ESPN's 100 Most Famous Athletes in the World

How is a person's fame and popularity measured? By the number of people who know or have heard about him? Maybe the frequency of his appearances on television or radio? What about the number of billboards featuring a particular celebrity?

The popularity and fame of a person is assessed depending on the industry in which he is located. For example, the popularity of businessmen will be measured by the achievements, stability and financial profit of the company. As for politicians, their popularity is measured using audience surveys. And when it comes to athletes, their recognition, fame and popularity are primarily assessed by the heights they have achieved in their industry, individual titles and awards, as well as the success of their performances throughout their career. This post will look at the most famous athletes in Russia and the world.

This is interesting: TOP 10 countries with the sexiest football fans.

Football stars: famous personalities of the world's No. 1 sport

Name the most famous football figures? To this question, the answer most often given is Pele, Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, Neymar, etc.

Pele and Maradona are two of the greatest players in the history of football who graced the game in the 20th century with their brilliant performances and magnificent goals. Pele is a three-time World Cup winner and one of the most prolific strikers in history. Diego Armando Maradona also managed to triumph at the world championship with the Argentina national team; moreover, the striker is considered the author of one of the most beautiful goals in football.

Ronaldo vs Messi. This is a huge confrontation between two football giants of our time. It’s difficult to answer which of them is better, both won the Golden Ball 5 times and scored more than a hundred goals in the UEFA Champions League. Everyone will envy the number of titles and awards the Portuguese and Argentine stars have won, however, unlike Maradona and Pele, neither Messi nor Ronaldo won the World Cup. However, they are the most popular football players of the 21st century.

Zinedine Zidane is a legendary figure throughout French football. Zizou had a magnificent career, collecting many different trophies, including a World Cup gold medal. Zidane also managed to distinguish himself as a coach. As the commander-in-chief of Real Madrid, the Frenchman managed to win 3 Champions League cups with the “royal club” in 2.5 years - a record to date.

Neymar. Everyone has been talking about Neymar in recent years. The Brazilian has incredible talent, which he will demonstrate in the coming years. Compared to Messi and Ronaldo, Junior Neymar does not look so elegant, but soon, when the two football geniuses retire, he will become the main person of the game No. 1 in the world. By the way, Neymar is the most expensive player in the history of football, for whom € 222 million was paid.

The strongest: TOP 10 best bodybuilders in history

Read also: Bodybuilding at home: how to pump up without bench press?

Let's start with the newest hero - David Lawrence (nickname "Sid"). He began his sports career back in 1988 as a cricketer. But in 1992 he suffered a terrible knee injury, after which Sid had to quit the sport altogether.

Look how it happened:

After 22 years, David realized that this could not continue. Therefore, he decided to return to big sport. And now the most interesting thing: the star appeared not on the cricket field, but at a British bodybuilding competition. Moreover, 50-year-old Lawrence even managed to win (in the “over 40” category). Bravo, Sid, bravo:

Taking this opportunity, we’ll tell you more about the strongmen whose bodies all of humanity relies on.

10th place – Phil Heath, nickname “Gift”

We start with the champion, who from 2011 to this day has taken first place in the Mr. Olympia and Sheru Classic competitions. With a height of 175 cm, Phil weighs 114 kg (in the off-season - up to 125 kg), and boasts the following:

  • neck volume - 47 cm;
  • waist size - 73 cm;
  • biceps volume - 56 cm;
  • thigh volume - 82 cm;
  • calf volume - 51 cm.

Read also: Where to start bodybuilding

Phil (born in 1979 in Seattle) began his sports career as a basketball player - his success in this sport allowed him to receive a scholarship and graduate from the University of Denver. But his short stature put an end to Phil’s professional career. The guy was not at a loss and decided to go into bodybuilding.

In 2003, he won his first tournament in Northern Colorado, where he met Jay Carter, a bodybuilder who provided invaluable assistance to Phil in his further development. At the moment, Phil Heath maintains his leadership on the Olympus of bodybuilding. He is also young (34 years old). Therefore, you can expect everything from him (hopefully only good).


9th place - Lee Haney

Born in 1959 in California. The world of bodybuilding knows him for the fact that for the first time in the history of bodybuilding, he held the most prestigious title, Mr. Olympia, for 8 years in a row.

