How to reduce calves on a girl’s legs. How to remove quadriceps for a girl || How to remove quadriceps for a girl

Leg extension in the simulator


Leg press in the simulator

Squats in the machine

Lunges with dumbbells

Huge, strong, and defined quads will help you win bodybuilding competitions.
They help create a proportional body and improve the overall picture. Agree, when an athlete has a developed upper body, but the lower part is noticeably lagging behind, this does not make the right impression. It goes without saying that not everyone can reach the level of professional athletes, but everyone can create proportionate and large muscles that will immediately catch the eye.

Start pumping them up right now, because this will help you catch up and turn your body into a fortress. Quadriceps are one of the largest muscle groups, so it would be foolish to refuse to work them. While pumping these muscles, the body releases more hormones for the growth of overall muscle mass, and this is quite important.

For example, if you do squats with a barbell, it will load the quadriceps, hips, back, shoulders, abs, and trapezius muscles. All of these muscles are involved in lifting weights and balancing the body.

You still don’t know how to pump up your quadriceps? Then it is important for you to familiarize yourself with the methods that can develop your muscles as quickly as possible. Don't forget that it is important to follow proper technique and not try to lift excessive weights or eat a lot of calories.

Squats with a barbell in a power rack

Place the bar on the stops of the power rack. The bar should be about mid-chest level when you stand in front of it. Get your knees ready for work by doing a few sets of light weights. Set the bottom stops about two inches below where the bar is in the bottom squat position. Located on the upper trapezius, the bar can cause discomfort and even pain, which can interfere with your concentration on quadriceps work. Most gyms have special pads under the bar, or you can wrap a towel around it. Just make sure that the bar does not slide down during the exercise. Grab the bar with a wide grip. Place your head under it and bend your knees slightly. Place the bar on the top of your traps, not on your neck. Raise your head up and tense your back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Remove the bar from the stoppers (without jerking), straightening your knees. Make sure you have good control of the weight before getting into the starting position. Take one step back, just enough so that you don't hit the top stops as you lower into the squat. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointed slightly outward. Keep your head high and your back straight, but maintaining the natural curves of your spine. Before you begin the exercise, make sure you have full control of the weight. Lower yourself into a squat under control and slowly. Continue lowering until your thighs are parallel to the floor or your knees reach a 90-degree angle. The bottom stops on the power rack should be set so that they do not contact the bar at the bottom of the squat, but still catch the bar if you are unable to stand up. It’s good if you have a partner to insure you when performing heavy sets, but he can also make mistakes

Therefore, it is very important to correctly install the lower stops before starting the set. Never allow a bounce in the bottom position, it can only lead to knee injuries, but not to giant thighs. Having reached the bottom point, immediately stand up and smoothly

Stop just before turning off at the knees, thereby maintaining tension in the thigh muscles. Keep your head high and back straight throughout the entire movement.

Important points

All four quadriceps muscles are highly activated during the squat rise, but to varying degrees. The tension in the broad thigh muscles decreases as you approach the top point of the amplitude (the knees straighten). Conversely, the rectus muscle is less active in the lower position. Its activity increases as it rises. Because the gluteal muscles serve as strong hip extensors, their activity is high during the lift. The hamstrings also work because they help straighten the hips. The long erector spinae receive a moderate isometric contraction to keep the back straight.

Keeping your head high during squats helps you avoid rounding your back. Leaning your torso too far forward will help you handle more weight, but it will have more to do with the erector spinae longus and glutes than the quadriceps. Additionally, bending forward increases the risk of lower back injury. While a slight forward bend at the hips during the squat is encouraged, it should not be too much. After all, you are not a powerlifter, but a bodybuilder interested in increasing the mass of your quadriceps.

During squats, you can shift the emphasis to certain thigh muscles, but only to a very small extent. For example, if you place your feet closer together and turn your toes slightly inward, the vastus externus will activate slightly more due to the resulting stretch. Wide placement of the feet, and especially turning the toes outward, more strongly activates the vastus internus muscle of the thigh and its part in the form of a “drop” above the knee. Since the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius muscles attach to the middle of the kneecap, variations in foot placement do not affect their activity.

