How to lose weight as a teenager: exercises and diet for girls and boys

Why do teenagers get fat?

The reasons for the appearance of excess weight are due to an incorrect or passive lifestyle, ill-organized nutrition, and less commonly, they arise due to diseases. To understand how to lose weight for a teenager, you need to find out the reason that caused excess weight gain. Possible causes of excess weight in adolescence:

  • non-compliance with diet, night snacks;
  • eating in front of the TV;
  • a large number of salty, sweet and flour products;
  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • fast food, crackers, pizza, chips, cocktails, etc.;
  • large portions of food;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking medications.

The cause of weight gain in girls after the start of menstruation is hormonal changes. To bring your weight back to normal, it is important to change your diet and increase physical activity.

At what age is it best to start dealing with the problem of excess weight in a child?

If your child is faced with the fact that at the age of 11-12 his peers call him fat, try not to take radical measures unless the doctor requires it. Remember that extra pounds are not the result of serious disorders of internal organs. It is absolutely normal for teenagers to gain and lose weight as a result of hormonal changes in the body, which in our time is also accompanied by poor nutrition and lack of a diet and personal schedule.

Remember that any diet is contraindicated for a child under 15 years of age. Do not under any circumstances support a teenager in his desire to lose weight dramatically! This does not mean that a child can eat everything. It is necessary to choose proper and balanced nutrition. You only need to exclude fast food, carbonated water, chips, excessive amounts of sweets and everything that is contraindicated for a person of any age.

At the age of 14, the body goes through an intensive stage of growth and development. The child develops faster as he grows up. So just start cooking the right food and set an example for him to eat healthy. Remember that children copy their parents in everything.

So, until the age of 16-17, try to strictly control that your child under no circumstances adheres to any newfangled diets about which the Internet is full of information today. Otherwise, at such an early age, a teenager risks developing gastritis, ulcers or other chronic diseases.

What are the dangers of dieting for teenagers?

Most diets involve increasing protein foods in the diet and eliminating fats and carbohydrates. This approach leads to weight loss, but it cannot be used by teenagers, because the diet can cause loss of strength, malaise, and disruption of organs and systems. Diets based on the consumption of carbohydrates and small amounts of protein foods can cause a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients in the body. A low-calorie diet combined with increased physical activity can cause dizziness, fainting, and weakness. To avoid this, you need a balanced diet in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The diet may include foods containing salt and sugar. There is no need to completely abandon them, but it is important to control the consumption of such products, as they have a significant impact on weight gain.

Causes of teenage obesity

Typically, excess kilograms are not the result of serious pathologies of internal organs. Teenagers gain weight as a result of hormonal changes in the body, which is accompanied by minimal physical activity and an unhealthy diet.

Modern parents have virtually no time to track what their child eats at school or after school. As well as providing him with the opportunity to play sports in any of its forms.

Excess weight provokes uncontrolled consumption of fast food, chips, carbonated drinks, crackers and other industrial products with a high glycemic index. In addition, such a diet is high in calories, and the content of preservatives and flavor enhancers in it motivates the teenager to eat more and more portions of his favorite food. And this despite the fact that it is absorbed behind the TV or computer screen.

How to lose weight for a teenager at home without harm to health?

Metabolic processes in a young body are more active than in adults, so children lose weight faster. First you need to determine the amount of excess weight, then develop a program of proper nutrition and exercise for the week. It is important that excess weight goes away gradually. The recommended amount is about 3 kg per week. Parents play an important role in the weight loss process. They should help in creating a menu, motivate and support the child, evaluate the changes taking place together with him and rejoice at the successes.

Quickly lose extra 5 kg

Losing weight by 5 kg as a teenager is not difficult; you don’t need an extreme diet with strict restrictions, just a properly balanced menu and regular physical activity. The daily diet should be divided into 5 doses:

  • breakfast - porridge with fruit, a slice of bread and tea without sugar;
  • lunch - soup or meat with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - fruit or yogurt;
  • dinner - cottage cheese or meat and fresh vegetables;
  • late dinner - kefir.

Sweets can be replaced with figs, dried apricots, dates, prunes (2-3 pieces during the day). The following physical activities will help you achieve the desired result at home:

  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • walking in the morning and before bed for half an hour.

