Buckwheat diet - allowed foods, menus, reviews

Oatmeal diet for weight lossDiets Varvara Igoreva 05/22/2018
Keeping your body in shape is never superfluous, and if spring is just around the corner or, horror of horrors, beach season, then there should be no obstacles at all on the path to slimness.

  • 1 Effective oat diet for 7 days
  • 2 Preparing foods for the oat diet
  • 3 Oatmeal diet: menu for the week
  • 4 Quick oatmeal diet for 3 days
  • 5 Effective diet on oatmeal and buckwheat
  • 6 What other foods should you avoid during the buckwheat and oatmeal diet?

Any specialist will tell you that a diet without regular physical activity will not bring the desired results, and the main thing here is an integrated approach, and not a temporary effect.

Therefore, we try to do everything wisely and get ready to work hard on our body too!

We offer you several effective oat diets that have proven themselves and will help you get into the desired shape as quickly and effectively as possible.

Moreover, oat diets have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, provided the correct menu is followed and breakdowns are avoided. The beneficial substances contained in oatmeal perfectly envelop the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to restore its functioning. Oats are considered an excellent source of many vitamins (B, A, K, E), microelements (potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium), as well as fiber.

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It is recommended to use these diets only after consulting a doctor to clarify which diet is suitable for you personally.

In addition, the calorie content of oatmeal is no more than 362 kcal for every 100 grams of product, so it is an excellent assistant in losing weight.

Useful properties of oatmeal

Thanks to its impressive fiber content, women can lose excess weight in just one week.
Fiber not only cleanses the body, but also protects it from further clogging. The weight of toxic substances can reach 15 kg, and it is this ballast that the diet is aimed at. Its beneficial qualities are admired by nutritionists. The main advantages are:

  • restoration of blood glucose levels;
  • calming result;
  • restoration of healthy nails, hair and skin beauty;
  • slowing down the aging process of body cells;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • The oat diet has no contraindications, so absolutely all women can use it.

Oatmeal contains a large supply of vitamins, minerals, macroelements and other useful components, the benefits of which can be felt from the first day of consumption.

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There are even more food systems based on porridges than there are types of cereals. All of them are similar in principle of operation and conditions for their compliance, but there are slight differences.

There are methods in which you are allowed to consume different cereals, alternating them every day, while limiting yourself in sweets, fatty foods, flour and dairy. But most of them are mono-diets, during which only one grain is allowed.

The duration of such nutrition usually ranges from three days to two weeks, depending on the severity and severity of the diet. During this period you can lose up to ten kilograms.

The results depend on the diet you choose and the individual characteristics of your body. Below we present some “porridge” nutrition systems from which you can choose the one that you like best.

Buckwheat diet

— Buckwheat needs to be cooked in a special way. To do this, pour 750 milliliters of boiling water over half a kilo of cereal, wrap it well and leave until the morning.

In the morning, healthy porridge is ready. — The serving size and number of meals are not limited, but you cannot season the food with anything.

For a while you will have to forget about salt, spices and sauces. — You need to drink plenty of fluids (still water, green tea).

— You can drink one liter of low-fat kefir per day. - When it becomes difficult to stick to this diet, you can eat some dried fruits, unsweetened fruit or a spoonful of honey.

— You need to leave the buckwheat diet gradually. After completing it, try to stick to a healthy diet.

Read in detail about the buckwheat diet.

Rice diet

Those who have had the opportunity to lose weight in this way share both positive and negative impressions. They are negative only because, unfortunately, not everyone likes porridge and such food seems bland, monotonous and boring to them.

But everyone who followed the cereal diet left good reviews of the results. Your well-being improves, weight goes away, digestion is normalized and energy appears.

There is no feeling of hunger, since the cereal is very filling and provides long-lasting satiety, so if you cannot stand hunger and love healthy food, then this nutrition system is for you.

What is the oat-buckwheat diet?

In general, cereal mono-diets are suitable for people who can withstand monotony and want to achieve significant results in losing weight in a short time. Therefore, those whose willpower or great desire are not so pronounced are unlikely to be able to withstand the classic buckwheat or oatmeal mono-diet. There is a lot of debate about which diet is better - buckwheat or oatmeal?

To at least somehow diversify your diet when losing weight, you can resort to a combined diet - oatmeal and buckwheat. Almost everyone has both cereals at home. They are familiar to us, so the diet is rightfully considered homemade.