Often bodybuilders consider their leg training successful if they have gathered the whole gym around them. But heavy weights are often a consequence of improper form (leaning forward, lack of concentration on the work of the quadriceps, etc.) No doubt, you should train hard, but you need to feel the weight and concentrate on the work of the quadriceps. Don't think that squats necessarily have to be so monstrous as to require the presence of an on-call team of cardiologists. Forget about fatigue - think about your quads during the set. This tactic will lead to immediate and obvious results. Hardgainer.RU

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Shifting the focus

The squat is a universal exercise, because it works everything from the legs and buttocks to the back and abs. Exclude some part of the body? It sounds impossible, and in fact it is. But it is possible to shift the emphasis. And I'll tell you how.

There is such a thing as “pre-fatigue.” No, we do not mean intense warm-up before training. The point is to put a load on a certain muscle group in order to turn it off in further exercises.

What does the buttocks have to do with it, you ask? Despite the fact that you can shift the emphasis of the load from the quadriceps to the butt! But, I’ll tell you right away, this doesn’t work for everyone.

Quadriceps. Anatomical structure and functions

The leg muscles are the largest group in our body, most of which is occupied by the quadriceps. It is a quadriceps muscle, that is, consisting of four muscle bundles. But despite the several constituent parts of the quadriceps, during training it swings as a whole, with small and not particularly significant shifts in emphasis to one of the four bundles.

The muscle performs two main functions: dynamic and static. With static, the human body is held vertically, and the quadriceps is entrusted with the function of holding the knee joint in its place, preventing it from being knocked out, and thereby the legs “give way”. Dynamic function refers to the ability of the knees to be stable when jumping, walking or running. Quadriceps are involved in the movement of extending and bending the legs, pulling them towards the body, and when bending the hip part of the body.

The largest superficial part of the thigh consists of its largest muscle, the lateralis muscle. It originates from the top of the thigh, reaching the tendon under the knee. It is a shock absorber muscle and is involved in leg extension at the knee. How the side of the thigh looks depends entirely on how well the lateral leg muscle is developed.

The rectus femoris muscle is the longest of all in this bundle. The muscle is unique in that it stretches across the entire thigh, without being attached to it, from the very top to the knee, crossing it, and connecting to the hamstring. It is located on the outer part of the thigh, and the rest are already hidden under it. Responsible for its rounded shape.

The vastus medialis muscle is responsible for the rounded appearance of the inner thigh and knee from the inside. Its function is similar to the lateral one. Its shape is similar to a tear. From the top of the thigh, it extends along the entire length of the thigh, attaching to the knee tendon.

Between the lateral and medial muscles there is the vastus intermedius, under which it is hidden

Although it is not clearly visible, it is no less important. Works during knee bending movements, running, squats, jumping

Due to the fact that the quadriceps is a quadriceps muscle, it contains both fast and slow muscle fibers, so that this part of the body develops harmoniously. You should not focus only on power loads. Be sure to include statics and cardio in your workout.

Just don't touch your feet!

Most girls are afraid to do squats because they will swing their legs. In fact, making thighs like Schwarzenegger’s is very, very difficult. We a priori do not have those hormones that help build muscle fibers quickly and with great progression.

Nevertheless, fear is still present among the female half of humanity. Oh, how many times have I heard: “Won’t I pump up huge legs?!”, “I don’t need big quads. " We have to go back to the roots of biology and explain that you can increase muscle size only by giving it a lot of load and a lot of energy: in other words, you need heavy strength and... a lot of food! Moreover, without a calorie surplus, nothing will happen!

Whatever one may say, the quadriceps is still involved in squats. His role is to extend the leg, so he “plows” you every day. Going down the steps, going up, walking, and so on. You won’t believe it, but all the leg muscles work here too! So it won’t be possible to completely eliminate the load from the quad, alas!


