Low-fat or low-carb diet: which is better?

The recommended daily intake of protein (RDI) for an adult consuming 2,000 calories per day is 50 grams, although some people need to consume much more than this amount. Your individual calorie and protein needs depend on your age, weight, height, gender and activity level ().

Besides protein's primary functions in building and maintaining muscle and tissue in your body and helping regulate many body processes, it also promotes a feeling of fullness (fullness in the stomach) and can help control your body weight (,).

Here is a list of 12 lean protein foods that you can include in your diet.

Products containing lean protein

Products containing lean protein

White fish (fish with white meat)

Most white fish are excellent sources of lean protein, containing less than 3 grams of fat, about 20-25 grams of protein, and 85-130 calories per 100 gram serving (,).

Very lean white fish include: cod, haddock, pollock, flounder, halibut, tilapia and Atlantic roughy ().

The meat of these fish contains 4-10 times less omega-3 fatty acids than is found in higher-calorie and fatty fish varieties that have darker meat, such as coho salmon or sockeye salmon. Therefore, it is useful to eat both types of fish (lean and fatty) (,).


White fish such as cod and halibut are excellent sources of lean protein with little fat and relatively few calories, making them suitable for a variety of diets.

Natural Greek yogurt

A 170-gram serving of Greek yogurt contains 15-20 grams of protein, compared to 9 grams in the same serving of regular yogurt ().

This has to do with how Greek yogurt is made. During its preparation, it is necessary to remove the liquid whey, leaving a more concentrated product with more protein, which is also thicker and fattier ().

If you're aiming for foods with the least amount of calories and fat, opt for low-fat Greek yogurt, which contains 100 calories per 170 gram serving ().

A good choice is low-fat Greek yogurt, which contains 3 grams of fat and 125 calories per 170 grams. By choosing plain Greek yogurt, you'll avoid unnecessary sweeteners and can add your own fruit ().


Natural fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt contains about twice as much protein per serving as regular yogurt.


To add new flavors to dietary dishes, you can use turmeric, rosemary, ginger, pepper, basil, coriander, suneli hops, and oregano. A small amount of apple cider vinegar, mustard or soy sauce will not spoil healthy food.

Low carb foods are the food favorites these days. What is the secret of the popularity of low-carb diets? First of all, it is not difficult to adhere to their rules.

And the result of the effort expended (with a reasonable approach) is a toned stomach, slender hips, and normal blood sugar levels. Thanks to positive changes in metabolic processes, a person is able to say goodbye to insomnia, think more clearly and generally improve the quality of his life.

Beans, peas and lentils

Dried beans, peas and lentils are legumes. They contain an average of 8 grams of protein per 100 gram cooked serving and are also low in fat and high in fiber (,).

The high levels of fiber and protein in legumes help make them more filling. Moreover, fiber can lower your blood cholesterol levels if you eat legumes regularly ().

In a review of 26 studies involving 1,037 patients, eating an average of 130 grams of cooked legumes daily for at least three weeks resulted in a 7 mg/dL reduction in LDL cholesterol levels compared with control diets—equal to 5%. reduction of LDL over time ().

Notably, legumes are low in several essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein in your body. However, by consuming other plant-based protein sources, such as whole grains or nuts, throughout the day, you will fill the gaps in these amino acids (, ,).


Beans, peas and lentils are good sources of lean protein. They are also high in fiber and can lower your cholesterol levels if you eat them regularly.

White poultry without skin

A 100-gram serving of cooked chicken or turkey breast contains approximately 30 grams of protein (,).

If you want to eat meat that contains only lean protein, avoid dark meats such as drumsticks and thighs. White meat includes brisket and wings.

Also, don't eat the skin—a 100-gram serving of fried chicken breast with skin contains 200 calories and 8 grams of fat, while the same amount of fried chicken breast without skin has 165 calories and 3.5 grams of fat (,).

You can remove the skin before or after cooking, which will remove any fat particles in both cases. Note that poultry cooked without the skin contains more moisture, less fat and less cholesterol than meat cooked with the skin present ().