Physical activity should be introduced gradually and its intensity should also be increased gradually.

Method for losing 10 kg in a week

Rapid weight loss is possible only if there are no contraindications, such as chronic diseases. To lose 10 kg within a week, you need to ensure the correct content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJC) in your diet. Healthy food menu for the week:

DaysBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1oatmeal porridge with honey, plums - 3 pcs., unsweetened green teagreen applefish soup with vegetables, a slice of bran yeast-free breadyogurt, dates - 2 pcs.steamed beef, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, herbs (dressing - lemon juice, salt, linseed oil)
2broccoli, buckwheat porridge, cocoaapricots - 4 pcs.steamed turkey with cauliflower, sweet peppers, zucchini, asparaguscottage cheese casserolegrilled or steamed fish, salad of radishes, tomatoes, green onions, parsley (dressing - lemon juice, sesame oil)
3Rice porridge with spinach, unsweetened dried fruit compotecottage cheese and applesteamed chicken cutlets, fresh carrot, celery, lettuce saladnatural yogurt, cottage cheese, pearbaked hake, salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumbers, green peas with a spoon of olive oil
4egg white omelette, tomatoes, bran bread, black teavegetable salad (cabbage, apple, carrot)bulgur with boiled chickendried apricots with natural yogurtsteamed beef with vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, broccoli)
5oatmeal with cottage cheese, strawberries - 10 pcs., fruit drinkgreen applespinach and meatball soupcottage cheese casserole, green teabaked white fish with tomatoes and arugula
6egg white omelette, boiled rice, green teadried apricots, prunesboiled shrimp or other seafood, fish, seaweedplums - 4 pcs.natural yogurt, cottage cheese, apricots - 4 pcs.
7millet porridge, banana, unsweetened teaboiled egg, cucumberborscht, yeast-free breadcottage cheese casserole, teabaked rabbit meat, sauerkraut

In this mode, the child’s weight is normalized within a month. Intensive training according to the following program will help speed up weight loss:

Days of the weekTraining
1Morning and evening walks for 30 minutes.
2Tabata workout (exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds):
  • warm-up;
  • squats;
  • burpees;
  • "Climber";
  • jumping in place;

Do 5 more repetitions of the indicated exercises with a five-minute rest between repetitions.

3Walking morning and evening for 40 minutes.
4Training for all muscle groups:
  • warm-up;
  • lunges;
  • "Martin";
  • swimming;
  • push ups;
  • lateral flexion of the spine (to the sides);
  • bending diagonally.
5Morning and evening walks for 45 minutes.
  1. Warm up (squats, jumping rope, running in place).
  2. Squats.
  3. Bent leg raise.
  4. Squats with swings.
  5. Body lifts.
  6. Swimming.
  7. Push ups.
  8. Press using a ball.

A method for losing weight without dieting or exercise for a teenager

Excess weight in adolescence can be perceived as very painful. The opposite situation is also possible, when the child does not understand that he has a problem.

In both situations, the teenager needs parental support. The child must understand that excess weight can and must be fought. Examples include stories of celebrities who were able to cope with this problem.

It is important for parents of overweight children to remember a few key rules:

  • The diet should not contain sweets, chocolate, cakes and other sweets. Tea without sugar, but you can have honey.
  • It is required to minimize the amount of pasta and bread in the diet, eat bran bread, fermented milk products, and fish.
  • During the day, your child should drink plenty of water to boost metabolism and relieve hunger.

Diet for teenagers 13-16 years old

Remember that you need to be careful when following the weight loss sequence. Consultation with a doctor is required. Weight loss is slow. At the slightest symptoms of poor health, you should abandon the idea of ​​losing extra pounds. There are such diet options for teenagers.

Diet for teenagers 11 years old

For the first meal, take some low-fat cottage cheese with honey, a boiled egg and tea without sugar. The second meal consists of 150 grams of chicken meat and vegetable soup. An afternoon snack can consist of fresh vegetables and fruits and a piece of black bread. For dinner, boiled fish and vegetables.

Diet for teenagers 12 years old

It is advisable to start the day with oatmeal without sugar, a hard-boiled egg and tea. Lunch of vegetable soup and turkey meat. For afternoon snack, eat 2 apples. The last meal consists of boiled hake and low-fat cottage cheese.