A person who has tendinosis is concerned about dysfunction, and the attachment site may hurt when flexing or extending. Everything is observed during active movements, but passive ones do not bring pain. The tendon area and the joint itself are painful on palpation, and the skin may be hyperemic. During movement, a crunching sound, or crepitation, appears; it can be heard at a distance, using a phonendoscope, or felt by palpation.

Options and symptoms

There is tendinosis of the patellar ligament, which is called “jumper's knee,” and the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. At the initial stage, a person is bothered by pain, but if there has been severe stretching, swelling occurs. Advanced cases may result in atrophy of the quadriceps femoris muscle and degeneration at the attachment site, which requires surgical intervention.

At the initial stage, pain is felt after performing physical activity. Over time, pain accompanies physical activity, and in advanced cases it makes itself felt even at rest. It's not so much the joint itself that worries you, but the pressure on a certain point or the attempt to perform an active movement. If calcification appears, an x-ray or MRI is indicated.

Where do the fat pads above the knees come from, and what to do with them? bookmark 9

With illiterate training, water is retained in the body, causing swelling. Including above the knees, where it is most difficult to drive it out.

Let's try to figure out who gets rollers above their knees and why. Why do all these self-proclaimed fitness bloggers have swollen knees if they squat, run, and train with weights? The answer is simple: girls don’t really understand what they’re doing. Once upon a time they mastered a set of exercises that they do not deviate from. Yes, they write posts with an important air about the need to drink two liters of water a day, but if you dig deeper, it becomes obvious: they have no knowledge.


Such squats are optimal for developing leg muscles. When performing it, most of the leg muscle groups, in particular the quadriceps, are immediately pumped. It has a good effect on creating a muscle corset and muscle formation. When squatting with a barbell, the body receives a very large load, resulting in the release of a large amount of growth hormones, which contribute to the rapid increase in muscle mass.

Before you start doing a squat, go and place the bar on your trapezius or deltoids, but never on your neck! Bring your shoulder blades together and keep your back straight to distribute the working weight evenly. Do not lean forward as this may cause lumbar injuries. The chin is pointed upward, the head should be raised. Determine the width of your legs, how it will be more comfortable for you and which position will be the most stable for maintaining balance while performing the exercise.

You can begin to squat, making sure that the movement begins with the pelvis moving back, and not with bending the knees. To better understand how to do this correctly, imagine that you need to sit on a non-existent chair. The knees should not diverge to the sides and move, they only bend without going beyond the toes. If you do not follow this rule, knee joint injuries are inevitable.

First, squat until the angle of the back of your legs and thighs is parallel to the floor. You can squat deeper, and the harder you do it, the greater the load on the gluteal muscle. But since the goal is to specifically target the quadriceps, you need to squat parallel to a right angle. We constantly make sure that the knees do not twist and the back is straight.

Smoothly, slowly squatting without sudden movements, come out of the squat, without transferring the center of gravity to your toes. Rise up and straighten up, but keep your knees slightly bent to minimize the risk of injury. Do not try to take the maximum weight when squatting with a barbell.

Developed, sculpted, powerful quadriceps can ensure your victory in a bodybuilding competition, setting you apart from the crowd of participants. But it will be useful to you in life too! Beautiful pumped quadriceps distinguish a proportional, harmonious, aesthetically beautiful body from an apple-shaped body with a heavy top and thin legs.

Viktorov Maxim

Just don't touch your feet!

Most girls are afraid to do squats because they will swing their legs. In fact, making thighs like Schwarzenegger’s is very, very difficult. We a priori do not have those hormones that help build muscle fibers quickly and with great progression.

Nevertheless, fear is still present among the female half of humanity. Oh, how many times have I heard: “Won’t I pump up huge legs?!”, “I don’t need big quads. " We have to go back to the roots of biology and explain that you can increase muscle size only by giving it a lot of load and a lot of energy: in other words, you need heavy strength and... a lot of food!

Moreover, without a calorie surplus, nothing will work for you!

