Pumped legs: a reality at home or an unattainable goal for a girl

Pimping thin limbs at home

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To transform their skinny bottom by strengthening their leg muscles, girls need to carefully select the exercises included in the workout they perform on a regular basis. When creating a program you should:

  • minimize aerobic activity (running, walking, etc.);
  • devote much more time to working out the lower body than the upper body (since the legs, due to their active involvement in real life, are well adapted to high loads);
  • perform speed exercises (this is the type of training regimen that helps to quickly build muscle mass in the legs);
  • work with available weights (dumbbells, barbells, water bottles, books, etc.);
  • select the working weight correctly, without overestimating your capabilities (this will help avoid injury).

In addition to competently drawing up a training plan, a woman who wants to pump up her legs needs to adjust her diet, aiming it at gaining the “correct” weight. The most common mistakes in this aspect are:

  • inclusion in the daily menu of nutritional supplements designed to increase endurance or fat burning (when strengthening the muscles of thin limbs, it is necessary to use supplements with a high protein content, in particular, protein powder or creatine);
  • increasing the amount of calories entering the body due to frequent consumption of flour products, semi-finished products or products that contain sugar (the emphasis in nutrition in this case should be on protein and nutritious foods, namely meat, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, etc. Further).

Important! Pumping up thin legs takes a lot of time and requires an integrated approach, so you shouldn’t expect quick results from training with similar initial data.

Be sure to watch: Gallery image with caption: All the ways to quickly pump up a girl’s calves at home and build up shins for men and women Gallery image with caption: Effective exercises for pumping up legs for men at home Gallery image with caption: Effective exercises for legs at home for girls and women Gallery image with caption: Inner thigh: the best exercises and methods

Recommendations for performing exercises

  • Each exercise should be performed in 3 sets of up to 15 repetitions each.
  • If you are a beginner, your own body weight will be enough for exercise. Only with time can you take on weights. Start with the minimum, gradually increasing the weight. Choose a weight that allows you to perform the required number of repetitions technically correctly.
  • It is recommended to perform the complex no more than 3 times a week. Muscles need to rest and recover. This requires at least 48 hours. Otherwise, the muscles will begin to break down and you will get the opposite effect.
  • You can use bottles of sand or water as weights at home.
  • It is also worth paying attention to nutrition and giving preference to protein foods. It is what promotes the growth of muscle mass.
  • Don't forget about warming up. Never start your main workout without warming up.

Having studied the anatomy and read the recommendations, it’s time to figure out how to pump up your leg muscles at home

The most effective exercises for women

Some of the most effective exercises for transforming the lower part of the female body, which can help an athlete achieve results in the shortest possible time, include:

Classic squats with weightsStarting position (IP): stand straight; feet slightly spaced apart; the spine is as straight as possible; shoulders straightened; holding a weight in your hands, such as a stack of books or a bottle of water. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, bend your knees until a right angle is formed with the floor. In this case, it is important to ensure that your knees are approximately above your feet, and do not go forward. Having fixed the resulting position for 2 seconds, straighten your limbs, returning to the IP position.
Lunges (can be performed with weights if desired)IP: take a vertical position; back straight; Place your feet at a minimum distance from each other; neck extended; the gaze is directed forward; When using weights, hold them in your hands. Lunge with your right leg, bending it at the knee joint at a right angle. Lean your entire body on your foot, with your body positioned evenly between your bent legs and not leaning forward. After holding the resulting position for 3 seconds, return to the original position. Repeat similar actions, lunging with your left leg.
Calf raiseIP: position the body vertically; feet slightly spaced apart; back straight; pick up dumbbells or any other available equipment that can increase the load during this exercise. As you exhale, rise onto your toes, lifting your heels off the floor as much as possible. We hold the body in this position for 5-7 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

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If it is not possible to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, gradually increasing the load while performing appropriate exercises, you can use the training program below. This training plan is recognized by professional fitness trainers as one of the most effective, capable of helping girls achieve the first result in pumping their legs within 5 days of regularly performing the described physical activity.

Important! The following complex requires not only daily performance of the indicated exercises in compliance with the technique, but also adherence to the principles of proper nutrition that promote muscle growth.

