What is EMOM training and what makes it so great?

Many CrossFitters mistakenly believe that sweating off three sweats in the gym until your knees shake is the best CrossFit workout. WOD is why you come to the gym and is also the reason why some athletes idolize and others hate CrossFit.

It is not uncommon, for example, to see the following note on the board:

Strength: 5-5-5 pull.

WOD: half of “Cindy”.

Of course, the strength part of the session is usually “not considered” training. We perceive strength training, or skill development, as an auxiliary job, but WOD is the main task. We want a “workout”, damn it! Let's sweat!

This is not the best approach and is often accompanied by an equally incorrect view of EMOM.

EMOM Crossfit what is it? EMOM is a method of organizing training in the mode of an exercise/series of exercises at the beginning of each minute.

There are several misconceptions about EMOM and its importance that I am going to clear up today.

Not every workout needs to be a killer workout.

Let's look at the entire training session: warm-up, strength training, technique work, endurance block and cool-down - our typical "workout". And I would go even further and suggest that instead of what is called “WOD,” we simply refer to the correct term - “training”.

• We also recommend that you read: “Murph preparation program.”

Sometimes, depending on the program you are training in and the goals you have, you will perform individual blocks of training at 75% or 85% of your maximum intensity. Sometimes the volume will be greater, sometimes less. Some days, especially at the end of a three-day cycle, there will be an easy recovery workout and you may think, God forbid, “That wasn’t even hard.” And finally, one day, you will no longer fall to the floor, gasping and writhing in pain, but will be able to maintain high concentration throughout the entire workout.

Not every workout needs to be a killer workout. If this happens, you need to look for a new program, coach or gym.

Let's stop here. I want to reflect with you. The right training program will have enough difficult days planned. For example, it might look like this:

AMRAP-8 min at 85% of maximum intensity:

1 rope climb; 10 wall balls; 10 kettlebell swings.

In the right programs, you will also find weeks of increasing load and recovery weeks, when you can just come to the gym and work quietly.

Tips and tricks

The complex requires maximum energy expenditure and must be performed very quickly. This can be compared to a minimum distance race, when muscle tension should be high from the very beginning.

The apparatus and equipment that will be used in the process must be close to each other so that the CrossFit Franc complex can be completed without time. The first round, as a small warm-up (also with speed restrictions), can be divided into two stages. The following rounds are performed without such a breakdown.

Performing the CrossFit Fran complex

The second round is based on endurance and motivation in sports. The main requirement here is not to give up, but to perform the loads at the same fast pace. During the resting process, the barbell should be placed either on the chest or above the head, but not lowered. Then it’s hard to increase the load and return to the chosen rhythm of work. For high-quality execution, you need to do up to 15 testers with an average load without using breakdowns. If you want to learn more about the most effective exercises, you can read on the website: https://fb.ru/article/138339/uprajneniya-krossfit-krossfit—uprajneniya-kompleksyi-krossfit-dlya-devushek.

Introduction to EMOM.

EMOM training means “set at the beginning of every minute.” That is, you perform a certain task every time the clock strikes :00. You might have the following task:

10 minutes EMOM:

on even numbers - 7 pull-ups to the chest; on odd -10 wall balls without breaking.

Everything is extremely simple. Nowadays, EMOM CrossFit is rarely programmed as a separate workout. Usually they do a power section, then an EMOM, and then maybe a short metcon.

There are a number of issues that I would like to address in this post, in addition to the assertion that doing EMOM is extremely hard work.

A statement like, “It's too easy to program your EMOM incorrectly, and you'll end up resting too much instead of working up a good sweat,” suggests that rest ruins your workout. I would like to argue: "Rest during exercise is an important part of training."

There is an opinion that EMOM itself is a workout. This is wrong. When used correctly, EMOM is part of a larger training session. Claiming while doing only EMOMs that it is an “easy workout” means that EMOM is all you did that day. And because you include rest, you feel like you didn’t work hard enough. But interval training is just one of many training tools. Not 100% of the entire workout.

socks to the bar

CrossFit WOD Fran

perform 21-15-9 repetitions (for time):

thrusters, 43/29 kg


Girls are like that. They are like a storm. If a hurricane capable of wiping out an entire city can be called “Fran,” then this name is quite suitable for the CrossFit complex Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit Inc

We could see Fran performing the CrossFit WOD by top athletes on the final competitive day of the Reebok CrossFit Games 2012. Then Dave Castro served Fran as a dessert, after the athletes had previously completed the benchmark complexes Isabel and Elizabeth. Having won these two tasks, Rich Froning, as he later said, “wanted to put an end to it” by winning the final one. But the best time among men was shown by Scott Panchik (2 minutes 41 seconds). Among the girls, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet completed the complex the fastest (2 minutes 35 seconds).


