Detailed review: how to sit on an exercise bike correctly (photo), as well as the importance of a comfortable fit

Exercising at home is a simple and affordable way to stay in good physical shape. Today, many people prefer to acquire some kind of sports equipment for organizing independent training, but do not dare to do it. In fact, sports activities can get rid of many problems, and an exercise bike can be the main assistant in this: what muscles work, what is this sports bike useful for? accessory and how to train correctly?

exercise bike workout fat burning

Basic rules of training

How to exercise on an exercise bike correctly to lose weight and get a slim figure?
It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this - sit down and pedal. However, a systematic and competent approach to training will bring much more benefits than intensive training on a bicycle machine depending on your mood. The following parameters are decisive for successful training:

  • Technique and body position;
  • Load range and determination of optimal heart rate;
  • Monitoring indicators;
  • Equipment (clothing);
  • General rules of fitness.

Let's look at the main points in more detail.


The main criterion for technically correct training is the position of the back during exercise. Don't arch your lower back too much, as many beginners do. The back should be kept in a natural and relaxed position, a slight rounding of the shoulders is allowed.

You need to relax your hands: you should not put the main weight on them. The feet should be parallel to the floor, and the knees should be directed forward or slightly inward to achieve uniform muscle load. Keep your head straight, as if you are driving along the road and look ahead. And be sure to adjust the seat height!

Optimal load range

Exercises on an exercise bike will only benefit the body if the range of loads matches your capabilities

During training, it is important to take into account your own sensations and monitor your heart rate. To lose weight, you should choose a medium intensity level: the pedals of the device should rotate quite easily

If the load is increased, the training time will be reduced. To lose weight, you need to pedal for at least 30 minutes, otherwise the fat burning process will not start.

The most important indicator is heart rate. First you need to calculate the maximum heart rate, then find out the optimal heart rate zone, which will allow you to carry out the most effective exercises on an exercise bike for weight loss and body shaping. At the warm-up stage, the heart rate should not exceed 60% of the maximum value; at the main stage of training, the heart rate should correspond to 65-75% of the maximum.

Monitoring indicators

Always track your heart rate, distance traveled and other indicators provided by the machine's computer. Experts advise keeping a detailed training log: this will allow you to achieve maximum productivity from your workouts. Write down the training time, the number of calories burned, your own feelings, and weight readings. This way you can more clearly evaluate the results of the exercises.


A T-shirt and special cycling shorts are ideal for training, making it easier to fit and not interfering with movement. Some people use special gloves for close contact with the steering wheel. Shoes should have hard soles for good fixation: slippers and sandals are not suitable for intense pedaling. Comfortable sneakers or sneakers will do.

General rules

These rules are known to everyone, but for some reason some people forget about them:

  • Control your breathing - breathe evenly and always through your nose;
  • Don’t start without warming up: joints, ligaments and muscles need to be warmed up before loading;
  • Do not stop the training abruptly: do a so-called “cool-down”, which helps the heart move from a high frequency of contractions to a normal one;
  • Do not start exercises if you feel unwell or weak.

The duration of training and the level of load should correspond to the goals and physical capabilities. If you exercise on a machine to lose weight, one session should take at least 40 minutes. Work out while listening to music - this way your workouts won't seem too boring.

Exercise machine for fighting cellulite

An exercise bike puts stress mainly on the muscles of the thighs - these are the names of the area that is mostly prone to cellulite deposits. During training, body temperature rises, which allows you to soften and break down fat reserves from the action zone. You can speed up the fat burning process with additional recommendations:

  • Exercise in special clothing. Profuse sweating accelerates all biochemical processes in the body, which makes it possible to more effectively fight fat cells.
  • Before and after training, massage problem areas to improve blood circulation.
  • Use special anti-cellulite creams.

But do not forget that cellulite is serious fat deposits. Don't expect instant results, exercise regularly and lead a healthy lifestyle. Then you will achieve the desired effect.

How to exercise correctly?

Before starting training, determine the maximum age-related heart rate (MEP) using the formula: 220 – age=MEP. During exercise, monitor your heart rate. The intensity of the load is measured as a percentage and depends on the goals:

  • 50-60% of the MVP – initial level of training, as well as restoration of the body and improvement of well-being;
  • 60-70% is the optimal frequency for burning fat;
  • 70-80% – endurance training.

