How to speed up your metabolism and lose weight - 15 simple ways

  • Why is this necessary?
  • Find out the reason
  • Normalize nutrition
  • Use a diet
  • Drink vitamins and minerals
  • Use folk remedies
  • Workout
  • Give up...
  • Use the following tips

Today we hear about metabolism at every step, although this process is difficult to study scientifically due to its multi-level and multi-component nature. And yet, one thing is certain: if it slows down, it makes a person’s life significantly more difficult. So the question of how to speed it up is by no means idle.

Why is this necessary?

First you need to understand why it is necessary to accelerate metabolism at all. If your goal is solely to lose weight, you will achieve it. But this is far from the only thing worth striving for. The fact is that a slow metabolism is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • obesity, and losing weight will be extremely difficult;
  • pathological changes in hormonal levels;
  • the appearance of chronic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • digestive problems: constant bloating, stomach discomfort, alternating constipation with diarrhea;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • decreased attention, endurance, performance;
  • deterioration in appearance: skin rashes, hair loss, splitting of nails.

Accordingly, speeding up your metabolism is necessary not only in order to lose excess weight. First of all, it is the prevention of many health problems.

A few fun ways to speed up your metabolism and lose weight

When the metabolism is fast and working properly, fat does not tend to accumulate in the body and the individual, thus making it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. Fortunately, you can influence your metabolic rate: there are several pleasant ways to speed it up.


Steam, enveloping and warming up the body, opens the pores, removes excess water and toxins from them, increases blood circulation in the cells and thereby speeds up metabolism.

Also, regular visits to the sauna increase fat metabolism, since heat accelerates the process of breakdown of fat deposits into smaller components that will be used by cells as energy sources.


Vigorous massage improves blood circulation and therefore stimulates human metabolism. You can visit a professional massage therapist or do self-massage at home, including anti-cellulite massage.

At the pharmacy you can purchase special vacuum jars, learn the technique of anti-cellulite massage with jars and begin the procedure. This vacuum massage improves blood microcirculation and also helps remove excess fluid and toxins. For the best effect during the procedure, it is recommended to use special massage oils or warming creams.

Massage helps improve the functioning of the circulatory system, accordingly speeding up metabolism.

At home, you can also perform a honey massage yourself, which involves patting the areas of the body to which honey has been applied. Thus, systematic massage sessions will help speed up metabolic processes in subcutaneous fat deposits and get rid of cellulite.

Hot bath

Taking hot baths for 10 minutes alternately with a contrast shower (every other day) can significantly speed up your metabolism. In order to be sure to succeed, you need to know at least a couple of bath recipes. There are several effective bath recipes to improve metabolism and lose weight:

  1. Herbal bath with seaweed.
    20 g fennel, 10 g lavender, 30 g rosemary, 50 g seaweed. Pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours and pour into a bath of hot water.
  2. Mustard bath.
    Dilute a glass of dry mustard in warm water and pour into a hot bath.
  3. Linden bath.
    Steam a glass of linden collection with boiling water and pour it into a hot bath.
  4. Bath with ethers.
    Pour 2 tablespoons of salt into a glass container, add 2 drops of essential oils of juniper, orange and cypress to the salt. Mix the salt and pour into a bathtub filled with hot water.
  5. Oils

    The use of essential oils in wrap recipes, scrubs, creams and massage oils will also have a positive effect on the speed of metabolic processes. Esters improve blood circulation, accelerate lymph flow, normalize the body's water and fat balances, and eliminate swelling.

    It is worth paying special attention to essential oils:

  • orange;
  • grapefruit;
  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • rosemary;
  • geraniums;
  • cinnamon.

Walk more

Regular walking, especially on sunny days, will not only be a pleasant physical activity, but will also saturate the body with oxygen, which also plays a very important role in metabolic processes. Just you need to walk not along dusty city streets, but in park areas.

In addition, fresh air and sun always give a powerful positive charge, and the entire human body becomes toned.

Therefore, you should not constantly sit in a cage of four walls. Walk more often, give your body active exercise and you will be healthy and cheerful!


Adequate rest and sleep restores, renewing brain cells and producing growth hormone. It in turn helps speed up metabolism. The ability to relax and rest will also help in the fight against extra pounds.

Who would have thought that such a seemingly simple condition as healthy sleep could somehow help speed up metabolism. But this is true. After all, deep, restorative sleep has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

It has already been scientifically proven that people who have problems sleeping have a much stronger desire to “compensate” for this with additional calories, which is why they gain excess weight faster.