If you show up to the gym and the entire training session is just EMOM, the coach may be missing something. I recently saw a post about the 20 minute EMOM. The first minute is a shuttle sprint, at odd minutes one round of “Cindy” is performed, and the rest of the minute is power cleans. It turns out - no rest. Except perhaps a little in the even minutes.

It's not really an EMOM in the workout sense, but a twenty minute AMRAP where you switch movements at a set time. If there is no rest in your EMOM, then it defeats the very purpose. He simply becomes a well-organized AMRAP.

The advantage of EMOM is not the task of simply switching every minute to the next exercise. Its goal is to improve your training program: develop energy systems, improve technique and prepare you for serious volumes.

The benefits of weightlifting exercises

Sets of exercises with a barbell are an effective way to hone technical skills, develop strength, physical stamina and endurance. They will teach you to work and stay in shape both in a state of fatigue and with a rapid heart rate - two of the most important benchmarks of functional fitness.

It's one thing to push or snatch when you're fresh and full of energy, but it's completely different when you're doing it after 800m of running or in your tenth round of training.

Before moving on to the complexes and tips that will help you improve your skills and get more benefits from your training, let us remind you about special shoes for weightlifting - the so-called weightlifting shoes. They provide support and stability so you can create explosive power and keep your feet stable during any workout.

EMOWe are only for skill development.

No that's not true. EMOMs can be used for many tasks, not just for mastering skills. Depending on the rep scheme, it can train your CRF or glycolytic energy supply system.

For me personally, a 10-minute EMOM consisting of one power clean of a 105 kg barbell on the chest is the way to develop the creatine phosphate system. Training this system with heavy weights and an appropriate rest period allows me to increase both the weights and the repetitions at the same time. Also, a 10-minute EMOM of five burpee box jumps and five clean box jumps can be, although not the best, a good aerobic workout.

lifting the barbell

CrossFit: basic exercises for beginners

CrossFit is a sports discipline developed by husband and wife team Greg Glassman and Lauren Janay. The technique combines aerobic and strength training with high intensity exercise. Exercises are borrowed from various sports areas: powerlifting, athletics, swimming, plyometrics, gymnastics, gaming disciplines, training with your own body weight, kettlebell lifting.

The main goals of the classes are to increase cardiac, respiratory, and muscle endurance, develop speed and strength characteristics, improve spinal flexibility, coordination of movements and body balance. In other words, CrossFit is a method of complex, all-round development of an athlete.

The CrossFit workout plan below is designed to gradually strengthen muscles and ligaments. This training is suitable for people who have never been involved in intense sports and have an initial level of training.

Week 1

The first workouts are carried out with your own body weight or with minimal weights:

  • Lesson 1 (5 laps): jump rope - 30, burpees - 5, squats without weight - 10, crunches - 10.
  • Lesson 2 (3 laps): deadlift - 5, jumping on a plyo box - 10, hanging leg raises on a horizontal bar - 8, alternating lunges - 20.
  • Lesson 3 (15 minutes): pull-ups - 5, push-ups - 10, squats without weight - 15.

Week 2

Slightly increase the load on free weights:

  • Lesson 1 (15 minutes): squats with a barbell - 7, pull-ups - 7, deadlifts - 10, plyo box jumps - 15.
  • Lesson 2 (20 minutes): burpees - 10, push-ups - 10, squats without weight - 10, jumping rope - 20, crunches - 15.
  • Session 3 (15 minutes): front squats - 8, Smith overhead press - 10, plyo jumps - 8, clap push-ups - 8.

Read more: What should your heart rate be during strength and cardio training?

Week 3

We increase the load in exercises with free weights to 45–50% of the maximum:

  • Lesson 1 (3 laps): push press - 7, jumping on a plyo box - 7, pull-ups - 7, jump rope - 100, crunches on the floor - 30.
  • Lesson 2 (15 minutes): T-bar rows - 10, alternating lunges - 20, lat pulldowns - 15, weightless squats - 20, Roman chair crunches - 15.
  • Lesson 3 (4 laps): running - 1 km (can be on an electronic track), push press - 20, alternating lunges - 30, plank - 60 seconds.

Week 4

We increase the load in strength exercises to 75–80% of the maximum. We perform aerobic elements as intensely as possible:

  • Session 1 (25 minutes): rowing machine - 30, burpees - 10, push presses - 10, deep squat jumps - 15, deadlifts - 12, plank - 60 seconds.
  • Lesson 2 (5 laps): push press - 15, plyo box jumps - 15, pull-ups - 15, weighted lunges - 20, crunches on the floor - 20.
  • Lesson 3 (2 laps): running - 2 km (can be on the track), pull-ups - to failure, squats without weight - 50, push-ups - 30, crunches in a Roman chair with weights on the chest - 20.

Rest between rounds until your breathing is completely restored. During the adaptation period, you should not overload the heart.

