Self-massage of the back at home - 5 techniques and contraindications

Regular body massage can relieve a lot—from stress-induced shoulder strain to chronic muscle pain—and you don't need a massage therapist if you take advantage of simple self-massage tools!

Soothing massage ranks high on the popularity list. There is something wonderful about relaxing on a massage table while a trained person massages the right areas to release tension in the body. However, for this you have to go somewhere and pay a lot of money - nowadays massage is an expensive procedure. The good news is that we can organize a cozy self-massage in our home with the help of simple tools.

"People often don't realize how easy it is to give yourself a massage, or how beneficial it is," says psychologist Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of the Miami Island University Research Institute, who has researched the benefits of massage for years. “Of course, there are countless benefits that you will experience when a trained massage therapist works for you, but there are also many opportunities that you can take advantage of on your own.”

While scientists have shown that massage can relieve stress, depression and anxiety, a new study has revealed more surprising benefits. In one recent study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, the authors found that massage therapy helped lower blood pressure, with results lasting up to 72 hours after the massage. Other studies have shown that massage can prevent migraines and PMS and even help manage the side effects of cancer treatment.

Recently, more and more researchers have applauded self-massage. Specifically, new work published in the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage finds that it significantly improves the outcome of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Most of the studies conducted at the University of Miami Street Research Institute over the past four decades have included a control group that received self-massage in addition to professional massage. Not surprisingly, these groups tended to experience greater pain relief than those who did not receive self-massage in addition to professional sessions.

“Massage is an external stimulation that creates a complex cascade of internal activity,” says Field. “When our external pressure receptors are stimulated, it very quickly puts us into a parasympathetic state, lowering our heart rate, blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol.”

Self-massage tools can help you achieve positive results at home. And you don't have to spend a ton of money on these products at a specialty store. In fact, one of the most effective things for self-massage at home is the handle of a kitchen broom. "The diameter is perfect for rubbing your legs and don't have to spend a lot of money to keep yourself in good shape," says Tiffany Field.

What tools should you start incorporating into your daily self-massage regimen? Chances are, you already have one or more of these soothing aids to our muscles.

Why learn self-massage?

  • It's profitable. The average price of a visit to a massage parlor is from 800 to 5,000 rubles per hour. By learning how to self-massage, you will save money and time. You can save up for a new smartphone in a year.
  • Massage is good for health and beauty. It rejuvenates and tightens the skin, smoothes out wrinkles. Massage improves blood circulation and invigorates.
  • Massage treats periodic local pain. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, certain parts of our body hurt. This is mainly pain in the back, neck or lower back. Working at a computer for a long time can also lead to headaches. Massage targets problem areas and relieves pain.
  • Massage lifts your spirits. Our mood from the beginning of the day develops “brick by brick”. A good sleep, a delicious breakfast, exercise and a shower are the components of a good mood. Add to this the pleasant feeling after a massage, and your day will become brighter.


This type of massage is performed using various methods of rebalancing, Chinese medicine, and Tibetan monks. Cosmetic, restorative, using peculiar devices and bare hands.

The health-improving technique “Tibetan pulsations”, developed by the monks of Tibetan monasteries and complemented by Chinese masters, is especially popular.

Based on the release of the nervous system, massage is primarily relaxing and calming. Eastern sages claim that all health problems arise due to internal imbalance: unstable functioning of nerve endings located next to certain organs causes malfunctions in their functioning. For example, severe stress negatively affects the bladder, and constant feelings of guilt negatively affect the liver.

The principle of “Tibetan pulsations” is to listen to your own body, which requires developed meditation skills.

The simplest way to use this technique:

  1. Make a fist with your left hand.
  2. Cover your left fist with your right fist, as if holding a pole.
  3. Lie on your hands with your stomach, placing your fists a couple of centimeters below your navel. The “manipura” point is located in this area.
  4. You should lie in this position for at least half an hour, or even longer. Just don't fall asleep.

This exercise will adjust your emotional background and improve your overall health, but if done regularly.

If you intend to study this method more intensively, note that there are few single exercises in it, mostly complex ones, which require a lot of time to perform correctly.

A wellness session at home will be helped by various creams, aromatic oils, special massage devices, such as spiked balls and calm music. The main thing is not to conduct a session in a room that is full of people or noisy - you will not be able to relax properly.

Various wellness practices that are popular:

  1. The famous massage therapist Aurika Lukovkina claims that acupressure, which also came to our region from the Land of the Red Sun, has a healing effect on human skin, muscles and organs. But he should learn only from specialists. By acting on the wrong point, you can significantly aggravate your condition.