It has long been known that the optimal time for rest is 8 hours of sleep at night. This will allow your metabolism to be quite fast throughout the next day. It is also important to follow dietary recommendations. It is best to avoid eating altogether 4 hours before bedtime. You can not? Then you need to give up carbohydrates in the hours before night.

There are many recommendations, but if you try, following them is not so difficult. This does not require any superhuman effort from you. Try it, and you will understand that fast metabolism is not just a scientific term or someone’s whim. Metabolism directly affects how quickly you can lose excess weight, and most importantly, it will allow you not to gain it and keep it normal.


Oddly enough, but sex also helps speed up metabolic processes.

In addition to the fact that during lovemaking the body expends a considerable amount of energy, during their logical conclusion (orgasm) the blood is increased in oxygenation, and a greater amount of nutrients enters the tissue cells.


An interesting fact is that adrenaline helps you lose weight. Released during moments of excitement, this hormone speeds up metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fat. So extreme sports or regular trips to an amusement park will not only be wonderful entertainment and lift your spirits, but will also help you get rid of extra pounds.

Find out the reason

First, try to understand why it is slow for you. To do this, you will have to analyze your lifestyle and even undergo a medical examination. Only by eliminating the provoking factor can you put your metabolism in order.

Reason 1. Age

Aging involves a slowdown in all processes in the body: from collagen synthesis, which causes the skin to become loose and wrinkled, to the production of hormones, which leads to menopause and the end of the reproductive period of life. Every 10 years, metabolism slows down by 10%.

How to fix it. After 30 years, you need to give up alcoholic parties, smoking and urgently normalize your diet. After 40 years, it is necessary to increase physical activity and seriously engage in some kind of sport. After 50 years, you need to lead a 100% active lifestyle and undergo regular medical examinations.

Reason 2. Lack of calories

The main factor that provokes a slow metabolism is diet abuse and regular consumption of low-calorie, low-fat foods. The body goes into nutrient saving mode in order to stretch them out over a longer period of time. To do this, the speed of biochemical processes is significantly reduced.

How to fix it. Increase your daily caloric intake, develop an individual BJU ratio and stick to it.

Reason 3. Genetics

There is a point of view that the metabolic rate depends on genetic characteristics, and it is inherent in a person from the very beginning. However, no scientific research has been conducted on this matter.

How to fix it. Since this is just a hypothesis, it’s still worth trying to speed it up using proven methods suggested below.

Reason 4. Low physical activity

During exercise, the heart beats faster, which increases blood circulation. The tissues are saturated with oxygen, which triggers all kinds of metabolic processes. In their absence, everything happens exactly the opposite.

How to fix it. Start (gradually) playing sports.

Reason 5. Gender differences

Women's metabolism is slower than men's. This is explained by a large amount of subcutaneous fat in the former and rich muscle mass in the latter.

How to fix it. Of course, there is no need to change the gender. But it is advisable for women to build more muscle mass through regular exercise.

Reason 6. Unhealthy eating habits

Frequent snacking, chaotic meals, an unbalanced diet, the habit of overeating, nightly trips to the refrigerator - all this causes insulin levels in the blood to jump several times a day. This puts the body under stress, and as a barrier it slows down all biochemical reactions.

How to fix it. Adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition.

Reason 7. Diseases

There are more than 50 diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

How to fix it. Get a full medical examination and treatment if the disease is curable. If the process is irreversible, follow all medical recommendations to improve your condition.

Reason 8. Dehydration

Now they talk about this a lot and often, but not everyone has the willpower to implement this point. Without water, it is simply impossible to speed up your metabolism. Moreover, you need to drink a lot, often and regularly, so that it works as a catalyst for biochemical processes.

How to fix it. Drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day (all other drinks do not count).

Reason 9. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins

Vitamins and minerals influence your metabolic rate. Some - to a greater extent, some - to a lesser extent. If their deficiency is detected, metabolism slows down.

How to fix it. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet daily. Take multivitamin complexes twice a year.

By eliminating the root cause, you can easily speed up the metabolism in the body. If the medical examination did not show any pathologies and you are not sure of the provoking factor, use our general recommendations. Perhaps one of the proposed methods will suit you.

What determines the metabolic rate in the body?

