How to eat when exercising to burn fat?

It is impossible to know about all the programs that have been released over the past ten years. What can we say about applications that have been running since the early 2000s? Many of them are not needed in everyday PC use. Only when faced with a new job or a certain field do we have to get acquainted with the necessary tools.

Few people know that Jira is a program that is not intended for individual use. It is popular among companies that need a tool for regulating projects.


Those who have worked in large companies know that project management programs are often required there. Jira is one such option. This is a commercial product that helps track mistakes. It is needed for employee interaction.

The development was carried out by Atlassian. Jira is part of this vendor's software. Together with Confluence it makes up a couple of core products.

The program does not need to be installed on a PC, since it is based on a web interface.

Diet for weight loss

It is imperative to keep the carbohydrate-fat balance under control, because fat, as a secondary source of energy, is the last thing consumed by our body. But by reducing the usual level of carbohydrates, you can force it to use its own reserves, and since we also need carbohydrates, we need to replace simple ones with complex ones (they take longer to process and are more healthy) - whole grain cereals, brown rice, vegetables with a high fiber content.

The biggest disaster in nutrition is a violation of the protein-fat-carbohydrate balance of food taken, so you need to reduce the size of the usual portion and limit the intake of:

  • Light carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods, bread and pasta made from white flour, potatoes) They need to be replaced with whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread, fruits, vegetables and herbs. You should definitely eat fresh white cabbage and sauerkraut, which stimulates the process of losing weight and normalizes metabolism.
  • Animal fats - butter, fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content, lard, fatty meats and fish; vegetable fats, low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish should be used instead.

>ATTENTION! The basis of a nutrition program for weight loss is to reduce fatty, high-carbohydrate foods and replace them with foods that stimulate metabolic processes. For example, those that contain large amounts of fiber.


The name of this system was formed by truncation of the word Gojira, which translates to "Godzilla" in Japanese. It, in turn, is represented by a reference to the name of a similar service, Bugzilla. Management thus wanted to emphasize the connection between the two programs and create a direct association with a competitor.

Atlassian came up with a fairly universal version. Considering that Jira is a multi-project management system, you can understand its tasks.

jira tasks


An interesting exercise that will lift your spirits and give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

  1. Take a position lying on your straight arms.
  2. Bounce on your toes, pointing the soles of your feet as high as possible and gently place your feet back on your toes. Make sure that when jumping your shoulders do not go beyond the projection of your palms.

100 jumps for men and 70 for girls will ensure a bright, energetic day.

Principle of operation

The platform for the program was Java EE. Jira works together with all known services of the organization and is supported by many operating systems.

The main element of the application is the task. It contains the name of the project, its topic and classification, and also indicates priorities, components and content. To expand it, just use additional fields, attachments or comments. In this case, you can connect custom fields, and photos and screenshots serve as additions.

Jira issues are dynamic and easy to manage. They can be edited and their status changed. It's easy to change the workflow in the settings to define transitions between task states. Everything that happens during operation is stored in the event log.

Fat burning parameters[edit | edit code]

Whether you realize it or not, you already know what your goal is. Just ask yourself: At what weight or percentage of body fat do you look and feel your best or perform at your best? Your goal will be the answer to this question.

a digital bathroom scale at home

, you try to weigh yourself every morning. And you'll probably get frustrated from time to time because your weight may fluctuate throughout the day, either going up or down as your body's fluid levels naturally fluctuate. It's very easy to become dependent on the numbers you see on the scale. This happens, in part, because once you start following a fat loss program and proper diet, exercise and drinking enough water, you can often gain excess weight first and only later lose it. This happens because for every glycogen molecule stored in the muscles, you add three additional water molecules, which, while in the muscles, are ready at any time to help carry out the metabolic process. When you step on the scale, you may notice some weight gain, which means you're carrying extra fluid.

A more accurate way to measure weight is to analyze body composition

, which determines what percentage of weight is muscle mass and what percentage is fat. In this case, several methods are used. One of them is underwater weighing, which is considered the “gold” standard and provides very accurate data (if done correctly). But this is not so easy to do - in my office, for example, there is definitely no water tank. Plus it's quite expensive.

Another method that has already proven its reliability and effectiveness during fat burning is bioelectrical impedance analysis.

(BIA), in which a painless electrical current is passed through the body using electrodes attached to the arms and legs. Adipose tissue, unlike tissue devoid of fat (for example, water in muscles), does not conduct it. Thus, the less fat there is in the body, the faster the current passes through it. Data from such an experiment are substituted into special formulas indicating a person’s weight, gender and age in order to calculate the proportions of subcutaneous fat and lean muscle mass.

Today you can buy a digital bathroom scale, weigh yourself, and perform a BIA analysis at the same time. The scale is not always accurate, but if you follow specific instructions, you will notice changes in your body composition. Your body must receive enough fluid, otherwise you will not get accurate data. Also, try not to eat for three to four hours during the weigh-in period and not drink alcohol for 12 hours. If all recommendations are followed, such scales can provide relatively accurate data regarding an increase or decrease in fat percentage. If you want to monitor the condition of the body, it would be correct to do such weighings no more than once every two to three weeks: it takes time for these changes to occur.