Choose clothes for classes that are comfortable, but not too loose. A T-shirt with shorts or tapered pants works well. During training, carefully follow the general rules:

  • do not exercise on an empty stomach, eat foods rich in carbohydrates 40-60 minutes before training;
  • train during your peak activity period (“larks” – in the morning, “night owls” – in the evening);
  • Always keep water with you - you will get thirsty;
  • start the lesson with a warm-up, warm up your joints and muscles;
  • adjust the seat height - your knees should not rise higher than the steering wheel;
  • sit straight, relax, do not arch your back;
  • slightly round your shoulders, as if you were actually riding;
  • do not put your body weight on your hands, they should lie relaxed on the steering wheel;
  • to relax your back and neck, change the position of your arms, hold on with your hands or lean on the steering wheel with your elbows;
  • keep your feet parallel to the floor;
  • pedal smoothly;
  • the knees can be directed slightly inward or forward;
  • breathe through your nose;
  • ensure the uniform load on the leg muscles;
  • do not tilt your head, look ahead;
  • At the end, smoothly complete the workout and do a calming cool-down, such as stretching.

Maintaining proper technique is difficult at first. But soon you will get used to holding your body in the desired position. Conduct your first lessons under the supervision of a trainer. It will help correct possible inaccuracies.

Interval training program on an exercise bike

Each person will have an individual training program for losing weight on an exercise bike. A fitness instructor will help you here. He, like no one else, knows what type of exercise will be optimal. We offer only an approximate version of a high-intensity weight loss program:

  • warm-up ride – comfortable load, 3 minutes;
  • medium load of medium intensity – 5 minutes;
  • increased load - for the next 7 minutes, every 30 seconds, increase the load by one point;
  • repeat steps 2 and 3, and again switch to medium load;
  • smoothly transition to stopping the workout.

Points 2–4 can be repeated up to 3 times depending on your level of preparation. You can also change the angle and height of the platform for deeper muscle development. On average, the duration of the program is from 25 to 60 minutes. The time depends on the number of repetitions.




How to exercise on a simulator - video

In the video you will see how to properly configure the simulator for yourself

They will tell you what to pay attention to and how to get the most effective workout. You will also learn how to choose the right load intensity depending on your goal.


An exercise bike not only helps you keep your body in perfect shape, but also gives you a powerful boost of positivity. It’s not for nothing that it is one of the most popular and effective cardio equipment today.

What muscles work on an exercise bike?

  • Quadriceps (front surface of the thigh) are the muscles responsible for bending the legs at the knees. When lifting the hip towards the abdomen and then straightening, this function is activated when the pedals are made in a circular motion.
  • The muscles of the back surfaces of the thighs are designed to straighten the pelvis from tilting on straight legs, bending the legs at the knees and rotating the shins. When moving from the abdomen, the thigh stretches; when the knee bends, the heel moves towards the buttock. This is done by applying pressure to the pedals and making circular movements.
  • The buttock muscles work together with the quadriceps during cycling training. Exercises improve the appearance of the buttocks, making them more attractive.
  • The area of ​​work of the muscles responsible for flexing the hips (lumbar and iliacus) is the lower abdomen and upper thighs.
  • Exercises help strengthen the lower back muscles, they become more elastic, posture is corrected, and the spine is healthier. This simulator can relieve minor manifestations of scoliosis and even prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
  • Located in the calves of the legs, the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles are used when bending the leg and extending the foot, putting pressure on the pedal.
  • The location of the tibialis anterior muscle is the front of the lower leg. Designed for flexion of the feet.
  • Cycling also puts stress on the abdominal muscles, or more precisely, on the rectus abdominis muscle. Strong abs are important for maintaining balance and leaning, maintaining a straight back, and producing strength.
  • Classes involve not only muscles, but also joints: hip, knee, ankle, preventing the development of neuralgia, arthrosis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Comparison of an exercise bike and an orbitrek

Exercise bike training program for muscles

Orbitrek is the same exercise bike, only without a seat. You should train while standing on the orbit track. Both machines will help you quickly get back into shape and achieve your desired body weight.

Exercise bikeOrbitrek
Recommended for
Muscles involved
  • calf muscles;
  • muscles of the thigh.
  • press;
  • calf muscles;
  • buttocks;
  • hands.
Number of calories burned500-700 kcal per hour600-780 kcal per hour
  • compact;
  • available at most fitness centers or gyms;
  • Available for use by older people or those for whom high loads are contraindicated.
  • it is large, so it is not always possible to train at home;
  • more dangerous than an exercise bike.

