How Oleg Romantsev finished coaching: 15 years since his departure from Dynamo

Anal sex in numbers. Solid statistics of official science

According to statistics compiled on the website of the famous Kinsey Institute [for the study of sex, gender and reproduction], 23% of women aged 20 to 24 engaged in anal sex in 2013. This age group is the top of the normal distribution: as we move away from the early twenties, women practice these perversions less and less. However, every hundredth woman does this both at the age of 14–15 and after 70. Among men, as you might guess, not everyone gets anal sex either. Even among the most fortunate age group in this regard, 25–29, only 27% had inserted a penis into their partner’s anus over the past year. In general, only 40% of men and 35% of women have tried anal sex at least once during their lives - a classic situation from the joke “well, that’s what you say.”

The popular myth that gay men engage in anal sex all the time is also not entirely supported by statistics.

In 2011, Joshua Rosenberg and his colleagues at Indiana University examined the sexual practices of 21,288 homosexual men (and another 3,499 bisexual men). In this large-scale work, it was found that during the last homosexual intercourse, approximately 35% of men each had anal sex in an active or passive role, while approximately 75% each gave or received a blowjob, and another 63% practiced joint masturbation. If we talk not about the specific last act, but about sexual life in general, according to various sources, from 75 to 90% of gay men engage in anal sex from time to time.

The potential danger of anal sex consists of several components. Firstly, mechanical damage to the anus and rectum is possible. Secondly, these lesions greatly increase the likelihood of transmitting infections if partners do not use a condom. Thirdly, even if there are no infections, sperm entering the rectum can negatively affect the health and well-being of the receiving party. How big are all these risks?

The degree of mechanical damage directly depends on the accuracy of the partners, the degree of arousal, relaxation, amount of lubrication, etc. With anal rape, problems are, indeed, almost inevitable - in all the (few) patients who were studied after this event at St. Mark's Hospital in London , there was damage to the internal anal sphincter (this is a smooth muscle structure that we cannot consciously control), and in half of them the external anal sphincter (the striated muscle that we control) was also damaged. This led to difficulties in controlling bowel movements. As for voluntary anal sex, problems are also possible, but they are less common and less pronounced. In a study of homosexual men conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, it was shown that the degree of sphincter contraction at rest was indeed less in those practicing anal sex than in the control group. However, when subjects were asked to specifically contract their sphincter, both groups did so with equal force, and no complaints of fecal incontinence were recorded among anal sex enthusiasts.

The favorite horror story of all moral guardians - hemorrhoids - develops due to many reasons: poor diet, lack of exercise, pregnancy with its hormonal changes and increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity, genetic predisposition, aging.

There are many panicked questions on forums about the connection between hemorrhoids and anal sex (none of them receive a clear answer).

On American medical websites for the general public, this connection is googled in the context of “if after anal sex your ass bleeds, then you probably have hemorrhoids, see a doctor.” Well, a search in scientific publications, for example in Google Scholar, for queries like “hemorrhoids and anal intercourse” does not give any normal modern materials on the essence of the issue at all. Mostly there are articles about anal cancer and the search for its connections both with a previous history of hemorrhoids and with anal sex. In this context, anal sex is dangerous not in itself, but as a cause of infection with the human papillomavirus - the same one that causes cervical cancer, and therefore has been prevented through vaccination in the last few years.

The main danger of anal sex is, of course, the transmission of infections. This form of sexual contact is more effective in transmitting viruses and bacteria than any other, and certainly much more effective than any household route of infection. By having anal sex without a condom, a person agrees to receive absolutely everything good that is in his partner’s body, from syphilis to hepatitis, from herpes to tuberculosis (this is not a typo; usually, indeed, Koch’s bacilli live in the lungs, but in about 5% of cases choose some other organ as the main base, for example, the rectum). The good news is that the probability of infection after one-time unprotected sex is still far from one hundred percent. Most of the calculations were carried out for HIV - it is not the most contagious virus, but it is one of the most unpleasant. In his case, everything depends on the stage of the disease, the form of treatment, and, accordingly, the number of viral particles in the blood, but the approximate probability of infection is 0.8% in terms of one vaginal intercourse without a condom, and 1.4% in terms of one anal intercourse without a condom. It's even safer than Russian roulette!

But it is not recommended to have anal sex without a condom, even if you are absolutely monogamous and have been checked a hundred times for all conceivable and inconceivable infections. Bacteria still live in the rectum, which can cause inflammation if they travel up the urethra or are carried into the vagina. This could still be neglected: urologists from the University of Melbourne note that a man could almost as well become infected with opportunistic organisms through vaginal or even oral sex; there would be a predisposition. Something else is worse. Sperm entering the rectum is harmful to the receiving party.

