How to independently determine the strength of the pelvic floor muscles

Why do you need to train intimate muscles?

If you're wondering whether you should exercise your pelvic floor muscles at all, we have the answer.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? 7 Expert Tips and 4 Exercises for Intimate Muscles That Will Make You More Confident Opportunities Health Sex Tips for Every Day

Why you need to do this:

For health prevention. Pelvic floor muscle training can be compared to regular sports. If you do not pump any muscle in the body, then over time it loses elasticity and firmness. And if at the age of 20 the lack of sports does not greatly affect the body, then at the age of 40-50 the lack of training will make itself felt. If you do not train your intimate muscles, then as you age you may experience incontinence, prolapse of internal organs and “farting sounds” during intimacy.

To restore muscle tone after childbirth. Even if there was a caesarean section. For more vivid sensations from sex. Training intimate muscles develops the sensitivity of nerve endings and, as a result, increases orgasmicity many times over.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? 7 Expert Tips and 4 Exercises for Intimate Muscles That Will Make You More Confident Opportunities Health Sex Tips for Every Day

After quality training with special simulators, you will be able to do many mind-blowing techniques. For example, when a man is inside you, make a “wave” or flex your intimate muscles. Believe me, no man will remain indifferent.

Nutrition for growth

Both men and women should take into account that no matter how much you “surprise” your muscles, without proper nutrition they will not grow. After all, in this case, they will have nowhere to get building material - protein. And for high-intensity training, energy is needed - carbohydrates.

Therefore, the result of your training directly depends on what you eat. And we smoothly move on to nutritional advice.

Follow these steps and growth will follow.

  1. The calorie content of your diet should be excess, but only by 700-900 kcal for men and 200-400 kcal for women. Women need to know that when you have a calorie surplus, you store fat faster, so your calorie surplus should be negligible.
  2. Consume only high-quality and healthy food. For protein, give preference to lean meats, as well as milk and eggs. Try to consume slow carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables and unsweetened fruits). First-class sources of fats are: red fish, seafood, nuts, avocados, various oils (sunflower, olive, flaxseed)
  3. As a rule, after 40 years, the production of testosterone (the main male hormone) decreases, and its amount directly affects muscle growth. Therefore, at this age you need to increase the amount of foods that increase testosterone levels in your diet. These can be lean meats, seafood, greens, vegetables (possibly spicy) and nuts

In addition to such important components as nutrition and training, muscle growth can be promoted. But their choice must be approached with full responsibility. Despite the fact that they do not have serious side effects, they should be taken wisely and it is best to consult a doctor before use.

These drugs include:

  • Vitamins and vitamin-like substances (vitamin-mineral complexes, B vitamins)
  • Anabolizers (glutamic acid, methionine, potassium orotate, )
  • Enzymes (festal, karsil)
  • Energy drugs (inosine, lipoic acid, )
  • Performance enhancing agents (ginseng root, eleutherococcus)
  • Drugs affecting the central nervous system (nootropil, aminalon)
  • Drugs affecting blood properties and blood flow (trental, complamin)

Please pay close attention to the following instructions. These drugs should be taken only after consultation with a doctor (preferably a sports doctor) and under his supervision. Also, beginners, that is, people whose training experience does not exceed 2 years, do not need to take these funds!

How to feel intimate muscles?

Intimate muscles are the muscles of the anal-genital zone. And the pelvic floor is an integral part of the intimate muscles and the base on which everything rests. You can feel the pelvic floor muscles in different ways. For example, when you go to the toilet in a small way, try to stop the flow. Or insert a clean finger into your vagina and try to squeeze it without holding your breath.

There are a few basic guidelines for this process:

  1. A great place to start is to use Kegel exercises to tighten and relax your intimate muscles.
  2. Start at a slow pace. If you've never exercised before, the fast pace will make you more likely to make mistakes when you start training your pelvic floor muscles.
  3. Do not start training with a simulator until you learn to feel your intimate muscles without it.
  4. Make sure you perform the exercises correctly - do not hold your breath, do not push, this can, on the contrary, harm your health.
  5. If you have any health problems (hemorrhoids, prolapse, stitches, etc.), consult a gynecologist and a specialist in intimate muscle training.
  6. If you currently have a disease of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis or any other disease in the acute stage, then training should be postponed.
  7. One workout can last up to 2 hours. You shouldn’t give up one approach quickly; your pelvic floor muscles won’t have time to warm up. Start with 100 approaches at a time, this will be enough.