  1. Criteria and principles

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The principle of this diet remains the same as that of the buckwheat and oatmeal mono-diets. Its effectiveness will also be similar. However, the benefits for the body from a combined cereal diet are partially increased due to the enrichment of the composition of nutrients. But the most important problem still remains. And this problem lies in the severity and rigidity of the diet.

After all, porridge also needs to be cooked without salt, sugar, butter and other products. And this is a lot of psychological stress. And this minus is not smoothed out even by the fact that porridge can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Some recommend adding a glass of kefir to your diet. In principle, this approach can be justified: its minimal calorie content plus at least some variety will brighten up the diet week.

  1. Diet and nutrition

Oatmeal buckwheat diet reviews and results

Now let's move on to eating on the oatmeal-buckwheat diet. Throughout the day you need to eat five to seven servings of porridge, that is, with short breaks. The last meal is taken three hours before going to bed. The diet has two options. According to the first, you alternate buckwheat and oatmeal in one day.

It is worth saying that on the oatmeal-buckwheat diet, as well as on mono-diets, you should not sit for longer than seven to ten days. This can be fraught with various health problems. Therefore, listen carefully to your body. If you feel unwell, it is better to stop the diet. A good figure is, of course, beautiful. But health is much more important and expensive.

Varieties of oatmeal diets for a week

The oatmeal diet is a mono-diet, since it is based on only 1 product, which is why it is undesirable to get carried away with it for a long time.

It seems that the supply of vitamins, microelements and phytic acid, which is collected in the body’s cells throughout the diet, will only come in handy for the body, but in fact, such a composition can wash calcium out of the body. Therefore, nutritionists advise the use of vitamin supplements. In addition, the technique cannot be combined with protein foods.

Oatmeal diet “Minus 10 kg”

You can start the technique only after completely cleansing the body with the help of “rice jelly”.

To prepare it, 4 tablespoons of rice are poured with running water for one night. Afterwards, the rice is poured into fresh water and cooked over fire for an hour. You can drink the decoction after it has cooled completely.

The decoction is drunk on an empty stomach, after which it is strictly forbidden to drink or eat for the next 4-5 hours. After time, the woman has the right to eat as usual. You can start the diet the very next day.

Diet menu

Important contraindications

The weight loss course under consideration has its advantages, but also has contraindications, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance so as not to harm your own health in the near future. This diet is strictly prohibited for women who have the following diseases:

  1. stomach ulcers;
  2. gastritis;
  3. impaired metabolism.

If you are a nursing mother or an active athlete, then this weight loss course is not for you. First, get the necessary advice from a gastroenterologist if you doubt your strength and health.

Many women ask how many months can you stay on an oatmeal diet? The fact is that the maximum duration of the diet is no more than 3/7/10 days. This period of time is enough to get rid of 7-8 extra pounds. We do not recommend sticking to the proposed diet by consuming the same drinks and foods for a whole month, because this is how you can harm your body. If you really want to repeat the whole process, then return to the proposed method in six months.

Rules of the oat diet

For the first 7 days you are allowed to eat one oatmeal. You can only consume 1/2 cup of oatmeal per meal. You can drink it with skim milk, but not more than half a glass. At first, your daily food intake should vary around 900 calories.

For the next 23 days, additional foods are added to the diet:

  • chicken fillet,
  • spinach,
  • fish,
  • vegetable salad,
  • celery,
  • carrot,
  • red pepper,
  • carrot.

Fruits you can include in your diet:

  • grape,
  • oranges,
  • bananas,
  • apples,
  • berries.

You can drink coffee and tea, but without sugar. It is not recommended to eat melons and foods with a high starch content, in particular potatoes. At this stage, the total number of calories consumed in one day should be 1200 calories.

In just 7 days you can lose up to 10 kg of unnecessary fat and cleanse the body, and this will give a good start to rejuvenating the whole body.

However, even after a diet, you should not go to great lengths and try to “finish” what you haven’t eaten. The habit of starting your morning with oatmeal should become part of your life. You need to switch to your usual routine gradually.

As before, 1 meal should consist entirely of oatmeal and milk with a small percentage of fat. At this stage, it is advisable to limit your fat intake.

If you are tired of dieting, then read our article about Magic Beans for Weight Loss.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss: all options in one place

This option is considered a fasting option; its maximum duration is only 3 days. The basic rule that you need to remember is that every meal is accompanied by the consumption of oatmeal. Don't forget about clean drinking water or green tea. Only these products are suitable for daily use.