*by the way: before this, the record belonged to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who climbed the winner’s step 7 times

  • Height - 180 cm;
  • competition weight - 112 kg;
  • off-season weight - 118 kg;
  • biceps volume - 52 cm.

You can be sure: the 80s in bodybuilding was the era of Haney. No other bodybuilder in those days could compete with him. Interesting fact: Lee has never been injured throughout his entire sports career. What's the secret? He admitted:

“I never push myself to the limit.”

Today Lee is already 54. Naturally, he has finished his career. But the passion for weightlifting has not faded. That's why Haney is involved in coaching. Having a diploma in child psychology, he pays a lot of attention to difficult teenagers at his own specially built camp site, hosts a sports and educational program on the radio, believes in God and adores his wife, whom he became friends with as a 6-year-old boy.


8th place - Ronnie Coleman, America's most powerful police officer

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Ronnie is a Native American from Louisiana. Born in 1964, played American football, graduated first from the University with a degree in finance and accounting, and then from the real Police Academy. Coleman devoted most of his life to maintaining order on the streets of Arlington, where he shocked local villains with his:

  • height - 180 cm;
  • weight - 138/149 kg;
  • biceps volume - 61 cm;
  • chest volume - 148 cm;
  • waist volume - 87 cm;
  • thigh volume - 87 cm.

The bodybuilder got into bodybuilding in order to set an example for everyone. Like, this is what a real cop should look like. And I got to my first competition thanks to requests from the owner of the gym.

In 1988, Haney won the Mr. Olympia competition. He was so captivated by the fun that the bodybuilder remained on the “golden” step for another 8 years (yes, he managed to repeat Lee Haney’s record). The funny thing is that Ronnie always treated bodybuilding as a hobby. Speaks:

“Sport is good, my police service doesn’t feed me.”


7th place - Franco Colombo, actor, boxer, doctor and writer

Italian Franco (born in 1941 in Sardinia) got into the world of bodybuilding due to boxing and a chance acquaintance with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Compared to the background of a Hollywood star, Franco, of course, looked more modest:

  • height - 166 cm;
  • competition weight - 84 kg;
  • biceps volume - 47 cm;
  • chest volume - 134 cm;
  • shin volume - 44 cm.

Although he is not so big, he won several times in special “light” categories, and was recognized as the absolute “Mr. Olympia” twice (in 1976 and 1981). Of course: not everyone can squat with a weight of 297 kg, lift 238 kg in the bench press, and lift 341 kg in the deadlift.

Colombo earned special respect from his colleagues because, after a severe knee injury and a long break from competitive activity, he was able not only to return to bodybuilding, but also to become Mr. Olympia again (in 1981). All thanks to his knowledge of medicine and his own program, which Franco developed for himself.


6th place - Doriyan Yates, bodybuilder with a “dark past”

Born in Birmingham in 1962. In his youth he was a skinhead, often got into street fights, was registered with the police, and even spent six months in a correctional facility. Sitting there, Yates realized:

“We need to change something in this life.”

And went to the gym.

  • Height - 178 cm;
  • competition weight - 121 kg;
  • weight in the off-season - 131 kg;
  • biceps volume - 54 cm;
  • chest volume - 148 cm;
  • waist size - 86 cm;
  • thigh volume - 81 cm;
  • shin volume - 56 cm.

Read also: The sexiest mommy in bodybuilding

At the age of 24 he became the best at the British Championships and acquired his own gym. During his first participation in Mr. Olympia, Dorian became second (lost to Lee Haney, although the next year he pushed the leader off the pedestal).

In 1997, three weeks before the next Mr. Olympia, Dorian tore his biceps brachii muscle. With frantic pain, he wins the competition for the sixth time, after which he goes to the bench of bodybuilders, for whom big sport is closed forever.


5th place - Jay Cutler, Mr. "Optimism"

Born in Massachusetts in 1973, in the family of a construction businessman. So from early childhood he was accustomed to physical labor. I went in for sports, studied, worked. And then I decided to go to the gym. What came out of this:

  • height - 176 cm;
  • competition weight - 121 cm;
  • weight in the off-season - 141 cm;
  • neck volume - 50 cm;
  • biceps volume - 57 cm;
  • waist size - 86 cm;
  • thigh volume - 79 cm;
  • calf volume - 51 cm.