If you understand that you can’t feel your intimate muscles on your own, it’s not scary and absolutely normal. In this case, contact a specialist who will help you competently start training your pelvic floor muscles.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? 7 Expert Tips and 4 Exercises for Intimate Muscles That Will Make You More Confident Opportunities Health Sex Tips for Every Day

Technique #5: 100 reps per set.

A typical set is 8-12 reps, right? Sometimes, albeit rarely, their number is increased to fifteen. But in principle, even twenty-five repetitions in a set are not outside the scope of normal training practice. What if you multiply twenty-five by four? Then we will get a super-effective marathon set for mercilessly “bombing” the pectoral muscles!

In general, the idea of ​​“marathon sets” of up to hundreds of repetitions is not new. Moreover, it was never considered particularly promising in methodological terms. Why? Because repeated exhausting movements, moreover, repeated week after week, can give anything but muscle growth.

And yet, a hundred repetitions per set is a brilliant idea for those who want to give their muscles a good shake-up! However, remember that the “strength marathon” is an analogue of shock therapy, so often resorting to its help is contraindicated. How to do it? Nothing could be easier!

Firstly, the best equipment for a marathon is a simulator (impeccable technique for performing the exercise is guaranteed).

Secondly, the best exercise for a marathon is presses or flyes (by the way, both are best done in a “seated” version).

Now about the execution order. It is extremely simple: you sit on the machine and do one hundred repetitions - without rest or even pauses. The weight is light, at least lighter than the warm-up weight. The first twenty repetitions are a piece of cake, by the thirtieth lactic acid will begin to accumulate in the muscles, and before that the light weight will immediately become cast iron heavy! At fiftieth, you will regret that you allowed yourself to be drawn into this adventure, and at seventy-fifth, your muscles will begin to scream in pain! And finally, here it is - the last, hundredth repetition! You can leave the hall. Or you can start all over again.

Greetings, friends! In this article I would like to talk about what muscle growth is, how to make muscles grow and give some effective tips. Many people know what a “plateau” is, but do you know how to deal with it?

If you turn not to bodybuilders, but to scientists who are trying to look deep into the processes occurring in our muscles, then opinions differ about the reasons for muscle growth. When performing physical work, mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) accumulates in the muscles - a growth factor that triggers protein synthesis in the muscles.

At the same time, the number of hydrogen ions (a product of the breakdown of lactic acid) increases. This component is necessary to activate protein synthesis. However, its excess leads to acidification of muscle fibers and destruction of muscle cells.

So, some scientists argue that you need to give your muscles stress while trying to destroy them as little as possible. That is, accumulate a sufficient number of hydrogen ions, but not excess. In this case, there will be enough growth factors for the muscles to grow.

Another camp of scientists argues that the more destruction in muscle tissue, the better. Arguing this is that only when muscle fibers are destroyed during training, the body will launch adaptation mechanisms, release the necessary hormones and growth factors, which will trigger the synthesis of new protein structures and compensate for muscle tissue with a reserve.

But theory is theory, but what does the practice and experience of bodybuilders say?

Exercises to train intimate muscles

During all exercises, do not forget to breathe. On exhalation - compression, as in sports, on inhalation - relaxation. Or, in principle, do not focus on inhaling and exhaling; most importantly, do not hold your breath under any circumstances.

Exercise 1 Let's start with the most important thing - breathing. Lie on your back, relax. Start breathing with your belly. The stomach should rise and fall gently. Breathe like this for a few minutes. Then repeat this while standing.

Exercise 2 Let's move on to simple Kegel exercises - squeezing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Without tensing any extraneous muscles, you first squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, hold them in a compressed state for a few seconds, and then relax. Don't hold your breath or push. Rest for a couple of seconds and squeeze again. You can do it slowly, you can do it quickly, whatever is more comfortable for you.

You can also practice step-by-step execution - in several approaches you squeeze the intimate muscles and in several approaches you relax. To stay in rhythm, install a metronome on your phone and practice to it.

At first, you will need to concentrate very hard on these exercises to ensure they are performed correctly. Over time, you will be able to do them on the subway, while rocking your child to sleep, and while standing in line.

Exercise 3 There is also a cool “vacuum” exercise. On an empty stomach, as you exhale, you draw your stomach in and, as it were, pull up all the internal organs. You can repeat this 7-10 times and start your morning coffee. This exercise will not only help train the intimate muscles, it also has a positive effect on the abdominal muscles and helps maintain the abdominal organs in the correct position.

