What makes the spine flexible? Spinal flexibility: what it depends on and how to improve Tambourine…
Turkish get-up with a kettlebell The “Turkish get-up” exercise cannot be called very popular. I see the reasons
When you decide that it would be nice to start going to the gym or “rocking chair”, this means
Many people dream of having perfect abs. But only a few know how to quickly work through it.
The importance of potassium for humans This microelement is responsible for the condition and performance of many systems and
Squats are one of the universal exercises. Helps improve joint health and blood circulation. With regular
| | Author: Timko Ilya is the ruler of the entire site and a fitness trainer. Date: 2016-02-21 All
coffee » Many athletes - both professionals and amateurs - cannot refuse
What is a drop set in training? A drop set is a training method that
Causes of fatty deposits on the sides in men The sides are a favorite place for two types of deposition