How can a woman lose weight at home?

✔What is the reason?

Let's start with the fact that extra pounds not only spoil the figure, but also have a detrimental effect on the health of the fair sex. To find out why it is difficult to lose weight after 35 years, let's figure out what is the reason for weight gain.

  1. The lifestyle has changed. At the age of 35, the pace of life becomes calmer, orderliness and regularity appear. If in your youth you often visited discos and held active parties with a noisy group, now you are increasingly staying at home. Most household chores are usually entrusted to technology, and while sitting in front of the TV or reading a book, many people have the habit of chewing something. As a result, the stomach and hips increase in volume.
  2. Hormonal changes. After 35 years, hormonal imbalance gradually begins in a woman’s body. Excessive production of estrogen and, conversely, lack of progesterone contributes to an increase in body fat. Therefore, when thinking about how to lose weight for a woman after 35 years, take into account the physiological changes in your body.
  3. Excess calories. Even those ladies who adhere to proper nutrition should remember that over the years the body needs fewer calories. Thus, a certain amount of kJ remains unwasted every day. To the question: how to lose weight after 30 years, the answer is obvious: increase the intensity of training.
  4. Fluid retention. Sometimes it seems that losing weight at this age is difficult and not effective. Don't rush to get upset. During a certain period of the monthly cycle, fluid can accumulate in a woman’s body. Weight gain on such days reaches up to two kilograms.


The first place in deciding how to lose weight after 35 years is the organization of proper and balanced nutrition. To achieve weight loss without harming your health, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Nutrition should be balanced. Avoid unhealthy and fatty foods and watch your portion size. Nutritionists recommend that women aged thirty years and older drink at least two liters of water daily. A sufficient volume of fluid improves metabolism in the body and promotes the elimination of toxins.

When thinking about how to lose weight after 35 years, keep in mind that at this age there is a decrease in muscle tone, and, in general, muscle mass in the female body. Increase your protein intake by adding foods such as meat, poultry, legumes and fish. This will help keep your muscles in good shape. It is better to cook dishes from these products on the grill or in a double boiler with a minimum amount of fat and salt. For productive fat burning, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of calcium in the body. Observations show that those women who consume foods high in this element are better able to lose weight while playing sports.

For thirty-year-old women, the daily kilocalorie norm is 2000-2300. It is better to distribute the daily amount of food into 5-6 meals.

The daily diet could be, for example, like this:

  • Breakfast: fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt), fresh vegetables
  • Lunch: fruit
  • Lunch: lean soup, boiled beef or chicken with a side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: banana, yogurt.
  • Dinner: omelet with green peas, green tea.

Expert advice

Nutrition experts advise women to avoid strict diets and overeating in order to lose weight and maintain the result for a long time. It is also important to create a diet taking into account the proportion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

It is worth focusing on plant foods, dietary meat, fish, whole grains, etc. The source of healthy fats is red fish, seeds, nuts, and fermented milk products with medium fat content.

The ideal drink for weight loss is water, you can also drink green tea.

To speed up the fat burning process, experts advise exercising.

Also, good sleep and a positive attitude are very important for a woman.

Maria Dmitrievskaya, nutritionist

An experienced doctor identifies the main mistakes women make that prevent them from losing weight:

  1. Short-term mono-diets. Fasting based on 1 food or drink is dangerous to health, in addition, weight returns quickly.
  2. Excessive salt intake. This spice retains liquid, so the weight does not come off.
  3. Insufficient fluid. Water is essential for the body; it reduces appetite, removes toxins, and speeds up metabolism.
  4. Complete rejection of flour and fatty foods. If a woman has previously eaten junk food, then gradually replace the foods to avoid breakdown and overeating.
  5. Refusal of fats. Healthy fats are necessary even for obese people; they are used for the construction of cell membranes and the proper absorption of certain beneficial substances (vitamin A, D, E, K).
  6. Non-compliance with diet. Even if you don’t feel like eating, you need to eat food at the same time, otherwise your metabolism will slow down.

The nutritionist advises avoiding these mistakes to speed up weight loss.