You have already heard about CrossFit and want to find out more about what it is and how to start practicing this system. CrossFit training is a complex of several high-intensity exercises combined into a WOD. CrossFit athletes rarely perform the same WOD in the same week.

For example, a WOD on Monday includes: 15 squats, 20 lunges and a 500 m run. This sequence is performed for the maximum number of rounds in a certain period of time (this is called AMRAP). Tuesday's WOD consists of 5 pull-ups, 10 squats and a swim, performed as many rounds as possible within a given time. One WOD usually lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.

You don't need to know how your body works to reap the benefits of this high-intensity, ever-changing training system. Workouts are usually quite short, which is offset by intensity and reduced (or no) rest time between exercises. Focus on proper technique and reduce the weight if you find it difficult to complete the reps.

Each of these CrossFit training programs is based on one of the five main systems for building complexes: basic, EMOM, AMRAP, chipper, benchmark. Please note that the described complexes do not contain exercises with a barbell. Beginners should first prepare their cardiovascular system for intense, high-tempo workouts.


A basic routine is essential to establishing your current fitness level. Complete the complex and record the execution time, return to the complex periodically in order to see your progress. The more trained you become, the less time you will need to complete it.

  1. Rowing 500 m;
  2. 20 air squats;
  3. 20 push-ups;
  4. 20 abdominal crunches;
  5. Rowing 500 m.

Set the timer for 15 minutes. At the beginning of each minute, perform two exercises in sequence:

  • 3 times burpee;
  • Hanging leg raises to the bar 5 times.

The remaining time of each minute is rest time. Try to complete the sequence faster to rest longer. If you find it difficult to perform the exercise with your toes to the bar, perform it in the knees to elbows mode.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible. Try to rest as little as possible, and be sure to record and save your results to analyze your progress in the future. Use bands to make pull-ups easier or use a jumping technique.

  • Run 200 m;
  • 10 times overhead press;
  • 10 pull-ups;
  • 10 medicine ball throws.


This training regimen usually includes a large number of repetitions and exercises performed sequentially. You will most likely need time to rest, be demanding of yourself and, controlling the time using a timer, try to rest no more than 10 seconds. at a time. If it is difficult to perform jumps on a pedestal, you can perform steps on it.

  • 10 burpees;
  • 20 jumping jacks;
  • 10 burpees;
  • 30 dumbbell swings;
  • 10 burpees;
  • 30 lunges;
  • 10 burpees;
  • 20 air squats.

Cindy complex

Some of the most difficult WODs in CrossFit are named after women. Cindy is one such example. This complex looks quite simple, but in fact it gets tiring very quickly. It is designed to last 20 minutes, but for the first time, try doing it for 10 minutes. Use bands to make pull-ups easier or use a jumping technique.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes (AMPAP):

  • 5 pull-ups;
  • 10 push-ups;
  • 25 squats.

Crossfit is a set of exercises that are performed alternately. Each of them must be done in the shortest possible time. The system was originally developed for American police officers and firefighters, but over time the training was adapted, and now anyone can do it.

CrossFit is suitable for everyone: young girls, women, men, and even those who have never played sports before.

Each workout includes three sports sections:

  • cardio loads;
  • Weightlifting;
  • gymnastics.

Massive and heavy exercise equipment is not required for training. Typically, the equipment used is barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, jump ropes, parallel bars, but you can practice at home without special equipment.

Regular CrossFit exercises help you lose weight in the first place. Due to the fact that the workouts are functional, that is, they involve all muscle groups, you can build the desired body contour. Also, the advantages of this exercise technique include:

  • reduction of cellulite;
  • disappearance of stretch marks;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • disappearance of skin sagging;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • increasing endurance.

The advantage of working out in the gym is that the machines work on specific muscle groups. Therefore, if you want to pump up your biceps, triceps, buttock muscles and not use other muscles, these classes have a greater advantage. Also, the person himself sets the pace, intensity and load.

CrossFit classes also usually take place in the gym, under the supervision of an instructor. It is he who determines the pace and load. Being part of a team can be motivating during these trainings: the athlete will strive to become the strongest, to do the fastest and most of all. The advantage of CrossFit is that the workout usually lasts 30-45 minutes, during which time all muscle groups are pumped together.

Read more: Training program for girls in the gym

You can conduct training at home, but only if you are confident in the correct technique.

CrossFit exercises increase the risk of injury because they are quite intense and energetic.

Some diseases also increase the likelihood of injury, so if you have them, you can’t do CrossFit. Contraindications are:

  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (defects, prolapses, arterial hypertension).
  • Increased intra-abdominal and intraocular pressure. The latter threatens vision loss.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, gallstones, liver disease, gastritis, stomach ulcers).
  • Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).

Varicose veins deserve special mention: in this case, it is necessary to exclude lunges, squats, and jumps from the program, that is, do not overexert the limbs.


