A diet for a flat stomach will help you achieve spectacular results.

According to surveys, most men consider the stomach to be one of the most attractive parts of the body. A graceful waist is not only beautiful, but also a sign of health. Excess fat accumulation provokes the development of pathologies of internal organs, apnea, and problems with the spine. A diet for a flat stomach will help prevent a number of diseases, increase self-esteem and proudly parade along the beach.

Causes of belly fat

In women, the presence of fat in the abdominal area is due to nature. During pregnancy, it represents a barrier that protects against external influences. But often the percentage of fat in this area is much higher than normal. There may be several reasons:

  1. Banal overeating, aggravated by a lack of physical activity. A person needs a certain amount of calories. All excess is converted into fats by the body.
  2. Stress, which most people prefer to “eat up” with sweet, starchy foods.
  3. Hormonal imbalances and diseases of the reproductive system can cause a protruding belly. Women, before resorting to diets for a thin waist, are advised to undergo a medical examination by an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

General information

In the modern world, most women and many men strive to have a flat stomach with elastic abs.
Stereotypes rooted in modern society push us to fight for ideal forms. Therefore, all means aimed at losing weight and correcting shape are used. But even if the overall process of losing weight is gradually progressing, very often women find that it is not possible to remove fat from the so-called problem areas. One of these areas is the abdomen, from which fat deposits in women usually disappear very slowly. Effective and simple diets for losing belly fat will help speed up this process. How you need to eat right to reduce the amount of belly fat, and how to follow the best diets to quickly reduce the amount of fat deposits in this area, will be discussed in the article below.

What should be the diet for a flat stomach and thin waist?

Losing weight locally - only in a certain part of the body - is not typical for a person. But according to the observations of many who are losing weight, the stomach is a certain exception. He is the first to signal about extra pounds and also quickly loses volume when the diet is cut.

On a note! Diligently pumping up your abs is a commendable thing. But without a diet, your waist will not become thin. Pumped up abdominal muscles will remain invisible under a layer of fat.

There are many variations of designer diets for the waist. They differ from each other in the different ratios of BZHU, the introduction of exotic components into the diet. But everyone has general recommendations:

  1. Any diet for a flat stomach and thin waist is based on a calorie deficit. No other method of losing weight has yet been invented. A lack of energy units is possible with a decrease in caloric intake or an increase in physical activity, even better when they are in tandem. There is no point in fitting yourself into the generally accepted framework of 1200–1500 kcal. Depending on the initial weight, height, and activity, the indicators for each person vary. Therefore, you need to calculate your calorie standards individually, using applications and online services.
  2. Small, five-a-day meals for a flat stomach are the best option. If you eat small portions, but often, your stomach will gradually decrease in size, which will accordingly affect your waist size. In addition, this approach allows you to avoid overeating; a person is not haunted by constant hunger.
  3. Dishes are prepared without oil, with the exception of salads, for which oil is used as a dressing. Boiling, stewing, baking in foil, on the grill, in the oven are possible ways to process food if you want to have a thin waist.
  4. Protein food is an essential component. Protein is a building material for cells and muscles. It saturates well. Lack of protein when losing weight leads to a person losing muscle mass, but not fat. A diet for the belly and waist should include sea and river fish, poultry, cottage cheese, seafood, eggs, soft cheeses, beef, and rabbit meat. Vegetable protein abounds in legumes, nuts, and cereals.
  5. Despite the fact that many people practice low-carb diets, carbohydrates cannot be completely eliminated. In their absence, there is increased fatigue, headaches, decreased concentration, which negatively affects work activity and mood. Carbohydrates are also important for the weight loss process. They contain a lot of fiber, which provides satiety, swelling and filling the stomach, and improves intestinal function. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, berries, whole grain cereals.
  6. Healthy fats also help with weight loss. They are found in fish, vegetable oil, avocados, nuts, olives, and seeds.
  7. Compliance with the drinking regime is another component of successful weight loss in the abdominal area. By drinking 100 ml before a meal, the amount of food eaten is automatically reduced. In addition, water promotes the natural evacuation of toxic compounds that appear as a result of the breakdown of lipids.