This method of diet is therapeutic due to the following advantages:

  1. helps restore balance in the human body;
  2. effectively removes cholesterol and toxins;
  3. improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  4. The proposed weight loss program can be repeated monthly to improve your own results.

buckwheat-oat diet

This option allows you to lose 10 kg in a week and this is the absolute truth. A large number of women have become convinced of its amazing effectiveness. In order for everything to go according to plan, we recommend sticking to a special daily menu with certain products that you need to buy today. Remember not to drink hot tea during meals. This should be done 30 minutes after the meal is over.


  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water (250g);
  • lunch – oatmeal with water (250g), yogurt containing bifidobacteria;
  • dinner - oatmeal cooked in water (200g).


  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water (250g), half an apple;
  • lunch - oatmeal cooked in water (250g), salad with cabbage, raw carrots (100g);
  • dinner – oatmeal (200g).
  • Breakfast – oatmeal with milk (250g);
  • lunch – oatmeal with milk (200g), apple (1 pc);
  • dinner – oatmeal with water (250g), low-fat kefir (1 glass).

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  • Breakfast – oatmeal, boiled in water (200g);
  • lunch – oatmeal with milk (250g), salad with radishes, cucumbers (100g);
  • dinner – oatmeal with water (250g), low-fat kefir (1 glass).


  • Breakfast – oatmeal with water (200g), half an orange;
  • lunch – oatmeal cooked with low-fat milk (250g), salad with cabbage, raw carrots (100g), apple (1 pc);
  • dinner – oatmeal with water (250g), prunes (50g).


  • Breakfast – oatmeal cooked with skim milk (200g), apple (1 pc);
  • lunch – oatmeal with milk (250g), salad with tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers (100g);
  • dinner – oatmeal with water (200g), yogurt with bifidobacteria.

Oatmeal buckwheat diet reviews and results


  • Breakfast – oatmeal cooked in milk (250g), banana (1 pc);
  • lunch – oatmeal with low-fat milk (200g), salad with cabbage, cucumbers, radishes (100g), apple (1 pc);
  • dinner – oatmeal with clean water (200g), low-fat kefir (1 glass).

This diet will be of interest to those women who want to lose 10 kg without unnecessary difficulties. The most important thing is to consume the products that are indicated on the menu and do not deviate from the original plan.

The menu of the proposed variation has a list of permitted products. You must decide for yourself which ones to take and when. If a woman does not deviate from the indicated diet, then in 10 days she will definitely lose up to 8 kilograms. Before starting a weight loss course, we advise you to remember the following rules:

  1. you need to have 3 meals daily;
  2. if desired, there is always the opportunity to organize an afternoon snack or second breakfast, where you can eat nuts with hot tea or one fruit of your choice;
  3. the volume of 1 serving of oatmeal should not exceed 200g;
  4. the volume of 1 serving of vegetable or fruit salad should not exceed 150g;
  5. bananas, grapes, melons, potatoes, sugar, salt, flour, butter, spicy, fried products with a high fat content are strictly prohibited.

The recommended diet includes the following products:

  • nuts;
  • greenery;
  • low-fat dairy products - yogurt, milk, kefir;
  • dried fruits - figs, dried apricots, prunes;
  • berries - strawberries, plums, watermelon, cherries, currants, blueberries;
  • vegetables - tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, paprika;
  • fruits - apricot, apple, pear, kiwi.

As you know, the oatmeal-buckwheat diet consists of alternating days when you consume oatmeal and buckwheat. Thus, the entire diet is based on fractional meals, the duration is 4-6 days. An additional bonus can be a vegetable salad or apples, which should be consumed in moderation, forgetting about the other harmful foods listed above. Alternate buckwheat with oatmeal, weigh yourself daily and watch how your extra pounds “melt” every day.

The kefir-oat diet is designed for 3-5 days and involves the consumption of low-fat kefir, as well as the active use of this product when preparing oatmeal. For the further cooking process we will need;

  • low-fat kefir (1 glass);
  • rolled oatmeal (150g).

Main stages:

  1. pour the rolled oats into a special container;
  2. add kefir;
  3. close the lid and leave;
  4. In the morning you can eat porridge with kefir.

If you don’t like oatmeal in its pure form, then be sure to use kefir, because it will give it an extraordinary taste.