1 day:

  • warm-up;
  • squats with dumbbells, barbell or any other weighting material - 4 sets of 15 times;
  • classic lunges (preferably with weights) – 4 sets of 10 times for each leg;
  • lateral lunges (ideally while holding dumbbells) – 4 sets of 8 times for each leg;
  • classic squats – 1 approach for the maximum number of repetitions in 1 minute;
  • cool down, including stretching exercises.

Day 2:

  • warm-up;
  • lunges without weights – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • plie squats – 2 sets for maximum number of repetitions;
  • jumping rope – 90 seconds;
  • alternately lifting the legs back from a position on all fours;
  • cool down with mandatory stretching of the worked muscles of the limbs.

Day 3:

  • warm-up;
  • stepping up a hill - 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • swing your legs to the side - 4 sets of 20 times;
  • backward lunges – 4 sets of 15 times;
  • side lunges – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • cool down, including exercises to stretch the muscles of the target area.

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Day 4:

  • warm-up;
  • swing your legs back – 5 sets of 20 times;
  • squats with weights – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • raising on toes – 5 sets of 10 times;
  • jumping – 1 minute;
  • stepping up a hill - the maximum number of repetitions in 90 seconds of active work;
  • cool down + stretching of leg muscles.

5 day:

  • warm-up;
  • squats with weights – 3 sets of 20 times;
  • forward lunges with weights – 3 sets of 10 repetitions;
  • swing your legs to the side - 4 sets of 20 times;
  • jumping rope – 90 seconds;
  • squats without weights – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • cool down followed by exercises aimed at stretching the leg muscles.

How to pump up your legs at home with dumbbells. Why do lunges?

This exercise is quite new. Just 15 years ago, almost no one did it. The fashion for it was introduced by Ronnie Coleman himself, who loved to do lunges with a barbell on his shoulders, walking in the backyard of the sports club. According to him, doing lunges helped him build up his legs as well as doing squats with a barbell.

Lunges in motion

A little later, the lunge exercise gained wild popularity among the fair half of gym goers who dream of slender legs and a toned butt. Since then, lunges with dumbbells for girls have become, perhaps, their favorite exercise for training their legs and buttocks. And not unreasonably...

Its peculiarity is that each leg is loaded separately, which allows you to work the muscles of both sides of the body more actively and independently of each other. The unilateral (one-armed/one-legged) style of performing exercises is usually the domain of professionals, but in our case, it simply went to the people.

How to pump up your legs at home with dumbbells. Why do lunges?

Lunges with dumbbells for girls are one of the best exercises

This exercise is a great way to pump up your legs, strengthen ligaments and give your muscles an ideal shape. When performing lunges with a barbell, the muscles of the front and back of the leg and buttocks work, the shape of the femoral biceps improves and it separates from the gluteal muscles. The lower leg, abs, and core stabilizer muscles also take part in the work.

It is impossible to say that this exercise is for women or men. It is performed with equal effectiveness by athletes of any gender. But girls usually use dumbbells, and men do lunges with a barbell. That's the whole difference.

Conclusion: lunges are a universal exercise for the lower half of the body for both women and men.

What results can you achieve in a week?

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The results in strengthening the muscular corset of the lower extremities, which can be achieved in a week of regular training even at home, depend on the initial data of the athlete.

If the girl’s transformation began with an excessive amount of subcutaneous fat, after 7 days of active sports, its volume will begin to decrease, but the relief of the leg muscles achieved during the specified period is out of the question. The process of pumping the lower extremities in such a case will consist of two stages:

  • getting rid of excess fat and fluid in the body (“drying” the body);
  • building muscle mass and adding definition to the target area.

Important! If you neglect this rule and pump up muscles with a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the girl risks significantly increasing the volume of her own body. This is due to the growth of muscle under the fat layer, the effect of which on fat burning in this case is minimal.

If a woman is an ectomorph by nature, then after a week of daily exercise to strengthen her leg muscles, she will most likely notice an increase in endurance and strength in her limbs.