Both the orbitrek and the exercise bike are equally useful for losing weight. Both simulators are cardio exercises; when exercising on them, fatty tissue is burned. You can choose the best type of exercise machine for you, based on your individual wishes and body characteristics.

The benefits of cardio training for the heart and blood vessels

An exercise bike is an excellent option for training the whole body, but the most primary factor here is cardio, that is, strengthening the cardiovascular system and training the heart:

  1. Strengthening the heart muscle. Regular training minimizes the possibility of developing various pathologies and heart diseases, and in general the circulatory system becomes healthier.
  2. Prevention of pathologies. Competent exercises are an excellent way to prevent thromboembolism, hypertension and other ailments.
  3. Functional reserve of the heart. The result of training is a clearer and more measured pulse. As you know, trained people generally have a less intense pulse compared to untrained people, and they breathe more deeply and rarely. The reason for this is precisely cardio training. Thanks to exercise, the heart works much more stable, and the load on the heart is reduced. This way the overall work reserve increases, you extend the period of functioning of this muscle.

Cardio training perfectly strengthens blood vessels and develops the circulatory system. In order to supply tissues with oxygen, more different parts of the circulatory system are involved - as a result, the body begins to work more efficiently. Let us remind you that a beneficial effect is achieved only with competent training and measured loads, and the benefits and harm to the heart are a purely individual concept.

Fat Burning Program for Men and Women

There are various training programs for beginners, an important part of each of which is an individual approach and a gradual increase in pedal resistance. For more impact, check out these 6 Rules for Efficient Pedaling

You should start with twice a week. The duration of the lesson is no more than twenty to twenty-five minutes. In the future, the frequency should increase to four to five times a week. The average duration of a lesson gradually increases and becomes equal to forty to fifty minutes.

The system is advisory in nature. For some it fits perfectly, but for some users it is necessary to make adjustments to it in accordance with their physical capabilities, age and other individual characteristics. Such a program can be designed for the first months of classes. In the future, it can be adjusted upward.

Selection rules

You should select a training device for your home based on your goals and the individual characteristics of the athlete who will be using it.

When choosing an exercise bike, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Weight. The lighter the unit, the easier it is to move it, but training on such a machine will be a little more difficult. And also, if the exercise machine has a lot of weight, it will be more stable and the exercises will be more comfortable.
  2. Flywheel rotation. The flywheel is a disc that provides resistance to the rotation of the pedals, thereby creating a load during training. It must rotate smoothly and have a mass of at least 7 kg.
  3. Load system. Some units make unpleasant noise, and this is not very good if you practice at home. The electromagnetic or magnetic load system eliminates unpleasant sound. The size of the simulator body also saves from noise: the larger it is, the less noise.
  4. Programs. Modern models have different training programs that help achieve different goals.
  5. Adjustment. Each athlete has individual characteristics, so the unit must be easy to change the position of the saddle and handrails.
  6. Cardiac telemetry. All new models are equipped with sensors to measure heart rate and body load. For comfort during exercise, they should be located in convenient places.

The parameters of the exercise bike model directly depend on your goals, so in order to:

  • strengthen blood vessels and improve heart function; the unit should have a pulse meter, a load control system, and a log;
  • relieve stress and tension - smooth movement and additional functions that diversify your workout;
  • lose weight – heavy load (flywheel with high mass).

When you have decided on the goals and main parameters of the model, before directly purchasing an exercise bike in the store you need to:

  1. Test its operation as with any car: you need to sit on it and pedal a little.
  2. Choose models from well-known manufacturers, if finances allow.
  3. View the maximum weight that the machine can support.
  4. Check the ease of fastening the feet on the pedals so that they do not rub and hold your feet securely during exercise.

If you take into account all the above tips, you can choose the most suitable exercise machine for use at home.

Test its operation, as with any car: you need to sit on it and pedal a little

Differences between an exercise bike and a real bicycle

In principle, in terms of benefits and harms and which muscles are worked, an exercise bike is similar to a bicycle. The performance will be approximately the same, because the same muscle group is involved. However, an exercise bike is more convenient because with it you can not depend on the vagaries of the weather, exercising at any convenient time. Not everyone is ready to ride a bike in cold weather, ice, or rain. This carries a risk of injury, which is minimized when practicing at home.