Dilute 1 glass of oatmeal with boiling water, and then wait 12 hours. After which, the resulting porridge must be divided into 4 equal-sized portions. In short breaks between main meals, you are allowed to eat apples, drink clean still water, and tea without sugar.

Diets based on cereals and grains are quite popular among women who want to lose weight. These include rice, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and other mono-diets. The last two will be discussed.

Usually the buckwheat diet for weight loss comes to mind when you want to do it quickly. After all, we have all read reviews about buckwheat, according to which we lose up to 10 kg in 2 weeks, and famous actresses and models have done it and still amaze us with their beauty.

This method of weight loss is strongly associated with something slim and tasteless, while articles about this diet unanimously insist that we will only get a lot of benefits, satiety and an almost pleasant taste. Nutritionists are not so clear in their assessments of this weight loss system. In general, who to believe? Let's try to figure it out together.

Pros and cons of buckwheat diets

The buckwheat diet was known back in the 70s of the last century. Then for some reason it was called the diet of film actresses. True, some sources claim that the film actresses drank coffee and ate biscuits without yeast, as well as grilled meat with salad. In general, a completely different diet is common under this name.

Be that as it may, it was already in the diet booklets of the 80s. And it was mentioned in its classic form - steam a glass of sorted buckwheat in a thermos overnight with boiling water, in the morning divide it into lunch, dinner, breakfast and a couple of snacks, and, as they say, chew it without pleasure, but with a sense of accomplishment.

A little later, with the spread of the Internet, the world learned that you can add apples, or dried fruits, or some other fruit to the classic buckwheat diet to relieve cravings for sweets.

Porridge for weight loss

And then various diets with porridge and chicken breasts, also known as “Russian drying” options, appeared. In general, the phenomenon developed.

How to cook buckwheat: take 1 glass for 1 day, steam in a thermos or pan, wrapped in a towel, overnight. Do not cook under any circumstances, especially in a microwave oven.

A terrible ban is imposed by unknown authors because, according to legend, all vitamins die when cooked. And minerals.

Although it’s bad luck, there aren’t too many of them in cereals anyway, and those that exist are heat-resistant.

  • How to eat: Divide all the goodness into 3-5 servings and chew at regular intervals. You can drink it with tea or 1% kefir. The latter is not recommended to drink more than 1 liter per day.
  • Additionally: water. Usually - at least 30 ml per kilo of your own current (not ideal) weight.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with how “Hercules” differs from oatmeal? Oat flakes "Hercules". Instant oatmeal

How to cook buckwheat: take regular or green buckwheat in the same quantity as in the previous version and pour a liter of one percent kefir overnight. The resulting porridge cannot be heated; it should be eaten cold.

  • How to eat: also imitating fractional meals. According to some versions, you should not add anything to the porridge; according to others, you can add unlimited green tea with one tsp. honey per day.

Buckwheat porridge diet

How to cook: porridge is either cooked in the usual way, adding 2 glasses of water per one cup of cereal, or steamed with boiling water. Milk is taken with the lowest fat content, one and a half percent is the maximum. Buckwheat can be poured with milk like soup or washed down with it. Some sources allow adding cinnamon to milk to discourage sweet cravings.

  • As it is: only option with fractional meals.

How to cook: proceed as usual with porridge, but opinions differ about salads.

Some recommend taking only green leafy vegetables - lettuce, beets, kale, cucumbers and seasoning with only a spoonful of olive oil.

Others are not so radical - they allow us to chew tomatoes and bell peppers, too, but prohibit beets and carrots. Of course, according to popular sources, they simply contain millions of tons of sugar.

  • How to eat: you can either alternate porridge with salad, or chew porridge along with salad. The main thing is not to eat more than a kilogram of salad. True, this is a technically difficult condition to fulfill, because the salad only needs to be seasoned with oil and lemon juice. And no more salt for you.

