An effective way to lose weight is the potato diet

In the list of diets aimed at correcting the figure, not the least place is occupied by the potato diet, reviews and results of which are often described by enthusiastic ladies who have lost extra pounds accumulated over the winter or after an eating breakdown during the holidays. It is traditionally believed that potatoes are not a dietary vegetable. It is often prohibited in many treatment and prevention tables intended for obese patients.

This is due to the presence in the root vegetable of a large amount of starch, which is converted in the body into easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as our food preferences - after all, traditionally, potato dishes contain fats (vegetable and butter, cream, milk, rendered fat, lard, etc.) and are served as a side dish for fried meat, cutlets and fish, and always with bread. Just look at the cost of chips or potatoes fried until crisp in lard, with onions, and topped with ketchup or rich mayonnaise. After all, such high-calorie food can easily be called a “figure killer.”

The energy value of potatoes does not greatly exceed the calorie content of ordinary root vegetables and is 73 kcal/100 g.

But serving vegetables with fatty, smoked, fried and other heavy foods is harmful and dangerous for the figure. Potatoes in their pure form, for example, boiled or baked, are very beneficial for health due to the potassium, dietary fiber, pectins and some vitamins present in them. And in combination with fermented milk drinks, leafy greens, fresh vegetables, the root vegetable can become the basis for effective weight loss and improved performance.

Is it possible to lose weight on such a diet?

Potatoes are far from a dietary product that is difficult to digest by the body. Many diets advise giving up this vegetable. Potatoes are low in calories, only 55 calories per 100 grams.

More recently, scientists from the California Institute, which is located in the United States of America, have proven the effectiveness of a potato diet. Of the 100 people participating in the experiment, 87 people lost weight.

Its essence lies in the use of potatoes and fresh vegetables in every dish, and a complete rejection of sweet and fatty foods. You should also drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Is it possible to eat raw potatoes?

Raw potatoes are often eagerly gnawed by children during periods of rapid growth. They intuitively feel the lack of minerals in their body and do their best to restore them. You can eat raw potatoes without fear, but little by little, and only if they are not green or spoiled. When the vegetable is well tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract (in some people it causes flatulence, pain due to gases and nausea), then it is allowed to spend a fasting day on potatoes.

A new product should be included in your diet gradually, starting with minimal portions. They are gradually increased to the maximum allowable - 300 g of raw potatoes per day. In a number of effective diets for weight loss, the volume of raw vegetables per day is recommended up to 700 g, but this is still a bit heavy for the intestines.

dietary potato dish

Available pros and cons


  • The product is very nutritious and quickly satisfies hunger
  • Very useful, there is a strengthening of the immune system and positive changes in the activity of the central nervous system (CNS)
  • Easy to prepare dishes and little time spent on them
  • Potatoes are available, you can buy them in absolutely any store and market. It is available in abundance.


  • This diet is strict and therefore, when following it, you need to consume a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins
  • It is possible that you will feel very thirsty during each meal.
  • Constantly eating potatoes will quickly get boring for you. Soon food will no longer bring any taste pleasure
  • This diet is not suitable for people with diabetes, pregnant women and nursing mothers

The benefits of baked potatoes

Potatoes are a unique vegetable in many respects.
Even grapefruit cannot compare with it in vitamin C content. The fiber in its composition does not cause irritation to the walls of the stomach, so this type of root vegetable can be found on the menu of ulcer sufferers and gastritis sufferers. Macro- and microelements, such as magnesium, copper, iodine and calcium, contribute to faster removal of fluid from the body, thus preventing swelling.

Plant protein guarantees a long-lasting feeling of fullness, significantly reducing the number of hunger pangs, and dietary fiber and fiber not only have a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract system, but also remove toxins, while maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Considering the large number of positive factors, why can’t you constantly eat potatoes and lose weight? It's all about the way you use it. Most often, potatoes are fried with vegetable or butter or even lard. No less popular are French fries with ketchup, salty chips or baked tubers in a heavy fatty sauce. In such cases, a modest 80 kcal turns into 300 or all 500.

The second disadvantage of this vegetable is its high starch content. When this substance enters the human body under the influence of insulin, it is broken down into simple sugars, which, in turn, are converted into glycogen and adipose tissue of cells. You can get rid of the latter only by combining diet with physical activity.

Is it possible to have potatoes while losing weight? Yes, because starch, which the root vegetable is rich in, quickly breaks down into simple sugars without lingering in the stomach. The product quickly satisfies hunger, saturating it with minerals and vitamins. And carotene (though it is only found in yellow varieties) is an active participant in fat burning processes.