  2. Dr. Ogulov, as a healthy self-massage, recommends practicing visceral therapy - the process of improving capillary blood supply. This method relates to chiropractic and is interpreted by many as manual correction of the abdominal organs. It has long been practiced in many countries that still preserve cultural heritage (China, India, Thailand, Tibet, Philippines), but it also requires certain in-depth knowledge.
  3. To prevent a wrinkle that suddenly appears on your face from spoiling your mood, perform a preventative or wellness massage. The human face is a collection of a huge number of muscles and nerve endings. Correct point stimulation near the eyes will help preserve vision during intense work at the computer, prevent or get rid of wrinkles, restore a pleasant skin color and stabilize blood circulation.

  4. Cervical osteochondrosis will help overcome massage of the collar area. Your neck will rotate better, and the intensity of pain will significantly decrease.

Is it possible to lose weight with self-massage?

The difference between self-massage and sessions with a professional massage therapist is efficiency. Experienced hands of a master achieve the same result faster. Only the services of a massage therapist cost money and take time.

The effectiveness of self-massage will depend on what cosmetic massage products are used during the procedure. For example, there are special sports creams for cellulite that help you burn excess fat faster.

Self-massage is not a tool for weight loss. Combine massage with training, proper nutrition and sports creams. Just doing self-massage will not help you lose extra pounds.

Self-massage of the face

By doing a massage for 15-20 minutes a day, you will tighten your facial skin and look younger.
The whole secret is in stimulating blood circulation with your fingers. How to do self-massage of the face:

  1. Start by smoothing the skin of your forehead with your fingers from the center of the head, just above the bridge of the nose and to the temples.
  2. Next, use your index and middle fingers to smoothly move around the eyes, under the eyebrows and lower eyelids.
  3. Finally, we use our index and middle fingers to move from the base of the chin to the ears.

You can see detailed instructions about self-massage of the face:

Self-massage of the neck

A sedentary lifestyle causes your posture to deteriorate and your back and neck to hurt. This usually happens due to poor organization of the workplace - the computer monitor is crooked or the chair is too low.

If you sit crookedly and do not warm up, the cervical vertebrae near the spine will begin to hurt. By massaging your neck, you reduce fatigue in the cervical vertebrae and improve blood supply to the head, relieving pain.

Watch the video to learn quick self-massage at work:

General rules

Self-massage is performed at least two hours after the last meal and no earlier than one hour before the intended meal. Before starting the session, remove jewelry from your hands and from the part of the body you intend to work with. The procedure is carried out in loose clothing that does not restrict movement, exposing the area for massage. Choose a position to relax the muscles in the area being massaged.

The duration of self-massage is determined by the problem, area, physical well-being and varies from 3 to 25-30 minutes. At the end of the session, you can take a shower and lie down.

Self-massage of the abdomen

This massage tightens the abdominal muscles and removes stretch marks. Abdominal massage improves blood circulation and burns fat faster. After regular self-massage sessions, you will get a beautiful athletic belly. Combine abdominal massage with abdominal muscle training to speed up weight loss.

ATTENTION! Abdominal massage should be done 2 hours after eating. If you massage your abdominal muscles on a full stomach, you may vomit.

For self-massage of the abdomen, you will need a bath brush with coarse bristles and a prickly plastic roller. The brush is needed to warm the skin of the abdomen by friction, and the roller is for massage.

  1. Lightly rub your belly with the brush from your chest to your hips. When you see redness on the skin, it means the abdominal muscles are warmed up and you can start massaging.
  2. Next, roll the roller over your stomach from your chest to your hips, applying light pressure.

Watch a detailed video tutorial:

The essence of the procedure and rules of application

It’s easier to massage yourself on a hike, during training, during rehabilitation, or for the purpose of a wellness event. Regardless of the technique used and the area affected, the positive effect affects the entire body.

Benefits of self-massage:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • preventing “acidification” of muscles (soreness) after training or a sharp increase in physical activity on the body;
  • stimulating lymph movement;
  • promoting hyperplasia of muscle fibers - increasing the number of muscle tissue structures through division;
  • facilitating the process of stretching muscle bands;
  • restoration of the central nervous system and the entire body at the cellular level.

The benefits of the procedure are quite significant, but there is a possibility of harm.

Self-massage is contraindicated under the following factors:

  • dermatological ailments;
  • neoplasms;
  • internal and external bleeding;
  • boils;
  • abundant pigmentation;
  • large moles;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Rules of the event.

  1. External self-massage is performed on bare skin or areas covered with cotton cloth. Experts recommend using any creams or ointments only if it is necessary to achieve a specific effect: anti-cellulite, tonic, analgesic, relaxing, etc.

