Outstanding athlete Flex Wheeler

The Complete Guide to CSS Flexbox. This complete guide explains everything about flexbox, focusing on all the possible properties for the parent element (flex container) and child elements (flex items). It also includes history, demos, templates, and a browser support table. Background

The Flexbox Layout (Flexible Box) module (W3C Candidate Recommendation October 2020) aims to provide a more efficient way to arrange, align, and distribute space between elements in a container, even if their size is unknown and/or dynamic (Flex means "flexible") . The basic idea of ​​a flex layout is to give a container the ability to change the width/height of its elements (and order) to best fill the available space (mainly to display on all types of devices with any screen size). A flex container expands elements to fill available free space or compresses them to prevent overflow.

Most importantly, flexbox layout is direction-independent, unlike regular layouts (block on a vertical basis and inline on a horizontal basis). While they work well for pages, they lack the flexibility (no pun intended :-)) to support large or complex applications (especially when it comes to changing orientation, resizing, stretching, shrinking, etc.).


: Flexbox layout is most suitable for application components and small scale layouts, while Grid layout is for larger scale layouts.

Basics and terminology

Because flexbox is an entire module rather than a single property, it includes many elements with a set of properties. Some of them are designed to be installed in a container (the parent element is called a "flex container"), while others are intended to be installed in child elements (called "flex elements"). While "regular" layout is based on both block and inline directions, flex layout is based on "flex-flow directions". Please take a look at this graphic from the specification which explains the basic idea of ​​responsive layout.

Elements will be located either in the direction of the main axis ( main axis

) or in the direction of the transverse axis (
cross axis

  • main axis
    - the main axis of a flex container is the main axis along which flex elements are located.
    Be careful, this axis does not have to be horizontal; this depends on the flex-direction
    property (see below).
  • main-start |
    main-end - flex elements are placed in a container, starting with main-start and ending with main-end.
  • main size
    - the width or height of the flex element, depending on what is in the main dimension. Determined by the main size of flex elements i.e. property 'width' or 'height', depending on what is in the main dimension.
  • cross axis
    - an axis perpendicular to the main axis, called the transverse axis. Its direction depends on the direction of the main axis.
  • cross-start |
    cross-end - flex lines are filled with elements and placed in a container, starting from the cross-start flex container towards the cross-end.
  • cross size
    — width or height of the flex element. Depending on the css property flex-direction, this is the width or height of the element. This is always the transverse size of flex elements.

Anthropometry of Flex Wheeler

  • Height: 179 cm
  • Competition weight: 116 kg
  • Off-season weight: 127 kg
  • Chest circumference: 142 cm
  • Biceps circumference: 56 cm
  • Waist circumference: 70cm
  • Thigh circumference: 79 cm

Flex (Kenneth) Wheeler's birthday is August 23, 1965. He was born in California - Fresno. Since childhood, Flex has been passionate about a variety of martial arts. He constantly worked on himself and developed his personal technique. Since nothing prevented him from taking up bodybuilding, he did it. Wheeler has always relegated “pulling iron” to the background, so he is quite flexible despite having a fairly massive body mass.

Properties for first child elements (flex elements)


By default, flex items are arranged in their original order. However, the order

controls the order in which they appear in the flex container.
.item { order: ; /* default is 0 */ }


This property determines the ability of a flex element to stretch when necessary. It takes a value from zero, which serves as a proportion. This is the property of how much available space within a flex container an element should occupy.

If all elements have flex-grow

set to 1, the remaining space in the container will be evenly distributed among all child elements.
If one of the child elements has a value of 2, that element will take up twice as much space as the others (or try to at least). .item { flex-grow: ; /* default 0 */ } Negative numbers are not supported.


This property determines the ability of a flexible element to compress when necessary. .item { flex-shrink: ; /* default 1 */ } Negative numbers are not supported.


This property specifies the default size of an element before allocating the remaining space. This could be a length (eg 20%, 5rem, etc.) or a keyword. auto
keyword means "look at my width or height property."
keyword means "size based on the element's content" - this keyword is still not very well supported, so it's hard to check whether
.item { flex-basis: | auto; /* default auto */ } If set to 0
, extra space around content is not taken into account.
If set to auto
, the extra space is allocated based on its

See this drawing.


This is a shorthand for using flex-grow
The second and third parameters ( flex-shrink
) are optional.
The default is 0 1 auto
.item { flex: none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ] } It is recommended that you use this shorthand property
rather than setting individual properties. This reduction intelligently sets other values.


This property allows you to override the default alignment (or specified using align-items

) for individual flex items.
Please see the align-items
property to understand the available values.
.item { align-self: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch; } Please note that the float
do not affect flex elements.