Whatever one may say, the quadriceps is still involved in squats. His role is to extend the leg, so he “plows” you every day. Going down the steps, going up, walking, and so on. You won’t believe it, but all the leg muscles work here too! So it won’t be possible to completely eliminate the load from the quad, alas!

Isolation exercises

Thanks to such controls, maximum efficiency of training a specific muscle is achieved. In this case, leg curls using a machine and hyperextension are a good option.


As a rule, the exercise is included in the spinal muscle training program, but if you modify it slightly, it will also be useful for working out the DMB and gluteal muscles. The main difference with this hamstring control is that the machine's support pads are installed parallel to the top of the quadriceps.

Execution rules:

  • Straight back;
  • The position of the hands is crossed on the chest, or can also be clasped behind the head;
  • Buttocks are tense.
  • The forward bend is performed slowly and smoothly.

This exercise will allow you to achieve tangible results, even if others were not effective.

Leg Curl

Performed on a simulator in a lying position. Allows you to work out the DMB to the limit. Despite the simple technique, the result will be impressive.

Execution rules:

  • On the simulator, the position is assumed to be lying face down. Using a roller, the legs are fixed in the ankle joint area;
  • The torso is pressed against the surface of the bench. When moving, it should not be lifted, as this can lead to injury;
  • All movements are performed smoothly without haste, otherwise the exercise will not be effective;
  • At the lower peak, the knees should not be fully extended, the legs are always in a tense state.

High-quality training for working out the hamstrings consists of technically complex exercises that are very dangerous for beginners. Therefore, beginners need to practice exclusively under the guidance of a trainer. Only in this case will the classes really be effective. Also, training with an experienced mentor will eliminate injuries.

In addition, it is necessary to approach exercises on the legs and biceps very carefully and carefully for those people who have diseases of the spine, hip or knee joints. It should be remembered that the main tasks before starting to train seriously are the correct selection of weight and adherence to control technique

Brutal methods of dealing with big feet

By the way, are you wondering how other nations are fighting this? Such barbaric methods as applying tight bandages to the feet in childhood do not suit us. Much to the happiness of the fair sex, mutilated legs are not so popular in our country. But in the east, in some villages, this method is still incredibly popular. The tight bandage compresses the foot almost from birth, causing terrible foot deformities that prevent women from walking into adulthood. In addition, such violence against the body leads to diseases of the entire musculoskeletal system.

But if a representative of the fair sex does not have such legs, she may not even be married. Men are proud of their wives, whom they have to constantly carry in their arms. But the resulting “lotuses” drive you crazy and excite. Plus, this indicates the high status of the husband.

By the way, in some countries they use a more “humane” method. Representatives of the fair sex buy shoes one size smaller. Of course, this causes discomfort; by the evening, young girls’ legs begin to hurt. Plus, again, deformation of the foot occurs. Let's figure out how to reduce your leg size without resorting to extreme and radical measures.

How to pump up your QUADRICEPS instructions from Arnold

“There are so many unique training principles to build bigger, stronger quads. I know this for sure because I have experienced almost all of them during my performance days to make my lower half of my body as impressive as my chest, back and arms.

Because of my passion for trying out all sorts of leg exercises, I succeeded in building two big sets of quads that helped me win 7 Mr. Olympia titles.

Today we will answer the main question - how to pump up the quadriceps, and we will give four principles for training the leg muscles that I once used myself: "

If you want to pump up your quads, stick to high reps.

“The rule of thumb for mass is to use a medium rep range (8-12). When training leg muscles, I have always found that high repetitions lead to better growth.

I have had great results with squats, lunges, leg presses and leg extensions, doing sets of 15-20 reps. But this does not mean that you should pump your quadriceps with light weights.

I always try to lift as much weight as possible on leg days, even when doing high reps."

Try to Get as Low as possible

When it comes to increasing the size of your quadriceps, of all the factors that hinder their development, poor range of motion is the most insidious. So many new lifters make this mistake of not going low enough on squats or hack squats.

