Techniques for performing various types of squats for the buttocks and legs

Reasons for the absence or presence of muscle pain after training?

The main load is taken by the quadriceps and buttocks.
The stabilizers are the back extensors, hamstrings, soleus, and gastrocnemius muscles. The abs and deltoids are indirectly loaded. You need to understand which muscle groups are involved during its execution. Thanks to this, a person will be able to pay attention to their work, which is important for the effectiveness of the training.

Body partsMuscle groups
ShouldersThe shoulders are a support, so the muscle groups of the upper shoulder girdle are not pumped.
LegsQuadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip adductors, soleus muscles. Stabilizing muscles work: calves, abdominal and lower back muscles.

Despite the fact that weighted squats are aimed at working the legs, it is worth including tasks to strengthen the shoulders in the set of exercises. This will allow you to hold a lot of weight during your workout.

Any physical activity causes the muscles to feel tension, accompanied by microscopic tearing of the fibers. Unprepared muscle groups, as a rule, begin to hurt the next day after training. Painful sensations are in no way associated with lactic acid or lactate entering the gap.

Proper loading is not accompanied by pain from rupture. Its complete absence also does not indicate the effectiveness of the training. Regular exercises gradually dull the discomfort of pain. When such a moment comes, it means it’s time to move on to heavier loads, but, of course, not excessive ones. Otherwise the pain will occur again.

Today, the front squat is considered an auxiliary exercise, but despite this, it is a basic element of training, since it involves several muscle groups and joints at once. Let's look at what muscles work during this exercise.

The main load in front squats falls on the quadriceps femoris muscle, primarily on its two heads: the rectus muscle and the vastus lateralis muscle.

The role of the auxiliary muscles in the front squat is played by the gluteal muscles and hamstrings. The load on them increases with a deep squat.

The exercise uses the back muscles, deltoids, rectus abdominis and oblique muscles as stabilizers.


It would seem that everyone has long known about the technique of squats with a barbell - you can find a huge amount of materials and publications on this topic. However, despite the abundance of knowledge, most athletes perform this exercise incorrectly. The reason for this is ignorance of some key features of performing squats with a barbell. In this article I will try to describe all the nuances of the technique and present its only correct version.

What muscles work?

Barbell squats use a huge muscle mass of primary and secondary muscles, the main ones being:

  • Main working muscles: quadriceps, gluteal muscles.
  • Auxiliary muscles: abdominal muscles, back muscles, hamstring muscles, calves.

You can read more about which muscles work in squats in the article - “What muscles work in squats with a barbell?”

Preparing for barbell squats

  • Before performing squats, you need to warm up thoroughly. For this purpose, light cardio for 5 minutes is suitable, as well as warm-up exercises for all muscle groups.
  • Place the barbell on the racks at a height of 8-10 cm below shoulder level. Remove nearby locks, weights and dumbbells from the floor in advance.
  • Stand behind the bar and grab it with your hands, symmetrical to the center. A close grip on squats will generally make the barbell easier to control, but use whatever grip you feel most comfortable with.
  • Dive under the bar and support it with your traps. If the bar slips, choose a narrower one. Never place the bar on your neck.
  • Straighten up and take the full weight of the barbell. Take a step back.
  • Bring yourself fully together and tune in to the weight. Don't think about your legs, but control the work of your whole body.

Basics of proper barbell squat technique

Take a powerful breath, allowing you to expand your chest and give additional support to your spine. At the same time, tighten your abdominal muscles, which will cause the pelvic flexor muscles to reflexively contract. Well, they, in turn, will help stabilize the hip joints during squats. Keep your back straight.

Hatfield squats with a safety bar - technique

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and point your toes out. This stance will strengthen your position and help you maintain your balance. However, if you feel comfortable keeping your feet even wider, keep them that way. In general, choose the position of your feet that is most comfortable for you.

If you put your head down while performing barbell squats, this will cause your entire body to lean forward. This provision is unacceptable. Lift your chin up, in this case it will be more convenient for you to keep your back straight. Remember that a straight back reliably protects you from lower back injury.

As long as your back is in a straight position, the risk of lower back injury is minimal (since the load is distributed evenly throughout the spine). As soon as you tilt your body forward, most of the load is shifted to the lower back, which is dangerous. It is necessary to firmly fix the straight position of the back in the starting position and maintain it in this form until the end of the approach.

Correct technique for performing barbell squats

Smith machine front squat

Weighted front squats place great demands on maintaining a vertical position during execution - otherwise the projectile will fall to the floor.

If you have no training experience, it is advisable to perform a front squat in a Smith machine. In this device, the bar moves along a given path. It is much easier for an athlete to maintain a stable body position and focus on concentrated work on the hips: the exercise in this version uses the quadriceps more.

Approaching the simulator, set the bar at the level of the collarbones. You need to sit under him so that he lies on the front delts. The projectile is taken with one of the types of grips. The feet are located directly under the bar or slightly in front of it, hip-width apart.