Another difference between an exercise bike is the ability to control your own biometric data, results, progress in classes, use basic and individual programs, and change the load. On a bicycle, this can only be done if you have a bicycle computer, which not all models are equipped with.

The main advantage of “classic” driving is the ability to breathe fresh air. But in the conditions of a modern metropolis, this is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. In addition, bicycle paths in Russian cities are quite rare.

The only thing in which a real bicycle beats a simulator is that there is no monotony of training due to the constant “change of view” before your eyes. The result is a noticeably improved mood. But at the same time, it is a distraction that prevents you from concentrating on the lesson.

An exercise bike for home is a completely worthy alternative to cycling in the fresh air or going to the gym. Knowing which muscles work when riding an exercise bike, it is easy to understand why fitness instructors, in the absence of contraindications, recommend it to almost everyone, regardless of gender and age. Training has a positive effect on the overall tone of the body and helps you lose weight. You just need to first familiarize yourself with the general rules of classes and other important nuances.

Features of classes for various diseases and conditions

After evaluating the benefits of cycling aerobics, most likely you will want to exercise. Just keep in mind that in addition to these, there are other restrictions:

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Spinbike classes during pregnancy planning are very important.
These workouts strengthen the body and are quite acceptable within reasonable limits. During pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), such training is not recommended. You should not go to a cycling studio while breastfeeding.

It is best to limit yourself to simpler activities: walking or something similar.

For sore knees

In the initial stages of arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joint, an exercise bike is even prescribed as a preventive measure for the knees, but we are talking about a simple exercise bike and fairly light workouts, but not a bike.
Serious pain in the knees, consequences of injuries, etc. make it possible to train only at an easy pace and only after consulting a doctor. In general, cycling training, where body position often changes and high loads are used, is not the best option for those who have problems with knee joints and who have pain in their legs. In this case, if your knee joints are painful, it is better to choose a simple exercise bike.

For varicose veins of the legs

Is it possible to exercise with varicose veins? Classes are possible only in the initial stages of the disease, even before the appearance of varicose veins. You definitely need to look at your body's reaction. For the first 4-6 weeks, you should train on light-intensity programs and only then (if the disease does not progress) switch to moderate loads.

When the disease is quite serious and especially due to age, you should completely abandon such intense training.

For a sore back

If the body is in a more or less static position, then during exercise the load on the back is practically removed. If the training is performed only while sitting, then the back is in a position as if “along the ground.” Light static load strengthens stabilizer muscles and is useful for hernias and curvatures. If you have back pain, you need a special recumbent exercise bike.

Here you should pay attention to two main parameters:

  • degree of disease - with scoliosis (stage 1-2), with protrusions or herniation of the spine (intervertebral hernia), such exercises are not allowed;
  • training program – with frequent changes of body position and significant loads, back problems are a limitation to training.

If the disease is at an early stage, then with moderate and light loads you can take up weight training.

For other diseases

We note such diseases as:

fibroids - with fibroids you need to train with extreme caution, it is better not to use normal cycling, regardless of the location of the nodes, with this disease it is necessary not to significantly increase the pulse and not to put stress on the abdominal muscles;

high blood pressure - if you have high blood pressure, it is better to start with physical therapy and exercise on simple exercise bikes, and continue with cycling;

vegetative-vascular dystonia - exercises are not recommended for VSD, since cycling has many symptoms that negatively affect VSD; only light independent training is possible, but short and in combination with other various activities;

diseases of the thyroid gland - if you have a thyroid problem, exercise is possible, but only under careful self-control and with regular examinations;

diseases of the respiratory system - at significant stages of the disease, intense stress can only worsen the ailments, however, in the initial stages and with psychosomatic ailments, they may well be useful;

endometriosis – with endometriosis, you need to limit exercise during menstruation and not make training stressful, that is, for the most part, train for your own pleasure without excessive stress.

In conclusion, cycling is not a workout for everyone. For the most part, these activities are only for healthy people. They are available for some ailments, but for the most part only at light intensity.

Also check out the video below:

Overall, these activities have a lot of benefits and help you achieve many different goals. We hope that this material has created additional interest in cycling and brought you benefits.

Which exercise machines to choose for the cardio zone

These devices are designed to enhance the effect of training. This means that they help improve muscle definition when there is already a base for work, that is, muscle mass. However, sports machines are the best solution for beginners, as they help them strengthen their still weak muscles, preparing them for training with free weights - barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells.