There are several natural factors that determine how fast metabolism occurs. This process depends on:

  • the complexion of each individual person. People who have a lot of muscle mass or are overweight burn calories faster—even when they are not physically active. This explains the surprising, at first glance, fact: people with a plump or large physique lose weight much faster compared to others;
  • floor. Men usually have less body fat compared to women, but more muscle mass. Thanks to these features, calories in the male body are absorbed faster and more efficiently;
  • age. In an aging body, metabolism is usually slower than in a young body. This is a natural process. Therefore, it is much easier for a young woman to lose weight;
  • activity. The “arithmetic” here is simple: if you move more, you will burn more calories. This applies equally to young women and older ones;
  • thermogenesis. This is the name of a special “mechanism” in the body that transports, stores and digests food. This also requires calories as a source of energy. A healthy body consumes from 100 to 800 units. This value is constant, and it depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. If a relatively small number of "utility" calories are consumed, the unspent calories are converted to fat. And vice versa.

The conclusion from all that has been said is this. Excess weight is when excess calories remain in the body, and weight loss is when more calories are burned than they enter the body. And since no one is able to influence their age, gender and genetic parameters of the body, and, nevertheless, would like to lose weight, this is where you need to speed up your metabolism.

Normalize nutrition

You don’t need to think that you can speed up your metabolism only under the supervision of a doctor or in a hospital. This applies only to serious violations that lead to serious illnesses and irreversible consequences. If the problem is only speed, then it is possible to increase it at home, and above all, by organizing proper nutrition.

Organize the regime

  1. Switch to fractional meals, when no more than 200 g (or a handful) is eaten for each of 6 meals. If the break between them is more than 3 hours, the body goes into a waiting and saving mode, slowing down the metabolism.
  2. Not to starve. Do not fall below the level of 1,200 kcal per day, because then the thrifty body will begin to store fat. According to studies, this reduces metabolic rate by up to 35%.
  3. Be sure to have breakfast. At night, your metabolism slows down, and if you don’t eat in the morning, the processes will remain in a slow state until you deign to eat a full meal.
  4. Refuse diets that involve serious imbalances in the balance of BJU. The body needs all nutrients in full, otherwise the processes inside it will stall.
  5. Alternate calories. Not everyone knows about this trick, although it works very effectively. Reduce your daily caloric intake to 1200-1500 kcal, and once a week raise the bar to 1800 kcal. This will not allow the body to adapt to new conditions and slow down the metabolism again. At the moment of rest, he will be able to speed it up.

Select products

  • Protein food

Requires the expenditure of a large amount of energy for complete absorption of protein. Calorie burning increases almost 2 times. In addition, it is the main sculptor of beautiful muscle mass, and recent studies have shown that the more muscle in the body, the faster the metabolism. So include as much meat, fish, seafood and eggs in your diet as possible.

  • Cellulose

It takes a lot of time and energy to absorb fiber. Throughout the entire period while it is being digested, the amount of insulin remains at a constant level. This speeds up metabolism by 15% and eliminates hunger. Therefore, eat foods high in fiber every day: cereals, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits.

  • Citrus

It has been scientifically proven that citrus fruits strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, keep cholesterol under control, and eliminate excess fluid (edema). Grapefruit deserves special attention.

  • Apple vinegar

An ideal fat burner and metabolism booster. Apple cider vinegar is suitable for dressing any salads instead of harmful mayonnaise. It can also be diluted in plain water and drunk.

  • Spices

Capsaicin is a burning substance that has an irritating effect on tissue. It lowers blood glucose levels, breaks down apocytes and satisfies hunger. Contained in most spices, especially in different varieties of pepper.

Some numbers: food flavored with ground red pepper speeds up metabolism by 30% and maintains the increased speed for 3 or more hours. But be careful and do not overdo it with dosages, otherwise allergies cannot be avoided.

  • Ginger

There are special organic substances that help speed up metabolism. These are enzymes, and one of them (zingibain) is found in large quantities in ginger. This plant does not lose its properties even in pickled form.

  • Water

Let's look at several techniques on how to speed up metabolism with water:

  1. Drink 8 glasses of clean water daily at regular intervals.
  2. Drink the amount of water per day, which is calculated by the formula: 1 kg of your weight multiplied by 30 ml.
  3. Drink cool water (not ice!) so that the body spends extra energy on heating it.

At the same time, do not harm yourself: switch to a new drinking regime gradually. And if you feel nauseous and dizzy, reduce the amount of water you consume and consult a doctor: this may be a symptom of an internal disease.