In Flex's life, he worked as a police officer, but not for long, because training was more important and enjoyable for him. His goal was to become a bodybuilder with professional abilities. This athlete took the pseudonym “ Flex ”, which means “Flexible”.

The outstanding athlete received his first victory at the California Championship in 1989. Further, he took second place for several years (1993, 1998 and 1999) at the Olympia. In addition to winning these victories, Flex often won various competitions, such as the French Grand Prix, Night of Champions, Arnold Classic, South Beach Pro and others. This athlete had an impressive appearance, excellent features of restraint and confidence.

A sad event in the athlete’s life was a car accident that occurred in 1994. This disaster could have left Flex paralyzed forever, but he was lucky. He had to start his training practically from the very beginning. But the athlete quickly returned to his awards and places of leadership.

The year 1999 brought bad news to the athlete. As it turned out, he had a complex form of kidney disease. Although the press tried to come up with a variety of arguments, the athlete himself said that this disease was hereditary. Many fans of this athlete were disappointed by the news of Flex’s departure from this sport in 2000. But, in 2002, he expressed a desire to participate in Olympia. Having successfully passed the tests, he takes 7th place in the tournament. In 2003, Flex underwent a kidney transplant. After retiring, the athlete returned to martial arts, and already in 2005 he participated in the Arnold Classic competition.

Wheeler Flex (Flex Wheeler).

The first competitions were held in 1983, and Flex won his first tournament in 1989 - the NPC Mr. California championship. In 1993, he took second place at the Olympia (after Dorian Yates), (he repeated the same in 1998 and 1999). In addition, he often won the Ironman and Arnold Classic, the French Grand Prix, South Beach Pro, Night of Champions and the Hungarian Grand Prix. In competitions, Wheeler showed himself to be an arrogant and self-confident athlete. Thanks to his youthful passion for martial arts, he has a well-developed flexibility despite his massive frame. Wheeler, nicknamed the Sultan of Symmetry, took anabolic steroids for 18 years. By the way, Kenny began taking these drugs at the age of eighteen, becoming interested in strength sports and martial arts. As a result, his body swelled and his muscles became so large that, in his own words, he began to look like a super jock from some comic book. His body had “alien” parameters - incredibly large and round muscles, a miniature waist and impressive legs. Naturally, to achieve such an appearance, he took steroids, injected and swallowed pills and did not think and tormented himself with the question of whether it was worth taking them at all. He was a bodybuilder, and bodybuilders take steroids. At least if their goal is competitions and magazine covers.

Regarding kidney problems, Wheeler claims that they were inherited from him. In his opinion, the damage done to his kidneys is nothing more than a combination of heredity, the influence of steroids that could speed up the process, as well as mental side effects such as mood swings and aggression. Wheeler considers mood swings to be an even greater disadvantage than physical side effects. He also admits that he has caused himself a lot of harm with other sports pharmacology, for example the same diuretics, from an overdose of which he once almost died. “The only thing in the news right now is steroids, which is why everyone is talking about them, but there are a lot of other drugs taken by athletes that can cause harm to the body,” Wheeler says. He hopes that his experience and example will serve as a good lesson for all athletes who decide to take steroids and other pharmacology to achieve results. By the way, the FBI is investigating the case of the company whose drugs were used, being prohibited, by many athletes. It specializes in the production of nutritional supplements in the city of Burlingheim. Dozens of famous athletes were interviewed who took illegal drugs, the use of which, according to Wheeler himself, is like playing Russian roulette. But when asked about specific drugs and their dosage, Flex does not answer evasively, citing the fact that such revelations will invariably lead to the fact that many guys will then rush to repeat everything exactly after him. After all, there are not only cases when younger guys took chemistry in order to “be like Flex.” And the number of such young athletes unwittingly placed on pharmacology by Flex goes to dozens. And he no longer wants to bear such responsibility.

Not long ago, the biography of the athlete “Flex Ability” was published, where he openly tells the story of his life. It turns out that he came from a poor family from the city of Fresno and was tormented by low self-esteem. In addition, at a young age he became a victim of molestation, as a result of which he tried to commit suicide. And at the age of fifteen he already had a child, a daughter. In general, this is a classic biography of a “troubled teenager.” Actually playing sports, in particular bodybuilding and martial arts, may not have saved Wheeler, but they gave him a direction in life.

At one time, the no less famous Arnold Schwarzenegger called Wheeler one of the best bodybuilders he had ever met. At the peak of his form, Wheeler could only be overtaken by the king of bodybuilding, Ronnie Coleman. And earlier, when all the victories and titles were still somewhere ahead, you had to “do” your body. And he couldn’t create such an amazing body without outside help - the help of steroids. So he started taking them. Then he was only 18. What followed was a simply magical transformation. Wheeler writes that the transformation that happened to him simply shocked him; he seemed to himself to be a sorcerer who, with the wave of his wand, made himself an ideal body. Then, he admits, I could stand in front of the mirror for hours, looking at my body, and I could not believe that all these muscles belonged to me.

