Circuit training for problem areas: Program for beginners (Day 5)

≡ October 1, 2020 Category: Miscellaneous

Circuit training is a good option for losing weight while maintaining a healthy diet. Muscles make the most of the glycogen stored in the body and encourage the body to use fat reserves as an energy source.

  • Circuit training includes 6 to 10 exercises that are done one after another.
  • Each exercise is performed a certain number of repetitions or over a certain period of time.
  • Exercises within one cycle are separated by a short rest period, with a longer rest period between cycles.

The total number of cycles performed during training varies from 2 to 6 and depends on:

  • depending on the level of physical fitness - beginner, intermediate or advanced;
  • on the duration of the training stage - preparatory or before competitions;
  • depending on the training goal - increasing endurance, losing weight or cutting.

Principles of constructing circuit training programs

An exercise regimen for circuit training should be designed in such a way as to work each part of the body in one cycle in a certain order, for example:

  • whole body;
  • top part;
  • Bottom part;
  • frame.

Write down on a piece of paper 3-4 cycles of 6-10 exercises that can be performed with the available resources. In each cycle, ensure that there are no two exercises in a row for the same muscle group, for example, push-ups should not follow lifting weights overhead

It is very important to warm up at the beginning of your workout and cool down at the end.

The duration of each exercise in the cycle is estimated in one of two ways:

  • based on a fixed time, for example 30 seconds;
  • as half the number of repetitions of an exercise a person can perform in 60 seconds using 100% effort.

If the workout is based on repetitions, then a repeat test should be performed every 4 weeks to determine the maximum number of repetitions of each exercise in 60 seconds to ensure progress.

The training can be organized into a 4-week cycle: easy, medium, hard week and test/recovery week. The load is regulated by changing the number of exercises, duration of execution, number of sets and recovery time.

System of exercises on the topic “Numeral” in 6th grade.

A selection of tasks for reviewing the topic “Numerals” in 6th grade.

Exercise 1

Rewrite, choosing the necessary numerals and putting them in the appropriate case.

1. At the entrance to the college stood (three, three female students) and (two, two young men). 2. The patient’s condition remained critical (two, two days). 3. (Both, both) the responding students were asked additional questions. 4. Among the members of the department there were (two, two professors) and (four, four associate professors). 5. You can approach the device from (both, both) sides. 6. There were (five, five) who participated in the rescue of the victims. 7. The exam took place in one of the (four, four) classrooms.

Exercise 2

Rewrite by inserting missing letters and replacing numbers with words.

1. The steamer with 468 passengers left the pier. 2. The book was illustrated with 34 drawings and supplied with 29 drawings. 3. Athletes ran one hundred meters in 11.2 seconds... 4. Complete 4 or more examples... 5. A climbing group of 11 people climbed a hard-to-reach mountain 3785 meters above sea level. 6. On Earth, 70.8% is occupied by seas and oceans, and land accounts for 29.2%. 7. In 1 liter... of water, dilute 200 grams... of powder.

Exercise 3

Read the text, determine its main idea. Write it down, replacing numbers with words. Make a morphological analysis of two numerals.

There are currently 5,651 languages ​​known in the world. More than 1,400 are classified as either not yet definitively recognized as independent or endangered. This group includes 250 Australian languages, spoken by about 40 thousand people.

Of the 4,200 independent languages, only about 500 are studied very well, and 1,500 are almost unstudied. Despite the efforts of government and academia, more than three-quarters of the world's languages ​​do not have a written language. (From the magazine)

Exercise 4

Rewrite, replacing numbers with words.

11 (oranges, tangerines and lemons), 10 (apples), 6 pairs (boots, felt boots and boots), 4 pairs (stockings and socks), 500 (grams) vermicelli, 15 (kilograms) (tomatoes), 8 cans (eggplant , tomatoes), current strength of 5 (amps), voltage of 127 and 220 (volts), 16 (Georgian athletes), 60 (students - Tatars, Bashkirs, Turkmens), 300 (tourists - Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians), area 890 (hectares), distance 480 (kilometers).