However, there are several reasons to call potatoes harmful for weight loss:

  • starch often complicates the digestion process;
  • sometimes potatoes contain the toxic substance solanine - this is only relevant for unripe and “old” (especially sprouted) potatoes, as well as those stored for a long time in open sunlight;
  • on the table this product is often a companion to lard, sausage, fatty herring and other high-calorie foods;
  • You can get so carried away by any potato dish that you forget about the portion size and daily calorie intake.

The chemical composition of boiled potatoes is enriched with vitamins B, C, E, solanine, and microelements:

  • magnesium,
  • copper,
  • choline,
  • zinc,
  • selenium,
  • calcium,
  • chromium,
  • molybdenum
  • potassium.

Is it possible to eat potatoes in the evening?

At the same time, it is important to buy root vegetables during harvest in order to be sure of purchasing a fresh, healthy product, because in winter they often sell already sprouted ones. Storage should be in a cool place. Potatoes for weight loss have a low energy value - only 86 Kcal per 100 grams of finished dish. Thanks to such a low level, the root vegetable can be called a truly dietary product.

If someone prefers vegetables from the oven, then there is great news: the benefits of baked potatoes for weight loss are no less than those of boiled ones. The same low calorie content, the same useful microelements, and in addition, the root vegetable does not need to be peeled before baking, but, unlike boiled, it is better to eat it hot, since when cold it dries out slightly.

If you are determined to quickly lose weight, then you cannot use oil when baking, otherwise the vegetable will become covered with a golden crust, as if frying. There is no need to explain how bad this is for the heart, because many people know the harm from fried potatoes or french fries. When losing weight, you can never have too many potatoes, and it’s impossible to imagine the Russian diet without them.

As mentioned above, potatoes will play a huge role in weight loss: the calorie content of boiled or baked root vegetables is so low that you can safely choose them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can calculate the required amount of potatoes per day in order to get rid of extra pounds, taking into account your lifestyle and the presence of physical activity in it.

First, you need to properly build your diet in order to lose weight on potatoes quickly and effectively:

  • cross out fried, flour and sweet foods;
  • stock up on quality products;
  • Replace mayonnaise with sour cream or completely remove it from the menu.

To lose weight, you can only eat boiled or baked foods without oil. This is the only way to be sure that the dish will contain the least amount of calories. Be sure to combine it with vegetables and alternate with boiled meat. Remember that the potato diet should not last more than two weeks.

Good news for potato lovers! You can enjoy the delicious tuber with a clear conscience, even if you want to lose a few pounds. At the same time, you can not only eat potatoes when losing weight, but also use them for these purposes. Recent research has shown that potatoes may even help with weight loss!

  • Potatoes contain a lot of potassium, which helps to lose weight, improves our metabolic processes, removes excess water, normalizes blood pressure and mood, improves intestinal motility and helps the nervous system to function calmly. Moreover, after legumes, dried fruits and nuts, potatoes take second place in terms of their content - 430-560 mg per 100 g. By the way, we remind you that potassium leaders are considered very high-calorie foods. And you can read about their list in our article “High-calorie foods.”
  • Vitamin C found in potatoes increases our metabolism of fats and B vitamins. Vitamin C also helps strengthen connective tissue and our immunity, and also helps produce weight loss hormones - leptin to reduce appetite and insulin to break down fats. Potatoes contain a relatively large amount of vitamin C - 15-20 mg per 100 g.
  • In addition, potatoes contain easily digestible vegetable protein, which keeps us going longer along with carbohydrates. Food cravings don't stand a chance! Protein also stimulates fat metabolism and calorie intake increases.

Nutritional value of raw potatoes per 100 g:

  • Energy - 70-80 kcal
  • Water - 80 g
  • Proteins - 1.69 g
  • Fats - 0.01 g
  • Carbohydrates - only 15 g Of which starch - 14.2 g, dietary fiber - 1.8 g

Minerals (mg):

  • Sodium (Na) – 6
  • Potassium (K) - 436
  • Calcium (Ca) – 11
  • Magnesium (Mg) – 22
  • Phosphorus (P) - 59
  • Iron (Fe) - 0.7
  • Zinc (Zn) - 0.3


  • Beta-carotene (A) - 5 mcg
  • Vitamin E - 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.03 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.24 mg
  • Folic acid or B9 - 16.9 mcg
  • Vitamin C – 10 mg
  • Vitamin K - 2.1 mcg


Implementation of rapid weight loss

Everyone wants to achieve the long-awaited result in the shortest amount of time.