It never occurred to Wheeler that he was doing anything wrong by taking steroids. This was the norm. Especially for bodybuilders. Even though these drugs were illegal, unless some of them were available with a doctor's prescription. It was a necessity. During his time as a prison guard, Wheeler was nicknamed "Officer Steroid" by prisoners. “Everyone I knew took steroids,” Wheeler recalls, “and no one paid much attention to it. Besides, this isn't just any heroin. I didn't do crack or anything like that, and I didn't hang around with drug dealers. Retribution did not take long to arrive. In 1994, Flex was involved in a terrible car accident that nearly left him paralyzed. He had to start almost from scratch, but he returned to the top places in competitions with amazing speed. But this was in no way related to taking steroids. But there was increased aggressiveness and serious health problems.

To fully prepare for the competition, Wheeler needed to undergo a “steroid course” at an approximate cost of about 10 thousand dollars. Although Wheeler did not have to pay for this directly from his wallet - his “star” status came to the rescue. Actually, I had to pay in a different sense – with my health. And he felt this in full force when he decided to quit chemistry. This made him aggressive and irritable. Wheeler says that if you set yourself up to attack the hardware all day long, you can't just turn off that mindset in the wrong situation. Therefore, you throw yourself at the first person who comes to your hand, just as you would throw yourself at a barbell or dumbbells in the gym. And you can’t do practically anything about it, so you’re guaranteed to become irritable even over trifles, and in general your nerves go to hell. As a rule, bodybuilders are aware of not only the physical, but also the mental risks of taking steroids, but they accept it and agree to it for the sake of victories. “If I had won a national title and died on stage while posing, I would have died on the happiest day of my life. “One of his colleagues told Wheeler. Crazy, isn't it? That guy wasn’t joking at all, he went completely off the rails, nothing less. And Wheeler himself was a hypocrite, agreeing to take several years away from his life. And he, by and large, didn’t give a damn about it. Isn't this sad?

More than once, Wheeler found himself in a hospital room due to terrible pain in his kidneys when he went too far with the dosage of diuretics. As you know, they have a strong diuretic effect, removing water from the body and drying out the body. This makes the athlete on stage more attractive. Doctors repeatedly warned Wheeler that he was putting his life at great risk, but he never stopped taking steroids. In 1997, another serious health incident occurred, after which Wheeler made the final decision to quit chemistry. But he never followed through with this decision. The fact is that the situation is akin to being caught between a hard place and a hammer - after all, when you stop taking chemotherapy, you can no longer participate in competitions and earn money, so you can give up. This is such a vicious circle. Time passed and now, in 2000, Wheeler received a terrible diagnosis - segmental homerulosclerosis. But since this is a disease inherent mainly in African-American men, Wheeler denied his direct influence on the development of the disease, and attributed everything to heredity. But, nevertheless, the decision was again made to stop taking steroids. After taking third place in Mr. Olympia, he decides to leave bodybuilding.

According to Wheeler himself, it was none other than his friend Victor Conte Jr., who was an employee of Balco Laboratories, which was at the center of the steroid scandal, who helped him get started with chemistry. By the way, the US Anti-Doping Committee accuses Conte of distributing the new steroid THG, but Wheeler himself categorically denies these accusations, stating that Conte only helped him compete by providing him with mineral supplements. But Wheeler could not avoid losses in volume. And, having decided to participate in the 2002 Olympia - perhaps the most prestigious bodybuilding competition, he took only seventh place with a weight of only 96 kilograms, against his previous weight of 109. Having stopped taking steroids, Wheeler was surprised how it was possible to train without them, because Fatigue set in after just a couple of hours of training. Considering that on steroids he could train almost all day, feeling enormous energy. It is logical that the lack of victories and super-productivity further hit Wheeler's financial situation, which led him back to taking steroids. He hoped that one day he would be able to earn a huge amount of money, which would allow him to solve all his financial problems, and then he would certainly be able to say goodbye to chemistry. But he had to do this much sooner than he could have imagined. Having performed in only one competition, he very much regretted returning to steroids and stopped taking them. The reason for such a sudden cessation of steroid use is a sharp deterioration in the condition of the kidneys, up to their complete failure. To save Wheeler's life, the church, of which he was a parishioner, found him a donor, for which he is still grateful.