  2. For beginners in this matter, it is acceptable to use massage oils to reduce adhesion (increase gliding).
  3. To avoid unnecessary discomfort, massage on an empty stomach - no earlier than an hour before or after meals.
  4. At elevated body temperatures, any physical impact on a person is contraindicated.
  5. If you are very tired, first just lie down and rest, otherwise the massage will only increase the load on the nervous system.
  6. Try to relax the muscle you are massaging as much as possible. It won't work right away, but over time you will learn to control your body perfectly.
  7. The lymph nodes themselves are not massaged, but if it is a lymphatic drainage massage, make sure that there is no infectious disease in the body.
  8. The session should not be painful. An exception is post-traumatic rehabilitation, but even in this case the discomfort is minimal.
  9. Always start with light strokes, otherwise the body will not be able to relax for a long time.
  10. If you have a heart condition, consult your doctor about contraindications before sessions.

Proper breathing is equally important. The positive effect increases with the use of breathing exercises.

Everything is quite simple: breathe regularly, try not to hold your breath during painful impulses or jumps in the level of discomfort in the massaged area. By frequently inhaling and exhaling, you will quickly get tired, and the body will not receive the required dose of oxygen, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the procedure.

Self-massage of hands

Hands are an indicator of a woman’s beauty and health. The condition of your hands reveals your age, so to tone your skin and look younger, massage your hands morning and evening daily.

Before the massage, lubricate your hands with any cream, for example, baby cream. Moisturized hands are easier to massage.

  1. Use the fingers of one hand to massage the other and vice versa. Start with progressive movements from the wrist to the skin between the fingers (webs).
  2. Next, massage the points in the middle of the palm and at the base of the thumb.

Watch a video tutorial on how to massage your hands:

Self-massage of fingers

Tibetan doctors are sure that the hands are a window into the human body. Each finger is responsible for a specific organ: kidneys, liver, lungs. Therefore, self-massage of fingers is the key to the health of internal organs.

Massaging your fingers will help those whose hands are constantly cold, improve blood circulation, and stabilize blood circulation over time.

Massage your fingers and use the cream. It moisturizes the skin between the fingers and relieves tension.

Watch the video to learn how to properly self-massage your fingers:

Self-massage for children

Massage in preschool age balances the child’s nervous system and prepares him for stressful situations at school, improves blood circulation to the head and stimulates memory. Teach your child to value their health and take care of their body.

I would like to teach children to take care of their bodies from childhood, but how can I prove to my child the benefits of self-massage?

Children love to play. To interest your child, turn a boring massage into fun.

Tell us that self-massage develops superpowers and helps you become a superhero. Show several massage techniques to acquire such abilities. All children dream of becoming superheroes and will happily engage in self-massage.

The video shows how to teach children self-massage in a playful way:

Advantages of a vibrating massager

The advantage of a vibrating massager is its design and various belts that allow you to work out every part of the body. Thus, a certain time is allotted for working on each part: for massage of the side zones, the exposure time is 1 minute for each side; then massage the pelvic area - 1 minute and so on. Massage of the legs and lower legs can be performed in a standing or sitting position - 1.5 minutes for each lower leg. Next, a hand massage is performed, which begins with the shoulder girdle. Then the shoulder is massaged, followed by the forearm, exposure time is 2 minutes for each arm; At the end of the session, an abdominal massage is performed - 1 minute.

During self-massage using a vibrating massager, it is necessary to control muscle relaxation. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result. Moreover, this applies not only to those parts on which the massage is performed at a given moment, this applies to the whole body - there should be complete relaxation. You should also remember that such hardware massage is recommended for morning massage sessions. It can be performed both on the naked body and on thin clothing.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to complete the hygienic massage with water procedures, which will consolidate the effect of the massage effect, strengthen it and provide additional stimulation to the nervous system. For example, cold or contrasting rubdowns are the most popular among health advocates. Such procedures perfectly tone the vascular system, improve the functioning of capillaries, which in turn better nourish the skin.

Therefore, regular rubbing makes the skin elastic and smooth. These procedures should be performed using a hard towel or napkin, which is moistened in cold water and curled. Next, a massage is performed using vigorous friction. For example, if the morning does not seem good and it is extremely difficult to get up, do intensive rubbing with a hard towel in the area of ​​the back of the head and shoulders. You can do this in the shower, or after it on warm skin. When performing such rubbing, control the force, since it is quite easy to irritate the skin in the back of the head.

Also, hygienic massage in combination with water procedures is also useful before bed. It helps relieve tension and relax the entire body.

Self-massage for weight loss

Self-massage for weight loss is long and complex. You need to massage alternately the areas of the body where fat deposits accumulate for 30-40 minutes. Most often, fat accumulates in the forearms, legs, abdomen and around the thighs.

