Why is it good to drink water? Description, photo and video

Why do you need to drink water? Main Important Reasons

Water is a liquid that is essential for our existence. Due to such importance, it has gathered many questions around it. How much do you need to drink per day, what time of day is it better to drink and what benefits does water have for our body in general? Does it have any negative characteristics? We will provide answers to the most pressing questions. But first, let’s answer why you need to drink water.

The role of water in the human body

The role of water in the human body

Even from school, we remember information about what percentage of a person consists of water. It is worth paying attention that the amount of liquid fluctuates, depending on several factors: age, condition of internal organs, human health. As we all remember, the percentage of water in the human body is 60–80 percent. Thanks to water, the body is able to do its job correctly. Namely:

  • supply of nutrients to all organs;
  • providing oxygen to the lungs;
  • maintaining heart function;
  • release of processed substances;
  • ensuring stability of the internal environment;
  • maintaining temperature within normal limits;
  • maintaining an immune system that can resist disease.

This information provides a clear answer to the question “why drink water” and demonstrates the importance of this event.

How to drink water outside the home

When I'm on the road or doing sports outside the gym, this water bottle helps me; I can drink from it with one hand right on the go, without fear of getting wet. Give all your loved ones such a valuable gift, because water is life. Let them get used to drinking it as often as possible.

  • You can choose a bottle of your favorite color and wear it as an accessory.
  • Collect water at home and on the way from the gym.
  • Most banks and various institutions have free coolers - all for us.

Is it true that not drinking enough water can cause headaches?

Is it true that not drinking enough water can cause headaches?

Headache - drink water! This is not just a statement. In fact, lack of water causes a person to experience headache attacks. Even with mild dehydration, the brain slows down its reactions. The thing is that brain cells in their composition include more than 80 percent water. In addition, the brain is washed by a fifth of the body's blood. In addition to this, brain cells are also affected by cerebrospinal fluid.

Together with the fluid, the brain receives important “products” - oxygen and glucose. It is these two components that directly affect the state of the nervous system. And most importantly, water removes toxins and other “harmful” substances from brain cells that should not remain in the brain.

If the body does not receive enough fluid, then headaches will be accompanied by the following unpleasant events:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor memory performance;
  • slowing down the execution of actions;
  • increased nervousness.

If you can confidently say that I drink a lot of water, then you are not afraid of headaches (at least from dehydration). Drinking water is especially recommended for those who engage in active mental work during the day to improve well-being and increase activity.

Benefits of water

10 reasons why you should drink water

When understanding why you should drink a lot of water, you must first pay attention to the health benefits it brings. Let's look at some important reasons to drink more water:

1.Life maintenance

Most people could only live 3-4 days maximum if they did not consume water. This need is important for all functions of the body: from the proper functioning of the brain to ensuring the desired level of heart rate and detoxification (the process of destruction and neutralization of various toxic substances by chemical, physical or biological methods) of cells. Water is also important for the production of saliva, digestive juices and blood circulation. A person can probably live a month or more without food, but lack of water can certainly kill.


Water has no calories, so compared to all other drinks, it is the best thing to drink if you are trying to lose weight. It is recommended to replace all soft drinks and sugary drinks with water. Drinking a glass before meals will help you feel full faster and may mean you end up eating less food. Cold ice water can speed up metabolism because the body needs to use energy to warm the liquid to body temperature, which burns a lot of calories, some of which come from subcutaneous fat.

3.Clean healthy skin

The skin is the largest human organ and contains a lot of water. Dehydrated skin makes wrinkles appear deeper and therefore more noticeable. Drinking fresh water can make cells firmer, smoother and younger looking. In addition, the liquid improves blood flow to the surface of the skin, keeping it glowing and clean. So, if you suffer from skin conditions, start drinking more water.

4.Strengthening muscle tone

Drinking plenty of water will keep your muscles well hydrated, allowing them to work at their maximum. When a person drinks a large amount of alcohol, the next day his body muscles may ache, even if there was no heavy load on them before. This occurs because the body begins to pull water from the muscles to compensate for the lack of fluid. This is why it is so important to drink enough liters per day. This rule especially applies to those who carry out exhausting training. In this case, you need to think about fluids both before and during classes. Water also hydrates your joints, reducing the risk of injury.