Diet for teenagers 13 years old

For the first meal, take boiled veal and buckwheat, tea without sugar. Next, you can eat fresh vegetables and a piece of fish. Wash it down with tea. The third meal can consist of only fruits. In the evening, eat cottage cheese casserole, not sweet, and yogurt.

Diet for teenagers 14 years old

The beginning consists of a glass of kefir, apples and banana. On the second: soup with lean pork, black bread, yogurt, muesli and tea. For an afternoon snack, you can eat any fruit and drink a glass of milk. Dinner consists of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, baked vegetables and compote.

Diet for teenagers 15 years old

In the morning, eat low-fat cottage cheese, raisins and cashews. Lunch consists of vegetable soup (cabbage, beans, carrots must be present), black bread, compote, apple and hazelnuts. For the third snack, semolina and half a glass of yogurt are allowed. For dinner, take meat stewed with vegetables, rice, egg and jelly.

Diet for teenagers 16 years old

First, a glass of milk with the lowest percentage of fat content, an egg and nuts are allowed. The second meal consists of steamed fish cutlets, rice and vegetable salad. Wash it down with jelly. The third technique includes some cottage cheese and tangerines. For the evening, baked potatoes, cucumber and tomato with sour cream (15%) and dried fruit compote.

It is much easier to lose weight as a teenager. It’s worth starting to work on yourself right now. And in the future it will only be easier for you.

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How to eat right to lose weight?

The basis of losing weight is proper, balanced nutrition:

  • observe the proportions of BJU - 30% proteins, 20 - fats and 50 - carbohydrates;
  • maintaining a meal schedule throughout the day;
  • the bulk of the food should be for lunch;
  • avoidance of unhealthy foods and carbonated sweet drinks;
  • last meal - until 19.00;
  • eating steamed or baked foods;
  • minimum amount of salt;
  • exclusion of smoked meats, pickles, fried foods.


Teenagers should be provided with four meals a day:

  • Breakfast - 25% of the daily ration;
  • Lunch - from 35 to 40%;
  • Afternoon snack - 15%;
  • Dinner - from 20 to 25%

Calorie standards for teenagers

Calorie content of food is calculated as follows: 1.8 kcal per 1 kg of body weight.

AgeCalorie intake per day
from 10 to 12 years21502250
from 13 years to 16 years23002500
from 16 years old24003000


On average, you need to consume 2 g of protein per 1 kg of child weight per day (girls - 82-90 g, boys - 90-98 g). Protein sources:

  • beef;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • nuts;
  • beans.


Requirement per day for girls is 84-90 g, for boys - 92-100 g. Sources of fat:

  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • sour cream;
  • nuts;
  • cheeses;
  • salo;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat.


The daily norm for girls is 355-360 g, for boys - 390-425 g. Sources of carbohydrates:

  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • bread;
  • fruits;
  • honey.


The norm for a teenager is 50 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight. The liquid is:

  • mineral water;
  • decoction of dried fruits;
  • tea;
  • herbal decoction;
  • juices from fruits and vegetables.

Consumption standards for vitamins, macro- and microelements for a teenager

The child’s body needs vitamins and minerals, which in the summer can be obtained from fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. In autumn, winter and spring you can take vitamin preparations.

Macro- and microelementsDaily value (g)
Sodium, chlorine, potassium4
Vitamins, mg
IN 11,8
AT 22,5
AT 62,0
AT 123,0

Step-by-step instructions for losing weight for teenagers aged 12-13 years


To achieve a beautiful figure and prevent health problems, the weight loss process is organized so that the loss of extra pounds is gradual.

Even while losing weight, a teenager should eat a balanced diet, getting the necessary biologically active substances from food.

In addition to healthy eating, a home weight loss program for a teenager includes:

  • regular physical activity;
  • correct drinking regime;
  • compliance with the activity and rest regime.

Also, working on losing extra pounds may include psychological help for a teenager if the problem of excess body weight has led to complexes and deterioration of relationships with parents and friends.

All of the methods listed above, used in combination, will help girls and boys aged 12-13 years old get in good physical shape.