Vyacheslav Rolko, nutritionist

The leading nutritionist in Moscow does not recommend losing weight for any event; you need to completely change your lifestyle if a woman wants to keep her weight normal. Otherwise, the kilograms return. It is important to develop healthy habits, for example, walking more often, starting the morning with exercise, and consuming healthy foods.

To lose weight, the doctor recommends that women sleep 8 hours a day and avoid stress. It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime, the norm for women is 1.5-2 liters. And vitamin-mineral complexes compensate for the lack of nutrients.

The nutritionist claims that you should not reduce calories by more than 100 kcal. It is better to avoid diuretics and laxatives. You can remove excess fluid using lingonberry decoction, lymphatic drainage procedures, and massage.

Lidia Ionova, nutritionist

The nutritionist is of the opinion that for safe weight loss, a woman needs to properly organize her diet:

  1. Eat 6 times a day, but in portions of no more than 200 g.
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water without carbon.
  3. Plan dinner 3 hours before bedtime, make sure it is light.
  4. Eat a big breakfast to kick-start your metabolism.
  5. Consume 400 g of fruits and vegetables daily.
  6. Reduce the amount of sugar to 50 g and salt to 5 g.
  7. Control the calorie content of your daily menu.
  8. Replenish your diet with low-fat milk, meat, eggs, sea fish, cereals, and legumes. These products contain amino acids, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

The nutritionist also advises doing sports, which speeds up metabolism and fat burning. Women can combine sets of exercises for different muscle groups with cardio loads.

✔Move more

Don't know how to lose weight at 30? No diet will bring results without sufficient physical activity. Training is a mandatory part of a weight correction program at 30-35 years old. Sports must be fun and the main goal they pursue is to build muscle mass. It is recommended to devote at least 3 hours to training weekly. This can be any sport - swimming or running, fitness or aerobics.

Try to move more in everyday life, when preparing food, drying your hair, talking on the phone. Walking and taking the stairs without using an elevator allows you to keep the muscles of your buttocks and legs toned.

A proven way to lose weight is to include strength exercises in your training process once or twice a week. The combination of an aerobic complex with a strength one gives remarkable results by burning fat and simultaneously strengthening muscles.

If for some reason you are unable to organize regular sports activities, we recommend increasing the duration of your training.

Losing weight correctly

Accordingly, the main reasons why excess weight is gained after 30 years are:

  • slowing down the speed of metabolic processes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • incorrect oral contraception;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • chronic stress and lack of sleep.

And the only way to properly lose weight after 30 is to consistently eliminate all of the above reasons.

You can, of course, lose weight the wrong way - on hunger strikes, express diets and other extreme methods. And you can even get good results. But only temporary.

And in the long term, you will experience the same “yo-yo effect” that nutritionists warn about. This is when the weight first falls and then rises even above the initial values.

Foods and calories

Fortunately, 30 years is that happy age when the body is young and full of strength, which means you can eat almost anything. And even those who know the list of “harmful” foods by heart indulge themselves with these harmful foods from time to time. And rightly so! In just ten years, you won't be able to afford it anymore.

But you still need to follow the principles of a healthy and rational diet if in a few months you want to see yourself thinner and not fatter:

  • Glass of water. In total, at least eight of them should be drunk per day. The first is on an empty stomach. One half hour before each main meal. And the rest - when you want to drink.
  • Vegetables. Should make up at least 60-70% of the daily diet. But not potatoes-corn-beets. You can only afford a small number of them. It is better if the vegetables are fresh or steamed.
  • Fruits. You can and should use any, even sweet ones. But not in the form of preserves, jams and other sugar-containing products. Citrus fruits and pineapple are especially useful. You can eat them at least every day.
  • Protein. It is simply necessary so that lost muscle mass can be restored. These are dietary meats, fish, eggs. Vegetarians can try to replace them with soy and legumes, but the replacement will be incomplete; it is better to take multivitamins.
  • Fats. But you need to be careful with them. It is better to choose products with low fat content. But you can’t refuse them completely. High-quality vegetable oils and fatty fish will come to the rescue.
  • Cellulose. It is simply necessary for the intestines to be properly cleansed. Its best sources are sprouted grains, whole grain bread, fresh vegetables, herbs. It will also provide a longer feeling of fullness.