According to Dr. Lynn Goldberg of Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon, who works there as a steroid expert, kidney failure and tumors are not the only health problems that occur in athletes who take steroids and other sports drugs. He also stated that the actual side effects of steroids have been virtually unstudied. After all, bodybuilders take such a huge amount of them that the hormonal levels caused by this cannot be found in nature. Naturally, because of this, absolutely all organs are exposed to unsafe effects. Regarding Wheeler, Dr. Goldberg is confident that his kidney problems were caused by taking these drugs. Flex himself agreed only with the fact that steroids accelerated the pathology in the kidneys, but even without them, the disease would have overtaken him sooner or later. He also complains about the high-protein diet and the large doses of potassium he took. In his opinion, they could cause no less harm than steroids. However, he most likely understands perfectly well that such statements of his will be perceived by other people as self-deception and unwillingness to recognize steroids as the main cause of their problems. Actually, the majority will say that all the problems are from sports pharmacology, but man by nature is such that he believes in what he wants to believe. But, despite all this, Flex himself warns about the dangers of taking steroids, saying that athletes who take them must fully understand the possible consequences of their use and all the dangers. For a person who has reached Wheeler's level, staying away from problems is almost impossible. Sometimes even one mistake is enough. But there are drugs with which even one mistake can be quite enough.

But let's return directly to Wheeler and his state of health. After a successful kidney transplant, complications arose that led to the need for five more operations. One of the last operations was on the leg, from where fluid was removed. After that, Wheeler had to take about ten medications, each of which was much more dangerous than taking steroids. This also affected his appearance - the athlete was almost no longer recognized on the streets, and if they were recognized, they were mistaken for his own brother. Despite the fact that the world of big-time sports, competitions and astronomical incomes is left behind, Wheeler is not in poverty now. Flex is the Executive Director of Media and Public Relations at All American EFX, a sports nutrition company in Bakersfield, California. It can also be seen in commercials or company posters. Flex loves to wear bright, flashy things and expensive cars. However, even if Wheeler drives around the city in an expensive car, this does not mean that he is doing great: no one really knows who Flex Wheeler is. But he himself is clearly glad that his “double” life with the need for constant lies due to steroids is a thing of the past. For him, this is both joy and pain at the same time, but he is glad that he got out of this and does not miss to enjoy every moment of life.

Fitness program Flex

The Flex fitness program with the final effect of relaxation helps to relieve the joints of the body, develop flexibility, increase muscle tone, correct posture and improve coordination. Exercises, the main principle of which is a harmonious effect on the body, help release lactic acid, which causes tension, fatigue, stiffness and pain. As a result, blood circulation improves, the respiratory system is stimulated, metabolism improves and the immune system is strengthened.

All classes are based on alternating stretching and relaxation of the muscles and ligaments of the body, which allows you to achieve elasticity in the tendons, tighten the whole body, and at the same time relieve emotional stress.

Since during psychological discomfort and stress the neck muscles are in constant tension, the normal supply of blood and oxygen to the brain is disrupted, respectively, which can lead to headaches, irritability, etc. The Flex program successfully helps to cope with this ailment. In addition to this, the process of deep breathing releases oxytocin, which is responsible for stimulating positive feelings, i.e. Have a good mood!

This program will be extremely useful for those people who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, and usually have problems with salt deposition in the joints, poor circulation and excess weight, because Flex is a system aimed at comprehensive improvement of the body.

Classes have become widespread due to the fact that regular training gives quick, tangible results and does not require any strict diets or special training. During the training process, the load on developing flexibility is gradually increased.

This type of exercise can also be used as a warm-up before strength training, since it activates the respiratory system and heart, speeds up metabolism, and prepares muscles for work.

Flex classes, conducted by instructors of the network of fitness clubs "RE:fit" in Lyubertsy , will help you improve your psycho-emotional state, tighten your figure and correct your posture, normalize the functioning of the heart, breathing, blood circulation and metabolism, reduce the load on joints and improve the general physical condition of the body.

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Corner-forming tape strait flex MEDIUM (Green label) is designed for forming internal corners in rooms with high humidity. Strengthens difficult-to-manufacture internal corners of walls and ceilings of various opening angles. MEDIUM is used in areas exposed to moisture (bath and shower areas).

Angle-forming tape UNO BEAD strait flex (blue label). Designed for forming external corners! Very durable and resistant to damage and cracks, designed for outside corners. UNO-BEAD composite tape is ideal for joining plasterboard sheets at external and internal corners. The tape levels, straightens and stiffens complex, difficult-to-retract external corners, internal corners of walls and ceilings with angles of any degree of opening. UNO-BEAD is used in areas exposed to moisture, such as around bathtubs and showers. Width 57 mm, thickness 0.65 mm.

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Composite reinforced tape from strait flex, MID-FLEX 250 is ideal for connecting plasterboard slabs in internal and external corners and emphasizes right angles very well - can also be used for external corners instead of metal corners, window and door slopes!

Angle-forming tape L BEAD, designed for finishing the edges of gypsum boards, is ideal for finishing windows and wall edges.

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