The start in his sports career was sluggish - 11th place at the Night of Champions in 1998. A year later - 4th place at the Arnold Classic, and only 14th place at Mr. Olympia. And then Jay got tired of losing. He took on a 320kg squat and a 250kg bench press. Deadlift is also not a miss: 305 kg.

The result is that in 2006, Cutler finally achieved his goal and became the first at Mr. Olympia. Today he has 4 victories in the same competition. In addition, Jay has 11 more gold medals in his treasury.


4th place - Steve Reeves, Hercules from Montana

  • Height - 185 cm;
  • competition weight - 95 kg;
  • chest volume - 132 cm;
  • waist size - 73 cm;
  • thigh volume - 66 cm.

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Given the anthropological data, Reeves was clearly far from the modern “monsters” of bodybuilding. But he visited the war, which probably did not influence young Stevie. Indeed, in 1946, at the age of 20, he had already achieved his first successes as a bodybuilder. And a year later he became not just Mr. America, but the youngest bodybuilder in the history of bodybuilding. In 1948 he won the title of World Champion, and in 1950 - Mr. Universe.

Although, today he is more often remembered not as a mountain of muscles, but exclusively as an actor who starred in historical films, including the role of Hercules.


3rd place - Sergio Oliva, “doomed to success”

Born in Cuba on American Independence Day in 1941. As a 20-year-old boy, he earned the reputation of a promising bodybuilder. Thanks to this, he emigrated to the USA.

  • Height - 178 cm;
  • competition weight - 102 kg;
  • biceps volume - 54 cm;
  • chest volume - 140 cm;
  • waist size - 75 cm;
  • thigh volume - 73 cm;
  • shin volume - 47 cm.

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Interesting fact: Sergio once reformed his training system. And he swung so much that at the first meeting with the then young Schwartz, he shocked the future Hollywood star. He has 3 victories at the Mr. Olympia competition.


2nd place - Arnold Schwarzenegger, does not need advertising

Well, you can write about Arnie forever. It’s not for nothing that he had the most amazing forms in the entire history of bodybuilding:

  • height - 187 cm;
  • competition weight - 107 kg;
  • off-season weight - 118 kg;
  • biceps volume - 56 cm;
  • chest volume - 145 cm;
  • waist size - 86 cm;
  • thigh volume - 72 cm;
  • calf volume - 51 cm.

Schwartz once admitted:

“My idols are Steve Reeves and Reg Park.”

This once again suggests that bodybuilders who made their mark in cinema had a huge influence on the minds of young people of the 20th century.


1st place - Evgeniy Sandov, founder of bodybuilding

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We decided to give leadership to the person with whom it all began. This is Friedrich Müller, half German, half Russian. For his sports career, he took his mother’s surname as a pseudonym. So he became Evgeniy Sandov. Born in 1867. Then, of course, there were no Mr. Olympias, similar competitions, and especially no competitors. Therefore, everyone came running to see his amazing forms.

  • Height - 170 cm;
  • weight - 88 kg;
  • biceps volume - 43 cm;
  • thigh volume - 63 cm;
  • shin volume - 40 cm.

Sandov worked part-time in a circus. There he fought with lions, for which he was considered almost a Roman gladiator. And then he began to tell everyone about his special training system and healthy lifestyle. For this, in 1911 in England he was awarded the title of “professor” of physical culture. It was Sadov who created the sport, which today is considered one of the most masculine. By the way, the gold-plated figurine that is awarded to the best bodybuilders at Mr. Olympia is a figurine depicting Evgeniy Sandow.


Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilding bodybuilding strongmen

The most famous basketball players on the planet

LeBron James is an American professional basketball player who played in the NBA for the Cleveland Cavaliers and Miami Heat. LeBron is often called the best basketball player of all time by various publications. He has won many trophies, including 4 NBA titles, two Olympic gold medals, and three All-Star Game MVP awards.

Kevin Durant is another overseas basketball star. Before signing with the Golden State Warriors in 2020, Kevin spent nine seasons with Oklahoma City. Durant won many awards during his career, becoming a two-time NBA champion. In 2014, Kevin Durant was named the NBA's Most Valuable Player. With the US team, the player became a world champion and an Olympic winner.