White meat chicken and turkey, especially breast, are high in lean protein and low in fat if you remove the skin before or after cooking.

Low fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a high-protein product.

A 113 gram serving of low-fat cottage cheese (2% milk fat) contains 97 calories, 2.5 grams of fat and 13 grams of protein ().

In addition to protein, from the same serving of cottage cheese you get about 10-15% of the RDA for calcium. Some food scientists have recently suggested that manufacturers add vitamin D to cottage cheese, which helps with calcium absorption, although this is not currently common practice (, ).

There is one drawback to cottage cheese - 113 grams contains about 15-20% of the daily sodium (salt) limit. If you're limiting your salt intake, one study suggests that rinsing cottage cheese for three minutes can reduce its sodium levels by about 60% ().

Read more about the benefits of cottage cheese for the human body on this page - Cottage cheese: benefits and harm to the body.


Low-fat cottage cheese is an excellent source of lean protein and calcium.

Table of foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats

This table shows the approximate amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats per 100 g of product.

Product, 100 gProtein, gCarbohydrates, gFats, g
Pork chop26,67
Parmesan cheese38,54,110
Lamb meat24,714
Ground beef26,615
Cottage cheese12,42,70,6
Chicken breast312,8
Beef liver29,15,33,1

Now let’s take a closer look at each of the listed products.


This is one of the most delicious and healthy products. First, they are packed with nutrients and all the essential vitamins and minerals.

Secondly, they are a source of high-quality, quickly digestible protein (almost 20%), which is why athletes adore them. They are also low in calories, and therefore do not lead to the formation of fat deposits.

Pork chop

It also has a decent composition of nutrients - a number of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and others.

By the way, pork contains oleic acid, which is considered the most valuable monounsaturated fatty acid.

Overall, pork chops are a very high protein, low carbohydrate food.


Tuna meat has the highest amount of protein among all fish - 23.6%.

100g of canned tuna has only 128 calories and no carbohydrates.

Like all fish products, it contains large quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Parmesan cheese

Parmesan contains more vitamins and minerals than any other known cheese. Consists of 30% water and 70% beneficial nutrients.

It helps normalize fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels. Cheese contains many fat-burning substances, so it can be an indispensable aid for those who are on a diet.

You can add its pieces to salad, pasta, pizza, or eat small slices with fruit.

Lamb meat

Tender, juicy lamb meat is low in fat, almost dietary, and also low in cholesterol. Like other meats, it offers a significant amount of protein, approximately 25%.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing lamb: it can be grilled, baked in the oven or cooked in a frying pan. It always turns out with great taste and aroma.


This meat provides high quality protein with low calorie content. Many diets include it in the diet, because it quickly relieves hunger and is low in fat.

It is best to choose meat no older than two years old and eat it boiled or stewed, so the body will receive more benefits.

Ground beef

Ground beef is a fairly high-calorie and nutritious product. Raw meat contains many different vitamins: groups B, A, B12, K and E. Steam the minced meat to preserve most of the important substances.

In general, food made from minced beef is very useful for restoring the body after various injuries, skin diseases and anemia.

Cottage cheese

In terms of the amount of protein and the degree of its digestibility, cottage cheese is superior to all dairy products. It should be noted that with different percentages of fat content, it differs in the amount of protein.

For example, in low-fat cottage cheese the protein concentration is 28%, with 9% fat content - about 18 g, and with 18% fat content - 15 g. By the way, homemade cottage cheese contains more of it than store-bought cottage cheese.

Chicken breast

On average, 100 g of chicken breast contains about 31 g of protein and virtually no fat or carbohydrates.

This is simply an ideal food for athletes and people on low-carb diets and adherents of a healthy diet. Chicken meat is easily digestible and can be eaten without fear of gaining excess weight.

Beef liver

There is as much protein in liver as in beef, but it is of higher quality. It includes iron proteins, which contain more than 20% iron, which plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin and other blood pigments.