  • Coffee

It is a natural central nervous system stimulant. Experts say that drinking 500 ml of coffee evenly throughout the day increases metabolism by 5% (you can sit quietly and do nothing). In addition, it can be used to make your workouts more intense as it improves endurance. However, those who have heart problems should not drink too much of this drink.

  • Green tea

Green tea is high in caffeine and catechins: 3 cups a day increases your metabolic rate by 4.8% and causes you to burn more than 5% of your fat reserves.

In addition to these products, those that contain certain substances and minerals will also help speed up your metabolism:

  • omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish (salmon, trout, tuna, pollock, salmon, sea bass, mackerel, catfish), peanuts, legumes;
  • folic acid: green vegetables, wheat bran, legumes, yeast products, citrus fruits, eggs, tomatoes;
  • chrome: buckwheat, oatmeal, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, corn;
  • iodine: kelp, shrimp, crab, lobster and other seafood;
  • calcium: dairy products, rose hips, legumes, nuts, sesame seeds.

In a word, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - and your metabolism will gradually pick up the desired speed.

How to eat right to speed up your metabolism

Many people believe that if they eat less, it is easier to lose weight, and therefore they often simply skip breakfast.

It must be said that everything is exactly the opposite: numerous scientific studies on this topic have confirmed that people who are not used to eating breakfast have a significantly slower metabolism and they consume more calories for the rest of the day than those who eat breakfast regularly. Therefore, it is best to train yourself to prepare a healthy breakfast that includes protein, fiber and antioxidants.

Adequate protein intake helps prepare the body for rapid weight loss. Extra protein is key to speeding up your metabolism and keeping it there. It is only very important that the proteins consumed are of good quality and suitable for your body.

How to eat right to speed up your metabolism

In other words, they must provide the body with essential amino acids in the same way that chicken or beef do, for example. It would be advisable to include them in your diet. Other lean meats and chicken eggs are also good sources of protein.

Diet rules that increase metabolism:

  • Not to starve.
  • Fractional meals.
  • Breakfast.
  • Products with minimal GI.
  • Hydration of the body.
  • Green tea.
  • Maintaining acidity.

Green tea is an excellent help for those who want to speed up their metabolism, burn fat and thus get rid of extra pounds and centimeters.

Green tea is rich in important antioxidants that can fight free radicals in the body, and it also promotes good digestion. And of course, this low-calorie tea greatly speeds up your metabolism.

Vitamin D improves your mood and helps your body burn fat faster. The human body cannot synthesize vitamin D, so you need to get it through your diet and enough exposure to sunlight.

In our country, even in the southern regions, residents with the European genotype (that is, fair-skinned and light/brown/red-haired. - Author), the production of vitamin D in the body is, as a rule, reduced, explains the editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Actual Medicine", a doctor. endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences Yuri Poteshkin.

If you have difficulty losing weight or gaining weight quickly, it may be the result of a vitamin D deficiency. An easy cure is to spend at least half an hour outdoors every day. Eggs, fatty fish such as halibut, tuna or salmon, and dairy products are also excellent sources of vitamin D.

Although there are many things we can do to adjust our metabolism, sometimes there are factors that are beyond our control. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain despite a healthy diet.

This type of unexplained weight gain, combined with other symptoms such as problems with fatigue and concentration, are warning signs that should not be ignored, and if you notice them, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

The main rule of proper nutrition is a mandatory nutritious, healthy breakfast and a glass of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach. The diet menu should consist of products that help accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

Use a diet

There is a special diet that speeds up metabolism, which was developed by American nutritionist Haley Pomeroy. According to some sources, many Hollywood stars have tried it on themselves.

Basic Rules:

  1. Have meals every 3 hours, even if you don’t feel like eating.
  2. Portion sizes for snacks are minimal.
  3. The basis of the diet is complex carbohydrates to stabilize insulin and proteins to protect muscles from breakdown.
  4. After waking up, you should not delay breakfast: the maximum break between them is half an hour.
  5. Drink 2 liters of plain water daily.
  6. Lemonade and herbal infusions are allowed as drinks, but only 2 glasses a day of both - no more.
  7. The use of natural sweeteners (stevia, xylitol) is allowed.
  8. Duration - exactly a month.
  9. Discrepancies with the proposed menu are unacceptable, since it takes into account human biorhythms.
  10. Diet scheme: 3 phases - the first relieves stress, the second releases apocytes, the third actively breaks them down.
  11. Servings are measured in 250 ml cups.