Physiologists and nutritionists argue about the norms of water consumption. The latter believe that the average person should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day; fresh juices, coffee, tea, compotes and first courses are not taken into account. Physiologists adhere to the concept that the daily volume refers to all the liquid that we consume, including through food.

Long mode

Those who are interested in what kind of diet is needed to remove belly fat should understand that the basic principles of nutrition for losing weight in problem areas are relevant for any diet, of which there are currently a lot.

The basic principles of any of the diets are as follows:

  • Adjust your diet. The meaning of such changes is as follows: you need to minimize foods with a high glycemic index. Fruits and vegetables should take their place. Changes in diet should not be too drastic, otherwise a person has every chance of breaking down.
  • Motivate yourself to lose weight. Goals must be realistic - kilograms or centimeters must be lost smoothly and gradually.
  • The diet should be healthy and balanced. It is better to practice those nutritional plans that make it possible to lose weight gradually and do not create noticeable discomfort.
  • Combine diet with exercise. You need to start doing exercises gradually so that the body is not overloaded. If we are talking about running, then jogging at first should be short, if the exercises are small complexes, so that over time the desire to exercise does not disappear.
  • Fat in problem areas should gradually be replaced by muscle mass. But this can only be achieved gradually. That is, you first need to get rid of excess fat deposits, and then gradually increase the amount of muscle with the help of special exercises.
  • Those who are interested not only in how to remove their sides and belly, but also in how to get firm abs, should pay attention to special exercises for the abs. But they should also be done after the fat layer has decreased.

You already know what balanced nutrition is, and now let’s talk in more detail about its principles. Energy balance is the correspondence of the energy value of the daily diet to the energy expenditure of the body. Thus, you should eat exactly as many calories as you burn throughout the day.

You should break your nutrition into many small meals. You eat every 2-3 hours, the portions should be small. You should not overeat; after eating you should feel slightly hungry. Within 20 minutes, you need to have time to consume all the prepared foods, but be sure to be in a good mood. So turn on the music, call your friends.

You can eat the following foods:

  • all kinds of fruits and fresh vegetables;
  • porridge and testicles;
  • legumes;
  • dairy products;
  • dietary, boiled, steamed meat.

You can drink water, green tea without sugar, dried fruit compotes or natural juices. Be sure to do effective abdominal exercises if you have the strength. You can lose about 5 kg in a week if you are not lazy.

Eating the same foods every day for 4 weeks is a difficult task for you. Therefore, diversify your diet for the month with delicious recipes. It is important to follow the main rules of the regime. Every day, eat about 200 g of any meat with proper heat treatment. Don't forget about the need for protein and fiber, so eat vegetables and dairy products. Favorite sweets and cakes are strictly prohibited! Remember that you need to exit the mode smoothly. Otherwise, your weight will return at lightning speed.

What should you give up for the sake of a graceful waist?

The list of prohibitions is not so long:

  1. A diet for a flat stomach completely excludes the consumption of fried foods. Eat 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in salads will only bring benefits. But from immersing food in boiling oil, you can’t expect anything more than fat on the sides and enrichment of the body with carcinogens. The calorie content of fried foods is almost 2 times higher compared to boiled ones. For example, the energy value of one boiled egg is 68–70 kcal, and a fried one is already 125 kcal.
  2. Sugar is absolutely empty calories, and if you show willpower and forget about this product, then the problem of excess weight will cease to be relevant. Conducted experiments prove that the stomach “deflates” literally before our eyes after giving up sugar. Radical changes - minus 2-3 cm in the waist replacement within 3 days.
  3. In a diet for a waist and a flat stomach, there is no place for mayonnaise, industrial ketchup, or sauce. Visualizing its components will help you easily stop eating mayonnaise. This is just a glass of sunflower oil, whipped with vinegar, eggs and additives.
  4. Semi-finished products, margarine, spreads, canned food, fatty sausages, packaged juices are prohibited.
  5. Avoiding alcohol is advisable. Occasionally you can indulge in a glass of dry wine.

The best diet for a thin waist and flat stomach, advice from nutritionists and a sample menu

Why does fat accumulate in problem areas?