The potato diet for weight loss of 10 kg is quite feasible. It requires a lot of effort.

Many who tried the potato diet noted a weight loss of 3 kg in 3 days - an excellent result considering the fact that they did not engage in any physical activity.

Throughout the week, you are required to eat whole boiled potatoes, eat a lot of fresh herbs and vegetables, and drink purified water, at least 1.5 liters per day.

Maintain a healthy 8 hours of sleep and avoid emotional stress.

In order to diversify your diet, nutritionists allow the consumption of a small amount of cow's milk, cottage cheese and 1-2% kefir, but no more.

Cabbage-potato diet

Cabbage contains quite a lot of dietary fiber. These substances accelerate the process of removing toxins from the body and normalize the functions of the digestive organs. The calorie content of cabbage is quite low, but in combination with potatoes it provides a woman with a feeling of fullness for a long time. The cabbage-potato diet should be followed for no more than seven days. During this time you can lose 4-6 kg.

Look at the same topic: Detox diet program for 2 days minus 2 kg

The basis of the diet is soup made from cabbage: broccoli, red or white. Onions and carrots are additionally added to the dish. Throughout the day you can eat 4 baked potatoes and 500 grams of cabbage. The use of salt while following the cabbage-potato diet is unacceptable. It is allowed to add a small amount of herbs or olive oil to dishes.

An approximate diet menu can be seen below.

EatingSample menu
1 breakfastA serving of baked potatoes, white cabbage salad, 200 ml green tea
2 breakfast200 grams of cabbage salad with some greens
Dinner0.2 liters of vegetable soup, 150 grams of baked potatoes
Afternoon snack0.2 kg salad made from fresh cabbage
Dinner0.2 liters of soup, baked potatoes, 150 grams of stewed cabbage, 200 ml of herbal decoction

There is no animal protein in the cabbage-potato diet. When losing weight, it is recommended to regularly visit a fitness club or go swimming. But you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with physical activity. The optimal time for performing exercises is 15-30 minutes.

Puree based diet

Everyone loves mashed potatoes, especially when made by mother, it immediately brings back the taste of childhood. A diet based on mashed potatoes is also quite feasible.

The principle of this diet:

  • Use only small new potatoes
  • Prepare mashed potatoes using water, without adding salt, pepper or other spices.
  • Do not use various additives, including ketchup, sauces, mayonnaise
  • Do not add butter to the puree; you can add a small amount of low-fat cow's milk
  • Add to potatoes, fresh herbs and garlic
  • Wash everything down with water. Drinking tea and carbonated drinks is strictly prohibited

Compliance with all recommendations will allow you to quickly achieve your goal of losing excess weight and normalize the functioning of the entire body and systems.

The results of the potato diet after 7-10 days will pleasantly please you.

How to reduce the likelihood of diet failure?

If you follow the recommendations below, the risk of failure of the potato diet is minimized:

  • When losing weight, you should avoid alcoholic beverages. When drinking a glass of wine, you want to treat yourself to high-calorie cheese, French fries or chocolate. Alcoholic drinks can trigger a strong feeling of hunger.
  • The potato diet involves excluding chocolate products, cakes, and pastries from the diet. But sometimes you are allowed to eat a small amount of raisins, ½ part vanilla marshmallow, a teaspoon of natural honey.

Diet from Julia Roberts

This year, the famous Hollywood actress Julia Roberts turned 50 years old. Many publications note that she does not match her age and has an amazing figure, for a woman of her age.

She recently shared with reporters the secret of her attractive figure and youth. The girl said that she has been monitoring her diet and the amount of liquid she drinks for a long time. And from time to time she goes on the potato diet of Julia Roberts, as she herself calls it.

Julia constantly adds boiled potatoes to her dishes and combines them with lots of vegetables.

In her youth, she was a plump girl and at school her peers constantly made fun of her.

Already at the age of 16, Julia began to adjust her diet and break it down into calories. But since she is a potato lover, she couldn’t refuse it and used it in all her dishes.

To her surprise, from such a diet, she was able to lose more than 23 kg in six months, without putting any physical effort or hunger strike on it.

Dietary potato dishes

When you want raw potatoes, you should not just gnaw on a peeled tuber, but prepare a dietary salad from it. It will not only taste better, but also be healthier. The dish is dietary and at the same time satisfying.

To prepare the salad, grate 4 potatoes into small strips and, after rinsing with cold water, pour over boiling water. Afterwards, onion rings fried in olive oil are added to the vegetable. Next add pepper, herbs and soy sauce to taste.