How to enhance the effect of training

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You can significantly increase the effectiveness of training aimed at pumping up the muscles of women’s legs by:

  • using improvised weights when performing exercises;
  • dietary adjustments;
  • consumption of protein supplements;
  • normalization of the daily routine (eating, getting up and going to bed should occur at the same time every day);
  • a competent combination of exercises to work out various groups of the muscular corset of the lower extremities;
  • conducting a warm-up before class and a cool-down with stretching elements after;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • devoting the proper amount of time to rest and restoration of the body as a whole.

Professionals help

In the matter of competently compiling a set of home workouts to work out the muscles of girls’ legs, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advice and opinions of professionals on this issue.

Alena Sharlizova, fitness trainer

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To transform the lower extremities, Alena recommends that her clients regularly perform exercises with dumbbells and barbells. In her opinion, home workouts without weights are supportive in nature and can be used only if the shape of the legs is preserved and the desired appearance has already been achieved. However, it is important to understand that the working weight must be selected extremely carefully, since a mistake in this aspect can result in the athlete receiving a serious injury.

Diana Mayorova, fitness bikini model

Diana admits that playing sports at home has already become her habit. In between performances, she gives her body daily physical exercise at home, aimed at working key areas: legs, abdomen, buttocks and arms. Diana is confident that a well-designed exercise regimen can bring visible results after just a week of regular training. However, to compile it, it is advisable to contact a professional.

Artem Mikhailov, fitness trainer

Artem considers home workouts a waste of time. In his opinion, physical activity of this kind is ineffective due to several factors. The main ones are the lack of a wide range of sports equipment at home, an insufficient amount of motivation, and a lack of control from qualified professionals.

How to pump up your legs in the gym. How to pump up your legs?

How to pump up a girl's legs at home. Why does a girl need to pump up her legs? 10
Let's start with the fact that this is a large muscle group. When we train it, our small and stabilizing muscles are actively involved in the work. And also, by working the leg muscles, you strengthen your ligaments. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Anterior thigh.
  2. Posterior thigh.
  3. Gluteal muscles.
  4. Calf muscles.

To fully work out the leg muscles, it is necessary to pump up each of these parts. However, you need to start with a basic exercise that includes all these groups - barbell squats. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions, and move on to more detailed work on each muscle. For this purpose, we will need to perform isolation exercises.

So, to work out the front surface of the thigh you need to do:

  1. Extension.
  2. Leg press.

To pump up your hamstrings, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Leg curls in the simulator.
  2. Deadlift.
  3. Bend the body forward, with a barbell on the back.

How to pump up a girl's legs at home. Why does a girl need to pump up her legs? eleven
Here the analogy is with the muscles of the arms. Quadriceps is a pushing muscle, so to work it you need to perform extension movements. The biceps femoris is a pulling muscle, and to work it you need to perform flexion movements.

To work out the buttocks, you need to perform exercises that involve stretching these muscles:

  1. Squats with wide legs up to parallel level.
  2. Lunges with dumbbells or barbell.

How to pump up a girl's legs at home. Why does a girl need to pump up her legs? 12
To pump up the calf muscles, you need to perform various variations of calf raises:

  1. In the gym.
  2. With a barbell.
  3. On one leg with dumbbells.

After squats, it is enough to perform one exercise for each muscle. We will talk about the principles of constructing a training complex in the following sections.

To avoid injury, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to properly perform lunges with a barbell forward.

Main conclusions

  1. Pumping the muscles of the lower extremities should differ in their specificity, depending on the initial data of the girls (thin legs or with an excessive amount of subcutaneous fat).
  2. Subject to the rules of a healthy diet, as well as regular exercise, the first result in strengthening the muscular corset of the legs can be noticeable after 5-7 days of daily work on the body.
  3. By adjusting her diet, as well as changing her lifestyle, a girl can significantly increase the effectiveness of training aimed at working out the muscles of the limbs.

Understanding the features of training schemes that differ depending on body type, a girl can independently select the most effective exercises for herself, based on the information presented above. It is important to remember that results in this matter can only be achieved with an integrated approach to transforming the legs: reviewing the diet and daily routine, as well as exposing the body to physical activity on a regular basis.

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