Problem areas in women are the hips, abdomen, and sides. Among the fair sex, fat, which is difficult to get rid of, accumulates there. This is explained by physiological features. The main purpose of a woman is to give birth to offspring, which subsequently need to be fed.

In addition, the gradual accumulation of fat in problem areas is influenced by other factors that can be called well-known:

  • Being in a constant state of stress, which leads to overeating.
  • Regular consumption of high-calorie foods containing simple carbohydrates. Baking, confectionery, sweets - all this very quickly “increases” problem areas on the body.
  • Insufficient physical activity - most people are forced to spend 8 hours at work. At the same time, they travel by transport, but are indifferent to sports. The result is excess belly fat.
  • Hormonal imbalances – very often this pathology leads to uncontrolled weight gain. In this case, you need to contact a specialist and conduct a full examination.

It is important to pay attention to the described reasons and try to eliminate the provoking factors. To avoid belly fat, you need to practice an integrated approach: you need not only a balanced and effective diet for losing weight in the belly and sides, but also daily physical activity. You can also practice auxiliary methods - massage, body wraps, going to the sauna.

  • Drink water on an empty stomach. After waking up in the morning, you need to drink a glass of warm water with a little lemon juice squeezed into it. This will help activate intestinal function and speed up metabolic processes.
  • Moisturize the skin. It is important to regularly apply regular or special anti-cellulite cream to problem areas, doing this after taking a shower.
  • Carry out wraps. This auxiliary procedure should also be carried out regularly. Wraps are carried out using coffee, seaweed, honey, etc.
  • Wear special belts. This device will help enhance the effect of training and stimulate fat burning specifically in the abdominal area. However, it is important to understand that such a belt is only an aid and will not help you lose weight without physical activity.
  • Do massage. You can do it yourself or contact professional massage therapists. Special creams and gels are used for massage.

Flat belly diet in a week: menu

The author of the technique belongs to the American Cynthia Sass. The main concept is that healthy fats will help defeat bad fats. And to increase efficiency and speed up metabolism, those losing weight are offered a special drink, named after its creator - Sassi water.

Recommended Products:

  • avocado;
  • nuts;
  • olives;
  • vegetables without starch, mainly carrots, tomatoes;
  • grapefruit, orange;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • dark chocolate in limited quantities;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • lean meat, fish.

A taboo is imposed on any fried, overly spicy food, coffee, carbonated drinks, fast food and chewing gum.

Meal plan for the “Flat Belly in a Week” diet:

  • The caloric content of the diet for the first 3–4 days does not exceed 1200 kcal, 3 meals;
  • in the following days, the daily calorie intake is 1600 kcal, divided into 4 meals.

Important! A prerequisite is the consumption of Sassi water. It accelerates metabolic processes, enriches the body with vitamins, and prevents gas formation.

Its daily volume varies in the range of 2–4 liters. The first glass is drunk immediately after waking up, the rest at intervals of 1.5–2 hours.

How to prepare Sassi water:

  1. Add freshly squeezed juice of 1-2 lemons or sliced ​​citrus fruits to 2 liters of water. It is allowed to replace sour fruits with grapefruit and orange.
  2. Add one fresh cucumber, ginger root, and mint sprigs, cut into rings, to the drink.

The flat belly diet by Cynthia Sass is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal pathologies associated with high acidity.

Exercises for abdominal muscles

Various methods claim that you can lose weight, you just have to want it. At home, people waste a lot of money on various diets. But unfortunately, they often turn out to be ineffective. How to get a flat stomach quickly, because it did not appear in one day or in a week. Therefore, the result will not be immediate, but at least after several months.

Diet plus physical activity will help you get rid of hated fat:

  1. Stretches that are performed on prepared muscles.
  2. Before and after exercise or fitness classes, you should not eat food for 2 hours.
  3. To stay in shape, you should attend classes at least 3 times a week. But you shouldn’t walk every day either, because losing weight is a lot of work for the body and therefore it needs rest after heavy physical exertion.
  4. During critical days, you can reduce the load, but you shouldn’t give up completely.
  5. If it is not possible to visit fitness clubs, systematic training at home will help.

Exercises for a flat stomach at home

A set of exercises for a flat stomach at home


An accelerated step that turns into running. Running time 7 minutes.