Important! It should be taken into account that at the age of 12-13, a teenager will not be able to lose weight in a week or several days. Firstly, rapid loss of extra pounds is stressful for a growing body. Secondly, gradual weight loss requires at least several months.

Dietary changes


Proper nutrition is one of the main ways to lose weight for 12-13 year olds. Unhealthy habits of a child associated with food consumption culture usually develop in the family.

The child borrows large dinners, excessive consumption of sweets, frequent snacking while watching TV and other violations of the rules of eating behavior from his parents. To create normal nutritional conditions for a teenager, the family must demonstrate healthy habits by example.

One of the main reasons for a teenager gaining extra pounds is the abundance in the diet of high-calorie, but useless, in terms of composition, foods. Such foods include:

  • confectionery;
  • snacks;
  • fast food;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • sauces;
  • pastries made from butter dough;
  • industrial juices.

These foods are removed from the diet if the child intends to lose weight.


What to include in the menu of an overweight teenager:

  • fresh vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • cereal breads;
  • boiled eggs, baked omelette;
  • lean meat, cooked in the oven or steamed;
  • marine fish;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • moderate fat dairy products;
  • raw nuts and seeds in moderation;
  • dried fruits;
  • honey, marshmallow, jam in limited quantities.

A teenager should eat 5 times a day, taking three-hour breaks. In this case, the portions should be small in size. Small meals will help you avoid hunger pangs and normalize your metabolism.

Important! When developing a daily menu for a teenager who is losing weight, you need to take into account that in the first half of the day the child should eat food rich in carbohydrates. Such products and dishes include vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and sweets allowed by the diet. In the afternoon, the child should eat protein foods.

An approximate daily menu looks like this:

Eating Dishes and products
Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, a piece of egg casserole, tea with a spoon of honey.
Second breakfast (snack) A handful of dried fruits or a banana.
Dinner Vegetarian soup, baked chicken fillet with vegetables.
Afternoon snack Yogurt, half a handful of nuts.
Dinner Cottage cheese casserole with low-fat sour cream.

If a teenager feels hungry before going to bed, then at night he can drink a glass of moderate-fat kefir.

Proper drinking

guy drinks water

Compliance with the drinking regime is a prerequisite for a teenager who needs to lose weight. You need to drink 1.5 liters of pure still water per day. A teenager should drink the recommended amount of fluid throughout the day.

What are the benefits of a correct drinking regime:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • moderate fluid intake helps avoid acute attacks of hunger;
  • Skin cells are saturated with moisture, so it does not lose elasticity.

In addition to water, the teenager is allowed to drink weak unsweetened tea, freshly squeezed juices, and homemade fruit drinks. Coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks are excluded from the child’s diet.

Exercises for 12-13 year old boys and girls

Physical exercises performed daily will help a 13-year-old teenager lose weight relatively quickly. A correctly selected complex will help the child normalize muscle tone, improve posture, increase physical endurance, improve metabolism and gain vigor. Regular exercise helps speed up the process of losing weight without compromising your health.

Exercises that are suitable for a 12 year old boy:

  1. Push-ups: This exercise helps you get rid of excess fat in the chest area, tone your triceps muscles and slim your arms. During push-ups, the body is parallel to the floor, the pelvis is at the same level as the back. Hands should be placed shoulder-width apart and your gaze should be directed to the floor. In this position they do push-ups, trying to touch the floor with their chest. You need to repeat the exercise at least 10 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  2. Exercises with dumbbells: a teenager takes a dumbbell weighing 1 kilogram in each hand. Hands with weights fall at the seams. As you inhale, lift your limbs up until your shoulders touch your ears. As you exhale, lower your arms down. You need to perform the exercise 10-15 times in 3 approaches.
  3. Pull-ups: To perform this exercise you will need a bar. As he inhales, the boy slowly pulls himself up to the bar, trying to touch it with his chin, and as he exhales, he lowers himself. The number of repetitions starts from 5-7 times.

Important! Strenuous exercise is harmful for teenagers because it puts a lot of stress on the musculoskeletal system and the heart.


The boy will also benefit from such types of physical activity as cycling, swimming, football and basketball. In winter you can practice skiing and hockey.

When choosing exercises for a girl, preference should be given to loads that do not involve excessive tension in the abdominal muscles or lifting heavy loads.