Sperm contains many prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances are actually called that because they were first isolated from the seminal fluid produced by the prostate. The physiological role of sperm prostaglandins is to stimulate smooth muscle contractions in the woman's reproductive tract, increasing the likelihood of conception. Many obstetricians even recommend having sex in the third trimester of pregnancy so that prostaglandins prepare the cervix for childbirth, although there is no solid experimental basis for this advice - women who did not have sex before childbirth are also delivered quite successfully. But while there is benefit from prostaglandins in the vagina, there is no benefit in the rectum.

Firstly, there they also cause contraction of smooth muscles, which is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations - the victim of passion then wants to go to the toilet all day. And secondly, there is experimental evidence that when prostaglandins enter the rectum, they can inhibit the functioning of the immune system. One of the leading researchers in human sexual behavior, Scottish medical psychologist Stuart Brodie, writes in a 2010 review that

Regular entry of sperm into the rectum leads in people of both sexes to a violation of the optimal proportions between different types of lymphocytes, and ultimately to a distinct suppression of the immune system.

There he also tells a heartbreaking story about rabbits who were injected with sperm into their rectum over the course of many days, and eventually proved that the immune system had become completely imbalanced in everything possible. But these were male rabbits, and experiments on animals of both sexes still reveal that the negative effect is much more pronounced in males than in females. In principle, this is logical: women more often have to deal with foreign sperm, and the protective mechanisms that have developed for the vaginal mucosa may, perhaps, partly work in the rectum. However, this is still a dark and mysterious molecular story, so it is better not to check yet whether your wife is a rabbit or not, and use condoms just in case.


The text was first published in Metropol magazine in 2013. Since then, many new studies have appeared, and the editors encourage readers to educate themselves on this and other topics.


The training itself is built from several parts. It begins with a warm-up, during which you need to warm up all muscle groups and prepare the cardiovascular system for stress. Perform the following exercises:

  • Running with a ball in a “square” or from wall to wall;
  • Dribbling the ball with one foot, then alternately;
  • Running exercises: shin sweep, running with hips high, side step.

Options for aerobic warm-up in training can be very different. Loading of muscles should occur gradually. It is necessary to include work with the ball in training already at these stages. You should allocate ten to fifteen minutes for this part. Next, you can stretch the muscles of the back and front of the thigh. Grab the toe of one leg, bend it at the knee joint and press it to the other knee - if done correctly, you will feel a stretch along the front surface. Then place your straight leg and pull your toes towards you, slowly lower yourself to your straight leg, bending the second at the knee joint. The stretch should be felt along the back surface. This stretching exercise should be done for at least two minutes on each leg. Loading ensures optimal preparation. After this, you can move on to flexibility and agility exercises:

  • Exercise “mill” (with the body lowered to the feet);
  • Exercise “bicycle”;
  • Jumping with obstacles;
  • Stand on one leg for a minute;
  • Push ups.

The range of such exercises to load varies depending on the preferences of the players. Do this part of the warm-up for no more than ten minutes.

Football players training

How often should you do sugaring of the buttocks: how long does sugar hair removal on the butt last?

Sugaring of the buttocks should be done every 3-4 weeks.

The buttocks are a rough area, and for this reason new hairs do not appear for a long time.

favorable days of the cycle for sugaring

In order to further slow down their growth, it is recommended to use growth inhibitors:

  • Lotion “Kenassy” Price – 690 rubles.
  • Spray "Arabia" Price - 630 rubles.
  • Gel "Faberlic" Price - 160 rubles.

The most important thing is not to skip or shave the area, otherwise ingrowths cannot be avoided, and all the work on the previous procedures will be in vain.

After only 3-4 procedures, the hairs will become thinner and appear less frequently.

In combination with other methods, you can achieve lasting results in two weeks.

The procedure for sugaring the buttocks area is carried out before the beach season. The technical side of the procedure is no different from treating other areas of the body. The master can resort to any technique, but it is recommended to use light and soft paste.

On average, the procedure is completed in 15-20 minutes. The approximate cost is from 700 to 1600 rubles.

Swing back.

To maintain balance, grab the back of a chair and perform powerful backswings. For the effectiveness of the exercise, it is recommended to use special weights. When swinging back, try to fix your leg as high as possible to feel the muscles working.

It is performed in almost the same way as the previous exercise. Get on all fours, place your hands shoulder-width apart, and your hip joint should be directly above your knees. Swing backwards, keeping your leg as high as possible.

What is a synapse?

A synapse is a connection between two neurons.
Synapses have 1 parameter - weight. Thanks to it, input information changes as it is transmitted from one neuron to another. Let's say there are 3 neurons that transmit information to the next one. Then we have 3 weights corresponding to each of these neurons. For the neuron with the most weight, that information will be dominant in the next neuron (example: color mixing). In fact, the set of weights of a neural network or the weight matrix is ​​a kind of brain of the entire system. It is thanks to these weights that the input information is processed and turned into a result. Important to remember

, that during the initialization of the neural network, the weights are placed in random order.