Models for hands

Biceps-triceps machine

A combined machine designed for pumping the muscles of the shoulders - biceps and triceps. These are small muscles that respond well to targeted training. In essence, it imitates a Scott bench, only the load is created not by a barbell, but by tiles or disks. Biceps training occurs by bending your arms with your elbows resting on the desk.

Delta machine

The delta machine shoulder exercise involves raising your arms bent at the elbows to the sides, which is similar to dumbbell raises. The difference is that when working in a machine, movements are carried out along a strictly defined trajectory. Thanks to this, the athlete can completely focus on the deltoids without controlling his actions.

Models for the back

Vertical block thrust

This exercise must be included in the training of beginners. It helps strengthen the back muscles without putting dangerous strain on the spine. The main movement performed by the athlete is based on pulling a load with a wide grip to the chest or behind the head in a sitting position. The exercise has a fairly simple technique, is injury-free, and allows you not only to shorten the target group, but also to stretch it well. However, movements should be smooth and controlled, without sudden jerks.

How to use exercise equipment at the gym

Horizontal block thrust

Unlike the vertical, the horizontal involves pulling the weight towards the belt with a narrow position of the arms. For this purpose, a V-shaped handle is used, which allows you to keep your elbows as close to the body as possible. In addition to the widest muscles, the rear deltoids are also involved in the work. The technique is not complicated, but it is necessary to position your legs correctly and rest them well on the platform so that the load does not transfer to the lower back.

Models for breasts


Working in it imitates raising dumbbells to the sides while lying on a bench or bringing your arms together in a crossover. The advantage of butterfly training is the isolated impact on the pectoral muscles with minimal involvement of the auxiliary muscles. To bring the hands together, levers are used that move along a given path. This exercise stretches the muscles well, is not difficult, but can become traumatic if pulled sharply.

Chest press

The actions performed by the user are similar to the classic dumbbell bench press. The machine also has an isolated effect on the chest, and the system of independent levers allows you to work the muscles separately. As with the dumbbell press, when working in the machine, the levers are brought together at the end point, which provides a good contraction. This professional exercise machine is equipped with a height-adjustable seat, so athletes of different heights can adjust it to suit themselves.

Ab models

Press machine

Girl on the exercise machine

Pumping the abdominal muscles in such a machine is carried out by performing crunches in a sitting position. To securely fix the position, there are rollers for the shins, which prevent the legs from participating in the process. The main load falls on the rectus and transverse muscles, which form a beautiful relief. The main advantages of training in such a sports machine are the ability to work with heavy weights and minimal stress on the lower back.

roman chair

Very popular and effective equipment, which, due to its small size, can be used at home. The bench exercise works great on the upper abdomen, but puts stress on the lower back. Therefore, when performing crunches on a chair, you should not lean back too much.

Leg models

Leg press

Every fitness club should have such a professional strength training machine. It allows you to pump the entire lower body. In order to change the accents, it is necessary to vary the position of the legs. So, with a narrow stance, the quadriceps are well used, with a wide stance, the buttocks and inner thighs are used.

Biceps-quadriceps machine

A combined machine designed to work the front and back surfaces of the thighs. Leg extension, aimed at pumping the quadriceps, is carried out while sitting. This position ensures reliable fixation of the body, which reduces the negative impact on the spine. Leg curls to train biceps are performed while lying down.


This sports strength training device can rightfully be considered a complex engineering design. It consists of two load-block frames connected at the top by a metal beam, and involves working with both the lower block and the upper one. By exercising in a crossover, you can pump up all muscle groups of the body. An important advantage is that two people can exercise at the same time.

Smith machine

Another universal exercise machine that can easily be called a brilliant sports invention. It is a steel frame with a built-in bar on which weights are hung. This is a unique find for beginners, since, first of all, the machine helps to master the technique of one of the most difficult basic exercises - squats. In addition, it is suitable for deadlifts, calf raises, lunges, bench presses, push-ups, pull-ups and more.

Women need to be careful when working on exercise machines and not use maximum loads. A girl with pronounced biceps and six-pack abs will not be attractive.

If you use the equipment correctly, the results will be positive - a toned body with a narrow waist and a straight back. To achieve your goal, you need to work on yourself every day, eliminate bad habits and organize a healthy diet.

Before starting classes, you should undergo a medical examination in order to know your options when choosing a schedule and intensity of training. For example, for girls going through puberty and with problems with the menstrual cycle, it is better to use gentle exercises and give up strength training for a while.

