physical activity, which is fundamentally wrong, since right now you need to make every effort to keep your body in good shape and not gain weight.


Losing weight during menopause is difficult, but possible. Let's look at a few rules that will help you maintain weight during menopause:

  • Pursue a policy of moderation in food intake. Reducing calorie intake will help speed up cell renewal processes.
  • The menu needs to be revised according to age. It should be dominated by products such as cheese, kidneys, fish and seafood. Preference should also be given to products containing beta-keratin, calcium, and magnesium.
  • You need to choose a job that could bring you joy, because negative emotions contribute to rapid wear and tear of the body.
  • Harmony in family relationships, which promotes the production of endorphins, which helps neutralize the negative processes of aging.
  • Active life position. Just 10-15 minutes a day of regular exercise is enough, and you can extend your life by at least 5-7 years.
  • Sleeping in a cold room. A good and restful sleep is only possible indoors at a temperature of 17-18°C. A cool climate helps slow down metabolic processes, and, accordingly, slows down the withering of the body.
  • Active mental activity. This will be greatly facilitated by solving charades and crosswords, reading, learning foreign languages ​​and intellectual games.

Menopause itself is inevitable, but what it brings to you depends only on you.

The fourth rule is to eat slowly.

There is a trick that if you eat slowly, you will not gain weight.

But this is more likely due to the fact that after about 15-20 minutes the brain receives a signal to satisfy hunger. And this is due to the fact that it takes so much time to digest proteins.

Therefore, stretch out the main meal so that the body has time to understand that it is full.

In addition, rapid absorption of food does not allow you to enjoy the taste. And if, while eating, you also talk on the phone, watch TV or read a book. As a result, you will not get any pleasure and will eat much more. Food should be a pleasure. So eat slowly and don't rush to eat the elephant.

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