Kobe Bryant is an American professional basketball player who spent his entire 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers. Kobe is the first player in NBA history to play at least 20 seasons. Bryant is a great basketball player who has participated in the NBA All-Star game 18 times during his career. Kobe Bryant is also a 5-time National Basketball League winner.


Net worth: $1.6 million

Year of birth: 07/12/1975 (New York, USA)

Age: 44

Kai Greene is one of those bodybuilders who have gained popularity among fans of iron sports. The last victory dates back to 2020, at the prestigious Arnold Classic tournament; in addition, he won the silver medal three times in 2012-2014 at Mr. Olympia, losing only to Phil Heath.

He is an extraordinary personality, his unusual posing, different manners of behavior distinguished him from everyone else, which could not leave him without the attention of the public.

The most famous tennis personalities

Roger Federer is a star of Swiss and world tennis, a 20-time Grand Slam champion, an 8-time Wimbledon champion, a six-time winner of the ATP Final Tournament, and a Davis Cup winner with the Swiss national team - these are the main achievements in Federer’s career.

Rafael Nadal - the Spaniard is the main rival of the aforementioned Federer, has the nickname “king of clay”, as he performs very successfully on clay courts, winning most of his matches. Nadal won the Grand Slam 17 times during his career. Rafael also has 11 victories at the French Open - an absolute record.

Novak Djokovic is a Serbian professional tennis player, number one in the world. He won Grand Slam tournaments 14 times during his career. As of September 2020, he ranks first in the history of tennis in terms of the amount of prize money earned.

Serena Williams , an American athlete, is the most famous and popular female tennis player on the planet. In total, she has 38 victories at Grand Slam tournaments, and is also a four-time Olympic champion. Serena is also a successful businesswoman and is also involved in charity work.


Net worth: $7 million.

Year of birth: November 25, 1969 (Florida, USA)

Age: 50

This guy is a real hard worker who has taken part in about 100 tournaments. At first, few people thought that he would achieve serious heights, but perseverance did its job and, as a result, first place at Mr. Olympia in 2008, as well as 5 first places at the Arnold Classic, not to mention titles at various professional tournaments.

The most interesting thing is that in 2020, at the age of 46, he took silver at Mr. Olympia and he is rightfully considered one of the most stable and long-time bodybuilders on the planet.

TOP famous boxers

Mike Tyson. The American made an incredible boxing career for himself, he had his ups and downs, but in the end, he managed to reach great heights in his sport. Out of 58 fights, Tyson won 50. “Iron Mike” is the absolute world champion in the heavy weight category among professionals (1987-1990). The American has many different titles and awards to his name; more details can be found in his biography on Wikipedia.

Vitaliy Klichko . A Ukrainian boxer who has been crowned world heavyweight champion three times, he is the second longest reigning WBC heavyweight champion. Vitaly holds the titles of “Eternal” and “Honorary” world boxing champion in the WBC version. Klitschko is also included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. The highest paid and richest boxer in the history of professional boxing. As an amateur, Floyd won a bronze medal at the 1996 Olympics in the featherweight division. Mayweather is a multiple world champion in the featherweight, lightweight, welterweight and middleweight categories. The authoritative Ring magazine named Mayweather Jr. the best boxer, regardless of weight category (2005-2007, 2013-2015).

Muhammad Ali is one of the most famous boxers in history, champion of the 1960 Olympic Games. Both in and outside the ring, Muhammad Ali was considered a controversial and inspiring figure. He had an incredible boxing career and became a role model for many aspiring fighters. Muhammad Ali is the undisputed world heavyweight champion (1964-1966, 1974-1978), a six-time winner of the title “Boxer of the Year”, and was also recognized by Ring magazine as the boxer of the decade (1960s). In 1990, Mohammed was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Diet and training regimen

So, if we take it for granted that Strebl does not use any chemical stimulants, a reasonable question arises: how can one build such a body and maintain such amazing results? Of course, thanks to hard work and a carefully planned training and nutrition regimen.