EMOMs work alone.

EMOMs improve you if you don't mix them with anything else. This is an important point for progress. As I said above, doing 10 minutes of EMOM (five box jump burpees and five clean box jumps) is only beneficial when it's a stand-alone workout. It will bear fruit with regular weekly repetition, but it is important to gradually increase repetitions and/or time.

Once we separate EMOM from WOD, we can start training.

You could, say, do 12 minutes of EMOM in the second week with the same number of reps per set, and then the next week go back to 10 minutes, but increase to six reps instead of five.

Gradually increase the volume of EMOM to 12, then to 14, then to 16 minutes, persistently improving in the same exercise. Ultimately, this will allow you to work longer during long metcons.

EMOMs are a highly effective training tool when used correctly. And as soon as we separate EMOM from WOD, we can start training.

Win some time

Every athlete practicing this technique wants to gain a few seconds for the next exercise in order to be on time. To do this, you need to perform loads at half speed, this will help save energy and distribute it between performing testers and loads.

You need to hold on to the bar as long as possible during the process. All climbs take a lot of time and require additional energy. You need to learn how to do pull-ups with swinging in order to do loads faster without using a lot of strength. In addition to time, the aspect of endurance is taken into account.

You need to focus your consciousness on blocking the pain. It is very difficult, but if you practice often, you can achieve good results and thus increase efficiency. In the process, you need to be guided only by positive thoughts. You can achieve all CrossFit standards after regular training to increase endurance.

Train correctly

Endurance exercises at home have a lot of advantages, but to achieve certain results and goals, training should be built according to certain rules.


Any physical activity should begin with warming up the muscles. As an example, you can use an experienced runner and a beginner who decide to run a distance of 15 kilometers. A trained athlete will cope with this task better than a beginner. Warm muscles have a better response to physical activity. Warming up reduces the risk of injury.


CrossFit circuit training differs from the usual methods in that all exercises are performed for a while. During such a marathon, the risk of injury increases due to improper exercise technique. Beginners should not strive to break records in terms of time parameters; it is much more important to pay due attention to the technical aspects of the exercises.

CrossFit at home

The benefits of CrossFit

Free weights, and sometimes even without them, is what distinguishes the method from many others. Exercises to keep fit at home are also effective for professional athletes who, for whatever reason, cannot go to the gym.

CrossFit exercises at home are highly functional; almost every element is comparable to the movements that are performed in everyday life. That is why developing a complex “for yourself” will not take much time.

The hall benefits from the fact that it has professional equipment that performs certain tasks. At home, it is easy to replace some of the projectiles using water bottles, a stool or steps. Also, in almost every courtyard of high-rise buildings there is a sports ground with parallel bars and a horizontal bar, which can successfully replace the barbell and traction in the block.

And most importantly, it saves time and money. When working out at home, you won’t need to buy gym memberships, where you probably won’t be able to work out with the same intensity as at home, due to the high density of athletes per square meter.

Home training for all muscle groups has the following advantages:

  • develops the cardiovascular system;
  • works all muscle groups;
  • effectively burns fat;
  • does not require special skills in constructing sets of exercises;
  • saves time and money.

CrossFit at home

The best programs for beginners

A set of CrossFit workouts for beginners can include different exercises and their variations. The training inside the complex is called a “one-day task” from the English Workout of the day. The workout is not divided into parts, but is completed at one time. Beginners can choose from several popular programs, which will be described below.


The complex includes classic exercises for endurance training at home:

  • pull-ups – 20-25 repetitions;
  • twisting – 35-40 times;
  • push-ups from the floor 30-35 times;
  • squats 40 reps.

It’s worth starting with 3 circles and gradually increasing to 5. The number of repetitions in the exercises is arbitrary, you should start with those numbers that you can handle.

CrossFit at home


This CrossFit workout program for beginners is designed to combine exercises that bring maximum effect.

You will need to run 2000 meters within 40 minutes. Then 4 circles with the following exercises:

  • push-ups – 25 repetitions;
  • pulling up – 25 repetitions;
  • squats – 50 times.

Complete the whole complex with a run of 2000 meters. Perform strength training in a circle 4 times.

CrossFit at home

For girls

The idea is to perform explosive exercises such as jumping squats and push-ups followed by clapping.

The complex is as follows:

  • burpees – 20 times;
  • climber – 1 minute;
  • explosive squats 35-40 times;
  • running – distance 1500 meters.

Sometimes there are no opportunities to run. In this case, what can replace running at home? Other cardio activities are suitable, including jumping rope or running in place.

CrossFit at home

For men

A good split with a run of 2500 km. Then:

  • pull-ups – 35 times;
  • parallel bars push-ups – 30-40 repetitions;
  • twisting – 50 times.

You need to finish the training with a run.

CrossFit at home

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