If the liver is prepared correctly, it can satisfy the body with the full daily requirement of vitamins and elements, therefore it is very useful for small children, pregnant women and diabetics.


Salmon is one of the fattiest fish and provides plenty of omega-3s, protein and other nutrients. It even contains an antioxidant known as astaxanthin.

Fish should be consumed for anemia, problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, and heavy mental and physical stress. In addition, it should be included in the diet for hypertension, cardiovascular problems, poor vision, and stress.


Natural pork ham is undoubtedly a tasty product.

However, it is necessary to mention its high calorie content - people with excess weight or metabolic disorders are advised to eat dishes with ham with caution.

It can be eaten as a separate independent dish or added to dishes.


They are excellent for dietary nutrition; 100 g contain 83 kcal.

Thanks to the large amount of easily digestible proteins and low fat content, shrimp relieve hunger well without adding extra pounds.

Shrimp can be served as an independent dish, or can be added to various salads, cold appetizers, soups, pizza and pasta.


Crab meat is an extremely healthy food, especially when steamed.

It contains no carbohydrates and at the same time it has a high concentration of protein, vitamins A, B and C, chromium, zinc, copper and other minerals. 100 g - only 98 calories.


Tofu cheese is a popular delicacy in Chinese and Thai cuisine, made from curdled soy milk.

100 g contains only 2 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of complete protein, which contains all nine essential amino acids. This cheese can be an excellent alternative to red meat and poultry.

By the way, a recent study showed that high-protein, low-carb foods slow tumor growth and actually prevent the onset of cancer. And for type II diabetics, adding them to the diet helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. As you can see, they also contribute to the prevention and treatment of such serious diseases.

Low fat tofu

Tofu is an especially good protein option if you avoid animal products. An 85-gram serving of low-fat tofu contains 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein, including adequate amounts of all essential amino acids ().

Note that about 95% of soybeans produced in the United States are genetically modified (GM). If you prefer to avoid GM foods, you can buy organic tofu, since organic foods cannot be genetically modified (, ,).


Low-fat tofu is a good source of plant-based protein that provides sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids and is very versatile in recipes.

Lean beef

Lean beef cuts are those that have less than 10 grams of total fat and 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat per cooked 100-gram serving ().

If you buy fresh beef and want lean meat, you need to buy beef tenderloin and round steaks. For example, sirloin steak and tenderloin, as well as round steak, are foods that contain lean protein ().

Flank steak and brisket are lean meats (,).

When it comes to beef, stick to 95% lean meat. A 100-gram patty made with lean beef contains 171 calories, 6.5 grams of total fat (including 3 grams of saturated fat), and 26 grams of protein ().

What's more, a serving of lean beef is an excellent source of several B vitamins, zinc and selenium ().


Lean beef is an excellent source of protein and also contains B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

Ground low-fat peanuts

The oil present in peanuts is healthy but contains a lot of calories. Just 2 tablespoons (32 grams) of regular peanut butter contains about 190 calories and 16 grams of fat, as well as 8 grams of protein ().

The low-fat version is unsweetened, ground peanuts. Most of the fat is squeezed out during processing. 2 tablespoons of low-fat ground peanuts contain only 50 calories and 1.5 grams of fat, but 5 grams of protein ().

To use ground peanuts, mix them with a little water until they reach the consistency of regular peanut butter. Keep in mind that it won't be as rich.

Peanut butter made from ground peanuts works especially well with apples, bananas, or even dark chocolate. Alternatively, add dry powder to shakes, smoothies, oatmeal or pancake and muffin batter.


Ground low-fat peanuts are a good source of lean protein. This product contains only a fraction of the calories and fat that are typically found in peanut butter.

Low fat milk

Drinking low-fat milk is an easy way to get protein.

One 240 ml glass of low-fat 1% milk contains 8 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 100 calories. By comparison, a serving of whole milk with 3.25% butterfat has the same amount of protein but 150 calories and 8 grams of fat (,).

Clearly, drinking low-fat milk will reduce your calorie and fat intake. However, some recent studies show that drinking whole milk does not increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, as was once thought ().