You can learn more about the vacuum technique in this video:

Exercise 4 This exercise is best used when you learn to cope well with the previous ones. Lie on your back, bend your legs, and press your feet to the floor. Lift your pelvis up and simultaneously squeeze all intimate muscles, including the anus. When you lower your pelvis, relax your muscles.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? 7 Expert Tips and 4 Exercises for Intimate Muscles That Will Make You More Confident Opportunities Health Sex Tips for Every Day

When you learn to work the necessary muscles without special devices, you can purchase a simulator. Please note that the most effective exercise machines use resistance and are not made of hard materials. You can consult the store salesperson about this. Moreover, online stores also often have consultants who can help you figure it out.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? 7 Expert Tips and 4 Exercises for Intimate Muscles That Will Make You More Confident Opportunities Health Sex Tips for Every Day

Nikitina’s simulator is perfect for training intimate muscles.

An important addition - many vumbilding simulators can be found freely available in intimate stores. But before using them, it is better to consult with an instructor in order to avoid mistakes, not harm yourself and get an individual program depending on your request and initial health condition.

If you feel a tugging sensation after exercising your pelvic floor muscles, don’t worry, this is normal. But if you experience severe pain, be sure to consult a specialist!

Even more isolation!

The high repetition technique is, by and large, suitable for any muscle. For better isolation, exercise equipment is a good choice. Here's an example for you. You need to make a large quantity. It doesn't sound bad, but in practice you'll die halfway through. Moreover, not because of the engorged quadriceps, but because of general fatigue, since you use a huge muscle layer to maintain balance and much more. Now replace the usual squat with Smith or Hack (whoever you like better). The target muscles will work here and the maximum effect will be obtained by removing the load from other muscles.

What to do if it doesn't work?

The main thing is don't get upset. Most women, in principle, do not have the skill to work these muscles, just as few people know how to walk on their hands. So give yourself time and don't rush. Keep calm

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? 7 Expert Tips and 4 Exercises for Intimate Muscles That Will Make You More Confident Opportunities Health Sex Tips for Every Day

*keep calm and breathe out

If you have been trying to train your intimate muscles for a long time, but have not succeeded, or you have a special case - prolapse, recent childbirth, etc., consult a specialist. Don’t be shy, intimate gymnastics coaches have already seen a lot, so no matter how advanced your case may seem to you, it will not be a problem for the coach. And, contrary to misconceptions, during such courses you do not need to undress, as in front of a gynecologist.

You can sign up for personal consultations or choose an online course. Personal tutoring is expensive, but an online course can be found for several thousand rubles. The main thing is that in both cases, choose your coach carefully. Look at the experience, at the open lessons, you must have a soul for the teacher, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

Be prepared that on any course and with any specialist you will have to work seriously for at least a month.

Whatever training method you choose, be patient, maintain regularity, and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Tell us in the comments which method of training your intimate muscles seems easier to you. Repost the article so as not to lose exercises for the pelvic floor muscles.

Change working weights

Instead of starting with 60 kg and gradually working up to 120 kg. Start with 100 kg, perform the exercise to failure, drop a couple of plates and again press the weight to the maximum, and so on reaching the minimum weight.

Try new exercise techniques. Look for an alternative. Instead of conventional ones, use overhead pull-downs. And use different types of grips. Start with a wide grip, then medium, narrow and finish with a reverse grip. The muscles clearly don’t expect this.

Change your inclinations - another principle of change. Instead of flat bench presses, use an incline bench press. Start at an angle of 15 and end at 45 degrees. Try the negative incline press. When performing lat pulldowns, pull slightly below your chest. You can try the head pull option.

Take into account the small features of performing the exercises: supination (rotation of the wrists) during biceps curls or when pressing dumbbells. The placement of your legs when squatting changes the emphasis on different muscle groups. The more you squeeze the bar during pull-ups, the more your biceps are involved in the work. For the press, use an open grip instead of a closed grip.

Use different training techniques: sets, three sets (you can try 4 sets in one exercise), drop sets, use the pyramid principle, then try the reverse pyramid principle, combine both pyramids (start with the minimum weight, go to the maximum and down again and so on until empty neck). When using such techniques, you can see how an empty bar “kills” an experienced athlete! The main thing is not to overuse, otherwise you will encounter a plateau.

Principles of periodization. In the first month (week), train in a strength style. Use maximum weights for low reps. Rest between work sets for 2 to 4 minutes. The second cycle train for muscle hypertrophy. Lighten the weights, increase the number of repetitions, and reduce the rest time from 30 to 90 seconds. The third month (week) use all advanced training methods (sets, drop sets, training with limited blood supply, unconventional cardio). Make sure you get adequate rest by periodically reducing the amount of exercise.

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