Strength training equipment is aimed at working out the areas where fat is most often deposited - thighs, abdomen and buttocks. The main ones will be exercise machines that work the lower body.

Such equipment can be used in training the leg and gluteal muscles, for example, for:

  • lying leg curls;

    Types of exercise equipment in the gym and how to exercise on them. Names for girls

  • seated leg curls;
  • moving the legs back;
  • legs flattening/spreading.

Platform and hyperextension helps combat problems in the lower body.

For the upper body - chest, arms, back, you can choose the following exercise machines:

  • Smith's instrument;
  • hyperextension;
  • block on a cable with traction;
  • butterfly

When choosing abdominal exercise machines, you need to understand: they have a bad effect on the waist and it is better to use exercises that make the stomach flat, but not decorated with six-pack muscles.

Modern manufacturers offer various models of cardio equipment.

They differ in their operating principle and are divided into:

  • working from the efforts of the practitioner;
  • operating from built-in electronics. This allows you to change the level and strength of the load.

This type of sports equipment has both advantages and disadvantages.

The main indications for the use of cardio equipment include:

  • the ability to strengthen the cardiac and muscular systems;
  • establishing proper breathing;
  • strengthening endurance;
  • removal of excess fats;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • strengthening the elasticity of the spine and joints.

These indications relate to the general system of operation of such simulators without taking into account their individual properties.

Contraindications include:

  • the presence of problems in the cardiovascular system. The strength and intensity of the load can be reduced or completely eliminated;
  • existing diabetes mellitus;
  • diagnosis of thrombophlebitis;
  • infectious inflammation;
  • neoplasms;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature.

Contraindications are not broad, so in many cases doctors do not limit the patient’s physical activity.

The choice of the type of exercise machine for training in the gym or at home depends on the tasks that it must perform. You should first discuss the load with your doctor.

Article design: Mila Friedan

You will need: a treadmill, a bicycle and an elliptical.

Treadmill. If you plan to place 10 cardio equipment in the room, focus on the tracks; there should be 4-5 of them. The width of the canvas is 50–60 cm, suitable for different types of running and walking.

How and how much you need to train at home to lose weight using an exercise bike

Losing weight with an exercise bike - general principles:

  • exercise 3 to 6 times a week;
  • one lesson should last at least 30 minutes;
  • the heart rate should be between 70 and 80% of the maximum level, which is 220 minus the person’s age;
  • Practice interval training, it is more effective for burning calories.

Easy ride


  1. Sit on the exercise bike that is customized for you and place your hands on the handlebars.
  2. Straighten your body, tighten your stomach.
  3. Place your feet on the pedals with the middle of your feet, or insert your feet into the special mounts on the pedals.
  4. Start pedaling with your feet.
  5. The movement should occur due to the tension of the leg muscles, and not due to the transfer of body weight.
  6. Spin the pedals one at a time without jerking, maintain an even pace.
  7. Do not put your body weight forward on your hands.

Video: How to exercise correctly to lose weight on an exercise bike

Easy driving with high load


  1. Set the exercise bike to high load.
  2. Start pedaling.
  3. Maintain a straight body and correct leg position, otherwise you risk injury.
  4. Do not help yourself pedal with your body weight, do not move your body to the sides and do not help with your hands.
  5. There should be no pain in your knees.
  6. You can choose any speed available to you under high load.
  7. You can lean forward a little to simulate riding a racing bike.

Video: Riding while seated with a high load

Driving fast while standing


  1. Take the starting position on the exercise bike, making sure that your feet are stable on the pedals.
  2. Stand with your straight legs vertical above your feet.
  3. Secure your hands on the steering wheel.
  4. Make sure that your pelvis does not sway left and right and that your back does not hunch.
  5. Do not raise your shoulders up and try to transfer the main load to your legs.

Video: Fast driving while standing

Slow riding while standing

It simulates climbing a mountain. Technique:

  1. Take the starting position on the exercise bike.
  2. Set the load to high.
  3. Stand with your feet on the pedals and grip on the steering wheel.
  4. Pedal at a slow pace, paying attention to the position of your legs and body. To avoid damaging your joints, tighten your hips and buttocks.