Another accurate method of checking body composition is skinfold measurement

In this case, the amount of fat located just under the skin is calculated, and then, using these indicators, body composition (including percentage of fat) is calculated. For these purposes, we recommend using the Body Expert
. When working with strength athletes and professional athletes, I use a different tactic - one that can become a real motivating factor for achieving the goal. I suggest using a measuring tape to measure the circumference of certain parts of the forearm, chest, waist, hips and calves. To see the positive changes your fat loss program is making, try to take these measurements every four to six weeks.


Since the program is multitasking, it has many configuration options. For example, for a specific application, a specific task type with all statuses, views and views is selected.

Schemas in a program are used to define access rights, behavior, visibility, and other things. All this must be customized for an individual project.

The service also copes with non-core tasks. For example, it can manage requirements, risks, implement a reservation system and automate the recruiting process.


Meal 1

Whey protein 1.5 scoops

Oatmeal 1 cup

Meal 2

Cottage cheese 1.5 cups

Potatoes 50 g

Vegetable salad 2 cups

Meal 3

Chicken 150 g

Potatoes 100 g

Vegetable salad 2 cups

Meal 4: Pre-workout

Whey protein 1.5 scoops

Grape juice 1 glass

Meal 5: Post-workout

Whey protein 1.5 scoops

Glucose (dextrose) 1 spoon

Meal 6

Lean beef 150 g

Potatoes 100 g

Vegetable salad 2 cups

Meal 7

Chicken 100 g

Vegetable salad 2 cups

Meal 8

Casein 1 scoop

Cottage cheese 1 cup


Since we know that Jira is a universal service, it becomes clear that it supports a variety of interfaces. These include the famous SOAP, XML-RPC and REST. The program cooperates with version control systems through integration with them.

jira management

There are special tools that can define a program into an integrated development environment. Among the supported interface languages ​​there is Russian.

Third-party developers who work on this platform can use special plugin extensions. To sell such tools, you need to coordinate all this with the Atlassian developer. Plugins are located in a special section of the company’s official website.


It has already been mentioned that Jira is a commercial product. It can be licensed in two systems:

  • on a local server;
  • as a remote application.

The choice of one of the two options depends on the feasibility and purpose of the program in a given situation. For local use you will have to pay 2900 rubles. ($50), and for remote access – 409 rubles. ($7) per month per user.

jira project management

If a project is launched that has received open source code, the development company gives a license, but requires special rules to be followed:

  • the license must be approved by the Open Source Initiative;
  • the source code can be downloaded;
  • We need a public open website for the project;
  • The company's software must run on this web resource.

Climber lunges

  1. In a plank position, place one of your legs behind the arm of the same name (on the outside).
  2. When jumping, return it to the starting position, and take the opposite hand behind your other hand.

Men: 50 (both ways).

Girls: 40 (both ways).

  • When performing a jump, try not to raise your pelvis too high.
  • The jump is necessary in such an amplitude that you can bring your supporting leg behind your hand.


To gain trust, the developers had to work hard on the program. Probably, successful cooperation has led to the fact that we have one of the most powerful software in front of us. He easily copes with project management and collaboration.

For this purpose, the management took care of ease of use. There are many special functions installed on the workboard that have different capabilities. For example, the platform is used for internal and external project management, flexible tracking and software development.

jira installation

The program was originally designed to meet the needs of users in different niches and industries. Since 2002, it has come a long way in evolution, developing and taking into account the requirements of modern projects.

To meet all needs, the developers have implemented the Scrumban approach, which adapts to any user scenario. The service’s algorithms understand the requirements for the project and configure it independently. This significantly speeds up the workflow and simplifies work.


Perhaps the most powerful tool for burning calories at home is burpees. This exercise has many variations. Today we will introduce you to one of them.


  1. Take a position with your feet apart.
  2. Squat down, touching the floor with your hands and jump up powerfully.
  3. At the peak of the jump, clap your palms overhead.
  4. Jump into a prone position.
  5. Push up from the floor in an explosive manner and clap.
  6. Jump back to the squat position.
  7. Jump up and repeat the entire cycle again.

Girls - no push-ups.

The efficiency of doing burpees is greatest if you use this exercise in the style of interval training, so we offer you the following protocols:

  • Men - 40 seconds work phase / 30 seconds rest phase - minimum 7 cycles. If you feel on fire, then you can enjoy this wonderful exercise for up to 10-12 minutes, no more. This period of time is quite enough to boost your metabolism to its fullest!
  • Girls - 25-30 seconds working phase / 35-45 seconds rest phase - from 5 to 7 cycles.


Finally, it’s worth mentioning Jira Service Desk. This is a proprietary plugin for the company's software. It can be connected to Jira or Confluence. It is needed in order to implement a support service in the system.

Jira Service is presented as a user portal where you can leave requests and view existing responses. The service helps set up the portal, set SLA level values, creates reporting on certain indicators, “fastens” the knowledge base, etc.

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