However, not all studies on whole milk indicate its beneficial effects on the body. For example, observational studies have linked frequent consumption of whole milk (but not low-fat or skim milk) with a higher risk of prostate cancer (, ).

While scientists continue to research in this area, most experts still advise consuming low-fat or skim milk rather than whole milk ().


Low-fat milk is a good source of protein and can help significantly reduce the amount of fat and calories you consume compared to whole milk, especially if you consume it frequently.

Which foods are the lowest in calories: a review of the leaders (up to 20 kcal)

In addition to low-calorie and medium-calorie foods, there are foods with minimal or zero calories.

You may be wondering: How do foods with a high glycemic index interfere with weight loss?

For example, the calorie content of greens can be from 0 to 50 kcal. It will be very useful to use greens in the preparation of various dishes, they are especially suitable for salads, as well as in cocktails, use them as a sprinkle for second and first courses.

It is best to eat fresh greens, as they contain components such as vitamins and microelements, phytonutrients.

For example, asparagus (20 kcal) and pumpkin (20-22 kcal) are needed to remove excess fluid in the body. Asparagus contains amino acids, as a result of which it is a diuretic and a kind of “food detoxifier”. If you want to lose weight up to 5 kg, then you need to consume 0.5 kg of these products daily for a month.

100g of salad contains 15 kilocalories. The salad contains a lot of different useful elements and vitamins. Boosts the immune system and is an aid in blood regulation.

The product that brings the greatest benefit is considered to be kale . The kilocalorie content per 100g is very low - only 5 kcal. Contains folic acid, vitamins, iron, manganese and phytonutrients.

How can we not remember such an important product as garlic - the calorie content of which is 4 kilocalories. It, like kale, helps fight cancer. It also reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and is a strong antioxidant.

Chili pepper – 20 kilocalories per 100g of product. Stimulates the production of a natural analgesic. Protects the body from premature aging. Has the same functions as garlic and kale.

Tea (white, green, black) does not contain any calories at all, just like water. Tea is a strong antioxidant. Reduces the likelihood of a heart attack and is a good remedy for cancer prevention. There are many beneficial properties of tea: fluoride, creates safety for teeth; antispasmodic; anti-inflammatory; anti-allergenic.

Pork tenderloin

According to the USDA, pork tenderloin is a lean protein food—every 100 grams of cooked pork tenderloin contains less than 10 grams of fat and 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat ().

Key words that indicate lean pork are “tenderloin” and “chop.” Pork tenderloin is the leanest meat, containing 143 calories, 26 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fat per 100 gram serving ().

Before cooking pork, trim the fat around the edges and use low-fat cooking methods such as grilling or searing to further reduce fat and calories ().

Like lean beef, lean pork is also an excellent source of several B vitamins and selenium, and a good source of zinc ().


Pork tenderloin is a lean protein product. Regardless, be sure to trim excess fat from the meat to avoid unnecessary fat and calories. In addition, pork is rich in zinc, B vitamins and selenium.

The lowest calorie foods for weight loss are plant foods

Fiber is the fibrous part of plants that lowers cholesterol levels and slows down the body's absorption of carbohydrates.
Thus, it turns out that the lowest-calorie foods can be considered plant foods. These are herbs, spices, teas, vegetables, fruits and berries that contain many minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. And yet, the record holders for low calorie content are vegetables.

For example, broccoli contains 33 kilocalories per 100 g, while it has many beneficial qualities due to its composition. Broccoli contains: calcium, proteins, magnesium.

In addition to the benefits of using this product for weight loss, there is also the fact that broccoli prevents cancer. Broccoli is consumed boiled and raw.

Helpful advice: do not overcook broccoli to avoid losing important nutrients.

100g of carrots , which are a source of carotenoids, contain 35 kilocalories. The benefits of carrots are great, due to its antioxidant effect, it strengthens the immune system, increases intestinal motility, and is good for vision.

By following the link, you can find out interesting facts about the 6 petals diet.

Reviews of oat bran for weight loss can be read here.

