Why doesn't he leave? How to burn belly fat quickly

If you want to lose excess belly fat, you can work your butt off, spend weeks or even months on it, but still not get the desired result. Failures are frustrating, frustrating, and disheartening, especially when it's holiday parties or (even worse) beach season.

Many people dream of making their abs look like a washboard. But is it really necessary to get rid of all the fat cells located in the abdominal area? According to experts, a little belly fat is still good for you. The thin layer serves as reliable protection for internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. The key phrase in this statement is “small thickness.” And if you have too much tissue volume in the abdominal area, it extends deeper into the body, creating what is scientifically called "visceral fat."

The compounds contained in this layer cause inflammatory processes in the body and also increase the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. However, we have some good news: women have an easier time losing visceral fat compared to men (by about 30 percent). Here are the most common reasons that prevent you from getting rid of this bulging lump on your stomach once and for all.

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Your menu is not colorful enough

Natural foods that are brightly colored contain more vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing the level of the hormone cortisol. Constant stress prevents your body from losing fat even in a calorie deficit. But as soon as you diversify your diet with vegetables of bright colors (red, yellow, orange and green), your business will go uphill. So don't be lazy about adding mango pieces to your fish dish or red bell pepper to your coleslaw. Use grapefruit, spinach and oranges as a snack.


Exercises against hormonal belly

Any exercises must be chosen correctly. The main condition is regular training. We have prepared a list of several effective exercises:

  • Scissors. Exercise helps get rid of fat deposits in the lower abdomen. Lie on the floor with your hands under your buttocks. Try to press your back as close to the floor as possible. Position your legs at a 45° angle. Lower them slowly one at a time. You need to do 20 repetitions.
  • Drawing. Starting position: lying on your back. Place your hands under your head. With each leg in turn, draw figurative numbers from 0 to 9. The exercise will help eliminate the roll on the stomach.
  • Leg lift. The starting position is similar to the previous ones, only the arms should be placed along the body. Raise both legs at the same time to 60°. Fix the position for a couple of seconds, release your legs down without bending your knees;
  • Vacuum - helps remove internal fat with regular repetitions. Sit on your knees with your heels tucked under you. Place your hands on your hips, exhale as much as possible, drawing in your stomach. Hold the position for a couple of minutes;
  • Twisting. Sit down on the floor with your hands behind your back and lean on the floor. The legs should be positioned as straight as possible. Pull them to your chest one at a time. You must do at least 8 repetitions.

You have eliminated all types of fats

Paradoxically, some types of fats are very good at targeting fat cells in the abdominal area. And if you didn't know about this feature, you could completely exclude this nutritional group from the menu. Monounsaturated fatty acids, colloquially called “healthy fats,” will be your reliable allies. They are responsible for the absorption of vitamins and the elimination of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Monounsaturated fats can curb your appetite and prevent cravings for unhealthy foods. They are found in red fish, nuts, olive oil and avocados.


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The problem with excess weight around your waist and the fact that you cannot get rid of it can sometimes be due to reasons that are not so obvious. If you have stumbled upon this article, it is very likely that you are already quite knowledgeable and selective about the foods you should consume and also exercise regularly. However, you still can't get rid of the extra inches on your waist or stomach, and this is very frustrating because you think you are doing everything right. Well, the solution to this problem is not easy.

You may have to do some research on your own, but we can help you by presenting some ideas on why belly fat won't go away that could be the culprit behind your problem.

1.You go to bed late and sleep little

If you work long hours without rest, work late into the night and wake up early in the morning, or simply watch TV until late at night, you are setting yourself and your body up for eating late. Studies have shown that staying up late leads to rapid weight gain and in addition, a person begins to crave unhealthy food.

It has also been suggested that people who sleep little, or sleep about 4-5 hours a night for 5-6 days in a row, consume on average more than 600 extra calories per day compared to people who sleep 8 hours a night .

2.You are studying

One study, which lasted for four years, concluded that almost 70% of students were overweight upon graduation. The study involved 130 students whose weight was constantly monitored, and the scientists noted that the average weight gain was about 7 kilograms, although there were cases of greater weight gain.

It should also be noted that in other studies the average weight that a student gains is lower, about 2-3 kilograms, but one thing is for sure, it is not clear why, unbalanced sleep, unhealthy diet or alcohol consumption, almost all students tend to gain in weight.

3.You get nervous a lot

One survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that about 40 percent of people whose stress levels are higher than normal tend to cope with their problems through overeating. Increased appetite is accompanied by increased production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, which has properties that can slow down metabolism.

4.You're dieting incorrectly

Eating clean doesn't have to be something you do for weeks to get ready for summer. If you want to make a lasting change in the way your body looks, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will always get short-term results that will disappear as soon as you stop the diet.