Having assumed this position, remove the bar from the supports, straighten the body and begin the exercise.

  1. After taking a deep breath, they smoothly lower themselves into a squat. The pelvis moves down and slightly back, the knees only move down. They shouldn't go beyond your socks. The deflection in the lower back remains. The most difficult part of the trajectory is when you exhale.
  2. In the lower position, the thighs will reach parallel to the floor. If your physical fitness allows, you can squat deeper, the main thing is to avoid rounding your back.
  3. Using the force of the quadriceps, they lift up, returning to the starting position.

Do 8-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets.


Experienced athletes can use an “explosive” technique in this exercise, which consists of powerfully pushing the body upward after a short pause at the bottom. It is important that the bar does not come off your shoulders.

Video: Smith machine front squat technique

Squats with a barbell: features, muscles, technique, video

The buttocks are formed by three posterior muscles - large, medium, small. Each performs its specific function. The large one is used when moving the legs to the sides and back, while straightening the torso, and occupies the largest area of ​​the buttocks. The small one is located directly under the large one. Together with the middle one, they work only when the leg is abducted to the left and to the right.

The gluteus maximus muscle is most active during body extension. A similar load can be caused by doing:

  • squats with weights - dumbbells or barbells;
  • lunges;
  • Romanian and deadlift;
  • bending when a barbell rests on your shoulders.

Medium and small are involved in work when:

  • swing your leg while lying on your side and from the lower block to the sides;
  • leg extensions in a sitting machine;
  • abducting the legs from a standing position with the machine lever.

What muscles work?

Bulgarian squats are typically performed to sculpt the buttocks and legs. When performing split squats, the following muscles are used:

  • Gluteus medius and maximus muscles.
  • Rectus femoris muscle.
  • Vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles.
  • Semimembranosus muscle.
  • Adductor longus muscle.
  • Adductor magnus muscle.
  • Semitendinosus muscle.
  • Vastus medialis muscle.

In addition, the load is also placed on the stabilizer muscles:

  • Muscles of the body.
  • Gluteus minimus and medius muscles.

If you perform an exercise with weights or dumbbells, a static load is applied to your arms.

How does exercise help pump up the buttocks?

Squats are the most productive exercises, and by mastering the correct technique for performing deep squats with a barbell, beautiful volumes can be achieved much faster. Let's consider a set of exercises and the technique of performing them.

Knowing the structure and functions of muscles, you can avoid injuries and provide the necessary load.

Hatfield squats with a safety bar - technique

When squatting, the following muscle groups work:

  • quadriceps (that is, the quadriceps femoris muscle, which is responsible for straightening the legs at the knee);
  • the gluteus maximus muscle, whose function is to straighten the torso and move the legs back and to the side;
  • calf muscle, which provides balance;
  • back and abdominal muscles;
  • thigh biceps.

Find out the benefits of squats for men and women.

Despite the complexity of the technique, it can be noted that for women this type of squat is the most effective, as it allows you to achieve quick and desired results. But still, this type of exercise should be approached wisely so that the legs do not look pumped, because the main load when performing falls on the front surface of the thigh.

Important! If you come to the gym for the first time, under no circumstances try to use the exercise machines on your own; it is better to contact a trainer, he will help you create a training program that is suitable for you personally, which will make your sports activities much easier.

Benefits and harms

The advantages and disadvantages of this type of exercise should also be outlined to clarify why it should be done and how it differs from regular squats.

The advantages include:

  • strengthening during the process not only the gluteal muscles, but also the muscles of the back and abdominals;
  • increasing endurance;
  • the number of muscles worked is much greater than in regular squats;
  • Correct execution of this type of exercise has a positive effect on posture and expands the chest, saturating the body with more oxygen.

Barbell squats have some disadvantages that need to be taken into account, especially for beginners:

  • If the load is distributed incorrectly, the quadriceps grow, not the buttocks. Therefore, you need to do deep squats with your feet wide apart. When performing the exercise, you need to focus on the work of the target muscle;
  • If there are excess fat deposits in the abdomen and waist area, the waist may increase in volume. This occurs because the abdominal muscles are recruited and heavy weights are used.

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders are an effective exercise if the technique is followed. An important point is concentration on the muscles involved, allowing you to control their work.

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders have different variations. They differ in the width of the legs, the angle and depth of the squat, which allows them to have different effects on the muscles. You need to start training by mastering the classical technique, and then move on to other types of exercises.

Sumo squats

They are aimed at pumping the inner thigh.

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders. Execution technique, benefits, which muscles work
Squats with a barbell on your shoulders enhance a good figure.

By doing it, girls will be able to tighten their buttocks and make their legs thinner:

  1. IP – straight back with a slight arch in the lower back. Feet are set wide, toes pointing to the sides. The bar rests on the back muscles.
  2. As you inhale, you need to squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The knees are not brought together and do not extend beyond the toes. The pelvis is moved as far back as possible (as far as flexibility allows).
  3. As you exhale, slowly straighten up.