We stand straight, stomach drawn in. Feet shoulder width apart. Place your arms along your body. We take a step back with our left foot. When we inhale we go down, when we exhale we go up. The exercise is performed in two sets of approximately 30 half squats.

Extending the hip joints

The back is straight, the abdominal muscles are drawn in. Focus on your knees and palms on the floor. Hands do not extend beyond the shoulder line.


For deep abdominal muscles. The body is horizontal. Focus on your toes and forearms. We tense our muscles. We lift our leg up as we inhale, and as we exhale we put it back. 30 times for each leg

Straight crunches

Targets the abdominal muscles. We lie on our stomach, stretch our arms along the body, bend our legs at the knees. As you exhale, lift your body. We do it 30 times.

Keto diet

The ketogenic diet was developed for people suffering from epilepsy. Subsequently, it was adopted by athletes and those losing weight. Nutritious menu: meat and even fatty foods, rapid weight loss, preservation of muscle mass are its main advantages.

The main principle of the ketogenic diet is based on the fact that it is necessary to bring the body to a state of ketosis. When the supply of glucose stops in the first 3 days, the entire glycogen reserve is consumed, then the process of lipid breakdown begins, resulting in the formation of ketone bodies that supply energy to the brain. The weight process takes about 10 days. To trigger ketosis, the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 30 g per day, according to other sources - 100 g.

The basis of the diet is food of animal origin: meat, fish, poultry, eggs. Supplement with butter, cottage cheese, cheeses, vegetable oils, mushrooms, seafood, offal, vegetables: cabbage of all types, green beans, leafy greens, celery, zucchini, onions, tomatoes in limited quantities, nuts. Strawberries can be consumed in limited quantities. Other products are prohibited.

Despite its effectiveness, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of the diet. Ketosis is accompanied by headaches, increased fatigue, irritability, and an unpleasant acetone odor from the mouth. Also, long-term consumption of meat and fatty products can provoke the development and exacerbation of gout.

Meal plan for 7 days diet

To get a flat stomach, follow the 7-day meal plan for effective results. Simple and delicious recipes are easy to prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Diet for losing belly fat: menu for the week

Day 1

Breakfast: omelet with pepper. Snack: vegetable salad (broccoli, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers). Lunch: Chicken breast with brown rice, mushrooms and asparagus. Snack: big apple. Dinner: Beef with fresh herbs and olive oil with basil.

Day 2

Breakfast: a glass of fruit or vegetable smoothie. Snack: grapefruit. Lunch: meatballs with quinoa. Snack: banana. Dinner: meat chop with garlic and spinach.

Day 3

Breakfast: Homemade granola with skim milk. Snack: avocado. Lunch: egg noodles with vegetable broth. Snack: can of tuna (no oil). Dinner: large salad with chicken breast, sweet peppers, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Day 4

Breakfast: 2 whole grain toasts with peanut butter and banana slices. Snack: a plate of vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers). Lunch: beef with vegetables. Snack: A handful of nuts or seeds (peanuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds). Dinner: mushroom soup.

Day 5

Breakfast: a portion of fruit salad (kiwi, apples, bananas, pineapple, etc.). Afternoon snack: two medium fruits of your choice (peaches, nectarines, prunes, etc.). Lunch: Boiled brown rice with two slices of ham. Snack: a plate of vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers). Dinner: meat chop with broccoli.

Day 6

Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs with ham and avocado. Afternoon snack: 2 tomatoes. Lunch: baked cauliflower with cheese. Snack: a few slices of pineapple. Dinner: baked chicken with zucchini.

Day 7

Breakfast: smoothie. Snack: fruit of your choice. Lunch: large salad with tuna, cheese and vegetables. Snack: a piece of melon. Dinner: steamed cutlets.

The diet allows you to replace any of the dishes with your own version if it contains healthy food products.


Express diets for a flat stomach

Fast diets are designed for 3 days. Most are based on the consumption of one product:

  1. The buckwheat diet, which has already set everyone's teeth on edge, but is still popular. The daily diet includes 200 g of dry cereal, which is soaked in boiling water. Addition to the menu – 1 liter of kefir. The oat diet has a similar principle.
  2. Fruit, berry, vegetable.
  3. Diet for a flat stomach using Bonn soup - a vegetable soup is cooked from onions, sweet peppers, cabbage and tomatoes. Add celery if desired. You can eat soup in unlimited quantities due to its extremely low calorie content.