100g of artichoke contains 40 kilocalories. Artichoke nourishes the human body with important components: potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. And thanks to the complex of enzymes and sugars it contains, it is able to have a beneficial effect and normalize blood sugar levels.

You can also highlight other vegetables and herbs that will be useful in the process of losing weight. Some of these minimally calorie-containing foods include:

  • Eggplants – 24 kcal;
  • Parsley – 49 kcal;
  • Potatoes – 83 kcal;
  • Zucchini – 27 kcal;
  • Celery root – 32 kcal;
  • Red cabbage – 31 kcal;
  • Leek – 40 kcal;
  • Red and green peppers – 27/23 kcal;
  • Turnips and white cabbage – 28 kcal;
  • Beets – 48 kcal;
  • Onions – 43 kcal;
  • Cauliflower – 29 kcal;
  • Parsley root – 47 kcal.

Fruits, like vegetables and greens, are low in calories, even though they contain fructose. For fruits to be effective during weight loss, you need to consume them during the day, preferably before lunch and in small portions.

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100g of grapefruit contains about 35 kilocalories. Perhaps the best assistant for losing weight. It has such a quality as the ability to suppress appetite. It will be enough to drink a glass of juice or eat a little grapefruit and hunger, no matter what. It is known that ¼ of a grapefruit burns up to 800 kcal.

The calorie content of pineapple per 100g is 48 kilocalories. Pineapple is able to cleanse the body of toxins, lower blood pressure, and regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Burns calories, just like papaya.

Papaya contains 43 kilocalories in 100g. Its composition contains a large number of enzymes that help absorb proteins and burn fats. It is best to eat papaya during meals, as its effects do not last long.

In addition to the fruits already mentioned, the following fruits and berries will be useful in the process of losing weight:

  • Lemon – 31 kcal;
  • Apricot – 46 kcal;
  • Orange, tangerine, red currant – 38 kcal;
  • Pear – 42 kcal;
  • Cranberry – 28 kcal;
  • Raspberries and strawberries – 41 kcal;
  • Plum – 43 kcal;
  • Gooseberries and peach – 44 kcal;
  • Black currant – 40 kcal;
  • Pomegranate – 52 kcal;
  • Apple – 46 kcal.

Frozen shrimp

If you're looking for plenty of protein with low calories, frozen unbreaded shrimp is a convenient option. A 100 gram serving of shrimp contains 99 calories, 21 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat ().

Although this serving also contains 195 mg of cholesterol, scientists have found that consuming cholesterol as part of a healthy diet generally has little effect on heart health ().

However, the large amounts of sodium often added to shrimp during processing may be a concern for some people. According to the USDA, some manufacturers of plain, cooked shrimp add a lot of sodium. Sodium levels in these foods sometimes reach 900 mg per serving ().

Most of this sodium comes from additives, including sodium tripolyphosphate, which helps retain moisture, and a preservative called sodium bisulfite.

Some frozen shrimp contain only naturally occurring sodium at about 120-220 mg per 100 gram serving (,).

You can learn more about the benefits of shrimp on this page – Shrimp: benefits and harm to the body.


Frozen unbreaded shrimp is a convenient, low-fat, high-protein food. When purchasing, always read the ingredients label to avoid high-sodium products.

Meat products

Lean meat with zero carbohydrate content is a complete source of protein, beneficial microelements, vitamins, amino acids and biologically active substances. The list of foods that nutritionists recommend including in a low-carb diet includes

Beef fillet and veal, which have excellent taste and nutritional properties, are sources of iron compounds that are easily absorbed by the human body. The value of beef is also due to its low fat content, which makes the meat of cows and bulls indispensable for those who want to lose weight and diabetics.

It is important! Beef is one of the basic foods in a low-carb diet. However, its excessive consumption may not have the best effect on health.

The compounds contained in meat (cholesterol, purine bases) can lead to diseases of the digestive tract, heart, blood vessels, and decreased immunity.