Exercise 5

Read the examples, replacing numbers with words, and then rewrite.

1) How much do you get if you add 16,374 to 11,968?8) 2) Subtract 4587 from 8753. 3) Multiply 918 by 67 and add 4417 to the resulting product. 4) If 382 is subtracted from 976, then 594 remains. 5) The motor ship with 388 excursionists set off on its next voyage. 6) The book had 480 pages. It was illustrated with 34 drawings and supplied with 29 drawings. 7) The motor ship with 468 passengers left the pier. The collective farm occupies 286.7 hectares of arable land under wheat crops. 9) A climbing group of 11 people climbed a hard-to-reach mountain 3785 meters above sea level.

Verification work.

1. Find and correct errors in writing numerals.

1. If you add two sixths to one third, you get two thirds.2. Zero point seven is one. 3. The resulting fractional number is eleven point two fifths. 4. Add one and a half to one and a half. 5. One and a half hundred rubles are missing. 6. Eight tenths is more than one half. 7. The fraction two-quarters can be reduced to one-half. 8. To zero point thirty-five hundredths add one point sixty-five hundredths.

2. Find and mark the numerals.

1) Fifth; 2) five; 3) a nickel; 4) Friday; 5) heels; 6) five of us; 7) five; 8) fiftieth; 9) five hundred; 10) five; 11) patch; 12) Friday; 13) fifthly;

14) five-point; 15) five hundred; 16) five; 17) A student.

3. Number the numerals included in the titles of books and
films, indicating their category.

  1. - quantitative
  2. - ordinal
  3. - collective
  4. - fractional
  5. - not a numeral, another part of speech

1. “In August forty-four..„.”; 2. “Two...captains”; 3. “The Three...Musketeers”;

4. “Twelfth…. night"; 5. “The Wolf and the Seven... Little Goats”; 6. “Fourth...”;

7. “Ten... little Indians”; 8. “Fifteen-year-old...captain”; 9. “Eighteenth…. year"; 10. “The Magnificent Seven...”;11. "Seventeen Moments of Spring";

12. “Thirty-eight... parrots”; 13. “One…. Ivan Denisovich Day";

14. “The twentieth... century begins”; 15. “One thousand nine hundred and eighty-four...”; 16. “Nine... days of one year”; 17. “First…love”; 18. “A million…. years before

ad"; 19. “Twelve…. chairs"; 20. “Battalion of Four...”; 21.“81/2..”.

Circuit training complex

Sometimes, when doing fitness in the gym, you need to change your training program and focus on burning fat, the circuit training method can help with this. The essence of circuit training is to consistently perform exercises on all muscle groups with minimal rest time. In one lap you should complete the maximum amount of exercise in the minimum amount of time. Here is one example exercise for a 20-minute circuit workout.

Circuit training example

Please note that all exercises are performed with light weights with a maximum number of repetitions in a short period of time and a minimum pause between exercises. 1

Pull-ups - maximum reps in 1 minute

  1. Pull-ups - maximum reps in 1 minute
  2. Push-ups or bench press - for a maximum of 2 minutes
  3. Squats – 1 min.
  4. Exercise bike – 4 min.
  5. Dips - 1 min.
  6. Lunges on each leg – 2 min.
  7. Lifting a barbell or dumbbells for biceps – 1 min.
  8. Active walking on a treadmill – 4 min.
  9. Arm extension on a vertical block (triceps) – 1 min.
  10. Barbell squats – 1 min.
  11. Vertical pull-down to the chest (for the latissimus dorsi) – 1 min.
  12. Crunches on a bench or floor (for abdominal muscles) – 1 min.

If you completed these exercises easily enough in 20 minutes, then you are a “cucumber” and can repeat the circle again or do it in reverse order.