“You will never be able to pump up your quadriceps and increase their mass if you squat halfway.

Pay attention!

In each repetition, you need to reach the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor when doing squats or the platform when doing machine presses and hack squats.

From time to time I liked to go beyond parallel, almost to where my butt touched my ankles, even if it meant doing the exercise with less weight.”

Lunges are best performed in a Smith machine

Lunges are a great exercise to tone your quadriceps. However, many times most athletes fail to reach their full potential using free weights.

Lunges with a barbell impair balance, and lunges with dumbbells tire your arms much more than your legs.

Do Supersets

Supersets are also a good way to pump up your quadriceps. But keep in mind that safety always comes first. And, since supersets significantly exhaust muscles, performing exercises in machines will be safer than with free weights.

Nuances of technology

In practice, this method is not suitable for everyone, and there are many nuances:

  • First, you will have to lose weight. Agree, when your legs are already pretty tired, it will be more difficult to sit down. So you definitely need to lose a couple of plates, and the number of sets/repetitions.
  • Secondly, if the quadriceps are too strong and there is insufficient pre-fatigue, the effect can be the opposite: on the contrary, you will thoroughly stretch the quads and they will “turn on” faster than the butt.
  • Thirdly, not everyone’s buttocks are easily “involved” in work. We have already discussed the reasons for this in previous articles. In this case, you can do a little isolation to fill the gluteal with blood (for example, the “good morning” exercise without weights).

How to build awesome quadriceps

Huge quadriceps will help you easily leave all your competitors behind. Here's how to pump them up.

Bulging, powerful quads are basically bright neon signs announcing that you're a cyclist and about to kick some ass. Those muscles aren't there to make you look good in spandex. Four muscles, collectively called the quadriceps, bear the brunt of the load while pedaling.

Therefore, the stronger they are, the more power you can produce. Of course, strong quads come in different sizes and shapes. After all, Sir Bradley Wiggins' legs look like thin twigs compared to the powerful quadriceps of Mark "Rocket" Cavendish.

Here you can quickly find what you need!

How bulky your legs become depends on several factors, including your height (shorter cyclists' legs become, or at least appear, wider), genes (some people, particularly sprinters, have "anaerobic" muscle fibers that contract faster, they're what give riders those massive quads), as well as how and where you ride (pedaling at an easy pace will build less muscle mass than pedaling hard).

Pedal force

Regardless of size, all people should strive for impressive and strong quads.

“Cycling is a strength sport,” says David Ertl, Ph.D., a Level 1 coach at Peaks Coaching Group. “You need strong legs to stay ahead.

This means you need to train all available muscle fibers.

If you can become 10 or 20 percent stronger than your competitor, then he will tire faster, and you will still have reserve strength to climb the hill or make a decisive dash to the finish line.”

To optimize your training, Ertl recommends exercising both on and off the bike. Don't worry, you won't have to spend much time behind the mirrored walls. It only takes a few key exercises and just one in the gym.

Do two to four sets of 8 to 12 reps with a weight heavy enough so that the last one or two reps use up all your strength. Once a week during the season will be enough. During the off-season, train for two or three sessions to recover. Here's what you need to do:

Ways to reduce hip volume

There are 4 main methods to effectively reduce hip size at home:

  • diet;
  • massage;
  • physical training;
  • shapewear.

Proper nutrition will help you avoid gaining extra pounds and stay in shape. The duration of the diet depends on the type of diet followed. This will allow you to lose excess weight in a short time. In order for the results to last, you should always adhere to proper nutrition.

Anti-cellulite massage is considered the simplest and most affordable way to reduce thighs. You need to use it regularly throughout your life in order to have elastic skin at any age.

Physical exercise is the most effective way to reduce hip size. It allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. You can bring your thighs into a toned state in a few months of hard training. To maintain the results obtained, it will be necessary to continue to lead an active lifestyle.

Shorts for weight loss will allow you to get rid of more fluid and toxins during training. Thanks to shorts, excess weight loss occurs faster, cellulite disappears and body contours become clearer.