  • lack of hunger;
  • delicious dishes;
  • varied menu;
  • high efficiency;
  • long-term weight loss;
  • designed not so much for weight loss, but to speed up metabolism.


  • too strict a meal schedule that not everyone is able to follow;
  • not suitable for vegetarians;
  • permitted products are quite expensive;
  • Not everyone is ready to give up dairy products and coffee.

Prohibited products:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • corn;
  • honey;
  • dairy products;
  • wheat;
  • sugar;
  • fruit juices;
  • soy;
  • dried fruits.

Phase 1

Duration: first 2 days of each week.

Goal: relieve stress and strain on the adrenal glands.

BJU: a minimum of fats and proteins, the basis is carbohydrates, natural sugars, vitamins C and B.


  • all legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • greens: celery, cumin, spinach, dill, parsley, cilantro;
  • porridge: rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • meat: turkey, chicken breast, beef, veal, pork tenderloin without lard;
  • vegetables: any cabbage, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin;
  • seasonings, spices;
  • fish (low-fat varieties);
  • fruits: hard pears, grapefruit, peaches, oranges, apricots, lemon, green apples, tangerines, pineapples, pomelo;
  • egg whites.

Sports: aerobics, running.

Phase 2

Duration: next two days of each week.

Goal: release of lipocytes.

BZHU: restriction of fats and carbohydrates, protein foods and fiber (in vegetables) come to the fore.


  • mushrooms;
  • the greens are still the same;
  • the only legumes left are beans;
  • from vegetables - only lemon and lime;
  • kelp;
  • meat: lamb is added to the phase 1 menu, but not very fatty;
  • vegetables: only cucumbers and cabbage remain from phase 1 + onions and green onions and peppers (chili and bell peppers) are added;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • spices, spices are unchanged;
  • egg whites.

Sports: strength training in simulators, lifting barbells, exercises with dumbbells.

Phase 3

Duration: last 3 days of each week.

Goal: active burning of subcutaneous fat.

BZHU: lean on healthy fats, a small amount of proteins.


  • all legumes;
  • all fruits;
  • all greens;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty fish;
  • phase 1 porridge + barley;
  • kelp;
  • seafood;
  • meat: rabbit meat is added;
  • unrefined oils (corn oil excluded);
  • vegetables of the first two phases + radishes, beets;
  • olives;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • spices, herbs;
  • berries: raspberries, blackberries, cherries, cranberries;
  • eggs (completely).

Sports: only if yoga. It is advisable to book a massage on these days.

Sample menu for the week

Menu for a week for a diet that accelerates metabolism

Factors influencing metabolism at 50 years old: age-related features

With age, the human body changes, the natural aging process occurs. Metabolism, or metabolism in other words, plays an important role in the lives of people of any age. With a good accelerated metabolism, the body retains its youth longer, but the older the person, the slower the metabolism. Particular attention should be paid to health upon reaching fifty years of age. It is during this period that various age-related characteristics appear. Here are the factors influencing metabolism at 50 years old :

  • The level of both male and female hormones decreases.
  • The level of fluid in the body decreases.
  • The absorption and production of important microelements (vitamins) deteriorates.
  • Organ function deteriorates and excess weight appears.

All this negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole and slows down metabolism, which leads to aging and various diseases. However, there are factors that have a positive effect on metabolism at the age of 50 :

  • Follow your diet - eat balanced meals in small portions at least 3-5 times a day . If you want to eat a lot, and this can happen at this age, then read the article on our website on how to reduce your appetite , and then it will become easier to adhere to your diet.
  • Drink the required amount of water - at the rate of 30 grams of liquid per kilogram of weight.
  • Eat foods high in protein, vitamin D, and calcium (you can also take vitamins if you don’t get enough of these elements from food).
  • Do any physical activity - fitness, walking, yoga, swimming.

Important: At this age, many people experience problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints. Therefore, it is imperative to select the correct load. It’s better to contact a coach or sports doctor who can create a training plan that’s right for you.

By following the above instructions, your overall health will significantly improve, your metabolism will speed up, age-related changes will not be so pronounced, which will make you feel younger and full of strength and energy.

Drink vitamins and minerals

There are specific minerals and vitamins that improve metabolism. They can be used for oral consumption and injection, both as individual drugs and as multivitamin complexes. It is advisable to obtain a doctor's permission. The most active in this regard include:

  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • cobalamins (B12);
  • retinol (A);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • chromium.