As you can imagine, putting together a set of different variations of intensity, time and exercises for circuit training is not that difficult. It is important not to repeat exercises for the same muscle groups, alternate between the upper and lower parts of the body

Circuit training for weight loss

If your goal is to lose weight, then circuit training consisting of cardio and strength exercises (as shown above) will help speed up your metabolism and burn subcutaneous fat more effectively. It is believed that combining strength and aerobic exercises in one workout will not kill two birds with one stone (mass and fat burning), and I agree with this. But now we are talking about circuit training, and this is a completely different method - a method of high-intensity body drying.

To achieve the best results in losing weight, in addition to the circuit training complex described above, it is important to maintain a proper balanced diet. Law of Weight Loss: Expend more calories than you take in

One significant disadvantage of the circular method is the long recovery time after training.


Jumps with step setting or “spring”

Execution technique: reminiscent of jumping rope, but with forward movement. The push-off occurs from the forefoot, not the heel. After pushing off, bend your thigh slightly at the knee joint and lift it up a little. Landing occurs practically on two legs at the same time: first on the pushing leg, and then actively on the swing leg. The movement is short – half a foot.

Objective: The main emphasis is on the muscles and ligaments of the ankle joint that produce push-off.

Frequent mistakes: weak push-off, wide strides, arms bent at the elbows.

Running with high hips

Execution technique: when pushing off with the supporting leg, you need to raise the thigh of the swing leg high. High frequency hip lift. Stand high on your feet without dropping onto your heel. When landing, the leg is firmly placed on the support. The emphasis in the exercise should be on removing the leg from the support, and not on placing it. In this exercise, the torso takes a vertical position, but the center of gravity must be transferred to the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows, working in the same way as when running.

Objective: impact on the muscles of the anterior thigh, feet, hip flexor muscles, improving intermuscular coordination.

Common mistakes: shoulders pulled back, resulting in the back being tilted away from a vertical position, thigh not parallel to the ground, incorrect use of the arms, failure when landing.

Running with shin splints

Execution technique: elastic running, alternately bend your legs at the knee joint, throw your shin back to your buttock. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms work in the same way as when running.

Task: warming up the knee joint and the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Frequent mistakes: lack of elasticity when placing the foot on the surface, excessive torso tilt forward, hip movement forward when folding the leg, arms not bent at the elbow.

Heel-to-toe roll

Technique: soft roll from heel to toe followed by hard pushing. The landing is soft. Starting from the heel, a force is made through the big toe, followed by pushing forward and up, after which the landing is again on the pushing leg and then a symmetrical action with the other leg. The torso takes a vertical position during the exercise. Relax your arms and maintain balance only through slight rotations in your shoulders.

Task: to work the muscles involved in pushing.

Common mistakes: Bend your knee too much when landing.

Multi-leaps or “deer running”

Technique: mix of jumping and running. Trainers recommend imagining an obstacle in front of you, for example, a wide puddle, over which you need to jump with one leg, while bending the knee. The second leg is always straight.

When pushing off, the pushing leg is fully straightened, while the swing leg, bent at the knee joint, is sharply carried forward. When landing, the foot is planted with an active raking movement using the entire foot. The arms work in opposite directions, with a very wide swing: this is how balance is maintained. The torso is in a slightly forward position.

Objective: development of the muscles of the back of the thigh and calf muscles, as well as the levator ligaments of the thigh. Multi-jumps are often used in the jumping training of athletes and serve as a good means of developing strength endurance.

Frequent mistakes: the back leg is bent, due to which there is a jump along the trajectory of a semicircle, a weak push forward, a short and not intense step. This is the most difficult exercise for beginners, because... due to the unpreparedness of the muscles and ligaments, it is difficult to make a sharp swing of the knee forward and upward, while keeping the other leg straight.

Running on straight legs

Execution technique: active, quick extension of the swing leg, at approximately an angle of 45°. The knee is straight. The foot must actively meet the support in order to push the body forward. The torso is in an almost vertical position, the arms do active work, as in running.