The best diet for a thin waist and flat stomach, advice from nutritionists and a sample menu

How to lose belly fat: tips for men

Prepare a smoothie

Try to curb your junk food cravings with fruit and vegetable smoothies. This snack option can also be quite balanced in nutrients, including proteins, fats and fiber. We advise you to indulge in green smoothies using avocados, cucumbers, kiwis and herbs. And when you want something sweet and unhealthy, take a mix of your favorite berries and fruits, mix them together in a blender, add a handful of granola with nuts - and you’ll immediately forget about cookies!

Instead of milk and cream - a healthy alternative

To get in shape faster, many nutritionists advise giving up coffee with milk and milk in general. But if you can’t imagine your life without a cup or two of aromatic coffee every day, replace regular milk with plant-based milk - coconut, oat, soy, almond and others. You can also use coconut oil instead of cream.

Say no to sugar

We do not demand the impossible from you, because from time to time even the most avid healthy lifestyle enthusiasts can afford to eat a chocolate candy, drink a sip of sweet soda or store-bought juice. But still try to make most of your diet as free from sugar as possible. In tea, coffee, pp-sweets or “proper baked goods”, replace it with honey or stevia.

Healthy snacks

If you're going to have a sandwich for breakfast or between meals, make it as healthy as possible. Choose options based on proteins or “right” fats, using raw vegetables, greens, avocado, hummus, nuts, poached eggs, red fish, peanut butter as a basis. Instead of regular bread, take whole grain bread or replace it with rye or rice bread.

Eliminate late meals

Of course, eating a piece of pizza shortly before bed will not make you twice as big the next morning. But, if you want your body to lose calories more efficiently, you should know about the 12-hour “window” rule: the first 6-8 hours after eating, the body focuses on digestion, and the next four hours it burns fat.

Water, water, water

Yes, we hear about it from every angle, but drinking enough water per day is really important. Water promotes detoxification, weight loss, fights fatigue, improves the beauty and condition of the skin, prevents headaches and much more. Calculating your daily fluid intake is very simple: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. That is, a person weighing 60 kg needs to drink 1.8 liters of clean water per day.

Goodbye buns!

If you want to have a beautiful figure and a flat, not bloated stomach, flour products should be prohibited in your diet. Foods with a high glycemic index (bread, pasta and dried fruit) can lead to insulin resistance and cause overeating and weight gain. Foods rich in sugar have the same destructive and hunger-provoking effects on our bodies as sugary drinks. Think of these types of carbohydrates as a rare treat rather than an everyday food.

Now you know how to get your tummy in order. Get started today! And, of course, don’t forget to move a lot, sleep well (people who sleep more weigh less - and feel great!) and generally maintain a healthy lifestyle so that all your efforts are not in vain.

Most of the tips discussed in this article are also relevant for representatives of the stronger sex who want to reduce their waist size.

  • First of all, a man needs to properly organize his daily diet, excluding foods with a high glycemic index. It is important to start the process of losing weight with changes in diet, and not with exhausting exercise.
  • A diet for a man should be as simple as possible. The simpler the diet, the better, and the result will be visible from the first days.
  • You need to start playing sports smoothly and gradually so that the muscles have time to adapt. It is advisable to perform abdominal exercises only after reducing the amount of belly fat.
  • You can follow a carbohydrate-free diet, which provides for no more than 80 g of carbohydrates in the daily menu. The main products in the diet during this period are meat, dairy dishes, eggs, and fish. The diet should also include nuts, olive oil, beans, broccoli, and greens.
  • Men very rarely experience hormonal imbalances, so the cause of obesity, as a rule, must be sought in poor diet and lack of physical activity.

How to enhance the effect of a diet?

It is advisable to supplement the diet with physical activity. To burn fat - cardio. If the gym makes you feel sad and despondent, you can take a stroll through the park. On average, an hour of intense walking consumes 200 kcal. Exercises and belly dancing will help strengthen the muscle corset.