And now the biggest secret. If, with a varied diet, you keep your calorie intake within 120-130% of your base metabolism, then your body will always have a slight calorie deficit. That is, he will spend more than he receives, and the weight will begin to decrease, even if you “sin” with goodies from time to time.

Important! To ensure that excess calories do not accumulate on your sides, you should eat sweets and other harmful foods in the first half of the day. In the evening, try to keep yourself within limits.

Physical exercise

How women who are used to spending the whole day in the office or at the computer do not like this topic! But perhaps they will be forced to reconsider their opinion by realizing the fact that, starting from the age of 30, up to 2% of muscle mass is lost every year. And muscle tissue requires significantly more calories for its “content” than fat tissue. This means that with the same food consumption, fat will continue to increase. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster.

The best way to build up lost muscle is through strength training or cross-fit. But at the age of 30, for a woman who is completely unprepared physically, it is difficult to attend such classes. They are not recommended for people who are very overweight.

They need to start with aerobic training:

  • any type of aerobics;
  • race walking;
  • swimming and water aerobics;
  • a ride on the bicycle.

Such workouts perfectly burn excess fat, speed up metabolic processes and increase physical strength and endurance.

And when you feel the strength to move on to weight training, you need to go to the gym and create an individual training program with an experienced trainer.

Cosmetic procedures

If you haven't been interested in home beauty treatments before, now is the time to start. They will not only help you lose weight faster, but will also significantly improve the condition of your skin, which, as we remember, having crossed the 30-year mark, regenerates more slowly and begins to lose moisture. Cosmetic procedures will not allow it to sag, even when the subcutaneous fat is gone.


Coffee peeling is a great way to rid the skin of dead epidermal cells, and at the same time tone it and speed up the regeneration process. To avoid irritating the skin too much, the coffee should be finely ground, with a small amount of peach or olive oil added.

Peeling is done on damp skin using smooth circular movements without strong pressure. Wash off with warm water and be sure to moisturize the skin with a good cream.


Honey, lymphatic drainage and cupping massages are the most effective in helping you lose weight. All of them are technically simple, so if you want to learn how to perform them at home, it will not be difficult. These massages are quite intense, they perfectly break up cellulite, improve blood circulation, and help burn fat deposits.

But you need to choose one type of massage and make it a course of 10-15 procedures (every other day). Then you need to rest for a couple of months and repeat or try a different type.


For wrapping you will need regular cling film, a pre-prepared composition and a warm blanket. First you need to warm up the skin well in the shower or with a massage. Then apply a ready-made anti-cellulite mixture or folk remedies: algae extract, salt and soda, honey with the addition of aromatic oils, melted chocolate. The problem area should be wrapped tightly in cling film (but do not overtighten!) and covered with a blanket. Lie quietly for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water and gel.

You can apply anti-cellulite cream. A course of wrapping of 5-10 sessions can reduce the volume of the problem area by 2-3 cm.

Going to the salon

If time and money allow, you can go to a beauty salon. Modern cosmetology has a whole arsenal of procedures, ranging from chemical dissolution of the subcutaneous fat layer to the destruction of fat cells using a laser with simultaneous skin tightening.

Important! Most hardware salon procedures have a fairly long list of contraindications, which a cosmetologist must tell you about.

✔This is important

So, for those representatives of the fair sex who still doubt whether it is possible to lose weight after 35 years, we will confidently answer in the affirmative. The main thing is your desire and perseverance.

Remember, no shock diets will bring results and can be detrimental to your health. Proper nutrition, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are the main rules. Healthy, full sleep, lack of stress and nervous tension, positive emotions and an exciting hobby will help put your body in order. Modern cosmetic procedures aimed at tightening the skin, as well as lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage can achieve greater results during weight loss.

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