Exercise system

To develop professional skills, many training systems have been developed for football players. Spanish UEFA coach Gratakos offers his own version of preparing players for loading. The first important exercise in his system is the traditional square. Several players in a square area pass the ball to each other. While another participant or several are trying to take it away. The number of players may vary, depending on the development of interaction combinations. The training area should be limited. This drill helps create contact among players and develop agility with the ball.

The next exercise expands on the previous one and is called ball possession. Three teams of six people are formed from the players. Two teams receive the ball, and the third must take it back. The training area is also limited to a rectangle of twenty by thirty meters. This exercise develops team play. You need to change roles in teams, each set takes six to ten minutes, after which there is a short break in loading.

Football players training

How do football players train?

Position play is also based on team principles. But here the roles of the players appear, who are placed in their positions:

  • Central defender;
  • Central midfielders;
  • Laterals;
  • “Number ten.”

This team is opposed by five forwards. The goal is possession of the ball and team loading.

The number of players can be varied. Limiting the number of participants to two or three per set allows for improved passing and ball handling. Each team is built from small pairs or trios that take the ball from each other. A free yellow player also enters the field and joins the team that won the ball. You can increase the number of free participants if mini-teams consist of more people.

Football players training

Finish the training with the required football game using standard commands. The game is played in two halves of nine minutes. The goal of the game is not to win, but to improve your skills. This element of the training is educational and should consist of a large number of passes, which will improve team communication.

Where to learn to shoot with a clip in RUST

In fact, you can do this on any server by leveling up enough and getting a rapid-fire weapon (for example, an AK-47). But all this takes time, so this method is not suitable for everyone.

But RUST has a couple of servers that will allow you to hone your shooting to the ideal level. This:

  • Hungry AimBots –
  • Combat tag's –

How to clamp in RUST

This is what training servers look like in RUST.


Error is a percentage that reflects the difference between the expected and received responses.
The error is formed every era and must decline. If this doesn't happen, then you are doing something wrong. The error can be calculated in different ways, but we will consider only three main methods: Mean Squared Error (hereinafter MSE), Root MSE and Arctan. There is no restriction on use like there is in the activation function, and you are free to choose any method that will give you the best results. You just have to keep in mind that each method counts errors differently. With Arctan, the error will almost always be larger, since it works on the principle: the greater the difference, the greater the error. The Root MSE will have the smallest error, so it is most common to use an MSE that maintains balance in error calculation. MSE

Root MSE


The principle of calculating errors is the same in all cases. For each set, we count the error by subtracting the result from the ideal answer. Next, we either square it or calculate the square tangent from this difference, after which we divide the resulting number by the number of sets.

What is a neural network?

A neural network is a sequence of neurons connected by synapses. The structure of a neural network came to the world of programming straight from biology. Thanks to this structure, the machine gains the ability to analyze and even remember various information. Neural networks are also capable of not only analyzing incoming information, but also reproducing it from their memory. For those interested, be sure to watch 2 videos from TED Talks: Video 1, Video 2). In other words, a neural network is a machine interpretation of the human brain, which contains millions of neurons transmitting information in the form of electrical impulses.

How does a neural network work?

This example shows part of a neural network, where the letters I represent the input neurons, the letter H represents the hidden neuron, and the letter w represents the weights. The formula shows that the input information is the sum of all input data multiplied by their corresponding weights. Then we will give 1 and 0 as input. Let w1=0.4 and w2 = 0.7 The input data of neuron H1 will be as follows: 1*0.4+0*0.7=0.4. Now that we have the input, we can get the output by plugging the input into the activation function (more on that later). Now that we have the output, we pass it on. And so, we repeat for all layers until we reach the output neuron. Having launched such a network for the first time, we will see that the answer is far from correct, because the network is not trained. To improve the results we will train her. But before we learn how to do this, let's introduce a few terms and properties of a neural network.

Activation function

An activation function is a way of normalizing input data (we talked about this earlier).
That is, if you have a large number at the input, passing it through the activation function, you will get an output in the range you need. There are quite a lot of activation functions, so we will consider the most basic ones: Linear, Sigmoid (Logistic) and Hyperbolic tangent. Their main differences are the range of values. Linear function

This function is almost never used, except when you need to test a neural network or pass a value without conversion.


This is the most common activation function and its value range is [0,1]. This is where most of the examples on the web are shown, and is also sometimes called the logistic function. Accordingly, if in your case there are negative values ​​(for example, stocks can go not only up, but also down), then you will need a function that also captures negative values.

Hyperbolic tangent

It only makes sense to use hyperbolic tangent when your values ​​can be both negative and positive, since the range of the function is [-1,1]. It is not advisable to use this function only with positive values ​​as this will significantly worsen the results of your neural network.

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