If you squat below the parallel line, the buttocks will be worked out more. But this is a big load on the knees, so it is not recommended to do this. The shins must be parallel to the feet, otherwise there is a risk of knee injury. It is recommended to start sumo squats with a lighter weight than the standard version or with an empty bar.

This exercise differs in the position of the bar:

  1. IP – flat back with a deflection in the lumbar region. The width of the legs depends on which groups the girl wants to work more - quadriceps or buttocks.
  2. The barbell is placed on the chest and held with a hook-shaped grip - forearms parallel to each other, the barbell on the shoulders. Or they cross their arms.
  3. As you inhale, do a squat; as you exhale, slowly straighten up.

As a result, the quadriceps receive more stress. Unlike standard squats with a barbell, the lumbar region is additionally worked out. The calf and gluteal muscles and stabilizers are involved. You need to start doing it with a small weight or an empty bar.

This exercise is rarely included in a training complex, although it works the quadriceps just as effectively.

As a result, these muscles will increase in volume and the legs will become slimmer:

  1. The bar is taken with a wide grip, placed on the shoulder blades. Feet are placed slightly narrower than shoulder width. The feet are slightly turned to the sides. The abdominal muscles are tense, the back is straight.
  2. While inhaling, you need to slowly squat, bending your knee joints, until there is an angle of 90º between your thighs and calves.
  3. As you exhale, straighten up, transferring your weight to your heels.

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders with a narrow stance of the legs are aimed at pumping the quadriceps, so during their execution it is necessary to focus on the work of these muscles. The knees should not go beyond the line of the toes, otherwise this may lead to injury.

Lunge Squats

They belong to an increased level of complexity, so there is no need to immediately add them to the complex. The quadriceps and glutes receive most of the load. In addition, the adductor-abductor muscles and spine are involved. Lunge squats improve coordination of movements.

It is also very effective for tightening all the muscles of the legs, as a result of which they become slimmer:

  1. The bar is placed on the shoulders.
  2. Moving away from the racks, you need to step forward with your right foot. The thigh muscles flex.
  3. Keep the body straight and begin to squat while inhaling. When squatting, there should be a right angle between the hip and knee.
  4. As you exhale, return to I.p. Then repeat the same with the other leg.

Squats with a barbell on the shoulders in a lunge additionally “unload” the spine - the main difference between this variety and the standard version. You should not walk too wide or make it narrow.

Its width varies depending on which muscle groups the work is aimed at. The knee must not touch the floor and the back must remain straight. Lunges not only effectively pump up muscles, but also improve coordination.

Many people believe that only men can do hack squats. But practice proves that girls can also include them in their workouts.

In addition to pumping the muscles of the lower body, this exercise is recommended for people with musculoskeletal problems:

  1. Legs set wide. The feet are placed parallel to each other. If you need to work the inner thigh more thoroughly, turn your toes slightly to the sides. And to work on the outside, spread the heels to the sides. The bar is parallel behind the legs.
  2. With your knees slightly bent, the bar is taken with a straight grip.
  3. Without making sudden movements, they rise with a straight back, holding the barbell.
  4. During a squat, your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the bottom.
  5. Having transferred the weight to the heels, they rise into the I.p.

Your knees should not be behind the line of your toes - this will prevent them from receiving unnecessary stress. It is necessary to transfer the weight to the heels, otherwise you can injure the spine. Hack squats with a barbell are an effective exercise that burns excess body fat.

The quadriceps are the largest muscles of the lower extremities. Therefore, their development directly affects the athlete’s ability to squat. The bar, designed by Hatfield, allows you to isolate the quadriceps muscles and increase the explosive power of the legs. Let's look at other advantages of this projectile:

  • Freedom for your hands. In classic squats, when using large weights, the athlete involuntarily begins to “round” his back, which often leads to displacement of the intervertebral discs and injury. Using the Hatfield bar for power squats, the athlete is able to hold onto the racks with his hands and thereby maintain a vertical back position while performing.
  • More weight. The Hatfield projectile allows for increased weight loads. When passing the “difficult point” of the lift, the athlete helps himself with his hands, leaning on the racks. Of course, in competitions no one will be allowed to hold on to the supports, but as a training exercise, such squats have a positive effect on progress.
  • Ease of use. The Hatfield neck is equipped with a soft cushion that eliminates neck discomfort and skin chafing. In addition, the athlete will not have to twist or strain his wrists, elbows and shoulders. A powerlifter can use free hands to “adjust” the body to the apparatus and improve the technique of the exercise.
  • Practicality. An “empty” Hatfield bar weighs 40 kg. It can be used in rehabilitation training. For example, if you have damaged knees or sprained legs, light squats with light weights are recommended. The equipment is also great for finishing a hard workout, when the athlete has practically no strength. In such a situation, the athlete can safely squat and hold the racks with their hands to maintain balance.
  • Safety. Hatfield states that 75% of squat-related injuries occur when the athlete is moving away from the rack and when putting the machine back on the rack. By using a safety bar, a powerlifter does not have to take extra steps with a load on their shoulders, thereby increasing the risk of knee injury. The exercise is performed almost close to the power frame.