After years of trial and error, Hellmuth independently developed a training cycle that allowed him to achieve optimal results. His typical workout involves performing supersets to failure with short rests between sets. Here are his basic rules when performing physical exercises:

  1. Always warm up (stretching muscles and increasing blood flow will help prevent injury).
  2. Watch your posture (if correct posture is not maintained, there is a high probability of injury).
  3. Breathe correctly (breathing is an integral part of maintaining good oxygenation in the blood, which promotes healthy muscles).
  4. Stop exercising if you feel pain (pain is a warning signal from the body, so learn to listen to yourself).
  5. Move through a full range of motion (flexibility is vital for good muscles).
  6. As you exercise, stabilize your core while maintaining proper technique.

As for nutrition, Helmut Strebl is even more careful in this matter. To maintain ultra-low body fat levels, he uses a method of carbohydrate cycling in his diet. His menu is based on alternating high- and low-carb days over a period of time. So, periods of high-carbohydrate consumption replenish glycogen stores and preserve muscle tissue, while low-carb days burn fat.

Thus, all of Strebl’s achievements are the result of grueling training and adherence to a super-strict diet. His incredible perseverance in achieving his own goals inspires all aspiring athletes, since the relief man proved that neither age, nor the lack of sports equipment, nor the ridicule of others is an obstacle to building a strong and healthy body.

Athletes of other sports

Golf. Tiger Woods . To the question: “Name the most famous golfers on the planet?”, many will answer Tiger Woods. He is a true golf legend who has dominated golf for a long time. Thanks to Woods, golf has changed significantly and gained enormous popularity on all continents of the globe. In total, Tiger won 80 PGA Tour events during his career. He is also the first billionaire athlete in history, but Woods earned almost all of his fortune not in sports, but through advertising.

Swimming. Michael Phelps . Nicknamed the Flying Fish and the Baltimore Bullet, American Phelps is the world's most successful swimmer. He is the only athlete on the planet who managed to win Olympic gold medals as many as 23 times (13 times in individual distances, 10 times in relay races). Michael Phelps is also a 26-time world champion in the 50-meter pool. See all the athlete’s achievements and records in his biography on Wikipedia.

Mixed martial arts. Conon McGregor . Irishman McGregor is a very recognizable personality in modern sports. He not only takes part in mixed martial arts fights, but also competes in professional boxing. Of course, Conon McGregor is a good fighter, but he improved his ratings, fame and recognition not only through victories in the ring, but also through advertising. McGregor's life is discussed on almost every social network.

Body type

Helmut Strebl became a legendary athlete thanks to his unique physique. Due to his clearly defined muscles and minimal percentage of subcutaneous fat, he began to be called a “living sculpture.”

With a height of 191 cm, in the off-season Strebel’s weight is 97 kg, and for performances he brings it up to 89 kg. This is very rare, since in bodybuilding it is considered that it is almost impossible to simultaneously have a low percentage of body fat and large muscle mass.

Even Bruce Lee, who had incredible training, did not have the volume that Helmuth achieved, because a low percentage of fat compromises the body's ability to build muscle mass. But through hard work, dedication and a smart diet, Hellmuth was able to achieve amazing results.

Of course, the Austrian bodybuilder has repeatedly faced accusations of taking steroids throughout his career. But he always maintained that his physique was due to good genes and hard work. In addition, professionals note that natural bodybuilders retain much less water than steroid users.

When comparing Hellmuth's skin to that of any other bodybuilder in the same body fat range, it is very clear that his skin is much drier. In fact, there is virtually no evidence that he is using steroids. The only thing that can be caused by the use of chemicals is vascularization, but there is also an explanation for this. Helmut is almost 50 years old, and over the years, the skin loses collagen, so the veins appear much more pronounced.

The most famous athletes of Russia and the USSR

Maria Sharapova is the former first racket of the world, one of ten women in the history of tennis with a “career helmet”, silver medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games, winner of 39 WTA tournaments, one of the leaders in advertising earnings among athletes on the planet. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Fedor Emelianenko . Four-time world champion in mixed martial arts - MMA heavyweight according to Pride FC, two-time champion according to WAMMA, two-time champion according to RINGS, four-time world champion and ten-time champion of Russia in combat sambo. Honored Master of Sports in Sambo and International Master of Sports in Judo.