As an example, here are several multivitamin complexes designed specifically to speed up metabolism.

Alfa Vita:

  • Mono Oxi is prescribed for rehabilitation after protracted illnesses, as well as during severe physical and psychological stress;
  • Vita Min accelerates all metabolic processes, recommended during diets;
  • Vita Minerals replenishes vitamin and mineral deficiency, which provokes inhibition of metabolic processes, and is good for intense sports;
  • Vita O2 accelerates metabolism at the molecular level;
  • Vita Zeolite cleanses of waste, toxins, and heavy metal salts.


  • Chromevital+ with chromium and vitamin C;
  • KG-Off Fat absorber with chitosan;
  • Nortia with iodine, magnesium, vitamins B1, B6, B12;
  • Sveltform+ with iodine, chromium, vitamin C.


  • Zym-Complex Enzymes + Antioxidants from Astrum;
  • Complex B-50 from Nature's Life;
  • Selenium-DS from Dr. Skalny;
  • Turboslim Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-carnitine from Evalar.

However, remember that if you lie on the couch and enjoy soda and chips, even these effective dietary supplements and complexes will not help. Everything needs to be done in a single program.

Article on the topic: “Pills to speed up metabolism.”

Relaxation to improve metabolism

Stress promotes fat deposition. If you have regular nervous tension, you will not be able to lose weight. Here's how you can get rid of stress:

  • sit on a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax;
  • focus on a pleasant thought;
  • inhale deeply and slowly and relax all muscles from head to toe;
  • perform the technique several times;
  • carry out self-massage of the neck;
  • Place your thumbs under your ears and the others along the back of your head. Make circular movements with your fingers for 10 seconds.

The most important thing is to avoid stress at all costs. A full night's sleep will allow you to relax. Small amounts of it are harmful to overall health.

Use folk remedies

If there are no special health problems and the doctor allows it, you can use folk remedies. They will help speed up your metabolism, lose weight and improve your well-being. The following herbs have these properties:

  • bergenia (saxifrage);
  • hawthorn;
  • buckwheat;
  • oregano (oregano);
  • St. John's wort;
  • parsley;
  • dandelion root and leaves;
  • buckthorn root;
  • stinging nettle;
  • walnut leaves;
  • raspberry leaves, black currant;
  • peppermint;
  • motherwort;
  • yarrow;
  • dill;
  • chicory;
  • series;
  • rose hip.


  1. Brew 20 g of fresh dandelion leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour.
  2. Pour 50 g of chicory with a glass of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, leave for half an hour.
  3. Brew 50 g of string with a glass of boiling water. Keep covered for 40 minutes.
  4. Pour 50 g of walnut leaves with a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour.
  5. Grind 200 g garlic. Pour 200 ml of vodka, cork, leave for a week in a dark place. Take by adding a few drops to cold milk.
  6. Grind the celery roots, pour 50 g of raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes. Leave for an hour.
  7. Mix 50 g of dried rose hips, 20 g of rowan berries and oregano. Brew a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour.
  8. Mix 10 g of walnut leaves, blackberries, strings, nettles, burdock roots. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes.
  9. Mix 10 g of oregano and black currant leaves, 30 g of blackberries. Pour a glass of water, boil, leave for 1.5 hours.
  10. Mix 10 g of dried herbs: mint, parsley, buckthorn, dandelion, dill. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for half an hour.
  11. Mix 2 g each of blackberry leaves, rose hips, peppermint and motherwort. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour and a half.
  12. Mix 20 g of hawthorn, currant leaves, buckwheat and rose hips. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours.
  13. Mix 50 g of saxifrage and raspberries, 20 g of oregano. Brew a glass of boiling water. Keep covered for 1.5 hours.

Dosage: 100 ml at a time.

Scheme: three times a day before main meals.

Duration: 3 weeks.

General recommendation: drink warm, brew a fresh infusion each time, and strain after preparation.

According to reviews, these traditional medicine recipes are very good for restoring metabolism. The main thing is to follow the recommended dosages.

Drugs to simulate metabolism

There are a number of medications that can speed up metabolism. They are taken only after consultation with a doctor. The most effective means are presented below:

  • Anabolic steroids . Accelerate protein synthesis and promote muscle growth. They are hormonal drugs and have many side effects.
  • Caffeine and guarana . These substances speed up the heart rate, so they are not recommended for people with hypertension.
  • Thermogenics . Fat burners provide a noticeable weight loss effect by activating metabolism.