5.Increased energy

Dehydration can lead to fatigue and apathy. A glass of water immediately after waking up helps improve your well-being and lift your mood. The tonic effect energizes you for the whole day and gives you strength for new achievements. In addition, water thins the blood, so the heart does not have to work as hard. As a result, the health of the cardiovascular system is maintained for a long time, while the entire body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients without loss of quality.

6.Improved digestion

One of the reasons to drink a lot of water is to help digest food. The liquid helps food move smoothly through the esophagus, eliminating any unpleasant consequences for the body. When dehydrated, the colon begins to work worse, which affects the general physical condition. If a person constantly suffers from constipation, lack of water may be one of the reasons for this.

7.Cleansing the body

Water is required to help the body detoxify and get rid of any waste generated from the chemical processes that are constantly happening inside. As long as you drink enough fluids, your kidneys will do their job well and cleanse the blood, getting rid of the toxins present in it. Lack of water can lead to kidney stones because salt will not be excreted from the body.

8.Getting rid of bad breath

It is obvious that you need to brush your teeth to maintain good oral hygiene and pleasant breath. However, lack of fluid in your mouth can cause bad odor. Drinking water can help flush away food particles stuck between your teeth and also flush out bacteria at the back of your tongue. After each meal, you can take a couple of sips of water for fresh breath.

9.Stress relief

Most of the human brain is made of water

To remain healthy, it must be constantly supplied with a certain amount of fluid. If your brain's water content drops by just a small percentage, it can have a dramatic effect on your mood and stress levels. The next time you feel irritated or lethargic, drink water - it will help you relax.


Water is generally cheaper and certainly healthier than most packaged drinks. If you can drink filtered water straight from the tap, or there is a spring nearby, then you are lucky, because the source of health and longevity is completely free for you. So start now to save money and improve your health by drinking enough water on a daily basis.

I drink little water - what will happen? Is it dangerous or not?

I drink little water - what will happen? Is it dangerous or not?

Many people underestimate the importance and do not understand why you need to drink a lot of water. Let’s give an illustrative example and answer the question of what will happen if there is insufficient fluid intake. In addition to the headache, as already described above, many other unpleasant symptoms will appear, which in the future (if the situation is not changed) can even lead to a dangerous disease. First of all, with insufficient drinking, the digestive and excretory systems suffer. The stomach and intestines will not perform their “functionality” without fluid. It is water that promotes normal digestion of food and also carries out the process of absorption of nutrients from the intestines. Lack of water will soon lead to disorders such as constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and other painful sensations.

Kidney function is also affected. With insufficient drinking, filtration capacity deteriorates significantly. As a result, various kidney diseases occur. Having diagnosed such deterioration in the body, doctors prescribe plenty of daily drinking of water. The minimum volume of fluid that a person should consume for normal kidney function is more than one and a half liters of water.

How does excess water consumption work?

It is believed that a healthy person needs to drink up to 2 liters per day. This norm makes the body quite functional. If we increase water consumption, what are the consequences? Supporters of moderate drinking are against turning your body into an aquarium. The following explanations are given:

  • Water does not dissolve fat in cells and does not remove it. For this reason, you won’t be able to lose weight;
  • water does not satisfy hunger, as it quickly leaves the body.
  • Excess fluid leads to extra stress on the kidneys. They begin to work on the edge of possibility. This causes hypertension.
  • Constant increased drinking helps remove salt from tissues and cells. Because of this, the water-alkaline balance is lost.
  • When kidney function is impaired, excess fluid fills the intercellular space, which leads to internal and external swelling.

reasons to drink water

If I don't drink enough, will it affect my appearance?

It will appear and not in a good way. Why drink a lot of water? To look good not only at a young age, but also at an old age.

The famous medieval Persian scientist and doctor Avicenna said that old age is a dryness of the body and, first of all, the skin. With sufficient water intake, the skin is capable of effectively performing its protective abilities, namely, maintaining and maintaining elasticity and firmness. It is very important to drink enough during periods when the skin is exposed to sunlight, wind or low temperatures. If you drink well, these factors will not have a negative effect on the skin. Otherwise (if you drink little water) the skin will be susceptible to various “defects”. In addition, it has been noted that in people who drink insufficient amounts of fluid, wrinkles on the skin appear earlier. This is explained by the fact that healthy skin contains 25 percent water. When this indicator decreases, wrinkles appear as a consequence. To ensure your skin always looks healthy and beautiful, drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

If I don't drink enough, will it affect my appearance?