How to do self-massage when losing weight? Take a hot shower and rub the problem areas with massage oil to avoid stretching the skin.

  1. Prepare a soft carpet and place it on the floor.
  2. Sit on the mat and straighten your knees in front of you.
  3. Start massaging the desired areas on the body with clockwise rubbing movements.

Use oil in moderation. No need to douse yourself with it from head to toe. Add oil in small drops, rubbing well over the body. It should not flow onto the floor. Watch the video for details:


A rejuvenating complex that came from the East.

Taoists never created narrowly focused techniques that would stop the consequences of a problem, but rather got rid of the source of discomfort.

Understand your body as a single integral system of continuous circulation. Only in this case will you be able to master Taoist self-massage, which consists of three stages. Physical work to restore unhindered circulation in: external vessels - limbs, head, joints; internal organs; muscle-tendon canals.

Especially for women, this technique is relevant for working with the ovarian zone, in case of problems with reproductive function.

During the session, essential oils are actively used in aroma lamps or applied to the body. In this way, consciousness is tuned to the desired wave through smells.

Where can I learn self-massage?

Learn self-massage techniques yourself

You will learn how to do simple self-massage after a few minutes of watching videos on the Internet. There are people who have been studying all the intricacies of self-massage for years, which allows them to treat complex chronic diseases - cervical chondrosis and arthritis. Learn based on your goal.

Read books on self-massage

Books will help you deepen your knowledge of self-massage. Read and practice. Here are some worthy tutorials on self-massage and basic anatomy:

  • “Handbook of therapeutic massage and self-massage (from diagnosis to treatment)” - Vadim Kortunov. The author popularizes massage from a medical point of view, 230 pages from an experienced practitioner.
  • “Sudzhok is a healing self-massage. Basic techniques" - Loy-So. The eastern power of massage will improve your health.
  • “Big reference book on massage” - Vladimir Vasichkin. The largest and most serious book on our list, the basics of massage and anatomy on 582 pages with illustrations.
  • “Rejuvenating self-massage for face and body” - Olga Dan. The book is mainly about facial massage and rejuvenation at home.
  • “500 massage techniques, from simple to the most complex” - Natalya Peskareva. A “take it and do it” reference manual.

Sign up for a self-massage course

Courses are an easy way to learn self-massage. Studying under the guidance of a teacher is clearer and faster. A professional knows about the problems of beginners and builds a training program for you. You can ask questions and understand what movements you are doing incorrectly during training.

You can find out more about massage and self-massage courses here.

Courses usually last 2-3 days and cost about 5,000 rubles. Depending on the level of teachers, the numbers may vary.

The courses will explain:

  • how to find the right points for effective massage
  • talk about the anatomy of the body
  • They will show the blood supply lines to parts of the body so that you do not accidentally squeeze any artery.

At the end of the course you will receive a certificate and solid knowledge that you can use to improve your well-being

We underestimate the power and benefits of regular massage treatments throughout the day. It would be worth it though!

Massage allows you to lose weight, treats pain in joints and muscles. Self-massage tones and rejuvenates the skin, normalizes blood pressure and blood supply to organs. Learn to massage yourself and be healthy!

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Massage devices

Self-massage is practiced not only by athletes or people actively involved in physical activity. Office workers, men and women over 40 years of age, leading a sedentary lifestyle need relaxing or wellness sessions no less often.

Massage assistants:

  • Nowadays massagers are actively advertised to stimulate weight loss, which can get rid of cellulite, the “breeches” effect, remove the abdominal apron and other fat deposits in the body. Some of them are really effective, and some are just marketing fads. Truth is learned through practice.

  • The foam roller came into everyday practice from sports, and its use is called myofascial self-massage. A fancy term that is difficult to pronounce, it involves the simplest technique of pressing on certain points. Lie on the device in a certain position and under the influence of your own weight, the body will be able to restore muscle performance. Roller massage is convenient primarily because it can be performed at home.
  • A spiky, soft or hard ball for self-massage will solve the problem of targeting muscles and areas of the body that are inaccessible to the palms.

  • For some men, a device for the treatment of prostatitis will be relevant. An inflamed gland needs regular massage, and the finger of a person without experience cannot always cope with the task. The prostate will quickly begin to function properly with proper treatment and exposure sessions using special devices that are easy to use at home.

Self-massage is not a panacea; it also has a negative side. Some chronic illnesses are a contraindication for sessions. Performing an impact on the body with your own hands uses up a double dose of muscle energy, which adds stress to the heart. The reflex field decreases - some areas of the body become inaccessible. For beginners, the effectiveness will be low, because control over your own body is minimal, and it takes a lot of time to achieve the expected results.

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