6-Week Training Plan for Your First 10K Race

Objective: development of the calf muscles, levator ligaments, as well as the muscles responsible for adducting and abducting the hips.

Frequent mistakes: strong deviation of the body back, bent legs, marking time without moving forward.

Cross step

Execution technique: performed both right and left side. The exercise is performed on a high foot. Step with your right to the right side, and then step with your left back behind your right leg. After this, again step with the right to the right, and then step with the left but forward with the right foot. It is performed with alternating twisting of the torso in the pelvic area. During the cross step, the arms are raised to the sides to shoulder level.

Objective: developing mobility in the hip joint, strengthening the muscles of the foot and muscle groups that adduct and abduct the hip.

Common mistakes: insufficient rotation of the pelvis.

Added steps

Execution technique: movement occurs sideways in a straight line, avoiding changing trajectory. An active push of the foot up and at the same time to the side, while spreading the hips wide. The result is a wide lateral step. The hands work alternately, meeting and diverging in front of the chest. Performed both right and left side.

Objective: active work of the ankle joint ligaments, development of the adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh.

Common mistakes: moving along a curved line (miscoordination), weak push-off with the foot.


Execution technique: slightly reminiscent of the “spring” exercise, but the process of pushing out with each step is much stronger. High hip extension during take-off. The pushing leg is straight. The swing leg moves up along the pushing leg. Maximum long hover in the air.

Objective: development of foot ligaments and technique of pushing off the surface. Development of coordination.

Common mistakes: swaying of the body when hanging in the air, weak repulsion, too soft landing and at the same time bending the knee of the supporting leg too much.

additional information

Breaks between episodes

It is advisable to take a 30-60 second break between series. At this time, it’s a good idea to relax a little to restore your breathing, and then stretch your abdominal muscles by doing the “seal” exercise (lie on your stomach, and then raise your upper body on your arms, bend back, stretching your abdominal muscles).

Exercise time

You will notice that as the number of series and repetitions increases, the Vader 6 can take quite a long time. Typically, the suggested upper limit for exercise time is 30-40 minutes. If you reach this time, but still do not reach day 42 of the schedule, you need to speed up the exercises so as not to go beyond this time.

It is enough if you exercise for 40 minutes every day, and your stomach will look great.

Don't exercise immediately after eating

It is not recommended to exercise immediately after eating. Strongly contracting abdominal muscles can put pressure on a full stomach and intestines, interfere with digestion and cause nausea. It is advisable to wait 1-2 hours after eating before starting your workout.

If you can't

If the exercises provided for a given day turn out to be too difficult and you cannot complete them, do not be upset - the schedule we offer is quite demanding. Do as many as you can and try again the next day. Try again until it works. Every day your strength and endurance will increase, and finally you will succeed.

The truth is, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to reach the last day on your schedule. It is important to exercise regularly and diligently - then the muscles develop, and the stomach becomes flat and muscular. Numbers are of secondary importance.

Don't be afraid to take a break

As we wrote in the section on the general principles of abdominal muscle training, if you overdo it, additional exercises can even worsen the condition of your muscles. If you feel like it's getting too hard—your muscles are overworked and sore, and your workouts are becoming a chore—take a break. A day or even a few days will help you regenerate and regain your strength. A short break like this won't hurt, and may even help. Moreover, there is an opinion that when doing Weider’s 6 program, gently choose one day of the week for rest, and not do exercises.

Execution Features

In the program for the military, floor exercise complexes 1 and 2, like 3, relate to gymnastics and athletic training. Each of them is performed for 16 counts. The starting position for any of the complexes is a drill stance: heels together, toes apart, stomach tucked, knees straightened, but not to the point of tension, body leaned forward.

The complexes differ from each other in the complexity of their implementation. For example, complex 3 is more difficult than floor exercise complexes 1 and 2. Photos and descriptions of the sequences below in the article give a quick idea of ​​them.

set of floor exercises 1 and 2 for the military

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