The same applies to diets with separate meals. They can make you look like you're in good shape, but only temporarily. This is because you are basically depriving your body of vital nutrients and can potentially slow down your metabolism. And it's not only bad for your body. It can also put a lot of stress on your heart, which can be extremely detrimental to your overall health.

5. The cause may be due to the medications you are taking.

Some medications, such as antidepressants, including some very common prescription drugs such as Paxil, may cause your weight to increase. A survey found that about 10% of people in the United States take antidepressants. This doesn't mean you should get rid of them if you feel benefit from them. However, you should consult with your doctor about this, and ask if there is an alternative to this drug that will not affect weight gain, or if there is a way to minimize the negative effects of this drug.

Processed meat is not good for your diet

In one recent scientific experiment, two groups of people were given 750 extra calories on a daily basis. Some of the volunteers received a “supplement” of saturated fats, and the other part received a “supplement” of unsaturated fats. After seven weeks, half of the participants had twice as much visceral fat. It's easy to guess that those who were in the processed meat eating group gained extra inches around their waists. Try getting your calories and protein from fish rather than cutlets. The ideal option would be salmon, trout or dietary chicken. But minced meat used to make cheeseburgers and hamburgers will not be the best choice.

You drink Diet Coke

A recent scientific study published in the journal Obesity found that diet soda drinkers had a higher percentage of body fat. This is because you are overestimating the number of calories "saved." If you are not ready to part with your favorite drink, you will have to reduce the number of calories in your daily menu.


Is it possible to quickly lose weight around the waist?

The rate at which you lose excess weight will depend on a number of factors:

  • metabolism, that is, metabolic rate;
  • hormonal background. If there are problems, weight loss can be seriously slowed down;
  • other health problems, for example, with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nutrition (both total calories and nutrient ratios);
  • drinking regime;
  • training and general level of physical activity;
  • daily regime;
  • stress level.

In the absence of serious health problems, you can start weight loss processes in a fairly short time. Diet, adherence to the correct work and rest schedule, and regular physical activity, which can start with simple walks, will help you lose weight quickly.

It can be difficult to quickly get rid of fat in the waist area because this area may turn out to be a “problem area” for a particular person.

The point is that the body loses weight completely, that is, excess fat leaves the entire body, and not within a certain area. However, some parts of the body lose weight faster, while others lose weight more slowly. This depends on a number of factors, including metabolism, heredity, and lifestyle. But sometimes weight loss is more noticeable in the arms, hips and other parts of the body, and fat is lost on the stomach the slowest. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Do not despair: if weight loss occurs, it means that the excess weight is gradually disappearing. Accordingly, the stomach will begin to lose volume over time. It’s just that one person needs less time for this, while another needs more. This is an individual physiological feature of the human body.

You have a magnesium deficiency

People who don't get enough of this valuable macronutrient from their diet experience physical consequences in the form of increased blood glucose levels and higher insulin levels. You may not attribute these symptoms to a lack of magnesium, which is a key chemical element in the body that performs up to 300 different functions. There is a good reason to include foods like bananas, soybeans, and green leafy vegetables in your diet.


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Belly fat: BMI indicator

A high BMI (body mass index), almost always associated with a man having a large belly, is closely associated with a number of quite serious diseases - from diabetes to high blood cholesterol and problems with the cardiovascular system. Ultimately, it is excess weight that serves as a clear signal that the body’s metabolism is impaired.

Among other things, a negative consequence of having a big belly in men is a gradual drop in testosterone levels. The more fat a man's body stores (and the belly in particular), the more this fat affects the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. The result is an increase in fat mass on the chest and hips according to the female type, a decrease in muscle mass and a decrease in libido².

Diseases associated with high BMI:

  • Diabetes
  • Increased levels of bad cholesterol
  • Leptin resistance (uncontrollable hunger)
  • Decrease in testosterone levels in men

Hormonal belly

Of the huge number of people who are overweight and trying to burn fat, only a few have “obese” genetics. Even if they do have metabolic disorders, the reason for the growth of the hormonal belly often lies not in DNA at all, but in eating habits and a chronically sedentary lifestyle. And in order to lose this fat, existing habits will have to be changed.

It is also a mistake to believe that an increase in body fat is an irreversible consequence of growing up, affecting all men after thirty (in reality, a beer belly is very often explained by an appropriate diet and a sedentary lifestyle), just like an inevitable consequence of pregnancy (there are many examples when girls successfully got rid of abdomen just a few weeks after birth).

You eat packaged foods

Food products that are sold in boxes or packages are seriously harmful to your health. But the worst thing in this case is that they do not relieve you of excess belly fat, as they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates (chips, cookies) and a huge amount of refined sugar. When you eat these foods as a snack, insulin is released and your blood sugar levels immediately rise. An excess of this hormone causes excess glucose to be transported to storage areas on the sides and abdomen.