Therefore, always follow the rule - I drink a lot of water, which means I will be healthy, beautiful and active.

How to Drink More Water Every Day

Much of the body cannot function optimally without a readily accessible source of water. The color of urine can determine whether there is enough fluid in the body. The darker the shade, the worse. It is always recommended to keep water somewhere nearby so that the body does not lack moisture.

How much water you need per day depends on many factors: activity, ambient temperature, general health and condition, body mass index and gender. However, studies have been conducted that show that on average, it is recommended that all people consume 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day (an average of about 10 glasses per day) for proper body function. If you exercise intensely on a regular basis, you will need to consume more than this to compensate for fluid loss through sweat.

If you drink too little water in insufficient quantities, you can lead the body to dehydration. Despite its apparent simplicity, drinking even a couple of glasses of water a day can be very difficult. In this regard, we suggest that you try a few tips on yourself that will allow you to adhere to the required norm:

1.Add flavors

If you don't like the taste of plain water, you can improve it by adding a squeeze of lime or lemon, honey, slices of watermelon or mint leaves. This will make the drink not only more flavorful, but also add benefits due to the vitamins contained in these products.

2.Eat more fruits and vegetables

Celery, watermelon, and lettuce are mostly water, so eating them helps increase your overall daily water supply. In addition, you must also remember to drink enough liquid, since even a lot of vegetables and fruits will not be able to sufficiently replenish the water balance in the body. You can also eat soup and popsicles, which also contain a lot of water.

3.Use a labeled bottle

Aim to drink water every hour. Determine how many hours a day you are awake. Take a two-liter bottle of water and allocate equal segments in the number of hours you will spend from waking up to falling asleep. For example, if you are awake for 16 hours, then 16 equal segments (125 ml.) should appear on the bottle. Then set a reminder (on your phone, for example) to ring every hour to let you know it's time to drink from the bottle. You need to stop when you reach the top of the next mark.

4.Eat foods that make you thirsty

This trick should not be abused, since it has only an indirect relation to water, but sometimes it comes in handy, and it will immediately be clear why you need to drink water and why. Thirst can be caused by spicy or dry foods. After a spicy meal, it is recommended to drink ice water; it will help get rid of the burning sensation and also quickly restore the water balance in the body.


Remember that too much water can cause serious harm to your health. It is necessary to understand that the daily balance must be distributed evenly throughout the day. It is strictly forbidden to drink the entire amount of water at once. In the worst case scenario, this can be fatal. In any case, always focus on your own well-being; do not forcefully drink water. Remember that, first of all, this is done for health and well-being, and not to harm and because it is “necessary”.

Popular myths about drinking water

There is a flood of information on the Internet, on forums and from other information sources regarding the use of water. Namely, that in some cases and in certain circumstances water causes harm. Let's dispel the most basic of them.

  • If you drink a lot of water, there will be swelling. The appearance of edema in most cases is not provoked by drinking water. On the contrary, if a person with edema reduces the amount of fluid consumed, the condition will worsen.
  • The second common myth is that after eating you need to drink a glass of water. Many people live by this principle and think about the benefits of this event. In fact, gastroenterologists do not recommend drinking large quantities of water immediately after meals, as this reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid. It is better to drink some time after the meal.
  • The third popular myth is that if you drink water at night, there will be swelling and poor sleep. On the contrary, a glass of water in the evening promotes healthy and sound sleep, and will also have a positive effect on your morning state.


Most people in the modern world experience water fasting without even realizing it. This is mostly due to the fact that the inhabitants of our planet do not know how to force themselves to drink water. Many people naively believe that you only need to drink water when you are thirsty. In fact, this needs to be done regularly and systematically. Several recommendations will help deal with this problem:

  • You should always have water with you;
  • At first, try to keep a table in which you will note when and how much liquid you drank;
  • if it’s difficult to get used to, try drinking 1 glass of water once an hour;
  • Every trip to the toilet should be accompanied by a glass of liquid;
  • to diversify the process, add a piece of lime, strawberry, or a sprig of mint to the water;
  • replace black tea with herbal infusions, green or white tea, mate;
  • In the morning, bring to automaticity the habit of drinking a glass of water with a slice of lemon on an empty stomach. This will help not only start the metabolic process, but also remove toxins from the liver;

Another fairly common question is: should you drink water if you don’t feel like it? It is important to understand here that drinking two liters of water per day is normal. A larger volume is a purely individual matter. Even if there is no thirst, it is simply necessary to consume your daily norm. To get used to it, simply increase your daily volume by 1 glass. Literally in 2 weeks you will not notice how you will no longer be able to live without the two liters you are entitled to.