To prevent the skin from losing its elasticity, it is recommended to do wraps based on clay, algae, and cupping massage, but in the absence of medical contraindications.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Healing drink

The usual liquid can be easily upgraded and prepared as “sassi” water. American nutritionist, Dr. Cynthia Sass, invented her own recipe for a drink, the ingredients of which enrich it with beneficial microelements and nutrients. The invention improves metabolic processes, helps eliminate toxins and improves hair structure.

To prepare you will need:

  • 12 mint petals;
  • peeled cucumber;
  • ginger crushed into porridge;
  • two liters of top quality water.

So, you throw everything into a pan and fill it with water. First tear the mint leaves with your hands to release the juice. Place the container on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator and forget about it for 12 hours. During this time, the diffusion process takes place, useful microelements and vitamins are mixed. The taste cannot be called pleasant or rich, but this is a good recipe for your weight loss. You can add a little orange to make it more pleasant to drink.

Krasnoyarsk medical portal Krasgmu.net

To get a flat stomach, you must set yourself up for a special belly diet. The goal of a flat belly diet is to burn fat around the waist and properly adjust the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Two fundamental factors of a diet for a flat stomach are complete abstinence from alcohol and tobacco. It is almost impossible to set up a normal metabolism when using them, especially if you are under thirty or older. In addition, alcohol, and especially beer, which is especially loved by young people now, simply ruins a diet for the stomach - they bring a lot of female hormones into the body, and their excess is deposited in the waist, and making the stomach flat in this case is very problematic.

Do you spend almost all your free time in the gym, but your stomach is in no hurry to become flat? Don't despair and don't stop training under any circumstances. It’s better to do an audit in your refrigerator: most likely the reason for an unsightly belly lies in the products that are there (and will later “move” into your stomach).

Your goal - a flat stomach - is quite achievable. You just need to think not only about the set of exercises, but also about your diet. Thus, the diet for a flat stomach, the menu of which was developed by experts in the field of healthy nutrition, is based on six strategies: 1. You need to eat more fiber. 2. Carbohydrates should also not be ignored. 3. More fluid means a slimmer waist. 4. Monitor sodium. 5. Trite: don’t eat a lot at night. 6. Avoid stress - it does not contribute to a flat stomach.

Let's look at each strategy in more detail.

Strategy 1. More fiber - less fat Excess belly fat will go away if a woman consumes 25-27 g of fiber during the day. Sources of this dietary fiber include nuts, vegetables, whole grains and fruits.

How does fiber help you lose fat and have a flat stomach? 1. Volume effect. To get enough, it doesn’t matter WHAT you eat, it’s important in what volume. Fiber is like a sponge - it has the ability to absorb liquid and gradually swell, while the stomach is filled and the body does not feel hunger. 2. Saturation effect. Even if you eat a lot of foods rich in plant fiber, your weight will hardly change. These products are low in calories and have minimal fat. Studies have shown that people on a fruit and vegetable diet consume on average 100 kcal less per day than others. It seems that the indicator is insignificant, but if you evaluate its results over the year, you will get a different picture - 4.5 kg of lost weight. It’s noticeable, isn’t it? 3. Effect of thorough chewing. Products with a high fiber content are not so easy to chop: it requires effort and time. While you chew your food, your brain receives a signal that your stomach is full. This way you save yourself from overeating.

But don’t rush to suddenly switch to a diet rich in fiber. An unprepared body can expect trouble in the form of bloating. You need to increase your fiber intake gradually.

How to include fiber in your diet for a flat stomach? It will take 4 weeks to gradually increase your fiber intake to normal while avoiding side effects. 1 Week. Every day for breakfast you need to eat a portion of porridge or cereal, poured with milk or yogurt, and some fresh fruit. Result: about 10 g of fiber per day. Week 2. The lunch menu should include a slice of whole grain bread and 1 cup of vegetables (raw). Result: about 15 g of fiber per day. Week 3. Add a quarter cup of legumes and a half cup of greens to a soup, salad, or stew. Result: about 20 g of fiber per day. Week 4. Snack on fruit between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Result: about 25-30 g of fiber per day.