It is preferable to focus on stretching exercises.

How to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl at home with exercises:

  1. Fold: You need to sit on the floor with your legs stretched out perfectly straight in front of you. Having bent at the waist, you need to pull yourself up to your legs with straight arms. The stomach, chest and chin should be pulled as far as possible towards the straightened legs. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds. The exercise is repeated 5 or more times.
  2. Bend-overs: This exercise will help you lose weight around your waist. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your head and begin to rhythmically tilt your body to the sides, returning to the starting position as you inhale. The exercise is repeated 15 times, bending to each side.
  3. Crunches: Lie on your back on the floor and bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor. Without lifting your shoulders and back from the floor, you need to alternately turn your legs bent at the knees in each direction. The exercise is repeated 15 times in each direction.

Teenage girls will benefit from dancing, figure skating, swimming, and cycling.

What should be excluded from the menu?

Parents often wonder how to lose weight for a teenager 14 years old or older. At this age, it is important to monitor your child’s diet.

Its menu should not contain:

  • chips;
  • crackers;
  • fast food;
  • baked goods;
  • sweets (allowed in minimal quantities);
  • sweet carbonated drinks (they should be replaced with compotes);
  • industrial juices.

If you are obese, you cannot choose a diet for your child on your own; this should be done by a specialist after a full examination.

How to lose 5-10 kg in a month for a teenager

Metabolic processes in the body of a child and teenager proceed faster than in the body of an adult. Therefore, losing weight by summer or within a certain period of time is a completely achievable goal for a boy or girl. The main thing is to have a strong desire to make your figure slimmer, and if there is no special incentive to lose weight, it is better not to start. First of all, a teenager needs to set a goal for himself. For example, lose 7 kg in a month. Next, you need to draw up a weight loss plan and strictly adhere to it. How to lose weight for a teenager: where to start?

Teenage girls

Normalization of nutrition. Poor nutrition is a real problem that parents will have to solve. It happens that mom and dad don’t have time to cook for their offspring: children eat fast food, and sometimes just anything at all. To normalize nutrition you need:

  • Make sure that the teenager follows a meal schedule and eats at least three to four times a day.
  • If a boy or girl eats mainly in the evening, it is necessary to balance the diet so that meals are evenly distributed.
  • You will have to refuse to eat in establishments such as canteens or cafes. If it is not possible to eat at home, you need to organize meals so that the child has breakfast, lunch and dinner, according to the daily routine.
  • The diet should include first courses; unhealthy foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates and trans fats should be avoided.
  • It is better not to drink sweet, carbonated drinks; instead, you should drink purified water without gas.

Boy and girl

Increasing physical activity. Movement is life. For overweight teenagers who want to lose weight, pediatricians recommend moving more. This burns more calories, which helps you quickly lose extra pounds. Start losing weight now, listen to our advice:

  • Try to go down and up to your floor not by elevator, but by stairs.
  • If the school is nearby, why not walk to it instead of sweating in stuffy transport?
  • If there are no medical contraindications, do not skip physical education lessons.
  • After school, go out into the yard, play football, volleyball, and other active games.
  • Sign up for the pool. During swimming, many muscles work intensively, and calories are lost instantly.
  • The ideal option for those who want to lose weight is to join a sports section.

Pea on a plate and cutlery

Other measures to normalize weight

  • Make an appointment with your pediatrician. Sometimes the causes of obesity are diseases; it is necessary to exclude their possibility.
  • Parents, relatives and friends should provide psychological support to those losing weight, then it will be much easier to achieve the desired result.
  • Some teenagers smoke and drink energy drinks. We need to start fighting these harmful addictions.

Losing weight at different ages

Adolescence is considered to be the period of 12-17 years. The appearance of excess body weight usually occurs at the beginning of puberty - 13-14 years.

A surge of hormones, psychological experiences, and emotions can cause both refusal of food and its consumption in large quantities. At this age, parents should take care of adjusting their daily routine, nutrition and physical activity to avoid weight problems. By the age of 16, the process of puberty is completed, the excess weight gained gradually disappears, unless its appearance is caused by health problems. If your weight does not return to normal, you should seek help from nutritionists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, and fitness trainers.