The advantages of the Hatfield bar also include the position of the plates. The projectile is designed so that the center of gravity is not in line with the shoulders, but slightly lower. This allows you to reduce the dangerous load on the shoulder girdle.

Power squats have many advantages for the athlete:

  • Increase in total body weight and muscle strength.
  • Improving mobility and coordination by strengthening ligaments, joints and stabilizer muscles.
  • Maintaining the health of the male reproductive system by stimulating testosterone production and increasing blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Getting rid of subcutaneous fat by engaging large muscle groups.
  • Formation of toned thighs and rounded buttocks in women.

Details about the exercise

What is the technique? It can be presented in several stages. To take the starting position, take dumbbells in your hands and go to a low bench or bench. One leg should be placed on the bench, the other one should be taken a step forward. The back should be absolutely straight, you need to look in front of you.

After this, you need to inhale, and while exhaling, lower yourself (bend the knee and hip on the supporting leg). Having lowered yourself parallel to the floor, you should lunge. Thanks to the large complex force of the muscles on the leg, the torso is pushed up and returns to its original position. The number of repetitions is determined based on the degree of training and preparedness of the person.

Bulgarian type squats have the following advantages:

  • muscle groups of the leg are isolated;
  • manages to learn well how to maintain body balance;
  • small muscles in the legs undergo rapid development;
  • can be performed at home;
  • There are various variations;
  • pushing and jumping abilities are improved;
  • the stability of the knee joints increases;
  • the buttocks acquire elasticity and a beautiful shape;
  • Strength and muscle volume of the legs develops.

The variations of the described attacks are the most unusual. For example, this is a form using a barbell on a bench (squats with a weight plate) or with a Smith machine, without the use of weights, with a fitball, etc.

Lunges are difficult to coordinate. To make the task easier during manipulations, you need to watch your back; you can stand sideways to the mirrors. Steps should be moderate in distance. On the supporting leg, the toe should be slightly turned inward. The angle of flexion of the leg at the knee is obtuse. You need to rise in such a way that you first push off with your heel, and do not lock your knee while lifting.

Smith split squats

It is allowed to start classes using a light load. In the first days you need to learn how to catch and maintain balance. All movements must be self-controlled and performed at a slow pace. When the athlete has noticeable progress, use a bench with a higher height, this will help to do deeper squats. For each leg, the approximate number of approaches should be 3 times (10 repetitions).

Split squats can be performed to improve muscle condition after exercises using a barbell. This helps improve the terrain. The exercise is mainly aimed not at gaining body weight, but at shaping the figure. Heavy loads are not intended to be used.

Bulgarian split lunges are contraindicated for some people (if they have knee problems). This is due to the high level of load on the knee joints. We must not forget that the entire load is on one leg.

What are the benefits of technology

Engaging multiple muscle groups is not the only benefit that exercise brings. Thanks to squats, physical fitness improves and the cardiovascular system is strengthened. If you squat regularly, not only will your buttocks change for the better, but your abdominal and back muscles will also become stronger.

The process involves the main muscle groups. Exercise:

  • strengthens the back;
  • pumps up the abdominal muscles, especially the transverse abdominal muscles;
  • burns calories;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • develops strength and endurance.

Ideally, it is better to prepare your legs for the load in advance using a bench press in the simulator.

Simplified workouts

If the athlete's barbell is located on his chest, these are frontal manipulations. The action is considered basic. The process involves many muscular elements. Front squats have a number of positive aspects. They ensure the construction of strong thighs, lower back, and abdominal muscles. In the process, the load is removed from the back, and there is no risk of injury to the knee joints. Front squats are safe for the spine and muscles on the back, due to its low degree of flexibility (bending forward is not necessary).

Front Squats:

  • do not negatively affect the lower back;
  • technical implementation does not cause difficulties;
  • contribute to the formation of core muscles, the development of stability;
  • burn excess fat in the body well.

“Goblet” or squats with a weight, makes it possible to develop the thigh muscles and buttocks. The technique is relatively simple, suitable for beginners. Goblet helps improve your quadriceps. Additional load is placed on the muscle groups of the thigh in the back, calf muscles and lower back.

The “goblet” can be performed correctly by a person who has good pelvic flexibility. The range of motion is large, which allows you to get a good stretch. “Goblet” ensures normalization of blood circulation in the lower part of the body.

Dynamic options are good for quickly burning extra calories. Squatting involves a fast pace of execution. Dynamic movements are great for the upper and lower body. In this case, squats with a narrow stance of the lower limbs are acceptable to facilitate the process.