Video: Slow riding while standing with a high load

Easy driving at a fast pace

This ride simulates descending from a mountain. Technique:

  1. Take the starting position on the exercise bike.
  2. Set to low resistance or low load.
  3. Pedal at a fast pace.
  4. Light workload and fast pace do not mean you can relax. Make sure that the body does not bounce on the seat or swing from side to side.

Outwardly, this kind of riding does not differ from simple riding, but in terms of load, cardio predominates in it.

Video: Fast riding while sitting

Rises while driving


  1. Take the starting position on the machine.
  2. Choose from two options: high load and low pace or low load and high pace.
  3. After 30 seconds, stand up and continue pedaling while standing without interrupting your workout.
  4. Change the position of the body in this way every 30 seconds, this will give additional stress to the buttocks.

Video: Alternate riding standing and sitting

Handlebar push-ups


  1. Take the starting position on the exercise bike while standing.
  2. Start pedaling at your chosen pace.
  3. Keeping your body straight and without slowing down, bend your arms and inhale, bringing your chest closer to the steering wheel.
  4. Without stopping at the bottom, as you exhale, straighten your arms, pushing yourself back to the starting position.
  5. Maintain the selected driving pace at all times.
  6. Perform push-ups only from a standing position.

Interval program

The point of this technique for eliminating excess weight is to use different speeds during one session. This program must be preceded by several regular workouts of 30 minutes at a speed of 25 - 30 km/h. After such preparation, you can choose one of the following programs:

Exercise bike training program for muscles

  1. 15–16 km/h, easy workout for weight loss on an exercise bike, allows you to burn calories with a weight of 50 kg, 55-300, 60 – 340, 65 –
  2. 19–20 km/h, average training: 50kg – 370, 55 – 405, 60 – 450, 65 – 480.
  3. 22–25 km/h, vigorous training: 50k – 485, 55 – 515, 60 – 565, 65 – 600.
  4. 27–30 km/h, strenuous training: 50 kg – 590, 55 – 635, 60 – 680, 65 – 730.
  5. from 35 km/h, very intense training: 50 kg – 775, 55 – 845, 69 – 900, 65 – 975.

The duration of each workout in this table is assumed to be an hour long. The effectiveness of exercise can be determined by the presence of a moderate burning sensation in the working muscle groups (not to be confused with soreness), which persists for 20 minutes.

Program “Minus 10 kg”

Exercise bike training program for muscles

  1. Warm up for 3 minutes at Individual Exercise Rating (IER) 3, 0% incline or resistance 1-5.
  2. Preparation 2 minutes, ION 8 (very high load), accelerated mode is added. Or: 2 minutes, ION 5 (moderate load), but slow down the pace and do 4 sets.
  3. Glute workout: 1 minute, ION 7-8 (high and very high load), duration 5 minutes. It is necessary to change the pace, incline or resistance every minute.
  4. Cool down: 3 minutes, ION 3 (light load), no incline, but with resistance 1-5.

Which is better: an orbitrek or an exercise bike for weight loss?

Exercise bike training program for muscles

An exercise bike is an imitation of cycling. Orbitrek is an elliptical trainer designed for cardio training; it combines the functions of a treadmill and a step machine. On the first, the muscles of the legs, lumbar region and hips are loaded, on the second, in addition to those listed, the shoulders, arms and the body itself also work.

Classes on the orbitrek may not be available for people who are very overweight. This design is too large and cumbersome to easily place such a device in an apartment for individual classes.

If possible, you can combine training on these two apparatuses. If not, then a more compact exercise bike is better suited for home, and you can visit the gym for exercise on the orbit track.

Interval training on an exercise bike: how to build

* Determine your workout heart rate zones.

“When it comes to interval training, it makes sense to focus specifically on the pulse,” insists Anastasia Yatsyna. — Otherwise, the idea of ​​“intensive” and “weak” load is subjective and very arbitrary. You may underestimate her and simply not be able to cope with the class. Or overestimate and not get any benefit from it. To avoid mistakes, calculate your maximum heart rate (using the formula 220 minus age). During intense work, your heart rate (HR) should be in the zone of 70-80% of the maximum; during rest, it should be approximately 50% of it.” Buy a heart rate monitor and rely on its readings.

* To increase the load and move to intense work, increase the resistance or speed.

The first method is more suitable for well-trained athletes and allows you to work your leg muscles. The second one can be recommended for those who are weaker. “In this case, the resistance needs to be reset, but not to zero,” says Anastasia Yatsyna. — To adjust the load, first turn it all the way to “idle”, then increase it until you feel a slight grip on the road. It is with this clutch that you will pedal as quickly as possible, bringing your heart rate to a high level. And rest with a little more resistance.”