Strategy 2. Carbohydrates are an important part of the diet for a flat stomach. Food for a flat stomach should contain 45-65% carbohydrates (about 200-300 g for a diet of 1800 kcal). Carbohydrates that enter the stomach are broken down to form glucose. From it, in turn, glycogen is obtained - energy fuel for our muscles. The peculiarity of glycogen is that it is capable of storing water (and the reserve of accumulated water is three times the amount of glycogen itself). Fats and proteins are not capable of such “thrift” - they do not retain moisture at all.

How to get the right amount of carbohydrates? • The same vegetables and fruits will help you here. Rich in fiber and water, they do not affect weight gain. • But foods high in carbohydrates and low in nutritional value should be avoided. Such dishes include: cakes, sweets, chocolate, fast food. They contain sodium in excess, but useful fiber, on the contrary, is in short supply. • Try to find a balance in your diet. Be sure to consume vegetables and fruits daily, as well as whole grain products. These include porridge, cereal, muesli, and grain bread.

Strategy 3. A flat stomach, just like life on Earth, is impossible without water - drink more fluids! There is a myth among women that drinking a large amount of water adds extra pounds to us. This is not entirely true - not all the liquid you drink contributes to weight gain, but only that which lingers in the body for a long time. Without fluid, it is impossible to remove sodium from the body, and this element, like no other, affects our weight category. To determine whether you are drinking enough fluids, you can turn to a simple method - assessing the condition of your urine. A pale yellow color and a fairly large volume indicate that everything is fine. A small amount of dark-colored urine may indicate dehydration.

How to find and maintain water balance in the body? • You need to drink at least 8 glasses of fluid per day. It is better to drink low-calorie drinks with the least amount of caffeine and sodium. • Don't indulge in carbonated drinks. Bubbling sodium dioxide not only slows down the digestion process, but also causes bloating. • Caffeine and alcohol will also not help. Having diuretic properties, they can cause dehydration. By the way, do not forget that tea also contains a large amount of caffeine. • Part of your fluid intake can be obtained from juicy fruits and vegetables - this is the healthiest option for maintaining water balance in the body.

Strategy 4. Watch your sodium intake Despite its bad reputation, sodium is necessary for the body, because it helps regulate water metabolism, normalize blood pressure and muscle function, and without it some nutrients cannot be absorbed. 500 mg per day is the amount of sodium that is required for the normal functioning of a young woman’s body. But with poor nutrition, we get 6 or even 10 times more of this substance. Result: fluid retention in the body, expressed in swelling.

How to keep sodium at normal levels? • You need to monitor the amount of salt consumed; its daily allowance per person is 1 tsp. This amount is enough to satisfy the sodium needs even for athletes. • Refined foods are not beneficial for a flat stomach and should be avoided. It is better to replace French fries (sodium – 265 mg) with baked ones (8 mg), pickled cucumbers (1730! mg) with fresh ones (only 6 mg). An 80g serving of ham, for example, contains 1009mg of sodium, while an equivalent serving of roast pork contains only 48mg. Ready-made soups and broths are also very high in sodium (up to 1100 mg per glass), so when choosing a particular product, carefully study its composition.

Additional factors

In addition to “proper” nutrition, you should also take care of your body from the outside. Give yourself a great massage every day. Special creams and gels will make the process more pleasant; the skin in problem areas will be toned. Always maintain your posture! The belly is most often visible when you begin to slouch. Stay straight so that your muscles are always tense.

To constantly keep your stomach in good shape, pull it in in any convenient place. It begins to sag if the muscles in this area are weak. This can be done at the office desk or on a bench in the park. For a wasp waist, perform at least 3 times throughout the day.

No, there is a way out. And very simple. Change your diet.


The fact is that the stomach is bloated not so much from vegetables and the fiber we need, but from the lack of beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestines. After all, it is these microorganisms that “attack” the indigestible fibers that such products are rich in. If these bacteria are not enough, then the “product” (fiber) remains unclaimed, and then all this goodness wanders in the intestines, causing bloating, gas formation and other side effects. And in this case, you will never get a flat stomach for your figure.

True, just changing your diet won’t get you off. First, you will need to conduct an express course on restoring intestinal microflora, consisting of four simple steps.

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