Elena Isinbaeva is a pole vaulter, two-time Olympic winner, and also an Olympic bronze medalist. Three-time world outdoor champion and 4-time world indoor champion among women, European champion, both outdoor and indoor among women. Holder of 28 world records in women's pole vault. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Marat Safin is a Russian tennis player, former world number one in singles (for nine weeks). Triumphant of two Grand Slam tournaments, two-time Davis Cup winner as part of the Russian national team, winner of 17 ATP tournaments. Member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame since 2020. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Nikolai Khabibulin is a Soviet and Russian hockey player (role goalkeeper). Known by his nickname "The Wall of Bulls", Nikolai spent the majority of his career in the National Hockey League (NHL) with the Winnipeg Jets, Phoenix Coyotes, Tampa Bay, Chicago Blackhorks and Edmonton Oilers. Khabibulin played successfully on the international stage, winning two Olympic medals (gold and bronze), he was also named the best goalkeeper at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Nikolai Khabibulin is also the first Russian goalie to ever win the Stanley Cup.

Lev Yashin is a legendary Soviet football player whose role is goalkeeper, who played for FC Dynamo Moscow and the USSR national team. As a member of the Soviet Union national team, he won the 1956 Olympic Games and the first ever European Championship (1960). Honored Master of the USSR variety, 5-time USSR champion. The best goalkeeper of the 20th century according to FIFA, World Soccer, Placar, IFFIS, France Football. The first and only goalkeeper in football history to win the prestigious individual Ballon d'Or award.

See also: Top 10 richest athletes in the world.

Total information

» Full name: Helmut Strebl » Date of birth: 1969 » Place of birth: Austria
Anthropometric data

» Height parameters: 190 cm » Body weight: 88-93 kg

Sports achivments

» Champion in the bodybuilding category at Miami Pro 2014 » Winner in the Natural Bodybuilding category at Miami Pro 2013, 2012 » Multiple champion in the Fitness Model over 40, Natural Muscle Model and Muscle Model class B categories » 2008-2011 European champion in natural bodybuilding at the FAME competition » Winner of the Grabuend Classic in the category “Newcomer to Bodybuilding” 2002 » Mr. Fitness 1998 » Winner of the mountain cycling championships 1995 » Twice champion in the UN military skills competition 1995

What is the difference between simple bodybuilding and classic bodybuilding?

If we talk about the bodybuilding category, then the largest, most muscular and proportionate athlete wins, regardless of his height and weight.

Denis Zenin competes in the bodybuilding category

Classic bodybuilding has just such a connection. Relatively speaking, with a height of 175 centimeters, an athlete cannot weigh more than 79 kg. Parameter measurements take place before the competition.

Alexander Barbashin, vice-president of the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness of the Altai Territory:

Classic bodybuilding athletes tend to be drier. This category also values ​​proportionality and working the muscles in accordance with the required weight.

Biography of Helmut Strebl

Hellmuth started thinking seriously about his physical fitness at the age of 12. The teenager was thin and frail, which made him a target of ridicule and prey for bullies and hooligans. At first, Hellmuth worked with weights to build up mass and be able to protect himself. A kind of competition with classmates led Strebel to decide to try himself as a fitness model.

Helmut's first piece of fitness equipment was a pair of detergent bottles filled with water. The homemade dumbbells weighed five kilograms. At the age of 16, the guy finally joined a local gym.

Helmut is not only a professional athlete, but also a personal instructor certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. The bodybuilder also completed courses in sports massage and is certified as a swimming coach. Strebel has a degree in nutrition and sports biology. It is not uncommon for an athlete to give motivational speeches.

Athlete's nutrition system

Looking at the videos that the bodybuilding star posts online, people are amazed at the amount of food that Lenny consumes. An athlete’s diet cannot be called correct; rather, on the contrary, a man never denies himself anything.

  • The bodybuilder consumes approximately 2,500 calories per day, according to him.
  • Breakfast includes a huge bowl of porridge, grapes, 4 cups of applesauce, a couple of bananas, a pound of meat and 4 glasses of milk!
  • Any athlete's meal looks like a buffet in its variety and lack of combination of dishes.
  • The freak posts almost every lunch he has on his Instagram.

Despite all the jokes and memes constantly appearing online, Big Lenny continues to systematically appear online, run a channel, and demonstrate what a weightlifter should not look like. “Pay attention to the contrast between me and the future Olympia participants,” the “king of aesthetics” can say and parade with his pants down.

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