Dynamic squats are usually performed without the use of weights. The load is completely absent or insignificant. Dynamic training will be suitable for beginners and experienced people.

Squat technique

Squats with a safety bar are no different in effectiveness from classic ones. The exercise qualitatively loads the muscles of the legs, strengthens the ligamentous apparatus and stimulates the growth of muscle mass. Hatfield Squat Technique:

  1. Place the apparatus on a power rack at mid-chest height.
  2. Grab the cross bars of the barbell, sit down and rest your trapeze against a soft pillow.
  3. Place your feet directly under the bar and use your legs to remove the apparatus from the racks.
  4. Take half a step back and move your palms to the racks.
  5. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulder joints and distribute your weight evenly (no heels or toes).
  6. As you inhale, gently lower your pelvis below your knees. Avoid leaning forward or pushing your hips back.
  7. Don't relax at the bottom. With a powerful exhalation, rise to a vertical position.
  8. While lifting, help yourself with your hands to overcome the “dead spot” that occurs approximately in the middle of the amplitude.

Recommendations from Frederick Hatfield:

  • when squats with heavy weights, ask your partners to back you up;
  • to protect the lumbar region and knees, use a weightlifting belt and special bandages;
  • If you want to take on more weight than usual, try spreading your legs wider and leaning your body forward slightly as you lower.

You need to do the exercise technically correctly:

  • The bar, located in a special power frame, is positioned at the level of the shoulder girdle. They approach the bar with their backs, and the bar is placed on the upper area of ​​the trapezoid. It is forbidden to place the load on the vertebral sections of the neck. This is extremely dangerous.
  • The barbell is removed from the rack and a couple of steps are taken forward. The legs are placed so that they are the width of the hip region. The socks can be spread slightly apart or placed strictly parallel to each other. The chin is kept slightly raised, which allows you to look up.
  • Slowly squat while inhaling. The hips are lowered so that the knees do not extend beyond the toes, since this negatively affects the knee joints, but form a strictly right angle. The back is kept straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the gaze is directed upward, the elbows are directed slightly back.
  • With the force of the gluteal muscles, as you exhale, they rise upward, but faster than descending. The knees are straightened, the torso is extended. Having returned to the starting position, you should not completely straighten your knee joints, as this will remove the load from them.

There are 2 options for setting your feet: wide and close, we recommend staying at shoulder width. Don't forget to stretch your legs well and warm up your joints.

Hatfield squats with a safety bar - technique

It is very important to have a mirror in front of you. You must see yourself, then you will notice all your mistakes. A mirror on the side is a bad option. You will have to turn your head. When you are doing front squats, you cannot be distracted. The technique itself is quite complex, so study it carefully before starting the exercise.

  1. We place the barbell so that when removing it we do not have to stand on our toes. The ideal option would be one in which you squat slightly to remove it.
  2. Typically, barbell racks are located in a power frame. We recommend setting the safety bars at a level just above your lowest point during a deep squat. If you squat in splendid isolation, such insurance will help you out.
  3. Therefore, we hang the barbell inside the frame. It doesn’t matter how you stand inside the frame. Just keep in mind that after removing the barbell, it is more convenient to take a step forward rather than back to begin the exercise.
  4. Stand next to the barbell with the bar facing forward. Move closer to it so that it rests on your shoulders in the area where the deltoids meet the trapezius muscle.
  5. Bend your elbows and with your palms facing up, fix the bar at this point. We try to lift our elbows up.
  6. Please note that your hands are shoulder-width apart. We lift the bar with our torso and take a small step away from the racks. If the bar holds steady on you, everything is fine. If not, experiment. Some people cross their arms, others hold themselves exactly as we suggested. Everyone takes it in the way that is most convenient for him. The main thing is that the bar does not roll down and put pressure on the joints.
  7. Don’t forget about posture: pelvis back, back straight. There is no need to tilt your head down and lift it up. Let's look straight. The head is an extension of your back. And we keep our backs straight. The front squat always requires correct posture.
  8. We straightened out and began to go down. We always make sure that the pelvis is pulled back - this is the main condition for the absence of lower back injuries. We descend smoothly and slowly (1.5-2 seconds) to the very bottom. If you have set up a belay, make sure that the bar does not hit it.
  9. As you exhale, rise from the lowest point. We push our heels off the floor, the movement is fast and strong. Your task is to go down slower and go up faster. Inhale - we lower ourselves, exhale - we return to the starting position.
  10. We repeat the exercise the required number of times. Correct technique – maximum results.