Exercises for quadriceps

Powerful Tom Platz-style legs are a must in modern competitive bodybuilding. The quadriceps and hamstrings must be extremely developed, this is the only way to win. Fully defined and voluminous quads, for example, create a very impressive and refined look for the entire physique as a whole, especially if the torso is developed in proportion to the legs and looks just as cool. But is it only bodybuilders who need to develop their leg muscles to make them strong and strong? Of course not. In many sports, you simply cannot do without strong quadriceps. Naturally, a large bodybuilding volume is not needed there and, in general, not everyone needs it, but trained, strong and strong quadriceps can often play a key role in any discipline.

The following exercises and techniques are aimed at powerful quadriceps work and are the best in this category:

Squats with alternating range of motion. Many professional athletes, such as Branch Warren, Kai Greene or Ronnie Coleman, who have huge legs, perform squats quite deep, always below the parallel of the thigh with the floor. In this case, the quadriceps are worked out simply beyond belief.

But here it is important not to exaggerate with the weight of the barbell, since squatting below parallel is much more difficult. In bodybuilding, there is one technique that certainly emphasizes enhanced development of the quadriceps and will be useful to anyone who needs strong legs

Its essence is alternating the amplitude of movement. Here's how it works: squat slowly to just below parallel, then rise only 1/4 of the way up, slowly and under full control return to the bottom of the squat, and then rise all the way to the top. This counts as one repetition, after which the next one begins. As you can see, this technique will work the quadriceps, especially the outer side, with double the strength. This technique also works well for the leg press.

Front squats are one of the best exercises for developing quadriceps separation and volume. Front squats, like no other movement, not only “turn on” the quadriceps, it forces them to contract with force, because the weight here can be quite decent. However, front squats are more uncomfortable than regular squats, so they should be done lightly to begin with in order to develop a technique that will gradually make the movement feel comfortable. Sissy squats. This exercise requires the performer to be quite flexible. When performing a sissy squat, the athlete leans back all the way, while the hips and torso should be in one line. To prevent loss of balance, it is recommended to hold onto the machine stand or other stationary object with your hand. Sissy squats allow you to concentrate the load on the lower part of the quadriceps, closer to the knees and will work this area as much as possible. You should take into account the increased load on the knees in this movement, so before performing this type of squats, it is important to do a full warm-up for them. Zercher Squats - Named after the famous powerlifter Ed Zercher, who used this type of squat in his training. When performing Zercher squats, weights are placed on the elbows and the Zercher squat squat holds it in front of him. This allows you to shift the emphasis to the upper part of the quadriceps, which is very difficult to target in regular leg training, since the middle and bottom of the quadriceps take the main load.

Leg extensions are a great exercise for developing the quadriceps muscle. Here both volume and muscle relief are fully developed at the same time, and of course strength. One of the most effective techniques in extensions is the reverse pyramid principle, that is, gradual weight loss. For example, after performing 8-10 repetitions with a large weight (for strength results), we reduce the weight and do another 6-8 repetitions, then again reduce the weight and perform another 4-6 repetitions, and finally we drop the weight again and perform as many repetitions as possible. how much strength is enough. This technique literally “burns through” the quadriceps, but this is exactly what is needed, because it is an indicator of accurate and effective muscle loading.

Nuances of technology

In practice, this method is not suitable for everyone, and there are many nuances:

  • First, you will have to lose weight
    . Agree, when your legs are already pretty tired, it will be more difficult to sit down. So you definitely need to lose a couple of plates, and the number of sets/repetitions.
  • Secondly, if the quadriceps are too strong and there is insufficient pre-fatigue, the effect can be the opposite
    : on the contrary, you will thoroughly stretch the quads and they will “turn on” faster than the butt.

  • Thirdly, not everyone’s buttocks are easily “involved” in work
    . We have already discussed the reasons for this in previous articles. In this case, you can do a little isolation to fill the gluteal with blood (for example, the “good morning” exercise without weights).

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