Turkey or chicken breast is the most valuable part of the carcass and does not have a carbohydrate load. This is white meat, rich in healthy components, with a high protein content and minimal fat. We also note that chicken meat contains selenium, an element involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

In terms of dietary parameters, rabbit meat is in many ways similar to chicken, but surpasses it in the content of complete, well-digestible protein and fat. Rich in minerals and vitamins, tender rabbit meat rightfully takes its rightful place on the list of low-carbohydrate foods.

Good to know. Rabbit meat is recommended to be consumed to prevent many diseases: hypertension; vascular atherosclerosis; diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Egg white

You can eat whole eggs as part of a heart-healthy diet, but if you want to reduce your cholesterol intake, just eat egg whites (, ,).

The white of one large egg contains 16 calories, which is less than 25% of the calories contained in a whole egg. Additionally, one egg white contains less than 0.5 grams of fat but 3 grams of protein, which is approximately 50% of the protein in a whole egg (, , , ).

In addition to egg whites, you can also buy powdered egg whites with minimal or no additives. These foods are pasteurized so you don't need to cook them to ensure food safety ().

Mix powdered egg whites with water and use them as fresh egg whites. You can also add powdered egg whites to shakes, smoothies, or homemade protein bars.


50% of the protein in eggs is present in the egg white, which contains only trace amounts of fat and less than 25% of the calories of the total calories contained in a whole egg.

Fish and seafood

Fish dishes should appear on our table at least twice a week. Low-fat fish is an ideal option for those who are losing excess weight. Choose according to your taste from the list below.

Low-fat fish is tasty and appetizing, but fish with a high degree of fat content, rich in amino acids from the omega 3 family, is considered the most beneficial for health. Such gifts of nature should be consumed to prevent thrombosis, arrhythmia, normalize blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system.

The top 5 healthiest fish look like this:

One more thing. Try to find fish that are caught in their natural environment, in a body of water with minimal pollution.

When it comes to seafood, they are all healthy. Edible inhabitants of the seas and oceans are sources of carbohydrate-free, high-quality protein, microelements (zinc, manganese, cobalt, iodine), and vitamins.

For example, mussels are a spicy and delicate delicacy containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. These organic compounds promote rejuvenation, improve fat metabolism, and help reduce body mass index.

Other popular types of seafood:


  • Products containing lean protein of animal and plant origin are numerous. That's why you don't need to exceed your daily fat or calorie intake to meet your protein needs.
  • White fish and skinless white poultry are among the leanest sources of animal protein. However, you can also find lean red meats such as beef and pork tenderloin.
  • Many dairy products are low in fat and are good sources of protein. These include low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt (especially Greek yogurt) and milk.
  • Plant proteins such as legumes, low-fat tofu, and ground low-fat peanuts also provide the body with sufficient protein.
  • Take a look in your kitchen—you probably already have a few lean protein items on hand!

Tags: Protein

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Why do you need to get rid of carbohydrates?

The restrictions apply only to one class of compounds—carbohydrates that can be digested quickly. The process of digesting these organic substances does not have the best effect on your blood sugar balance.

Carbohydrates are combinations of starches, fiber, and sugars. Once in the body, carbohydrates from food are converted into glucose - a source of energy that cells consume in the process of performing their functions.

Refined sugar, wheat flour and white rice are rich in simple carbohydrates that are digested more quickly. Due to the high speed of the reaction, sudden and significant rises in blood sugar levels occur. Over time, weight gain and other troubles are possible, including a serious illness - diabetes.

Here is a list of foods that contain these carbohydrates:

  • sugar,
  • bread and pastries,
  • pasta and cereals,
  • condensed and powdered milk,
  • starchy root vegetables and some fruits,
  • fast food and semi-finished products,
  • fruit juices,
  • sweetened drinks,
  • cereals and muesli for breakfast.

Products from this list are strictly prohibited for consumption. Often this is where the most serious obstacle to health lies. Many people have to suffer in pain to get rid of a long-term habit of sweets and starchy foods. And ask the question: what to eat if sweets are prohibited?

We present to our readers a list of low-carb foods.

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