Before you start, you should prepare psychologically. Try to concentrate as much as possible on the exercise. Concentrating on the weight being lifted helps complete the approach:

  1. Approach the barbell located at the level of the collarbones, grab the bar with a straight closed grip. The width of the palms is selected individually. As a rule, your hands are positioned slightly wider than your shoulders. This is necessary so that the shoulder blades remain retracted and the back is level throughout the entire approach. If your shoulder joints are stiff, you can spread your arms wide, but this grip increases the likelihood of losing balance.
  2. Squeeze the bar tightly with your palms, sit slightly on your feet and step forward. Once under the barbell, place your other foot and lift yourself up. In this case, the shoulder blades should come together, and the bar should rest against the upper back. If done correctly, the weight will rest on the trapezius muscle and be supported by the rear deltoids. If you feel a lot of pressure on your vertebrae, step back and repeat the approach to the barbell.
  3. Tighten your leg muscles, straighten your knees, and release the weight from the supports. Take a step back, then cross your other foot. You don't need to move far from the racks. Direct your gaze at an upward angle. This will help keep your lower back arched and reduce the risk of losing your balance. Place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn your toes slightly to the sides. Lock this position and concentrate as much as possible before squatting.
  4. With a deep breath, begin to move your pelvis back and spread your knees to the sides. Don't lean forward. Natural tilt as a result of pelvic abduction will be sufficient. Your squat should feel like lowering your butt onto an imaginary chair. Having descended to the lowest point, immediately begin to rise, powerfully exhaling air from your lungs. In this case, lift by straightening your legs, not straightening your back.

We've sorted out the basic technique, now let's look at some important nuances:

  • Bar position. If you lower the bar below the rear deltoids, the load will shift to the buttocks. Girls use this method of holding when doing light squats. In strength training, this position of the bar is not recommended, as it increases forward bending and increases the risk of losing balance.
  • Squat depth. Affects the involvement of the buttocks and lower back. The deeper the athlete goes, the more these areas are stressed. We also note that a lower squat increases the amplitude of movement, which has a positive effect on the growth of strength indicators. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, lower yourself slightly below the horizontal position of your hips. If you are a weightlifter, squat all the way.
  • Knee position. One of the basic rules for a safe squat: the knee joints should not extend beyond the toes. If this happens, it means you are not pushing your pelvic spine back enough. When doing this, the traumatic load on the knee ligaments increases. We recommend putting aside power squats and working on technique.
  • Foot position. Selected individually. The wider the feet are apart, the more load the gluteal muscles receive. For power squats, we recommend placing your feet at shoulder level or slightly wider. Make sure your toes are pointed in the same direction as your knees.

Before squats, be sure to warm up your entire body with cardio and perform several build-up sets with minimal weights.

Most women worry that weighted squats will pump up their legs. The muscles will be prominent, which may not look aesthetically pleasing. But in the female body the hormone estradiol dominates. And testosterone is responsible for the active growth of muscle mass.

Therefore, squats with weights for girls have more benefits than harm if you follow all the recommendations for their implementation:

  • During classes, the main emphasis is on working the legs and lower back. Muscle tone increases. To distribute the load on the muscles evenly, alternate different types of squats with a barbell on the shoulders;
  • beneficial effect on posture: when performing exercises, the back is kept in a straight position;
  • in addition to the main groups, stabilizer muscles are involved, performance indicators improve during other exercises;
  • You can focus on burning extra calories or strengthening muscles by choosing the appropriate weight and number of repetitions.

During squats with a barbell on the shoulders, a large amount of energy is spent, and if a girl follows a diet, then this becomes an effective exercise that promotes weight loss.

This exercise has a number of contraindications, due to which it is better not to include it in the complex or approach it with caution.

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the spine and joints;
  • injuries;
  • performing abdominal operations;
  • diseases occurring in acute form.

Before starting classes, it is better to seek advice from a specialist who will give recommendations for training based on your health characteristics.

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Sumo squats

Complicating the classics

The types of squats that deserve the attention of athletes or beginners are diverse. Sumo squats are a barbell exercise, but they're not quite the classic option. Although the type in question initially seems simple, it should be classified as a type of increased complexity. The exercise can be completely done if you strictly follow all the instructions.

The essence of this type of action is to shift the load to the lower body. The technique allows a person not to impact the spine. Sumo squats cannot replace classical manipulations. It is best to combine them, namely, perform them one by one, for example, for a week each. If a person’s goal is to get his legs in order, then during heavy training this option is performed.

Smith split squats

Sumo squats allow you to apply significant weight. One of the characteristics of the species is the ability to develop functional muscle properties. Because of this, bodybuilders should not choose this barbell squat technique.

Squats are performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned to the sides.
  2. You need to sit under the bar, while placing one leg in front to create stability, the equipment is removed from the rack, and the legs return to the starting position.
  3. The bar is located in the middle, and not in the upper area of ​​the trapezoid (hands can be placed wider).
  4. We sit down, our back bends slightly, we need to look up, then we take our starting position again.
  5. While at the top, the knees do not fully extend, which allows the weight to remain in the muscle tissue and have less negative impact on the knee joints.