We all know how difficult it is to give up junk food in our diet, how difficult it is to give up cookies, chips and soda once and for all. Therefore, we offer you an alternative, more gentle option, in which organic products will gradually replace everything harmful. Therefore, add even more fruits and vegetables to your daily menu (especially during lunch and dinner). Plant fibers take a long time to digest and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, in addition, they are low in calories.


Advice from nutritionists and trainers

Important! To lose weight, you need to eat!

The correct diet is necessary:

  • A good breakfast, which should take place in the first hour after a person wakes up.
  • Eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals, especially rice.
  • Need to drink. The first glass is drunk half an hour before breakfast, and then throughout the day in between meals. You can't wash down your food!
  • Got a big belly? You need to stop eating sweets, smoked foods, fried foods, processed foods, which contain a lot of artificial additives and flavor enhancers.

Thus, by leading a healthy lifestyle, you can get rid of belly fat while young and after 50 years.


Hormonal belly is associated with disruption of the endocrine system

Do you like beer

In 2013, scientists from Denmark found that beer is directly linked to belly fat. And if you love this drink, you won't be happy about this news. There is another depressing fact: wine is also correlated with the accumulation of excess body weight, especially in women. What should ladies who like to “relax” at the end of the day on a regular basis do? Try limiting your alcoholic drinks to seven or fewer per week. Beer has a high calorie content, so limiting tactics should be beneficial for the stomach.

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Why doesn't the weight come off?

The psychosomatics of weight is an important topic. Often people don't understand how it works. When you look at the reasons why weight doesn’t come off, the explanations can be very interesting.

For example, a girl dreams of getting married, follows the principles of proper nutrition, makes all kinds of masks and wraps... But the weight keeps growing and growing and, as a rule, fat is deposited around the abdomen and hips. Why? Or maybe her mother raised this girl alone, with the attitude that “all men are assholes”? Now the girl develops a kind of protection from men. Or, if a husband torments a woman with his jealousy, she often wears “breeches” so that “no one will look at me.”

Weight gain also happens during other life situations and fears, for example when moving or starting an independent life. The body creates a kind of “safety bag of fat”, because our unconscious has completely different plans, and excess weight (especially its concentration in certain places) is a kind of signal.

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You're missing out on the benefits of doing yoga

Unfortunately, when a woman's body goes through menopause, it begins to hold onto belly fat more and more. That's why after 45 years it becomes more and more difficult to keep your abs in good shape. However, middle-aged ladies can breathe a sigh of relief. A scientific study conducted in 2012 found that practicing yoga can reduce your waist size by one and a half centimeters. According to the conditions of the experiment, women at the age of menopause studied in class three times a week.


Start exercising yourself, do it on a regular basis, and after a few weeks you will notice a significant improvement in your results. If you are not at all comfortable with yoga, but want to get the benefits of this Eastern practice, treat yourself to something relaxing and enjoyable. Relaxing procedures on a daily basis reduce the production of stress hormones.

The dangers of abdominal fat

How to remove hormonal belly

The formation of a “tummy” in women is associated with physiology. As she grows up, the girl’s body changes, because nature has taken care of creating the most comfortable conditions for the baby’s development. This is where the fat layer comes in handy, creating protection for the fetus. The fat layer in women is formed directly under the skin; to assess the size of the lipid layer, just grab the protruding fold.

The male body stores fat in a different way. It accumulates mainly near internal organs. This is abdominal fat. It is hormonally active, therefore it helps increase appetite. Because of this, fat reserves increase, squeezing internal organs. This is how their functions are disrupted.

Doctors recommend that men begin to fight fat when their waist size exceeds 94 cm. An overdeveloped lipid layer even negatively affects life expectancy. For women, the situation is somewhat simpler, but if your waist circumference is more than 80 cm, then you should immediately start getting rid of the extra centimeters. It’s a good idea to identify the cause and choose the appropriate method of combating excess weight, and only a doctor can handle this.

You are depressed

Women who experience depression are more likely to develop excess belly fat. This can be explained by apathy, decreased physical activity and poor eating habits. What to do to overcome the blues? Put on your workout clothes and head to the gym. Physical activity increases the production of chemicals in the brain that are responsible for good mood and increased metabolism.


How hormones affect weight

The metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is regulated by hormones. It can accelerate due to the excessive influence of some of them or, conversely, slow down, which leads to the accumulation of excess adipose tissue. It has its own hormonal activity. It synthesizes leptin. Normally, it acts on the hunger center in the hypothalamus and suppresses appetite and reduces the amount of food consumed. But with excess weight, sensitivity to this hormone decreases or its structure changes.

Other parts of the endocrine system are gradually involved in the pathological process. Therefore, the growth of adipose tissue in the abdomen is a multifactorial pathology.

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