Girls 12-13 years old

During this period, it is important to review the child’s nutrition, provide him with correct eating habits and a healthy diet. Excess weight at this age can cause the development of diabetes, increased blood pressure, and heart and vascular diseases. Diets that adult women use are not suitable for a teenage girl. To lose weight, it will be enough to exclude unhealthy foods from the menu, balance your diet, follow a diet, and lead an active lifestyle.

Girls 14−16 years old

The cause of weight gain at this age may be a hormonal imbalance, so losing weight should begin after examination and consultation with a doctor. If no health problems are identified, the teenager needs to switch to a healthy diet and exercise. Physical activity should be at least 3 times a week. For home training, you can choose the following program:

  • jumping rope as a warm-up;
  • 20 minutes of easy running;
  • 3 minutes rest;
  • 30 squats (divided into 4 sets);
  • 30 push-ups (3 sets);
  • Press 45 times (3 sets).

Advice for boys

Methods for losing weight for boys are the same as for girls. The only difference is the increase in physical activity:

  • 30 minutes of running;
  • 60 push-ups (divided into 4 sets), you can add clapping;
  • 60 squats or lunges (4 sets);
  • 100 leg raises from a lying position;
  • 15 minutes of running.

Boys under and after 15 years of age can engage in swimming, basketball, and football. In this case, the diet should contain a lot of protein to activate the muscular system.

How to lose weight for a teenage girl

Wanting to lose extra pounds, teenage girls often take extreme measures and can harm their health. What to do? Read the article, get 17 tips on how to safely lose weight for a teenage girl and change correctly!

teenage girl lost weight

How to lose weight if you are a teenager? Here you need to be careful, because the main thing is health. First, you need to know where the truth is and where the fiction is, so as not to fall into the hook of some myth with dire consequences. So, if you are a teenage girl who wants to lose weight safely, but at the same time effectively, read on. We offer you 17 useful tips, tested in practice.

Meal plan for weight loss

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Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 03/10/2020

Ask a Question

You're still growing

If you're still in school but want to lose weight, the first thing you need to remember is that you're still growing! Gaining and losing weight during adolescence is almost inevitable as your body adapts to different hormonal levels and develops its own metabolism. Don't panic every time you gain a couple of extra pounds!

Play sports

Yes, it sounds corny, but it is true. If you're interested in team sports, you might want to consider joining your local volleyball or soccer team. Well, if you are a loner by nature, find something you like - for example, make it a rule to run in the morning. Sports are a great way not only to maintain your figure or lose weight, but also to make new friends.


Choose the lesser of two evils

As children and teenagers, we loved chips, cola and candy - hell, we practically lived in fast food heaven! But this is terribly harmful! Unfortunately, fast food is an integral part of the life of almost any teenager. Are we suggesting that we forget about these unhealthy goodies? No. But you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle and choose one “vice”, and change the rest to something more useful. For example, you can continue to munch on popcorn in movie theaters, but swap soda for mineral water. Or keep your habit of snacking on chips at lunch, but swap the soda for fruits and vegetables.

Forget about soda

Did you notice that in the previous tip we mentioned soda TWICE in the context of “forgetting and not remembering”? This is because it is she who will not allow teenagers to lose weight in peace. Each serving contains a ton of empty calories. So what will those calories do? They will only cling to you in the form of extra pounds and centimeters. Forget Coca-Cola, or at least switch to diet versions.

harmful carbonated water

Do it now

If you suffer from excess weight, and you are not yet 18, do not put it off for a long time. It won't get any easier. Of course, losing weight for a teenager, and not only that, is not easy, but if you start now, it will be easier later. Much easier.

Find a real girlfriend

It is your friends who have a decisive influence on your fight against excess weight. True friends will support you and push you forward - towards the treasured kilograms. But friends who only seem like them can undermine your aspirations for a better figure. Therefore, it’s better to hang out with people you can count on, and it’s better to avoid your enemies - let them gloat to themselves, he who laughs last laughs best!

girlfriends at the gym

Turn off the TV and computer

Have you noticed that we are moving our butts off the chair less and less? We watch TV, play video games, surf the Internet or just chat with friends, but from home, lying on the couch. It's horrible! This not only harms relationships, but also undermines the active physical activity of the body, which is simply necessary to lose weight (and then not gain weight)! If you want to lose weight and generally stay healthy, turn off the TV, move away from the computer, go for a walk with your friends.