How to choose weight

Remember: in order for muscles to grow, you need to perform 6 to 12 repetitions in each working approach. With a smaller amount, strength indicators will increase, with a larger amount, endurance will increase. In this case, failure should occur in the last two repetitions.

Let's look at an approximate weight selection algorithm for beginners:

  1. Let's say you decide to work "for the masses." For beginning athletes, we recommend limiting yourself to 10 repetitions per set.
  2. Throw a couple of 10 kg weights onto the bar and secure them with locks to create an average weight for an untrained athlete (40–50 kg).
  3. Try doing 10 squats with proper technique.
  4. If you did 8–9, and failure occurred, the weight was selected correctly. If all 10 repetitions were easy for you, add 5 kg on each side and repeat the approach.
  5. Add weight until you reach failure on squat 8.

Using this method, you can learn to select the starting weight for all strength exercises. The number of approaches to basic squats for beginners should not exceed 5–6. In this case, the first 2 are warm-up, with an empty bar, the rest are working.

Popular types

Jefferson squats are also popular. To begin with, the barbell is placed on the floor. The person must stand so that his feet are on opposite sides of the bar. Then you need to lean forward, bending your knees. The back must be straight. The bar is grasped with a neutral grip with one hand.

Then you need to take the equipment from behind with the other hand. The body is located strictly in the middle of the instrument. The distance from the body to the hands should be the same. Next, you need to straighten up, place your feet shoulder-width apart, perhaps stand with a relatively narrow stance, and turn your toes slightly to the sides.

The action is performed while inhaling, the thighs should be in a position parallel to the floor. During the process, you should not allow your knees to go beyond your feet. In the starting position, Jefferson squats push your feet off the floor. The equipment is held in outstretched arms, and the elbows are slightly bent.

Jefferson squats do not involve tension in the arms; the upper limbs only support the weight. The technique is aimed at performing actions thanks to the hips. For women who like to experiment, it is permissible to use straps on the wrists.

If you do not use additional loads, then sometimes squats are performed with abduction of one leg (they change alternately). There is a positive effect on the leg muscle complex. The number of approaches can be 5 times, since the technique is not particularly difficult.

A good type of exercise is Indian squats. In the starting position, the legs are placed not wide, the toes are separated. When squatting, keep your back straight, thighs parallel to the floor, and heels off it. After this, you need to immediately push off with your toes and get up. Movement requires swiftness and high speed from a person.

Smith machine squats

The simulator is a power frame with guides to which a sliding bar is attached. Let us briefly list the advantages of squats in this machine:

  • accentuated effect on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • safe mastery of squat technique;
  • no risk of loss of balance and falling;
  • the ability to squat for people with bad knees.

Since the bar moves in one plane, stabilizer muscles are excluded from the work. On the one hand, this reduces the overall effectiveness of the exercise, on the other hand, on the contrary, it allows novice athletes to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the legs, without fear of injury.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Split Squats

Since Bulgarian split squats are an effective but traumatic exercise, in addition to their advantages, they also have disadvantages.


  • The main load falls on the muscles of the front leg, which allows you to work the target muscles as efficiently as possible. This approach allows you to eliminate imbalances and better work out the athlete’s left or right leg.
  • Balance training. Because the back leg is used solely for support, the core stabilizer muscles are recruited to maintain balance. In addition, while performing Bulgarian split squats, the mobility of the hip joints develops.
  • Squats will be a great addition to your main workout.
  • Light load on the back, unlike regular squats.
  • Another advantage of Bulgarian lunges is that they are not demanding on equipment. The exercise can be done anywhere, even at home in front of the TV.

Disadvantages of the exercise:

  • Squats place increased stress on the joint of the working leg.
  • To perform squats correctly, good stretching is necessary.

The main feature of Bulgarian squats is that they are performed on one leg. During the exercise, the second leg is fixed on a hill. What does this give?

  1. Concentrate the load on the muscles of one leg.
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of training.

This exercise differs from the classic squat technique by the increased load on the knee joints. Therefore, it is strictly contraindicated for those who have chronic diseases of the leg joints: arthrosis of the knee joint, meniscus damage, injuries. The squat technique, which is not as simple as it might seem at first, deserves special attention.

For clarity, we compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Bulgarian squat in the table.

Intense load on the gluteal muscles and quadriceps femoris.Increased load on the knee joints.
The exercise is suitable for training in the gym and at home.Mastering the technique of performing the exercise requires time and care.
Possibility of varying the load on each leg.The exercise requires certain athletic training and development of the core muscles.
Compared to classic squats, the Bulgarian squat does not put as much stress on the spine.
Development of mobility of the hip joint.
Development of balance and coordination.
The share of forming the relief of the legs without the use of serious weights is suitable.
The exercise gives excellent results in women and men in a short period of time.
Bulgarian style split training allows you to effectively train your thighs and buttocks.