Try not to accompany your meals with drinking liquids. This only stretches the stomach and dilutes the gastric juice. In this case, bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach will be inevitable. Drink some water half an hour before meals and then 1.5-2 hours after, if you ate plant foods, if you had protein foods on your table, then wait 3-4 hours. And remember: the liquid should not be cold, unless barely chilled. Drink water in small sips, not in one gulp; your body must also absorb it.

What kind of water to drink

What kind of water to drink

This question is no less relevant than the previous ones. Every person has a choice of what kind of water to drink. This can be liquid from the tap, from a cooler, from a private well, filtered. Why is this question so important? The quality and composition of water directly affects human well-being and health. Therefore, in order for water to fulfill its purpose and bring benefits, it is necessary to give preference to a liquid that has been filtered.

Now filters for drinking water purification are a common household item. Considering the poor quality of water, this system is an urgent need. Among the varieties: main filters for domestic water, jug filters, reverse osmosis systems and other types. Ecosoft filter products are widespread in Ukraine, so there will be no problems purchasing the desired equipment. This is not an expensive undertaking at all, since the prices for Ecosoft filters are quite affordable. All you need to remember when operating such equipment is to change cartridge cassettes on time. By the way, prices for Ecosoft cartridges are on a low price threshold.

Therefore, if you want to get full benefits from water, but you don’t have a filter device yet, it’s time to choose the appropriate type of system and install it. Prices for Ecosoft osmosis and other types have a favorable relationship to the quality of the products. Installing any filter will allow you to always have clean water in the right quantities.

Is water boring?

raspberry tea

  • Drink herbal tea, milk, juices. Just be careful with juices, they should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Even water mixed with lemon or lime should be drunk only after meals.
  • Coffee can be consumed no more than 2-3 cups per day.
  • Pay attention to teas. Don’t take packaged ones; they often have dyes added to them. If you have dry skin, this drink will only harm you.

Consequences of dehydration

Finally, I will tell you what happens to your body when there is a lack of moisture. Imagine that breathing alone takes up 0.5 liters per day. And if a person also plays sports or has physical activity, then it reaches up to one liter. What if he only uses one liter a day? Then breathing will be complicated, his muscles will not be in good shape, the skin will be flabby, even the pressure may decrease, and the worst thing, no, not obesity, but even worse - the formation of blood clots, which tend to break off, which can lead to death. The functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart further deteriorates, the efficiency of brain activity decreases, and hallucinations may even occur.

What does it have to do with losing weight?

weight loss kit

  • The most common causes of excess weight and stomach problems are lack of water, because then little gastric juice is produced, which causes the digestive system to slow down, not having time to process all the substances, storing fats and carbohydrates for later. And you won’t have the strength to fight this excess fat.
  • When a person loses weight, he forms toxins and all sorts of breakdown products, which are removed only with the help of liquid.
  • Lubricates joints and keeps muscles toned, relieving severe pain. This is why it is recommended to increase your drinking volume during intense training.
  • During a diet, a person needs to consume fiber, but without a large volume of water it is almost impossible to digest it.
  • If you drink while eating, satiety will come very early, as the stomach will fill up faster and the brain will receive a signal that there is enough food and it’s time to stop.
  • It accelerates metabolism, and, therefore, food is quickly processed, beneficial substances are absorbed, and harmful substances are eliminated. And then even a piece of cake or another favorite but high-calorie dish will not be scary.
  • People who have managed to lose a very large amount of excess weight know that their difficulties do not end there, because the skin that hangs in those places where it was stretched takes a very long time to recover. But if you drink a lot, the cells will start working faster, adding elasticity to the skin and eliminating the tightness effect.

Does the limit depend on the type of water?

Drinking water is divided into the following categories:

  1. Spring water is low in minerals and is obtained from natural sources. Used for drinking, cooking and brewing tea and coffee. Has no restrictions on use.

  2. Table mineral water contains about 1000 mg of minerals per liter. It is extracted from deep wells, used to prevent certain diseases, and is well absorbed. There are no restrictions.
  3. Medicinal mineral water with a high salt content—up to 24,000 mg per liter. Drinking large amounts of such water is dangerous to health. Consultation with a specialist is required!
  4. Bottled drinking water is between spring and mineral water in terms of mineral content. There are no restrictions on use.