Get up and dance

And again about video games. There are some useful ones among them. If you really want to play something, let it be an active game with a dance mat. Kinetic games are a lot of fun, and you can do it with your best friends. For example, organize a competition. Not only will you have a great time, but you will also burn those hated calories.

Do it for yourself

If you want to lose weight because your friends, parents, boyfriend or anyone else wants you to, stop and take a good look in the mirror. If you like what you see there, but everyone around you says that you need to lose weight, go to the doctor - he will tell you honestly whether to lose weight or not. Only a doctor can give an objective assessment of the body and figure. Perhaps your desire to lose weight is caused only by the useless general opinion (“because weighing 20 kg is fashionable”).

Ask for help

It's hard being a teenage girl. They can laugh at you and make fun of you. Nobody wants to help, those around them think only about themselves and how to have fun! If you are being bullied, humiliated, or even just laughed at, turn to adults for help - parents, teachers, true friends. Don't try to cope with the problems of this world alone - it will not lead to anything good.

Do not rush

Losing weight cannot be called an easy process. Instead of diving into it headlong, start small and gradually increase the difficulty. To start, cut out sodas in the first week, then add one piece of fruit every day in the second week, then start exercising in the third week. The main thing is not to return to old bad habits and gradually build up new – useful ones. Believe me, you will see improvements very soon, and these “little things” will already help you move on.

fresh fruits

Think about your lunch

Yes, lunch in the school cafeteria can be light and casual, but you need to be honest with yourself: calories are not equally healthy, especially if the school has a buffet. Instead of being torn between a cheesy burrito and a greasy burger, grab lunch from home (but make sure your home-cooked lunch isn't just as high in calories and unhealthy). This way you can control what and how much you eat at lunch. Try cheese, almonds and orange or apples and celery with peanut butter and low-fat yogurt. Any of these dishes is nutritious, satisfying and most importantly – low-calorie!


This may seem ineffective, but don't jump to conclusions. If you take too long between meals, you will feel intense hunger, and in this situation, anyone can make the wrong choice and eat something that they later regret. You know, eating 5 whites at lunch because you “haven’t eaten anything since yesterday” is the worst idea that could ever come into your head. Remember: you need to refuel your body every couple of hours, but always with healthy, low-calorie snacks.

Get enough sleep

If you don't sleep well, your body will have trouble controlling the hormones that control your appetite. In other words, if you don’t sleep enough, you will want to eat more, which means you will eat more than you need. Try to get enough sleep every night so that you can boldly and fearlessly give up fast food in favor of healthier foods.

How to lose weight for a teenage girl

Don't skip meals

Most teenage girls are deluded into thinking that skipping lunch or breakfast will help them lose weight. It's just the opposite, you can't skip breakfast! Remember: a growing body needs to eat every 4 hours (at least) to quell the feeling of hunger. If you allow hunger to dominate, you will rush to everything, and this, as you yourself understand, will not lead to anything good. Conclusion: You can’t skip meals.

Measure your portions

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether you are eating the right portion? Until you can judge your portion size by eye, you can try weighing your food. Use a regular kitchen scale and measuring cups to get an idea of ​​how much you're eating. Perhaps the portion of food is too large (most teenagers eat... ahem... like elephants), and you can lose weight by simply reducing it a little.

Physical exercise

If you are involved in any kind of sport, then you have an understanding of exercise and exercise. If not, then you should know the following: 30 minutes of physical activity should be on your schedule every day! Running, swimming, skateboarding and cycling are all great options. During physical activity, you not only burn extra calories (and, accordingly, lose weight), but also give your body and body a chance to stay healthy. It's also worth doing strength training a couple of times a week, because it will help you build muscle mass and speed up your metabolism. Exercises with dumbbells are perfect even for teenagers.

a ride on the bicycle


The above tips are tested, proven and effective. These are great ways for teenage girls to lose weight, because a teenager is a “growing organism.” Remember, you can do anything! So involve your best friend in your grandiose plan and go ahead - conquer new heights!

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