As you can see from the comparative table of advantages and disadvantages, there are significantly more advantages to squats on one leg. The exercise really works and is popular in the sports community.

Squats for girls

But to achieve a similar effect, you will have to include 2-3 tasks from the listed options in the complex:

  • deadlift with a kettlebell on one leg;
  • squats with weights on a belt;
  • performing squats on one leg;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • lifting the buttocks with a barbell.

All of the above exercises are strength exercises, so their effectiveness also depends on the selected weight. Then you will be able to work the necessary muscle groups without giving them too much stress.

Each workout can be combined so that not only the legs are involved, but also the lower back and spine. Then the girl will be able to use more weight and increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

It is best to start training under the guidance of a trainer who will set the correct technique, select the optimal weight, number of approaches and repetitions. Then the training will be effective, the figure will become fitter and slimmer without excessive relief, which is important for girls and women.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

  • The standard wrist position is safer when lifting heavy weights.
  • The second option is often chosen by experienced athletes, keeping their elbows parallel to the floor, which significantly complicates the process. The mechanics of movements and the principle are similar.
  • This option puts more stress on the quadriceps.

When performing front squats, girls can grab a kettlebell with both hands instead of a barbell. This allows you to polish your technique and practice coordination.

It is safest to work in a Smith machine, where the main load falls on the legs and buttocks, and the stabilizers of the machine are not used.

  • When spreading the legs in a plie, the buttocks and inner thighs work;
  • when the feet are narrowly brought together, the quadriceps are involved in the process.

Do you know that…

American soldiers squat with a load on their shoulders while their colleague disassembles and reassembles an M240 machine gun

  • A Danish study found that there is a relationship between leg size and heart health. Scientists studied about 3,000 men and women over 10 years, studying the development of heart disease and overall mortality. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease was approximately 2 times higher in those with a leg circumference of less than 56 cm (at the hip), and they also had a higher overall mortality rate during these years. Body fat had no effect on the relationship between larger leg volume and a reduction in these risks. Scientists have concluded that greater muscle mass may protect against the development of cardiovascular disease and reduce overall mortality.[33]


The exercise can be performed not only in the classical technique. Let's look at other, no less effective variations of squats.

Sumo squats

A special feature is the wide stance of the feet. Thanks to this, the buttocks are more actively involved in the work, which allows you to lift more weight than with the standard technique. Sumo squats with a light barbell are great for girls who want to work their inner thighs and glutes.

Front squats

Hatfield squats with a safety bar - technique

Performed by holding a barbell on the upper chest and deltoids. In such squats, the body moves vertically, without tilting, which allows you to almost completely eliminate the buttocks and shift the load to the quadriceps. Not recommended for beginners due to complex technique.

The technique is the same as in classic squats, only your feet are narrower than your shoulders. Used by professional bodybuilders to focus on the outer and lateral surfaces of the thigh. Not suitable for beginners due to risk of loss of balance.

Lunge Squats

The athlete places a barbell on his shoulders, puts one leg forward, and takes the other back. Then, while inhaling, lowers the pelvis until the thigh is parallel to the floor, and exhaling, returns to the vertical position. The exercise qualitatively loads the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. Suitable for girls and beginners.


  • It is better to perform the movement without pauses at the top and bottom, without fixing the pelvis and knees, this way there will be less load on the articular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • Heavy weights are not recommended due to the high compression load on the spine;
  • The emphasis is on pelvic abduction rather than knee movement;
  • If your heels or toes come off while working, you need to stand further or closer;
  • If it is not possible to perform the movement without discomfort in the ankles, it is recommended to exercise with weights;
  • Running shoes with soft shock-absorbing soles are taboo for this exercise;
  • You should not perform the movement on your toes or in a plie, this can negatively affect the condition of the ankles and is quite traumatic;
  • Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to check whether the foot slides on the platform or not.


Power squats, even with the correct technique, create pressure on the lower back and knee joints. Therefore, to protect these areas from injury, we recommend using sports accessories. Use a weightlifting belt for your lower back, and special elastic bandages for your knees.

If you want to squat with more weight, buy barbells with heels. Such shoes will help you perform the exercise correctly, without lifting your heels and shifting your weight to your toes.


Recently, cases of authoritative opinions about the dangers of squats have become more frequent. I would like to clarify this issue. For squats to be beneficial and not harmful, they must be performed correctly. If you doubt the correct technique for performing an exercise, go to a fitness instructor and conduct at least a few classes under his guidance. He will notice and correct all your mistakes.

In addition to the correct technique, squats have a number of contraindications. People who have problems with the knee joint should not squat. Squats with weights are contraindicated for people with spinal diseases. Teenagers should not use a lot of weight when squatting, as this can slow down their growth and deform the spinal column.

If you have any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, after injuries and surgical operations, the possibility of performing squats should be agreed with your doctor. Remember that the benefits of proper squats are enormous, but an incorrectly done exercise can cause irreparable harm to the body.

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