Recommendations and Cautions

  1. Do you know that when you are sick, you need to drink a lot of liquid? Especially with fever and indigestion, because dehydration occurs and a person loses energy in the fight against viruses and bacteria.
  2. During a diet, simply drinking and not eating will not work, since it is impossible to feel full without receiving any nutrients and at least a minimum amount of calories. It is best to pour a glass of purified water immediately before eating, 40-50 minutes before eating. If you can’t eat, but really want to, warm water, or at least room temperature, will help; this trick will fool the brain for a while, because it contains alkali and salts that reduce the feeling of hunger. But before going to bed, it’s better to limit yourself; you don’t need unnecessary awakenings at all, otherwise you won’t feel cheerful in the morning.
  3. During active physical activity, it is not recommended to drink cold water, even if it is very hot, otherwise you may catch a cold. If your workout lasts longer than an hour, be sure to include drinks rich in electrolytes and glucose in your diet.
  4. Unfortunately, toxins and other harmful substances are also washed out, so you shouldn’t overuse water. As a last resort, you can start taking vitamins.
  5. Tea, coffee, juices, broths and the like are considered food, so you should not include them in the amount of fluid consumed per day.
  6. If you have kidney problems, you should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise high water consumption will increase their work, which they may not be able to cope with.
  7. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if you have urolithiasis.
  8. At first you will often run to the toilet, don’t be afraid of this, your body will readjust, get used to it and everything will stabilize.
  9. Avoid alcohol, it leads to dehydration, among other destructive consequences. You can look at this article.
  10. Squeeze the lemon, this will add flavor to the water, acidify it and fill it with vitamin C. It is especially useful on an empty stomach, if there is no gastritis or stomach ulcer, this way the body wakes up faster, launching all the necessary processes to function actively all day.
  11. Is it always good to drink plenty of fluids? But no, it can both speed up the digestive process and significantly slow it down. Therefore, take a pause, an hour after eating and at least half an hour before.
  12. Do not worry that by increasing the volume of fluid consumed, your body, and especially your face, will begin to become puffy. Everything that is unnecessary and processed will definitely come out; usually, fluid in the body is retained only by eating salty and spicy foods, and sometimes by the diseases that I mentioned above.
  13. In order not to ask yourself a question like “do I need to increase drinking?”, I will say one thing - if the body does not have enough moisture, a person begins to experience an increased feeling of hunger, and when overeating, his stomach expands, which is why, in order to be satiated, there is a need to increase the portion and meals.
  14. For neurotic disorders, it is also not recommended to overdo it, since the excretion of sodium and potassium has a negative impact on health.
  15. Experts advise resorting to this method in the warm season, preferably in the summer. Since it will be easier for the body to adapt and rebuild, because the secretion through the sweat glands will be much more active, and you will not catch a cold due to wet clothes, especially in cold weather or in a draft.
  16. When dieting, completely avoid carbonated drinks. Yes, sometimes you want to pamper yourself with them, but believe me, you will only slow down the process of getting rid of extra pounds. To diversify the taste, try again squeezing lemon or adding honey if you are not allergic to it.
  17. To bring health benefits, you should not pour water from the tap, it contains chlorine and other nasty things that your body does not need at all. Boiled will not harm, but will not give a positive effect either, because during cooking it becomes completely neutral. It is not recommended to use mineral water daily, even though it is useful. Filtered is best.

Water helps you lose weight

The mechanism of action is very simple. About 20% of liquid enters the body with food. Therefore, often the hunger that we feel is caused not by the need for external energy, but by thirst.

When the body is dehydrated, many processes slow down, including the processing of fat cells. This reduces the effectiveness of any diet. Research shows that drinking 500 ml of water before each meal promotes weight loss by reducing the amount of calories consumed in food.

Is it possible to consume liquid in very large quantities?

When calculating your daily water intake, it is better to avoid extremes; a large amount of it can be as harmful to the body as dehydration.

The result of drinking a large amount of water can be overhydration of the body or water poisoning.

Symptoms resemble poisoning:

  • temperature drop;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the face and limbs.

This phenomenon most often occurs in people with kidney disease. For these people, it is imperative to follow the drinking regime and not exceed the amount recommended by the doctor. Drinking large quantities of water once will not cause harm to a healthy adult.

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