Among the well-known pharmaceutical drugs are the following medications:

  • Xenical;
  • Glucophage;
  • Asparkam;
  • LiDa;
  • Golden ball;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Furosemide;
  • Slimia.

Experts often recommend purchasing L-carnitine, Reduxin Promomed (Russia) and Turboslim Alfa Evalar (Russia). In any case, you need to get acquainted with the contraindications of the drug and consult with an endocrinologist.


Without physical activity and sports, accelerating metabolism is almost impossible. Even if you normalize your diet, but continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle, everything will remain unchanged. What workouts are best to choose:

  • building muscle mass, as this actively triggers lipolysis and energy consumption;
  • anaerobic (strength) exercises with your own weight: abdominal swings, squats, dumbbells, push-ups;
  • Aerobic exercise triggers metabolic processes in an intensive mode, which lasts another 12 hours after training: roller skates, skating, running, exercise bike, jump rope, swimming.

Metabolic Rate Test

To find out the rate of metabolism in your body, you need to use a special formula. The unit of measurement in this case is kilocalories.

  • Formula for men: (66 + (13.7*weight) + (5*height) – (6.8*age) *1.2.
  • Formula for a woman: (655 + (9.6*weight) + (1.8*height) - (4.7*age))*1.2.

Basal metabolic rate calculator

Based on the results obtained, you can find out how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight.

Contraindications for increasing metabolism after 50 years

Sports and proper nutrition help strengthen metabolism after 50 yearsSports and proper nutrition help strengthen metabolism after 50 years.
Any doctor will tell you that a person should not decide for himself whether he needs to improve his metabolism. This should only be done by a specialist. A person needs to take tests, undergo an examination, and the doctor must prescribe treatment, taking into account concomitant diseases. The following conditions and pathologies are contraindications for increasing metabolism after 50 years:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Renal pathologies
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal diseases
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Obesity and others

Do not self-medicate. If you want to improve your well-being or improve your appearance and lose weight, then contact a specialist. This could be a therapist, nutritionist, endocrinologist and others. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe appropriate nutrition and treatment.

Why speed up a person’s metabolism after 50 years: reviews

With a high metabolism, fat is burned quicklyWith a high metabolism, fat is quickly burned.
Everyone knows that over the years a person does not get younger. Therefore, accelerating metabolism after 50 years plays a really very important role, and it’s not just about the desire to get rid of kilograms that appeared “out of nowhere.”

  • Normalizing metabolism is important for improving overall health and, as an option, longevity.
  • That is why many mature people are often in search of a miracle cure to improve their metabolism.
  • Opinions are divided: some people lean towards medications when treating, while others believe that it is easier to speed up metabolism with folk remedies.

Here are some reviews from those who have struggled with weight and age. Such people know why a person over 50 needs to speed up their metabolism. Of course, for some the struggle was more successful, and for others less so. Indeed, despite the already invented approaches to this issue, each person’s body is individual. Reviews:

Natalya, 59 years old

I thought that at my age it was too late to change anything. But a couple of months ago I learned from a friend about a special diet to speed up metabolism and thought: “why not?” After a couple of months, the results were obvious! Not only did I lose about 10 kg, but I even began to look younger without resorting to cosmetic surgery. General health has also improved. Now I feel at most 35! I think that it is simply necessary to speed up the metabolism at my age. It was like I started life again. I don't feel like a wreck like I used to. I think I can still find a part-time job to help my son.

Anton, 60 years old

Perhaps I'm a lazy person. But the pills helped me speed up my metabolism. This is probably not very correct, but I don’t feel any discomfort. On the contrary, I have become more toned, my stomach functions “like a clock.” This never happened even when I was young. Do you need to improve your metabolism in old age? Certainly! After all, no matter how old you are, if you have an interest in life, then a person has something to do in this world. Now that I have lost a little weight and feel better, I can plunge into summer work with renewed energy.

Olga, 70

To be honest, I couldn’t even imagine that at that age my life would change dramatically. But this happened after I read the book “How to Speed ​​Up Your Metabolism After 50!” Following the advice, I not only lost 3 kg in a month, but also began to feel more vitality and energy. I believe that everyone needs to speed up their metabolism starting from the age of 40. This not only reduces weight, but also brings health. By the way, now I’m slimmer than my daughter-in-law!

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