Here you need to clearly understand that a balanced and healthy diet is not. And this fact has been scientifically proven. The so-called benefits of a buckwheat diet are exclusively “household”:

  • economic accessibility. In mid-price supermarkets we can still find buckwheat for half a dollar per 800 g pack. Yes, it will have to be sorted out and, perhaps, washed more than once, but it exists. A liter of kefir from a local producer will cost a quarter of a “conventional unit” if you are lucky with a dairy plant, and half if it considers itself elite in terms of pricing;
  • simplicity. There is no need to think about the menu, do any actions like counting calories and so on. It's simple - divide the mass into parts and chew;
  • really fast weight loss. Few people care what the percentage of fat in lost weight is. And almost everyone is motivated by the fact that in just the first day, most likely, about a kilogram will “go away”;
  • availability of diet products everywhere. It's hard to find a place that doesn't sell kefir and buckwheat. Even abroad there are Russian or Polish stores where you can find both products;
  • reduction of swelling. If part of the weight is puffiness, the diet helps a lot, as does any other salt-free plan;
  • The buckwheat diet relieves constipation, at least if the cause is a lack of fiber in the diet. Perhaps fiber is the only key nutritional component that is contained in the buckwheat diet in sufficient quantity for an active adult;
  • With a buckwheat diet you don’t have to exercise. The harsh truth is that no one likes sports. That’s why they don’t find time for it for half an hour a day for years. It is considered some kind of entertainment for idle students and children, and not a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle. The buckwheat diet provides a critically possible calorie deficit, and weight is lost without additional “expenses.”

Porridge diet. Reviews

Those who have already personally tried the magic of the oat diet claim that they were able to achieve good results. For many, it has become the most effective.

Ekaterina Avdeeva, 21 years old. Ekaterinburg

“Hi, girls. This diet certainly works, but... If after finishing it you start eating the same way as before, your centimeters will return immediately. Tested for yourself! ".

Alla Luchanskaya, 32 years old. Krasnodar

“I’ve been on oatmeal for 4 days now, plus I run in the morning. I have already been able to lose 5 kg. Compared to other diets that I have been on before, the method does not allow me to feel severe hunger. I almost managed to get back into shape. Only 3 days left. I wish you good luck!”

Alena Mirgorodskaya, 27 years old. Saransk

Based on reviews, the buckwheat diet is much more popular. With its help, you can lose 5 kg in a week, but the results of the oatmeal diet are approximately the same.

The great popularity of the buckwheat diet is due to the fact that this cereal is more popular and is available on the shelves of any store in large quantities. In addition, its taste is also more familiar and to the liking of many.

From all this we can come to the conclusion that both diets are equally effective, but many people give greater preference to buckwheat.

Positive traits

What are the benefits of an oat diet?

  • First, oatmeal contains a lot of fiber (dietary fiber). The latter helps the gastrointestinal tract (relieves constipation), creates a feeling of fullness, and prevents many diseases (including atherosclerosis and malignant neoplasms of the intestine);
  • Secondly, oatmeal is very effective for weight loss. It has a low glycemic index, after which you don’t feel like eating for a long time;
  • Thirdly, it contains vitamins A, E, group B, as well as manganese, magnesium, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium and other minerals;
  • Fourthly, eating oatmeal improves the condition of the skin, musculoskeletal system, liver and kidneys. But oatmeal brings the greatest benefit to the heart and blood vessels, as it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Fifthly, oatmeal is inexpensive and is sold in absolutely any grocery store;
  • Sixth, cook oatmeal very quickly.

Buckwheat has almost the same qualities. The advantages of both diets include their ability to remove unnecessary and even harmful substances, ballast and toxic, from the intestines. Therefore, the benefits of the two diets are 1:1.

Now let's move on to the other side of the coin. Here, too, both diets have absolutely identical characteristics.

  • Since these are mono-diets, their main problem is the lack of certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals. We are mainly talking about proteins (they are very important for the immune system), essential fatty acids;
  • Another point is the severity of diets. Not everyone can withstand them, especially for a week;
  • Both diets can cause exacerbation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
  • After both diets, there is a very high risk of regaining lost weight if you start eating incorrectly.

So, on the minus side, the score is also 1:1.

Pros and cons of the oat diet

  1. The composition of rolled oats has a beneficial effect on health, improving digestion, lowering sugar and bad cholesterol levels, nourishing the cardiovascular system and rejuvenating the body's cells.
  2. This effect is achieved thanks to special substances that seem to turn on the brain and improve mood. The incomparable advantage of the diet is that the cereal is within walking distance, and it is also easy to prepare.
  3. In addition to all the magic, the diet has obvious disadvantages. So, it is contraindicated for those who suffer from oat intolerance. Also, the technique will not help those who are accustomed to an active lifestyle, since the composition of the porridge is not able to provide the body with the necessary nutrients.
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