* Listen to yourself.

The given heart rate indicators are not a reason to necessarily catch up with your heart rate to them. “If you quickly run out of steam while pedaling at a heart rate of 70% of the maximum value, do not raise it even higher, to 80%,” says Anastasia Yatsyna.

* Vary the time of intense work and rest.

Is it difficult to withstand 60 seconds of intense exercise? Reduce this interval to 30-40 seconds. 75 seconds of rest were not enough to restore breathing, increase this time by another 15-20 seconds. Start the next push only when you are ready for it. But it is better to leave the number of cycles (8-12) unchanged.

As, by the way, is the case if an intense workout on an exercise bike seems too easy to you. The expert does not advise in this case to further increase the load, further increasing the heart rate, reducing the rest time and increasing the duration of high-speed jerks. “When you study according to the Little-Gibal scheme, you get quite sufficient load,” emphasizes Anastasia Yatsyna. — They’re just well prepared. In this case, it is better to include other interval training in your schedule, for example on the elliptical or treadmill.”

Benefits and contraindications for training

An exercise bike can be compared to a medical pacemaker, since it puts an excellent load on the heart muscle, which helps strengthen it. With the right load and training regimen, you can count on losing weight. By understanding how to use a home exercise bike correctly, you can independently achieve a beautiful and inflated figure and maintain a high level of health.

Benefits of homeschooling

Important, that:

  • during home exercises on this sports machine it is almost impossible to get injured, since the risk of falling and colliding with other traffic participants who can be met on the street is zero;
  • such training is not contraindicated for people with joint or spine problems;
  • there is no need to waste time and money on going to the gym;
  • there is an opportunity to study in any free time;
  • you can not depend on the weather;
  • there is no need to purchase special shoes or any other equipment used for safety (for example, if you ride a bicycle on the street, you need a bicycle helmet);
  • The exercise bike can be compactly placed in any room and even on the balcony.

Modern exercise bikes have built-in computer equipment with the ability to monitor indicators such as:

  • pulse;
  • calories burned;
  • accumulated kilometers.

And also for proper distribution of muscle and cardio loads, it is possible to set a convenient intensity mode using an odometer that measures wheel revolutions. Modern sports devices are designed in such a way that anyone can achieve results by exercising on them, even if their sports activities started from scratch and are at a minimum level.

What are the benefits of an exercise bike?

Exercise on an exercise bike is a separate type of aerobic exercise, in which:

  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves (an exercise bike is also called a cardio exercise machine);
  • the activity of the heart muscle and lungs is stimulated;
  • the body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the respiratory system develops;
  • weight loss effect is achieved;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • salt deposits in the lumbar and cervical spine are dispersed.

For men, exercise on an exercise bike is useful because it allows you to:

  • pump up leg muscles;
  • gain an attractive body contour;
  • develop endurance and strength of the body.

The benefits of classes for women are as follows:

  • you can remove excess fat from the sides;
  • there is a real opportunity to tighten your hips and buttocks, make your figure slim and fit;
  • You can fulfill your long-standing desire and get rid of cellulite.

The results of regular cycling training meet all expectations, since the exercise bike not only burns fat and excess calories, but also transforms them into the necessary vital energy. The benefits of such exercises for the heart and general strengthening of the body on a cardio machine are obvious. But we must not forget about contraindications.

How to work your calf muscles?

It is very difficult to answer this question, since the calf muscles practically do not increase here. They become more prominent, and sometimes even decrease in volume. Therefore, here we can only talk about pumping up the calves and making this muscle group more developed.

As you know, calves are generally difficult to train and require a significant number of repetitions. To increase volume, you will objectively need to use weight work and specific exercises like the Arnold donkey.

Even if you work with a heavy load on an exercise bike, your calves do not receive a separate and specific load, although they work quite actively.

Long and frequent workouts will give you more sinewy calves, and you will be able to gain elastic and functional muscles. Pumping for volume will require a combination of some isolated calf movements in combination with an exercise bike.

A good option for additional training is to place your feet on your toes or on the edges of the pedals. We strongly discourage you from using this technique regularly, but in order to give an accentuated load to your calves, you can do 20-30 movements at maximum load.

Also watch the video:


We hope this information helped you learn how to make your legs more prominent using this exercise machine.

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