This salad is included in a healthy diet. It can be used without special restrictions at any age. However, if there are problems with the liver, you need to exclude the onion and replace it with finely chopped garlic.

Dietary nutrition systems

Various nutrition systems offer other ways to include potatoes in the diet menu. Thus, tubers boiled in their skins will be beneficial, since their nutritional value, in comparison with raw ones, will increase by only 2 kcal. Potatoes can be consumed in this form by those who cannot tolerate them raw. If you want to eat mashed potatoes, you need to prepare it from potatoes boiled in their jackets.

A baked vegetable will also be dietary, unless, of course, you add oil to it. In this case, it is recommended to eat it in the skin, since it contains a large amount of useful substances.

Do not underestimate potatoes and refuse them, considering them too high in calories and conducive to weight gain. It is enough to prepare the product correctly so that it becomes very healthy and does not lose its taste.

Varied and delicious recipes

There are a lot of recipes for the potato diet, we will tell you about the most popular ones.

Low calorie oven baked potatoes. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 1-2 heads of garlic
  • A small amount of mild spices to taste

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pre-wash and peel the potatoes, start cutting them into 4-6 pieces. Then place it in a baking dish.

Next, peel the garlic, cut it into small cubes and add to the potatoes. Place the potatoes in the oven for approximately 35-40 minutes.

If you wrap your dish in foil before cooking, it will have a crispy, golden crust.

Once cooked, season the potatoes as desired. That's it, an excellent dietary dish is ready to eat. Bon appetit!

Calorie content and glycemic level of potatoes

The potato diet for weight loss completely dispels the myth that potatoes make you fat. It all depends on how the product is prepared. Raw potatoes contain only 80 kcal/100 g. Their glycemic level is not very high, since without heat treatment the starch contained in the vegetable does not turn into the form of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are the main source of extra pounds. The product has a maximum glycemic index in puree form - 90 units.

Potatoes are most beneficial for health and figure if the tuber is consumed without prolonged heat treatment. In order for it not to be very hard, it is enough to simply pour boiling water over it, and not cook it. Boiled potatoes in their skins are used to treat a runny nose.

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pink potatoes

Losing weight on a diet in 3 days

If you are going on vacation to the sea and you urgently need to lose a couple of extra pounds, then the potato diet for 3 days is perfect for you.

Distribute the required amount of potatoes for 3 days in advance. This should be approximately 2-3 kg, taking into account breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Bake, cook your dish, add a little olive oil, spices, and herbs to it.

Drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables. Avoid nervous tension. And after 3 days of the diet, you will see all the results achieved.

Smooth exit from the diet

This is something that definitely should not be neglected if you do not want all your efforts to go to waste. Dukan also divided the diet into 4 stages, 2 of which are aimed at maintaining the desired weight after the end of the fasting regime.

Everyone knows that a sudden transition from dietary to regular nutrition can lead to even greater weight gain. To prevent this from happening, the following rules must be followed:

  • Start playing sports. Yes Yes! But you can’t get ideal shapes from potatoes, no matter how much you want it. With 20-30 minutes of primitive exercise a day, you can maintain your desired weight.
  • Over the course of a seven-day diet, the body gets used to split meals, so try to maintain this healthy habit in the future.
  • At the end of the diet, begin to gradually introduce foods such as chicken, lactic acid drinks, and fish into your diet.
  • In the first 2-3 weeks, it is still worth limiting the consumption of salt and spices, as they whet the appetite.

Try to maintain a healthy diet after finishing the diet.


Potatoes are not classified as dietary products due to their high calorie content (77 kcal) and large amounts of starch. It is not even recommended to use it in weight loss systems. But when properly prepared, it can also set the body up to get rid of extra pounds.

  • Potato starch quickly breaks down in the stomach into simple sugars;
  • it does not linger in the digestive system;
  • weight loss periods can be long (up to a month), since the vitamin and mineral composition of potatoes helps to avoid exhaustion;
  • feelings of hunger are reduced.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the diet. In the process of losing weight, you will notice an improvement in mood and normalization of blood pressure. This is facilitated by tuberin, a protein found in young potatoes.

This is interesting! The most expensive potato is the La Bonnotte variety. It is grown in France. The tuber has an unusually delicate taste and is harvested entirely by hand. 1 kilogram costs about $550.


You should not use potatoes for weight loss if you have the following contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases.

If you have health problems, it is initially better to undergo an examination and obtain a doctor’s permission.

With the world - one by one. There are monuments to potatoes in Minsk (Belarus), in Biesiekierz (Poland) and in Mariinsk (Russia). In Korosten (Ukraine) there is a monument to pancakes made from it.

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